We pu« h.. wi1h quiet car Tohwe knew t1h. lrkof somefio b aul thatliUa mouldeulng there. And a gru-grovu pathgceswlnding round Au if bath le reach 1he door Tbat WlnÈs ajair on one weak hinge, Dlaplaylng îhb worm-eaten. flcor. The windu and stormu cf imany a year Save shattered each pane cf glané, And th. sashes, Jlke eyeless sookets, Leer ai nesas w. Pies. We drous the rotten threshold, And enter a large, ow room, 8panned overhead with smoke-browned beame Whenoe oobweb s wung in 1h. glocm; And we olimb the uMaires ote h.annled Rand clauped ii baud se tight, Ahif fe.?1fl¶i8s hastly tenant Migh be ngeng insight. Sut vo gie from the v.ry window Where the, <hnoul l aid te stand, A bout old man witb snowy beard, And, long stuC lu hibanmd, Who alway&.m seea ag.rly watching For %boue who nover corne; NHia eyea 1.11of oriine snd uerrow, Biut th. ips arefoire ver cdumb. W.tad thone frilbteued and trembllngs Scare daring t0 breathe or sUir, When a upinniiag whoel in a closel nor, Start4 unp w"s a dismal whir; Thogh weknowtis but a freak cf the Tot we almosl shrlek wlth dread As w, fancy a ghostly spinner Drawing ont a ghoslly thread. Tbon wo slowly pues dowu th. cros.klng And ou& t atb.eopen door, Wher the light ofsatm ad 1h. scng cf buds 8.emed never s0 rwe.t befon,. And th. roll of distant thander, And th. sough cf risiug wiud, Seem a fltting part cf the gboomny scee,t We se gladly leuve behind. -[Aunt Betsy in Western Rural. The Rugg Docu.ments. 00»Aiziue TIRI EPERIENC9 OP JERUSHA RUGG IN SEÂROR OP A HRUOBAN». PART I. (Coeufimad.> AUNT1 The Squiio gnabbod tb. table cloti and lhnowod it oven hie bemd to koop bimeeli trorn smolbeuiug lun111e smoe, and sot mal fth11e doon. lRe oponod th1e vrng one, and iustemd et going eut of deers ho1e et dwdooelar, burnpty bump and ihnrnty tbomp, I soreimîug poereful ovony lime ho bit. "011,ood Lord 1" soesmmod L1 heMh be kiIlhd, mnd I shal! b. hong for mur- der and aou lainohefiret degre. 1 Tbene'l b. a cenrymors bsqâuest te set ont. bis body, and oerybody wl lbare Mo. Moue!tMoue t MossWhie-vhy don't -yencorne tte 1eremous V" tîbi ix.mS, 1e ore a tramp. Img demi et-alre mnd wvmed le kuov vhal l-{s *n abig word) vie th, "SGqulre Buggesbeomand lotI dovu dovu otllar, and heo@ descd ad buried lu lb. aah-pin. I beard the ahea squash vbom ho f.!l in," If h.'. bnnied, los hlm eay 1«11the tromp.d blova I', ses thai awfol, irn. pions Vloesa. "I'm agoing-to attend te th. ehiffi>'." And aburo omongh-h. did. ]Butt he Squîre had onuif lif. teonîviw ont and male bis way ý,p aluneand a verse- looklug objeet,,Igno eu nover sod. Ho did' stop le mîke ne doxologies for dîltylng My crpel vitb bt aue- he only pt for th1e door, and I bin't lot eOs oBu hlm dsos.. or I don'$ The bestii 1, CynIbie Beau, ah.e hofotbis acnape over le oui 'ou* and &hi'& give hlm the mitten. ashe golig % $bnmari Jo Wobster. The <etory vont mIl round Ihat th. uquine vmsw drunk vhon he 1.11 dovu Oeehr, uid I biuc mtradiot.d it. HoV obed atd I1me vtbieh. vas drum' or molP Hoý R loft Idehi. pail bobimd hlm, and I meut il homo the meut day. I VUshDov ra 'a hefs t. lb vas lthe igbt is. *-d pmil to pottmterpeelings in t%,iheo ý As 9", me, I. despute .hole'-male sscI~a TiU.>'nareket wiolmd"destefutý and promo te put upeu vomon folkoaïa th*èù"ke lyup'urd. PThre's a-ilev deelor ommng borek tht"ee, baaiiu't uirried, and ail leeai i b '&bout ermsy 0over blm bu% e.0I have-doas vi meu. I amn goixag to jolu lb. wimmo' igbts,- sbud goïlu for fermli suifenago and sich. As 8000 as I eau git me a suit, 6f dlle iernthe ooaiai.fn . m... Af the ftaipart oUi. e h.l6lb e Dm sorp inuMI, band'$ a 8witb 'a, lurA of both arma, lest auis' y. éaêe- Pir Powell h»dlvrg isi ft mnalédiotion, I begun: * "Lade and ûeutlornen, and -Pol Bock Ridge, Jeruem Lane, 8lrici land's Kilt, and town adjoining-Grei lng; Know ail trion by thoso pioeni tbat I cerne beforê, yon, armod a! equippod a th. mw directs, tb defon the cause Of vomi., and 10 adveoa ber right to do peet se the mon folka d in overy respect!1 Yeu, m-y frienda, dlaim that eh. has the right I. go tb tb bablit box and vote-jo., snd chostit vcting, and coeinlu unîing 1h. vote -jeet sl'oîher chape do. And moe over,1 se.ba. a righî le gel drunk ani b. kerried home on a ebutter eloctioi daye jeet like the rosI cf or bout men "My friende, I dlaim for woman tli right to do as se.'.a mind te, and ni questions aeked. If ebewants tego in te the grocery bizness, m"ad sand hej mugir, ait lior ularcb, vater ber fiel and soe old tés grounde for bei Japanoze, e ah shl do ao-jesî 11k. anj Other min. If the vante te stocke ah. qhal emoke, and if so vicatt evear, ae.ahail have th. privioégie withoul belng oailed fisl for il. And se osah ohaw terbiokor in public places, and epil ail over evorybody'î tre weorloons that'a bandy-jeetsthel gentlemen apt over the skirts cf oui geunds. And ah. eai!!upel cheers, and kick cala, and ubîm dors, and swear il 1h. lady jestli1k. any gentl. man. 8h. shah jine the Fr.. Mmson'e and ride the goal, and go te, hors. races, and klm. the good-looking min servant behind the door, jeet au hor hueban< kieese the pretty muid-uervanî. AI tbese rightéanmd privileges shall be hurs) No min ahall etop in and amy yea or may. Somebody sos that acripter is &gliu tbis doctrine. Thal's jeel mu jox ndoratand il. Il hain'î te b.e epected that I or amy other Womam'a Rigbîer can fiod buainu for &Il 1the wvend t undersland wbal v. suy. Ev. teoepte4 Adam le sin, did ah. ? Wall, if ahé nadn'î boon the earteul cf tho Ivo ho wouldn'l have gel teck iluand soldm ho vas, would ho ? Thit's jesl mue ;zl as lhe noses on yor faces, xny friende, and seme of yen bas gel very promin. eni hîndies le jour counlpanneu, cr VM-00 jodge. ",Ever3'body that hectare îg'in Women'a Rlghta aïors brige up old Saint Pul as wonderful mulhority. Now, I don't think Paul knowod any- bing- &bout it. Ho vas a dri.d op old bachelior, and boy could! hoP It's pro- berbie thst îlong about lh. lime h.ovau gtarlg a moustache sme gali gave un the mille., and lurned hi. milk of iuman kindnuseor. I don't lhink lis opinion le of Say more coneequ-enoe bac Parson Powell'., or auj oltuer rood chrita mioieler's. He didu'l mlong to th. tempérance soeiely, and e uaed to, b. a raîher fiet young min me while, but I didn't hold ne bard- oas ag'in him. It ain't lu the nator d Jorathy Rugg te bold hardneus ý'insî any humia cliter tha ashie r- >eied and dot erminod 1. walk arighî. lut ses Saint Paul, ses ho: 419'Take ivo picts of lurpentine, haif. hum. Tiais xneinî stands adjounu SIL iii extModyeaug isi ltc.I shah Ibrea dehiver lb. rosI Sl jour, smilee-aud bld you adp!e,." tayý ait eheered W., mmd somebodly, ied-a bag cf' pesinIs at- ay ho&&* îieh bit old ,DleacIà in Gîe sd, sud a8ted aulovor bis deotedà onaniuoe, tveWnï ranbiuig ento lh. floor 11k. I Win wrieaiu won0 ilk uieër@, and re - dy -l bé &e a 16tvt.. 4, -Widdiir #im nivslhrastti, 4h bouide young Deo ifwo bat, 40: lateby corn evi..Sbhe'sb. eeh811 b0 ,w s inoe -h. Comes and î.lai medorcin byt11ee opful, though .al. [r before she'. beeç tong'r'bm apiïb 1o, knot. I didn'i amy noîhlug about,'bl k- mimd je-'Im a poison that dou't ta et. about rny noighboru. lue I rizs&Mid a eluppiug cf hande id thumping cf caiiosand umbrilloiandi id blaut of popple whi*lbes wbioh 1the boy 4e brng lcng, and ses I: 0 le&MY friende: On the la oocasi Ithat I stood boforo ycu in-1the biati ho teocf a publice rationer, I had4 lb iu miefertin' te leavo a pent cf my mni es script le hum. To-night I bain% d"o e- nething of lb. kiud. I arn bore -al id dompbelte. and I gues I shah minagt n to free oey mind without breakiu dovi, 11 l'y. drinked a cep of stremg Ceffes, eka' 0 parte cf white mk acOrne and old javvy: o0 and l'y. eit irav ogg, whicb ly.vervi a- ued vas poverfol fer a publie epenket Br -My finonde, when las$ I addresee je yu I vas a gciag te1.11 on vhal .8t el Pau Fin d, because il le fashienabbe foe Y everybody Ihat talka on Ibis grile et question of Ekal RiiRbts, to qacte-St. e Pini. Ho said my friande tht Adçgo es, eoas decoivet-vhich shows that Pati d vau subjeet te-te-vebI, caulit l it! <i loch cf enstiddiniue lnthe upper ulory. 5Perbape t11e vine be teck fer bis e tomacb'u sake operated on bis head-] ngnus il ha. a genou!l habit cf deing so0 ',If 1 romd oey Bible rigbit, and it's a ton- d dollar one bonnd ln Ttirkej'a meococer, an'd bis gel severîl piclurs and a con. 1, ordou&neli t-the comrmnd le let 1them applos mioe. as given te Adam, it Det le Ev., thougb iî's likely enufl d Adam told ilte ove jusl as marri.d mon Inov day. toi! their vi#es Ibeir 11111e o ecrets, vhou lhoj've had a good dinusu r and féa! geod-nîîured. Bo il didn'I 8 aeeoe te me thit Adam onld be deoeiv. ad enobow. I tbink hovwakind ofa Iskulkiug sont cf a toiler, tbough cf r course h. hadn't b... te celege, nor te iFew York, aud it cm'î b. ozpected that Ihhee!ud b. po@ted i. ovorything. "But. afler ail, my finonde, a greît 3 pisght cf good corne of that fruit oating. IFor if it hmdn't b... for Ibat, vo should't havo hud auy clothea, and wbat on airth vould have become cf the. talons and dreesmakens, and tbo calice mmuufiturr-to say notbing cf the Lowel! factory girls, and lh. sboddy mar-ie more Iban I cau tel And il thero hsdn't ba., noeclothes lhe Emprea Euigeny vouid bave been berri lu vain, and Dr. Kano vould have been goose fiesb ahi ovor by befor o g gee the norlh pole. 1148, I gnos il vas mHrighl as il vis. But te gît bmck te my uubj.ct. Don't undorslmnd me te @&y, -my frieuda, Ihat there h"int ne <ca en o in the venld. On thé contrai>', thon. ia a boit of lem, if a -body oeuld onhy find'la'm (oeer). I wieh nmre of 'ern wouid ornue this vay 1 (citsot, rit botl you),Kj b ', demi desad jo ue Lemà net vms. anIs man. He wvis lb. aihb of th. irl- yom, w>' friandsanmd 1the pepper toc. Thongb 1he did have an ivful babil of v.ang ont bis Iroseors te tb. kn..., and ho voold euiit tobieco joie. m&H over thee stve hivers, owiug le th. fiel that be't at1--is-»final teelb-ke. '. m .6 la uth e u -pn l eue, but !B uti vhalnsi.uld ma dpd ddm ato take k«of et'am mud kiep lem frorntle vome'u ighenstelle us&boun? Whso' mgoan l 1.. ee ofihmWho are 111.7«o oigle P anete md vho ta 10 ,md Ihenl bnemdmm bttr '&ot skeatthirly.flve -cents a piound~ furthe to do bnêto go oga1 a' fu?~ f~Il mOomatyJif'Ontéof' Under a N by tue cf a ïpô*v'orf sl cn- latnod li so« mortgage. beexlndate lhe e will be dfeed&at thé lime o01sale, Irewlbe sol4I by PUBLIC AUOTION, at Aîms#oog'SHot'elIdInthe-Town offfhitby By Levi Fairbanks, auctioneer, aI th. heur cf Two c'clock in th1e aflerneon cf 'SATURDAY, 5th, 0F MAY, neit, 111. following valuable proerty, viz. That certi 1re or tract of land and pr ,,misesrstua.eandelying and beiîg in 1the Township 01 Pickering, in the County of On- tario, cont ing seventeen acres ofthae North- Entqarter cf Lot number eleven, in the ForhConcession, of 1the snid Township cf Pickering. There are ne buildings on th1e premnises, but th1e soil is th1e best iu Pickering for farming purposes, and under-drained witb 111e drains. The preperty is under good cultivation. and is situate near the Viflege of Greenwood, with good roads thereto. The fonces are In fsair Condition. 4 A deposit of ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid at th1e lime of!on le te 1the Venuur or ber Solicitor. The remainder te be pnid withiu tweraîy days thereatter, or such part thereof may reinain aI interest ser 'y mortg e of 1the premnises as maybegr te by the Ven<lor and purchaser. Te. Vendor will oniy produce sn"Ji 7...e .s are iu her possession and a ecry of th1e Registrers Abstract ofth11e premises. The ,purchaser te be aI ail expenses insatislyi lm self as te the Vendor's tille te 1the said land. The sale wil be subject te n reserve, bld. For further pa.rticulars and conditions of sale apply le J. K. GORDON, Vendor's Soliitor,' Whilby April 25, 18.2.Whitby. FARMTO LET. That very desirable farm, aI present oc- oulpied by MRS. RIORDAN, being cern- posed o! Lot 26, 3rd Con., Tewnship cf Whitby, adjoining th1e Corporation o! 1the Town of Wliitby, and centainilng 190 acres, more or lees. Apply te Davitt Ormistqjz, barriater, Whitby, or te 1the undersigned. Immediate possession. 18 -Sin. T. H. MoMILLAN, Oshawa. HOUSES FOR SALE. Two good story-and-a-half houses in 1h. Town o! Whitby, new sud partly built cf brick. SIoe foandations. Seven rorna lu each. Bard and soft water. Que minu- tes waik frem pest office. Convenieut to churohes, schoolsanmd business places. Alao f8v. and a haif acres cf land wel fenced. Apply te WM. NEWPORT, Mar. 16, 188. Wi .O Fam For .Sale. 100-ACRES WsLt hallCfn Scott. A fLrst-clasi farm in every respect. 6 miles fromUibridge town 1-2 mile frcm ohurcli, sehool, blaok&mith s 1ho ad pest. office lu th. village cf SmndforK. F or fur- ther particulars îpply le JAMES BIRD, Br., administi alor cf ButaI. cf Wm. Bird, Lot 8, Ceu. 4, Scott, Uzbridgo P. O. Thal v&Ulble farm, kiùcwn as4' Beuver Oreek Fsrm," adjcining Port Perry, cou- taining 200 acores; 140 oleared ; ne vaste tend; clay loam; god buildings wllb atone celîars ; ochAd; living stream; vl feuced, possession irnmediately ; terme easy. Apply te N. P. PATERSON, Solici- tor, or T. . LUND, Proprietor Port Perry. ]FOR SALE IN THE TOWN OP WHITBY. Large Solid Brick Residoe with bcllow* viMl. Ton <ccdMuiedrooma. Stabllng aI- taohod. Hall acre o!fidand alot cf fine fit treos. Both barmd andsoit 'vater. Raya muy, be 'hà à d -from Major Long and preisF nayb.1ns~c04aun lime. Pou- deso onc.A:,,-yIoifd rl>. OrMWs ion or J. Banner Grtenvood, Whitbyi or, NÂTHA. a ABNOLD, )Mr. ô, 1888. Brooklin P. O. TWO 8SOIIOLARSHIPS.- W. bave for sale e aI bi ffie Ivo seol-, aà rohipe cf Toronto Business 0014ee, and, sla11&x -lo-f lhem t $qmny ý 1ron wh'o vishs teatted th Intitntion. it s ai ged ppo >nly orvo young ien Wh*c vlhte ollub P her uolge cf busi- Dess motheda. ÂpyaI lb Nov. 9. 1887 -ép * 4i UPW Lndn.TH urnc of Gi'eýBtritain- ANNUAL INOOMBS 1,500,00. MARE Fmmm ProLerty mdnaDveliHng Houges a Sp.eially. vcrybow rates. Easy terme e1 paymenl. Simple policiez. lNo vexutions conditions. Prompt s3eltiemenbt o! loques without discount. Bc sure yen do net insure nuil -yen kncw our terme aid conditions.* Buquire of B. R. B. HAY- WABD, cur (le, eral Agent for South On- tarie. Office iu Whitby-Part of D. Orruis- teu's Law-Oflioe. Ah bolIters addressed le Lock-Box 78. Whithy P. 0., will receive prompt attention. Residence-Ham Cot- tage, Byron street, Whitby. 21 London and Lancashire Life Comnpany, This Company issues every desirable forin e! Life pelicy, and has deposited with tb. Receiver General in appreved Canadizu seonrities over 0100.00 for each 8100).00 of laliy, thuga afording ABSOLUTE se- *Parties desirous cf assuring their lives vil fiud ilte their advautAg. le consult 1h. udersigned before assuning elsowbere JOHN FÂIRQUHBoN, co- General Agoni Whuîby, May 18, '86. .ly fULnutar~1. T E WESTERN BANK. 0F - ONTABIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. WHITBY, MONEY To LOAN! 0100-000 FOR INVEBTMENT. ON ]REAL ESTÂTE SEOUBITY. At loweut living rates cf lnterosl.* Money sooued within 10 dayu of ap- plication. Apply te JOHN FARQUHÂRBON Whltby, February 16th, 1880. 0- MONEY TO LOAN On Real Rsate Mortgae st Low Rate Interest. CO., and agent for th. Western Assurance OFFICE-Ovor Gerrie's Bloek, Whitby iutj C> S0- t! Pý4 ~ Z p 4« uuou1h. OXFORD PUBLI8HING Certificate of -Major Hlarper, Eq.. of Whitby. -1882- To whom il May ccncern. This is te certiy that haviDg examirauu .repaired and us.d a great variety cf 8ewind Machines. I have corne le the concluuion that the White Machine sold by L. Fais- banks in one cf 1h. best made, as in opinion il is a machine that will nt eus'l gel eut of order, and wil lasI muchl lngl than moat machines, as care lias been tene te, prevent wear as much as possible. I can honeslly recemmend it le parties wane ing a good and lastimg sewing machine. 1 purchased one cf th. White's some mont1m ago, and il gives every satisfaction. MAJOR HARPER. --1887- Ater five years use -of the White BewI Machine in my family I can fu]ly endori th. abo've qerlificale and eau _Iully recozu. moud th. machine as a- faznily seMM& machine cota less for repairsa h aun machine I have ever had anyt iot with. MAJOR 1ARPERB Sold cheap au 1h. cheapeat, and in 11w bost cf the bea;.- TORNTOCGâ. BIS PAPER May be' found on file Re.P Eowell &Oola iNewpaper vertisxng contracta m=ay _be made fer il Nucw Yonx. LIVERY and SALE STABLES,, M. O. CRAWFORTH, IR8TVr- LABB TtJIRN-,OUT ~'unisedo~ hor- s 9 ic. Oemm.cýgu "f- eimîlré,a. and1 @pool sait In Doors, Ba*à nid-.linds., L U M EE R, w h leale mmd ,z etai; N b g th. ar Ioad. Planing, e £ ings cfe very deczptICm, Floring, Sheeting- helvinýgi- Be-saig Shaping,Turning,%oroll Work, oie., eio1 ÀA6ENTS I AÀG6EN'T S! NJ OW RADY-Or new book, " BatIkJ .LSea and- Sky; or, Marvelu cf tho Univerge"; beijng a full and graphio db- sription of ail that is wonderful in evezy continent f the Globe, in the world et waters and the Starry feavens, containiug, tbrilling adventres on -and and sea,. c nowned discveries of tb. worId'. greatema explorera in ail ages and remarkable phb. nomena, in every ralm f nature. Bib. bracgth striking physical fatures of thi eattepeculiar oharacteristios cf L1Eà hua 0acc animais, birds, insecti, ti~ inluing a vivid description f the Allaa. tic, Pacifie and Indian Oceans, and f lba Polar eas, the Monsters f th. Deeu beautiul eahelis and plants, ingule fihsand dwellers in 1the wrld f watewg, remarkable Ocean aurns etc.,cgl with the AM*LZING PHENOMENÂ OFf THE OLÂR AND TBBY YTEMI ]Bir HzinET DAvENiuPOiT Nonixnncp . D .X, Einbellished with over 800 fine ýengravinW. strengi in the »in vb ele k1dme ide 1 batle b. uWar 140 à l av. i-Abe sufern pain ee log 4 a&. - I N.. Van To 11, I my.d disee 'I thoyr, 'i Tlnere'ý Ionpe General Agent ý Whitby, May 18, 186. -ly CO. 5 JOUDAN ST, ý Whitby, Nov. 7th, M. ly-47 ý SELLO Nzw GOOD soa"s, TO REN T OR