Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1888, p. 6

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mewqs or tas -wor. To sse& Is toteas oy Ud Be vas hanimome, manlypoliued andigays And dresaela nha lat ete tle, Ma brcv vas more than perfection ilseIt, And bisefaoe neyer wanled a =mle. 'Hs %èld at bidàiluthe 07ye9 Ot Iltei 116 drank rom lb. ,wïoupp's xl;' He &pent bis veilhsud he @pent bis healtli, And holived by the license of min. Tot the woriM bowed low as thiey pauma4 hlm by, And every one gave hlm a amuie; And old tolkesmighçd as-they saw hum pai, But gad: «fe'li retorni after a vhile." A fair young girl vent eut lu th. world, Driven by poverty's hand, Went out te vork for her food sud home, In ea trange sud distaut land. She waq honet, n4oble and pure of heart, And ver.é a hoîme-spun gown- 8h. vas be"atl Ësud tiÎid d eared the vorld, And dreecded -ilterolelesa trowu. Hu na ud ol etshovsrnground, Ân pnchlng lier haif t tarvdtrame, And drivlug lier ou trom au honeat -lite, To a Mieetsan d shame. The Uar g i, as thqeo nwfiak. talle, todbthpa feetg led; A44.ten onl ly uneed asIt pasud her b2dlher te tavelu1hM sret An th s e os * As yeaearolled ou the mon reformed AÀd tuiued frein the pathuetfin; The churcli sud 1he verld threw open their ,doors To velcome the «lest sheep" lu. The voman returned trou 1he tomles et youtho And trled te reclaim her put; But a vomâ'. naine sud a voiusu'u shan'e Are thinga tibat the vorld boldo ft. The>' 1.1 him lu, but lb.>' passe'!ber1 Wilb man>' a hait breathe'! ineer ; An'! lb.>'whe ha'! *alked lu shielded 1 Spoke nover s ver'!eober. The vomnuha'! sinne'!an'! tbe alune'!, But the sin et Bve, th"g erg, le lb. reason vhy svomma sin la the pester in te-day. by 1 patha man h&a! The Rugg Documents. 4ONTAINOTE EXPERIENCUe o JEMaUSHa RUGO IN SERaECO F PART I. (Contin&L?) AUsT1 "Evr>' nevapaper Ihst jeu te . p nov-daya lu fui!of et ribotiona vrit by lb. mon.sud lisde'! 1k. 161. 'are- 'Haute te Wemeo,' 'Gonduot et the Sei,' 'Womeu's Daiy,' 'HovW omnen (Je MesRome Happy,' '?pemale Influence' 'lTho espqDouulebility ofWlves.,' Hov te Have Kin'! R[uemas,' 'Wvem, Aivajo Wear a Stalle,"! e forètand! se forth. 0f course, ail these rticls l yul b>' mon vWho don't knov notblng eb.uý Il auj.wq, *ad nevez ha'! ne laiu't ui 1'old uenr viders quit. se ont et1bop«s aste hav" su>'on 'em 1 '"I go iu for fîaitpy> myseit, aund as socs asI gIit4e paire of stookiug blsl run, and'a pa-rof uiglit-gouad n'!àa! for -o"'! eallier, I'm -golug te fil! thi nevapapers up villi article heade'! 1ftr Ibisfeshon: 94'Haut, te Huabaude,' 'Men-Folks, Attention,' 'Howir te lmbe Yor Wives Hsppy,'-ýAdvlee te the Mai@ e cI,' The Dut>' of MaIs Individuela,' 'Hushada,ý di ua ile ou Yer Wives,' 'Don"t BMam the Doors,' Don'% Fln.jour Bootjsek nt lbe. <Jt' «The .Bespensiily et tho Masculine Goudar,' 'Maeu,' 'Mai. po- Piet' 'Mlai ppareI,' 'M~en'a Iztravs-. a.e.'The Ie4uoo of a Virluon lias, a'!seo "à e he hMsd cf the ",An'! Ivwaryon Usith if an>'of ye sIsals sy ot thèe ille, yen vil b. peucoutsd seo*'!lg te 1ev, toà Ilie> ast à1tbhe 'rportof7rAünthrusliy, "B8oubo'!y thal I hear'!leotur' onoe, sad that vomea would poiufyiie bpli bo"e-bo 1i <ou't jes' ag*res wtu,4. 8nboyehse'W that if th. vamuen voie'!, tIbes vol'!> a se tpuy 1rg-à" bad vomeura'going te l, a metisï that ne vertueus mother *oci'!b. vliag to heveh.r-sopago tlaer. lu .1.6 ceupan>. Alas, oor y0cl - I ýý "Ifl ho ould, be sm sas>' q14 > l tb ~rslt 4 1dbià bes ehphm le Lum ounsiceton day-saler 16e bedi, vili bis cap sie'! on, sa'!a hot brick to bis leet I DoWt»uit xnê eu.bv.th*. »Agoltc yo'ung Mmniffp o_ ,te gicae iowlbls luî4onos-"ssing Btheb.younag mon, ofêtepressrlday oemu poeably ever oe n sonleet villa n ouen bIh àbui-ýt Iý 44 - Oqsjea *jf.,caly B ot dovn aLIn uuou b I hein MY el~b. Teeoii trenaeuo, eR -tel - " *u$M hodentend» eort hoht h Inatd gal.ery demi the. 1."1hOum in' h il Domco, Bukw ilit Ixàey où, 1f bal'! spot ou thé top of bis lies'1 ] reekon 1h57 bit bard, for the deecoxm ami'! e ver'!thel ne pionsman @ver OnI te s1y buon -et a y4ir wzg Ellen Sophia, -ah. svoonedh sud Arthur Gray sud Tom Hatings laged lier out, an'! ruinaIs'! ler nev plot lacs cuifs Ihet coeltee cents apo., by rub. bing ber handsa lu mev te bning her te. But there Ive yult twio. as moche's I ter, adwllbdycu good night. No. -14.-ÀmT JECRUSET ni àÂDLmxmÂ. Who von!'! have Ibouglit il ? Who voujd bave gessed vhen I vrit my lutI aplatie te yen, thet bêloe I ihl!' aigain te, my peu lu baud snob a change would corne over the spirit cf a>' dreana? As lb. good Book mays : Who cen tel vheî a day may bring forthP W. are 11k. Ithe grassIhat to-day isepov ing, sud lomorrow lu cul dtwu vulli a lvo-horu rovlng machine ? An'! if suy- body eau tel! to.day vhat 1h. veather la e-gym. te b. 1th. neit Fourlli o'July. Ilien hieo n 1.11 hal an ludividual'a min'! viii b.etter he' lid lime enougli te change il. As for me, I'm anether women entirely I Tlienk Providence I'm e voman insi'! cf a man 1 Because if I vas et lb. maie mocl, yougDecter Millvood neyer voold baeo allen lu love villi me I If- ever you've tec notice -, men don't tel lu love villi men an>' more Ihan vomén de Villi »Men. Three veeko &go 1Iwva atrying to be a meanas bard as ever I could, an'! omuetiui.s1 nigb about theoghl I don. it..,butvhealê1rWeilto, ,dlm> a fonce, or te vhjtle, I allia tound cul thel 1"! gel smresblug more te, do alore, I ahoul'! properl>' belong tte .mascunlin.*smot. But I den'l vaut te b. a man nov, I don't vaut ne trouais, uer no votes, nor ne suffrages, ner nothing cf 1h. kind! I vaut te live te boome under rny ovu root-trees sud b. maise mleltered Iroim ever>' otrong biset thal thal bleva aud aaved from contzawi h.e rude bIltles sud striEe fth1 enSd 1 I perfect!>' agiee vill Dr. Stinglinger thst lecture'!inlu eut meool-house e w.ek &go, agin Wornan'm Bighta, wvhen hoe aal: "'RESPCTE» Fmw»s--Womaa lu 1h. gover of the human race. W. men aue th. oabbagesands'!potatoo, sud Injun corn 1 Thsy are for ornement ; vs are for os. Womau vas made for msn te, sarin u heir buzzomu (appleus.). 8h. shoul'! b. l.ft vitbin thes scrs'! hsltw of home, seclade'! from the rude gaze of Ilisvulgar hsrd-liks a olvr teapo urappe' up iau u i'!ai t luti.hk rn buresu-drayor 1InLt ber go a,- choping if seviii, te buo elises sud âes, sud sncb, but nev.r lot bsr sully xeraelt by bargeiniug for -oe'fish an'! Iris'! apple villithe midi'! grooer, oIe'! paternel parent'. stemaeha. The nother allie eue aIvas.le teks cir t~ ~ ~ ~~bw ne4U~a~>cm l r hese- smas. t ifhaent bave boon for lier bey' vouldn't 6e.beo ber, poor sers! Xolhlag u bi oeas, "u& I baiu'$ sol roona toesubsqrib. 1h. ut t ilok*ur Sti'Îngleléoture,bu oéL Fiset Ma! il vas. qisu"dL &Uhe.bliçyeodlb. o tor gsi' sou mryorue t in iftsottuies va mehrte btmai. mecl, li eoàl' îdge. that lb. "rcor a afemale sot b*t *veuribody leogls , but I don't ft muer'tlq# AUi lb. èslp inthsë ~i6" ch-àfer Dr.. **iaapul haro te. e es and Svowod #hftuua" uebok te 11f. w '*Law sake V$sea 1IoIibaut dssd à Do go out sud tell Moue te wrlug oDE ë ýof 1bsu -ysIer ebiokeas'neoka, and yon t -pick bimsand tekseut Isainards, sud W , îke him.into a brolli. I oould ial ri And 9,4 docte oe mlled on 4er, and t thon looked et 'me as much as te m> @o.was quit. a chuld yet. He-bi4 me, a very affectionet. adew, Iand èonie the nezt day. And the next. i» A »n pcli lime »iegrowed tenderrand *tenderur. Bnd be squoezed my baud more than everi and patted Ellen 3 Sophier ou th. shoulder as a si. &ber miglt-and more than once ho vent jute .kitchen villi lber t e secthait sh. season.d smy brolh riglit. * Onemoringater heolied been te Our tue=f . ay.rnning, su Ies ' weil as sTar I vas,1 ouglit do n a thouglit il over. And I zvade up -my mind that tb. doctor vas mrlous lu bis Intentions. Il made me blubli ail over te think of il, for bo'@ a litîle youuger than I am,, and Im afraid people will MILk. But we ohm!! be tee happy toq carei. It rained a littie and I di&a net exp.'o't him till itcleared off; so 1so d OW i th. sittiDg.room with my old giugbam geund on, and teck off my wig te give it a fr.sb curling up. As I wasin fc;r il I thougbt 1 miglit as voll fi up generally, sio I put some bread ana! buttermilk poultice on my face te motIon my skin, beesuse I thouglit he maiglit vaut te kias me, and putting a big piece cf eprucegum iu My mouth te chaw to YUSs the lime away, I heeted tbe firiehovel handle aud began te cur! my hait. And good graciers met don'1 yen- tbi.uk that jeetsas I'd gel two beautitul ourla fired, and a beginnin on the thuri, I heard the rumble of wheels, and, looking ont, I sed the docter a driving op te th. front door. Gracieus-airîli 1 vhat could I doP I grabbod up MY t"goansd sot otte moud up stairs by 1h. front way, but I happ.ned te thir-k Iliat lthe tp cfth. trUnt door vas glas and the docter couldn't h.lp eiug me. And as I tnrned to go the ether way I stepped on my gouud and toe.it cdean acroe. Io breaths, snd naturaily enough 1 put beli foot rite throogh the bols and devn I came willi a noise that made everYtbinglibe ieue olatter. There vas not a minute te loe., for Blaen Sophier vas a lelîing hlm lu st the front door, sud I made a dive for Under the bed, sud pullig th. ballance dovu bebiud me, I laid thers as .111 as a moule. I vau lu hopes that Blieou'Sophier would mteshlm mb 1he parleir, but abe dldn't. 5h. brung hlmrite juote. setting-reom, and teld hlm te tae.-a set nto toh. rockiug ch.., vhs agh. "eut end eau.'! ma. Thou therwuva 1".muffi.e *bout oui.thing-j p look eut te soi wbaêadPIluE* er gig1ed, aud thon ohre vas a ttâbn 11k. a kis., but il naigli have been the reOkug..eoer a ereakiug. Beeklng. obeors do creek avfully aftr tbey'vFe bé« uns'! a speil. "esurrely yetn viilotreus 1 Ihoà hlm ay' i 011"et lis vusabeggiug oftber te c0oent te bis liaving ber ma. Deop Young Man!1lis vaut. te b. honorable. Thon lIa.y irispere'! a speli, sud BIJOU Sophier m kept a gigging a' bm vas in hope. le" go ont te help lier eaUl me, for lie meut generel i>'vet te, lielp lier do everythlug, hlie lnoauie vIlIing Yonng, mca, but h. du'!not4 Rla Sot iiff a' i4o vhfrlug. WlieïU iuSopbler vent ont, she lot the dectorm big dog, Beaver, lu. Thst dog follets hlm ovurywere., Wbeu la is vite PIli se idMy aet i.m* agi-gtebea@à >lusi otee!,villau '!og's haïr I Bouveth.begea-te SUCEg lb. minait h. gel lut. th. romt, jee a-ciegs do quels me outs'j»ilas14oir 1w owý *wwthle stucb hie ase 1 n'!er th. be. ,%ella toua' t.he " 9says the. s1ootr "4Dams bin1 i h's allers after et' su d P ie jumpe te help Beaver git out I k in" uaido *momellng 1 Il wa- 40v or neyer illa me 1 I grmbbed a BhbWon eOt lb.ell"es basket under th. b.'!, fluug, itovor My, hes'!, eu' Ïrilià su nerhhly vhàop, 1- ooe'! !neuu ai hlding place an'! maIe fq thé YOWth oeoeql "<Tuile J, yel.'!lbIo r the [ lutémarbet make it emsrthàl!one" <Pqns~s.hul 1 bp e'!fr&»d-tab". Norman MacDonaldcf Big Bras 4!Or. cape Breten, I. deédA ged 110 ypanu, He Kind, Word» And Truo. Mr. John Carter, et Corbetton, Onýt. viles au tellevd: "Hagard's Yeilov 0à bas stood the test otten when ail etbon talle'!. Ouirlieuse lu neyer vithout il, and it vill always find a velcome spot ou lh. Senator Gleexow lu asetallng the question io et 1hpollution et the Ottawa with refuse fro helumber üs A sure lief. jI suifere'! tro a bard Ocugh contracte'! by dampleet. HaVIIng oulte'! a local Idocter vithoul effeot I thughl I would try IHa.gyard'u Pectoral Balsani as a lait resorl. Befon. I ha'! finishe'! the finIt botl my cougli had enlirely disappeared, sud to-day I enjoy better health than ever betore.I eau cousoieutiouely recommend il. Chas. H. Kent, Telegraph Operator, Est Selkirk, M Ian. Morris (Jounly Court edjourne'! Ivice Saturday;owing te pugilistio encenlers be- tveen Ive lawyers. A sucéessfu1Remui. Sire, I wus trouble'! for five jean vwill Liver Complaint. I used a groat deal et doctoral mediclue which did me ne good. 1 vas getting verse ail th. while until I trie'! Burdock Bloc'! Bitters. Aller taking tour botties I -amn nov *eU.. I eau alo te- commen'! il for Dyspepsia: Miss Hlattie L. Swiek, St. Williams P. 0., Ont. The -French Goverumeul inten'! te -con- ter the Legion et Honour upon three or foui French, Canadianu. ý .Itcbing Pile. Srxx.Tots-Moiatnre; intense ilehing and slinging, meut aI nigit ; verse. by scratch- ing. If shlow.'! te continue, tumors term, vbicb ofelle'!hed'!anddulcerate, becommng very soie. SWÂYnM'u OINTNENT stops lb.â itcbiug au'! bleeding, boula uleeration, sud lu mauy cames remeves the tumors. Il la equali>' efficaciaus lu curing a&U Sbiu Dis- esses. DR. SWAYNE & SON, Proprietors, Philadeiphia. Svayne'u Olulmeul eau be obtaine'! et '!znggu. Sent by mail tor 50 cents.-16-ly. lu a family dispute aI Linueus, Mo., Jeu. Clarkbwvahot an'! bille'!. In there suylblug; more anulng than hsving your coin steppe'! upon ? la, there auytbing more deligbtful than getting nid et il ? Hoilovsy's Coin Cure vii o il Try il sud b. cenvince'!. Prince Bismarck bai ha'! enother attaok et rheumatism. of -GTeat_3rfta5dk CAPITAL# $23500. ANNUAL INOOME, #1,88W8000. MAXE arm Prepe rty and Dweiig- Bouses&a peclalty. Verylewats.,Easy termisetofpayment. Sim]ple.,policie$ ' 14 vexations condition&. Prompt settiement of loues -wlthout discount. Be sure yeli do not insure until yen know oui termes and conditions. Enquire cf B. B. B. HÂ4Y- WÂBD, our General Agent for South On- tario. Office iu Whitby-Part cf D. Ormnis- ton's Law-Office. Ail lettera addressed to Look-Box '78, Whitby P. O., wiIl receive prompt attention. Besldence-Ham ot- tage, Byron street, Whitby. 21 London and L ancashire Life Company. This Company issues even>' doslrablefonm- et Lite polie>', an'! bas deposite' vilthée Receiver General lu approve'! Canadisu securities over 0100.00 for each 8100jA)010 Ilability, thus aifording ABdOLlUTBE se- Parties destrous oet auruing Iheir liveg vii fln'! ilte their a'!vanlsge te count the undensigno'! betore sssuring elsewhere JOHN FRQUHABSON,9 Whilby, May 18,1'86. -1>' General Agent1 THE WESTRNBANK 0F WHIT» YP - OBTALBIO. THOMAS DOW# Whitby, Nov. Ith, 1882. 1y-47 MON EY To LOAN! 0100-MO0 FOR INVEZBTEENlT. ON REAL ESTÂTE SEOURITY.ý At loweat living rates of lnterest. Moue>' sec Ifou have estarh, use the suresl reme'!y Apply le -Dr. Sage's. Another abseesn»sabroben lu the JJHNFRUHRO Rmn.iWs'm hwâL t WlIhékw ~ io A1 a cured vithin 10 day. et sp.r plication. Ne tamily living lu s bilions ceuntr>' shoul'! b. without Parmelee'u Vegetable Pilla. A 1ev doses tabou nov sud then vii keep the. lver active, cleause the stemacli an'! bovels trom ailbilous malter and prevent Ague. Mr. J. L. Prie, Shoals, Melin Co., lu'!., illes: "I have trie'! a box ot Parmel»e'sPilla an'! fln'!theni the butmelels or Pevenm M'!,Ague tIhave, Fieel diseoveies et gel'! have been made J. H. Banl, vest Shefford, P. Q., illes : "Ihave hein trouble! wilb liver cern- peutor @eVe"mi ean, sud have trie'! dorntnlmedicines vllb 11111e or ne henefit, util I trie'! Dr. Ilhomaa' Elect,.ie OU vbich gave me immediate relief, sud I veul!»yse>' Ibs Ihav» use'! ilmince -wilb lbe bst aefect. No oee houl'! b. withoul Il. I have trie&iàoz q b' oise lu CasesOf culs, trounda, etc., arz ?thi I llu goed tonrberme as for m." *<"'> It lu nov Announce'! thsl James Blaine vii yial'! te prassrs end be a candidate ton the republican Presideuliainoiao. The eongbrng sud wheealng ef pensons trouble'! vith bronchilis or Iheasme&la oxcesavel>' harssing te theuelvos and aunoyiug te olliera.Dr 2Thonmaul Eotrie otOvicsml as heenlirel>', sui>msa spedil>'.* Tvc unkuovu mon vers bkille'! su' séeoal hadi>' Injure'! Sonda>' st Soreute, Mo., luea raly'olion Asthme cOure'! b>'tbe double Irealment of Boubou Asthme (Cure, in a commu n a- mark. Loxingloe ,Va., buasouclud.'!uannage- menite eete MdhIpossal sttieef Sbeneval Jacksou n u ibel l. W A. detStobI imt--ol, l hea'! droppingsfrom the nmasal Passagel-ý iotlihro#,paltuithelepd, o n' the symptome or forerunimret cQIaha Sceut packafg c NaalBaba vM ocre MONEY TO LOAN On Real RIgtate Mertgage it Low Rate Interest. Appraiaertfor.the Gan da Loau'odSavlg. CJo, and agent for th. Western Assuraince (0o. OFFIGE-Over Gerrie>. Block, Whitby *1 W 1111> r à:o r ýo TRB 5 JeuB.zN ST., PIJBLISHING TORONTO, O±T. Cortificete of Ka5or Harper, Esq., of Wbitby. This is te certify that having examine>, yepaired and used a great variety cf Sewing Machines'. I have cerne te the conclusion that the White Machine seld by là. Fair- banks 18 one of the beat mgkde - as in may opinion it is a machine that wufl net easily get ont ef order, and wil lut mucli longer than ment machiness care han been tak.en te prevent wear as mnch as Possible. I eau henestly recommend, it te parties want- ing a good and -,tig se wmg machine. 1 purohased oe eof the ht' some menthe ago, and it gives cryvêêifatin Alter five years use: cf the Wbte Sewing Machine in myfml cau fniIy endors. the above ce Uca u eau fully recom- mend, the machin# ààas a mily se*ing machine costs less for repairai than auj machine I have ever had muyth.ng te, with. MAJOR IlÂob : . Sold, cheap as the eheapegtv and le the best of the beat. BrIS. PAPER insy be fIoùn& on file a JL Ge. P-Bowell &Oo's NewoËeiper Ad. vertislng contracto 'may be masde tor il Naw YoBx. LIVERY ani SAL. STABLES, lm@ DUNDAS-ST.,WIBY 0.. ORAWFORTHj FI-RBT - LASS. TuR-OUrTa Commecial rat'eler ib#rali,ý 'dtel" vA~ ?EOES. ONaT »EALIN<e. O~&LI. Ti inye~uu &eitsay»P if 6e m"n. -n" I t 'a «ail 'u,ýv wwen't tfe Bat yeu u t te ksow vhst, rush. listhink x m gobnto.Ili ton Yen awt tlis happies.'!, d tmethe 1n2 '!ou't11mb h'. maros!' u-thenie LUMBER MBOHANT à BUILDE~ .fAlarêsp lBudera'rla ngsud alkid f. Twiste'!Moldiugg,_ DÈoÎors, Sa"lanud cindia. LUMBER, wholesale sud retail, or by 1h. car les'!. Planin 1, Mouldiugs of* eveny deucniption, Ploorig Sheeting Shelviug, Be-uaviug, Shapingp Turuing, bcroll Work, etc.,ete. A 8E NT SI AO0EN TS N OW. BEADY-Our nov book$ " Barth, Ses sud Sky; or, Marvels eft lb Univerne";i being a full sud graphie de- scription etail tain wonderful in every continent of the Globe, ini the vorld et waters sud the Slarry Beavens, eontainixtg thriiliug adveutures -ou Iý an ansd ses, re- newned discoveries et the vorld'u gresteut explorera iu ail ages, sud romarbable phe- nomena lu every resu cof nature. Bm- bracing the slnikiug physical Meatures ofthe eartb, the peculiar charaoleristicu et Élhe bumnan race, of animais, birds,,insects, etc,, lucludiug a vivld escriplion oet1he Ala- tic, Pacifie -sud Inn Oeans, sud et lhe Par. Bas, i i. eý mouofs tIhe Deep, beautitul -seashells sud1la 1nts, uzugult flubes sud dwelleru lu the wvend et waters, remarkiable Ocesu curreuts, etc., tcgether vilh the ÂMÂZING PHENOMENA OFf THE BOLÂR AND SBTÂBX &YSTEMa - BT HEN~R DAvExPOisT NomumxoipsD.D., Embellishe'! vill over 800 flue engravingu. Liberal ternis te Agents.. eus Iaee 1 " I rua Borni alaied dissean ki4neý sud il My 0 tiensý hottli 14011 [ OXFORD CO. GOOD sonnal MW -IUGSO âlt

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