Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1888, p. 7

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LT àBU1LDEI Tvlsted Moldla1, au41 -eai nby new bock, "Barth, r, M-arvela oft1h. Il and- qrgphie de. w'ondtrlul in every i the world o leavens, contaimg land and ses, ro- te world'a greateet id remarkablo pie. a of nature.M.~ ijoal futures o! the aractèrîstics of the birde, ieets, ete., ption ci the Atlan-. oceans, anxd of t01. ons of the Deep, Ïplanta, aitigular hoe world 01 votere, vuts, c., togethen (ENA OF 7THE BI~ S)7STRMS ;"tmEutaOr, D.D., )0 fine engravigu. ýSHING -CO. TOBONTO, ONT. Harpeor, Esq., having exs.mine4, variety cf Sewing co tie conclusion à sold by L. Fait made, as iii My at will flot eaily laut mnuc-h longer are bas been taien h as possibe. I Al to parties vont- ving machine. I ýte's Om soe ntha tisfacton. TORi -HRPER. hoe White Sewzng con flly endorme con fully recont- là fainily sewing epaîrs thon au~ a an thng to 9 OR ARPER. çP'est, and is 1h. found on fils ah la Newspaper Ad. e St), where bd- e Mode fotît STABLES, 'EITBY FORTH., URN-OUTB f-t Noties lîberally deal X8? DKÂILINQ. 'ON ~for y-Our 'U)TS, SUITS, HEN SUITSe sand soe ves.- ,SON. À3 F133! UV ambition, a puai desire b urinal. vithoul the saiiy o odoigt. eomlug tram mess il voeelaindrops. The urine, vas of a pecuir color and <otsLnd, oonsiderable foreigu malter. I beme satisfl.d "liamykldneys. voeelu a congesled maas. ad liaI I vas m uuza dovu rmpidly. -Flnally1I couoluded i. hry ,W&atd at.Ours," snd in trty. eight hou* &bfer I haut htaken lhe remsdy I voided urine that vas &a hlackmk s u. coatainugusU"u isOf mucus, pus mi gmaeL ioaiu sudil vas net mauy bouts belote -My arns vaso u a a olor, although il eculaeut.sdtd1 oi ment. Thé pepais Imy kidasys ach- sided as I continad lihe use of the re- medyt sud ah vu-.bua aShort -lime bW fore I vwu fIIa » tilved. N say lat I asdm'd GALT, Ont., Ian. 9%Tei8.fiOwaot flue y«a"uprevlaus te' hv 7 Dey Mud liv., lwubes a Da17 1 mail .zculahlg Pea#' a oEw- twu veoha tic»oE id M otiWwbtSt vuWs oae , 17lveww. - I ham eloigmmm f s thhy gave m» odsto IpoeP? Mat« 1-brI-ad tom uo oa obsp qf* loi Oit*IO th Va u % The. folIoWiug wi.oli@lte4 Opinions fruuyour fluualnlhomon sud womeêf, vhotflyaU kuov and te- speot, ougb o Irry convietîi obacy doubtitlg mind. Thete Words o f grabi- tude, are frein hase Who have beau adicted but are nov veUl, and the. Permone giving Ibemi are nstureily solit. .iUius that otheri troubled î@'vwon tbe,B Miy knou the. mesu 'Of eure. There ino reason why yen should t>e longer iii tram kidn.y, lîve r or stooesch troubles. You can b.e ur.d &a well as others. Do not longer dslay treat. ment but to-day obtain thst whioi wfill reetore yen to, permanent heaith and streng4hh: -1 296 MoNab St. North, Hauniltan, Can., Nov. 2, 188.-I had-beeu sufer. mng for over twenty yeare frein a pain in the. baok n one side of lte head, and indigestion. I oould Bat scarcely anything,and everythlng I vie disagr.ed witi me. I wua atended by physiolas Who examlned me and satated that I badl .ulargemeul of th. liver, and liaI il vas impossible te oeurs me. They aiea stated tbat I va suffrlng fram hbearl disease, inflammation of the. bladder, kl4ney dlseese, bronebitis aud otarr, sud tht il vws impossible for me to liv». They attended me forthree weeks withoul making amy improvement in my condition. I oommenoed taking t*Waner's Bafs Oure" and %Ware' Sie pilla," aoting trictly np le direc- tions as ta diet, aud took thirty-six bobies, sud bave had liheut ofisalti ever since. My regular weigbt used te b. 180 lbo. Whou I commenced "6Warner's Bat. Cure" I only wsighed 140 Ibs. I nov veigi 210 Ibo. 8-r. CATHàRmiNs, Ont.jan. 24th, 1887. -About six years &go I vas a great sufferer tram kidney diesae, suddvas iu misery &Il the vii. I hardly had strenglh enosgi te vwalk straight sud vu uslameclto go onthe street. TJis painsactais my back vers almosi un- bearahie, and I vas unable ta flmd te. 1sf, @Yeu Iemporarily. I began théenu. Of "1Warner's Bat.1 Cure," aud inside of oue wesk I found relief, sud after bak- ing eight bohîles, I was oomplet.ely ont. Manager for Amerlos" Express Ca. TonONxt ,(18 DvWsou Sireet,) Sept. il, 188.-Three years ago isst Augush my daughher vu a sen ill vilh Brighl's £iseaie of the. kidnsys. The. but medi- 0ai skfl lun he i. ly vas hasked tote iltinosî, but ta no purpos. 8h. vas raok.d vith convulsions for forty eîghl jhouri. (On. dootor did hi& boisumd îhe bvaSw" »d aiu h« baiobu out. Tii.£oetbr h"adleft us about a u .n.lvie ulà -ed Ttà%try 4Wau Ou the Digilof ». 28ÂA. F. McNeal 01 ubavsouO0., droamed liaI ho haÀ M d u «Mee ho hae.laUNl dream hoelared hshohad dieut ar Imth 23th. Lu heaven ho etold i friad. via mmd liaI ho haut besu thon juel a week. 1Ur. MeNeal vas so in- prees by lb. drssm liai h.-wte il ioui, sud fldh*1 paper avay. Oz 1Match 191the ffi.ndv- hem ho haut smo iu he;v.a died& sd a veek afet, oz FMatch 26. U. MoNeal dl.dmuddenly Me vldov has the mannmrpk coulai lug the dreainofetJan. 28. sud datei Jan 29. ~ ti. u> ive .la mobile, sud lauorde-orlo llabva me, sapa, viab vsapassenger, ta aider sud reoevte,~ flash af wbuesbeyaa.,cor« nerpory. TP. he "oprcaebt .thie gahr I YoAKolkelhstobe Insée aprince Dyaasa e oneIëg ruè-by whudoîis. he1top gang le X<upp balve b010 leliverme w ~ hslaDue-t"l's. "fr..Ge-orge les elle former Kls 'Blatiy aIBomn sto, la Stlu81Peitsurg. Bamneal Morriaon, vho reeeutly dieut iu Indisuapolis ou hi. aneteth birth- lay, vwa lie surveyor vho made lhe tiret m&p of Indis. LtI. a w 1h1M1h. bos id' cWoloureu voma n uGeorgintla le W hoooke for lb. Capital Cityy 0mb ot Agenats. 8h. gels 1,000a year and hbe a $18000 assistant. MmrsOsoliue Bimpson, ageil 72, ef Fort Gaines, Ga., hie compleleut su élegant dresa, alhbond made, on vhioh she did ailthe. vark. Tii. drees bha deep ruffle on it viii teu lucka, besides other ni suad arlistio, vork. The sew- ing le perfect, tlee sticing U ud régular. Tii. entire vork vould refleot credit on suy seainslress. Baron..Ottille Bornemissa, daugiter d the millionairs, Henry De Seiosberg- et, hui istituted proceedinge lu lie Austrian divoee court aginsi her hum- band, Baron Botuemissa. The sole oause for ber action lsan unconquerable aiversion ho her iLmbabd, Wie belongs te lh. oldeit Austrain nobility. The Baron intende oomiag ho &merios la slat fanming. Mfr. ifomma, of Tsheingsoka, Japan, hiea sunnal inoome ef 1,761,688 yen. As a yen lu equal-ho a 11111. more Ibsu 85 cents et aur money il ïa evidênt liai Mfr. Hamma viii have great difficulty diffioulty in making a vill vbioh vil not be conteateut after hie deah. A Boston oie... deaIer maye liaI adulterateut choe., vien tremi sud veil made, canoe de disingnisied fram a goad mimmilk cheeme. Il la made largely in Western factoties, sud is compomed of slearlng, aIeail, sotton. seed ail, and skim uik. The oteamn is firet extrau" tram he i. ik, sud len lb is seugil Le returo fais of a cheaper quality. A eonuiderable quautity of butter is aies used. The Chinsse autioritis velOofflcisllY notifled, of lieéIlut éclipse of the moon Mud vote lustusewh.d alta do visu lie eveni bah place. Thsy ve,$0 Wear curtdres, beal gng, sud ivO the moon tram being avalloveup by lie sun, as usual, as long as lie moon vas above lie horizon. Wieu aie dis- appeethey vers ta make ou. loy ebeisauet but need ual bother le, save her auy langer Whoun is vas belov the horizon. Sometime a min may make man.y by keeplng tovîs if h. doesn'h keep l00 man.N. One year igo HAtry Atian et Kissiemee, 1ia, bougit a pair et Wyandotte& for 812.10. Hobeuhsmolut euge e»Uogio psy for thoe.ping cf the psir sud lisir progeuy sud have 09.75 ever : h.ohbu.old $26 Worth ai chiokeï ns, su ietlY-oue oumbaud. HIli oUd netprofit in #45.65 lu cash msu $80luponlty. Gaod inteal on 812.10. ,&t, the Star tiestre, Wolverliampton, on ci~igt rovded andienae vutue. lb.-I li ki "Tii. Hoqu. liaI lochbutl. apo. se he ro, Jack, vas doing a dde iti a shlpping tape wvic il M-Gude evenin', atm, avu ye've heut yer wuil o' th' ais' tlii day or tva, it'm beau baiti een deen an' weel dosa, vi, a' tbing P' eor fawvourm. P-Av via titinkin' &W vidua gel a beginnin' i' sic rosi vin'. as Aprmg sys fesios, su' gin hisy dinna dace, vi' thie' grun sec dry eflit harrovin', liot'li b. ciuds o' duel nain', 'lesulter' onina T--Gin s Peck o' Aprild net b' wirti a pas' e' gevd le' the' fairmera,thieyl b' a' tic aneuok thi' year, an' b' fit t' buy hisir bitseo' fam, anD' b.cum bon- net isàirdies, for av navet miv thi' g<n' sae dry V' th' lime o'l h' ait seed, or as. flue for virkin'. Bitt l'm 1' th' munti o' Angus at a avlibo 1f <ehdrouti su' alusheen t' msh' an' sar' hairsl, an flue ripe ios-vy grain. M-Well, ye ses hum 'ils fsirmetm vaut need aye gnde valisu for 1h' orapi, bib hier's nie dool fin th' grun' 'a dry ab mivin' lime hi' seed 's malt reg'lar happil up, auerezdeep uer yeh over ebb, au' liaI msb'smuir oqual brat'. Noo' i' ma opingysu lt' maisi precati- eue fins for th' crop la fin th' briat' 'a cumin Oôi o' thi' sen. It'm aus lic or lhin mivin il'il mab' a raify o rtong etap bit jiat t' natert1h' sisson. P--Ou, iv dautey yo'"re lu a manner ricit lier. ternyer th' buiar' vis tlio an gveou t aifirat bitthi'bol dri voilier o' June gar'l il canher su' mony s blade dee'h oot. N oo fin threr" sinaheen an' diappies o' tain, il stocks up licbau' sttong ; ov oori supposin'sahth'graua' 'e aye iu gveed hert for gravis'. T-M'n aye maybe; bit hier'. aum <mun' '111 noedu as bousel malt seout o' hi' aber nor lIbers, vsu' vinas mak' sic a prolifloap"fin dean la. An' iv heu keul a difference e' ton ortiftiesbushels o1 ad-tutu o' thi' aber o' thi' saue eedle' . imi a' ovin' t' lb' Dater a' 1th' alazon. Noo, ltafat mabu hi' bisee af hi' fairmer sica, diifaehilty. Fat anses veel se year i"ay b' édean vrsttg ami, mtli vs maum n allavoho v aileulimes mouy ta"idamairnour ve'rs enlilled tli expehor 'i este nar ha bun' to. M-Gin thi' utu o'l thlido o' pros perity b' cumin' t' b' irmers, or ony iber clame, vo canna gies sy credil for 't t oot proeut legislawtors, for lier' surly wie navet sic a bungle met'. o' a' bin ' o'bizness asJohn &Lis besu doeel'; bit liai'. fal mucit aye b' leukit for fie a' toybo*aters. P-Therem verra (yen vi' ony hruth dont say a vird against Je"n a. abili- liesu a alegîalor. - H.'a cairrit a' 1V meshurs 'Ma vek he toukinla h', Su' fat avez obstr'uction cum'm stoie 'im ha seen brahm doon. Lenk tfa veel silt' a' thing'a been, hamo an' turtti'in' ho tankblofce hast. Tiare'. beau use extra exponses, bit à' Liing deem for th' advanlsge ol' hi' cutrs.The Gris dii ilsaihey can t' oppose John A. 'cana' he dis sae muole.* T-Av bey board il sesut 'ah h' malt touks th' vaut hail, au'avim ausere bit lW'maltmmners o' ony ihing, 1th" loms ark's deon. Fiaver if's ose ulcit 'ah gveed men sud stmn' aide an lai bizzy spiietu' saavots wirh mie. Wrihion forthie cHRONIflE. gouCrd. To al vie are nueing tram-lie erron mad ilacr u sc ynl nervona veri " - decy, lois of2mnihou, &e.,I snarecipe lia vii W Re you 14ý, PBRB op CHARGE. The rsIrm& vas dimoovoreu by a xlsou uSn, Amerlo. Semda golf-ad ea avnvies b the Bsn. loisIRT. bIwxble9iU Nue Yor'k 011v. Tibih accmmphie flsery luowhj bm sd the=hIr&reading lite Ne ouud.,, FMNIONWRITER, PÂPER HANUER, General House Decorator, vit.adbe u csate baG a i e eaîmodl to t.le êmerlean hlchory-4tte kind ho»re ferrod ho bais« lhe alisoaimi"er. 'Tisa xleu kbovu ln norlheruGrMsuy lut la tb. soulierq paut il lu uüod a iprefer. once ho hiokory, vbile lu bath noihr sdsoutheru Germny hickory liier le employa, for #al carngescf01 the fluer cLama.Boih lu Gezkmay sud Bwitaerland, havever, many carnage builders dimcad hickory altogelier; tie tolgbnes of lte reeently cnu$l"ber, is ual quemioneit, but the l ueIiby of thie acacia limber vhsnuador visais sud kspi dry alvays reains lhe Rmen -tis hickory isvlng lhé dlsadvautaget even visu painheut, of becoming parons on tie inaide. Rural Talk. Maie, Poers, and Tn.x.zs oonerging. BOX 459. CINOINNÂTI, O.1 I 19--ly. BREAD nmade oi tht, Yeast took 133 First Prizes f mitontarioFl Shows in iSS7. Over ioocoladies bave writ- C tehi to say that it surp~asses au yast ever used by t- t iaies the fightest, w t d buekwheat pancakms wincanada a"e using it4 -RICE FIVE CENIiS AIJTH ORS & COX, M1màaoil 0so ARTIFICIAL 105 FOVOT-EBO, onnAPU EESIN MM P Èpos îoaT RàlOM, nau» oas XUr fDm. 81>OIKEIiTEBTIMONIALS. Prom Hlms Graoe th. Duke of Butland. «'Belvoir, Gathamn, Loo. 1, 18m. "Slrs,-Elllman's Boyal Bmbroostioft la used in my stables. I tinkl t v.ry nal. «BlTLAioe, Miaster of Belvoir Hunt.- «catie ir, Kingston, Nerefordabire, ,"Deo. Sd, 1le8 17pftem .nb-Iuilcatio for o~toi rheumim for the lait lv yars ad h sutered very Uttle sie uln l, e <'B. H. Proas, Lieuct.-OoL, Master o! Rad- norshtre Hune. EU IMAWBOYALZMBBOOÂTION, Sold by CheùMas, gStoresuad addlers, PdceOS. I ~ ~ Paper furnished from 50. a Rol and upwards.e Otuters freintheecounntry premptly attended le. tEr BHOP-Firat deor Seuth ef Mr. G. Y. Smithhs liv offios, Whitby. Wbilby, Apuil 131h, 188. ]"-Mo. NEW WATER JAÇKETED B.W. KBIM'8 New Wster Jacioeu Ou. Pula puducuprlor csuadflvitia miv- L<oOUaisborer sud 10 per cent. ca smvln in ' - àud fuel. Il la s peclaily adapt. for lie use-of as, bprou sud Itou on ut ens, aise for ltreh enL= i of phosphar. brounse opper and bell motel. If lia ou-n atructhla$s itol Casting Can.b. produceu. Il ttquiresutMe, if any repaire, and lhe battant nesut not be dropped for mantie. Resimales furnluhea for portable reduotion worki for lhes smeliing of goid, silver isa, ou copper ors.ÂAmay*n sudanaiyzlng ropuly attendeut ta'by lb. boit o! oben- its. Tourcoarrospoudence ta solicited. Bond for ilustuîted catalogue. -T il ]E- HADJSF[LO [URBAC[ coq (LIMITED.) WSE ANUEFI duc ho ste imputent t a iassotlon.Then tihecar pasue.mavcd on. %p< ýea>* tuioi . Msent UA" Sr utRAAa PtS. aitut sas. 3Sr;fPN csS. TheSa fest. Qu tckesî.most csnre medy h Yfui~o ~~a~ ~ W= r ini ,tUtbsuy l ing Wheu ~ Try 'onvw' EJALI MÂ~ ~~$&4~ To 1h. sldsnly mon vithi blocludéin Tty «Donewu'sMgi, [ILUHENG-LA N-D.Ihe t &r las aCio s mr S OI tl you EXHAUSTED VITAImITY8 Thelamàne wi7'am ýslo' WorI o lie gê TV L>ereed'ma gic. Tou, saut i clo -4 là1d oquTa tsk i.by hi. forsioc sd mii pn 800 Pages, ie VO., 18n ôhmft or<ta ry osvàead kmp Golu sud J.a.fliisd odl ivadeut h lis Te ytuyai uoet aubier by lb. Nationl M 4 9cAl ai- S I T rlyon - -eiMc & lion. AidresiP. 01, box IW1309 oto V Mass., or ta Dr. W. H. Parker, gradaIs ciTii ovaons >proatlen fer in Bo"tnvh my o anulodonfld<tn- ir.usmun sal maccepbeuta hie i~oB t"y ii.Diessof Men. Offic, vinqabtspemothe Leto. Th nhmast. t of DR.DOREN. WENS15e eihbclEe 6 ogitoro1 ours le dss x108 losuli TlteuderuiusdhsafuisloBef.DRôDO ndENIYS Whic ke a 99in- aHAIRMAQIQ Upi W.B.a- I vN-yLeiorcs -ABI UW-tg> -ë Bq". 1 UL

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