Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 May 1888, p. 4

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BPRING STOCK' JUST RECEIVED'. -o-- Try a Package on your walls, and you'll neyer use cal8omine or white- w,.ta.sh agait». G.E.GIBBARD, KEDICÂL ALL. ONLY tir oo PER ANNUM. Whiby, Frtday, May 18, 1888. The cablegrarnu concerning the health 0of Emperor Fredorick ane not inch différent from thoeo of tira. mouthu ago, but it seeme b.kely the Ka»isrt& bout three mouthe veaker and nearer hiasud, which. cannot be' far distant. The changes in is condi. dmeuara se repeated l tat the stock ex- ehauglesand bourses -do mlot take muob amount of il now. The. Whftby Os & Water go. feels aouiderably sirred op by the report of a g an d St Oollingwood ut a depti et ôta houdraid ëteith emarne forma. Moen at ve haye below Whitby, and in- formation has beau ent for to prssnt to a me.tinq of the tock-holdere whioh wMIltuke piace to-igit. Gau muet be had hare-aomehow, and car oooepany àa boucil Oolliugwood vwil) not enjoy ail lthe good thinge. Messra. Rowland, Gooderham and Bv . Rue Johuston have another job îu band e ofuoilg sund issning a proper paupori t fsuiation te a brutal * morderer. A. Toronto rufianu uam. B"*kIy ou. Monday moraing, kiokad todeath a girl of dissolute habite num- ed Mary $aeveus, agad 10, toreauly of Brantford. Tioe good mss, vie o ould kmura lt ra»iglousmaohiuery from a the reutofthe wOrldo attendNIfeil te tbo- ua#old, wlll»,« uan ober man *iWous te hava hluualfbrbught baera *aPulio as a murdarar.haro, oue vho go moeh hua beau muid ofthle detiof rohbtsiop .Lruai, ef Toronto, tint il dOffl o *0 aimayliug. The gt1t "les houad a lf.eaIorIgsn mer sueaassha, beau likai about te no laand bismm.* WitUaa fe#teprif.let dl1id wllhoul MIWi; but tiareis oaim vràor rm»dm .teso hanuer ltaI au .-AU liaIh fl oor ohmai hm ad &Hl liat ëver esma te bis openubani m glvc t th workof hisarda imob. nelft ouhY Ja ioothaI th u Ui from WUZII>7 ID ipst CIv . ltieut yasrs as show*i by Ibis ea~ ISTTuai.-. P moGlllvry, lot, clam honora in auatemy sud physie-, logy. INn Yn.-L. P. Barkers, lat, achl. avsbip, $120, let clame honore lu avery subjeol. 0. L. Starr, let clama honora$' lu aualooey. Wm. McGillivray led aines honora in auutomy. 8» Y'cA.-J. IL Colline, let achol. -arahip, $120, sud let dams -honore lu medicins, olicuol mediclua, enrgsry, obetaîrios, tierapeutica, 'p'athologyand suirgical anuîemy. J. T. OaoepbelI, lst dlus, honora iu surgery i>nd Ind olasa lu clinîcul mediclue, pathology, sud aurgical auntomy. R.. H. Palmer, of Scarboro, lad clase houera lu olinial medicino. 4TH YBAR.-G. P~. Jou1es, of Baisam, lot clam houoeain medical psychology, 2ud clame in olinical medicine snd for- anale medicine. J. Galioway, et Bon- verton, let milvor modal sud let dlas honore lu medicine, olluical medioine, aurgery, gyaoeoology sud hygiene, 2ud clame iu foreaie modiciue. Mr. G. T. Bigelow, of Port Perry, Wus$aucemeful iu Puselug tie priUar W. mutet ougratnlata the. boys ou lhe excellent standing they have takenf4 lu thoir respective yaars. Mi ýpuaise le due te Mfr. L. P. Barkar for tic ad- mirable course ho is taking. Mr. Bar- ker stood firet lu every ubjeci ofis year, both thie yoar suddilut. Lut ysar hoalmîo oblaiued lie $120 ocholar- slip aI Toronto Sohool cf Medi- aine aud the smarn t the University &anin &hie yeux. Mr. J. H. Colline' courue bus aise been very ucceseful as le obtained let acholnrahip lu let year, 2ad lu lud year and let &bie yem.r. En. CH3RONICLE. ffaving bean uohe sdelogation Who wnit.ed ou Bishop Bweetmun some 4 yearm '.gosit je ouly right te oInte lIat Dootor Eaatwood's report eftht iInter- view je nntrue lu every pantieular. This elateent eau be verifûed by referouce le uuy ef those preesut at the lime. ONI. 0F TEDECLEGATECS. A VaIT lame Defee. En. C xRo iioa : _ Srn.-The mouninin las beau in labor anud bas broughi toril a ridiculously amal mouse. The parturition bas boen exeoédiugly painful,but the resuli is excruciaîingly funny. W. O. Eastwood île champion, for some cocuit rose, oet ev. Mr. Fidler, las boen laboriug vitk a zeal wonuly cf a boiter cause to-make black appear white; in otler words te wbitewash AUl Saints cdurcI and every- ting connecîed theroitl, but las succeed- od only in covering himseof and bis tinonde viîl ridicule. We are son-y fur W. 0. East- wood. Ho means well, perhaps, but maltes the gi-est errer cf mistakrng abuse for argu- mont. For s beginner ho doue fnirly voll, but there is largoenoem for imnprovemeni. Thero is ans old sayiug, and one tInt bolde true in thiçcase, tînt "Lier. are none ge lliud nesleue e viii net me." Wlat île good docter vil net sem cannot -or dome nôt ax-iet. Broken windows sud lmayrosd net orne under île hbo dilp=idtion. Nor domeanemali oungregation,-vlere once it vas lar, imply a fnling off. W. O. East- vood.a etbter scarcely calse for a roply except te set hlm ighi on ose pant, 'sud if le duos not champion Mr. Fi are aue-5ier1 île fultiure thohn ho as i în îl pasi, Mr. acknowloe le e rn-gdlu and leur 11h a mo. yè amin a losi4g mracend you u mlitu vlgive up nov as leter 9n., ton amiy sut your owu eyo,, but yen canuot closethon ef others. HouSty mithîLett pelicy.MagnaestverUae rwibt Ar os OwOttawa Lettor. (Prom ont regalar orronpdant. 0m&av Mu; 15-Tho vuy the Oommous irushing b sno in" uk.itilookamuif poorogat ion veul r«dW rac heen sd of th èe or the EM t lme île7 ut on - I &anu amJDp8iJe Wa. LLW. ufflmu gove mment of Canada therefore to subseribe suob replation as vil compel .AH stebjnaki companies bringing over these degrade pueste take them baok to the qounitty'of % Bfore the Sonate committee whîch in nov mnvestigating the depouits of sawdust from the lumbor ils into the Ottawa river the. superintendent of goverument drodgingazmade the tarting statoinont that f rom lb. gas geeratedundeo rnver ibs aw ua oxploution May ocu and wreok excursion or other basthat my bei the viinity. Tht this in no more thory ie shown by t.he fact tInt a few years ago such an explomon did occur opposite Bull in vinter and broke up the sohid ico for -an acre âround. Thon tbis beautiful river oelebratod in verse by tle poet Moore in disfigured by the sawdust nuisance and anade dangerous to n116gte The. conmittee je rendering gront serviei tnking the matter up. ANOTHEROCASE Op OONTKrkp1. When Mr. Elus the member for St. John N. B. and editor of the St. John Globe t-e- turne home he iseundér bondto appear beforo the Supreme Court cf Now Brunswick' for sentence for contempt cit tIt cour1, sud h. i idanger cf being sent to keep Mr. Hawko cempsny iFredericton gaol. Ar.Elis 2 not a vY"yold mai but he htsil8very hair ud long board tonuteh whiîhgives a rather vezierble appièen. Be iu ai qe, v4pliat liner, inidebate sud aç~ aud ,pointed speaer. Wh-en the county judge orderedReltturn*ngOfficer Duni to appear bofore hlm for a recount of the ballots coet in the Qneensa election Judçe Tuck of_ the Suprome Court issued mn injunction re-- straining the county lu Ige fromu freedom, with the rocount. Mir. EIi said in bis pap- er that wIen evorything eue failed Judge Tuck wus called in, or something te thnt effoot nnd it vas for tbis ho vas hoid guilty cf contempt. Ho nppenled te the May term cf the Supreme Court of Canada whigch ow- over vas nott bld.. AT EABKSOLIFFE. À many gablod groy atone house standing nione on a cliff overlookring the Ottawa river ha opoued its hospitablo doore every Satur- day evening during the sesion te many members cf the. Houa.. This ie Ennsifto the residence cf Sir. John Macdonnkl Lady Macdonala's Saturday recepiions are among the moei popular of the session. The Pro- mier in seldom in atiendance though occabionally le dropsein and partici- paies in the edibles anzd gossip cf tho fi vo n'clock ton. The vice-regnli lay cf fideau Hall ms sometimes oue personality, somnetimos anothor and her influence is transient aud limited. lii tle mietresa cf Earnscliffe who ise " scal autocrat cf fashionable socioty ni tle Capital, whoe sieady permanent in- fluence bas givon te ber wl nte drwing roomt te same force cf absolute lmv as pos- sossed by her lord in the Cvuncil CharnIer. KEASUBES TET UNOONSIDERE». Before the House prorogues the. folloviug matter have te le disposeo f: amendaient te îhe Franchise Act giv . g Prince Edvard Il»d manhood suffrage, the ovorloading cf shipq -bill, acceptance of tle Borne copyright treat, re-arrangmng cf judfcial salaries, the Noitws ubvtlliand the matter of tle boun- daries cf Ontaria. GALLEET 00881P. Caldwell la selected Mr. Robt. Evans te send te the House in place cf the late Hon. Thcs White. In the convention ho gel 74 votes aid young "Bob" White of Montresi 51. The lust consorvative majority wau40 The Quebec Lealature 0pn to-day Mr, Mercier bau ta dccded M y u~ Houses. Senator Molinnes vil move te deprivo civil servants the righite vote or anuvan hin elections. Mr. McDonald cf Toronto l emoReH vil accompany Hon. O. Mowat te Englapd in tle cae beforo tle Privy Council as te, tmber and minerais hi the once disputed territe. The Attorney CGenoral sa-ison the M rin the saine vessol vith tle Gver- naor General aud the Bisbop of OQuain.. -Trhmetu t lo Io; et Onaiotho the. vaanl8Mi ll b iiLldDl5at-ItOaAd- o c A re Friends to- the Public and Focs to the htigh-Priced Compotition. Our constant aim is to benefit the people by oonstantly offering Bargains-. what we Advertise, we mean what- we say. W. could givo yen n lisi cf bargains as long as the moral law, but epuce provents, hcwever here are a few and when yen cail te ueeo hem, otJiers wiIl be shown wiih, pleasure. Black Cashmere, 25c., 30c. 40. Special linos, 44 luchies wido, 50c. Double width Nun's Veiling 88 luches wide, 50c. Blaeik Nun's Cloth. 20c., 25o., 80o. sud 85c. Our Black Goodisud Monrning Dep't. le the largest and best assoried iu towu. 7c. DBES 000DB. 70. DRESS G00DB, 70. 15c. DRESS GOODS. 15c.- DRESS GOODS, 15c. Thon. are combinations et Plain aud Striped Geods make a handsome Dresa. Comne aud see them. HO s and JERY 15c. G-LOVE S, 20c. GLOVES, 25c. G-LOVES, Long Gloves, Short $1.25. Gloves, Big Josephine ORDERED $1 1.00. 16c. GLOVES, 20c. G-LOVE S, 25c. GLOVE S, We show 20o Nun's. Veiling, aiU WoeI, 20c. 12 different Blindes te chocs. from cf ibis lino. -25c. Jersey Llama Cloîli, all Weol, 250. 17 Coloringa Of tbis lino. 30c. Frenchi Foule Clothe 80e. 80c. Fancy Self Stripe Tricotme lths, 30o. Beautiful Shet Moire Silks, ail li newest shades, le match Dress Goods. Gorgzeons W&TB ED PLUSHES, selling fust at 81.00. 20 difeérent shadea, selling fast ai 85e., worih 8100. W. cannot begin to quote prices- fer HOSEERY, suiBo. il te say, if tiere le honor mu man, or virtue lu good Geods, . lew prices, w. meaù te b. masters of ihe -situation. Corne and see our s TAND 15c. GLOVRIS, 20c. GLOYES, 25c. GLOVES, 200. 250. Gloves3, Little Gloves. S1.25 Victoria Out, 4 Buttons. Every Pair Guaranteed. OLOTH ING, AGOOD TWEED SUIT MADE TO OIiDEIi FOI? CALL AN D LEAVE YOUR Kid ýGlofes. WH'T $1 1.00. MEASURE. THE IIIVE OFf INDUBTRY AND ENTERPRISE, IROS8 g3'Whitby Dry Goods Com 5 NO Emporiumn. PRINGLE'S MERCHANT -TÂILORINGIS P R ESTLISIEJNT Is the place 'to gel yeur ordered clothing. W. have in stock a splendlid assortment of cloths of ail Icind, which *M i b.mdde up lun fiiit'-olss stýIé" DY J. B. PRING'LE, th. Boas Cutter. W. G. WÂLTERB' Store,- FA RMERS9 Don't mistake the piace, a part ofi Oddfeflows: Store, Whitby. THRESHERS, A ND MIL L-MEN FIND IT TO THEIR ÂDVANTÂGE AND PROFIT TO USE M'COLLis >L AR DJ NE KÂCHINEOLmSe Guaranteed not to gnm and wil Machine-Oilsi, outwear ail other, g'Trýr our (Jylinder 01. It has no equal. For sale ini Whitby by iWIL BRYAN a SON, Dunas tet THE TEA ONTARLO Unezooladfr PanflyGm -8 -OUJ ýTEA Fin e" os n -SA Ah 1 welcome, spriug-time, 50 vineoma lm& With a smile ou your Up, sudsa bar in yeur oye! wmshow 1 l ý An-d the. hem of youz. gai-mente in broldei%, The Spring--bemuties yake toril.e girls su4 th. boys, And earth groweth green vithoul bush. e o noise ; Prom tiny brovu buds nov wrapp'd t&M upon fold, The. loveliest gariands viii soon beunro'. Whîle w w atcionce, glad heurts, th. dean oeathb tirow aide han ,Wvitle bi clothe hersa i ubsauty, -lot fui of our luly te mpm.uo,, salves, iu kaepîug with aI viat '>part et -eour-trame change 'of attire more lbi veany vili lhe veigbt-of W, "ci. Andha e oa Iis- viUm an' .(Bruaii PIaé cava HOt-U .wI I Kra JapI"ul MImaIt day. - peau, mon .,,,-,CASH AND Our skw* 01 Groom 1R.00

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