Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1888, p. 2

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And Itess tooenfroni our ]8xeliage.. TIi. tovu bloyclises anêst ai IheBu- t* o Toi es <ivn&- club.m An lu ues #sb.l o Pldy a lu the county golby Dr. Pool., OOWODB,, on tlb bd7of Lh.laI. Ar&hur, an Imboloo0mdiîtted b gacI ifroi Fenuelon Falls ais a vagrwAu. The evideuce hovod ibal 11111e' or nothing bSO*4ùi rga4ihie paut htstory.- H. vas spposed lu have been lu the vioà4i7 fblllbrook before going to ~t Jen.lu r.i..On 1he.isetday or îvo of lits b. vwuSeized wM h pilpepilowu vulsiona, from whiok-h. ditd. Verdict Mt. Edvard Dply, 1h. veli-kuovu prgprletotrof tbe Dalv hous., aiter Ion :sa&à mnagtement of tiispopuler hotel basrtlred f-,roz the business and goes bac k b bis faran.là Iuiily 'for the' Duie.1U dng 1h. i me Mr. Daly bb1.u n btheholel business ho -hé» Hoe%1 hel4l.prinoipi. trade of 1h., uortb. mate Ida guie orousas 'USua. Oau edy morta gof ibis -veeli wheu th*.)Mldland train lu charge of conanotor BWoundy roached Millbrook a lady gel on board aud euter.d tb. smoking osi. On being bold -by a Lludsay drummer Who tra-veo for a Brantford bouse Utal ah.was Mathe smoking car he vas politely iuformed ihal she knev il Mmd tualif ho vould piv. ber-a matc h@abs onld, take a smeke. ,The'»equent beiug complled villa she was son puffing svay like a veteran. Rer mode ofet gbtth Ie ma" hvas truly vooderfidland thb. vay she.expslortedwould cause> drummer te wuru «resu villaImm. l.ierteket r.ad "Kllbrook tle-Lindsay -sud r.- Wiaile out drlvln«a 0,ev days Mgo 1Er.,Jas. B-' uoison met wllh su accdent vbisb uarrly epd fatal results. Mri. Knusn ud NMaN.llie Uovimn er. ai e Iplmton, mmd a.pFOepuylug em made a C" r i soussb.p 1on the road side. The. ebeep ruahd tovadsthe hone, sud by some meausthe.boise tnrned rapîdly araudu4 ivi. T-i1.0phéton vasup- .,on 1eIohsr uranva ImpvvingMiss1~in. Ko*tspfva seurltuaaursd about -1I..4 bull ovedWug, mi. Kuovi- sun usoPefi vihout menialmjnr.- Tii. lue1.msouof Mr. I.Hunt vho lilys NIorthx of Blocaalmirm&vailla-a 6 wp.t 0140id~a uKedy The. c1~ld lappeasas palgua ycgeolt vbeai uddenly 1.aIa kloôk.d hlm a terrifie blov a he'b fac. DV,.I .&.FMIe-wu, cailsd in$ -sud th. -About Ivo &ar go lt.edauglter of Mv. -Peoer B er,,8th. Cou. Mawrkbams OOMpl eota ta"'.oubar foot; but a-o h.sos p, bàosm ufamed and vsry pahafu, v nber"f-ie zma. itIhýhe poit f* kulée su fbund a iplovbof.bwh-Utabou onut mea-sùred th M ejurlersbyi ésu lneb- ,Thiegas b g lrI' foot Over t*o yFaus. eut w oe 8b.Boool eor la ourse. . 'sat ef.tlb.sohool Soine loy bred 4i0g, i 1h. of sevS wù. the oui',Ïrwho e à i#tsd t"doy tIhy botmuat have lateIy ben a rem- dt ofOrUHiA o« .ow-otbersnob am let. W. lvould epetniyrequesi la editor of th. OrllaNm8-ltwe-to ep snoh animais as, this at home unlil hey 1r ~v~ ton4asi Iemelr While George Dodgs vas employed on the farm of Mua. Wherry, 10h doon. Mariposa, o~n Wedoesday moinlug wiih a team 'f hor»s. lu heidud bay- ing oocasln change a p & ,Im t ofhe hiarnesa he vas aliaoked -"by -ou.of -th. brute. and hi.left arm orushed vth 'the animal'. teoîh tom 1h. elbow tb 1h. wrlst oaing a coompouud com- inutiedfractureof"both bones. Dr. Gillespie of Manulla and Dr. ellesple cf Cuaing"on eresomon ni attendance and aller removing a number of, piemes of bon. sot 1h. injurid I"'~. - be case sa serions- one au 1.rus canuot b. foretod astpreset. amdeabi~on hmbak 0flb.river iit th. foot of Ring Street on thal aller uonù, but aller vaiting thore about thbis. heurs, they vere informad by ou@ efth 1h vangellus e ha-t il va-a 4hoaz, as no snob baptisrn bad ever boën an- uounced te take place.Il is nesdlesa to sa-y that those present lmmedlt.ly left for tllair respective homes. If yen ask Say < ôl ocitizen. if lbey ver. dovu ttebriver au Snudal atterucon, lbey viii indiffimntly ansvor No.- A stan bas beau md.e tpurobase a4dlllonal laid uMW tb. ParkaMd emee thereon a ilable buildings for periodical flamsasoompuy to be h-ovnws 1h. C. Iond a-adC. Kelly bave chargeof the. stock liai and on TuessygRot 41.»o *5,00 mars#20-sa.Befor. vs vept soprousyesterday tlamesuborptious ~aaluresete-. A gro mauy~ outsides vho o ndoubi bak. a fevsbaresarwy tbo be so. udIt ls~ : pro2bl iai the wianle sanouni ffbe enup. Itis moi *xpeét.d Ihat over 75 per cent, ofthle capitalvii b. reqnlred. -&bout a moulla mgo a mm oalled No-' Masteu said »Mte b a bufider, arlved in lovai, piesumably from Peterboro, sud teok un bis residme l in.eut -van, noriftet . rilvy, whie.ho led su evid.aatly uneveulfulMII.nuil a voman oaiiing bermHeif li ie appear- *ad-in the neighborhood adclaied ber truant buabeud, vho bad it semabeauý living Vith maolhervopsuvbo t Ma-y b. e Mho samibis bous.iksspe. Tii. vils (vho laidw bm aapoe- nus dlroea-maker before dme manried ber delec&labe panner) did nol make Ubridge particlarly agreetible for lb. vayvaad usba. nd. lutcàimay b. "amea Ibai ber p ausenbe.bad a leoalrary efol taul evente i. psk. Oah bi ouïeiteld goodi mmdle su la compauy vitb "house-keeper" unI tovu llut v.ek for a, more ongenla eOum"@e. Wbik.avesieuderbaslest a tenant for a rougb saubonus,thb.Wfk% bas aga list ber buabatd MaLst b. hippy vltbout hlec. H. e aoi vtbglga-ie ush a oso ber mzocy. Tii. Flash Roeiaisreuled tleâtre,8. Alece hbo *OUnaout bisvs. Ti Mudwe truséthbev W b spestabi. bolet, .mooud-nsi ubusdues vay, eau b. sustad W&>Iead-t o**i éfI4 $Oott ,amiOounuiy. we4oap bealttetgpéoés hesa 0p~a bl~~ MauânSic OUS, Jedo - lb.he ueri with bine oye. . Isdlsoed IÎME« under a deep debt of gratitude to auy pëofonwhô,oïeauoouvey -them auy iii. IW, froin hlm, dead or- alive. Yom~ doey bornme derap ed as no oter ofàue npêsly jie given for bis ~4 don and mymteun.dlappear-aai. or 0. BurJkboýd.r, Mopgo-Ua, . O.. Mr. EdvardBlanford, of Bteyl, Bussez, Euglaud, vho ha. mode h home st Mr.J. Torrano.'a, "Buntxnzr ,HM Faim," Markhamàe, during the pasi Ivo pears mes vlih a .ý udden'and umye toions end while on the. steamer Sania ofitheDominion uine, :on lb passage home to England.,-H.e1.11f Markham on Thnrsday the 1ý21h of p4ril Saod sldtrheafa b *hb- A c4i ïesgefpaï fMo BéaUtie ta mi.." mes Tprr.awê ,sjv- mon uami. staufordiof th. Barula mysleriously'dimappeared on l.ps sae. aiher Iban Ibis unova bas bee roeived; ïsud the man ne uôt, 1is deathoea u oly b. ooujeotur&md'Ur. Stanford durlng hle sojoun ln Canada, had made a bost of friends. Mes geâtio- mnanly manneje and genlalityv et hlm aC pIneuthe affections of ail WU# zho eoum» lu contact andud avr- sal sorrov is ezprese d *athis uutlmly sud. Revaswu teboabesof spirite vwien he Ioft and bis businessvs rs rions, as h. beld eommisulousi crigout several hulidred sh.ep1or romunt breedeusinuCanada sd lb "TU Popt&kr BSeiS 1Oe o.hY" 24r Jru n hâ bve au artie.on lTbsEtu. fots of Moderate Drluklng,", by Gorge x rey .D.9 lu whieh th.eanbo recordaheloet of 'uipp t" pobla orgauaW]"obMdUioamuaoebauiow tp e b @îsil afteoted by tb.enme o( i. bol u mderae qantfies. I «ued *wltouesr, hot hsad aud foui breath, Wllh stomaoh diaordered-vasulok unto 1 bore il a 7week-..aWey Iwva a uqe Then Itook a 1ev ",PsiI.ts"-tey u«mm me st onoe. What a dunoes, ndeýOdt lo h remedy aui4 inDer a weswh4eL igïk ze- Wie oonld bave'beenWt1 u r isé' Pi.satPngaIbe cellé; Migpovder omuels no lauaiso adaatorats, AUl grocom ssii 11 The buoket shopa Mil passed Un isomi reading viQhou a dlasouting Vole. Worm. cause evrlhmuuuasu ed resg~emusduulng uleep Worm Hztermluator I. plesmure ard Cectual. If your drugWmt a none lu stock,gam hlm te proureIl for you. Euw Willim BRibu isbeao ppm e admnltraoruntul Lord Sualp av muab are of fÈ lot 1111 endi im"n. ~~'cssoeaia8wnsap..,.cbldr.~tlat4 .s*olàrèCoB,miamo £wu'ommndzassu.rlrionypescrpuol 81W 8o1Dch~Diailma Eret dio - ViteSa." E.A. AuMo P i.fl., I wzs g'aepad rm4 NOW 's THE TIME TO SECURE A GOOD TWEED SUIT AT PRIngES NEYER BEFciORE RAO fflD' MTim TIAB. A Good Suit -made to Order for $12000O. ,A large stock cf Scotch, English and Ganadia-n Tweeds, Blaok Worsteds, etc., to select from. A Special lUne of HEÂVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per yard, huitable for Business Buits or Boys'9 Wear. A FUJLL STOCK 0F GROCEIRIES A.LWAYS ON HAND. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. c~ WI?~EJ]ST, . BROORLIN, ONT. g ARCADE, TORONTO. A~~~~ý BcolTorZJJ quipped for Busines rii BOOK-KEEPING, .-DEvNMÂNSH[IP, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENGE, BUSINESS ÂRITHMETIO, 13HORTELAND AND TYPE-WRITING OOMMEROIAL LÂW, PBÂCTIOALLY TÂUGHT. FINEST ROOMS -ýIN CANADA- Send for Oirolu ar.Âdêssi. U. Q'DlJdt FPAOTS TG Mý . MV.,C .THE ci XElq A TO'D~G Whearsb.ek.u iSecreary. AGrS~ ~TO. SÇ ~e1etI-. E. cal ours for~uoevoua Il ut cf cerneas. TheteatmehuVof'inaY tioluaaudsof cases of those obronie -weaknçsses and distre.lng afiments-,ecMar femle Ifl1 baaffùýdî4 ateprec u~oI d~ lng apda4 lt4orougi eblng emediesforC0 curç,,of w9DiR'5eUniarmaladles. la the outgrowth, or resuit, of Ibis graand vï1uableepeô e U Toùoand[a of tetme- naias, receIv5eý-rompatiénto and Ifrom physi- clOUs ho bave tested Itlnl the more Vat a i #Din-at6cem nwblc-h bad thelr sUprove if te be,ýt-lb mstonern remèdyever devlsédofô théti1lo-O ure ef sUffrln woen.ItJaInot recopimcpded as a '1c ure-al," but as a méat perfect Spéefc for vomazVs pçOUlar almenta.. Il lmpa*'ta bell tobehOo ~rtm seerauy, Dr F1eèrCe% lPsvorlte Peclto graeter=byboon, belngmenaw as iù,ppelzg ' oiG15, -sud rentomtly«rouis. nervîne anWR treugl th ulug81111e quldM FtIvavit Pensrutln" n18U.no l'm sll su*- hau tont prostmrato.4 h ra pom u other dlsteusln, nervons sym-Pto com- monly attendant upon ftunctïonal aud organtc disease of ltbowomb. It Induoes refresblng eleçp aud relleves mental ènxiey and de- Dr. ]Pbterce9aFavorite Prerlption COMOU d b ânekvdegéd ndskilmu phd an aapte«Vtowomansii-ejjcage organelzaon. It là purely v= ,Ino -Unli Çomposl±ou andOtmlless1lu t efectoa nmy 11w aYÎ; yile. leFo MOrnlng sioi, 0or- nauOeafOm vatv cause allgweak stomach-ldieton,,dys- relaand kludred emtm,<aué uaiu osesl prove voir benefical. - '<IavIoritePréerp~o!~aoi £Iq ug, for th-.-nàma QI opliee sd< plflannt"9 rual nami tu~iépielu es skessaut=ehson 0-14em~n fiamation, pain sud' 'tlendiines luo&Î AW A a-re@ruiIator .mad promotèr ,of litas htoâomIla,utat clsLemdf ~ag frm grlood-te womahod'ia t.L~ e e¶t- naf. pretly IsredIl de ln -or d Pra ones Golden Medlcuîl DlàSovey sd eallxtv 408Mes o! Dr.Poe's Prga$fe Plea It alver Pubs) cures LIVerKldney sud B8I blood taiuta, sud abolishes ecros u orofulous uosfo h ytu. ]'Favorite P»roacriPtion"9 la the onl meine for vomeu, Sold by drugglosa.-undsoz a positiveguarauee , from themnu tactures, tbat *Millgive satisftIon lu every oemoney wll oame.Tblesguarau. sud fatflycrldotfor ma-y eas w yoes IO,# l aud l vay offée r packages Xponindli execratiox are un etfgifts an poisonotis veil.know lha$ ne hâ houa.t1 o; large1 selver bel grocois bj âïmm go< tieketg, ai iablllty , olber, a-; EIvei'y gic prize or1 orrninal liabie up -rnei gift gyodl for theya that coit is apreà Bible Our - -of the m on.elI povders. Pound, t coste bitl merdiai, linity inpref by meou vauts om of- re- Iheir vos's DIspuotUicd lhsaiu% 06 mi ianU DJAIO, Ny.y Cup&'KRndail Sotona1 Boier &Portable' .n- ni-es. Bolers blutely, sale, elv, adapted for printiug ofcs sausage grinders, Cheese factories ýand train crash- ers. Sizes romI 3 to iýzJhorse ~d~7dptive cala- vil pl«Ayauwewl uvaon ho,241h, sud. aI,. fron t lb. c lubs b.e IW4tien.#114 st lst RomL àmM§0 IR'om

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