Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 May 1888, p. 3

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asenea et r cf "goese a the mcm-.s Id teste ha oe, frequeul Ung specks» ttion or ex' bot flusheo. on& sharp. thore, eff! efuinees, or p' constant. 'Rlc number erlng f rom The more beeome, the y of synîp. tas reache, flseovery ig to du-uc-% ane. If ual dCnsrup- ýeart Discse other grave and, sco in. Ical 1)s e Livor. end isiflg. It M )n tht Kîd. scIea"su- It proinotw buiilding up -tai (istri kined gresl 'e, Chinlieaud lORS, tou, tothe tversêore" al diseaseà t' by tus * htiîl under lu h muni- "r Everna., it )stvawe. bick Neek,* il cets inS etii oior E LIFE." r. Pie rce's antud gooXd pirit81 Vital lai arrete kn as mm' tal dise, fame<l rem- 'lt sroUIOty C'Uur" but rrictive fur lerful corn- ,alterat~ il, flot oii uit foral Lungs. six Bot"iu i)r Piecela East Whitby OoundiL. The municipal sommeil of But Whil. by met Monday. Mombers a&l present. Beeve ain the chair. The -minutes of last meeting voe resd sud adopted. Comnmuncation@s ve.read from Js. Lang', County Treasure, W. E. Yar. nold P. b. 8, commnission«r cf Creva lânde and fromi Provincial Board cf Mr. Power seouded by Mr. Carnegie moved liat the aide Line between lots 14 snd 15, con. 6 b. closed and rentel1 to B. Robertusud W. B. Gregg until Dec. 81.1 1888 for th. sain of 89.-Car- iied. Counoil vent imb oommitt.e of 1he wbole on byiav 10 appoint a collecter. Oemmittee arome. Mr. Hanook sooua4ed by Mr. Car- aaegîe, auovsd ihal th. by lav 10' o -ap-' point a colleetor cf taxes e nov vead a third tine sud paed and that theý reeve aigu lb. same sud cause lb. cor- porahe seal le b. allached thereto.-Car- àdv. Carnegie seoonded by Mr. Mo- Gregor moved thaltiihe Reeve grant hie drder -u tho Ireasurer lu laver cf B. MôPherrill for %ie som of $70 as salai-y for aaeesing the. bewuuiip for 1h. -year 1888.-Csrri.d. Mr. MoGregor seoouded by Mr. Power moved for leave te lintroduoe-'a by-iaw te dividée h mnlcpility lot road divisions sud thas-telb. smre bc eds.firsî lime. -The by*law vas i*dthree tiamu *4 p.ssed. ,î ,eoek,,rxaved.for leavetate lodue a by lavie approprias ,a sum' cf moneyo upa~ Ib 'p. u s d 6 idoÀ qvýo lp 44e vosd:a Brut ure. thé by la*w as rnad thrpe'1i- 'eàd ba fw lmE FlUDVLENT usE 0# ALUN AUJ> LmElu EB RIA e l OWDEIS If oonsueorvoer te, bcy auadul- terated artibpîsoffoodbecaus. ltean b. b.d ara 1lover prise, they undoiubtedly have the rlgbb 10 do so, prow'lded the aduleraions ara nol of a oliaracter in- junious te health. It snob articles are no% falsely aold te pure, and th. oue- tomer as not deceived as to their rosi ebaracter, the.transaction is net illegiti. mate. But the great danger ia th. trafflo in adulterated food arises from the iecsp. lion that il is practised by menufse. turoie ususlly olabsing snch goods as pure. This is alinest invariably don. when tb. adulteranl le on. that je in. jurious to hoaltb. For instance, nàanu. facturera of alum . aud lime bskiug powdere flot only fail te inform the pub- lic of the rosi charsoter of their geoda, but carefully oonoeal the fact that they ars made froan tiese poisonous articles. Meut cf tiiese manufacturerea aise daim that these articles are pure aud wiiole. soen, while some go still further sud proclabur boldiy that tiicy are cream cf tartar goodo, or evon the genuine Royal Baking Powder itself. No consumer viii buy sîum bsking powdera, know. ingly, for it la well understood thât they are detrimeutal te health. The sale of lime anudalum bakiug powders as pure and whiolesome articles le, there- fore, crimrnaJ, snd il is satisfaotery te, notice that several persona engagod ln snch sale have sîready been brought to justice in the courts. The officiai analyste have recently been active in lhe pursuit cf these dis- honest articles. The baking powdera of several States have been caret ully aud critioslly exsmiued. The officiais are eurprised at the large amount cf lime sud alum good tcuod. It le a suggestive fat tint ne bskiug powder except the Royal bas been fonnd witii. out elîhor liane or aluni, sud msny con- tain both. Dr. Price's baking powder bas been found te contsin n.srly 12 per cent. of lime ; Cieveland's il per cent. cf impurities ; tiie phosphate powders over 12 per cent. of lime. The chief service cf lime is to, add weigit. L is true that lime, wiien euh. jected te bout, gives off a certain amount cf carbonia acid gas, but a quick-lime je left-a caustiacof Mout powerful na- tur». A, amaîl quantity of dry lime updn the longue, or in Lb. eye, preduces painful effets ; bow -nuci more serious muet lieue effealu b. on tii. delioste membrance. efthe stomacii, intestines and kidneys, more particularly of in- fants sud chldron. sud expecially wieu th. lime je taken ijute .systeur day after day, aud witii almoat every meal. Thiis is said by physiciaus te, be oeeof the choses of indigeiRtion, dyspepos, anad tics. painful diseaees of the. kid- neye Dow 80 prevalent. Adulteration wihh lime je quit.s mucte be dreaded s with aluni, whioh bau beretofore r.ceived tb. meut omphatic condemuation from food analyste, physicianesud chemista, for the r»mon tb.t vhile alum may b. par- lla iêuolveà by the boua*orfbaklug it ia impossible tle destroy or change the nature cf lh. lime se Ibat the en- Cases as Paris brougit tegetber a voaderfuigaimering cf Frauos'unobilily. The oruah wvaso .groat -limaI mny people faiuted. Gen. Boulanger-lu Engliab, Baker -le eue cf tie oldeet men vio have lried fer supreme power lu France. H.e viaiborne in 1887. Helmomther wae a French lady. Ia a Paris prison lthe other day vas a women vie bad donued men's clote twenty years before and b.d voru them oontinuunly since vithout b6ing found out. A noticeable figure la Florence lweïa Queeu cf Servis. Bie bas s bal 'fll figure, blackimaîr and eyos, a lsar hiil- liant omplexicu and ia atîired lanlthe deepost monrniug. A Londen jevsller recommendu dis- moud outtlag sud poiieiing au an ex- cellent emPloyupent for vomep. -H. says theqaiueuoesrare bouseety, poil eyeeighl. At tb. big faniily dinner atICharlit- ebuig, aklsua-aokeotsaI Qtqeeea ,ýVie- îoris's rigt suad beamed, wsgged bis iead sud rattisd off su endie&s awoun of taik liaI kept lhd Quesu emiiing con. tinnally vien net lsnghig outrigit. The leadiug nevapaper man in Japan is edilor Murayama, cf lie ,Atabi Shîmbouor Rieing -Son Neye,", of Osakt, vielaci naie. erX old and -hum a circulation of 85.000, copies. I le partly illustrted aud selle for four- fifîhi ei a cent. Tbe curiü«ns ýî4e ont.nmo* M suov vwas obser;e, lie ol'berz day ' li -the Gil Valley,,TyiveL Il .ppef1wtbe eié .oflie baud on 1he -*riIe."JfW ~eu>~eMwh. stu f $5 tbohlp pur. Thé ai.. 1* t report «ou th. advisibillty of*eflur eleowri lightl lOear Dii.brûla lit lu .îhefr report àdvi»lg bie conucl nt te ereot isald ligitu. The eonoail-n Motion of Mr. Poyer vent jute coumitlge of the- vhole on the report.1 Report. reoeived aud adopted vithout*"aedment.:. A Mr. Raooek sooondsd by Mv. Pover moved'that tie elerk be instrucîed 10t sdvertise for tenders for outing veut- hlil,buiiding bridge and erecling guards on eeveuth oun., lin. opposite lot 8, time tenders te be filed, wlîh the celevk nol 1.1er than 181h imet., lhe loveet or auj tender mot necessarily acoepted.-Car-i ried. Mr. MeGregor moved aecouded by Mr. Power that time Reeve graul hie order on the Ireaurer lu favor cf W. E. Yaruold P. L. S. for tb. sureof 881 for survey db aide lin. belveen lots 10, 11, con. 5, sud for takiug levels sud fur- uishing plans of bill ou 7tim con. lin. opposite lot B.-Cerried. % Mr. MoGregor gave notice that aI lthe uext meetine ho yl mcv. for lbave te introduce s by-law te suthorize snd empower Mesre. H. W. Kerr sud Je. Moore te, ereol s vire feue. on lie aide line belween lots 10 sud il con. 5 bu acoordauce with Csp. 198, Sec. 2, R. S. 0., 1887. Mr. fCarnegie snoved aeconded by Mr. McGregor tiat %hii council do hereby grant permaision te "The Oshawa Etectrie Ligit Ce" te ereol poIs.&s&long lie bu.line for csrriug their vires te Wiitby lown.-Carried. Mr. Hauoak moved seaonded by Mr. Power liaI lie fcllowiug accounte ho paid viz :-John MoGregor, relief cf Mre. Spencer 84.00 ; John MeGregor, relief ef Mre. Barr 82.50 ; Mre. Me- Brion, relief of W. Gibbs 8.00 ; ly Bichle, relief cf Mrs. Mofigt 8.00 ; E. Colo, roade sud bridRes, 81.50 ; MoPberson à Campbell, Miss. 81 15 ; Roweell & Hutchison, etalutes 818.25 ; W. Purves, salary $100. The council lieu adjourued to meel on lime 28thi bot., at eue o'olock p. ni. tii. Court of Bevi8ion te meel lie sanie day ut 2 o'clock P. ni. echoes from Àbroad. Tiere are upward cf 100 American artiste reident in Parie.+ A London dealer scld 2,000,000 email bu-de fer womn'e bats lut year. Tii. "Tamiîng cf lie Si-ew" isu be.n couverled jute a comie opera ini Paris. Tii. Earl cf Diadley viii conie of aRe May 25 sud jute an income ci £200,000 a year. Tii. Emperor Frederick lusegoveak liaI he cannot vslk a stop. He bu vieeled about tirougi Ithe palace. Lu thi. bash. of Marie RognaIt, vie wa.s murdered by Prauzini, were fouud 82,000 worth of debentursu. Alma Tudema'e paintice, "Roses ef Holiogabodlus," brougil £6.000 atthle opeuing cf hle bondon &oadeiuy. A bondon vine househbu smaneSteiu vine of 1M4, wvih vos getting ripe visa Henry VIII. vas ottaug off bas vives' houde. Lord Ha&mpden, botter kuovu au Mr. J. B. Paler, a Bosto, broker, vas arented Baturday on asbeuan are soeof the ffocitaof <orms.in OhikirÏ» : d.atroy th.e<ornu suith Dr. Loio'a Worm B"n~., >1 la Dot W ordub iFl àmhAUr. mot la 1ib pr.paa1*n , ouo g1s Co Ma Tbna and Lun*,Tronb~ *empluta bhdnof tb. Quebso Logis)à.. Tht 1oplU>fthbsoountt e sspoken. 7they ïTclar ty IboiÈ.ýpitro - ef êtDr. l'homos' BZ.W*Oil, "thel boy ,.ieve lb tb bo &a trtleof genuine menit, a,,ýdapted 1<> th. cù*e of sornsor inu ubrts of vaknous cklnds1 lutmors, lhr"taland lung complainte, iiver iad" Ki4nay disod.rp ano çther maladies,- The largesq acerage of potatoos is beln~ put bin i idlsex that was ever plantel in that district. Babies sa" cbfdrena They are always catching cold in the hoad. Place a smail partiolce cf Nasal Balm in each nostril at niglit, alo ub weIl over the bridge cf th. noue, and lot us know how they are in tbe morning. Dr. Cannon and J. H. Cannon, cf Sharbot Lake, bave beon committed for trial on a charge cf fraud. OoUc and KidneyDifficnUi.-Mr. J. W. Wilder, J. P., Lafargeville, N. Y., writels. «'I arn subject to severe attaoks cf Colio and Kidney Diffioulty, and find Parmnelbea PIl afford me great relief, while ail other rem. edies have f ailed. They are th. hast medi- aine I bave ever uued." In tact so great is the power cf Ibis Medicine tu cleanse and purif y, that diseases cf almost every name and nature are driven from 1h. body. Petitions are being signed in Kingston re- quemting that the cnoail onforo. the Early (Jlosing Act. You Are Sari. in buying Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder. It le the paut made. fil grocers soU it. The enforced withdrawal of Mr. Noyes, the Englise Rpeaking canc.1date in Shefford county, is creating a stir in Qnebeo. A Cure For Doafmins There have been many remarkable cures of deafness made by the use cf Hagyard's YelIow cil, the great housohold remedy for a&l Pain, Inflammation and Sorenesis. Yel- ow 011 cures Eheu"matiaur, Soe aThroat and Croup, and je useful internaily and exter- nally for ail pains and injuuiez. Stolen keys of departurental buildings were found buried in the yard cf a notoricus aharacter naEned Einnesay in Ottawa. CoDsumption Buri-éy Cure&. To Tus EDIToa: Please inform your readers that I have a rai tive remedy for the above named Sieas. By irs tiinely use thousandu cf hopelesa cases have been permanently aur- ed. I shall b. giad to mend two hotties cf niy remedy rnis to any cf your readens wii, have coneumnption if they wiul ssnd me their Express and P. 0. addresa. Respect.fnîly Dik T. A. SLOOUM, 87 Yonge street, foronto, Ont-l5.ly. John Cullen, who killed hie mother wlth an axe, at Buffalo, vae sentenced Satvrciay to lige imprisoument. lu BrieZ. And To The Point. Dyspepsia s droadtul. Disordered liver is mibe.ry. ~ndigention à a foe te good natulre. Tih. human digestive apparatue is on. of the rnost complioated and wonderful thinga ln existence. Ih i. easily put eut cf order. Greaay food, tcugh food, slcppy food, b.d cookory, mental wcrry, 1.1. houre, irregular habita, and many oher things which ought not te b., have muid. 1hé Amezîean people a nation of dyspeptios. But Greu's Augui Ployer blu on " vonderfial work in rtlrmning Ibis sd Io OHOWING à SUPEBIOR STOCK 0FP Scotch, .1 Tweeds,,l And ailier fine Uines cf(Clothos, for Spring aus. AUl garmenis made Up in isiesi style on shoriest notie. Ready-made Mon'8 and Boys' 8uit8, Bents' Furnlshings and Undepolothing of ait Klnds. NDESTRUCTIBLE OVERALLS!1 HATS!1 HATS 1 HATS!1 Latest stylos in Hard and Soft Polt Hats VEBY <JHEÂP.' JOHIN FER.GU BONY Diuiaaset., Iib MdCUtdfrI iES roe ofo and os voussysem.Lades'be 2Wornneml5J.io da ty gnealdeilty lmbgo reutieMrlsen ete ciated n??~~A? 1h0. nrc cffem1e oneene.W setual exaustion, missions, Eshsa tc.eae Thyseea onstipationeep I4di~5tiOl, inpotnc , pils, e iee, unb aguliecand diaetBof eap o iyIl health Journaql orriespondeLence.sriti nfleta.Cn sultation aund eial emesinttree. Aet s ae d conse P ti pabStin ry1 Cures Ouaranteed Modloated EIeotrlo Boit Go.. 155 Queen St. Weet, Tloronito, Canadla. PUBS?,STRooNCES?, ESTs CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or aoy injunhiie matenhals TOEONWO, 0". E. W. GILLETI, CiCG, u 111 CRATSOlIR -1E8IC118- LITTLE Lt VER PL N~G ~ 1 NNO NUSI& WOLFENDEN'S STEAM MARBLE WORKS, WHITBY. The Subsoriber viahes tb convey $0 his In Friends and Cuutomershbi sisnoere tbauk for their liberal patronage in the ant sd to assure them that ho has botter facilitie thbm ever for oeouting ail ordeoa entrustedl to him for Monuments, Headstones, 8/ate and Marbie Manties, And any othor wrk ln hie lins. Alil Work gwarateed first-olas. Prime te luit-the . î m- , -lt~ business in Smith'asBok o7to h Market. R. WOLFENDEN. BAKINQC THE COOK'SBESI FflEND.. I.~Wles, rprepar0 "ed t f- monuments, f'I Qd Stones, adial other Cemetery Work. -partsrWisbIng Rurca»w~ul nd te -'I - 4 (j 'a% English 1. Wbibby. a a..0' 2. Brougbam.... Pickering Vil.. 8. Port Perry... 4. Uixbnidge.... 6.- Boaveton... s 28. 08 88-8-- B. 44- 21 8 i18 £1 22 9 019 g-j, YSurs FERGUSON and Canadian OUR ELEGANT PREPARATIONS. Remembor wvs mufacture and ar e bsoe ley cabehadtromnooifler EAR NO FOR SALE DY DRUGGISTS orspnoc strc t dential.conulation upo ..s medicina. Ail gcode sent secure fen 0erà tien. Toreoto Mdicine Co., Toroulo, Ont.' HARCOLORINO ,, C0endre.senti $amplee'edibaïr vben oedezfz4, Prie., 8OZ per botle. -Teroto Kole 00.,4 TOILIE? REUI8lTE. la ordenlng p lespecify.-whièh-iyou ve guarante. Ihem fol, give ontiro No 8 Imparte to the elda the color an&folis of maidenhood; harmlessandcannctbedetoctei. $1.25. No. 9 llemoves wrinkles. 02. Ne. 10 Me. moyeu Liver Spots. 51.5. No. il BcovesPlesb- Worme. $1.25. No. -12 PBenoves Preckies.*LM&5 No. 13 RemcveoPiaipies. *.2. o. ;4 Pemoves> Tan. $1.2&. No. 15 Bemoves Mciee, *2. No. 16 Removes Pockruarks. $2. No. 17T:emoves undue Preepiration. *1.25.No. 18 An absolute unfaln speoiflo for the retontion deve1oment er'rso" ation of lbhIair.$1.9&' Tore 'noMedichiwO THE tÜiT No. 19 la a cemblned Internal an& externat treatment whicb speediiy developes or restorus the tomi. baal tte .proportions cf voluptuon nature. lu cntlrely harilesa sdcertainla. i- suite. Prise *I& Toronto Medicine Co.. Toronto, WOMENý'S ILLS No. 20 A certain cure forLencorrhoacrWbite Falling cf the Womb, Ulcerations Painful, Xeb- struation, «Bearlng dowa Psins>' and ailDiseases and Weaknesse peculiar te femaies. Endomio by the highest medfical> authorillesasnu. rivailed" remedy. Price $2perbottle.Tm"ont Medicine Co., Toronto, OuI. FRENCH$ RECULATION - PILLS Far * eror te Ergot. Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Endo' ed by-lhethousands of làdleuvie use thernMONTHLY,Nover tatI. Belev INSVUE RGLBTlaatn Prico -02 Toronto Medicine Ce., Toronto Oat, !4EURALCIA £ RH5UMATISIR Can b.cured by uslng pecifo*No. 25,Itowes- derful sales dueolhesiimplefact that It doè ail Ibat in claimed for la. 2"l-e&L'Tortot Miedicine Co., Toronto, Ont SITTINOS 0F THE -DIVIION COUATS COIJNTY.OF ONTAIR109 18880. JOH-N Log N. 1. lans, Waho to alleni olii.er an n -upt mOU e he memn e.nd pre- ýs acrous EED SBolier- ab>le En- I3oilers eiy saife, ical 1ia :îpted for- oilices, grinders, factories ,in crusi-_ iÈes from 2 herse Seud fer ive cata- der form ers, savew eenI hun-. it for tie o0 Pound -ent fre r Boies- ist Ham..

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