of- doi lui t t] eti sti in asi si el l i ?l~elu o~uihlpoueul' met at ibAt yOnObÇD>¶ ,ils ~M or KLT vrIAL nPAAO. ii l>11 lihmoýody ppoMîly. th0 a.o Wst ~ olowfl ~~ej~tstoheon êrtà wu H il l#Brouebers bX eTecmiteapone xaieb c~ .ent and the IUêýe -in lb. chair. , M aID.t Ibrnhblat eir rr.Otl4 p i bcul~ oe )v yonr friefld and nelghbbrsen sc et mee gréad su ,d 'pprvd Report reoeived .andl adèlpted. îh b~'e&iïëot Baye the Bulletn-the . iwmnwhom~y on.know and r.- 'e f - etni oe. M.Hùoksc.b r oe o-iâ,riol n hl ast cg"'te ocarry convictionl te any Acouts and oommouielatîons were M.Hneksc yM.Pwe te.Hg o ,ii pricpl n stio m. Ieewords et graJ -handed in from varions parties. e btth olwigaeiIiSýP".kiti OOy I,-d lth , aies, f ,e are -froin those Who> ha"e been A lttIer was preeented frein J. B. visz;;John M oGreg 'reliefMs eeth.i 1.pncal jîoedbu ar nw eIl ad b.Dow, of Whitby, asking th. Goneil te Spencer $4.00; Jh oGeGuele <~.t~ is, in Medontel, ~ reotld buvnthe noware îlly mn i.the 3ecsider its decision with refèrence te cff Mrs. Burr $250 ; Mr. MoBrien re Atyouthel'taih'oerdtndhe githa' oChe re trobled as were Pirie's bill for ns. cf hall fer division tief cf w. Gibbs 88.00; H.- Biokie r. h. atarld bdun, thefvitagers e in tiou mat kow estroumo s et cure. court and plliug purpoes. lief cf MisseIloffatt 8.00; Geo. Brook their aigt mauhed bis acoutre' eYe je knaowthy en softdrb. F. A.. Be-4on, the asesmor, was heard rods nd bridges 81.00. The counit inenti a eaose a-nd ran hum ut.' uere is nofrso n Wkld y ier. o stah a te whether h. shoutd assese the thon adjonrned te meet on the firat GordbnGrey, a Scotch setlement, woîa o ils. Ya du e b e or e as weî as Pceig olg.Monay in May at oe o'clock p. mn. fermer bas failed. BotUm an ed gave chatauele aree seowtgagaePickeringiitiege OI Dubles. ment ~~~Mr. Parker gvenotice that i neit catl r owga Laiii oa0 hors. Do net longer delay treamt meeting cf the Council he woutd move West Whitby Oouudll. 88,900; aug-ýisets, tisoe. Dedueling cosîs GAI at to.day ebtain that wbich wil re-fo eeteitounabla tea-o id1 gpthS..Nw8xecs?03I ereon upemnetb:lh n point a collecter for 1888. byM The aboe councit met et Brooklin a dividend of ton cents on the $.FOW ;rongth : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mr. Mackey oeoved, secended b r nMna,2dis.W loe detgsi h e. OSII 26MoN ab St. >North, Hamilton, Parker, that îhe#1ek be i*îruted t on old rndmeit omte fu A*ct-htIh wie btasvoiE B au., Nov. 2 . 1886.-1 had been sufler- adrertise for tenders for two wheel the whole on by-law te e0ose IPP and 9u Vola IrI"h wiesoitaie g for ovor îweuty years froin a pain acrapers and eue roed making machine. soit certain allowances for roadiein Ibis in rhynÈe at 81.00 eaeh, the* friende of As tu bc edeu sd c h ad, thÇrîd omiîe ~ ~ Ie deceased furnishîng items à nd cashb the indigestion Bi cd esoretofleeve or priso epaerhprted Muicprogres, udasketee &roesut ii.advanee." An obitury peet .hould - nytinge sution rytI ola ste dsareed Mr. Jas. Gordon, f Pickering, sked pre rges n ee ev oBti ,nyting an evrytiqI phydsiciendsefor peavaisson t. plae porton gain ou Menday the fourtb day cf net objsqbt to deadhead work. ith Lae. I was atteuded by h"O*lOfo exaainonteu sdprin June te close tmp and oonvey eaid ashow- Dan MoMorris, the versatile amd PZ rho o.aumined tue aud stated ebel I bed cf 2ud concession in rmar cf hisbotel. aube. Report wes received aud leave energetie peunistof the Meeford Mirror, ýniargoI2mOuI of the liver, Mudth- l r. Mackoy mored, seconded by Mr. graoted. *ay e efta s .g o tc "inM ras inapossible te cure me. They aise T. Poucher, for lear. to introduce e by- Tho by-lew te auzoud by-taw 686 was eye. "'Twice in my lif. wes I tbresten- l ýtated thiat I was eufering frein heart law No. 6o6 of tbis municipatity outil. read a firet time. By.lsw resd a ed wvilh e black oye,"l he writes. Mes- de isese, inflammation cf-the blsdder, led a by-lew te appoint tewnship offi- second lime end connoil IWe"1 mb cern. ford muet b. a quiet place ; we gel ;îdoey diaease, bronchitis aud catarrb, cors for the year 1888, 'and thet tbe mitteeocf the wbole thereon, Mr. Wil. tlretened twice a week. ind that il waam@ obe le fr meteoda afiret ane second son in the chair. Cmitulrmuactî fto tsMIbnÂvcse " jve. Tuey gtno mefo hewek time.-Oarried. rpre progres sund aeiked teave te scld an infant butl-dog for a dollar on vm virboul ma-king any improvoment in By-aw asthon resa a firsl aud roi&ai ed t etigof îel iteý,Te a od he ogt. vl .it aainctenottmeting encl. tm ash ansod Wo ado te à Uil xvcondition. 00omuedtkn second limue. Repert received and leave granted %0 gyp8y Bushlle]enaeedt 9Warner's Sefe Cure" aud 'Warneor' Mored by Mr. Mackoy, seeended by ril &gain. whack np he said the purp wam neo « safe Pilles" acting strict)y ute1 direc. Mr. Palmer, Ibal tbe by.haw now rend Mr. Wilson gare notice that ho wil, good anyway. A.nd Fawce&t, Who is tîon s te diet, and teck thirty-si a firet snd second timo, be rosada third at the next meeting cf the condil,move usuelly meek sud tovable is down on bottles, and have baid the best cf bealth liet dp od iudb b eeve f or av t duce a by.law to appoint ",the credit systom" and the pup pur- Bver siflOO. My regular weiRht used te and the corporate seal sttacbsd. a collecter for 1888, aud fi tho re.- easor. be 180 ibm. Whou I oncmwnbea Tbe bv.law ameudeô No. 606 as fol- muneratien for tbs same. TeEoasho uemwsboe --Warucr'a Safe Cure" I 0o11Y weighed fows :-Robert Ainan, crerseer, road ou motion of Mr. Medlaud, second- Tpe ontorheciheelf Muenm31,androke 140 Ibm. I Dow weigb 210 Ibe. div. No. 35, in lieu of John Annan : ed by Mr. W'tsou, 1he Reove a udnaClorkcoplon o oieng mdcfeM anc1,sd bille counterfitgorsctecf dat, tHkeu Abram Ellis, ovorseer road div. No. 84, were suthcrizedt ee.bJmesforcolletorfeionsofda, sud .The 00 ~in lieu of Gerris Cornelli; Frauk IHar. ono-baîf acre of land, beiug part cf-lcI lose le the Museum is heavy,. although 1 y "CI: ýrypun keor i ieof John 82, Brd cou., formorly owned by Mos e it'n eu i nyafwdl Ryanu; W. J. Mitchell, fenoe.viewer, Warremn, for the lerm cf on. year.- lare. The teachors' deeke were broken in lieu of Mark Spofa rd, deceased. Carried. Bcne pn but nothiug uts. was taken or S ST.CATARNES 0Ut. Jn 2th 187. Moeod by Mr. Parker, seconded by on motion of Mr. Oatder, eone destrcyed. The burgiars wern novices, -,&bout six years ago I ws a great Mr. Pencher, that the requemt et Mr. hy Mr. Willis, a by-taw was inîroduced haviug had ne prefessicual toote. There Th mufeerfrnikino dseme sd 55Gordon to place earth on roed ahhow- andpasdlto roddvsns1 is ne trace cf the thieves. in miaery ail tbe while. I bardly bad suce in second concession, at preseul and 174.[ sîrength enougb te walk straight sud waseuclosed by Miss Leonerd, b. complied ou motion cf Mr. Witlim, secouded Pplrzuain pshained te, go ou the street. The pains with on condition that the cousent cf by Mr. Wilson, lb.eRere was authoriz. Po " pa zdui teatifeliugw I crose myback were almost unbeamabte, MisLoadb baud-are. ed ge grant hie erder on the Treasurer W yptiewl h eln hc sud I wei unabto te flud relief, eren The standing committee On roade and in faner et a number cf acgoutsboru in this oountry need grow lip in ignor- temperamily. I boezs the une of"6Waru- bridges beg bar. te report. sud recom- arnounting to $189-74. auce, snd yet it la a tact that msny people er's Safe Cure," aud inside of eue week moud paymeut et tohowiug aceons :- on motion of Mr. Wilson, secouded who Ihave Iearned to, read sud write have 1 found roboft, and after takiug *ight Albert Birreil, amonut et coutract for by Mr. Oaldor, Mr. M. McTaggart was neyer laught tbomeelves tle tink~I. A maxi boîea wscopeteby cured. daiggae ui-e ebmosd~uhrzdt nae anu lebreak who uufomred from catarrh, consumptiefl, botles IWaBcOMI rawngRrsel n osà to aroran ïnborzei t egael ad eenbronohitis, sorofuls, or "tiver 4cemipaint," oertified te by Geo. Par-ker, cofi., $125 ; Stones on the rvloa bewn mighl resd 1111 bis eyes dropped eut, how James 11111., for 80 Yards grave for myrtie sud the 0. P. R. station. - th sad many other fidiseaaes have been d i-cd 0 brbraI cu.par yard. 815; Mr. Medlaud, secooded by Mm. Wl c ured by Dr. Piece,'s Golden medicat Dis ore Dufi'i rek o siersd etoenedte notity ail pathumasters eto 1887, himself and test the virtues of this rî Thr o e'de on ier piSodbre sumreeha bcem e a themiz- oove, Èut i e ud e t k h. issien lots 20 sud 21 in Qud con., Geo. Parker Det heving muade their eturn, e mdcze i iewoh .lrw wy MangerforAmeiba Exres Cc su Ja. L Pauer com,,8-;Tho. ako thora immediely.-Oarned. Two aged brothers uamed Bowmafl were Ta aro r O.(18 ivision Sres o) p. amemas. L.Pfo r, y m e.,rar ;l f orid- lmMm. W ilson, secnded by M . W itlis, buriied. b death near Barrie Mondey. 17, NTO (187-r yeasio ltestA)get.oadbetweon bote 26 sud 27, lu 4th cou- mcred that lbe reeve be nd ià hereby Chltdren like Cempbell's a taenaae my daugbter was takeon ili with Brigbt's cession,sas pur order et Thes. Pugh, inhor fadle rnfThomder onille wipoud, iasplea.nteaesdca difeseoof the kidneye. The beel mnedi- coca., at 6 conte per yard, 819 86. Ail tressurer infanrietToma Rudie iheit gîpie- cetekii i te o4y am esed e tef wbich is espetfully euhmilted. for the eum cf $12.46, being amount f Emperor Frederick Mondy onemrdae C&Ieet, butn t e tpwtpoe im e sSvrester' Mackey, ohaimman. account ten on slai-y asuD ont cl- coralions on Dr. Mackezie sd Hovet. raced ià th u t o Pulser frt egh To eprtb@ acpte8d s doplod. lect able. -CaTîed -For Chithe sud suden cols, nothing la heuxs. Our doctor did bis bout, sud The standing commnittee on coutin- nmto fcucl80w.gat ego slauLli went sway saying the case was bopsiome. gencies beR lbave te rêport and ecoru- ed to Mr. Wilson te ho expendod ou The rapid lhawing of lthe snow is cansing Aftr as ameeutetthecovulieni, moudas follow5 :-PaYmnt te John tbe deeminq poor in this township. greatgotode li the Northwetrl States. Abe as eryame O u Oflter arceon -wfrwodepplid te George Coueil adjoumuod te meet on the Ialtgrêfl. cul. Teader ead 1sf tenu about ilPalmer in indigent ciruoeitfluO, il; Mouday lun1.1ay aI two o'cbook. ~ lfaiil erliSr bet out. heu I ctorbl t s &y bWou a J. B. Dow, olicitor for Johusbton Pirie, Inflammations s"d Cogetins are mont or' Sfe ur,"an4afer avugtabou due for use cf hall et Pik ering Village District Items. prevalent at Ibis sao f1.ya.Hg six oUls, aoug wih seera boîbesof or plli>g urpoes,$2.Yciu cen. ard'a Yellow Oi l the best externat and wes of peculir acieren conained soaceptêdaend edoimbod. Theu brin "heu" fruiti on n. Tw»Isthundre i mmigrants amiddaI consior eb e oul er . Incnaîed Mi-. Pouober, seconded by M . Par-. The Piering Newasnsggeste '8b sng w upg14 Wd *atie efedlmIyidusys ero Ilu acu-ke, mcved Ibat this councit do now ad- hai bei-ries" instsd. Wixlpg-ai wek gested state sud thal I wes unning joui-n 10 meel agfain ou Monday, May Rolland A.gricnttumat ociely's tati T,,lle ansdalnyuecu down rapidiy. Finally I conchuded le o7th, at 10 o'01c". ~m.-r-Camiied. show pile lista are being distribu by r7y-mSccme upptes and maedb-it Ir "amors sf Cre"audin foty- lb.heelary. cmxiWouI appete .vabie ora r.medy \eihlboua fle Ibadlaun heremdyEat WItby Council. A oi-pie e iLhumed et Chsb teflS,, bà ôh removes lime trouble. This le. vre- ghtteont0 yeamr I henancycfthe grave, Was .alu eu r.gThm", usecdoxi d eI noided urine thal wes ss blacks mb, Cuci fEast Wbilby met ftund80 ympte'tji&BY 0pQlargaveed. eai wha Di. h»uMaa Bocr contsininR quantities et mucus, pus sud The astimmaofoe up ldial Maldie granel. Iouîind, sud il waa not Monday. Mombers aIl present. Reere Tonnyyugpol ae it ~ryt.touuiImgat iile msny heurs beforem y urine vas cf a lu the chair. Theo minutes of last meet- -mý naturel straw coter, etthough it contain- îug ver. esdsdaotd omne- cd a spaiking sêhcol, to be knova iwe t,1on . tluý. i .8 ceusidemable sediment. The pains lion woeemoad frein R. Everson snd"mte preielascaonpaeynme'b.ovPfweLÃ"U in mny ianeyms ubsided as I continued froru Jas. Lsngte Itreasumer. A Collingwood mare jupsd fi- !l.Nl' Ia efot oei lime use of Ibem medy, sud il vau but a Mr. ianoock sec by Mr. MoGmecor car between Colwel Md All $lcot Gexi. Boulanger ha. deelinMad So. it4r sotlime before I was completoly m-mrd hlte iinetOfMr. Me- resching the latter piac aheeaiofetlthe ordog»~, vhoeeho !rueeed on- un4ay, liered. Mfy urine vas normal sud I Millîsin d 70 uthers jaking fer timi-e 1mai11. Bufftotruek*U5Wl' eau trtbfnlty ssy that I vas cured. eteetrio ligbtto e b placed in the village Meatord laorouss i1k. cli or am 8~ u debIity ? )*tlbItie cf~~~~ ~' roe aeb adoe ni b lb,"r #reudt on tImo sail ts izpO«irFlIth lbt n imetn cf1.sido eni t sud ha e o e t "&ii. heap et teo im»s. 0 cf 1 Ot ~~ limedexuDait be ccomttecfl. eso. whotete e~min0 6e plces a"edof theiii0990 ie~ nemeeting fth os'pit su d th i thetoofb 1 iv ea- peicl l yeyam go erdibat he acoucitreue ofth sel .mab.hedtuivrb82-e tetOceethevstm le6it id m ucnlle tIevoeo y-a ue uEeeb snWbanes uey nd ire truble su iutlyI vs teappintoreseer cfhigwey; yhOO EjUrtlg >h&O5 jil* u'. il ~>~l.1000= Wnt? ,oulnd 0 ny bd udsufemd b.pond kepra odfee.neer o ~e itd a canna&&y&.e Brafor mcm ecmuiaiu pansudfo Io Iismuncialîl.Osrielcomile. "Gof rtor ottlthe" à suse¶ wees' imeI ld et uovvhbh. ~ res sd B-la ve rad thrd re otai.e~ imiSft Ibdelreeneth.ivehug m. g-1 heanok se. byMm.. Geruegie fer the e b é oth «'Wfe liavw 40U u tbe gve e ui> tinpray rlif. erd imaI Bthy-as e. -t oint l pu*e. f.n4un KecriOntc . uder 88.fulcreso&boit, Me.Caregi esÃtoiy-ib.is munloipalnait>' @ttmate%'l4l*but "Wvere reitsoi." I beeatis se, b. OV .d aira eni lm sm tl e. By-lew vas aêÀa.hiue420 'W noeticed s chae to Lbblte wt. ki.-vnt tale o es otewhole B-a tbr ie *' sy neady. lve vetroule, and t'O ap in, aug ow ~lL cofiW.om y on epr énu> usemdfl tftiieolht$6w*eb ns$ or ~L3~.k. t..n" i4f ,. to a nftb vru i. L ~IU.'-' spafrl IES Z PflqTS Z BROKEN mSe, BEZuign, OAPPED nomKs. 30z SHOULDEBO5,M)EE BÂOKU PoOTod *oifLED 0HZOUTH E SH"=C ND LAXES. PlBAIE, OUTS, EHUI"s nilED0Ge. 8PEOIME1N TESTIMONIALS. Prom Ris Grace the Duke of Rutland. "Belvoir, Grsntham, Lac. 1,1879 rs,-Ellimfl'U Royal Embrocation in used Lstables. I thlùk it very useful. UBwrLAE», Master of Belvoir- Hunt.» GCastie Weir, Kingston, Herefordahire, 1 ."Dec. 8rd, 1878 sntlemen.-I une itheBoyal Embrocation iy stable' and kSm nelD, a hae fouznd lt serviceable. II ba lisb 1 4id, the rersl Emibrocalon for, lumbago aud ammtlam for the laut two years, and have îrdd very lit iso. nslggit. .K.Pmlion, Lieut.-Ool., Muater of Ra.d- norshlre Hunt." BLLDMÂNWBOYAL EMBROCATION, ild by Ohemists, Stores, and Saddlers, Prlice 2s. fM8oe, ELLIMAt( EMBROCATION, FbgR5AT«i SnaLumBa^oo,.. SP RA liNs. BRU #ses. 3STi #PNEss. SO RxETH RO ^'r... CO L. CN .sT C O O s * e u beSafest. Quickest.moit i ( Fitchi g a"S".. ~~ moit a nlg 0oYeb cmatchIng-VeiYsreSjl.I floeweèd id continue tumorgs formýwlg often bleed and uleae ewigvr ,~SWAY14EIS 0,NTMEN4T 'e~ Stops3 the itchiig audbedfg heals ulceratidn, and many cases, e The Wonder8 of Magie frepared OnzÇybyIV11Wheu youfn htbat sfM WY EuL i M1 NP 6 0 4 - 1To th.e derly ma ihhlooko- n *a L__U G hE N ; A )Try dD ornew m n'O M1L.gio, LOUG ,EN LANDJ A rlchhbeadlof h5l? lase Sprecious BM rare, So0I1to"tyou * X~ÂL L A " ET RUB Try "Dornewen8s Maglie»." meets li Temperance Hait, Trý "1)orne*end'*a Mg Lodg. room, Gerrie's Bleck, 8h. can gquicà 1Yp eaily oiiea&PtY reWaS aurt Wedxesay li eaobTI DoeW i al. rmonh. t impartis trenth anua ty, BÂXUEL MABTIN Âdits1h aWs aiduy So'lysWhitby. goI1 teil yTIen 6e *ncl r»ake lime by rthe.fo k w ci ed mliiike¶ your own, --Try "Dorn*ewe( agie8. This Tenie, af allure bas nverlet kà owam Try "IJorewOf&' Mà i. Try Iismollo o le eed, Tq tilt yen suceed This now 'mus ralioeia Mge ratlng and stimulating the growtk of th*, ïï ~hair. is. universaily aceepted t he, Most, vatuable Speciflo onlbmak. ieed or Porîetl'fll OurdL WORU POQWIDZRS. OwI0 destri»or wozm liCbfldreanOeAdflU DRé -Do-l PAT N.T6 bottles or caveats sudTrade Markis obtaned, aud tiys mein ait Patent business oxidutuà forMOEA: RATE FERS. TEqT OFFICE. Wehavaoub-5gies, - 0 ait business direct ,henoe cx-m amns a St b tout bu"ies x ailie u t 8 OOST Ihau thomeremoto frein Washinicii. SeaMOU, 4i~a¶or Photo, wltk 8.-r p wripion.We-lavwtpâteitable, or-net, fi-e t cf harge. Oui fou Uol due 11mûeo Ab.ok, «Hov b o btu eeis"wh reeceto lac#ýluc cIets mn. j-,our BS, -è Countl, or Town* seul froeCl . o m ,ess, . A, N O W d 0. Opposie Pelu~Offe., ablegtiD.O Bacli agepÃŽrtmmt $o! lb. Bohool li a ieS- aIamnl 49yýboine oidlMa I5ikmtt e is AIR 8 & 105: W 1%. E Iiid O! t] hê Dee pingui )f! wate: , togeth 00.- 0. 0WV. L.Faim'- et easily Ilonger 3n takex endorm* recom- sewiig - 'In any lg te do i l thé stricI. 2file- at ýper Ad- here ad- for il 80Se