(froOurXouii trUid*- Irote yeu e'gea Iie'ao»t Q(0oli cf îiu ame "(Id vent, but it. oehosStli1ià fîg6r a&iU*iýd t)ie Oefle cf its-tniuWpi1s ? Well, vilepbe, or faîlures, for h v% i Lb. cailut othb, bv jr. frieodane i fez.fiOs, repectivoly.Th rop resentati ve vomen cf Ainonica and Europe whe attonded are onthumiastio over the convention as a granaiy suc- ceseful affair in every way, oven finan- cially,ad suoe swhich gi'u.a promise of resulte which wil ho oflbietorical in- teresi and importance' -Fifty-.three different organizetions ef woznen were represented at ibis counoil by eighityevOfl speakers and delegateas frein E ,!and, Franotà , Norway, Dèn mark, Finland, Indiii and the United States. The éubjecte off ducation, pbiiatinhlopiesi% temperauc, induGtribse, legal conditions, social purity, politidsl conditions,ini religion vere discussed. No restriotion was placed upon the fulleét cfxpresiou of the most %idely divergentL vice tipufl thetie vitul que@. tiens of the aýe, the delegates think tht 18i cause for rejoiciniz thst the Fet810D1', bath exëtctive aud public, wPT8 iab-olutely without friction. -In the officiai tatement made for the publie it wap the unanimoua voice cf thue coumoil that %ilt intititutions of learn'iug and of profesional instruction, inciuding theology, 1mw and medicice, should be as freely opened te wowen s te mon ; that Ã"pportunities for ini- dustrial training shouid ho aç general- ly and liierally provided for one sti as for the other ; that iail avocatione in whicb both mon and women engage eque.l vages shalh b. paid for equal work, and that au enlightoned soiety should domand as tlhe enly adequate expression of the. higlu civilization which it iB its office te, establielu and-maintain, an identicai standard of pereonai purity for men sud womon. Ou Monday last the Senste corn- nittee on woman suffrage gnued a hearing, te varions advocatee of the cause Who had corne t attend the cenu- cil, and the ladies fairly raided the capitol. The aspemblage overflowed the committeo room and epread ie thes corridors, white those in the rear etood on chairs in their auxiety Wo catch every word that was uttered. Mise ;Stisan B. Anthony who was lhe spokeevoman ets unuai, enlivened the introductions with original remarke anil suggestions, and whenever a point vas made i behaîf of universai suffrage the audionce applavided vigorously. Mies Anthony mentioned that a year &go, in conversation with Senator Brown, ho had seaid that ho did net know a womân in Georgie, or in tb. sonilu wbe vanled to voe. She thon' introduced one wbuo did in tho person of Mn@. Merrîck, cf Louisana, and sid se.conld produce asemauy svere necasetary te convinco tho Senator from Georgia. 1The Senatoniai committee, compoec cf Seuitoxa Cockrell, Blair, Palmer, Boven,Cobse and Béwyon, seemed vol ,ntentainsd by this detegation of fair-epeaker@, aIl cf whom were.in favor of immediate and unreetricted suffrage, the ladie from foreiRn countris urg- ing th.AIheUut.- Sat ed -- - "in îhi The Houne. cf epreseniative' ha defeated Mr. 0i-sin's resolution chan@ mng inauguration day te th. Apnil 8Oit but the Sonate bas pased tbe bill pr viding for the celebratiou at Washiné tennis!, The honns vili doubibeas à likwes, 8o0ltat i ext year the Capiti ià lik.iy to e bthe. icne of a mostili terosiing and important «xposition b th. repr~eentativesofet te people ai goverumeuis et ihe western Continet Senator Blair, th. author4 the educationi bill, ibinke theeDD triai cf Columubia ought ta have a Soni tdr and B.preeentativem lu Congui acordig 1 uspopulation, and hi prapoed au am.ndment te lthé ca a!itution of ibis etid. Tedelegates, ho -the Internatiox souneîllof vamen have petitiosed t lOvsr Boule.fc ongres. te 'Pasu t r e le le ro do in. 1- n. Oi. g. M Si s e hi s e * lum Baking Powders. Their Use Inurions toea»eand534thie Sala Contrai t 0"Wa.. Twa men vers recently oonvioted in Si.- Lawrence Oounty, Now York, for violating the food adulteration Ila cio 'btStt y sefling .1w» akîing pow. ders in imitation of pure cresu, of tar- toir baking powders ,Tbe, 1mw of New Tork 19 similr to thât of tb1is province in torbiddilig the sale of adulterated &Bal" "" ouâ stilo. e tod'but thé; eurté ha 'notb.fove oônà trued.it la ~SoIar IÛ iII 8ï7ïsjéýf lu baking owdIe'ne 1The bÃaking powder sold 1by thb&as- mumea Wb* md10 le. ma4# ,from sueetuopua stop me sos ousines w@M 4qýrIÈdIyeufoced. ItiI.s aid bïeing 'ïJÀodnoed tb he Dominion, '"d %é bespook. thea»elition Ouron public analyste i.te h.,zutet. Ourr0t Litel'tDre.- The. tires hotiest day in, 1888.1nu this article ôa'on4Whene "te epond the Sutumer," in S&ribnér'a for Apnil, -Gen. Grooly, chie! signa-I offleor, makes a propheey ase te ehotteet daseilathe yoar 1888. The Detroit Journal, tak. ing the malter up, has offered a prizo ef $500 te lhe persen gneeing corrèèt- ly, before June lot, whai lb. lhree daye wili be. Gen. Gresiy immediale- IyV telognaphed hie gnose te the paper, in accord vith lis neasone ina Scribner',g for. T dies A val con WOE tibm BIS nos arti tha Spa pic! bat te tin: ehE April. Wit a.ud Humour., Clue old notions i aI biood viiiltillis Chant>' beginseta home," but often ýfer vaut et exerciso. la the raie the observation of a hotel ît6r girl ie qonp-or-fishai. Éi doctor'a report would probabiy nie under the head of noe of the îek. Vorry ie the case cf more trouble n any othen one thing net excepting cohol. reaoher-In wbat battie was Genoral ank killed ? Bright boy-Hie lasi one ['ho gentleman Who is painting his se thinko uhal alceluol used in tie ea shouid be free. rhere 1.9 eo imch eleotnicity in a kis bt engagod lovera have been known Iepend upon it altogether te iight a acioue reom. Àgirl dowu Southu vauted à a hnsband bad she paid $150.000 for eue and aked eut an editor. Wo corne higlu à they muiltluavo us. )an a thing wvi edcreasos b.e aid grev ? Cerlaini>'; else, vby the ne houounod sentiment. "Ms>' yoar Miev over grov tes?'j' A nov Anenican bauk in China is te 'have a capitsl of 50,000.000 Isole. One et these dayait viii be "isole I vin, hoade you loe. ihthle cashier. Firsi lady-Thsre'e MisesSmitlucrs over there in a brovu slnd>'. Second Lady-Yes; von>' poor leste, tee, fer such a prononnced blonde. An inviled guom-Cbanloy (at a French bal)-HoIiaoGua: reporting the affain for your paper? Oas (iu. dignantly)-No ehin I'rn-hio--here as -a géntlemiai. For penhape lie final lime in lhe huston>ofethfle prosent generation the. people of lhe EsternuSlalos have had a chance tW knovwbai a ev e torm resu>' is. Brown hais tlroatened te kick me if ho agaets e uinSociety. Suppose yen ver. me, and siould se. hum oomi. ile a rocm, viai vould do ? Sit dovu. Firet burglar-What's liai ? Second bargtler-A sample case. I aend a dar# gemn' around selling où tW keep lbe doons frorn squeaking. Great echeme sin'ti. Jigge-M'ies de Bousin bas grevu considerabi>' ine I eav icr lasi vinter -Wigge-How se? Jiggo-When I amv ber then ber drues came saa> up te ber neck. Waler as; medicino nesd a Kentucky polifiian in a sanilar>' journal. Neet smre bla-me beol viilbs advooating valon as a bovorage, hoe added ha a toue ef difgusi. Some people are se sanguine in this venld liai lie>' ilink thbey oai plant a luandfnt of seed lu a snov drift or galber a carload of strawbernips a day aller tb. finitthiav. Wh&% hi fie difféeneeboet» nLord Salisbury' and Spungeon wuon hsho i driving a cab dovu PIeed StreotiP One is a Cabinet Minisior tie otier le a ininister cabbin-il. A young lady gave ber seai up lu a Kingson streel car te a gentlesman vie, bad a couple of heavy siatchela and iookeasilred. "ite lsap year" vas il mie maà id asibisare.. Wife-John, you have a very anBoy- hng babil et sayiag. "1Wiaastai?" vien over yen are epoken te. Can'i y"n bresak yourselif. et I? Husband (reading)-Er-wbvhai' lia? Major Pontdviha.ubeen nespensibîs for lie inflaction ef more lectures, upon a patient public man than any euiier mati nov fiude out iov il le himsîf. H. le married. Wiy rsslly ladies sud gentlemen, said lie enethenesen, Ian-glro ies thinga avay., Âne yen ? mid au aid lady. W. viii ihank yen for heile caudlesliok yen bave lu your baud. A Philadelphia 'tramu réfÃœged tb sleep viii a bard upIe ayij«Ia although hhad nothing t10 siqal the, lawyerwould poalymng 0gl~ mortgage on him. "There jle no microbe in*tobhéo-'saidý th. husband as h. o&hnly,,pld wy- at bis pipe, uotwithsîanding -his. wife's te- moustraue. lShows bt the b.mi- crobe hua ses.'repIied th. vif.. Lieutenant B1oxer (ehowinR his cousn brotund lb. cinevent--WouId yotq lk. té Iook sa' lb. magailool.1t1' jusI ove! tlies. Iiw.~tyeal- isam'la okar Thwee r evera tbvouh wi~b~w me 1miï6tghflý ~meyoupluea irbo vers ..uter. If ll8slui~gaie yonugan'be a Ioad PI~ýh am .vWAt 5 Q.'.UUiAA i. T i e n g I y 94 I Is- the plac'e whero-you wMl find the 'e-ygeststock of Xmas'Goods hmW n bi ci se in ti oi et ri ri Unabile a lecpin bcd, unablo te vork,n- able le ta-ko ordinar>' exencise frcm lhe efleets o! Âstiuaa uutil ueing Seufieru Astinia Cure. A ample package relicved liree packages permanent»yourod. A Washington despaici 10 the Nov Tanik T,*une ayï lie Geoverument o!the Slaem wii continue t10 enfonce thhisfr~esl Vishery lava in Behing's am. Dr. Ssge's Calanni remedy cures vhen geven>' othenrcaiied nraed>' tale, Tic Comnutiee on Banking »d Com- merce Mondla> neported lie bhte authorise tle vinding up oxthePederal Bank Fermera ii!find "Msud S.",Conditioni Pewders luvaluable for use li th stable or heu oep. 1complote -in 9Fancy Go(ods, afull Stock of rIT d&>OYSTERS&, na& Cups anmd Saucçrs, $1, roportion. ,ves. rt fie In et hil col fez in. it thc wf Pa 't A: s( iher,tbink [tr, froix 4h, oythe Sokis10 Isos ik o nhbbleait Mue. Tvo men wer e arguing9 in a Pasture a îld with oiy a geai for m& audience.ke ry, China 2 neply te a etatemefliofoe'eli ,ber »aidiI know- The gai ttook ým a-t hie word and tbe argument wais l s w r Meo. O_____f ail kinds.4 Also ThySpeak For Thomielves.? G dB1IoO B7-ERi s,-FRz3L1 PicToN, Fab. 17,-This ha te certif>' that 1 T -L l LJI V ave used Polson's Nenviline for nhenmatism China Tea Sets for $3.50 Chuù Ad have found il a valuable nemedy for al itnai pain, and wonld greatiy nocommend per dozen, anmd other Goods in P te the public.-N. T. KIN*BLIET. LEEBDS COUNTY, J an. 9.-We are net in go"Corne and seefo ure e habit et puffing patent medicines, butfo o'ts ,e cannot withhold car testimony asete the -est value of Nerviline as a remedy for W AJZ'VD4-.AIl fTn ain. W. have pleasune in neoommendrng EDLA l in as a never-failing nemedy.-Rzv. H. J. ýLLEN, BENu. DILLON, and mai> othene. ,old b>' druggists. w s J Manitoba iseonjoying a second boom as a WH: tui tteabolition ef the monopoly. Consumptien Buroly CuLred. 70 THE EDITOR: Please inforra youn neaders thal I have a isease. By its timely use thousands of opeleseocases have been permanen1tl eux- PRING ay nemedy mue te an>' et youn reaeors rfi have consumplion if tii.>' viii nd ie thein Express snd P. O. .addrem.« Respectfulty, Dia. T. A. SLOGUM, 37 -00 ronge street, Toronto, Oit-16-ly. The. rate of tamalior in Hamailton this coel purpose.HNF Qive Thom A Cheileol1 HO 1A UE Thal ha te sy, your lunge. Aise ail yonr ýreathing machiner>'. Ver>' vondenfui ma- ineyi is. Net oni>' the lard& air-pas, ' i.. T 7 =gs ut the thonsand eft utle tubesansdCSc otch, E nglisn ana avilies loadlng frora thora. When thege are clogged sud choked with Ând'other fine linos of.- Clotho, foi natter whlch ougit net te be there, youn ,uga cannot hait do themr work. And what made up in latest stylg ho>' do, they cannot do well. Callit hiold, cough, croup, pnenmonia, atannh, consumptieli or an>' othe fa-ril>' Ready-made. Men'8 and Boys' 8, rid et. There is jusl eue sure va-y te, gel id of them. That je te ta-ko Boschee's IN E 'DT f T L Gem Synup, which an>' dnuggist wi ll UT - U TI "oe '75 coets abttle. Eveu if ever>'. hing else hdyiedyn enrs'dépendHA S IA' apon this fon certain. H T A Gillespie, tic Chicago forger, arresled l Latest styles-.in Bard &nd Soft Montréal, deoîded te return vith the offi- con, and loeti on Saturda>' evening. ThankfuL Soee ime &go beiug very greatly lroublid wilh coldesud coughiug, I wenlte lieh drug store sud gel Ha9ard'a Pectoral NA D E F C " Balsam. Iunaa sort lime'ÃŽvas veli. I LE tond il a ure cure sud amn hhanktul that __ 1 uaed il, sud nov wouid net b. vithoul il. Man>' pensons vonder aI the ire s, wvenu E. A. Sobseten, Berlin, Ont. ansud ea feeling tiet oppresseulthom viii- The Canadi-zA Pacifto, conduetens wvie tint 5fly4iftltcause. It ra>'le povent>' wen. suispsnded for pateklg th".eallm oh*&km or«a dirdinsltso;r Kalmar openater, vili soen b. reinstted. situeér «case e tomih, biod s-d- Uven arenolenonmn-their negulanfunctionib, Uov te "Ba voney. ansd, vtiman> enons tiee. vil olov a Always buy lie bestbecause i l inte dUhev"y haahnue u a choapoat in tie end,and net oui>' h Burdock ehrinitm iipeee eldvl Blood Bitterasithe béaI medicino knovu for edcs fDsepi.Pnfrt.bloc&, ail cinonie diseases oethle stomaci, kiducys, 0emynio t . syta c i e oued sc sore- livon sud blood, but is resu>' tiechciopeal tine b>' usin as il needa leste cure sudt cures more Meaoham'8 Maridrake Mfixture,J qnlckly than su>' otiienr rmedy. Tie trial et Wm. Preepen sud Mns. Doyle pnepared b>' J. B. Mesoha-in,1838'ronge Si., at Haliax fer the murder oethle latter's à An bitbf' b>' W. ",B.xHo ience huabxnd ru likai>' tellent men.>a days yet. SUi btyb..B o» SUITSR ROUSON lIGE STOCK 0OP Canadian i. 1bly..~82B82 - 2Brx B ->... ylkrn î: t 8 S1 80 TO IE Bas a world wldé' reput&tion as a-phsiuean and author. Hs$n~kDnlo ie CJure la a timh et medicai ekW, ouring s4 diseases fe i.Kdney andMLver, back; a~duU pain or weight ln thebladdor and baue of the abdoxnan ; scadingurieoften o stutdfequent cieet Pu ntespe- ally Bt nght, mong aged pereonsi hot dY kiyalecoMPexIofl ro&and white od.oblU drop 0u= 91, c. LIE COM-PLAIMI rblades, an dice shalowcompexio, aweary,, tired fte- In g n ea M e or energy, heada-oe, dy sep la, Indgestion, spots, plmples, &0. HROW CURE».> Mandrake and Dea-delonsare nture'e Lidver' cures, and when cembined wlth Kidùey reme- dites, as in Dr. Chase: Livr 'Cure, 'w! lmoa-- pèsitivelycure BU Ktdney-Llver trpuûbie&, It acte l1kê a. chur=, etimulating te CIOggel liver,,etrengteningthe-kidneysand-jivlgc-. 'atIùg the wroie bdy. Sold by aMIl eu1eraat- $1, with Beeeipt Book, whieh alcee levot the money. LIV ER n"h ymlà t*1)6 à S 1i costvenes e 0 , &. (i !a . Sold by a&U dealr.Pie5cne Tweeds, )r Spring suite. ÂII garments son shortest notice. ;uit8> of ait &ifl8._ E OVERÂLLS --!. HAVrS! Felt Rate VEBY CHEÂP. JOHN 1?1RGUSONY DundasSt., Wlitby WOLFENDEN'S STEAM MARBLE WORKS,- Tii. Subsenlber visitteccnvey-le iM man Fiende udacuaomens hue fficer to hem ibralpanoe u be ta-Uileslis ovr or oxecuting ailorcdi entnusled le hlm for B fate and -Mbie Mfant le8, And any other verk ln hie lin. All Work' tmBI11OOd f-cln. ou PXnosa Io slhe nv ued 0 no lae Unaket. f w. 1H;1S!R The Empresof Germainy jounn yd Poseui Monday and vas warmaly w1Cn~ by the péojle ao<the ay O*ie trial eO f r tGraves',Wrmex. termina-tor wifl snvince yen titi xlt bas ne- eqeal s-a wor'm mediciue. Beâj aboule., and seifit deâr net pleaseyen., The Welland Canal îis expoté ,h> li opened in about ton daji or a fontuigil. Hard-auadsoit borne cannai vitleta Hollowayg Cern cure ; it ls efotueal.vry, tiîie. Gel a batti aIonce,sud be happy. Benalor abbotesa l forýth ç mi 'ci buéket shope ai.pssd IIKeW tiug es. iîi ie1 Ilg IfMdJwéd 10 Continue, tuméoifv wbe fW bleed sund ulcerats, bo ,ey ore. BvÂuB KOI Tn tp in ' cas emoesth orls. fZé e q oW&nq ~ThUadiphIe.roi"~ ~éb~efugatbyAIlo kne v il e3 ai Gents' Furui8hing8 -and 1 1 produce. Is of farm 1 - GI.BBON, IiTB CHII. e 18 ý 'îlý' 1 s'lm il: