Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 May 1888, p. 8

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* , ,..,~ . .~ Town LOoah TUoeW.0. T. U.Band of Hope W jasl iUonday 21t. t, 4 o'010iooklt Roadl.g Boom. Tu Codai Dals basebailists defeab BovmmnvMluit Saturday 21 to 1 The score be suggestive of cricket. We attend to ail advertising for Ti 1mtopaperu at thît. offie frees ebarges. Ti voting on Williams bà>nue bi 1MW a% itsasbowed 882 in its favt and 6 againstiL M hajority 876. Tai Oshawa Reformer appearsu Whik the Edmundeon & Guy oleocri iigi; Qo., bas Wbitiby on lte string a ready. People vho looked northward a: Tuesday morning laut observod the th. rldgem vers clad luinwhite, emoi having fallon on the heights 10 lbhe e tout of haif an inch during the nighi It vas a protty sight toise. Ouit enteîpuiaing livery man, Mr. L Soeot, returned from Pioton on Satur day night wigh five splendid drivers fA add to bis livery. Judgosof horsefies] here speak blghly o1ttho lot. Oui oorrespôtndents and adverti.ert viii Ple"se e*r inmimd that the PauoNzoLI ell b. publlshed on Wed. liééd&âilght usait eek instead oi Thuroday as usuai, Thnraday being the Qunemn's birthday. On Tuosday niglit orne boys voiE see. firi off guns usai vhere Cor. ma<s factory vws burned. The young mon sbould go tothe rifle range for such sport and thon there vonid be no danger. In oui advertising elunmo till iba »een that an agent le wanted in Whit- by for the London,Livorpool & Globe Inmurance Oompani'y. Ita assets are over 088,000,000-8900,000 being in- vested Ca Onaîa. 80110,000,000 los.. have b5n paid by the eompany, the Chicago fire having oost thein $8,5009- 000, and a Boston blase sovon mouths Webr 01,500,000. Sous: insane ludividual arome betimes où' Sonday Inorning aud scribblod in ehalk on the sidevaika of tho main sîreets suoh expressions as *'Etornity," 'H11ell or Heavn-vbich" em. One moîchant says if ho had oon the crank wriing "1foîninst his dure" ho would have lifted hin vîth a boot. That vould bo stermity-and ho dlaims it is more feared by smre people than etermity i.. Ma. J. V. HAIt, Markham, viles aak. kng ns 10 contradiet a report lu last wesk's issue to the offect thait ho i. marrietd, aunsucne evont took Place. W. bave two regrets to express in the matter-firstiy, that vo oopied a ft"s report froin a daily paper, and, seoondly, that 1h. report vas fais., a. vo suposed our young friionds vould nov b. enjoy. lung a blisful honsymoon. The. Mark- ham paper smys sorne numbekuil pub. l"shd . emanage notios in the daiIy pr*so, aud psild for II, no doubti, hinking ho vas peapelrating a uicb joko. Mu< bulfit th. wrong way. If that mans hesdvas turned round the other va-ysaid #a youug lady about a round mots in the vater, a&U of vhioh ho sois. ad md brought up lovu. As. a rosait etf lb,. disoov.riessK. Juo. Prondfoot, df Wbllby barbor, va soammoned by f. M. Harper on Wodu.sday clght, buk*s MiMrcLDsrootl vas off bu pur- spit poor law-bres, lb. came had la b. lIdd ovor a dAy or two. W. have mot board -mueh about il simo., -but u#denslad Mr. W. 9. Billings boa taken oha"* of the define ad expeols b ,dueot themInspoctor. Ont of the squabble lu the Obava lova 6conuil, boweu essieo. Ooulth. aid &ùdDiekle. au 10 vho sah ho b obairman.of th.e et oo6mmittee &a "sr important end intor.siing lav M«S bu m o. '010 19- Mr. Goithard had The CO. ooil viiimoutontOn, 4th of lune. Au.Ibedov aud slyish ha-sta or sprinà and sommer. Andrev M. Boss. FOi good ,goodo -and loy prioe.., oaIJ on Audr.v M. Boas. BAKiDt1h. barber; crauums over- bauled, oraped and shoru. Au. yod Ivweedo 85 o. per yard. Âmdîev M. Boss. Nirw stock of gel and fane>' butiopu at W. G. Waiter's. Tim Paragon 8 oeil sprlng bu8tie oui>' 10 et. Audiev M. Boss. FOR fine wbite butohers linen go te W. G. Wallon. ALL yodl suit made bo order only 01000. Andrev M.-Boss. EXTRA good value il di.. and child- kroeshoeiery, double kuil beels sud boas at W. G. Walter's. Tho Royal Hotel Barber mhop is the place te get a bair out or a rIes easy DoN'T ferget that yen eau get a 8 oeil spiing busth. fQr 10 oe. at &ndrev M. Boss'. Ta Bay of Quinte Mothodist cou- foreno meee ts ai dmay on tbe 7th lune. Use Dr. Dorenvend's Great Geiman Hair Magie for baiduesa, gray bain, in for sale by &aildriggisli Boys navy blue and gis>' Hafa tveed suite lu ail sizos, fiue geodi, At lovoît pricos. W. G. Wallons. LADIES tellUB vo have the fluest aossermeni Of prillei 0Wbitby. Au- dîew M. ROsa. Asx bto oe. tbefine diss goodu ve are shoving At 114e., 15o., 20c., 26a.9 and 85a., s11km, sud braid trimmings te match. W. G. Waiters'. JUST rocoived a complote nov stock cf mon%. youtbs sud boys stnav bats, large assortmeul, prioes. owemt. W. G. Walîorm. Asir for lbe durable kid glove. ovory pair guaianteed. Sold oui>' by W. G. NEcW aslrnulof chenille, .11k tinn. mingisud fringes lu blak and brovu. Bout gooda at loeot prioe.. W. G. Wallons. D-cN'T boy îriady madoe lothing wben yen oa get a pair of panta made o eider for $2.75 aud a suit for $10.00 vsuranted ail vool and ne shoddy. Andrev M. Rom.. Mi. Jes. White retnrned frein Cali- foinia on Wedueeday night. The climats of tb. Pacifie ceast did not agree vlth hlm, and bis heaith vas fsililng. Làx>iis and oilidrene giovos in puis .11k, taffeta and 11mbe thread in black and colors at price..lever tban else- vhore. W. G. Walter@. Hov i. it vo dont have any leap year parties lu Ibis tovu? Thons la surely youth Mnd beauty onougb, as Ma7 be seau frein a visit t Mr. Ohspoeau s photostnspb galleny, vhere aIl work is doue iu superb stylo. Tira American edilion cf 1h. London Ilhuatrat.d News la Iakng a big runa&U over the BIae sud Canada. The re- production la quit. equaile lbtheoriginal sud of course i8 ohaap- 84 per year foi s woekly iilustratedl paper. Bond 10 conta for sample cep>' 10 London Illuslrated News Ce., Pollen Buildings, Nev York. - MoCiusuiir & Son, of Toronto, aire boyond question thee 558>'leaders lu tb. Omamotal St"ied Glass trade lu CJau"&. Thoir vast business exleuds frein NovaSecotia ho Briish Clumbla, sud Ihonsanda of public and privat. buildings bear iestlmny of Ibis fihin' abilieto, bexecute be autiulasd durable viudovs ol .er>'ducapdio. 21.1>'. Liai vek~e GOmette thrlqs btbl another faisehood vithout making a polmted statemeul, mnd vouid liko Iboe vho vould bolloe. Ilte udonstaud that tibere b.d bom a ooekfigbt lu tovu st vbieb vs voetpistent. Thé oeature le tviae ioo oa«t. Au le our attend- lug horso-racsmm»d dog-fights, the People'à *huro.vad.m vWi pi.. »m»un« lu hie paper that Il in our pissent attention, boalth md vsaith pormlît, to go to lb. Woodblue races ou1h Mb 1., Some frld ntovnsgondsum'a clip. ping fromeinl.Pmnsh Magasine o! AUl Saints, Ohurob, in this lovnt, sbovlug thal cburohb obe enjoying an'are& of marked prooporit>', oouhiaoting vonder- Mfull> veli vith the pust. Bei. Mi. LedirDmre iss ig oedte .article. Il veuld mot ueed le b. mentîouod lu theme coluzuns oui>' that 'the poison Who sent ilte us no doubi wlshd us te Say' somelblg about il lunrefulatlon of rlsaia" ,.nta m4. 4 p etjas I Flom Natonainilaarea ugar co ,nild but tlsorougg, andZ are the b stOImmàhiand LÀer FPi in ue. Petitionsfothe b.repeai ef lbe scotI iu Middlesex are beingi hnalatod. blbuiglsraeuto~ atPlokezlng~ ai Tinncaland OommercjaL Offie of WhiIby OhitomoLu,1 Whitby, May 189 1888. WHTy MARXET PEICES. PsU whet ao** 000006... 80 75 15png Whot. ...a.. 00a ...O 075 Goose Whsl ...........O0 67 Baniey ............... 066e Bye...........s045 pets.........055 Pose, black-eyed.....o60 Blue Pesa...............O 0 Os.........085 Hay.............1060 Aluiko Olover se....4 0 IBMdOiover seed........ese e4 00 A&ppies, perbbi.ouse., .1 50 Tomalees " .......1 00 Potatoeiper bag.........i1o0 Bggs ..........018 Butte............018 Rfides, penib...... o0o Porkperowtsoo..600 Turu ips..0900 *,*b....O16 ol,,P Z dol.........94000 (Jhlckons, perl.....0'00 Turkeys, per lb ..........O010 Dueks, perlb ............. 010 Geese perlb.............o008 Oheese .................O0 12 Wood..........400 Oheekins .........0 O14 010 30] #80 30 21 30 009 30 301 01 1 01 0LI PGWDER Absolutely Pure This powder nover varies. A mwal of purity, atroiýiM and whoiesomeusss. More ocoomi ta the oidinary kinds, and cannet b. scld lu sompetlon* Mlutitude of Iow t..t, short vihlMI ecpaepovdoi. Sel ny M eana. Kyal Baklug Powder Co., 106 WaflSt.,N.Y, BOATS TO HIRE. Safe sud oomhortable Skif. eaum b. hied frein th. subocriberst a&ail imes sud ah a&U ho'znu duulug the boallng sesson. Skiffs ma>' ho ordered at CorbettV. or Bolonys Point tor pioule parties at suy lime. Dou't horget vhsu wanling boit.. Msay Sth -22-8mo. CHAS. PEBBY. WANTED, A boy tW look aller 'a gardon,heres sud cows. Itlasessuhial that ho be abI.le milk well. Apply te 22-lin.D. oRMISTON. r '*. Q oi coi e me * il IlIq à n! 1 E 1 Whitby, May 41h, 1888. J. F. Puisa FIJRNÂ Co., Toronto. Gentlemo,-The "Economy Warma Air Furuses," whlch I puxohased trem yen lasI Gcoeter ha. given me good estüetaction. Il us esey le contrel, quick te respend, snd burn. the ceaI dlean, requirlng ne sifting et ashes. Allhough my house i. in a very ex. psdsituation I fouud ne difficulty in keep. lg up a comfortable ovon temperature Ire. frem gas sud dust. I mighl aise s>' Ihat th. furusees whicb youn agenI Mr. Mcm- lyre hmasput lunlibis lowu sud vrcluiy have given good satisfaction. Youms, etc. A. A. POST, Archulel, Froin Ge. Cormaok, sq. : Wbltby, Ma>' Sth, 1888. J. F. Pals PUMuIou00.9 Toronto, GenlImeu,.-I have badilb.hexprieuco of comlort of your Economy Purnaco now tor 2 years vithout anytbing doue tb lb or alleraticu sud take piesurs iu reoemmon- ding ilt te .public e sasllutor> Puir- osce"" for heallng su>'bous. witb comelcil sund 1111e trouble. Ycnr truai, ieaJohn MUa. EsIra Wlby, Mi>' 1h, 1h88. Te Tun J. P. Puisa Pu»mmc Co., Toronto, Genthemina-The So. lORoonomyPur- umc frroa ofcnyour agent J. Mo.. Intyre we alter a tberougb test oft tv vinions on lb. coldesî day. ve ooula beat Fuppu Mud lover zooms bo a teurpontur.et w llt,. 1I found 'lb.éPiunac.botéb.er eon~v.nenllu ver -ansd easy momag Iam sPopleselë tb I baI 1 bave no 409Wta lion lu rooomndlng it tOba Mn olgbbozs and irinds or su>' peison- vautng Z a JOHN EMUS. BARGAI N DAYS POWELL &O00 60 68 0 40 75. 0 0 go- 20 i 9 12. 104 10 15 50 2 J. Ni toi wi am fFI CREAME Its supenlor excellence proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter of sa century. [ aused by the United States Qovernment. Endoreed byt the hes.ds of th. great Universi- t!.. s the trongeat, Purest, and meut heslth- !uI. Dr. Prioc's Croam Baklng Powder does not contain Ammonis, Lime, or Âlum. Soid onlyyinCano. PuICE BÂBING POWDER CO. 1RW YOBK 1OCoGO. ST. LOUIS. --ON- WEDNE8DA Y8 and BA'TUIWA Y8, F;Z':cOMMENcING MAY 5th. ~.They intend to make WE)N.ESDA&YS anid SATUBDAYS SPECIAL DAYS FOR BARGAINS Corne and get Bargains Mhat will qurm iprise you in tlillinery, Clothing and General Dry, Goods. POWEL0 THIS SILVER.PLTED INSTRUMENT E oE c 0- c g o IL be The Groateet Discovory et the Age. Puice - - $3. Co. ORIKNTAL CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUEUCE Th olyeterrh remedy ever offered to the publie on 15 day. triak, s wOritteu n arantee--given with each instrumetW.T ý lm6 queen tret West Toronto, Ont. * AGTIWt THE GREAT EYE AND LUNO RESTORER Actina is nota medicine or s digusting lot#on or pouder bail, but a SeIf-geeu- tiug Vapoeoilyand pleasantly Bp l Ial hours, limes aud places. Lina N;: 2. kleýy relieves Ùatoroghly cures ail !hroat &M Actîna No. 3.-Positively cures &H diseaes of the Eye Calarst Gra ulated Eye-lidB, Inifiamecj Eyes, near s anitduess ýZf;Tùa Nu TRRATED IMZLE CLOSE». Tua ÂOTiN& 18 BOL» tNDMmiI OUBWRrrrTzqGUARANTER ONq 15 D TRJIL Enclose stamp for handsomnely iflustrated book sud is Whby Cina TStore, Iis the place whore you will find the largeet stock -of X.mas Goods i Town@ The Stock is now complete in Crockory, Glassware, Fanoy G0od£ 0f ail kinds. Â-ho a fulSOcof GROERIJLS F UIT & OYMTERS CnaTea Setsfor, $50JbxaCups and swie.u *t2 per dozen, sud other Goods Iii prolportion, Mme 1 a"'vea "Du .aome, Mda -uoeilug Dio"ieh ou a $O o sde I re..on thé hlgbway vithout oonsulinig th. tovu opuneoil, hýad lm pulied he. Polios Maitrat. Grier- son for vl*lsing tlb. obvuby.Iav lu Ibat respeot. The trial'»cok placeon, Tuepoday lutMeurs. T. Truill anzd T. tb.#,4 ~u e re 'on lb. bigbw&a>. lir. 0pplbar4 ldso tosiflod tba e b,, 10- Bev. Dr. W114, cf Bond shtrl00geg. tionsi ehu"ph, Toronto, m"Y* oWUd& loe dsnging, sud Ihe Ev.èmlug Telegrar appeals 10 o nmepue W o ttlthlune. ItII. ret>'Waeliunderolood nov that . S.Westuey. of I4ian sd 81. cameron. etPreshytenian chur1eb, àirý tmng, are ubh ot &Mcpl luvitallonit teothen ~sus. Tieýredsgualbon of -lb. former Whittby Board, of Tbel mugi on ineul ofnv mer Bi pivq per M' sf11 .on Ibsi poil zo o NEW, 900D1 Co* chinay , 1 1 1 1 A Big and WeII-A ssorted Stock to Select From. HAVE DECIDED TO GIVE r,>6 Poase Furnace. The foliowing testimoniale speak for iemselves: Promn Judge Buruham: Whîlbyt May 4th, 188. F. PicÂsE FasNAcCo C., Toronto, I have much pleasure in stating t.hat Io. 14 Econom y Purnace, plaoed by you amy reidence laut fail has given n cer- nit and satisfaction, warming both upper id iower nooma with an even temperature, ithout duel or gas. W. did flot require te se our grates even n t he coldest weather ' id take piessure in recommendlug your 'unâce te my ttiends here and elsewhere.. Yours lrnily, Z. BURNHLAN, Special Discount on a/I Cash 8a/e8. L. - -- co «MMUM-Mamu

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