AU ST POB TBM He ii; Ibis veek offerlng th. foltowing Bargôains in Watches. 7 Jewel Stem Wmnd American Watch in Open Face Nickle Case, Newo $5i.00. American Pull Jewefled Nickle lKovement, ini 4oz. Bilver Hunt- kmg Oase, Gold Jomta and En- graved, $11.00. à well-finished, well-jewelled, Lever Movement, in Solid 14k. Cold Hunting Oae, Ladies' mise, $12.WO. AUl the above fully G-ar- anteed. J.e ý eBA RNAIWj BROOK BT., WHITBY; Wivjpitbu QUroniclc. IRMIAY, MAY 4p 1888. LOCAL LACONICSI WIIAT ls GOING ON IN ANIO AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F UVELI LOCAL NEW8 GLEANED 5V CHRONIOLE REPORTERS 41A ebi.i's amang Y%,t" ahiotes, An, f aihbhe'i preut il.' THE oiokolons arebusy prepariug for Ibein sassons vwork on lbe orease. Tau regular meeting cf lb. W. C. T. U. viii b. beld Ibis (Friday> aflemnoon in the Beading Boom aI 4 o'check. The rush for oasta aI the Institule' entertajummunt began vith lb. opeuing ci tb. plan aud bas conti.nuodl ever W' 'Wu. Bayasc, publisher, Toronto, sende Ivwo taseinatinu novl. ,-Tle Âbb.y K&urder." sud $arà i Oreve," botb cf lb. mcml readabîs descrption. MES. iH. W. Auuwas loft for Belleville on Wedneesy morning te, attend the attend lb. last @ad rites over ber nico. The funaral takes placa Ibis (Frii.ay) aftomnoon. JAMESsGhENFIEtLD, alias Brovn, one oeeof lhe Ibr.. railway robbers sent to central prison and penitentiary rom boesaItbh late ssisas, esoaped frein tb. central prison on W.duesday sud by yestorday had net been oanghl. INWhiîby yen eau buy a large brick building Ivoetsorey high sud 19 acres of land for 48,000. Yen eau buy s nice coltage and bal su acre of land for $850. Yen eau purobasu numerone bouses sud lots foranm rauging from thrae te four bandrec S dollars. Evideully tha boom -bas no$ knockod property blgher Iban a kil. in ouwesiern suburb as yet.-Osa VinMcawo. W. notice a letton in the Toronto Glob6 frem some -Whitby inmu oin plaining Ihat noes and oines are illeg- ally mol ont intleb. breren, lbui destroying te, a large. exteul the sporl of the townos-people. Sorely the writes of ibis letton kuovs whal le do la sueb cases. -Hne might as Weil write tI Damuasesabout Il as th. Globe or su; olher Tornuto 'papent. The mnu v pute nets caltulthbutearbon asia vobto, of t'ho law *sud sboultd b. hanlod up. 1 weo 1usd thIe bey auy man vbt put ont bis Iahng tlsan. sd eetrcysï .vf.ryboy .1..,' port, ilegmlly, e.ulu ib 1111e moreshout Iba lb. Gflsif., sud thea qwu en"0» 0e "L.n&'aBuppen" ~ wiii b. obs.rv.d -neit Lord. Day in lbe- moruung, sud the,,ordlnarace of 'bap- îism", viii be oba.rved Ii , 1he,-evenlng. A. young mon at Guelph married a Young lady there a Yser *ago sud reçeiv-0 sd #2,000 ia Central bauk eas,. , He is nov $2,000 worm. off Ibsu b. vas before. TuE Fne Copauy je preaugt bold a grand celabration bore ou Civie holiday.- This aunouncemeut je 'made in eider that no other institution may maki oalo4ations for the smre day. <',Widower Jones," E. B. Sheppard'a comical sud sensationai novel, bas been forvarde.d te us for perusal. Thare is scaroaly a roader ef fiction aud foui in l tb. province wbo je not fend of reading Mr. Sheppmrd'a vonke. The Collegiate Instituts enlertain- ment wiii opan aI 7.45 sharp witbouî fait, sud if you are net ou lima you vill itione, ~e show 8, ailthle WATER- nI shadea, ,suffioe il Goodo, 51 Ui. Corne ber! a, aay Or ivo. Dont orgS býI te rualu vili be gung up let gl(Pla)a 7.45: sud iale$aeiotby 1h. amaller. girls yl .b. overvithi n - ten minutes.' Miss one or both-sud< yen, villmisea alarge part, of the enterla*înnft. Wu hbear Dr. Carson, th. Oustome officer bore, bhbu inslrucled tb re- move bis of.fice to the Grand Truuk station as accu as couvenient. Il is aisa staled Ibal an officer is 10 b. appointed st Port Penny, thus dividing Ihings up. Wm understand thal petilions are tc, b. oircuiated rigbt avay in the varions municipalities of ibis couuly, fer 1he appointment of a day to, vote upon the repeal of the Scott At.' There are seventean municipalities sud w. under- stand about four tboussnd nsmes yul b. naoessary. days " of th. Irish are April 8th sud] May la ' sud Qed. -On April 80Lh rajai sud hall are lôoked for; on May lot sncv .snd aat ; on May Qed the birde' nebe are tobeb.frozen 10 the Irees. Âny person who may have taken notioe this year muet have observedi hat the pro. gramme of almospherial events camej off exaetly righ, s is very frequeutly the cose. Thaý latet postal lava are snob 1 that navopaper publiabers eau arrest any oe for fraud who takesazapaper sud re- fuses W ,psy for il. Under the law the man wbo shows bis aubacriptionu W run abongt for soa lime nnpaid, or lakea three papera frein the post office, sud thon orders the postmasler to mark it "Befused," aud have a notice seut. notifying the publisher, "laya himaelf liabli to WaresI snd fine, smrne asfor Iheft. à Fruit Social, embraeing every de- eo0iilion of fruits 10 b. obtaiued, will be given by the young men of the Methodist tabernacle on Friday aveu- ing, May 111h,' in aid cf Ihe S.. S. Iibrary. Everything counected with the social is to e b. oried out by young men, programme and aIl. The promo- tors are fally slive 10 lthe weigbty re- spousibilities lhey have undertaken, sud are desormiued Ibis affair sahal lake the shine off anything of lb. sort giben by tbe ladies sI any time past or future. If il do' help ou lb. leap trade the young men viii dispense with their preseut ides-cf "png. ATr the clouing cf tb. W. 0. T. U. nigbts9ohoo1 Tneedy even.g voee ddressed by the Bey. M. Ger- mn, Boss Jehns10u, Bsq., aud H. B. Taylor, Esq., eacb cf viaom enoouraged thein 10 continue tIbstualdios dnring the summer, and *bon th. echool r.. opane in lb. fail, to corne baek vith in- oreasedl seal for their losuous. The free readiug rôoom will b. open only on Sa"urday eveunge during lb. ummer monthu. The ladies of 1he W. C. T, U, b ave been giÃeatly eueourdged -br tb. large numbers wbo have frequeuted Ithe room duriog Ibis vinter. The* union feel grataful to the many frienda who have contribntedl papers and mag- azsine@. J me 4.- r - - W.are nv h nnwDress Materiala* la aithe: Loading Clnà NwSok of >,Plain à i F&c 14Stripe"DresMatenials with Plain, Goods to mtcth, for (Ocmbinalion- Suits. Our, Stok of, Dre a- Gooda l-1t unequale for Style.sud Value. New Black Cashmeres, -Black Henrietta Clothà , Black PliMn and Fancy Dreas Goodas. Wit 14 Dorsua mdlonings" wtavihn daLnnmnkan.o ac."i vr mbodre~Egn Emibroideoriea. and Insertions. New Black and Coloredd Gloves aud' 511k Gloves. New HosiansdLcs MILIIBI zrNEW GOODS TO HAN.D. ~ ILNE We are now showing ail the leadiug and most fashionable -siapes anid styles. New Rats,-F NIew Ornements, Bibbons, Flowers, Feathers and Trimmings. We positively exel i *Fahina4 GeFNTS' CLOTHING made to order ini First-Class Style.~ Large Stock of New Tweeds Trounrg gs.. Special Patternss sud'GodValue. (TB,'PUBNI8HINGB tock cmpet, ith n'ew Shirts,'Collais, Scarfa, Ties : -Brace84 i4Iu-%xetc. srrEJW DEYERELL'S BLOCK., - - I~o. 1, TFIINK -- - WHITBYS DE E P LY Wh-en you are oontemaplating a purohase of anything ini our lime, no matter how ýsmoU ACT w' s* EL.Y By commng to look over oui large and weil assorted stock of ail that i.s 116W sd seaisonable- DEG-I DE 1!o buy of us. QU JGCKLY miss nel only the epeuing tableau of1 gymnastie snd ont door sports butal aIs tbe free caliothanie by tb.e maller Runs vbioh williollov almoslinamediate- 'y. McCÂusLà ND & Son, cf Tor i$,are beyond question thaesy laader in the Ornamental Stainad Glass înà e in Canada. Their vaut businoe extende frem Nova Scotia le British Columbia, and thousanda of public sud privaIs buildings bear Iostimony cf ibis firm's ability te execute beautilul aud durable windows cf every description. 21-4. AT tha *obourg assises, Miss Ada Rose Richardson, of Port Hlope oued Duncan J. Galbraitb, a vealtby fariner cf Clarke townsbip, for 815,000 for breacb cf promis.etofmarrisge, sud secured a verdict for $1250 sud aceaIe. 8h. bad been a sobool tesober, sud had dropped bar profession aI bis wish afien ber engagement le bim; but ha kopl pestpouing tb. marriage until she vas bbirsy..ix yeans cf aga, sud thon t00k ga otbar girls. IN whal us preîonded to b. the Wbitby correspondance cf the Port Perry Obserer of laet veek, the word "c0lown" appears nia. limes, direct"d in every case at oun devoted head. The Ob. usod le substituts "Cowboy" 00- casioually in days gene by, but il is ail ",clown"$ nov. Haro is a speeimen: -The. (3atte mins botherlng tbe Ohvoncle clown% lhe GamttU _gets nearIy âh thevwork of thelovi and cimown lutle genaine dog-in-th.manlger style la making ailamentâbiebhowl overlb, but lae cloms bîneter is volt known bore and the people only mook at hi. spleen. The Gasettecmn aford 10 smitee aI the cloum'a centortiens." Iu orden ébatlou readers may b. fnlly abi. to appreousto tbe motive cf the writer of &bis cooe parsgrsph, vo migbt explain ébat once upon a limne the Ob. man look il mtobhis esloemed tlu mn avay vatb suothen man's vif. and leave bis ovu pennilosa to starve. W. haa the pleasure of sasiêt. ing to expose hum sud h* apeul s dai iu Whitby jail. Ho nover liked n aine. He ie a miat1la man from the word go. T» Canadien Bpcîlsman'sanas]a for 1888i. juilismued. Il centaine ohM ou 200 page,and je a comploe record ef eveny logitimate sporting oyvant. Il cou- tains tbe trotting aud ruuningg mIes: tb. naine cf every hereun lb. United States that bas trotted in 2.80 or bottern the naines of Canadia trottera thai hstve marks cf 2.45 or botter: tbe Gun club rules; Fisbing sud Gaine Lav@ of Ontario and Quebo. Alil the records in conection vjth the turf-Atieltics, waiking, runnung, jumping, lacrossa, basebali, beavy voigbl performances- vinorscf th. greal Englisb race vanuersr of Qeun'is Plates in Canada, sud in filet s tboussnd ethen miseellaus. eus recorda. No book even publiehed ie me valuable for refreuce. The boêi i s publisbed il the Ceaa" Bpo9*i mon Office, Toronto. Prioe 25e. pipei ooevers, clotb covors, 60e. sud vil b 'mailcd free. auyihere on roceipi 0 0 That fieny van-hors.thb.figblin 1- edilor ef th Wbitby Olwonicl, got ex t- .ilea lbte soel Ofbloo4dt5.615in th 19 ftghl beIv. e gIowm e&tlleedie t sud last ve.k obsaexged lb.eGaael Smon 10 o gbarWcombat with bar Weget the choice of the best goodig on the Market and',u AS THE- LO r Ir issai*th" yesrswltb tbr.8%sie. Ihem are lucky y.ars. They orne only 01on la albonssd, but il -ià sï, lnoky porion Who, liv.. te me.-0»on. t lse., Thon le u ol Chleaispffltiilon thea a, year villa Ihre o sluoee of un-' limitai) blessiga. Nombbut -Iucky aam ar i e l l. sndenoy, fiele1 bIcs- soin vith abandiot bawes, the*b.wdh Oe.n be found. LOW We are alivays ready to seeyou -and, - GLASGI--.W. :îs& W~AEI NEW, lCON DreasGooda, SMo, Cashmeres, :Jexsoy ClotUp- CA] Nov OCheck Sateezis, with plain. to match, new Lawnettes in Stripes and Spots, new Chaxnbray -S ud-P ints. ty. That is th. fines inn up a big fig. ore. Duning the licos.. yoar euding Bo0lb April thon. vone 140 informatîions svoru ent ini Sonth Ontario. Of lb. parties cbarged, 8 escaped service, 87 cases vorez dismed, 7 vere, pitb- dravu sud' 98 vers coaviosed. The total aMount Ohflues ianpoeed anauni- ed to $506. 0f Ibis, ô vho vçee flned skipped oui; ô more iquarea. off the ooonput by a ter in ujuil, aking $600 Ihat w vast uIfor th. 10 ; #89Mb ae been pald iu sud lh. Iispecter esys &a th. remI cf ibà $6060 i.ily' elleot-, able. If NortbOaoùio. shows 1P aà " sncb record, lb. probabfies ran havor of lbe couuly comiug eut about #8.M0 hoed on lhe year' business. and th.ysy il as not a very good lime for BSout AcIers ellber. J ~Iovea. 11.00.. G- usome imc a broidord girlsa an Lbuetie or .app'd foid a unroll'd. raie au4d ietil sud ba mmnd. ibit ounr son. And kquires a Our fot, an covaz- iange b. ly made Wbitby ? rJordon. se from -- nt if you Walkîne t, and ex r 200.* io. otbom sud Goo& - - vory dus. root eombe; emsw,' akt, wilv romm bWt~. »OK )TEL, 1 1. 1- 1 9 After seeing the nrîoeis and exarnining the quality of oui Goods resiist them. It is impossible to do -botter elsewheret 9 NO 1 BETTE R Y%?U oan'~ VALUE- JL 116mi may be the amount involved. TQE9 LO ove - -mi k AOO'q'ý