Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 May 1888, p. 7

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ok, "Etaflb, reli o!fI" graphie d.- fui lu omai ;:d sesa, re- Ild gratost anblable ph*bel ~ature. Emu- aturego! lb. liticu- cf lb. 1 the. Atae an d o! lb. lhu Dee, te, singul* id o! watere. te., togthe, OFf THB rSTEM£ soi, D.L.,à ongravingw. (G CO. NTO, ONT. *r)for prices. The resul is anoîhor order for Mr. Hamillon. 8o May il go 'On.1 .À furmer nsmod George Jobuston, living, near Cameron, vwu srrested ou Thursay of lut voek on s chargeofo iunacy. Ho vas oxamined belone Mag- istrat. O'Leauy on Saturday, vho cern- .îiltod bim ho gaol pudingremoval te, Toronto or Hamillon. The complainl vus lodgod by some of bis neigbbore on tho <round tliI ho vas daugorous, and a public nuisânce. Wenolie rom 1h. Ottsvs papers hht Mr. BaduM. P., bas boon pro. mm lutinte sport cf buing sre eo"wtys ashlonable amusemeunt vii Boih Mr. Barr msd Mr.*ihtM r., appeaute be voli mus*aIag h.] r.peulo of hhefr . omuihses ma veU~i Ibs ~peet 44, p~K licher viii be ti.s Ofîiuhs o.iulur l lb. oomlu in bers! eiueand vo om. Anam eiMn. Barrou for m"lierie vr asho Io a good igber.-Foat. Ou Thura8sy Ue.pape.4 lrough ber frou thée SOk fam -of M. Boyl, Eeq, Bboageu, spendd er d i PoliciABnus eshIle, eur<ute to hleop tk he b.slovthalIeobeg beld Ihom. U Boid bide fuirto..bmig leo Cuada the 410,000 -ris fala <fufeor -the bust bord of "75 patle. They ar. eslMusld at the *uY lovsl Osurs, P#M! eësoh. YSteu. plendid-- *ung bull. ébm. Vam d.15the off., e011.00 Omo .of O=- aurIy gardenoesha,"e j»Wisoeus lready sbowim e~ .le abovo grouud, b 1 he d.14M. i h n daçirions potalo. o g Tii. Plant, for the. vene, idja athe Mall Works shows a vorq imposing sirélure. The usw addition ie 1991 fiéei by 40 feet.j On Baturday evsuing Mr. John Hin. teg, mot with 1h. miefortuno 10 fail1 dôvu lb. baok sîsire aisithe Union Hall.1 NEvas net aquaioied with the pro. miuos whloh ho eutored by th. front1 staiM ansd proooeedlng Ioo far on the lsnding moi with 1he abovo reemît. Ho wu seeriously injured and fatal resue A. report roache. s eIhai1fr. Win. lasso., living near Zion Churoh, West Durlington, vas terribly injtir.d on Mouday by th. burelrng of a gan, while shooting bone. Hie lait srm ie badiy aeralod sud on. aide of hie face aud kead*Tory muoh oui. Mr. Pasooe san .uisrprieing youug farmer ouly about two yoer arried. W. hope the in- juries are not sserions asreported. The ste commite hae dismmed Mr. Ooulharda e ohairman snd appoint- .8 M1rt Joha Diokie is hisestesd. Mr. William Sherman, wbilmi walk- mg long tb. upper carriers 10 th. Bé e.Kilu, as Little Bob, ou Weduee. day uuorning, slippod off and fell ixty 6.1 mb 1 he river. He broke bis ooilar boue but vas out on Thurmday. Kinnowe are up, sud by th. same token so are onionsé. Another week and the air vil b.e olanguid vxtb iboir aromatie pprfume that you vill feal like layiug dowu te die-The vater witoh paeeed îbrougb W Ithe lover lake, sud the. Dominion took a t1ev b Lindsay on W.dnedy-Tbe Maplo Leaf looke sorumptione in ber nov drese. She je povdered rogardieu, and rouge to the oye.. Fast, weli ye-Tho lakes are mot so high by Ivelve or fitteen inches, sutelyesr. The village im mruggling with au attaok of building, that bas broken out iîke a case of messles. Buildings are springiug up in aIl directions, and juil fsuey, thore is a rumor that Mr. Davey is goiug 10 have plate gise vindove in hie uew store. Iftbtat ije eucae we viii have -b gel lb. eleetrie lighî thon, aur. Extensive improveoee are b.. ing made te the Rocklaud Houe, aid a nov vsng facing lb. canal is in eourse of cooustruction. This vill in- crosse the aceomodatien for tbe summaer business, vhiob wue frequently over- taied lust seaeon.-Ind-ependent. LINDSAY. Col. Deacon, P, M., Solicitor P. S. Miartin sud Inspector Short psid an cAcial visit to Bobesygeon Wodno.dasy. Thore vore une coses. for alleged violation of tb. ScottiAct. Reenl; Tvo convictions, oie honorable acquit- rsoai. Io adjourumonte snd four ekedad- dies. Mr. Joachim Groselle, vbo for omre K. . 1Boyd & Oou'lumber as, Ibis port, ha.sa large staff of mou omployed ai the lover wharf. Losding has been 1ogo vigofouely for 1h. paet ton A Nov Homo Troatment for the Cure of Catarrb, Caterrhai Dearmsand B"sy Ver. The microscope bua proved that thoso dis euses are contaglous, aud Ihat tliey are due to preseuce of living parasites tuithe Interlining membrane of the upper air paseegesansd eus- tâchia.u tubes. The ominenft scientiste, Tyn- dall, Huxley aud Bealo ondorse tbis and these authoritios cannot b. dispute& RT7e regnlar method of tres.tiugthese diseses hmasbeen ho SUpy an irritant remedy weekly, and evon dly, thus keeping the délicate membrane i a constant "tte 01 irritation, aflowlng it no chance to hea, snd nas a natural consoquonce of suci treatment flot oeepermanent curelia ever been recordea. 11hinan absolute tact liat tisse diseame cannol boeurod b y ayspUlea- lion madea oftener liai once la two Wqts1tor 1h. membrane must gel a chance tôho b i- fore thieapplication in repeated. Il iu now sevren yearu ince l ir.lIon dlseoverod lhe prste In cmtsrhand tormulat.dies aew tament, and saiee thon bIaromedy lia be- corne a hoshold word in everyeonr wiere teEgiiLanguage insokn Curs fete b,<~sm gae.ssyearsa tgeare cura tii, hers vng ber no raturn of the dise.. Bo highly ame hhzetremoes vp.lued,, liai ignran imtators have slsrted Up OVeTY- whorepetendhug tle dssroy l*. Parbait0o f whlch loyk»aow otblug,,by remedios, remsts. eat"lim 'of e!u>iib, they are pliod cily once Ii to veoka, ad rom ont le lire; : agrUcat1ous Iotca permnenit oum u M.~.Dionmodsapamphltderbn I »,, c te wll a v 110 oho y-e la hedalSt h DeLo stgs i.P» &LuiA Bm"r " for =U" A»8 KOWir a~LGA". 5,~p~oIi~pi - .4 diaae fliUoa 8/tise i4.S Abot 4O Oùpti.uwt lut zoom iâ th aSznlhheulsu aI*iîutoi Tiie Newark, N. J., Herae, ha. adopled the novel plan of headiug &Il ils artioles viih a question. At Argon oà M.,a goal broke imb lb. Ceunoilber sud devoured aIl the city'a odi asMsd recorde. Mmie.lvelansud a spassion for Ilovere. The osmelia ià her favorite floyer, feu are paseiesnd olover pinke. Edilor Oampbell, of the Wsiker Lake, cal., Bulletin, has aiù incomo of 81,000 a veek from s gold mine heowovu. At Augusta, Go., s tramp in,. the police stationu-aonishod lb. officer, by repeatinge9everal cbsplere of lbe Bible from memory. Squire Massie Beasley, 1h. famous matrimonialisl aI Aberdeen, the Gretns Green of Ohio, has married 266 couples ince May 8, 1887. The Marquis Paulucci, a wealthv Russian, nov doug 1h. enrdsys Ihat California bas th. haideomeet vomen b. hse ever een. Ilohung Plios SYUITOUS-Meistnr; intense itehing and *liigiug, Meut at night vewrso by scratch- mug. If allowed tecoontiuue, lurnoru 'form, whloh ofled bleed and ulcerate, Leoomlng very @ore. Sw,&Ysr's OINTMENT Stops the itohiug and bleeding, houle alceratlon, sud ini many cases removes the tumers. It la equslly efficacionu iu curiug ail 5kim Dis- esses. DR. SWAYNE & SON, Proprietors, Philadoîphia. Swayne's Qintment can b. obtained ef druggists. Sent by mail for 50 Oent.-16.ly. Mns. Ira A. Jordan, wife cf a well-known grain dealer cf indiauspolis, poisoned ber four year old child and committed suicide. Every observer wio wslks the etreets o! a great oity, and scaus withi ntelligent oye the colorless faces of more liai por coul of the peoplo ho meets, can easily agree with us in th. sîsteenut, Ihat this age, which rnakes snch drafts upou th. working energieefthle grester part of men sinlth. intense pursuit o! busissens, bas destroyed in proportinato degro. the a.nml hoallh an~ robust constitution. Nature, in this stae xhaustion, cannot b. reslored ef isibut require Borne stimulating tcuic, toestrengthen and keep lb. uyslem in regular order, sud iu Northrop & Lyman's Quinine Wine we have the exact rerned y requlred. The peculiar operation ofthIis Medicine, in ecaes etfgneral debility sud nervous prostration, liasendergone long sud close observation, snd ilisu believed il will nover fail, if properly aid judlcioualy administered. Prepared by Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, and sold by aU drugglsts. Thore is a discrepancy o! $4,000 in tb. re- ocipteansd expenditures o! tho corporation o! lbe Oounty of Fron tente for 1837. Much distres. and ikness in children la caused by worme. Mother Graves Worm Exterminater gives relief by movinq the cause. (3ive it s trial and hoe onvmnced. Wille tb. cashier of lie National Bank at Pratt, Kanas, wus absent Saturdsy for a few minutes, tiieves broke in and el. 84,000. A.Carde To ail vie amesufferl tomrsasthc«ro»s and indiscrolions oet y=o utervous veak- naa, erl y deeay, loua of manbood, &o., 1 vll uend s recipe that vil cure yen, FRER 0F CELARGH. The greal remedy was discevered by a miusionarynlu nt America.Send sa If-addrossed envelope Br. OTAiuIîs Ont ,Isu.l4th, ibeT, -Aou ixessago- vas 'wgros;i suffeter frous ki duey diseas., 'sud w", in mieeryià,U he1h. ii..I bsrdlyý'I b. streugeuough t10 valk straight - vas ashamcd 10 go on the gîreet. -TbE pains acroas my back vere almeel-una. bearable, aid I vas unable le fiud r,- lief, even teraporirily. I begai tii. use Of 11,Warner's Sate Cure," andfinside of one veek I fouud relieflsud afioer sk-. ing oighl boltles, I vas oompletely cur.ý od. Manager for Ameriosu Expres Co. THE - GREATEST- CHATRÂX, ont., Msroh 6, 1888.-m 1884 I vas completely inn dowu, I suff.red moai severe pains in my bacl aud kidnsys, se severe thal at limesi vould almeest be prostrated& A luseof ambition, a greai desiro le urinate, witbout the ability of se doing, comiug from me s itver. in drops. The urine vas of a peouliar celer and oontaine< censiderable foreign malter. I became satisfled thal my kiducys voire in a congeeted sîste aud &bat I vas runuing dowu rapidly. Finally I concluded 14 try "Warner's Saf. Cure," sud in oty. eigbl heurs aftei I hsd laken the remedy I voided urine tbat vas as blaok sm ink, coutaining quantilies ol mucus, pussud gravel. I continued, sud il vas net many heurs boforo my urine vas.et a ustural straw color, althougb il oontained cosiderable sedi. ment. The pains in my kidneye euh. aidod ae I continuodl the use o! tb. re- medy, and it vas but à short lime be. fore I vas completely relieved. My urine vas normal sud I eau trutbfnlly may tht il vas cured. REGULATES EVERN GAx.v, Ont., Ja&à. 27, 1887.-Fer abou fve yeare proviens te Ivo yesre sý laet Ocober.li as tronblcd vitb kid Day sud liver trouble, sud finally I vs conflned Io my b.d sud snffed th moel ezoruclating pain, snd for lug vooke lime I did net knov viiether vas dead or alive. My physicians sait I had enlargemenî of tbe liver, thongl tboy gave me only tomporary reliel Rcs.ning of lb. vonderful cure.c 4 4Warners Bte Onure " I b.gsu ils us sud after b b.d laken Ivo bottes notioed a change for th. boîter. Thi pains disspposred, sud my viole sy hemx seemod Wo feel tbe bonefit of th Ai dl Pueiiiwa%1sa £IYii Which are Oaused- by Uric Acîd <Kdney) Poison ini the ...o, Fresh-F/o wer, only Curable b A n., n WARNER'S SAFE. BREADMAKERS' YEAST. I AIJTROI B R E A»Dmadle of Ibis ' Ycast toôk 132 First Prizes s 'at Ontario Fa Sho'ws in 188ý. Oýverzoooladies have writ. ten to Say that it surpasses = Yyesteéver used b thé=. est sweetest ",rTOLI14bu=s adbuckwheat panekes. BAKERS nly evr RICE..FIVE CENT8J Il ~0JÉ Mdu a= j CUREB RS & COXF Xan-uutcnsof--- And nnA,> viarutuîîLi-nu1 b. field,,SBed8, lu ue h ling aI very LovespiPxce, SEED C.ORN & SE'EDiOATS.: BEBT BAD Flour and ilkknds -of Meaf#s. 1w; Tlre yea» agoliét & Algne il OaLskin tuhe aityvamIaetaked ho lthe - here Quce âdoctodid hie bemi, > ad if Ahoer sho-came ont cf lb. e onvulsions, E B - o hé va' vory *sk sudail11bor hair foil oui. Thedéolor hde sabout -' aG~5 ND5LliBWU montîbviien I1 concluded 1te Iry "Waru. rnme or'î,Bafê Cui.," asar hlàngaken vNsEUÂEES <JAPPD UESWIND '6 16 boiê'f 'Waruor's sf.PiLa," I G38]M sav s docldod change for lb. bellt -in »,%HOSE, ber oonditiouî Aller tsking ve vy o a om mOU.,Mmunnsu, oPPE non fiobIlsthero vas ascomplote oui.. r, Bnn uozmi BonsE ucKs.* My daughter bhasànov s splendid head 701 70T ]OT, A» SBRE OUTK5Ur n§"5 of baïr sud woighe more than se. ver , did before. vo a .nîs, CUTs, nmus N »ots. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIAL&. Prom His Gisetho Duke ef Bulland. "ýBelvo1ei Grsnlimc. 1, 1879. ufBliu-BUlmai'sBo imbrqcatlon Io used BLOOD PURIFER inlmy stables. I i 'very usetl BLOO PU IFIE , Bur.Âsm, Mastet o -BolvoIr il."tl n 29&.MWoNab f81. -NorthHamilloUn, Cuati. Weir, Kingston. H:«doedohie,, Ca»4 -Nov. 2,188.-I hsd been sufeér. 4tlaal. »thce oysllmbrocation E rn fUver weuy yers isu s pin -la zmy tables sudkennols, snd bave fouid it ,T serviceable.,-Ihv as sd ie in-Ihè-baekana *ne aede of the, hosd, U ver1lEmroatinver umao ansd indigestion. I oould est soaroeiy 'rbverai smx tfolat fyor su ave anyîhing,sud eoverythingI 1e&disagreod 5flferedVOrlifflO shnoe Ung il.' with mtu.. I va tteuded by physîcîass . H. Pm=u, Lieut.-Ool, Master of Rad- Swho examlued me sud stated tha.I had nori5b frOunt." lenlargemeul of the liver, sud Ihal il IEILIMn'àS ]OYAL EMBIBOCÂTION, vas impossible tlu cure me. Thoy aise o ldb bz~ trs i ade Ssls;ed Ihat I vas suff.ring from beau rieUh g disoseinflammalion of the bladder, e kidnoy disoas., bionchitlesud catarrb, sud Ihat it vas impossible for me to liUv.. They attended me foî'three veeke v ithoul mhaking any improvomnt la ELLIMAN MBOA O, >fMy ecudilion. I oommeuoed lsking ». ""Warn.a's Sfe Ours" sud "Waruere NU AISM LJ so 'y 1sf. Pille" actingsetriolly ap la direa. P4Is.laiyi ses. S-i ri 'Es. lieus as to diel, aud hook Ibirly.six s C 14EsTC o i-o.S bottlest sud bave had tho bout of healbh Tht Safest. quickest.moit ever since. My regular* weight nsed le fcertai n rermedy be 180 Ibe. When I oommenced ar acon& by s*"Warner's Bsf. Curs" I only weigbed Q S ,y 140Olbe. I nov veigh 210 Ibo. h-LUG . NAN D. EXHAUSTED VlTALITY, ~ rfTHM SCMECEOF U719F, Ihe greal ____________________________Medical Work e .âge on MaibodNfrvt sai SBODI LY FU NOTION. PhysiDouli,Prres o Youth, sud lb. untold ut remedy. I have conatinued taking mniseriesoonsequonl lier. Ro"WarneÈesBaie Cure" sud no otie, o1,800 pages, 8 vo., 3l25 pesrpon i 1-, moisine mo.. considr Ihe omued 51105eClo1b, fun jguI, oil LM 0Oby w s gealboon sud 1oif e re uI f mil, seed. Dl. sample *1m80tOaU7 yeuii as. gsot "Wener a .f Cuvre"fie. met 'ofad middle-âg.d mou. Bond nov. -The ho srte«'Wmera Sis Cre' fts m &HGold sud jvelled Modal avarded 10 tb. vo righ. . I weigi lvonty pounde heavier anIser by theNationalModima Associa- I nov than ovor before. lion, Âddeae P. 0. box 1895, Boston, îd Ms. or te Dr. W. H. Parker, graduai.eto zb idiesi aColego, 2W y ars' prachice h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i Boston, vbo may h osutdcofdn Iiany. yv a M sases of Mort.,Office, m-Iventor of th. Maple Leaf Lance-D 7 he toeîh Cross-cul sav. £4 I~~ ~Tho underslgnod bas a fuI stock et The Wonders of Migie When you find thst bea u fautijaw7 Txy "dgornewend'a BiOs To 1he elderly mmnwith hie looka mdosy Try "Dornewend'Mgi, A rioh hesa of hair, b es precious as rare,- The lady'smieforlue Wheu 1iiig A= bi Tr ,"omeowend!o Magiol" 8h. eau quioly, ail hel "ePair, t usTry Doenwud 1 Ka.. Ilbfawusro~ihand beuty, =a e - th Wr.,plain 4uvi, 80o1tellYOu "onoedsM«Y Take liai. by'tlb. torolook sud .1111kes your own, Tuy ".ornoend'sg li This Toica,9a fanie bhm noyer yel iiw Try thie mote « lII34 Try QI 1yen uoeoda, 8o 1 .1 enO This nov___ ,lýppraloû 10 lnlô DR.* O O botleelor P.m A. DORNF iBodhyW. Lt L188-W. B.RP1UN G-L Ee @&,fur enl îlitlg and tlng9ng1 Sp moet as niglt-oSe y scfatchng-very djstreslg allorwed o continue timors form whké often bleed aiâd ulcarate, becomfagverSa SWAYt4E'$ OINTMÊNT Stops the itching and ýbIeadtfg conclusion yL. Fair.- an u Mry Dlot easilg ch longe *een taken 8seiLle. 1 0hine. 1 le znont.b M. *c Sewing y endorme .y recoin>- y rlewing than &DY ng te CIO ~RPBR. ~d i. the aper A&- 'TB deai "ITS, tien 1I w

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