Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1888, p. 5

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ZXOVIINI JIVILIT .NBW DESIGNO IN- CraRpe 8tone, ,. ti io n We show- ýent Shadea to ColoringaSof ýy Self Strir ilks, UilMt. muns WATER fforent sades,* Ysuffili ood Goods, at. ation.Cre Gloyes. BISE, G 'insome a"è test iyougr ie ibroicler'd i. girl& and ut buutie or mrpp'4 fold ho unroil'd. nore, vith yaks and aketeansd is bs mlnd. a bit eut. a«en. ýAud requines a iOur foot, ton cover. ~hage b. ily mede Whitby ? if Jondon.' OSEfrom! in f you Walking t., and ex- for $200. 05 uziîL. no othea and Qood.- ve4y dar- nue Us loy Irs> Mud bombe dotle km, vse luts ICE8 Broches, EarrIngs, Braceieta, Fob Chaîn8,1 Ladies' Vest Chaîns, 4Js 811k Guards and.Aiberta. 8e BA RNA RD, BROOK B -T.9 » wamy. ]P:IUDAY, MAY lit 188. LOCAL LACONICS. WIIAT 18 80O116 ON lm AND ARGON TOWI- SUDGEF 0F UVELY LOCAL INEWS BLEANES ST ONRONIOLE REPORTERS AÂ il»e mng y7, takia motus, Arns f .11khe'm vmot It. OSEWA ls te charg Wihsehool tees in future. W. und.rataad Mr. Merln, of th. Baàddlry Hardware ompany, ham pur- ehW haek.beautifulrosideace aud ude of Mm S.. LCohrao fr a W. have noyer boon able te ssoeur. Z od, toaycorrespoudents as Ploker- L&Brougham audCOlumbus. Surely tht.. vonderful tuiwns 1k. these should b. able1 t tuneut Borne Ptsoc with braina euough to relate the seusational oocurquooe of 1h. wieek. Un. VanOuren, forman of the sad- !!ry h!rdwàr* works, met with a bad bd a ê'teep l &0enle neage nse niueilney whe tU I iped baek oven earying him lu the Toor itit greal f««e. Hii njuriesare v«ry sonore, but belug moelly internai, progrem san- net b. reportod yet. A large numlior of Odâfelovs f~ OointIdm auLodge *ahawsva nai Whllby on Sunday afleUc utlsI attend divieservieu 1 h.e by. lenian hurch. as they aul niroite dova the streelm they mado a fine up- pearaue. The Bon. Bir. Abrabun pneWhDont only a nery appropriaI but aaise nsyeloquent maund ntrue- tive sermon. Thte members cf lte -order ver. more tiandollgtm vuit bis effort sud on titir relum te their lodgo ncom passed e hevty note cf thanks te lte Bon. Gentlemen. Ta editors oet1h. BevrM"ull Bleamman sd SU44 having hud a sa"is luototyfree figit inu vlcitbohllckedt have Dov negoiat.d uasgaet I l.l et peac. We havealways mllle thm achno a taus as th.y bad ooculd ly b. seltled by a souffle. -Th.y nov lu th. treaty proe. a& desre ot futr frindly rellatinsMud lite muto love Ihey undertuke te b1at fot- èèh Othen is quittoo greal end. » Îde to-p- lcainua beulme, rogb.end. nudy paper 1k. titis.-If,»v. lul il vomld make the Gaue men love lu# lv. cf Us vould wqUSY bmsa MM gitt wh.n he ao se sud aa .v nd wilh him. A com.et cIe ae IrIoerut e t turming co "amuaItyand Iesersvu houd lit eh I nuglumbelote bu for lteo 00,ll bid us Ohrlst" p.m,, si Bnr r.fsnrlug le Meuday nighta leva Coundil report il vill b. seen Ihat other butors are to e b.aov.d to ppole meut besides ltoe.iluthe.market. The conditions are te keep se tar fhum lb. markot, te puy lioense tee, sud ltaIt noehcbliouns..may be granted unleos the market stallestareaSU occupi- ed et the lime. MioOÂuaI.oe & Son, cf Toronto, are b.yond questlon4te easy leaders lu th. Orneimental Staied Glass trade iu Osuadae- Thein nast businessextouds frem Nova 8etis te Britssh Columbia, sud lbe.ads eopubic audpriva". buldings bout tusiony et Ibis firmeé ability toexézcnte beautifansd durable vlndovs of ov.ry descripion. 21-11. In Lirndea"lthufe seatug in Bt. Pounis.*eh"nei belug adnorlised te boom 1h. cengregation sud vont up a big orovd. Il "ht dou'1 suce.d *o adviso lte introduction cf th. ballot and cnapese. There is gettiug te b. a good deul of enterprise u inroitma mnage- ment, sud lh. show business may be introdno.d moon. Mr. Yaks linlyre publishes lib tis ohaa »»funaffs hm . ne s"Ys h. vaut. te put in fua.., nov tor ail bis cuatomerse lust.ad et neat faIL Hous.-oloanilou nov sud It la theretore a geod lime. Peeple aue alleved nail Feb. lat uext tléttst1h. fumnacos vhother -they are put lu nov or lu 1h. tall, and they might s vo» have tbem lu ut once. WB are plesad te notice tha" Mn.L.F Bunker eldeet son etfBev.J.P.Barker ci toi leahas been sufloety suc"e. fui ut lteé recent exp2lutloubj the HMa et sodtudeL uit,*second y»er. Il, vil beombon, "hatMn. BU*ke teck lb. ret ool nslp ettheb.TSrol Mo"itof imediine.and Qmise iret soholeshlpaI9h.Toronlo Univensll asysu. Héefa ertullyle b. cun. gnutululd po is gnoue..G. T. Bwm.orv rl erymd NamoersP..s C. L. Stanr, Beooklil have aise pau.d tbeir premerlu. The rnuIftet h unlnnsit oialua n umedicino A nmnaw of mentCadas are te be kuli o ite0QUMSeasIiIlit day. Titis merely rets teo useBBWs snd atfevothèes; butin Ils vay i ,.lieulioi aiau1h. same. W. bave* ;;;7a S o plng tat eurWt i., gSito erics veuldb. recoguluedlu é«m% Wbaàd»Mta meuet.W. éaui -mmilfeelàtoui duty l$0speuit le ite vwuIt clases ehtînlbl balby Wmof avolding uikwardue that itk You *M *ctd juil *0b. ui yà i fond of ai the Fruit 8io1is towughî -et 1h. labenom This veek ve shiffinets»y auythlug about the aGibegr 'a lmay lettora, andour<paglay bg et leur.I wcud ntl* vilto b hrplng away about k alw . i The Oobourg. 8m«MnI Starsys; "Spring is beor@." Good 1 end mtàybei the same. authorlty will go on aud tell us wha1z1othasud Yeu it lsand in-~ formaus as te vhethe r il is Before Christ or Ane Domini.j OUR genial bloend, Mr. M. W. Sléan, ex-mail olerk on th. Port Perry Rail- vay, teck th. mail car ou Gnay!s train ou Thunsy Year after yqar hii Ouenand abilltyosais hlm te figure on the promotion it. Li anothorocoluu vil b. ound cur large stock regiter of horses. Il has fallen our luok this year te pnint route bille for almost overy firet-prie hors. lu this vlolnty, sud our list beans the ames of mauy of 1h. ubohres in canada. THMW Port Hope Young Mo'. Chris- tis Mssolain are going to runana excursia through her. te Toronto on th. 151h and 161k May. The j$okets aru $100 te .oity sud rétu sud good for tvo .days. This la a good chance for those vho have business iu th. ei$y about that lime. > Drnn< sud lieRashave gel mbt trouble lu Montr.al. They ver. em- iloyed there by 1h. law sud order ague, and are nov annested for selliag immoral pltur... They olaim téh. oan eaaily diepreVe th. charge and thal il vas 'iply brought up te place themn in jadl. i WB haie t ort ba.cse etOfsuicide lu leo» bi -veek .ZubelA lle RE W. are aow showmng new Drees Materi n &R lthe.,-Leading Colore Noir Btook of, PIln 24'm a UUén Siip »Dress Materïlsz **with Plain Godds 6 te th,,for Combination Suits. Our StOà of Dreus éo-1'. unequalled f or Style an~alue. New Black Oashmeres, Black Henrietta (Jloths, Black Plain and Fanc rasGo.Cmpteïîrý, meut cf "M ournig 'GOOdU"" al*ays in Stock.,yDesGoa Omlt sot N~ew Check SateenswuthPlain to match, nov Lawuettes in stripes ana Spot1., newO'hamnbrays- adPrintL~ W%'te DrO"133 4 ounoinga ",, ith India Linenâ and Lawns to match. "Ail over" Embroideries,.Edgiago, Eàmbreideries $Mid Insertions. New Black'and (Jelored Kid- Glu,..ans i1k Glovfes. New Hoseryand Laces. ELLINT ozrNEW GOODS TO 0 HANDI. « IIII W. are !w hoeg all the leading and moet fashionable shapes and styles. New Hats, ýNew Bonnets-, Now Oruaments, Bibon, loyerii, Feathers and Trmigo. We pusitively excel inahonbeMlury ýGFNTs, CILoTHIN made to order in Fir8t-Olas. Style. Large Stoof utNov -Tweeds, Sita nda T;Mu8.riDge. special Patteras 4U& Good Valtuie hewT' PI#wisHINGBstock complote,.ith novSit Wolr, cre Tie S, ie Fin. Soi, etc. ALtvâiuon!aâo person bhs taveed u wllh bt --'uoacmitor othor par- Ioulmrs' about 1h. ufair, vo lear., éhat ina LiumieLavder vas m.niedon W.daesay negt te a gentleman hem New York.7 masu. Oaldvel hbave shippedft catlle heom hore and Birooblin duuiný Ibe viutertoestuueofet&bout $100 per vssk-aud arenet yet dons. But th. purobase Étil i faIshort etluat yean. -K Lth Ontario Govermeoul'oXining Commaou,m.appelnted b figureup the minerai resources oet1he province, w. notice the name of 1Mr. Wmn. (lecf liadoc, late cf Ibis lova. Re oughlte beau authorlty on miuing questions,hav. iug made a fortune at il. A "Fruit Social" ia bebat of the Methodial Tabernacle 3.8. Libns*y vlfl b. given by the young mon this Friday evening, May 111h. Select programme by gentlemen. AUl Made cf fruitsenvsd ~s.reshmonts. This will b. a, ar. TEM tovn baud vas out on Baturday ulgiti sud gave the citizeus an heur'. programme etf fret rate musio. They are net fan belov the standard of their' old time profiolency aud ve trust yl con&uue le piWctice vigerously. It gin.. lb.hevwa agood seu i-off Saturday uight te have have the baud ont ou 1he street. Akgain th. eason'hu arved for the lova eoundil te commence dily-dally- lng wit h .e verlasliug taunery drain. Thon. las éarcely a member ot that- body who bu may definils Ides et ihat bhs ovu mmnd in ont1h.subject, and everythlng in lu good shpe le mako a messofet b hen [t does. go ou. How- omSîitoc, b far distant le borrov trouble about. Accoan t leaucien ut nse the Coliepale Institut. lMay Qucen sud Dmst ut leir Inaugural bestov gifla on several ot thuir fellov pupils. This ysar ah Miay Qucea presented valuable pries e iss Loule Frauda (Foru IV), Miss Emma Dryden (Form -H), sud Mis RIais Lavier (Porm I). The Dus bestcv.d Isefavor. nom Mr. Wmn. Greenvood (Form III), fr. Oe. Holli- day sud Naste Murray Palmer. Thei Oshawa printors are awtoUly dovu upon the GauU. for making tbe coundilof tht tovu a presoeut ofils prlating for Ihe vear. Viewlug things herm quit. difféent tmndpo-t ve Md"nkit isly1Fparteof 1h. eoluck vhleh Oshava, la being favoisd vith just nov. Whoou th. Oshawa papere compin etf ths untairness e! Pnlnter. from Wkltby going dova there te tend.erv orkit ruls to our mimd a Mas11eaffair cfissuroly Io moalhs cnet bore Md pet à agoniut et le capture vork. Theom la a fltue. l thing gaenlly,sud Il is a Poor ge Ivo cbant plày ut. BSeO.r oui ev coten hu &gain doubled IDs busies th. ltre. poor litho'pulesO» "wilbave to move around and tho tissue papen viln b. made te fly. A prominent reoadont ofWhitby oaeo lu thiavweek tetry and induoe. uste, agitatoferudeulattlcu *Ab. iut le Io.,. THJNK - - WHTBYe DEEPLY When you are oontemplating a purchas*ei* of anything ini our line,, no matter hoW, may be the amount involvée A CT w', s sn~all ELY By cooikig to look over oui large and weil assorted sitook of ail that 1*3 new and ileasonxahloq D EGIDE To buy of us. 1Can be found. QU JCKL.Y After seeing theo onces and examining. the, quality, of Our reiwt them. It ais impossble to do botteir elsewhe-re. Goode ,yoaau BEJTTER VALUES$'.- We get the chôioe of the best goda on-the-Mankét, and c>ur tPriesuam us :)W AS, THE 'LOWEST-l weare atways reaye 6you actw 1GoodTs).: GLASGOW ýffE- ..,-- 000'D .ZOE WÂ~REI Dr~s Y'L OOR bdn4 te bel bis; ~oe Uta A 4 - ' - DEVERELL' S ILOOiKI -W--tàý -v-mm ommaîm ý qý. ý 1 ir77-

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