Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 May 1888, p. 1

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HITBY Wth alm printipd Word%, great thoughttsandud'tilng iuduutrys vocate Peace, Progrese, Knowedg4 Brothorhood. VOL, XXXII.m WHITBY, ONTAIRJO, FE AY, MAY 11, 1888.' N .22. Etitablished 1856. The Ledinq WeekIylenOntaîto Countyl JSUESCRIPTION RATES. 1 si per annum in advanoe-81.50 other. wP . Subecrîptions are ..lwayu payable ai ho office of publication. S Sieam equipment and bout furnishod Book and Joh printlng plant ini Eastern Onttrio, capable of executing ail classes cf work from the largo poster to the umallout handbill. Spoclal mention iu made of the unsuirpaueod proe f acilities cf Tnuz CEo. LE, wth its oelobratod N. Y. Gottrl cylinder prous anid other modern conveni- onces. IEvery ordor recoivos prompt, cars. tl attention. TERMS 0F ADVBTISING. Firut insertion, per lino, 10 cents; oaci subsoquent insertion, 5 cents. Displayed Âdvrtisemonto are ineauured by a soale of uolid Nonpareil, &ad chargea im3coraingly. Advrtisemente sent without written instructions inserted until f orbiaddn, and Oraes fr dscotiningadvortisements must ho in writing, otherwlse the publiuh. es wlll no t ho responuible. A liheral discount f or contract advenuie- monte by the year. (copy for changes of ootraci advertiomentu enculd ho handed net later than Wodneeday ; and notice cf anyintêiided ohanges should ho given bofore Tuesday noon. Other advertue- monts recerved up te Thursday noon. Busineess notices in local or news colmmue Five cents par lino weekly. Local., 10 et.. per lino woekly. Oorrespofldofle solicitodl frei ail paris of the County or neighhori.ug townships. senrespondents are nequested te moud ini th-irincommunicationssas pnomptlys possible, HENDERSON & GRAHEAMP Proprietors. JOHLN STANTON, Sup't Meohanical Dep't. JORN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., JAMES RUTLEDGE, j) ÂRISER,&c. Ã"ffice foninerly oc- o)uled by Fareweil & Rutledge, noxi te Royal fHotol, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON,9 B.&., A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chanoory, Oenvoyancer, &o. Orics-In the Ofice south cf the Post Offtce, i MMMln'e Block, Brook Street, WhLitby. ly-10 G. YOUNG 8SEITR, L L. B., A.RRIBTBR, &o., &o.-Mouey te Loan Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. (tf-6 JOHN BAIL DOIW, B AURISTER-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR iu Ohaucery, Convoyancor, &o. OMfoe-Devenill's Blook, Brook Street; Whitby. MONEY TO LEND-Prlvato Punda- iu sums up te $800, st a 1ev rate of ln- toresi.(ly-6B. LYMKAN ENGLISE, L L-Bt P. GORDON MELDIRU, physicla, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Ofohure-B to 10 a. M., 2 to 4land1 No. S, THIanTEBBA.OE," BYBON-BT.3, E.C. CRAW rOgTgtH Graduai. o1 uhO* Outerle Veiedniryt, Qol-ý. .lege,'Torontoe, . ' Orders by MAU or elOg!p'h, proMPiY Omo@ adit eieo f(e ",-,'ppt LIVERY -and SAI ao ma eba li iewiih Langley, Langloy & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITRCT. Desigus; for C3urcheu, Vinlas;and Cot- tages a spoolalty. Dnawingu prepared for remodeizg exlsting structures. Omous-Flrst fiat over Howue's Drug store. P. O. BOX 202, WNITBY. Dominion Lineofe Royal Mail IIVERPOOL SERVICE. From Montres.l. Frein Quehec *Vancouver.. .Wed. May 9 ...Thurs. May 10 Toronto......Thur. 17 ................ *Sarnia......Thur. 24 ..Frid'y. May 25 Orgn Wed. 30 ..Thurs f3S M0,ontreal.. ~Thur. Jun.7........ #Nancouver ... . Wod. I 13 .... Thurs. June 14 BISTOL SERVICE lOia ÂvoNxouTis Dccx Ontario frein Montroal about Wed. May 9. Cabin Rates from Montreal or Quebec. Frein $50te $80, according te steamer and position of Stato Room, wih equal saloon pnivilegos. Second Cabin (very su- penor accommodation), $80. Steerage at lowouet rates. * These Steamers have Saloon, State- nooma, Muaio-nocin, Smoking-room and Bath-roome amidships, where but litile mo- tion je foît, and tbey carry neither Gatle non sheop. The Roome are ail outeide. The accommodation for Second Cablu on these Steamers le exceptionally gond, and well worthy the attention cf the travelling public. The ««Vancouver" le lighted ibreughcut with -Blectnie Ligit, and has pnovod henseif te b.eue cf the fautesi Steamers i tho At- lantic trade. Pasengers ean embark at Montreal if theye dosiro. DAVID TORRANCE & CO., (3oneral Agents, Montreal. E. STEL'EENSON, Tolegraéph Office, Local Agent, Whîtby «IR.Uan [ine Royâàl Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LQNDNQERy 9à - NeïOW.ý SummER ARRANGEMEN4TS, DATES 0F SAILINGS. Steamers Frein Halifax. Circausian ................ lltb May Sarmatian ... .... ......... i17th May Panlulan....... ........... 24th s Polynesian ............... lit June Sarainian................. ?thb 1 RATES 0F PASSAGE BY MAIL 8TEBAMEBB* qnebec te Liverpool Cabin, $60.00,$870-00 sud $W0.00 accrdiug te accommodation. Intermediate OU0.0, BSter- ago, SUU. b eturu tickets, âabln, 110.00, 613.0), 15.00 Itemmediate. *00 0. Steer- &Polynesian, Circasslan or cuber extra steamers, Cabin. 550.W00an sd 070.00, ae- cordiug to accommodation, l.utermediate, 830.00. teorago 120.00.Retenu tickets, W000 8110.00 sud' i.c. Izitemmeiate, 86.00 Bteerage, 840.M .Liverpool direct. CtlPige or Sh.ep are net cami& on ihea. steamers. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Cahin, IntemieaisO5ad teeffle Pamuuen na y go on boa.rd at MontreaL 137 tieisarrageent passngerq are euabled tc e bocenM4otably ieitjd on board the Ocean teamei ithinôoly llhaurraiivayjeuraeY fri W4by. 'ase~e Stsklug the Mail Steamer ai Mon- trc m i]leave Whitby ou the Tuesay mrn- Ig. arrive ai Mntreal Tueesay ulght, sud go ai once o onr= lie Ocean steamers. Paseengnitaklng the Mail Steamer at Que- bec, leave Wiiby ou the Wedneedayiuomnius. Steerage poasseugs booked te, or frein Glsov, oitat, ueenstowI>, or Liondon, samierate sau Liverpool. Bristol aud Cardifi0200 extra. Paiseugens sud uhoir bMagge are put on board lie Ocesu Steahipi at Queoo freo cf un1 expenue. Parties sendlug for their Mouds ln th. Obd (Jountry eau ebtain PBEPAID PAS- SAGU OERaTIFIOÂTES ai icvutraioa. For Tickeig sud li othln Ifmation, apply to W. A. Yu- le, Agent,,Expreés-s, Qfice, 18880 18~3. S~PRLNGAMN' whleh in THE LARGE8T.,. AND BE8TI Bn«Io wwt ; àineduh th&]Âi W att's Glycerine Jelly 0Of Viole ts, An Invaluab1e Pi-eparation for the Skin. FOR SALE BY WTa Ri- ION", CHEMiST and DRUGOI8T Tooth B rushes, Hair Brushes, Combs, Per fumes, Tooth Soaps, A"d a&Uother Article jwuay e M Toilet, are koptin good variety by W . IR. H OWSE, Ohemistuud Drnggist, Whiiby. THORLEY Horse & Cattiel in bots te sait purohasem *NEWS LETTERSI our Young people eujoy uthem- d i.t would ho wolli ore anl sd make the company Ne & bermutng ec- ar va hea 'of thora.Why Poils of Toro"' ooupld the Me ohrci pulpit flaitEabah nd Bo o f Orillia s Igd apite with'ý . ookburii. Tiih ate h 9n oh anniveresy services iu nila the lowu'. important wvomi ndexe fifutieat week. As It hep- Pen dld not kuow anylig àbo. 1 toethiug was over.XIt migbi have serions b adnet the marchant on ie r, who by ibis tira. hecame dis- viii 1â h.e'<raly art" heing practis- ed la" ahop, gently soparated the loving, or rê*ý mbéig pair. Tbtevu lu boomiug nov both in day aud éenIg lira.. Wo have a large manrkot M Peo~. ple attend vol], exoept that tby o t coins liiafttonton, because 1he tewniz k are going bytheoby.lavwiqi provti for the citioens dealig there tfl ton. P'armrs don'i gre, sud von't come ilil Ide. It in al onsense for te keep an hoito two out of the merchats tesatlsy eue * tvo boariug houa.. TI*'ùfieen are lookiug forward fora gr*qon 241h. Threeocorasies are frl ire.lies a week. Mm. M. Pran- kmuumniug about iwenty boya, rang- in çuton te twelve, tea"k viti the fleW. Thon Mn. J. A. MoGlivn m a chargeco thfiîiy on tonty high scool boys ta lArit in a shan fight vith the volun- teers. ohas aiecharge f hevolunteer s. Mam s te sud Loue Stevenson pald Tononto a flying visii ibis veek. ML tsud Mn.. Graham oet (laremout spen Buuy athe faero. n yfil. Mfoes.EH. sudWin. Tyler ef Bovinan- vdsNould upon Mn. S. Maokey on hi T~.~arenmhave fiuisbed séeeing ana la" mmnte realize liai "coleaulinea lu -.uhe a Mry pro- Mudhs&cuw olait B&"y. W;hearual "tfii.Brookilu sudlanemoul vvsrune, owiag te sick herse, are hav. ing cnidenable work lu ibis uelghborhood. Mr. Oh@s. Goode, of lb.eSalvation Amy Temple, Toronto, hms been oalliug on friends hem, lhis veek.fi Hvaw," O Bde ",he-lmaute sud bis pupilsof1 Our acadomy speut a vesT busy lime laut Fnidy plantlug tou sud filng np ibe groundi. W. unidertand il lu lie intention te 'have, lthi near future Mm O'-Bmleu, the'sot Ù4g uým"of WitLy to, tae. a pep ai the hmsufy sud intellct ef ibis section. Put lu a slrong plate, Bd. 1»uns.Pabbly Bron, oethis tovu, spout ,8uwdy ai Ralsuirse..,, ý ur-. Imm=L juu eavus here tifs woek for CoUinalet . ,*e,-- -1- Mm. Edvlu Meyer in vomktug lb. berner let ovn.d by Mm. B. TyIdLc Ur. Tho&. Boothby o! tis cis loa u ated- tu«th ibgh choI i Krho ilae mi. BenjaminLebrsu i r.nted ithe *olte L* elnante&b m.r lvr 'a 1 atax . wwillb. mbused Mmý-.WJl*hmaa bau loti Us ma pas On laft& RmOns ~hs. otber oaeadm BA~ EKOGKLDI. Lit week the fishing seeson for tront opeued aud I vii soon b. ahi, te report greal aococumts cf the catches. Those who have net fishod eeodn -s yet will wlna it up-ibhis woek. W. tii conclusion frein oeeing thera oiling their seedems 8cm. cf te1h.i-sklnnod ones vers try ing toabuse meothu week but sa I take tbirty-two nowspapers (mors or les.) hhey nilhia vel $y to rie s wbWr-wind on s "What do youniuiend te do thon P?" <WoU I had thought liai when yen did us, the kinduesa te retire I would put ray air round hon valut, sud, if she did net objoct toc foroill, I m'Ighi nlsk s klesa"-ableaux. The foflowîng is the report cf Balsar Tublio sohoofr the imonth*of-Apnil :-Seu- or 4th-Mary BOue3; junior Mi-lorence Ward, Mamie. Miller, Fannie Gordon; Senior 8rd-- arbara Miller, Edili Evortt, Levi Jones;. Junior Srd-Duncs Ros, Willie Pile, Walter ouRs ; Senior 2nd-Jnd- son Edwards, James Forest, Willie Bals- don ; Junior 2nd-Jobn Miler, Alie. Jone Willie Boyd ; Senior part 2-George Lum- don, Miaule Gordon, Festina Hutchisen; Junior part 2-James Miller- WilHle Rosi; Flrat-Hlarvey Joues, DoUa Ward, Lizzis Anycue havlng lest a fine rabbil eau have the esjne bycaMing st lotNo- 8th conces- @ion. Tiie finder ba taken every meass te furet cul the owner. When ho aeked our rabbll breeder if il vas bis, h. çot veny linausda.rayte ue iea n- all ferclugpvr e mkg hlm shul np. wlu sthe scn oinaI vhich ho thinkas h aueansd just cause te give vont te bis M humer. Self-control lu one cf thbe ot powere wbich s asumanua have but Il shows lack of wiUl-powon vien the only tigtheauahold a porion lu check uinlgh=teued cf-beiug lurnod ont cf the churh." Sncb ins a.liee I do 'net cal] the piltars o! the churci. ,In tho deali of Mn. Thos. Cooper, Rag- lan bornes a very cM suddranch respected citizen. Re paesed quielly awayou Fn- da7 eveang ai hia-daughtor', Mme. lulbu' Funeral va. ou Sundsy ai 2 P.ra., services ceuducted by Rov.-Mr. Llddy, vie debiver- ed a very impresmive sermon te a4 large sund attentive engregation. The. tamily have- 1h. syinpathy cf the oerarauity. 190UNT ZION. We are ratier behind lthelimesmo> as __ May luil came lu ounsturdy. 5h.:cme hie freinth Wi est. Hom Times arm bookiug ua bit. Mr. P. B. ooun Joues sud Mr.-B. IH. Dianey have* bongit a vasi nev buggyesci.tnr Dm. G. P.,loues hm go¶ home again, sud; ki looks ai theugih.ho een some bard-,had- ;Work bul hear hmausoea.habidoe let -thOi t.onrso tobIdmuame$ TWb of oun Young insu ven utulou Sun day ovening te ride ,devu 'Po th i» jie1 vould lihe e knev 'vieCame out ii Belter go-- ee ae uneboYy boss danger va of h a oeesbroken butgo lu. lI e ou tb. Young Irfiffinan. s A meeting wu oaUed on Mondaiy venlug ,o to oleot offléers sud toachens for tb. SundaT - S0ool toe.tiie ming yeat. Mr. P. Eut-: ~~~4ouqhMuoh Aplnith.*bi~s o'npmteunin. Mm HR. lua an-dy. mam tlba,. Éoûtd. Ré la .upoýeà.dànt of the8., Bh bsn att&b ei£tthe div- -_vml fiou mo* iýe timeanstmolfaii h Mmi. Robonss cf Rochester N. 'Y, us visiting at, Mr. D. Hollidaye. Mr. <Clarence Slarr came homoefrom -the. cily on Friday. R. vili remain ai om for ai Ume. Mr. H. and Miss Degeer of!>uibidge vuitâd Mr. . .H. Wüion n4SAluan d tin ay. Murs. Calvil ad ilam hpe another f. ett-of catel. sud o fr -anm.Buto 'u. Bob. McBîioù start on Monday te uoek thelfoihtun eh far West. They stnike for Calgary ne"r lie Bockies. Mr. Thos. Savage hasnb.asod hie fIM toe ssou-lu-law Mr. Biokle asu ale.mcV.-ý lu g i i w eek 'he 1 . village t e M m.ý John = Wmeshouses, vici .plsc e -hm' rnted. Brooklin ha. long heen waitlng, for a booma but vs trust ih àu ooznlng ailait. The proposed Western Ontario Rallvay frein Prt Hoe.to the bak. Rucu Shore easlg irougli th. countie f , Ontario, ror, Simcoe, (Jardwell'GreyasdBrc, ousarcely avoid oemiugibroui -1 or ]Ptt loete us. We are co00nl,1n amit une with ibe -plasethrough blhi. thyPropoe bûilding- sudample-moora co0ld ho procumed for ag iaiz os Whal raight have proved a very-,eemus accident happened te Mr. A. Ketchen ou Thursday lait. H. vsRe iel0fg up a beain of-colte te s set cf innova ouni pnopenty at Ashburn, mnd wbile .iiug ibe luge oeeof, ibhersèes stood.bau~ knockod biradovu. ou ýti.he roeaa thon feU ou hlm.Hoevas r ede - senible for tira. su on recoeolg- fouud ths hoeestsdl0and h yn unden it. , H. vory mlmsculeusly e ape& witha few bru"se asd, lu àabrie- letsi The membems o! the B. T. et T.- arê oul uirong on. Monday ulgt.. Four 'nov membens ver. sdded, teour number. .-The participants- 'Mu 1h. debate ve., on ~u sudpiovea themw vas primoa, d M" pared to, I helr sui ect. lime allowod foreoji vas much .too ahpn& sud Ih vas with i. meuotmnce liai th'~Iv th zmv*en lime was .1 as ýlofti to lq bogthaL put te vote reulà us i. Th a i, part cf 1h. programme cnalstlng )f road- order. av& Wy à M7y-T àl i~o W. .HWE CHEMIST AND DBUGGISTu Ag.sffor. Wbitb<. Fùrniture y Iom. nd T,' Po- niai; Cc.. 'Icna- t d ran. MAT 1

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