/IIITBY WIth calm Printod words, grat thoughtsq sud uutlriflg iudustr7, we, VOL. XXXII.lbWEITBY, ONTAIUIO. FR1à tePeaco, Progroas, Knowi.dg, Broth.rhood. Y', APRIL , 13, 1888., O.'8 Established 1856. [bc Leadinq Weekly lu Ontario Coupty BUBSORIPTION RATES. PI pet annum in advauce-81.50 other- Vigo.s. u bsriptions are always payable at >. office 01 publication. Steain .giment and bout furnished Book andiJobprinting plant iihttern Ontario, capable of execating sai classes ef work fromithe large poster le lb. amalleat handbili. Speoial mention le made ef the unsuirpassed press facîliles of Taz Crnîeii- GIA, with ils celebraled N. Y. Gottrell eyllnder press and other modern conveni- onces. Every order reosives prompt, oare- gui attention. TERMS 0F ÂDVERTISING. Flrst insertien, per line, 10 cents; eaeh aubsequenl insertion, ô cents. D)isplayed Advertisements- are measured hy a @oale of uolid Nenpareîl, and charged aeoordigl>'. Advertiiemente sent without wrilten Snstructions înserled until forbidden, and aharged for fullCilme. Orderu for disoonliuuing advertisementu itat bu in wriling, otherwiue the publiah- ens will net b. rauponsible. A liberal discount for contract advertise- monts by the year. Copy for changes of oonlraot advertiuemenls ehould be handed in net taler ilian Weodnesday ; and notine ai auyintended changes sbould bu given ]frsn Tuesday noon. Other advertîse- M>Sls received up le Thursday noen. Business notices in local or newu columne ive cents per lino weekly. Locale, 10 cta. jier ino woekly. Oorrespondence eolicited f rom ail parts oh the Oouaty or neighhoring townships. jorrespondents are requested te send i jhem communications saspromptly au possible, HENDERSON & JOHN STANTON, Sup't Meehanical Dq'. GRAHÂM, Proprietoes JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B.1, B ARRISTBR, County Orown Attoney, ma Counly Selfitpr.r<O..,- South wlnig, Court Rouse, Whitby . 48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, B Aà RRISTER, &o. Office termerly oc- J upled by Parewell & Rntledge, nei o RoyalHotel, Brook St., Whà itby. DAVID ORMRISTON, B.&., A TTORNBI-AT-LAWe SOLICITOR EN hacrCenveyancer, &o. Oprni-Im tb. Offie south ofthle Pos' Ofice, ini McMilan's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-1O G. YOUNG 8]iiTil, L L. B., Dg tage remi Stol Do Bail Va] Bar On Val Bal Ort of Li P( si et B ARRISTBRY& .-Meney te Loan Liuro araeLiees1 . k Ourc-Smfîth't Blook, southoMrkt Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 2291878. (if-8 JOHRN IALL DOW, BA TB]31-AT-LW. SOLIOlTOR iffio-Dèvenll' Block, Brook Stroot, Whitby. KOSET TO LEND-Pnlvate Fund,- a sums up le 0$M i s aloir rate of in- erest. *(ly-69 LYMAN ENGLiERb L L. Bq, OCStreet, Oshawa. PGORDON MELDRUI19 -physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Ofio hours,--8 te 10 a. mi, s 1o 4 sud >io9p i,.8,THE TRR&CBH," BYRON-8T., a1. C. CIRAW FORTH, ~ BTEINARYSURGEON. Grladuste of he.Ontanlo Vteninary, (Col- - loge, Toronto. Ordens by mail o« telognsPh premptly ttlendeal te. Office #kt residerice of G. Ayres, opposite Dýr. Bogart's, Dunas street, Whitby. SEBZRT og. LIVERY andSALE STABDL ES, a Raip sud Gooa Honsi. Teris MI -A -.. IOSrT. with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) ARCHITECT. esigns for Churches, Villa. ana pot- es a specialty. Drawinge prepared for eodeling existing structures. Yrxom-First fiat ever Howse's Drug . P.O0. Box 202, Wam. minion Lino of Royal Mail ~8STEA XBHIPS. 1888. WINTER SERVICE. linge between HALIFAX sud LIVER- POOL, Fortnightly, via MOVILLE. Lneonver. xmia.. . . regon... BAILING DATES. Prom Baimore ........ ce Mar. 27th. .......ApT1.101h. .......'.l4th. Prom Halifax ........Mar. 31R. ........Ap'l 141h. si 8th. BATES 0F'PASSAGE. Cabin R~ates f rem Baltimore er Halifax, 10, #60, 4 66 and $75 ; accordîig te position btateroom, with equal saloon privileges. DAVID TORRANCE & 00., General Agents, Montreal. E..STEPILENSON, TreiegraphOffice, Local Agent, Whitby 7kJUan in loyal Mail Steamers, ,IVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. WINTER ARANGEMIENTS. DATIXS 0F SAILINGS- Prom Haifax. ircasian................. 26th Feb. Lrmalian ... .... ......... loth Mar. >olyinesian..... ........... 24th 1 ircamsiaD.......... .... .. 7th Ap'l. larmatiafl........ ......... 21aI6 Non.et the abeve steamers carry oattle heep or pige. M y .1 A s, RATES 0F PASSAGE PROM WHITBY te Liverpool or Londonderry vis Portland. Cabin, $61 -10t $76. 10 and W8. 10, accord- ingt10posii9n cof stateroem. Intermediate $38. 40. Steerage $2840. Whilby le Lîveipool or Londonderry vis Halifax. Cabin, $62-85, $7785, $87865, so. oording ho position of .talereom. Intermediate, $8840. Steerage, $2Q.40. lnteroeediate pasuet gers booked-te, or f rom Glasgow mare rate as Liverpool. Steerage pasuengens booked 1 or fnom Glasgow, Belfast, Queenstown, or London, smre rate as Liverpool. Bristol and Cardiff G1200extra. Passengeruand thbir baggage are put on board the Ocean Steamuhipe free .ofail ox- pense. The lait train cennecting with tisse steamers passes Whilhy 8.10 Thursday morning. Parties sendfing for theu rlorinds ln lhe Oid Country can obtain PRE PAID PAS- SAGE GERTIFICATES at loweit rates., For Tickets sud &Wt other information, Ipplyheo W. A. Yule, Agent, Express Offici ""5BROOK ST, WHITBY. TWO SCIIOLA 11611PS. We bave for suie at Ibis office tv. schol- arehipe cf Toronto Business Coliege, and sali dispose ofh hem te ny person wvie wishes to altei*d liaI Institution. Il le a 900o, opportunity fan 1* Young en .who visi ho poli up thei knowblegoof busi- noiss nethodis. Apply a ete, 1 ommovicx. ie SNov. 9. 1,8b7q 1888. 1888. SPRING AGAIN.- And if U B iockinst for s Nie. Papsr for youn Panier. Dining Boom or Kitceon, juet cati and, se. my Stock Whie I ls THE LA RGE8 T AND Evon sbown inWltby, ceumyibs1 est delgesand colorip Amertican and CanactIaà DEST lai 1 - Vatt's Glycerine JeIIy 0f VIOlOt8; Pt Invaluabi. Proparation for t/i* Skmn. FOR SALE BY 1. Rl CHEMiST and DRUGGIST WIITBT* oooth B rushes, Ha/r B rushes, *Conbs, Per[um os, rooth Soaps, Lnd ail other Articles nocebsay tte . Toilet, are kopt inu good 'vUlty by W. R.«I3OWSE, Ghemist and Draggist, Whitby. THORLEY Horse & Cattie EFOO:D lu lots te suit purchasens W. Re HOWSE,I. CHEMIS? AND DBUGQI9T, Hanging Lamp! April 6 repo Ii wbere. puli M ' oblige Ã, by ailo- "1quiet' kind of been Pl Aehbui dent Sheebé he waE Mm wae iho friende Our i tendan of Mat WS'LETTERS. Oorrespondenoe. 4iag the. OmimoLE cof »d 0 ii Aahburu cor- wnw&hoiw à & Alaf ,by publilhing this I.thî'sud gme t satetthat .neitiion a ume of dominoos uer eue other ýlme f domines has ever èi Meoy ebop since I came t. I amn, Yours etc, DEMNI S SHEEAN. ircely believe our conrespon- ut sny re&3octiou upon Mr. andl at the lime wo thought vertieing 1Mr. 8'e bot sund 'D.) ALTONA. aggie Lebman, ef Stouffviile, Wu Sunday. meso Hoover, of Walkerton, [sut week viuitiug ber many ble Sebool bas sn average at- cf 48 pupile dnning the. mouhii Severil oethie farinons are making mapie Ilup. Thon. in a good run of Sap 80f> Tbere,'re seven emphy ioises in oui little to*b as prssent. A boom lu lhe wreng diweoiov. *Mn.» sud Mr@. Henry Stover sud tam- il7 moved tthein new hoe.sahIsland Lake ou Tbursday. Mn. Benjamin Stoeor le diggiug a weli for Mn. Henry Boyer. Bsn is a gooýd o»e viti a Pbovel aud pick. .Meutes. Ramer & Ce., cf Cedan Grevs; haveq seund lhe services cf Mr. 1. B. -teesor cf Ibis love, fer a speolal place là habir larme factony. Bev. Péter. Cohen, cf Markbit, pireaciiéd bis fanelel sermon ber. je Union Obtiroh ou Bueday oveeieg- lie sei. 8;"1 xolor fd iagara distliriet. meusre. Tii..Foreythsud C. B. For- Syt , w hob ve been vi if hing -heir 0 u' ncde bèer.of late, sared fr thein homSe in Michigan on Wednosday ev.mng last. Bey. J. C. Dobson, cf Claremoni, baà iceed succeue je bis shortserie cf re- vival services ile h. Mthodhul Oburch oortb cf ber., but on account cf thiebail noade sundthie inclemeoy cf the weshiier îbey voie discontinued.. *Tue valuable sbeep belougieg ho Mr. Jas. Cook dnev thein luti bresth ls week ; aise Mn. W..Reyuolds hbuce suffeîieg frein s broken leg. I loare Constable Reynolds- mde &7 olever ecapture et1 lb. long kmoked for Aloi. Brown ou Thnnsdsy lut H. goto tburhy deys ie Wbitby gacI for un- ge»tlemaey ciaduot. ah the Balvahbcu Ars-ny Banysokove, lasgov.' TORON"O. Win. Ptay #ol *lzy daiys wIt b bad aa ïn .tira or ubr.nbing bis wifrsvite clai #.es bon rk supporte b* That' "Meon" bas been eléoeod. Our bluckemitb i8 busy now (eawing Wood.) Mr. John Boyd wae presentedl wilh a fine bouncing boy on Friday luot. M 1r. Vincent Ellis bas wovod te the.- farin of Mr. Scott, whlich he takes pos. session cf j in. e1l. 1fr. Wm. Bro«n. wan "e-- butt foilot s fr. wku' h. left.- Hie bride ba9Sgrown yasyug or aine. his arrivai.H.itdem - ing thers lator on, but w. hoe. ho Wil not take the fsoeily. The. fellowiog j te i.report cf Baleam publie scooci for the meuth of Marob.- * Fifth elags-Maud Armstroug; or. fourth-Mary Roe, Oliver Orummor; jr. founîh-Florence Word, Ira Joues, Fannie Gordon; or. third-Wm.,Ward, George Crummer, Waler Ward; jr. third-William Pile, Danean Boss, Walter Rose; or. oecood-J ame Forest, Jadeion Edwards, William Balsdon ; jr.eeond-Johuý- Muter, Woe. Boyd, IAile. Joues; or. part second-George Lunedon, Minnie Gordon. Fastenna Hlutohison; jr. part seeond- James Miller, William Bose. Mns. MoFadden, of Manitoba, is vieil. iug et Mr. William Phulp's. Mn. A. Ferqtuson, whio bas been vieil. iug friendoini Manilla for the. laut few menthe bas nesurned ho Manitoba. Mise Mary McDousld, Wiio bas beon apending the vinten with ber brother in Toronto, bas returued ho, Man<l**la., The. following fermer resideuts cf Manillà , speut Rasher at hem:- Meuers. A. T. DeLury, Dae. DeLuiy, Earueeh Edwands, Albert Rdwsrds, A.. Mies Me Queeu, Who bas been teacb-, ieg st Lindsay, bais be compeiled te, reuigu ou acceunt cf- ili-bealthgad is residiug with ber bitber ie Ibis village. Ith u ensad duty ton ecoid hheseorel Une. Wintern. 1!hy vaever lL Mid but uiigbh hoMe. are en etaiued cf their sud began te worsbip the - a-er ~t ud suppeeed the. effiea&oy wasll . .Thu Mr. Willoughiby -said, was ew tii. casé witb thbe oburOh c:f England Iitual Yeare ago ià w' au-odiuisne cf God -but no7w, under saà h =en, as Dré* Ciruy, il bail corne tle b. ieailin -a- mecban$0p way, hail beà omie asiwre$ a pieoe of, brasé. and ehetuid, b. ý-baiken i u was ýthii. bain fer 4he,.summu en. W> ell besiy Wesl.y seid oeeof. bis fà moua drivra for thici uof Ion dollars. Wh.t bad 0- ho beet deîwj*t lb. oiien? Mi.Ed.Jogs bs benlaid UP for about four week itula .w. hope for ,hies seedy rocovery." The. eaw.rili habu:obaugeil bande sud unde thi ew management!(Wilou j - son) are reaily auehing, tii.mewIig No doubh tth. inhabitants-cf' Balsam' are aniione te hear fremin befr mlbn-y- cow." Weli Oe. je baie &sud hIey. W. would adviseour*les agen ët tw plant pnmpkie" onlbuagain tht. year. Pies.. "ornme béëfto-re 9w.go teb.d. I s.. Baltam ilse eotin"g se e ili for the porpeso cof seeing. if they bave weight eneugh te meteh us er 'are th > going.to "lbury the. hatchevt"?-'- «" - Mr. W. H Pgbba prcsed h .à ., imported pure bred Cly-.deedale etsl6 "Fandango" froein Mr. David Amnualf0'- Pickerngfer the. handaome sum-100-. Ro aise bas the. feMons, ttott ing sh*0lu "Ament Lapidiet" whiebforistyl e d epeod *is'bard te beat. Masteor Froil Meen is siok Obh v ie-g fnieude boe. Thi eyé. Mt. Normnbsenqut- The froees Ibis yean did net efeeiýt the. mUt dams b:hée.. 1, oîb ille. are runatng téthir fuilest oapaà oity. d eer ior the. bhe] 'Il me. Holitu, agent foi thi e mpor. suce sud Genei Life Assir.nue Cern- psuy, vas bore ou Suaday,*last. W. uuderslaud iai Mn. ILediugtbam bas seourfd lb. services, cf Mn. C. W. Bâleman tg, peddio for i u Ibies sson. Mr. CaldwUelimdMv. Joseph Bleue :q eso shpped a car ,load ef ostti. ah lb. C. P. R. hbe. ou Tuesfdsy lust lg 1g sêees liaiMr. M. MeTggarl bas bee qluihe asuoeaf~iuas'" n -alent je eeltiug the; Brantford sl.idrst ba en bis ýweek te ltai plade -Wtegel a more prtcal kuovledg. i u.ting the. machins up. ho"d bave besn Donthe.b,1i witb, dW -oupled ciurch Io was. ditap Mr.O0 .éLïhav ,A road. I. h'nging Li w.ý I N. j- ij: DSIý for-. tter. i mness, kjy LTY. pressly ,B S. lot es 1 Ma tg .1 , . 1 à 1 il - 1 M 1 1 wpà --