Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Apr 1888, p. 3

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lite. LOt 'us. 'nu- la bo ratifisd. The à oesrcaAlliance wil bhold i N~ational Conférence lu Ihis city ýou 1 he 28rd cf May, le wbio.h at boul ont delegate will ho sont ftom evoery Cou. grosinal Dletriol iu 1h& oountry whore the orgasationu a .sabllshod ocun- cils. Thé objool cf tb.e cuofere os 8tc considor whal pelioy Ï8ist lb>eienl to pursue wxýh vofemoc o the approaobing IPréSideutial campaigu iili mot probable tha theb Alliance wu, place a ticket inl»0 froId, butîils atios rnay hav »e mre ffeot in ahaplng tbi platforms of tb. twc «resI Partiy cou voutions 10 b. bold in June. zThe Allitwnce bolieosn lhrestrioticz cf immigra4otiot1he. oetocf . *oln ý4g ituimddsr*bbe lomoute sud iii re quiring cf 1foreigu hem dIoitsns rssiepo lutibia 'OOunry of Ivontycum yearese sprooodent te the e xie cf lb volious tsaan4 izakosar upon u *hurb. The lMayr number Oclf oleys Lady'. boe lç-"Ïow befôrs nu, OswelcOmeiio ,ve, nct wsofUll cf «ccd tilgi l »obody will vaut tle les.il aide. The stitactve.A photo-.artistie ttOliiie "A Boven.ie,",ie. vryor " peii t-à tiori, The wu WÂsBMOTon April 2L1IIII188.Tl 8ol o ve. ith e ei l t the OsCam ,wu the openimc f tht4'riff debt. th. Roueseof [Lprsoutbtives. Il gan on Tueday wigh, groat diquity bed- dooorum., oiyêoymemuborw we in hie oltit, &anY distingn.ltiýd viitore. wsre in the -orowdod ,piloeries., sud ,nuoh intoreset ws uauifoatod in tbe beginning of the battis whioh the con. grebsienal *sr hoz'sesobâti SQlong beon' sniffing from afar. The fireti speech which presentod the revenue reforhz ide of th. question, was made by Mr. Mille, of Texas, as Chairman of tbe Ways end Moine Committee. The reply- came from Judge Kelly, the aoknowledgcd les,,der and exponent of protection. The dis. ouseion promises to be long oontinumd and exhaustive. IL wil Doct b. strange if it weare upon the public patience to some eitent before a vote ie reaohed. The President jes t bis old game of vetoing private pension bille. Three bflcb museures have fallen victime to hie fearloe peu during the preBent Seuator Ste -ý,àrt, cf Nevada, bas in- troduoed a bill granting a pension cf $5,000 a year 10 tbe widow cf the Jate Justice Waite. He etated that tbe re- sponeibllity for lb. Proposition wa@ 8olely in himeeif, he beieving the widowe cf Chief Justices eboutd bo pro. vidod for in the smre mannor as the widowm cf ex Presidents. It le believed in Demooratio circlee bere, st Ibis moment, that Mr. Phelpe, cf Vermont, the present P Minister to England, bas been selected for the vacant Chiet Justicebip. The talk je that bad the vecancy been that cf an AssociaI. Jueticeebip, the President would doubtiese have chosen SousIer Gray, cf Delaware, but stb. vacancy je tbati of Chief Justice, the latter gentlemen ie deemed too young 10 pro- side over the ozperienced old men on thbe Supreme Court Bencti, and Ibat consequently Mr. Pholpe, who insisxty- six is tihe comiug man. Bey. Green Ctay Smith, cf Kentucky, who bas; recently aecepted a cal 10 tb. Mt. Sterling Baptist churet isj mention- tioued ber sas the candidate of the Prohibition party. While speaking of tht. subjeot I Winl qucte from a rocent oditerial cf a Wash- ington paper. Higb licous. and local option oeay put a tomporary check on the progrese cf lb. prohibition moeo mont, but wiil net discourage the houeet and irrepressible zealots who are pledged te make o Klenlle8 war on alebol. This cbeck will givo the Bopublican party a respite, but canuot annul thei decee that doome ilt t disintogration through the. metrumneuta- lily of prohibition fanaticism. Âny kind cf liosuse, higb otr low, is simply abhorrent tic persons who re- gard liquor-solling ase an infatun crime and the number cf snob permons ig in- creasing rapidly. Thoy wonld ssoon have laws enacted tor tbe sale ef lioenses te sIsal s tehbave liquor li. e..«. provîdo.4 for by I nac"to Il s y en ough nt e*>' f"sAObaie ugly uanmos, to muser at them sud do. ride their work, but eneers and derieion do netdi .i .therlua br.r _ o_ Inoquality iu tbe distribution cf wealtb seems te many b constitule bbc grealeet cf&Ili social evile. Bat, grosI s oay ho lb. evile binaI are attendant on sucob s condition cf things, Lb. evile reenlliug frein an equality cf vosîti wcnld undoubtedly bs maucti «resIer. Dissabuaction vitb cne's coud ilion la t. motive power cf aIl buman pro. gtees. sud thors i.ne sncb incoutive for individual oxerbion as tbo appreben- sien cf prospective vaut. "If overy- body vas centenb vitti bis situation, on if evenybody bolioved tiat ne improve- ment cf bis condition vas possible, the stal. cf the vorld weuld b. that cf bon- pet," or evon verse, for ecciety la no ceustitnled th&& lb canuol for auj longtb of lime remain staliouary, sud, if it doos not contiuualiy adverses, il la sure te retrognsde. Il in sasnatten cf regret that IboSe who declaim mont ioudiy against the iuequalities in lbe distribution cf vesîtti, and ars readly witb sehemes ton the more "11equal division oinunequal saru - luge" on remedies againsl suffering, are the eues vtio aew om ebave the leasI appreciation cf lbe positive facl, Ibat meut of the suffoing whioh th. human race endures in lb. reel cf causes which are snlirely within lb. province cf I'ndividual human naîrne le prevont, sud Ibat, thereforo, reformalion cf the individual in sometiing more import- sut than the reformation cf sooety.- Prous "TP.. Eponomtiet Outkoh,"'by Bon. David A. Wells, 'iu PopwZo science MonfMMy for May. Items Of Intereat- 'Ph. loua cf the Lick lelescepo mag- nifies 88,OOOtmes. Ttiere are nssrly 800,000 Chinsmen lu the Vuited States. Meteonites are said te somelimes attain a voloeiîy cf 180,000 foot per secnd. A philoophsrdoclares "il lu net vrong te &&y vhat on. Ihinke." Semelle., heveven, il lu net prudent. Mathev Annoid'ssoun-law, F. W. Whitridgs, cf Nov York, i18*aeretary of tb. Civil Service Before Lesgue. If Alexander of Battenberg sucocodu lu dowuiug Bismnarck bho.yl ho utilled te, tank stho amatIAlec cf Europe. the Wvse geographer vho bas bis oye on lbe royal faplly cf Germany is Dot publisbina sny largs aud expoualv mapeocf Europe jusl nov.. The avorage Ameriesu ycung man Ibinks if hao vesilutlb.plae e ofAlex. auder cf Battenberg lha voula lý*ve Bismarok sund tihe. est ofI$he vrang- ling sud elope vith tue girl. 4 «ccd msny fines in nsvspapen offices anrerortied nov-adaje fromn diffrent sions ca f the ccuntry. This Mela@s 1* indiosto that the aspning POOl has gelmarond with Nels veds Ibat A gnloe pok.d Ibnn ith titis sd' oft bi lk umbrelle a lnsaùn.ly fulostcnrledup on aboz inua-gnooory store luis ohen day. Ho subaïquenîly. ludnlâged luthe 'luinr'of o ms Ttie Kiug cf 8pauhs - a selary of 01,000,000 a -Yeu Mad la only 18 MnotbeIs -ma-lj '"lssa ýn îIl th sl pro iada@ l ol.s-ct, ýýOrlrPg--îobin, vil e d nos' prýinent ebough ppthighohulekýOnse,' [Bndl>gobd open forliiad-*se as tgular witib Olear, Sharp, cl,0 ry01 ee 1igbt 6rowu hoîr, olose oi» belihd, butl longer ou Ibe'crown, sud risig itom thti tempýle $te fcrm a sort c ridRze frotu the psrting.ecroa ti s brow, snd a yelowisb muetaôche loosoly corled at the suds-sud you have such a portrait as words jean paint cf William, Orown Plunce cf Pru.s, snd ooming German Empoer. (k4elr~nulrtl4oe ptror William, haquùîtplod swisuad the #aavé is 'T~hé Orov qwilh reosI'oubree hoqa na single yeu 'Pot-b are s leme, sof dep lulrosl hi a reigu 1k. thlc Empoer William., whosoh.ooso Muost cf our s tirring, country. The stery eau ho r.1ad in a ftnoly ti1lluýrated article ilu Frnk Lesll'. aPopular Mcunh. ly for May. ý the riumber dosa witti ont land, sud K,. W. B.'MoCanu toile the story cf tbe "Star 8Si'bgledBanuer" sud ils author F. 8 Key. "A Weekl's Jaunt Âmong lb. Lakes cf Central New York" is devoted to a neglecb8d part. cf our land, whioh elsewbere would furnish a tbousaud thernes te Lino pool snd painter. Dr. Van Fleet Rives a deligbt:. fui study cf ot native Warblers. Another article telle cf "Prjevaiokî'e Adventuree iu Ceutral Asia," ebowiug bcw Rusiès i jeaving ber plans for puehiug ber awsy te the bordera cf China sud India, or prorbape beyood themn. Our «test uuivereity-Harvard -ie brougint before us in its actual con- dition snd early bistory ; and wbat loseoué the pbotegraph teaches cf bbe fiight cf birds by ebcwiug a sotiee cf instsoteoup pieoree, make very curions rosding. Wbst wib aI thia, sud atories by Mrs. J. G. Austin, F. B. lleweil, Esta W. Pierce sud otiens, lbe Magazine iv.. 'au endies. aMount cf intoeetiug and attractive roadiug. How to innibilate Poverty. A remedy for sveny ache sud pain, sud science tihrough ceaselesu aotiîvty sud ex- potiment is coustantly wro,ttling th. sereis of ber demain. A ucw snd vondenful do- eo'very bas reoenlly beca mmade by meas of which tons cf tihousanda vil be fnoed froin pain. Nerviline, or nenve pain cure, ne- prosents in very conontàed f cri ltho mont polent pain rslîevlng substiutes kuowu te medical science, sud stinange tic a", il lu compnesed cf substances solsly AgelaUble luin rgin. PoIson'a Nerviline ln lh. Meut prompt, certain, sund plasaul, pain remo6ly inthe wonld. Sold inlO0 sud 25 cent botles by druggiets sud dealiers tui Medicine. Meusu. Norquay and LRTUvlere vers the only mombers cf lhe Manitoba Legialatuze te Oppose uho"autffg. stinglng,, moât st nlghl worse by scratch- lngý If allowed té o«nne, tumors totiâ, which efted bleed and u1cerste, eImu vory more. SwÂm's Onmxus tops ih itchinjg sud bleeding, heala ulcenation, sud lu many case removes th. tumors. I lel equally eMoacicus lu cunlng a&l Skia Dia- oam.. DI. SWÂYNE à SON, Proprielors, Philadelpnia., Bwsyue's Olimentoa b. ebtained cf drugiti. Sent by mail for 50 Thirty of the tailures reported ln Bra&ý streol's we.kly statemeul vers in Canada, ane».lesu than the precesdlng veek. Vhs. uabY vus sbk, ve gav. bouCabnim Whspss sa Ou à b oed"fS Cassuta, -WIHMeu .boumeMmes, sh* eiug l mto eIaù,. Wh= &" shad Cbfldrea, sbsgvo b tiuCs l The Mercier, , lîoy, ocrtul L'Etandard, vould lhave s'à,a n #à a ouse cf165,9vth *voniulu"mm. 8. Chadwick -cf Aroadia, Waygg Cc viles:-"I have bad Levers attacks taking Dr. -'homas' BLecfr*Oil. The Are dms.releved nie luone bout. I o1omttacked tauingil lI Ltfloxi'doses ft a - ev dari, sud b ave- net lied anuallach'of il The erpioulcof a r4 inl ah Brak, areIsuanch, l ex i*oheda Iployen' bis lite. th. ziegula n e cf Quilni ne Wine, S ~ole cf ýdellas *oon#t iànud lhoie p-__ place C ckery, the' Iarge t' Xmas(odinTon Tli Stck s ow compÈloté è of Cina, Gs8warFanyGood8,. 0f ail kinds. Also a fMi Stock of GROCERIES, FR UIT & OYSTERS: China Tea Sets -fi $3.-50' China Oupe sud Saucers, $1.25. per dozen, and other Goods m1 proportion. 1W' Corne and see for yjozrselves. WANTED--ÀAIl kinds of farm produce. W.J. -GIBSON, WHITBY CHINA. JOHN 1.Wltb..... 2'2~28 82 2s vlkpil Vi...4 8 4. Uxbridgo«.... 22 9,1019 28- 5. aniinlol.. 28 10 20- 29,. 6.BavttO~..,24 i 21--, M 'l.ptrgrvo-.25 12 22, Pj Ordan. 34y Qlork c1 tb'h e.o T STOI~E FERGUS-ON Io BHOWING à BUPERIOB STOCK OP Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds, Last Friday moruing Mstbew Geo. Greer, a flue yon man cf twenty- tbree, euly son of Mr. Joseph M. Greer cf Fenelon, asl cf tbe rivor, wus chcp- piug Inee witb sevenal comnrades (William sud D. Burleigti and otbere) in the bush on hie fabher's faroe, lot 2 lu titi.8Lb concession. Ho wsengag. .4 in felling a large bssewood trou, sud when ho bad out tbe lrunk bhrough the Irse bodged, ana lb. Ireseiding baok-' warde on its owu stump pusbed sud caugbt hum on anothor stump near by. His lhigh vau crusbed lu a horrible way aud ho was otierwise bs"y î- jured. An anbery vas eovered and b. bled profueely. The Ires Iben full te the «roand aud lbe trunk tossed lbe unfortunats ycn man eeveral foot in thti air and b. fou teo tho grouud ilaa seuseles condition. He muet bave had bis axe lu hie tiand as s deep cul was made lu bis noue, sPd ib is uppos- ed lu fslllng tbbcaxe came dowu ou hum causing lb. wound. Ail1 this tiappeuod ilue ime tInu vohave tliken in bell- ing it. Hie bonrified cempanions pick- ed up lb. youxlg man sud carried hlm tenderly to tbe bouse, wbere ho died lu a quarber cf an heur after *ntival. He was a fine, steady, industricus, most promieing young man, sud bis terrible deailà bas bosu a «test blow te bis bearti-breken parants sud a shock to tihe comrnunity. The funeral on Sun- day altemnoon to Riverside coetery wus a very -large eue. Thero l e b profoundest sympalhy for thes afflicbed parente.-Po8t. Natufo EauPol HATS!1 Latesi styles in HATS!1 RATS!1 Hiad sSd Boft Feit Hats VEBa'Y HE JOHN FERQGUSOýN;- Dundàs et.,Whitby 1 tL UUCM6e 0 eJi IguMuA6Y 8ML JJZYUr. baok;a dui pai or e and painsblu tderx base cf Lb. ,abdomaan sés afly at nlght, among aged penson t i,- « a sklnyale complexu5 red sud whlte dcslôotqî Pain undor shomi dico, shallow complexiona woarytlred fteS o ieon energy, heédache, dy.spop@àâ4 i getospots,.pliples, *. HROW OCURZ. Mandrake and Dandelion arc nature's Ltvse cessu when ccmblned wih lpdney remes- deu s in Pr. Chase'a Liver Cudre, *Mlll mcé poutielqne.aUKfde y-Livo tbles.-. It actveleyk a' harmu iimlal -bb c us liver stren:thenÏ,t~he kidneyi, and.tnvljomg. Soldby aildoaplerao . - pniesi oais.ele :,cMadfor .#0loàe or lc sd s. ns slo~n Laies'~oi $2 o~ eie omw 4j, JUU us Mattbow Amnold: almoist evsrything1 lI e no-ver msu ca ai Ibisqcntiytryl The diolo*o And other fine linos of Clotho, for'Spring suite. 'Ail garments made upin» lateet stylo on shortesi notice. Ready-made àMen'8 and Boys' Sulta, Gent8' Furnishinga and Underolothing of ai Kindâ. LN DESTRUCTILE xERLL Moi., ', Md e1.d the fua' English S-PRýI.NG- SUITS.

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