Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Apr 1888, p. 4

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ALlAS TifE SPRING STOCK JUST RECEIVED, -0- Try a Package on your walls, and you'Ul neyer use ccdsominie or white- was& aan. GE. GIBBAIRD, A«-1FMMII KEDICÂLHAL ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM«. Whltby, Friay, &pril279 1888. Box. Thoma Whula, Minâter of t'he luterior in the Dominion Governaent, died Saturday nighl iss, asudfluhi. demW is.r. John A. Maodonald bloston. of hie strougaa< sud mist able oolluegue. The. old Premier broke down sud oried Mm.a obuld ln thie Houme on mondiby moruing, sud tbhe ksof moving au adjourumaul bbailu ob. perforrned by gîr. Heolor Lmugvilansd lHou. Wil.. ma14Laurier. Ix n othar oolnmn of tht. taun. w. gir. lb. ehau a tenmntof the Weslarp Bank of1suaU, 4glviug the ftllaslpoirtimsul - Mas lails affaire. Thi »tsament of lté,bsnk'a finsuos -boa slwuïys boeau inth.bauds of shrewd, hount mon, sud pablishingltes. state- 'Meuta la Ibis mswnar asabla the publieo u he .fallent oouftdenoe lun th. institution. The. Western hbu now tour branebes ln Ibis oonty &loue, a«eh uolsbly popular iu ils vioinity. Whule, lte publie bus esy sud smtisfactory sosommodatlon from Ibis batik, lbe sharaholders, 10e, fare Wali, hsving bad seven par cent dividende on thhir pald *p etookduring the year. Basides ibis #15,000 vus put aW&y sud sdded lu Ithe rest sceount. W. trustt he Western may slwsys prosper. The. repeal vota on 1h. SooIl Abt in niaoomaties, last Thanrday aboya Ihat M vasdefealed vithh Iraindous mjoritlasi sud il vu asng la iesd boy msny diffresu hbeorles ara set np lu liithe'reason of Ibis wonderfnl ebuge lu publia opinion. Borna «Y ltae-Dominion Goverumeulin ol pe. ktg amaudaments, I. rasponsible ; oltera eay lhe Iatas Govarnutet did uaosre mauait sbou anforeing a- Dominion lsw ; ouhers .1111bisialtae Dominion- Jrauohue.Ast for inlrodnoing sla of-voteas who go againal moral raton .vry lime sud msny, blama e teua tuspeonsr. Whula lte aboa thhomises are singasla by prohbltiouitl, Iae Uquorparty erow oudly sud Bey lthe moýr&I woirSba- spaul Isaitf, sud people arege gatg iraitfl. Web#eli t bam ail, bul s illi Itbkuitnoua ai leseasomus tfuly seut for lte délaa-of ltae Boot AOL. Ilt.l mply s question ta liisky or no v huskey, sud, Whon u "t mllled lu a vote'.lta peoplemaki taoit ballots frwhlskey I>y larg maîotenil.. Titn ra amv mon- *ho ovudeinking. LUhevote of th. puoPse je for tihe tuo, 4and&weuhnbave il untitihoire t. "' rongr moral sentment "»ud laisof tIbhypoortay.,Ebow coutd il bae paoted ltaI ai,, oouli be afore- ad whlla memberg of parismaul, ma&"- Irat.., mayara, reeves, oonuoflons, Côn stables, temparanos ment marobants, lswyoe, editors, sud aimait everybody aise, miii encourage a halel-keeper to, break the la,, sud oit ibem drinks ? Iu mont cases the. h.teI.keeper who violieaîthe a 1w usabetter Man than bis otitomer, beosusa ho don'l bave te break id msny specieus professions ef pool moral prinoiple. Sprag Vair Notes For lbe information et people wbo did nosI attend auy o et b.sprlnqfaire ta enjoy a freezing, me might say t1à eahher mss pru'vokiungly oold snd ram. Most et the orowds orgot their oomtortena sud -stood &round with baok. humpod up like camelot vlihh tollowa iu aIl direction. blowing thoir nom.. 1k. tog-horeransd minging tb. mater-drop therefroni. These spnlng taire are losing ground lu abouet1he saine may as have Our varions tail ghows. The Mare, axhibit et mell-bred steak miloon osai. l e.a dramlng ca ezeopt for breaders alone, sud aven among lhe latter snohbdiflrences, sud very vwide differeuoes, et opinion ezisi thai he zremit of thea show figure up aiàmait uehing. The bout availabls judgaa may b. appolnted, aud Il4eéemay1 diaplaa goed kâovledge et stook aniaisbuteoh ummluinteo crowdstmlihango tho bis-omu panticular hobby, sud the resuît ot tbe awardlug et prisasila luthe ané uaallaataoory. For thusa resçons many et tlebu et steak omuers daclie te, take lte trouble et bring- ing eut thei.r animaIs ; sud eues Il becomea known tliat botter animais are absent than present, tbe interest lu 1h. rail ticket dwindlos domu eunaidenably. If these tains are te b. oontnuned, sud the atanue Irept op, oremeuos busIness wiU have te b. introduoed the. same as st fait tains. People dearly love to, ses about seventy- five coet'u worth for a qulonr. Theoare mnet many agents for bludens iu the vioiuity et Wbilby tomi, the neaneet me notioed being Mn. Richardson, jr., ai Columbas, mie handies th. Massey ma- chine mit acilily mui hshoews Dnt enly the ulilty efthle machine but acs bis per- fect kuu!Iedge ot hem te menk machluery. With Ibis thoronghly lemled bluder Mn. Richardson should b. able te, show a good raturu aIithe aud oethlie season. Mn. Oea. Sternicker'm 'IL. H. Daniels" nover shomed lu as good fonm uasaI Iis spring's shows. Combiulng breadiug, ise, style sud speod lu a woudentul way, ho takea lie oye oethlie cnomdluna moment, sud ho keepe it hhroughout. HIs bouttcom- mendation comas tram anouud lManohester mhere haola boit kuowu. At Ibis tain ho wus ltaefavoritolin bis large sud sledi ci"a. No neipapar comment la o mach services b snob a horne., for ho bas ail lh. patronage be can attend te . Meuars. Wmn. Richardson & Sous, Colum- bushhaaDomw alately establiahed oréputation as imporransd tborougb jadges etf hersolesit, by imporng tue, sallions that carriad sweeping admiration as, both Whihby sud Nmnhester sping stock shoms. At Manchestaner pclly, wire e classeswmesffillod mzhbohats et the Most magnîfileet speelmens et oly- désdales ini tie counly, theïr twe herses "Lamer's Baron Gardon" and "Cansmal again,0"8amept evorythiug betore thora lu theag ad utlre. jean old oMassea, taking lhe tire final prises. Snobh ora.. mueI prove gelimprovers ef t ock sud very profitabl te lhii amens. Masina J. D. sud Wm. Homden sitew a mont promlsinq t wo yeaeld importl COlyde, «"Su Arthur" broughtent lait yeax n u lb rehuru trip, by Mr. J. D. Hemdon sud Mr. Arlitur Johuslon.Hav»1&maeil. wavrm senation. The nom judgem plcokad on a herse whieh-bad pnlvuoualy tàken-44.2-9 sud saut hlm oes lue. proud Pseso r et lit covetad nad ticket. Titis shows howm m duRer lu opidn as la housfah.0 Oua mana I oatâ"stor tain had 'a prety g oodacheal, Tii.h«eri.owm s ould a benl.rad tianelies year for lternaseau tait ll*ra vaineo èums tor cos ornes. Titis aar bis hors.e basbeenaurnmed itlea Olavaelanb4a sdtie e iaprisa,ho.. Ha aveu had the «@U t pûtlthe hersa lu inta sweepstakce compaitîou.. Whllby furmasbehi lut mI easlu eveuy respctbat lupeint etof ludauca -or u# le expoatatlausilalrspects "CIsam te haveýa bicorne a prmanent institation. Borne aose«« fe ing made toobau1ebolb Ibeme bfa"IM Wliy I.oolumbus m f- eost lu rI P. -7&4 lbi may ha sadde or arriage étalnà iou ni" toms-- anes ; George Stsnncker,tL. R Dauilo4!,"Gnahsm & Parka, «ISt unt , 1 Ovoir old, saddle or carriage stullion shova lunhaeaues-B. B. Btioknoy & Bon, «lYeungRiftemùau." Olevelanid bay îtAlllour-2 -entiies; l- as-. Willia,n4 VIunleerl" major Hdsn Span of draught herses galdingi or'mars --Geor&e Hadden. Baddle herse-2 entries ; D. J. Adwa, Sémuël Batretî. SDrangitt brood mare in foal-Wm. Pos- ter. General purpose brood mare i uai-S entries; CJharles Brown, no second prise. 8dldle or carniage brood mare-4 entries; Wheeier & Muirray, Graham & Park. Single driving iorse gelding or mare lander 16J bande--* entries ; D. P. Hager- man, Graham & Park. Single driving boue gelding or mare ven 15J band"- entries; D. J. Adamsa, Btarohunu& son. Sweepstake open tb aIl stalllcns-14 en- tries; H. H. GIregg, "Pennel.. DURRÂX CITLE. Bull miih pedigree-S2 enties ; John Turner. Yearling bull vith :digree 3 entries; lot and Sud Robt Dorson. Jersy btl-Graitam & Park. Singl~e buggy with top-James Bwan Son. 1tugla buggyvithont op"-Jams 8uwê. Son. VIEY PRISILI5T. .&ged draughtatallion imported-4 entnies; Jonathan Porten, Win. Richardson à Bons, Jonathan Porter. Stallion 8 yean. old importad-Wm. Riobardiom & Sons. Stallion 2 years old-Wm. Howden,J. D. Howden. Ganadian dranght stallion 2 years old-A. Ketchen, Jno. Vipoud. Oan"d1u draugit stalllan 1 year aid-H. S. Dow. Âgrtoulftvral lem-Kerr Brou., Jno. Hialop. Road utallion-Jonathan Porter, J. B. Wilson, A. Hogarth. Thoro-br.d blood sallion-Jno.WylieC. Lytide. Clevoland Bay-Major Hudgsou. Ewmptakes-deol*red a draw. Durhràm bull-W. J. Davey. AUCTION SALE Valuable DieIIing Hou8e dI Lot. Under sud by vrtue of the. power of sale contalned in a certain Indanuurofe Mortgage, the original of mhioh wMi be pneduced aI te Urne e alensd lapn mblch deatn i uy- ment has been me, liera vil be ofterad ton sala by Public Auotlon at the ROYAL HOTKL iu the Town ef Whitby, in the Oounty Mof n- turieon Saturdag, the l2th Day of Mlag, i£D., 1Mat thebhour ofon&eock in the af- ternoon, the followlng landeand premisea vis: AU andsigarta certain parcel or tract of land-premisems ituaIs, lylng sud being lu the Town et Whltby lunthe County and pro- vince et UnLtno, anâ belug oompoeed et part of Lot number Twenty-Bigbt, lu lhe Second Concession eoftthe Township of W Wb bolIer kueun as Town Lot number Thne>undred and Seventy-Two (SM2 on a plan et part et Lot Twozy-igb wet o Brokstreel, lunlthe s»l Town of WItpropTh tai lindosir- ably sltuated on lb. £astulsi H hStreet, lu ae mid ovuet bfty; sud lier. in erecled thoreéon a Prame Rouie lu good ropain wlihoutbuildlngu. To4s-Tbr per cent ef the punchase meo e b=e alora t lb.. lim et sle, balance tlub. pu" * ihhiâ oua ma1h o date ofale. Fer initier partlcularm apply le JOSHUA DENOVA.N 2G4in. Vender%.BUle 18 Court-t., foato. MrTGAGE S_À CV ALE.V Thoraa eue buildiu ngsth e prme, bul Ima sAsli but a lluPickkeni f«- ortaig $004 raids titeeto. taesaajti va nsld a of asIe r A re Friends to the Public and F088 to the h'igh-Priced. Competition, Our oon8tant aim is to benefit the people by eonstantly offering Barga.ins. what we Ad'vertise, -we niean what we say. We ooutd give yen a lisl of bar«ains as long as; the moral law, but space prevents, however here are a few and wheai you eaU ta sec lhem, others viii be ishown with pleasure. Black Cashmere, 25c., 80c. 40. Speciat limes, 44 inches vide, 50o. Double width Nan'a Veiling 88 luches wide, 50c. Blaok Nun's Clati. 20e., 25c., 80c. and 35e. Our Black Qoods and Mourning Dep'l. la 1h. lange8t and bout, assorted in tovu. 7e. DRESS GOODS. 7a. DBESS GOODS, 7c. 15e. DBESS GOODS. 15.-DRESS GOODS, 15c. These are combinalionis et Plain and Striped Goods make a handsome Dresa. Come and see them. a nd 1 HOSJERY Long Gloves, 15c. GLOVES, 20c. GLOVES, 25c. GLOYES, Short Gloves, Big $1.25. Josephine ORDER-ED $1 100.8 15c. GLOVES, 20e. GLOVES, 25c. GLOVE S, 20o Nun's. Veiling, ail Wool, 20c. choose from cf this ]âne. 25e. Jersey Llama Cloth, aUl Woot, 25c. this lime. We show 12 different Shadoes te 17 Oolorings ei 40c. Frenehi Foute Cloths 80c. 80c. Faaiey Self Stnipa Tn 'icotme Clatho, 30a. Beautiful Shot Moire Silks, ai lte nevest shades, le match Dress Goodà. Gorgeous WATEIi. ED PLUSHES, selling fast at *1.00. 20 different shadas, selling fast at 85c., vorth $100. We cannaI begin te quote prices for HOSLERLY, suffioei le say, if there is houer in man, or virtue in good Goode, st low puices, vo mean le be masters of the situation. Coèm and se ur s TAND 15c. GLOVES, 20e. GLOVES, 25c. GLOVES, 15C. 20e. 250. Gloves, Little Gloves. t1.26 Victoria. Out, 4 Buttons. Every Pair Guaranteed. Kid Gloye«. OLOTH INO. A GOOD TWEED SUIT MADE TO ORDEI? FOR CALL AND LEAVE YOUR $11,000' MEASURE. THE HIVEOF INDUS TRY17AND ENTERPRBISEý lE?088 s glm Whitby -Dry 8:pi? Q Goods 's -, Emporium* PRINGLE'S MERtRANT TAILORINGIS PR ESTÂ~LISI~ME~WT Ji lb. place ho get yor ordered. olothing. We -have in stock a.splendid suortment of olothe of &tt kinda, which vil be made up in flrst-class style1 by J. B. PRINGLE, the Boss Cutter. W.G. WALTECRS' Store, FA RMERSY Don't mistake the place, a part of1 - Oddfellows: Store, Whftby. THRESHER8, A ND MILL -MEN FIND IT TO THEIR ÂDVÂNTÂGE AND PROFIT TO USE is t~'LARDI N'E.c* NÂCHINE OILS. Guaranteed not to gum, and will 1 Machinie Qil. outwear ail other gM~-TryOur Gylinder Oil. It.lias'no equa&l. >' ' ssta a ubyvVh THE-*- ONTARIO- U#nefli4or ]?aomfl r T EA -18 --U, "CABH. AND LOW PRIi ...our fsa NO Ah! meleeme, apring-timo, se minsomne tad shy,0- With ia mmi, ou jour hp, and's tei ijeur Tii.peanis thii bîubningli«0e idm a warm showers, and lhe hem ot your garments ln broideed wilb. flow'rs. The Sprlug beauties make for th. girls sud lie beys, And canth tgromethtgreenwithout bnîte or noise; Prom lluy brumai buds nov wnapp'd fl .upon told, The loveliasl ganlandu vil s" eau bourI. WhiMo vo vatoit-oa glaàd ietes, lt.é dea a w- e she br -whit dlot. itsnslf -Wi basul fuI ofour duty w i- prue salves, inu kaepiug miit1 mitat ý,part o ar i change of milite mone vWe&ry ilit ha aigitl ingl' 1Ane wmier am: Mor01e oieâp1y _sund 'est 'mut !esud wm...D~AU ~U'I, UUUi55~nren. TEA Pin. Tes. an -Sp ;'S ISC0 HOUýç il n - -y t N M'COLL 1 7ýl '

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