Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1888, p. 3

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Il Is lime that respectable merabanb ooablned with oumtumers fo. th.eut presson ef ail gift, prise lad4lotteiep1 mobemea i n neetion ' i hùI lh sale àof- articles ef mi, caAn,ýdlaé. Thase ohemos ,&»é not only4t-uatislng tu lW1lmate business sud i ,16e iOîalsOftIhiê cm* munity, but lu thiietent in wblch they, are bcing carrled lu thé sale of articles" of food have beome la soeur..oegi-cal danger te thé public heallli. Thoy are,' ne malter in whaltarin tbsy apear, nothlg :more or lésa than deviées to swiudle honéat sud ususpéctrnit people. It je gratifying te léamu that iu some iustances the officers of the 1mw have tabou hold ef thé malter, lu New York sud aise luntChicago, parties who lu Ibis way offered gifts te purchasers of their packages have receutly heen arrested upon indiolmente for lottery swiudliug. The laItest candidate, both for publie oxeeration aud crimine.l presecution, are the manufacture»roset î. lum bak- ing powders, who are both, by meaus of gifts 'and Iottery tickets, di-posing of large: quantities of thoi.r oorroeively poisoouencmpounde, which are se well known te b. detrimental te hoaltb Ihat ne housekeeper will admit tbem leo ber kitchen kuowiugly. This torm et swindle le net euly heiug peddled frein houa. te house, but under the promise e; large profits te b. realized, the utanutacturers are ontreuebiug thein. selver behlud the counters et many grocers by getting them te effer thé alum goode witb Ibé gitta or lettery tickets atlacbed, lhereby obiftiug thé liability te proentien, in part, upen other, and perbape innocent parties. Ever y grocer or dealer, for instance, wbo selle or offére for sale auy of thé pnize or lotlory hakiug powders is a criminail iu the eye et thé law, sud liablé, uponconviction, le fine sud im- pioumont, while these Who Bell the gitgyods are, morally, s reeponsible, for they are offériug an inducement, or prize, te bousekeepers te use a food thal ccc tains a corrosive poison. This is a predicamént in wbieb iti e met pos. Biblo our groére wil care te, placé themn selveswbon they corne te tlunk sorioely et the malter. Il muet ho borne in mmmd that every oeeoe these gift or pize baking pový ders are alum baking powdérs. Thési powders coeil les@ than four cents a pouud le producé; thé gift or pri ose but a tew cents more. They arf sold aIthe price.et a first-clase bakino powder. se Ihat the swindle, iu a com mercisl, is énormous. But the chie iniquity et lh. business consiste ln sall ing, présumsbly wholeseme, an artielq et a positively injurions character, mný by meana of gifte or bribes iuduoiug oe vante or unuupectini boniekeepere t purchase smd use il lu eur dsily food Thèeesbouîd hé soe prompt methoi et réscbing these dangérous practie sud punishlng thé parties engmgéd î their promotion; If thé preseut lau are net ample, w. comménd the mat te thé cousideralion et aur State Bear o et osli for recommendation et anc ive for thé protection ot-the public. Weshîngton Letter Ede ot case iffalo. N. y., nueely ada, - A gresot and iof tesrtimo. troni physi- muore dgga îhad baéled st wonderfui- land cure' of atueuded as a tSpeciftc f ot ing Ioule, hio1e Systein, pendagéà in 1worn - out," oeblb woxnen SPrescrption ng unoqualed orat1vo toute. ngibéuln<f Jon" 'Iteune- 'inîyr and sub. ý-àIllty. ex-. A and organie ffl reforeshlng ýity sud de- ,eerIption k,0 caetuuy suad »kIllfud ma'a dlicate ptable in its Ystem. For =n whateven Igestion, dys. use, In émail la a posie. ated anidet, klve Il owtng, iuppreeSIoua, ýweak back,. etroverslou, , iwngetton, wovViub, i. 4ii ovaz-les, er ot fuite. Ad of change 'avorita Pré. .edîia ageet, Iult@. It l n itfs effeeb md' dérange. Incet critical LAtfe." wben takén Der Pierce& 'all laxative lellete (Littie wd flladde ýSo reinoves cerous 'sud rem. le thé only ista. undés- th mInanu. lo4 .a ery FUSa guai-an. le.wrappe riny 3'earg JO, or six 1) s@Md téta ociation, "l~Ne.ire ai inul l4)til for in cru'hI (E'rom ont régular correspondent) WASHINGTON lMay 4&h 188.-Sincé ils ocurrence the Iugalls.Voorhes ex- hibition in thé Sonate ou Tuésday bas been the subjéel et everybody's émal talk at thé Capitel. Le both ends cf the building, lu eveny corridor, sud st every tutu whoré fiendesud officiais ebancod te mel, thé finIt question put vas wbelhor lb. var vas ever, or wbetbér alvas quiet on the Potomac. Thée ldeat Senstors, men wboae me- momies go baok te the. ûghting daàyscs- net remembér anythiug liké il for acriA. moulons abuse and 1ev nuparliamen- tary language. The Ingails-Voorbees duologue standseout pre.erinent. Lt vas the more extraordlnary thal sncb a soone o6uldoccur i4 thé United Stateu Sonate, becanse ltat body dossrvedly bas thé name etfbslug thé most polit., dlgnified, aoconnplisitod sud parlasméa- Iary body-conmidened as a *bolé-in lb. world, sud still more aabonshiug vas thé break, beosuse il vas made by Ive et thé moat promînent membens et Ihat augnat body. Everybody regrettéd the occnrence; that as, everybody vhQ aslows himsslf. te b. burdened wllh suY senions seti. ment about malter. eft itI kind. The oriminations, reoriintiens, sud &ant excbsuge et persenaltis show- éd such a sbocking lack et dlgnity, while Ibère vas nothiug MaI al te sd- mire lu thé debsté. Mr. Ingalse rosé, ai lime e éake of bistlng satire, sud Mr.,Voonhees nespqudéd from th. depths ef bis grim cavemnous indiguallea, bat there vas,no orslory displayed où elitir side. Thé epithets lnlércbsnged --Snobs"liar famous Itar,"poonu- dr.r' an 4 dî4y,, og,-wère é n#mýe nnprdoablo*U~estn~,but thal lhéy sbould have boom nltered ".on lb. Bloom et thé UnitedStatesa Senate la. un- precedented. And thon thé entirs wamt oft appemi- tou -eof etsnob a debats te suy of the living questionso e b.day. Speukine et the - malter .emebody remsrked ; s'If yen vil lutnorin me whalta thé ad- Vantage 1 10 C.epeople aitlarge, vhet lu 1h. stoitesmamship, vhl i. ias e- objeet, vbet le thé deecsmofetsnob exhibiions s veOresenlted lin the Sonate 0 obligations, sud go0.*ii ery o ee *tnOýé iu the ~ ea~her AT j,<dtrooiwtla e oribnta5na the né' tbe obj Tb- the aul ku Sfor Soi jmi e u i Il. to a. în Wn I OEU.L.A. WVo learu upon very poil authority st the Couohiching Oalmoe Club are gotiafing for tb. parchase or levssof eold Grand Trunk depot bore. TheiI ject is t Inuit inte a club-bouse. i.s would be a most desirable property r bis purpose, sud we sinoprely hope ilt the rumore we have heard are Mhentie. There seems 10 b. somp trouble IU zow wfAt liduer A& ei st pressul ix ýoe iu tbis oomoeunity. Seme Bay thi Dott Act il be in force for' amoti ar ; others ssy w. shal ho under iti riediotion uptîl an order in counci nIsa it. whIle a large number are 00ou Iently certain thsttheb. oontyo imooe ia ûirmlr snd certalnlyundei e once dioarded Act of Crooka. Thi cesion will soon b. decided inso r'y. Considérable illegal duckahoetin-g ha béen Ring on lately, sud v. bavé be requesled by s prominent local eporl man te mention thé tact in thé hoPý Ihst if thé inspecter lé unablé e t kw lte cuipritaseméetfIbein vil dosdo wben they see. teir b.d dééde record& in type. Lt is asbame thal mon wI certsinly muet kuew bélIer sbonld ssel te destrey thé gaine at Ibis seseonc theb yean. A largén revard should b efféred ton the conviction ot offeudez jagainet thé lsv. i& IstThursay bc eosen l very rotten md unsaféecondition eft U iSo, we are et lhe opinion thst it vî nsther a daring venture- Wheout9 gentlemen gel within about torty yszi et @boons, they disoovered te their att eousternatien that Ibère vas no ice b, twcéu Ihomn sudtlb.island. Net te i ouldone théegplant CpWsn sprsng nl on.a detachsd pièce et ice banely lmnj enongli te support hlm, sud managi te navigfate t tIâhohre. Hère hé R a row boal sud sately brought h frieudi acroos. Onurslésm boat captai are bard te beat wben the question usrigating lu under dimonlion. Lait Snnday aflernoon a «»mmlib about six yesrs of age,haadav usmrow escsye frein bélug tiampled dealh on MisilSagétroit by au excib team et herses. This WJ bad slryI svay frein bisnatural proteeters ai bsd takeu a prominént position iu M middle ef the oad te soe thé Oddfello' procession, wheu h.ovws muddeu kuocked dowu by thé horsse, and b for th. preéemf mim'd ot lb. drivn wbo dnéw rein, hé would have undoni edly been killed, Se snddenly did drsw ç;p,,thé herses thsl they raîsed1 their blid legs. whie they vore this attitude, a yoUng gentleman, vhc nama,.ve ouüld net leau, apna beroicbay orwsid sud got the lit féllov ontt' bamnas vay. Hé vas s hart te amny mrcons xenl.-Tim On ~ Wensaday, 1he. Sonateîlu gour", .È- -ood aed la oixty.fivê mntdZIO6 privie pîeu~î bil, fry flas~ ~~ et4 Mô U4àléi 'ben 1)ythlion", of ip 1frIV. 1h almoet as e Mû a oh y sfoi ,public buildlIg bilhéw eýp" diansplis 15,OO; n, 'tan- crosse ta 1250,00; woosocI te Bu le$ 175,000; Fort Dodgela 000; Stirling, Illinois, 601oOO; orer, -K. H., 875,000 ; .sheviile, N. (O.j $100,. 000; Duluth, Mina., #150,000. A bill vuascis pssed approprirting 075,000 for thé enlargement of the wharf aI FortresesMonroe. In th. euong,1h.etarif débat. bolcls thé évén tenir et ils way. Oune au beai tariff speeches tbère every day uow and s&H day long, somelimes five a day. Iu about ton daye the gréat Sunday sohool sud bMisionary Convention of thé Baptiet ehurch wil commence its sessions lu this clly. Il vu ho lb.e second gatheriug ef the kiud held in Washiutén ln thé lest hait century. About 8000 delegates sre éxpected, Who wl corne rom evory corner et thé Uuited-Si.tes sud Territeries. The Tempérance aud Prohibition workere cf Ibis city are slvaye doiug setbing to advsnce th. cauée, always bnsy. Iudeed Ibère lese omach oethIis work geing on that eue caumot take notéetfhait et il. 67 to, éd ws uly mt ,e bI- on Du Dt M. 1 AUEORA. Au Indfin lufiUnalitive oustume, téers sud natomahplwk lmclnuded, vas eue efthlie altraoîleus at thé salIvalion Anmy bamracks on Saturday igitt sud Sun"dy. The novltyothbe s'pectacle, atlroledlare crv4mte the medti4gs0 su uîthé aede, on Buudîy os- ApwDntai accideocctm»d - z_ y'. verbe nmed -t Mn. Thosi. Ilot tromumndertle drop hammer.acodent- ly teucbsd lb. foyer w*hlch MWet..in motion, cpugl.<to Ide dd H.,w vataken tehU. homo, *mUd Çmqdi, cal aid cailed lu. Thé soolident vii piev.û ým -m eiworking for. a long, lime. h hm u itstgmvt net ljrd eue minute total relief from pain. Mothaer tvtfor waun oblldrmns tolbsee. Ner-ý Wbid&;eztle troit in pposed by Detroit vemelmen To mmE Erroa: pi«»lv ifremyfor r thatbave ae azsaue.vitmey u thaousando hopelesaca hae beuen dmmue of .d.lm m hsslbgavte fl ofur my~ ~ t reey uatesyof your 5t-eader. who have ceùisuinttichil fthay wl- sénfi me thoir U aP u d lP. 0. addrms. BepoduirDia.T. A. 8LOOUM, 87 Tonglreel.,rnton457 ThelqewýriAs» bel -pàsad thé; ~,r~Iall Ilg drtoeimprove tbe That tu te aay, your 1unpgml. Abea ou bnoathlug macbinory. VY0vueiu chlneril la.Netot nlyb.lger ir-as saes bt hétbuaim me 1etubs" u P rice ]7E(ltk , $1>. DR«.1HODDER'8 Il 1i@iilvot -the ds hl Pedthàt Uri Lh propée "pr egvub the Mv- ý,ýw Jïýr j,ýbsud a w e lier, b noesay akig wi b.1 ohrfieUe m o (JiAothPE, fo bfrthooming. r ioe dth A.pe few or weésago et osherme umd pi aetpy ailt aliowbotha e ei ofmbeinte -SctcNowih foth own bthrshv fre acm &RyMadterfien'U n d B Coyho, Si 'bine~~~aa uud ined h. ric etmea, aleg ing as a reason the hnh price aud thé U,ùîeroiothing 0 probable scarcity of beef. The uew tariff teck effoot ou th. Lit lit., aud -1L T B I will continue util July lot., during T whicb period al met cultfrnmbehind ~HAIS 1 HAT the horne aud trom thé tail heuceforlli will range as follows : Beefsteak, fromLte sleiiHrcandSf 15c. te 10o ; rosît, 15e. te 10oe; boiling, 6a. te 8Se ; mutton, 12jo. te 8a ; vs.), 12ýc. te 5o ; lamb, $1.60 te, 75c. per quarter. The prie. of pluekis je net mentloued, as thé butchers usé these theoe.elves in erder to get "pluck" te keop up th.e ombie.-SentinelB tar. A. W. Vauce, oe eof thé mon récent. ly arrested st Kingston for distributing couulerfit-money, i. uid le have lived VU in Peterborough a number cf years &go, working in a dry gooda store. While ET r ber. ho bore an unenviable reputa- r tien. Ris career has been out short,c tbough, aud a long lerm ot imprisen i meut sMares hlm ln the tact. p>gI B Yesterday afterneon Mr. A. Whitéttoeene ff of the Grand Trunk, wau out drivng 1 dgaerisobliyluba witb Mr. J. M. Irwin, sud lu turnilg diseseof the kidneys, épinai dsêe opdlr the corner of a street near St. A.ndréw's seifla rjation, séminal e= $emsonstml 0> chonh sa rk oasdbt ~W i pte piles. %ilep5y, churh th set brke om, nd oth Imd"vy l ct nd,, h Journal gentlemen were throwu ont ou thé road. sitUation and oloctrical trent fro.. Agentsa BMr. White wue seriouely iujured, Ie Cures Ci r olar boue béiug broken. He îustained ModlOtd EIoctrio Boit 0*.. 155 Qý a tew othar miner injuries hesides. bore. dy r.Wm. Fltzgerald'a ifrs raz; swsy on Wsler strel with r wo lads uamned Munre aud (Jarliale in le thé wagon. The wagon broke down le and botb lads were thrown out, young Mnobeing piok.d up unoonsolous. He wus taken te Dr. Klucaid's lmgery Ué wbere hie wounds ver. dreeséd, snd Mhé wus taken to, bis borne on Division 0- street. His injuriés mmy prove gnu Îeidete3kUeigfractured, butMT I AI îïk il le hepedî impresson of thé brain will II MI'W -t net reslit. Munro la about twelve IS5 III4' bdyears of age, and bis youthfnlees j. ail 10 lu Ise favor. car" ae ustaiued only a be unday.afteruoon Mr. Thos. Sullivan iewau returuing home from Bridgenorth wîth s lady, sud when s couple of mules eut ef tewn vas met by s ruusvay 4* bâdlye.kd b Ag ho ly destroyed. Fortensâtely, jao urmoon ~8misap ocursed. . S ullisan sMd l~ helay .d e al l. mmandr t PRKT4STONCS? MSi Cantidiài Tweeds,, eon shortesi notice. ults, (ents' Furnlshi pngs- of ail Kind8. and1 E OVIERÂLLS!l 7SI HAIS 1 Feit Rats VERY OHEÂF.- Dundse St., Whitby WOLF EN DENISD STEAM MARBLE WORKS, WHITBYO. The Subsoriber wiahee teo onvey to B tbankufo thir "lziýerasnge lu the pia, udte sarethem th has botter facle haevrfor ezecuting ail orders entrusted to hlm for Monument8; Headstone8, Siate and Marbie Mantie.s, Anad ay othêr work in bis lUn.. AlWork guaral2$ed ftrot-cis. Prioels bto lb"ies. Market. IBAKINO. POWDE THCOkýBETf flE~ iiRaivin ' m-me& fie 8 ook aM ýïry Mari.'). UJîd~~atifte 1.Whtby..0.a.04, 80 P ýePér~ 7. Uptergroeé...25 8 4 e - 'h 21 80 12 22 i 2-ly Clerk of lb. Peaop Ru a aworld wldc reputaticu saphysa and author; 'His Mandrake DndlonLlo Cure io a tflumaof mna , - l . eri1gs dduey sud Livtre kI~NY CMPLANIDlatréssaing achea back; )a dugbtlUtb adderand' base 01 the bdoman ; scslding uinieefteu eb- atruoted ; fréquent désirs tdurlate," géspci-. ally at night, among aged persons:- hot dry skin Ipale ce k lexion.,re&4dwbitedgpo4ti%. rniaoj'ainunder-eheui huTdor blades, JatL dicé, shailow compléxlop, a weary, tired fee 4 n f or energy,,headaché, dyspépsis, HOW. OURE..:ý -4, 1 Mandrake sud Dandelien are naturés Liver, cures, sud when oombined with Kidùéy roe die, s iuDr. Chase'Liver, Cure,'w* laMo:, pstvycure aIl Kziduey-Livér troubl-. Il atIkéacharm, simiilsting tii.e logged livér, strengthéniug thé kdeys, and InÏredv stiug th whele boy olby al dealers at $1, with BeceiptBok aon sorb the mey.- LIV ER ieL't 1 t7u Sold by aUl dealérs. Prlc25 ent . ' 01U.FU .19Q GRIPING.. OÂBA :8old ,y.*«é* r.Pilées 25 cni.L~ Leral ilcated for ail dlseasàof thé blod sumerni as stILsmLa ies i $2 for female coin- Lte it han goqu Mens' Beît $6. combiuied issons, Etc. Thie, only, a ince Iloh6utgaesI . o go, rheu , paralysi, neuruaol or, gout- leucorrboe, catarrh 'of The,,bi eart disease, dyspesi, constipation érysip- luznb ague sud ibot«s. Send steànp for 1Correspondence etri l~oidentiaL. Coick wanted everywbee. Psat. b. 01, 88 2uaranteed ýueen St West -Tororto,Canada, AMIER. it, inn- 1 Bler Fast liaru- éa, &Da MODE- fines r nnk l i Lit" IIOR STOCK 0P ir-

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