Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1888, p. 8

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BAwI ti..b ,O";urum Omo Nm regma,irtinIdesirble A good soit fer only $10. Mud làur fit guarauted wish IL. Andre)w M. Bous. Nvw stock of get sud fanoy bu$tons et W. G. Walter's. N uw dise goode, uew riais, 55w *mbrplderbes. Andrew M. os. Pou fine white bu*thor linon' go to W q.0,Wulterm. Nnw stock of straw hata juSt reoeived Ândrsw M. Bois. Be surs sud oeilon Andr.M. Bous for oheap tweeds. A good article for 85o. per yard. Âudrew M. Rosi. Ytov an't knock the spots off eni prwlée; they're filet colors. Boss LEÂVE your order with Ândrew M. Boss for a mew pair of &ail d et only 02.76. Tailoring ruablng, ood workmansbip j sud finé oies.fitlng mats tells th.eSls. - udrow M. Boss Exva good valu. lW ladies sd Owud- roe hosl.yy, do blè it bhen d toes et W. G. Wàalt.s 8» Utyour & ai l vo oo excellent M. Boss. The Royal Hotel Barber shop lu the plae ho get a heu euht or a nioeseasy shave. .BA.NDEL, th. barber, is talkiug et gi,. i a seaon'u shavmng ho th. fit base. ballaS of th. town club who mâles a home inn. Nncw assoriment et chenille, silk thlm- mingi sud binges in black sud brown. Beat gooduest Iowesl pucesl. W. G. WaIters. AIE hto use the fine diess goeda we are showlug s lio., 15c., 20e., 25o., and 85c., iliku, sud braid trimmlngs so matc. W. G. Walters. TÉs gentlemen wiil tender au inter. euing programme snd serve choies fruit ou this Frlday oeswng, May 115h, et th. laberuscl. A large stock of single harcos .aS great bargains as J. B. Phfip lu retirlng from business. JusT r oesivsd scomplote nom stock of men's, youthsansd boys straw baa, large aesortmnent, prices lowoît. W. G. Walteru. Du. A. M. oseburgh of Teronto, vil' b. at th. Bubottom HousBowman. ville on Saturday May l2th.-21-2in. Use Dr. Dotenwend's Great German Hair Mipsfor baldueus, gray bair, la for sais by ail druggistâ. « AsI for th. durable kld gloves every fflmerated. sold only by W. (i- Boys uavy bIne sud gpsy Halifx tweed suit. in &aU mises, fine goodo, nt Io~ea prise. W. G. Waléems OuaRGBS, lomons, dates, fis, rai--o banane, plus apples, etc, etc., are on th. bUfll fare for- Friday eiening, May 11th, nt th. Fruit Social. Lâzinsansd oblldrene <loves iu pure s11k, tafeéta sud lisi. thresd ilu bush ud colesta prie., lever than oise- where. W. 0. Walter@. Hem lais ivs don'l bave suy les» yar p in uthls tomu ? There ;» surely yeuth ndbaauîy eonogb,s May b. sm..from s vieilteoMi. Obapinsu'. photogaph galery, whsre al vork la doe ln supsrb style. "À Looker On" seuds us a reply te Dr. Easlvood's letter ef lest issue, but thne aumerous councll reports squeesed It otl for "bIs mek . Asi tIs leter makes smre expFanatloms whioh aie MeW in Ibis discussIon, sud uothing moes, W. hope 15 May terminste the neVipaper part etftthe trouble for the MvsyýUousLy dlseppeared. À mmn vutha vooden -log, wveag a paper eollar, and a long red nou., dresssd in &ePair ofet Rhu sk panls sud a steve. -pipe hat. Wh.. lai sen vas foilow- ed by #àbrindls bug pup wt aeurily tait aasverlug tle the csme of Boener. Brluî alnformaton le Boas Bras., theaahoualetaion sud gent. fur- ulmbing mèe onSnG value iu lae curlalus thîs vestaet Rom. Bros. ofee cler lae ourl"$s.Worth8.00 for 02.00 ; coffos 4eler lace cur"@insw"rlh 4.50 toi 48-00 ; coffOesceler Je oeuntalus Worth #6.00 for #4.60. Thom amre roi sonuflts "all and inspeet oui Fie ecaiulusboek Bcs Br'. £Sll ivm , 'Teri's ouly eoe mm, a «a ofe ouI d. la4 itixh More. Th"t sounds 6itndle t at ri Minute. Tb@Y rse 'ma vhy, 1 oouldu'l Wear them elothes opt w4s beesuse 1 eolw' ear tem sat aU,, Shey ýdidnlt, £ sIgo -ho Boss Bros., nw.Thei olothes Wear eut oet.course,, but tbey'îe A! coQMfo*$ t1 llyoeTry them sud, -Me if tbs'y Mal. 'Wltby To¶Wu IaiP Ooimcle QenuDci Of coporatio f TO*"mbin ou *law -- d"thise beipg appixatod u otoofMedUaWiljhOUt.OOOUd- y 1. Pb. rd e sappoine<I commissionm u o r. pairPherriIl'.bzidge on'uae1ro Ou mtio cf1fr.WlNs, eooded by )Er. Calder, th. clerk vw»autaiorizedd ho purobase four roa soer u f or nuef etâuiiai On motion cf 1fr. Willisý, = %b~1r, Wzaeon, the ZS ~Deppity Reeve sMd Mr. Caldér er re appoin a ê coidtee to meet a conamlthe. Prm tow"nuoh b" r grant onf Beach re Theoptition of Mr. Ledigham aud éthers wu aidon he abl til1h. next meeting. On motion of Mr. Willis, seconded by Mfr. Calder, th. reeve mas aut.horized to grant hfim order on the treasurer in favor of a num- ber of accunts amounting te *35.25. A communication from Edmonson & Guy asking leave ho erect polos for obectric light mire betireen Whitby and Oshawa, was laid on the table until noxt meeting. On motion of Mr. Willis, seonded by Mr. Wilson the reove wa authorized te grant bis order en the treasurer in favor of Jas. Balfour for the sum Of S80.O0slayas1 assessor. 01- On motion of Mr. Wilson, sooted by Mfr. Calder, the clerk mwu roquested fyMisaeB. Brown as te ber sae. of ca .ranin on Iota 22 sud 23, 9 con. On Motion of Mr. Medland council ad- journed until Saturday June 2nd, thon te ineet as a Court of Revision. on m 5$ by lth e B.E.to ]K.~ I tN Ie srongl&Ucf Markhem, 01 BoLaDus- OoxoeyT.- At the Cathol church, on litM Monday morning, by t] Bey. Father Hlai, 1Mr. Grec. Boldu. ho M Mary Oonarty. The oontractlng parties are both iri and favorably known te our citizen b.avlng been rusidents oft Iis village for number of years.. They wil take up thei future residence in Manitque.-The Su STxzPiqNsoz<-McRr1mc....t Toron on May 8th 1888, by 1he Bey. Archdeae Boddy, at St. Peter@ Cathedral, James Stephenson of Onhaira ho Misa Annie M, Littriok of Toronto. MELDaux-LITL-Ât the homesteà Princeton on Wednesday the 9th list., 1 1h. Bey. J'ohn Little.ausited by Bey. Jami Stewart, Dr. J. A. Meldrum, of Stratford,1 Lizzi. second daughter of Bey. John Littl, Pastor of 1h. Methodit congregationi Princeton and Drumbo. Horse Rgieter. IPreoely of AOlex Cameron Ashburn, Ont, Moudayst hie owu stable a&H day. Tnesday- by may ef Brooklin te Jno. Morrisonsncoox andtu Jas. Shandsat Igt. Wdedyt Joba MHepburn'a, E. Vnatby for the nlght. Thursciay-AIe .MoKenzie'satn2oon 10 Rag- lam for 1 igi.Fridzy-to We sfaim, 3tyrtlthff n ot Alez. Camerons Aili- burn, for th. ntght. S&turday-to Jue. DaviIson*s for noon-;and te hies cm stable 1111 Monday. Oor»ue &K anb (Clydesiae.> Preperty of Wm. Richarason & Bons, Colum- bus, Ont. Moaday-Ieave lasomu stable, Jos. Vaflua', 2 miles nortl of Osaa&, and along Srd 0on. WIhitby te Ity's hotel, Wht- by tom., for the niglt. Tues"ayto Chlinn-s hotel, Brookuin, noon ; te Win. BLe-rd & Son'a, Columbus aI niglit. WednesdaW-to Daniel Hladdoas, B. Wlitby, noon ;to We Beilli'. for th. niglit. Tbursday-to jas Heron'a, Taunton néon ; and te Relit. ider- row'a, 3rd con. Darltngton, for tbe nighg. PriaY--to Qusen*a botel Oshsaanoon; aud toe is outbieu711 Monday. Lawmr% Baron "dm c-y sal. Property ef Wm. Bcado & Sons, Colm bus. Moniiay--leaves isownstiable.Celuin- bus, for Chtnn'a hotel, Brookltu, remain a&l niglit. Tuesdy--JameDickion'a, Myrtie, noo ; ndto oitsbotel, IManoheiter, and remain unIti Wednesday neon. Wednesday afternoen-te Wm.osates, Geste sBettie. ment for lh. ulgut. Tiursday-ltagl&n for noon ;and te lhis own siable for the night. Priday-to Thos. Wilbur's, Darungtou, and remain ail niglit. Saturday-to Jno. Hep. bizrn's, noon; and te bis cm stable Un1 Mon- day. Royal Abbey flimo Clydasdaiej Prerty of Major Hcdgson. Port Perry Ont. M(onday-ieave bis omu stable.'port 1>"r, for lirY'a botel, Epsom.n, non; sud le M)£sion Hous., Ubridge, ftoheb.ntght. 'Tuesday-te Leakdaie and remain ..ll niglit. mednesday-te Udora, ncon; snd Valsutne for 1h. night. Thursday-to Sndrau4,non ;and-.& Maila Station for 1h.ntghit riday--to Seagrave sud re- main a&l niglit.Salin-ay toe is msuable, Port IPerry, unlil Xonday. IsSu O' Batit(Clydaij) Property cf (lee. Hclgblr., Asburn Mèuday leave lis own stable. Wilon'Hl Aslibuzr and prooood te gode=#s bot, Baganfo th m4tTuosday-teobinn'u bote], Brookiinl aud romain alintgbt. tWâ.- "nsday-to Bayls hotel, Whit,,and romain ai Zgt Tlïurdy.-4o Lyndels, Audiey, -ud 0&an lnlh.Playh e.Haï-- --o icow -stable, -Ailburi and r»Main P 01W. IL. n LIGn MW.n( bts veYcv h&oe= 0î. GIez jo!ý fe Jus. L, Joues'" Mh on. Plekering, noon;-,sud te Jue.* Dnns7th cou. Ptckerlng for the niglil. Tm$sdY-Io Jue. C. Jouee, 7th cou., P"ickrng. noon ; ad le lise oustable foir y peaudT MiY né. Palmer's, 7Ih con., Uzbrs%!ansd romain alntagbt Pziday-returu te bis omu stle, <HeMajor Prpperty ef Thm os.Won, Bmkln, Ont. Mon- day-beave his o-,n stable, Brookiin, for And- ~là eo; and te Baya botel, Wiiitby fort"h : tusaa"y-to nem; and Coentraul bomb0awa, $or' the -Wjbynon&dý,.îîtcb,"*I> Wacss4ce4: o ey4.sias- > le, oir Ito . .0- ide te le, reperty e! Alex. Cameron, Ashbuia.Tvo, omu table, KuinealomsS of-lb.heasn but mi am pay snhl'parte! he Prcperly et Major HodgispraPort Periy.. Wti SaceomCýy Abbey Prinee<s.oabeve> on bhis route ýbL mcU 4 Ud FbzîdgeSctrock, anbn "'isovrl md:u a the l0thinit.9 ]Ethêalra terofkrs.louph Bwurruhsi,.gem ge NaKo" GtPiflh are agar ooa mtW bue fhorouVyaMd are 97W.è Stommai ,;tLwer PQ in mue@ FiancialaMd CommerciaL Office of Whitby Cmwwixz,1 Whitby, Mal 11, 1888 ý 9WhOat ........... 075 Wheat............ 067 Flourper cl...... o Baderey...... 06m Bye.........45 Pea........0 55 .Peus,black-eyed......o0 Blue IPeau...........000 OSa 0........O85 Hay..........10 50 Alsike Olover seed. 450 Appîci, per bbl........50 Tomao a "........100 Sotiatoe,pera....1 0 lgp ................018 Batte****** 00, 9.0018 ~ieelb.......006 l3lunlî...........0 15 ÇlzPeU dos ...... e...080 (hekns, pupr lb.......o.*0 0 I"urkeys, -puer o ao oo o0eo10 Duceu, per lb ............. 010 Geeseverlb..........o0o8 Oheuse......aaa 0a ..........o 12 ýWS4d.............. ....40 "Opds.............O 40 .01000. N 0, @ 0 @0 *0 01 81 .5 01 PGWD ER Absolutely Pure Tbis poirder nover vari. A marvol ci Purity, emç m n hob"esooeuu.lMore economi ordiuaryheluda, aa cm xot b. sod lu oomp.hlhion vith Ibh mlulitude cf 1ev tatshort mie" * y i B&kngPowdorCe., 106Wslshil-r BOATS TO HIRE. SWansd cointortabisSkifs cmnib. htred frO e 1.subcriber aI aUl limes and 9a6U hqzru during tho boallng seasn. Is May be, ordered ah Corbot. or ShoMo'a Point for pionio parties sh any lime. Den't torgel mwhen wmtuing boit,. M ay 8th -22-amc. CHAS. PEBBY. WANTED. A boy ho look atter a garden, hersesasd eoms. It zis eutial Ihal ho e bbe ho milk mou. Apply te ose i~ o fo 0 îe l 4* -à GoIimM'4 j4s NEW, GODBw8ÎA LZadies'Sotea I )80 S70 i50 175 62 60 66 40 00 75 0 0 90 12 22 10, 10 10 55 50 12 ti J.: No in: fo and um an Sold only lu Cane.CO PE TREBCICGPOW ST.O N~W TOBI. OH1OAGO. ST. LOi ors. rhe Pease Funa ce. The following testimoniale speak for àemeelves . rom Judgoe urnham: Whtby, May 4th, 188. F. Plus£ FUiAOECe C., Toronto, I have much ploasure lu ahating that o. 14 Bconomy furnace, placed by yen kmy reaidence laut fr11 bas given uns-coin- brt and satisfaction, warming bohh upper d lower roomae with an even hemperatur, fthout dust or gsi. W. did net requirete 3e oui grates even iu the coldesî meather, id take pleasure îu recommending yonr irnace te my M~endi here sud elsombere. Your. truly Z. BUBNHÂM, Wbltby, May dtb, 188. J. P. PuAsz Fuamucz Go., Toronto. Gontlemen,-The "Eeonemy Warm Air ?urnac.," wbhich I purchased frein yon lait Octeber ban given me ccd sahllafaction. It la easy ho control, quîek te respond, end burna th.e cal dlean, requining ne siftlng et alies. Aithougl my bouse hI n a very ex- posid situation I fund no dlmfcnlty lu keep- mng up a comfortable even lempeahre free from gas sud duat. I mighl uc say that th. furnacea mhich your agent Mr. Mcmn- lyre bas put lunlib is teiru sud vicnily bave given gccd satisaction. Yours, etc. A. A. POST, Architeot, VuoOse00. Cormack, Esq.: Wbitby, May 5th, 188. J. F. Pria, FuTENCE Co., Toronto, Genlemen,-I have had tbe experieuco forn yarminout auylldoue ho it or altoration and I h loauo ureo mom Dg il hothe public asus allifactory Ptr- use for heahlug suy bouse with ceitort and litle trouble. Tours truly, - FinJohn *Mis. Esq : Whihby, Mry Shh, b4 S. To Tan J. F. PsRAz PUENACIGO... Torouho, Geutlem;au-The Ne. ltiBconomy Pur- naCeI Durchaa fromt your agent J. Mo. In a hhoicagh test o! Imo' «merOU -the coldesî day. m e coula hoal pprsd Tomer roou lhm pe a rr.et egt.6tons Of COaI ver.eonumd laut minIer. 1 fcund the Fuinace: te b. e couvniel l evry ,sy ud easy mansed SamsG pl.awif ilt a bve no e ota- lion MeÜ lu9cmxea il hoailmy nelghb-orae sd onaor suy porion mautinga n. JON LLIS. Ta-RPl4u Mm 8t1i, BA RGAIN DAyS POWELL & cou- HAVE DECIDE]) TO GIVE Special IJiyscount on al cash sa les.9 WLNE8DA Y8 and SA TUIIDA-Y8, Iasuperlor excellence proven ln millions of homes for more ta a quarer of a century. 'Tt a uaed by the Unie States Government. Endorsed b y the heade of the great Univeri- lies as the Strongest, Pin-est, and most health. fui. Dr. Price's Creara Baking Powder dlee net contain Ammonfa, Lime, or Aluin. They intenld to make WEDNESDA-Ys and SA&TURDÂYS SPECIAL A B/g and WeII-AssoftOd Stock to 8e/oct From. Corne and get Bargains that will sur- prise you General i POWELL & TmISILVER.LATED IMMTUMEN? EE EzwJ t. a. 4* Q o c g c The csstest Dovmoey 1« th. Aue. Wliby CIiiaaT-Stoùre Is the place where you Winl find te largest soko Xmas Goods in Town, The Stock is 110W complote in he t Sits Beol Ohn moI] hame 'J byt 500 t u1 men - men 00. per.1 eorri thefi ORI]ENqTAL CATARRH IUPOSSIBE!UNDER IIFLUEUCE Te onl ctarnh reme9dy ever offered ho the, publie ou 15 days tzi Z=1 wten=te: given with each instrumeint W. T. Bàtia d Ge., 155 Queen est Toronto, Ont. TII! OEAT E!AND LUNO RESTOUER Actim s Roa mediine or a digustln lotlm er fwder balbutsa SeIfgeners- ting Vapor, esai] s1M p1eamtly pled ait an heurs, times and places. Actinai No. 2.-Quicky reltevesandtboroughly cures adl Tbroatad Lunl. diseases. Ach=a No. 3&--Peatively cures aildiseages et tbe Eye, CaarsotGis ulated Eye.lids lame- Eyes, near sud tariE É TitEATRD WL5OLOED Tan AOTDUNa 18Blm inim ciO=RWprIEnm GUABAUT" Com 15 DIX. TEZAL. Enclose stamp for handsomely. isrted, bok sud.hesiih 0f ail kindeg. A~ ulStdck of GROCEIES FUITdOYTR CnaTea Sets- for $3> 50 China Cupe and Saucers4l.2 erdozn n thrGoàl proportiou - - g~ Corneand,0e.for" fourge1ves._ WÂNTED 4l kiids of fa.'m ï8à nJ4is mou" ~~'74'~G7ê Ufl41fl$~ DAYS FOR BARGAIN S in lLillinery, Clothing and 9ry Goods. coe Crockery de, - - China, bâil 1 - 1 COMMENCING MAY -5th. 1 1 1 ON OUTS. ZL W. wuioi]4. 1 ;..ý (474a

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