Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 May 1888, p. 5

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NOUlIlIl JIVELI, 11W DEBIGIS Il *rape 8toney Broches Earring8o Bracelets, Fob Chains8, Ladies' Vest Chains, 811k Guards and A lberts. Se BA RNA RD, BROOK BT.9 - WHI*rtBY. Whitbp Qfljnuick. ]FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1888. LOCAL LACONICSU WHAT 18 GOINO ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVEIT LOCAL NEWS OLEANED BT CHRONICLE REPORTERS 14ÂAohiel'a amang yM, tain note@, An' f afth elU prent ft. Mr. A. W. Beall, B. A., sails for Japon ini a veek or Ivo W engage in llisionary vcrk. TERRE wu5 lenty of ice around towu y.sterday morning, but the. veather turned out lear snd warm during the day. Theifilds are growing quit. green. ABouT fitty from hors attended the *oxlrOion tW Toronto on Tuesday under th. auspices of the. Port Hope Young Men's Christian Association. It wua ýsplendid trip. TEE Ameriocan Art Journal esys Miss Elle Long has been invited Wo slng *ao the Indiana Stase Music Teachert' Convention, with such artiste asM MrsPnay Bloomfield and Dr. PAfassms*y vho look*d in the. vindov et Mr. W. J. (libson's grooery store yeoterday, iav something tW make their te.th water-beautiful red ripe atraw. boulies in the. usuel style of boxes. In the. beat of keepinst Mr. Gibson has any amount of theai from Norfolk, Virginia. W. did not learu viether ho had &hem sent by telephone or teIegraph. Young Barchard, of Uzbridge, vas eharged before Polio. Magistrate Har. par on Tueedy nîght,unuder tii he aru. ton Aot, vlth baving ssduoed a girl of sixteen years, nmned Lydia (Jiande, of geoIt township. &fter hearing. th. evidenoe h. vas oommitted for trial. [t is understood the affair ise W b. oom- promised by a marriage,as both Bankua and P.ggoty ie vihlin'. à number of young soamps vers brougbt before Polioe Magistrat. Rler- pa ron Monday night for brsaking von and deatroyiwg nevly planted sad"e trou nor- Mr.P, B. Whitfield's nld.oe on Byronj street. Thou. trous bWdbéo o uesd tmos 0boxes W pr.tes* hem, aud the, boys hd sah *a thom, SU down. Franarrda sud ýWùdham Wood wve.ftned laold1 damages, 8525 euh, sud otheru goé,of wlth a severe reprimmud from th. A tllphone despatoh ftom Toronto y.starday conuirme belief held by ulany r.gardiffg J.s.phQraham, V. B., of Port Peury, -w",.,hm. booe msu stuc.ApriA 11h, iii.luit heard o l boise iu Toronto. Ris body vas focal *otng In thé Toronto bay on W.d- ,sauiglat.Wbeu h.dlsppeared - .s uàminfvay W ttis Ore& Éok oc ah. REx I4ds'dayr th. pator vii phhsmoruiug romMat. L28; 18.-"Ths ePower 0o! Ohdrs"-n the eveulng lie MI!i peacli 1h. annuel sermon fox be ' Whiîby Steani-Pire The. steani propelier LaU . O514,riO ran aground* st Shoal , Point, about tires miles vest of Whlthy hawbor, on Ssturday morning lut in -the. log. [t suffeai early forty houx.' <elay, but finally got off. W. would draw the. attention of ehurcli ushers, t the. fat, liaI moast of th. ladies in towu, have purohaaed their nov spning hats sud 5aekets, aud tiai they vil b. delighted Wo have you seat them veil up t th front.-Oshawa Reformer. ~titiOfl. ao show t Shadeo b olorings 0f Self Stripe 8e, al lie ~W&TBR- ret sliadei, Y , suffice il d Goocds, a jon. Come Tan chier day a man in Whihby vas granted on. ofte -streels for lie pur- Pose cf oultiîahing fruitt trees thereon. This i. a good aigu. Lt je evident tiat tie council cf Whilby haie determined hiat to farta cul th. streete is for betler tien W allov them tW b. usd ase hy fields sud thieti. palohes. Tii. ecuncil cf our Western suburi> ha a big hesd. -Vi ,dwcator. Tii. cnly trouble about thii paragrap isi. laI it is exactly cpposed to the facto. A neidsnl of Whitby, vho ha. oocupied a portion of a street for some time teo oitivate fruit ar, bau »ovbel motlfts4 ho muaI gie it *p. Tii. Vis. muat bs troubied vithithe. svelied head it speaka cf. W. trust liat the. .5ta5folly cf ap- pointing a Pickering man W hi. Whit- by Board cf Educahion Wo filIthe vacancy cf Roi. J. J. Cameron'. chair, oeay nol b. again perpetrated. AI- thiugi Deputy-Reie Burni, cf Wiit- by owu, va. bsdly sel upon for oppos- ing the move to re-appoint )flr. (lamer- ou, s year sud a hait aàgo, ve fout shrougby Mah tiiime liaI iio vas igil, sud bis contention liaI Mn. Camoron va. generally an absente. ha. proven rigil, for tiaI gentleman bas only ocu- piod bis chair $vice duning tlu at year aud a haît. Thon. la no parti- cular objection tW a Picksring on any cther man in s general Way, but lit soomi snoi nonsence W mik.an ap- pointment wvi i smply »Ieane lhe creation of a vscaoy. W. an. pleased W eeemliai Ithe Domin- ion Goverument have aiboved à pension Wo Mnu. Govsnlook s*es, a.Mus. De- laaey. [h viii bs rsmonib.red Isse ladies iuffered greatý privationdun the lae North West rebelon,bods tl. bo.of thsir husbsnds. Mx. D.laney beiug in the employ of tie Govieament areso v s anlh i viv, but Mr.ovuiokva nt luthse mploy of lis Goîernm.nt mnd bis vldov did Dot receive 1h. s s,,, idrtin BesenIy th. -matter OeMebefors th. Rousa. u 1pati. oe uanimou in ranhlu. a pension ti.,Me&.Goon- an My M ts VU viib. plas. ed et tl*plw of nMve,,.durig lier Oinuo"wvlhegu«otof Qapt. E. DIjion aud vits, ah. mpiany »Jvant Orooks, of Toronlo, ver, in t o vnluti v..k iusptioung the' loalagnoy of 1h.f Ur. D. I0. Burk, of Port'&rthur, 1 a' boo, -elosen by 1h. QulOnario -Govemu. ment '*0 M.aa lootion aof mineris of 1h. Lake Superior ,.district for the. comlng -exhibition et Cincinnati. Many peô-ple.wili regret t10 hear liai Bev. sud Mrs. Jno. Goforth, 1Pr.s'y- terun Mlselonaries tW flona, china@ ver. burned ont shortly alter settling lu their mev homo. Lose $800. Most of their gooda vers rescued. The. hou.. vas oomplotely razed. PIoxIMBUe ha.l its voekiy burglary on Sunday nigit. Up there they rob auj. tbing from a mail boy 10 a pries&, sud from a hon-ooop Wsa floyer mili. But tiey nover gel anythlng. Tii. emaci. ated oarces of a starved burgiar viii b. found there some of lies. days. Mr. J. LesWock Reid ha. complotod the. survoy of the Western OntaroRal- vay from Aurore 10 Shelburne and conciuded hie labors. No funthor sur- voying for the proposed road vili b. done titis yoar, Mr. Reid thinka. The. belief tiat the achea. i. aflter aIl going bo b. of no service essîvard tirougi tuis section to Port Hope sud liatiti va. nover iutendod Wo build the. road through ti district is gainlng ground. Oshava Reformer:-Her many friende vili Isaru vith pieseurs liaI Miss Mittie Fraine, the voil-knovu oloontioniat sud W. 0. T. U. organizer, vas marriod on the. Bti uit., te W. H. Cook, M. D., of ingston. Tii. ceemouy vau performed et h. rosi- dence of the. father of thé bride, Mr. S. Fraine, St. Thom".,b Rey. J. J. Haro, D. D., princip o f Whitby Ladies' Coilege. Dr. Cook viii basve for Minneapolis on Monday nezt tW practice bis profession, sud wyul b. join. e~i by is bridoafler th. lapes of sfev veeka. At the. ozamination for 1h. "Toronto Methodiet Conference held ini Wesley ohq»rc, Toronto, la Wednssday,th.re vote 44 candidates, the. bargest number smo. ho union. Messre. E. B. Boy., cf Whitby, Iiiac Couch,- and W. 0. snderson, cf Bovmanviloe, snd Jabez Dyer, Oehava, sud Mr. A. E. Sander- son, of Tyroue vere thors. Bowmanviiie Sons of England, se- companied by members frora Whitby, Oshawa sud Newcastle, yull attend Et. John's churci, Bovmanviibe, on Sanday vhen Roi. A. Macuab, D. D., viii prsach a special sermon Ite Brother- hood. The brethren. are uotifisd tb meet ah hhe Lodge room oit 10 o'clook. Tii. church service boglus at 11. W. hear that tiers i. talk of having the. Oounty couucilor's excursion, vhich vas arrauged for Wo corne off immrediate- ly after tie June mssion, postponod, s some cfthie mombons canuot attend. W. truist thii may not be so, as il couid hardly b.ezpecod liaI auy day oould bo appoiuted-on vhich ail could attend. Lt of ton happons liaI al lie mnembere cf the county concil cannot b. present at once. TEaE railway conductors cf Capada sud thie United States held a grand convention aI Toronto asat veek. Mesurs Gray sud White, 1h. officient Cons. ou the. Port Perry railway, took a band in vitihoh rest cf the noble six huudr-ed. Wial oîerybody je vonder- ing atIsj, iow in tis vorid ail lie trains could b. mun a. susi vi en al the. (ons. veresay et convention. Tiere vasa big time-bails, sud feods, sud presentation cf gold.iesded canes, and muci encyment. ss W. are now showing> new Dreas Materiais in ail the, Leading Oors -New Stock of Plain and PancF "StriP "- Dresateril. with Plain Goode to match, for Combination'Suit.. Our' Stock of D)ress <*Good( u unequialdfor style ana value. l4ew Black Cashmeres, Black Henrietta lObus, 14lack Plain and Fancy Dress Goode. ment Of 4"Monrning Goods-" always in Stock. omplote so- New CJheck Sateens, with plain to match, new Lawnetteis in Stripes andl Spots, new Ohambrays and Pzints.' White DresseI Fbouficings»" with India Linons and Laws to match. "Ail over?' Embroieis'Egns Embroideries and Insertions. Now Black -and Oolored Kid Gloves ana sa ik Goves. N~ew Hosiery and Lacesi. MILLINIRI NEW.*GOODS TO HAN&qDO«MILNE W. are nov showing al the ieading and most fashionabie shape.su d styles. New Hats, Nev Bnnts Now Ornaments, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers and Trimunings. We positively excel in Faslhionable Milh1inery.ý_ n«DlNTS' OLOTHIING made to order iu FirstOiass3 Style. Trôu erIngs. special Patt«esand Good Valune.. Large Stock of New Twereds, uitinge, and, Fin~xet. FBNSHIGS stok complote, with nov Shirt, ollais, Scafeuiss , BràMeiMilGloree, IF No. 1, 8ruEJ DEYERELL' S BLOCK, - THJNK- - .2 WHITBY,. DEEPLY When you are contemplating a purohaso of anything in oui lino, no matter how omaý may be the amount involved. A CT w' s ELY By coming to look over our large and well assorted stock of 411 that is uew -and seasoiable D-EGI DE To buy of us. QU JCKLY After seeing the inioes and examining the quality of. our Goods you ,cau't resiat them. It is impossible to -do better- elsewhere. NO BETTER VALUES. Can ho found.' We get the choice of the ýbest goods on the Market and 'ôurple LOW AS THE LOWE'STl- We are alway8 ready tome, you and witk. yot'our Uoods.ý ~II~EW GLASGOW WAH'EHU NEW' 'OODSTCERN V C~~ONBITN F ])reuGoda 81m% Cashmegres, ekey CqltaPriznti,<ngmiGeyr go" Twe-in Tickus -'t a.fl Scotch Tveda lu endeas vaniey, 6-4 OoatingEri Worotsd antnasho <lanaàd&,Tvoeda, wvold oIchoice Stock and ano-foff.n~gUiâe s m ,a i z Kodduekins V hitc Danasd.Brow. d o, of Quit. mmn , t tblr- stoek- .6 eo91s, .hil*bl y, Lut Sunday about 80 membere vent ho Oshawa to attend thi. annuel churci parade cf themr brother Oddfllovs in lias tovu. The procession numbored 250 mem bens cf the. Tiree Links and vas headed by Canton Bovmanville vioe.uniforta vàs mucb admired. The sermon va. preaciod by Bey. T. Manning in lie Simcooet. Method jet churoh, sud va. a mout approprias sud inîerestiug discours.. Tii. splen- did choir of liai chureh rendered Pomo good muido. Oddfelovs lu Oshawa an. mors numerous t$ban sny cthar b.- nevolent socety. ANoNG thé notable article. in Mden'at Library Magasine for May, are thie foilowing: The Negro Question in the United Blt&t., by George- W. (Jable ; the. eoououding paper on lie Constitu- tion cf the. United Stle., by Hon. E. J. Phelpo, U. S. Miniager Wo Great Britain ; tie fourli cf a series cf scioiarly articles on Post-Taimuic Uebrev Literature, by Dr. Berniard Pick: Snowed.up in Ar.ady, by Bei. Dr. Jessopp, Je one of lte mout enjey- able papoe f ouad in lait, men'ti'. Englisi Magazines; Cardinal Mannln*'s Ptes for the. Worlies, is very timelys sud worth universai reading; Mise Frances Power Cobbe disoss... tie ",Education of Emotions," sud opens up à suggestive train cf hhougil s aise doe. tho paper on "Domeshia Service and Democracy." John B. Abdeq, Publisher, 898 Pearl Street, Ne-v York; 218 Clark Street, Chicago. A meaner gang cf mon lu some vays than tb. Oshawa tovu seuncil it vould be difficuit tW find. A fv veeka mno they d.cided W e ither mnake their pninters do lthe tovu prinfing tor noth. ing, or .1.. haie il doue momevi du* by on. of lies.es«tabllabment vioes ll vonk la don. on tissu paper. A.eordingby teders von. sk.d from Whitby and Bovmmvile. W. refus- .8 ho tender agalusî Oshava prlnt.rs, hsving a seoondsry tesson lu tie b.- bief ltai a ecunoilmen.enough 1o ss tenders againat is ovu printers ywquld b. measongi terob theaoeesu tendoren of hbi oouti hslte haî nov Iuwned- outI W b. lth esefor, afler avsrdlug-the. job for a ya 0le Gaaet " bonelbasnov tne round and deelared tie .ontraet ocd bW mause 1h.eQsi^*a Ia u lerk bas 'mot aigned the. oontrme-m veny mmll.loop- haie Thu. the opporlunlty foS1h Gaa.U. W agatu doul e up ý*s business hbu boau osne. T» â«oglletdmuent galvn by Jde Glove.. W11iOO, insoma aud tsar iii yeun *6 devus Md à broldorld e girls an& At bu a de or rrapp'd bld ba unroll'd mre, vitI waks sud akels aud m be mind- a bit; Our- ason. And requines a 1 Our foot, ster cover- ehango b. rily mads -Whitby P )f Jordea. oe frouf1 rn if yoe laoed ul, sud ex. for 02.00. no othér. sud Good. îe ra- unn a. l0oy itroal a4 a root the 10« es boom, bees, stomnbe on les cf l*. y ka, ves* eblest. DON& )TEL, lZe r--_

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