Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Apr 1888, p. 4

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Ai SPIRING STOCK JUST RECEIVED, 0o- Try a Pa ckage on your walls, andyou'll neyer use catsomine or white- -wash againe G. E. GIB BARD,ý KEEDICAL HALL. ONY Si oo PER ANNUM. Whltby, Frlday, &prl 13, 1888 W. rsmind -our readers of the meet- ing ln the. music hall to-nigh&, for the discussion cf Unrestuicted Roeiprooity. Tas &merioan s»nate sis nalikely Wo ratity'tie i ashertes Treaty. The Bepublicara eleaient seam deteraiined te bold it la aboyance until after the. Paeeidential eleotion. Tas long-winded debate on Gommer. eial Union in tthe Gommons st Ottawa# vas ffnlshed op on Priday, morning last. A straigbit party vote vas taken and e aiajuricy et 57 roturned againet that polioy. The. mijority proved mach larger than vwas expeoted. Tas large samouns of talk indulged in st the Iast session oft5h. Local Legis-. lature OeD@riflg theestablishaient cf a mineral policy ha@ reeulted in a gefis. rtiierai foyer a&l over the province. A ceai mine has beau souscht for Usa, Griaby, natural gâ. is a Mood topio lu Wblêby, cold las been fouud at Severu Bridge in Mustkoka, and also in im-f mense quantitiee atSaSdbarv, about i fifty ailles veet cf Lake Nipiggiug. e 1t really looke s if there vers te be a minicg boom. B15M&ROKc and bis nsv master, Emn. peror Fredoriekr, have had a teus ai. ti reaédy, over3a love affair. It will b. tI h remembsred tbat about tvo years ago h, Prince fHsnry ot Battenbarg vas pro. ci elaimed te tth. throce cf Btilgaria, but i coompelled to abdioate by Rous. M 'BSinoes thn Prince Henry has been petS- m ed by the German royal family and ba a becomo sngibged te Eteperor Frederiok's G eldekt daughter Victoria, grand-dangh. Pl ter cf Eragiand'a Quesa. BRasis, on mu accoatot ite diffo<ilty vith the. Prince Iii Ivo years ago, regsrds, this engalze- Pr ment seainemult, and Bismiarck ob. jeots to 15 as heing very impelitic. The E<npress cf Germany i. bound ber El daughîter shahl marry Prince Henry, q and &bere le iikety to b. quit. a rov " over it. ýS 00- lai KrDOreighton, aianaging director col 01 the. Empire, has besu ocaipellsd to n tekO t te iWood§ alreaclY. A Quebso Ar <ity aonstable arrived -in Toronto on01 Monday with a warrant oharging th. wi angr etftthe Bmpi,'o witb oriminal an libel, la making0harges aainet Bon. Ba Eonore Mrier, prlier of Quebse. et& 'As tae- warrant bas boee endor..d by et the . 'Toronto police, magitrat., Mr., Vw Croigbuon wa aWrstsd and gave baill M for- i. eppqarnce liQuebe. vimi sv th n g euan a tni e bM n n hsir 1 am DeoSÏ6e Letntttedi forsoolth, to fer te the more thau ordivary kinns courage in the disoharge -cf bis dutise out tho pupit of a friend whom. "Straus 1801,9 te oundermàine, wi'thiout-being olmrt with attacking the othercleigymen I m not; speak the truth of him lest 1 offe soime one else. I Mnay flot inii y arguui to rebut Stranger's attack roter to wel* conie general principles, tho soundness ýhichb. eb. it noticed, pio onu of your corr pondent. bas ever preeoumed to questic without being bel-t1 accountabi e for wbateî in vid loua application of thevu anunofl 8 charltably. iiispo8ed may mako. I do n purpotse t-) suifer màyself te ho gagged afi this dityle. What I bave saidOr Mr. Fidi is the truth. There are but few in toi who do not know it to ho the truth. I i net daubt that the vdry clergymen, who "'Not a Stranget " thinke it neoessary to d fend, would ropudiato the noti*n that wh was étaid by me ounbbhaîf of "Mr. Fiile whon attackodsa ho wae, mnust bo constr ed into a refleotion uipon them. I kuow other o1eM~men who have displayed ti ý.ame q nliies that 1 have attributed te t> inctaunbent of "Ail Saints" and I would quil as cheerfully testify on thoir behaif wei they similarly attaokel. Olerg-*pen mui appreciate toe keenly the triais incident 1 thoir profession not te sympathize with et of thuir own clas when attacked by a anouymousnewspaperorr5[>ondent. Olerg mnen may, like doct.ors, have thoir littie dii agreements, 1 hope I yul net inoontinenti bu put out of court for the insinuation-bu they scan bo dopended upon 0te rally .te, th ci-y * The. crft in in danger". Only a MW~ rau would appu-ovingly look -on white an oendiary Win setting ti-e to hie nolignhor' dwelling. 'fiere are C&ranKer.eN ln ovor congregation, mon that gi vo their pestera ai infinity of trouble mon who, knowing tha their victiîn'q banda are tied, bait them afte. a very cowardlv and cruel tashion. How i must make the blood of a big-aoulod mai sethe within hlm to ho harausod andi bad gered b! their pettinesa1 1 confesa mv inability te understand how il cau be correctly said that a large portion ol the congregation of a church remains on th( outaide. If thev have gone ontaide and -e nain nut.sire it iwould seeni as If they wer no longer a portion, large or amail of thal ongregation,' tbough. it may be, of some the-. The c-3igregation of All Saintsl rhurch in pursîîing the oven tenor of ita way in the utmoqt bar non *V. Wby sbould iL flot ie let alone ? Those who bave voltintarily mceded bv doing se j'ie!ded their rigbt te in- aifere. [n the caso of anv 'ether body of mon of which I have knowlodge such inter- arence would at once bu rooned as an im- ýertin"nce. I bave fortiernu noticinR the allusions td nv thenlogv. It in a subject tbat I have not )bt.rided on the attentioin of your readers 'ho offensive references te it are onIy of mnseqaience iuneotar- as they indicato the mgentlemnly instincts of the writor. If your correspondent t4inceoly conxidors ho thinnoas cf AIl Saints' congrogation as lplorablq why «dos ho net t-y te romedy it iinagîf instead of calling on <'ne wbose meolese nofaulty te dn m) ? I amnen- iaongt suppreas "Stranger'- and bis llonw-conaspimras. hat je Iabor enuth tmay bu that ho dces nt u'ufficiently value e reglit after which I amn stdrving. Do "«Strangor", bis aidera, and ýbetters pprove cf minnrity rule!? Should not a nority fairlv hoaten aclcntowlodge ita de- &It, and subinit with as god a grâes&s it n mlister ? Or if it clatims and exel-cises t riizht te secede ( ught not that te satist v ? Doos it lie in the rn"utbs cf thffle wbo ýv left the cbnreh te turn ai-ound and 'n plaitn Of the vacanclea&t.bat bave resulted ,)m their own act ? W-buld their r"main- z n the bch hbave necSsitated ailv crifles t.1 principle ? NMav thsy mot have Pected ton mucb of their clergyman ? Ho n ot ho higbh, Iow. sud brnad. He la but ian liku tho ren of us;. They are nnt anv ýv acut.'med te the sccietv of angels'aud gbt feel very unconfortable if intreducei Ai it. Ta it scenerous. or even jilftt, te Put *ctinn thuir masks affnrd them Wl) j Jng an attack on Mr. ?idlor, they would h to close the mnuth et every one who a uiesosay a wrdun hiesbehaîtî1 Yamnr trulv, a W. 0. EASTWOO). oý IL-The treatmont accorded mailn your tq rial cim ment, ounvny latter ut 1.4 week inoua Ie that any further atteenptesat a discussion of the question in your tj uns le useless. Yen will however give S~ p"c te repudiato your charges of inoon- cey in not writing eut my full namne. ne reading mylettes l'ateligItly et 1Smesa M,ny ftrge t n- an fs rado oniy a&panes thos. anouy"Pouebt r. Who -abo direct pe«»"alattuoks jt idvance spociflochMarge. a.mnt un i indi!vidu&), and mpe .61gista 'ho from hit postieon or imer circuai- me cantiot, defénd bineilf. My ltter m~ gtweekcoitiaiued noque.chrge, It t4eref4ire not IpooulsnttII en ýwiV' s tmenttka,fair disuson -le PO la ,our columus. Evetybody k»ows i wantl Anti wht la bis alt er? adl e'ô far as te "Y 'lie detnot agre. 1niti Fidier lu maStèe theellelualorecilfi er.,really meaning t6ha d id Dnet'bi the dootrine àMr. Fidier >preachos uer in hie methodeocf chureh governimnn hati anyone opposei te the Bey, gent)i assrted thac goo tieziselp *ai speoimi (anti almoat only) qualifctol tbo lnoumnbenoy cf AIl Salnts; bat a'i the "attýWking", parties dlsplayed th. anieunt cf gusb or bail temper. what -i the publie noS bave bail te suifer lu re Are noS the "attackiug" party Mr. Pj<i mouS ardent adumirerae? Tours &0 aen t; or leman a hie on for eply ? itou@, ED. ORRONIOLER fSir-Your, editorial remarks lu r.- a ferencs o te Another strangsr's" letter, iin yonr lasI veek's issue,hav, been the aisans of net a fev ppople reeoanizing Who th. author of that Jetter wae., I 3 muet say the toue of tbis Jetter ii quit. 3in kespinst with thé. ee ou reter Se 1meanly discrying the Salvation Army. Re makes soeisvsry etrange stateaiente that oe.wbelly inapplicable , t t. case lu discussion. Tii. meet not&ýl.Ie amouget hem are hi. alînsiobe. te voeery meetingsdpd rebytmùlea ite- iug -in jdgaient on au Aniiomreotor, or Baptiste on a Methodiat preaoher. If bo eays the fermer applies to sither ot the Episoopal oberoescf tuie Icivu, ho le atatinir vhat la antrefor their axinual meetinus vers mont barmen ions. And sito the Prosbyterians sud other denominationa aittine in iudgaisus on ih. incumbent ci AUl Saintp, do tbey uot do that every Suaday ienet goingt ho boar the Rev. gentleman pr.sch. Thesthat Isft Al Saints some yearga obio, it la stated, left beoauss tbey di,' oct believe lu the doctrine Shah the Boy. gantisman vatt preshingz sud had they nos as much riRht ho do thah as tiiope attending othor ohurohea ? I think @e. I muet say te pour corresponden~t be. fore oloainq that if ho i. acquainteti with the Eugiish lansuage e i ht te makie botter urne oe t 15 hsnwritine again on tbis snbject, for hia unemly lanuarge noS cnly bringa diuesdit on the diumonumion but to bimasîf ai veil ai; the Bey, gentleman whoai b. le trylniz te champion. Oongbe and Coids,-If evryhhlg bas taileti, try AUsn's Lung BaM" and b. JUDICIÂL SALE FARM LANDS, TOWNSHIP 0F WHITBY, Pursnut te an ortie, ef th e Hlgh Cou. et Justice, Qtmen'a FIuch Divsion, mad, in an action efthéme Ontarie Loau andi 8aviug Coempany vsahîirduii, nov pouding thon in, there will ho off.-red fer maie by l>ublii THURSDA Y, 26th A PIIL, 1888# re Royal Hotel in t/w Towun of Whltby, bv Lovi Fairb sukks, auctionoor vith &bo &p- probatiun sud undor the directionn i the nuclersîgnot Local MiasS.', cf the Supremne Court of Judicature at Whitby, the. foile-. irtg lande ct premaisée tortnerly owa.d by tb., lste Denis Riordan, uhmebly : M9 acres, mo-a or leu, heing Lot 'Nuumer 26 lu the Ird Concesion efthMe Tewnship ot Whltby, iu the Couuty cf Ontario. ebcepti- g lier.- Dus a ptro,-l cf land eentaining 10 sures, imu-ise at the fforth-West oocrmer otfithe @&id Lot, anmd &as exeapting a parcel cf &bout 2 acresas the 8outb-Rmt corner of itid L.et heretotore soIt off for à eêmetery Tii, above deecrhbot property le adumir- ahiy situahed, juat outeide the. nortuieru lmît et the Towu of Whitby, anti bam ai ,ho stivantageof eontiguity ho an excellent msvkt,frswblle frein 5h, hlgbortsaaon cf rwProperry. ItadainathcWhtby snd *mutaude asbeauldul view of tike Ontario. 'bers are upmn lhe premuises a -god rck I>v.llng Houe, a ftrame Baru, Stable adt Shed and sin', Root l[eum,. aise an )rebard cf about flve acres and an shunt. mtsuppIy et good vaSer. About 160 acrpa I h adare arable and the rest la goot stoe lat. Tien. e rs 65 crem pîouith- i- lait fe11, et wbl about 80 acreç vere wice plougieti. COStDITISor 0FB"LE. (1) The. paroha.ersaill- s telieme cf %le pay dovu a deposit of 10 per cent. et b. purohase mon.y te the Vendeor oeir "lickitor andi abali psy the waoe of hie re- inder at. Mme expiratio 9"M tays tiierO- er or st bis option encasta te mû, kêwlMm achi depeee itoethlr< cf the pureha.. oaey'aanth le reniaindersalanthat oee & payable In 5S quat congeutâve annual raoiimetdatingtfro the diy eofsale ho- ather- wlth Inter.t, at 6 per Osatuai per cutui payable yearWlfrom that A.. th PRINGLE'S MERCHANT TAILORING S P R 1 N G Pý Is the ple~e to get. your ordered olothing. W. have in - stock a: splendid ' ,. ':; eV? ' The peanla that >eu brn ugs ar &dei a& assortaient of cloths of alkIdnds, wbich will be made up in first-class style warm showere &nti the hem Of you gai-monts is broidor' by J. R. PRINGL E, the Bosas(Cutter. Don't mistake the place, a partof with flow'rs. Thu Spring beauties wake for the. girls &Bd W. G. WALTERS' Store, - Oddfellows: Store, Whitby. ~ the boys, Adearth growoua green without bustîe or noise; Freom tiny brown bude now wrapp'd fold FA RMERS, THRESHEJI', A ND MIL L-MEN The= kel.a randswill oon beenrol, I FINDIT T TH IR DVÂNTÂGE AND PROFIT TO USE Wlwe watch n@e more, withj "i PLISeL- I The. truth We are more firmiy, PEOPLE PEIRSE VERA NC is demonstrated by the faot, that after a successful business career -W.-M -& Ei S founded and in a more prosperons position the fact'that from the ' tart we sold at Ha Pa osieaLEAS d IGor uce Ras had considerable to do with our succese. 1888.0 IRICE[ than ever. Probabl WeTlu have now on v'iew some Elegant, Early Spring styles, - RARE -----REASONABL ana we ask your critical inspection. t YVII LILU tULJtUeolae uirgains at the J)ress U-oods Counter Look a those beautiful goods at 7e. per yd. Ask to see the combination suitings at 150. per yd. Remernber tlese are bargains 'that bloomed this Spring, they were not left over fomI lust year. 'You are blind to your own interests if you don't secure some of these Gooà. We make no rash assertions but prove everything we state in the newispapers, when à cus Nto ca'ls At r store R- Cutm r ga insflTbse GIN GIIAMS EgP RinS. Fst oers ar knowledged faot our prioes are the lowestý for fine gooda. altSpecial quality, Special Low Price, Special Nice Fit, Special in Style. We bave ai he recent Style8 and Our Goods are guaranatee4d in every partie ula-. Gentlemen ad Parents will find they can save money by buying their clotigfomu.Gntleeu Furnishing goods, Bats, etc., the largest assortmnent in town to select from. already carrying Wid p WI É% m tAis ana<> away bM,. f(.w3 - WitbyOD8 UUMt~ K>r ri - r. ". baru afle er wîte- bavke oand clothleref lu iieauty, loêt- nebe mind- #l cf car daty 50 spruoe. ýJp a bit ur selves, ln kpeping Withhe be eson. And. vhat part -cf cur, tramùe requires aà changefe attire more than ufot weary wthe'i. weigbî cf wiuter cover- ing? And&viere eau tue ichange be more cboa -Plv îsud satiofaetorîîy- matie than e UBi& OlWhiSby? Novere cetaiîy bisele or Jordon, don!t igtend to: u3 boots. and Ldi.. ô,î.-'- 1 Gu not to gum, and wiiJ Laraniteed FV' Try Our Cylinder Oil. It hbu no- equal. outwear aiL other1 WIL. BRYAN & SON, 1Dundas Street. I Ti "C PR HIE NT RIOisMuTe.ac Tdm OIS Un xoletfr a il G o ers, l e eS an ciée TEA AN LS-O U I? 8ECALy OND LOW PRICES Oui toc ofGroeiesaÙ& mc i Prrlos le Lairger, Botteraud Ooprha vr ZETEAfOR MAILLI.ONS! RET6AOINS i Earring, -nsPlate Tal for Bug"r, jeu Pie, CrumI Jcru FRIDAYY BUDGEIOF IJ Sv OR The annua twe weesebt Iltsh. ix -the. ha atone-hookei the seasou'e8 I SPBING FAX TacStoufi *publicatieul,71 We have had please tuho ut suce-of the pý One Of -the mary eonviel oeeding $50 -ment. of 60-days At led S 'p PATIENCE. F; A N D S E T H E M 1 - 1 1 1 1 ST. Gý » ANOTRER FiGOT19 AND SEE THEM. i Goods -&T THB- For igale 1 TEA Probabil 1 '«RMFI ý Iqqmwl a a maumq6m IRO Emnnrifirn «W&»V6Jý z NIMI*f ý %emmoop -3 m - m m . IZD ý Ah .M.&CRINIS OIILSO ONTARIO TEA HOUsk . OTTo

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