Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 May 1888, p. 1

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IITB WIth calm Prlnted words, groa thoughtse and muntlrlng j lndustryq >cate Poace, Progreme, Knowledget Brothonhood. VOL. XXXII. WHITBY, ONTARIO. FI Y, -MAY 18, 1888. NO*- f2-3- E9stablished 1856. Ibe Leading WeckIï lu Ontario COUoty1 BUBSCRIPTION RATES. ýIlPer suumn u svo-81.50 otherý- vise. Subsoriptionu are aiwaye payable st ho office of publication. Stesm equlpment and bout furuiuhed Book snd Job printing plant ini Rasteru Ontiario, capable of exoouting ail claseo! work from the large poster tic the umalêsti hsndblll1. Special mention iu made cf the anmurpamsed prce facilities o! Tii CEmON. WI, vith itu celobrated N. Y. Cottrel cyUudaer p resusud other modern conveni- enoee. Every ordor roceives prompt, care- fuI attention. TEBMS 0F ADVERTISING. Firet insertion, per lino, 10 Gents; eaoh snbiequent insertion, 6 oents. Displsyed Advertisomenti are measured by a sosie of solid Noupareil, sud charged accordinqly. Advertisemeute sont without written instructions inserted until forbidden, sud .harged for fulil time. Orders for dieoontiuuing sdvertisementu muet be in writing, otherwise the publish. ers wil net ho reupeuuible. A lberal discount f or coutrsot advertise- mentis by the. year. Copy for changes o! oo-uirsot advertiuementseshould be handed lu net Ister than Wednesday ; sud notine et auyintended ohanges should ho given bofore Tuesdsy noon. Other advertise- mmnts meeived up te Thursday noon. Business notices in local or newe celumus Five cents per lino weekly. Locale, 10 cte. per Une weekly. Correepondence solicited from aIl parts o! theoCounty or nelghboring townships. eorrespondents are requested to send iu tueir communications ae promptly as possible, RENDERSON -& JOHN STANTON, Sup't Mobsuical Dep't. GRAHAM, Proprietiors. JOIN LUI., ARRISM'a acuty, rovÂttorney, aud Oounty Solleiter. Offie,- South ving, Court House, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, 00ROJRoe, BokS. hitby. DAVID ORMISTON, 13.&.9 A TTOBNEY-ÂT-LÂAW, SOLICITOR IN4 Ohaucery, Oouveyanoer, &o. Ours-lunthe. Offce seti cf the. Pont OffiluMcMiIIam'a Blook, Brook Street, Whld>y. îy-io G. YOUNG lSMITH, L L. B., B AMRISTBRt &c.9 &.-Mouey te Loan Issuer of arriage Licences. Omenc-Smith's Block, south of Market, Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22, 1878. (tf-.6 JOHN BÂLL DOW, B ÂBRISTER,-ÂT-LÂW, SOLICITOR - in Ohaucery, Oonveyanoer, &o. OMfie-Deverill'à Block,, Brook Street, Wbltby. MONEY TO LBND-Prlvate Fund,- lu sumo Up te 18000, at a 1ev rate cf iu- tarent. (ly.62. LYMAN ENGLiSE, L L. B,, B ARRISTER AT LÂW, SOLICITOR IN4 Ohauoory, Oonv.yaueer,&o.,&c. BSlm. eee Street, Oshawa. P. GORDON MELDRUM, Phymiclan, Surgeon sud Accoucheur. OiRoes hourm,-8 te 10 a. m., 2 to4 ma yIto9 p.M. S8, TR«ITERRÂOBV' BYROIq-ST.9 WHITBY. E.c. CRAW FOJRT H, V3~RI4ÂRYSUBG]ON. Gradluale of the Ontario Voteriuy, Col- -loge», Toronto. Ordlers by mail or telegraph premptly attended te. office ai reuldence of G, AY.Ireo,oppPuite Dr.Bogert's 9 Dundam treet, Whitby . LIYER Y and 8,IfE 8TABLEB, Gcod l ptai Good Etorsés. TérW 1*8' onabli.BBSý ate with -& -&. IFOST. À n Langleyp Lsngley & Burke, 7 .LL Toronto,) _ IVVa S lm TT Ir #lm " dl% w a___ Designa for Churches, Villas ana Cot- tages a epeialty. Drawings prepared for Orncz-First fist ever Howso'e Drug Store. P.O0. Box 202, WmUTB'. Dominion Lino of ROYal Mail .STEAMSHZIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. Frein Montreal. Froin Qnebec *Vancouver.. .Wed. May q..Thurs. May 10 Toronito...Thur. 17 ............... Sarnia......Thur. 24 ..Frid'y. May 25 *Oregon...Wed. 30 ..Thurs 11 Montroal...Thur. Jun. 7.......... *Na.ncouvbr...Wed. I 13... . Thurs. June 14 BRISTOL SIERVtICE FvoRtAvoNmouTr DOCiK. Ontauio froin Montreal about Wed. May 9. Cabin Rates from Montreal or Quebec. From $60~ to $80, accoirding tic steamer and position of State Boom, with equmi aloon privileges. Second Cabin (very su- F erior accommodation), $30. Steerage at owost rates. * These Steamers have Saloon, State- roome, Music-room, Smoking-room and Bath-rooms aniidshipe, where but littie mo- tion je feit, and they carry neither Cattie nor sheep. The Booms are ail outaide. The accommodation for Second Cabin on these Steamers jaexezeptionally gond, and well worthy the attention of the travelling public. The *'Vauoouver" is lighted throughout wîth Electi Light, andibus proved herself te b. one of the faitout Steamers in the. At- lantic trade. Passengers ean embark st Montrea l i they so desiro. DAVID TOBRANCE k CO., General Agente, Montreal. E. STEP~HENSON, Telegraph Office, Local Agent. Wbitby. PLJUani aine Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOLi GLASàOW. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. DATES 0F SÂILINGS. steametrs. From Halitax. Circssin.............lth May Sarrnatian ... .... .........i17th May Parisian....... ........... 24th 4 Polynesian................ let Jane Sardinian................. 7t lb RATES 0F PASS8AGE BY MAIL STEAMERB. Qnebec te LiverpooL. Cabmn, $60.00, 870.00 a.nd 480.00 accordiug te accommîodationl. Intermediate4 S83C, Steer age, S20.00. 1eturn tickete, CabiLà, $110.00, 8130.0'>, $150.00. Intrmediate. $WI.0O. Ser- %y polyuesian, Cirouau or other extra steamers, Cabin, W-000,86W.00 and $70.0, se- cording te accommodation. Intermediste, $30.00. Oteerage. *$W.00. Return tickets, *W0.00 8110.00 a.nd *13000. Intermediâte, 860.00. Steerage, $40.0M Liverpool direct. Cattie, Pige or Sheep are not carried on these steamers. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Cablu, Intermeaiate aud Steerage Passengers Mayg o on board at Iloutreal. By tls aragment Paseengers ar enbe te be ym s.ttled on board the 0oean Stemer wibinonly 11heure railway îeurziey frem Whltby. Pasmeugera taklng the Mail Steamer at Mou- trea i vii bave Whitby on the Tuesday mcmn- Ing, ar-rive at Montreal Tuosday nigbt, anud go at once ou board the Ocean Steamers Passengere taklng the. Mail Steamer at Que. bec, leave Whitby on the Wednesday morning. Steeragle pSseengers booked te or fromn Glasgow, Belisat, Q ueenstown, or Londoni ame rate s Liverpool. Bristol u Cardiff $2.00 extra. Pusengers aud their baggsge are put on board the. Ocean Steamebips at Quebec free of aJIlexpeuse. Parties sendlng fer their -uiendeinluthe Old Country osu obtain PRE PAID PAS- SAGB CERTIFIOATES at lowestrates. For Tiokets sud &U1 other information, apply te W. A. Yule, Agent, Express O0ffice,> BROOK ST., WHITBY.' 1888.$ 188819 S PRIN G. AGAI TN. And Il U I Iloôkhng foura.~s ao 9 polir Parler, Dinlug Rooni or Kiteh, jusi ea u d seemy Stock Glycerino cely 0Of Violets8,1 An Imialsable Prparation for Me. FOR SALE BY w R.n 10E!,1 CHEMI8T and DRUGOI8T iwIITBYr:«. Tooth Bru4sh os, Hair Brush os, Combs, Per/'um os, 1Tooth Boa ps, And aUh ehr Articles necessary le tue Toiet, are kept ini good variety by W . RHOWSE, Obemisti and Druggiui, Whitby. THORLEY Hlors e & Cattie B'OO3D Iu lots te suit purchsem. W. R. HOWSEe, CHEMIST AND IDBUGGISTs NEWSLETTERS. >o= Oorrspond.noo. the.s vith. A: and pltd sud c to bc theî will of ]y moni Alba ing. Sevemal large bauls are ripomted, returuiug home the other eveuing Ir tire bundrod suckeru. c«9 f the Ssbbatii echool. tevoberu bolurs vas bcld lu th. cburch où r overnjngp lu order te prepare apo b fer the snuiveusryte b. belé ou à. Te&sWinlbeeir=1dfrom 6untii 7, rhicb an, interemtlng entertalumeul ilyezinl the town bail, by the. pupls sre. Tweuty-flve cents admits yo snppem snd concert. Ou- Sundsy, kthe- regular auuiversry servicee bed lu the church. 11ev. Mr.Liddy île, occupylug the pupit lu the. kaSd Bey. Mr. Maddeu, cf Prince eouduoîing the services lu tho even- TOISONT". Th~lyerat.etoftaxation ibis pear WViiik 1 bot 14j mille. Arudhlsop Lynch died cf cougestion cf the lige ou Ssturday morning lui. Thone are unusually large entiis for tue Wooodblne races on tbo 24th May. A »oung voman u*med Berthba Usiier vas xuirderod. lu Victoria Lau. ou Moudsy forenéêný,,y s man uarned Tom Buckley. Botbh'e il evu lu ninbat street as toug su ed both ver. druuk aitute time. Tbeyqlved togetber, and the girl had been imt round tiie cit Moudsy mcmuizzg dmuuL Wheu se came home Tom bamured ber te d.aih, lu gpÃŽte cf bem pi teotu cules for meucy, whi v eme board The pulie and separate asool boardoi cf tue -eu ae coxupeting keeuly wmu oe anotieiete vbich May bave tue Mosit fn. Iu thie pirai. board tbey have a red-boi agit.atâon 4cr th. ballot lu the olections ef tetsile lu the pblic adthey are apelai bpector cf echool building. Tho macriy eoftbo public sebeol board vaut * ppoint a man vii. mows bis busi. uswmeb~tuemlu W "i vstO have a mm vrmuwww 4Rùiýth.m» Thff ma osu anet terni a quorum sud "xniuty wl net attend a meeting se ibmr ia nover a quorum sud affairare mai&s standetill BAUSAUL "'John A" in progressing rapidly. Pound or may b. fondé.-Those lon lest bpoks may ho found by enquirrlng e tue non or bie legal advlsem. Mr. Holdon le buildingsa nei feue. around, bis ProMm i ov ecoupied by Tiies Hlckzgbottom. Would iat mauy moue go an do likewise. I have heeu lnformed ttaonihly meetings viii in tue future b. iield l itue tomn hall bore hy a local preacier tram, tue nertb. This vill b. s great sdvautage te smém, as it le a long dwstace te attend cob aist sZiou"vi M. Burgessahhbis peddling vaggou on the. rosddally nov sud it ould b. su advanisgo te lutendlng purebasus te "watt for tue vaggo." hItin e ng duiven hy Mr. J. Reed who le a very oblglng yonae man sud considons itno troubl, te show goodi. .A veddlug le nov on the tapisa prUovQ madOtue young Imisbmau domsuet Intentr. 1knet wlsb to epulng ibis tee, suddnly uff . teople but* uit viii b. agrsn41 lbu wMbi'posetai& toke 1an ha. 'lmPartin u ?~ou v. oe u 3(r. L Pleyg mwuvs*vnlaiieutled OU abiy, and h. le thought te b.eut of danger. 01)NOO. IAnother accident, thongh flot se painfu Inspectôr MoBrie visfted our mooithu occurred in the vilage. Little Gerald v..k and pronounced-highly pleuMdwlih ITuimble, whie playing with mre cf hlm the mheoIl lbrary., -R gave the papiË fYung companion., felland. dilooated bis oidy pie and the littie fellow -la nov sa veil -am Tbe'b t tb,4-*football magteh, ere on, the 924th belýtveu the "eono4bo7 e! osea UsflmV. B., vas louna l Toronto bay on Wednýemdsy night. H. dis appea mysteriously in that city on the l6tb cf April sud bis romains e eefound on l6tb cf May. Mr. Geo. MoDermotit, Inspecter etf luber- les for this section, bas b.d another large 'suce added to, hlm iertery. R. nov takes charge o! thbe waters of Lake Outario frout. ing ou the county ef entarie. Au uhere ha. been muoh trouble from illegal fishing along the Ontario lake front Mr. McD. viii fiud bis banda full fnr s vbile ; but ne botter o1ffier could have boon given the temritomy, and iEfis hoped bis efiorts ray give satis- faction: P. M. Horne sud thei- County Solitor ver. bore ou Monday mnvestlgating the case et eue Crusecf Prince Albemt, irli mates vine mnd sells it. 0f courue the evidence s.iowedl the vine vu net fermeuted uer lutozicatlbg, that it le a temperance drink, sud it eeems that a good mauy like a ulp cf iti. This fondu for uou-intoxicants ap- pears te have spiead frorn ou temporance boumsebere te Prince Albert, sud le an eut- cornecf the. hleesed Seott Acti. It vili, et course occasion doubtis as te the truthful- neai oi the evidenice irben At becomes kuevn' that the imbibeus in tiia inebhave the repu- tatilon ef occaslenUafy tiaklng es ébu more electrie; but I arn bond te mantain, ou hehalf of Port Perry tbat thl uuferrnent- ed wine drinking larnerely -a epreading et the tempemauce sentiment pervsdlug Port Pomry. Th e merance people should at once beave te sud get up a banquet for the. Hou. Crase. There io notblng like a frnk sud opeu aokuevledgernent cf menit. I notice su edfitorlal iluat weokà tObser- ver- refiectiug ou the Cmmoz<cLxrv-bich ih seerne te me muet b. s production cf eitiher Dm. Carry or else bie meu Pridýay. The. article asIle me 'l' veritable inouhus ef etupidity sud ignorance," sud h iii Mnet do me au y harm, nor burt my feelings a- mite,l al who aidevwith tedoctor l is i course sould beliew the. etaternent. I d t ed t knoW si mbsw tbe Boy, laugu aie the aboie quott, >, fancy mien I get as old sh. la 1 shaU try~ to use vrai vhsdom experiezice Masy give me' te, a botter purpome. Wiiicbever of them wuote the. article I refer te bere sto tihink apreacierraymakeusbig afool- et bimself sud as hig ascmaudal et bis pulpit, as he lices, sud .til1 b. outalde the. range ef omhtiiolem- sud tust nothing but "stnpiduty sud ignorance" could prompt au omdinary momial te givo the. clergymeon a drubbiug vhen tbey need it, me ihey mometimes do bsdly enough. I have to treat aIl- men aube fairly, sud consier a preachser'saeâ siiould matc bis professions even mer. olÃ"iely thau other people:s. -Wé. don't vousblp. suyhodyý novada ,aii,.lif a clergyman bave net slways regard fer tiie black I'oloth ho vesea, bo cannet exPeot ifrorn , thers., Why ebonld flot-I publlily cuitcls.Men ibo -seek thbe meet puablloity possbe i be. ratlug esCh other? If thé e gentleman- vWho-s i- sklnnod bâidueded inle talents i. beti.zý'pizȈ,seho migli net .io- day b. found pueah<ngi0 Im. ee or se lu au edOIflo te . is. Of*a ioket osfe. (Jisuemont sudBroln Mr. O'Brien, cf Whitby, teck a -phobe ci the sobool on Tuemday. InopecotorI«cBÉhm vas in the. group. i.-npctor-expresel adoiLt hae sphoto ofevruhol Tii. Methodiet Sibbath Sciioil miz& holding a teig sud conoert ou the. evening -of May g6th. hle ez epected that Mox« Langfomd cf Torcuto and Dbon, of _C=1 mont vil1 hopromeut sud deliveradremses. Tii. proceeds are lu aid cf ti.he ayfed RAGLRA.' A Beach farmer bu a oee ith o». white larnsdoeeashblacku the ace ,eo spades. pondent tIr thoso vie read thbe noirs. - Robt FoeMi-, the. mileu, lelaid -np. mck;asud tue good old miller,, Sam, nov_ýýI do.. the obopplug -sud gristlug. Mr. Jas. Camuegielim circuler env mil enta 4,500 foot peu day.1 As seon seuit cuis au7 'Morevwe vlllry sud make aiote-of hi.- Tii. entlean vb Mpaysviiibibical illustrations boiuld emembertue fate cf. Ausuhuan sd Sappbira Wbnferebebleu l, imeif say.--1ý ,I1 Mr. D. T. Bedford bm asuken a conir1e te sav tinber for Mr. Staback, sud' iU moon remove furher.uerute co- *omplet. 111e aummee vork. Some alaudèrous young villiane posielý up seme indeceuntjapers ounthe feuceeut-' Bide oft&hs tca lse perono bouselu Ssbbsth evelnuey w.l 1&0!ey b. hrought' Fou mon et valer sud genulue courage Raglan in th. plaie. A short l ime sjuc#.' - ,pome obildren beard sound et sorneoie 'la, ionseý. e.flsblgaa. bymhe the. adarm, suanivO ur unofficiai valiani. men (mach te the cagrinof Our tewn o- .1.9) teok ' he mattor inbaând,ezeo-a r. vôlvaer an"d hied thain-t6 the ,aâ⣠- w the raweeuibng recuit got famous son slipping. oui t fanUn vas lu the,-boue b ouemy) but ibey did 1 tue U, aud ei Whlctehaa goc gretis dspayof cou ounamlubay a ns= Wie lhved nesu Keni hvý cttiii*bMa thiôet Mm. Ricf hed Hal l ui. lvhh u 7 Mr. Ch&e. Gumshmarenle d clmovëd Mm imHuu.-of Buttouvlle Outi eis.à lng si he l wl t h e h. . ., hip We kmci a lady h)l',lu~iit]Iet of U vieb huI19 heu lzêveciv.m slW" S 18 ,oanf -'Oïna .. ni Éàà 4h1 iu ýwù-n1A,1fr.ki340 tise viii Âg.g.t/or Whi*bg. furnfàiture 1- THE LARGEST ANO EB Bvru shovu hi Whitby, o àtpe elai- ' Amerloanand Canadian sW811 andCollIing Papers, -

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