Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Mar 1888, p. 6

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wunur weu&-. WIIbur, th? aighi lite j, ended, Aui ihy-»oy sasd hopes are c'en. Every earthly lie la ended : TSSi luivamntng lias besu given. To thy young oomipanxcus horo. hy lesstprayer bas gene Qevel -For eaoiifrteud te binmo dean. FPather 1 te us m.ay grace ho given, That eaci eue hors ,nay <neot hlm thoro mIay or laI thoughl e opiaced on Hoeaven, Likeei ay Our tait word. ho prayer. WIRITTERN BYT 7F1MXED. The Rugg Documents. OONTIING THE EXPER&ENCR 0F AUNT 3BRUBHA RUGO INi BRRO F à BUnBAND. PART 1. "'Ailwomen haint alike Vt"@suI1 4 soma, cf 'rn i.seso geutle sud geod. natured as a Joue morulugi1 Capen," sez I. "don'& judge our ssct by oe woûàn. ,Whal je il Ibal lb. hlm bock Baye ?- "Oh woman, in Ihino heure ofoss, Ousartin, coy sud isard te ptoaso, Whoeu slum<uak achi) dcli wring lise brcw-p There capon," ses I; iîf I vas te sufer 1 ca'l romeuxbor î'oîben etarnina, but i'. te tbe offet ihst nuder îhem sarcuni- stances a voman is s dreadful handy tbing te bave. Aud nov, capon,"e.èz if IIgnos@ l'l ho s gitting home. It'a dnesdfal laIe for me teo be te an un anarried man'e bou@e, sud, if il nhoüId gel ont thons is fotks in tbe wvend mean ennif te talk about il." "Oh, fiddlesticko 1" sez he; "lel il gil ont, if il vante te 1 I vas fifty years old aset Jinuary, sud if I haiu't old onuifte lako keer cf rmyseif thon lIlI go te sebool anoîhor quarter." IIFfy years otd 1" sez 1. "Impos- sible 1 Capon Smalieorn t Yen muet ho mistook t Why, yenr bar and beard i. s blaék asi a crov." The capon dyes isisself awfully, but ho'a like everybody --esm-be Ihinks nobody mietruse ti. He looked tickled at tbe compliment, sud vent le amoothiug devis' bis; fors- top sud his montacle-firet eue and Iben t'otber. "4Ah, indeed, Mr@. Rngg," 44vho wonld have lbonghl Vou vould have lurned flatlerater. Ah, iudeed l" "Ig's true ss gospil," nez 1, "6thal I sboni-dn't bave teck yen for rnore'n. thirty five, or ferty aI the ment. I deel are yau look five yesrs youuger Iban John Jieke." John Jinka vas a poverful, fiue Young dandy that bad IateIy came te Pigeon Bolier froni theocity, sud th. capon teck thal an a great compliment. Talk about bey lhe vornen folks lîse te b. flatrateil t Borph 1 yen eau goft.soap any mais but salin pediar sud a here'.jockty char ent cf bis vils, if yc'r. only kisertul net le lsy il on tee tbick in o»e place. "Aâbem 1', ses theospen-"I6hank yen, Mn.. nige-thauk yen. I do tblnk thal> my bair sud vbiskere are lolerable fer a mani cf my yeas ; sud if yen viii go borne lo-uight, jeet vait a minuit white I Ret my overcoat, sud l'il go with yen." The capon ive me bis arm, sud we »ad go ho did. H. ta onaeofthlbm kind Ïf fca bttlks~xx osq te git about ahything, snd wben lhey do git Mbontlt 14ea,0-okoa e'em 86a.h i"téd onto golug uplto b. houa. villi me, I bad b lot hirn into th. secret, sud I told hi I had etele àa match outo lhe foîke te bome, sud'lied gelý le clumb into tb. vindor. Ilo do l'the l"pbiffl," @osee apsp.1 #,Wheu -1vos hbos, I ne. to e odn pumpktus.t 1limblâux Let mee if I, 1- 1used te persuade isim eut of tise notion'of il, but h.'. as soitas th. bille, sMd ha vas bogud 9lp mh. I1,she!$ op 1he. vinder, softli sudlbca. volsd up bieslo",voe. au d hm ded me -'owèiÇ<ezes4hq.e s lump owards lth. vinder, but h'.sa 'tytopidepble bnlky man, snd ho - 4at,ý git # 'Âp<,& theanigixat bo- He- fou butit vi t ui selou80 I tromblsd lu xuy aises, for Elleux ophfreld.m very owxmah. * i'¶Sdq4 ~1~MW~8, à- d deixss Ji 1. ,~~t<fs I epq~f4 very 'iupirt to e barbar boler uu~ hegw a ibeopui i b.d tu puni $0 doiInse.. -3us l ïiy & ifr n..111e bomo"* stoper l lie lrieg bott1e wuqoa 1W gi¶~luoi-4kOl> a wm~ggifg cf 91, 1<05.5 e"gracious 1" ses ho1 eomis-- boi3y'as- o0mh'w it ih bl eh&il I do ? dara snob a litli. winder 1 'It bain'l big euuft fotî me, m 'utoc biqfor Ibat. I bail hivered t11-, r-Zwieh I'dlsaid'te borne! 94Murder 1 ThieveatU Bobbers 1" yeli- ed Ellen Sophier, aI the top of ber voice.. "Ar-ar--ar-thur t cee bis minute t Eere's a rebbert cerne in haste, or he'l make hisexeoduis befere yon gel bore 1" Ellen Sophier ie a good girl, but eh.'. resd se many nevels tiaI she's gel awful bighfalutiu, and baîf cf the lime I dou't &Dy more kncw whal ah. mesaue tban if se. wae lalkiug Greek. Ând I kuaved by the way se hollered fer Arthur, Ihat Artbur Gray was there a- oourting. I knowed nov wbat ah. dressesd np se fer thal evening, sud what senl ber mbItothe parlers grinding cul Rookingham ente lb. soorgonni. Gray ia dreadfnl eveel on ber, but I sin'l aveet ou bina, not by ne meansg, for he'e gel a snub nose, and h'. se lau s a deg in bi@ second childbood. 1 peeped îhrouith lothsr scullsry 1wiudow, sud seed Gray crawl under tbe settie in the kitoben, sud ho looked akeered enough le fly. Ellon Sopbier se. aood Ibere wilh lb. lamp ini ber'baud s.yelliug vuS a&H ber .nigbt, sud Ihumme vas poor Capon Smallcomu a-vriggling sud'equirming enniffte lear hieeeif le piecea. And in 'a minuit, clattering down over the ehamtber etairs, cerne Moues W bite, our hired man, with a gun in bis baud. "IWbere le be?-wberê je the robher?" nez b.. "Pint bin ont, sud l'il ruake dasyliRht shine where il nover ehined bofor. t" "IDon't-den't fire t Gracioue airth t" sez I. "Don'ît ire, Mcwe-il'e Cap'eu Smnallcorn. Ee'a etuek fast. Ho aiii't s robber." "Hevinge t" sez Ellen Sophier, "lthat is the voies of my venerabie rma. Arthur mv beloved# whes art thon bidingP be bis 10ot1er for a forg1iihtt 1 .BIleux ýsoia bas dros4ful jigh-#ow-l cd~~ ~ ~~ iese hga Ie beeg tw~o y4nse tte lnkville OemeterY, aud ashe's studiod ekyelogy aud phismahogan3', snd eau ecunt -the planils sud cuher heavenly bodies as vel as tlb. man i40 the. moon himsîf. And aise çeaux l611 foIka' chçàrlaoteroby uheir nosos'; suad se. 1ez that Whahe io es te meeting Sunâsyo, ube don't hear a word that Pitreon Powell saya, because ahe's a- watciiing. thé Doses cf the ordinatice. 01 courise, Mese White and' Ellèn Sophia both vas posqeseed le know lxow I becoe faslened cul door aI tbat lime cf night, witb capon Smalloorn a- climbing into the seullery winder; bul I didn'l give 'sinnoesatisfaction. It was.as muoh sbaîf past lwo wheu I weut te bed, and I liked nayer te have go ele îep. I kaid avake think- ing about the capen. Hes a migbty nies man, take himal in al, sund he'e, wortb properly. Ese looke vol!, tee, snd that's sowetbing, lbeugh Iain'l everylbiug. And ho don'î ohew tobsoker,' nor emnoke, uer drink eider, cer play cardé, and ho haiu't gel omy children, uer other bad habits. Tbey s4ay, that thonuh the fast Mrs. Smallceon used te exorcise him prïuy oflen with the broonxstiok, Seoxnever tumued against ber, uer gave bei' a cro word in th. werld ; se ho muet b. good . tempered. I'm swfui sorry h otel tuck in lise Pcullery winUier-I'd rather have gin a quarter. I'ai fraid It'll kinder est him aginol eemiog boe, sud cf course I do'l vaut auy cf my neiglinors le git Ibat way. I expeet he'll be sors for a week te corne witb wiggling snd wiggiing round se muoh ; aud Ihere weu't b. uebody te doctor bini up, poor maàn, sud make hlmu porritdRe. I dunno but what, oeeiug I vas the cause of bis accident, I ougbî te mun over aud see hirn afore long- tbongh I s'poae, if I ighould, theni spite. fnl oc s t at veut toe oparsou's lbe sanie nigist se I did-nolt t caîl ne ,,.mA.a-wiyll bave eacidiof 'e sàtes. Fiee, Arîhur, or rny enragzed parent drickiug on purpose te talk ever mny wil) turu tbee from i4er dont'." doines. "Your enragsd parent vili put the One tbio, Ilve eocidFd cule. Ilm broometiek ente botb cf ye if se evpr gonute have a Tbauksgiving, wbou gits in," nez I. "Open the deor, on is'Il tbat epech cornes round, whicb vil b. ý b. tbe vups for somebody t" in about a ek ; and I'm going le But I saallbey tt axyonr patience initeCapon Saicr.R i' botl y ocpnel weut cf bi po cîar gel uobody le do for birn, sud the howthecapn gt ot o bi peoolarpunkin pies thal a honeekeoper makees predicarnont. hain'î like Ibeni lh't's manufactnre.d - JERUSHA Ruee. by the fluers sud tbnmbdet o affection.* No. .-HW TE CumN OT UT. if thinRs sbold cne about so thott I No. .-Hw TR Ci~nÂw GT OT. bould marry the capen, I mesu te Moues Whites, bs como alongle t-bte peroubède hlm <o put à portugunee ver winder sud toit cf lh. capon'. bead, tbe front door et bie bouse, for svod- vbere il vas a-sîieking lut-o thebooe. bine te mrn np ever ; sud if I eould oulv "Yen," ses ho, ""at i. Capon Snailcoru bave a cnpidity ou the top eftht-e bousge -thàî'e santin. I abould knov IbsI -jetwbere tIheoaIattie vindor le in baid place on bis crovu smoug a lb. roof, vitb a brae weaî ber ceaS ou lhouesnd. l've sot sud iooked at il 50 top cf Il le whirl round vben lbe wind mach lu meeting. Whaî'e te psy viîh abifla, I sbould b. a very happy weman. yen. capen ?" I allers teck a greal faucy to thai brats "1The devil," sez tho capon. Drat Il vesîber coohe ente buildings, sons. I -bow my inarda ache 1" oaeA eoe ou tep cf tbee ourt.hou'we. "1Wby don'l yen kinder uquiri'n t ? ' I gupss 1 ebsl sel Parseýn-Powell b sez Moes.. ry Tbank-givitR. Msbby vbal made ",Kinder squirtn out yonooi, sud opeo him se npoite te m*#t'otiser uigbt,'w e boy yenliko it," et zSraillcoru. "I1'm net teoffertle esquart me borne, es pegged on ne tigbt thal it vonid pool becauote tbem othor Ivo vas with mne. me te take me ont."* It would bave bfes kinder swkward for "*Hold ou s minuit," sou Mosos, "sud a lman te un borne wltb Ibrue wimmen V'Il talcs lb. baud soff rom the winder." ahi at snce I s'poeo. I euse mI sah ask "1Don'I spile lb. grsaiung," se-u I; -I hlm, sud wben it'e over V'il write sud paid Mn. Svaiu s dollar a winder for tell yen aIl about il.. Trnly veure, painting Ibis ecullery." J. RUGG. Ulpon Ibal tho capon began te evear, P. 8 -Drssdful asteuudiuni twebas sud ho vent on as if Se vas rased te it. arriv 1 I dunno boy I have bota op Nobody nover vouid bave oistrnsted under il 1I1I ebould bave svonded sud tbst Se vaseue ef the pillowa of lb. tel) rite dovu in M rsIsif il hsdu' cisurch ; but then il vas agotravaîing te been Ibal I vas ut-ifting punkina for 1», sitnated as fh. vas, sud I au'î a. my Tbatkegiving pa I I.time.thb. ssrliuxg but viat Pam-on Povoli himeohf nv.calme. sud if,% ou dou'î aifî puukin vould aavoesif he'd have get inte sncb vben il"'jouise sobol, l'.a nofS le kil! y. a fi; at any rate, 1 expeot ho wonld le gil il tbrongZb the cafleuder 1 bave wanted te. . Person Powell w*@ mamred hast niglil Moét,,baron sud gotel b atoch4$o Darrne Rhods 1WeIL oe'.s alittl. sud took off th. baud. fiftie besdod jîitlv of ntl, eld s "Do yen fol suiy casior V" ses ho. a lvo.yoar eîd steer, sud doixx'Ikuov "Sumiai, se lb.cutpu; But 'm olbing *bout uolbjug "t al! migb'y aqoeazôd op round the mididie."" A rs st lima Ibhose - poor -onfot"i "14Givo liiia lit onteide ibare," ss o ef obie vii bavp, vish Iliat 111î1a Mous.; "aud lIl1 pueb $bis vay." pieu. et musîju sud vaterfaîl for a, I gwbbed bSlip by tlé, b.le. sud-laid, anetbor--** wecl lime oet L por i ont il ui sreullsud ey eul sud -I1sbtould tbtink il us au üf te *oýmak body. Ris boots came oùfinl my haud Ibsir evu oma taro in lier grava1 Abi, no adIu uiIh~m bijhaoe d me!t the»: vîdoywrara red1dul nl foil backvsnd rit. dowu over lb. b.aak tors 1 Tbey blÉeïyoun, wifé te-dèe Sud jute a kitîla of biled eider appla.ass mstvy suother teo eorro.v tiaI il sot eut tiser. that aflemnuon te w.l on l a 6 M-eo cool. Anud it vas pritty oonsumued bot way, o.peciaîly sitar lboy get el l. luîn, yl on'id botter Iolieve 1 No juâgiment, no, pruione, no fore- l scteee, sud B[4@" .lt,-ihscap.u«Ïoïeul , bbAffoing tI Wsu yu sud ruâ ee mc; sud ibâ,àaspèsmanag. gaRa # woand psiîbt by gober> ed se gil looso sud back inte lie gronnd miuded respectablo wioeeu toute ha whoro ho sol fnil flftoeu minuiteswaear- kuow B, from brooeutiek. isg aud cailiug for his boott. wvhis Indiguanlly.J.. 4Messud .81190u Spphla vas ey~n Atilte c.p.uigelhibis oesand - pot* euion, sud,ifa epiteos!al I oould AmUZI< complexionmamde xéutl hito,i bador1!uibui1ie~it5~ iêd ~y bine oye. vere brjght, uniuded me, ho vonldu't have gel Sang,# ' 18 langrbt lele" iey $a.~ V4 aI'a.pain e' -Nme - As accu as 1 vomi fuIethélb.uhe., But »w sby-miefi, plaixxnelbs Elisu Sophia abs a.ed'lb. BIais eh thbat - i crax joly ou, My droise, sud aetsigst 'of Asf'Ir sean artiol'e bdigbl dreai; il eh. hnewsdup lierx~z~is aniéîiga faH ilsteas 5wet m fi> ) uwblws itIe croi. pÜi f-do dtgb Ber aSsole are lieaesheà a 'a . "'Oh.,m'à, ma l" ses ehbat "yen bave IAu' N-el 'walke nth lbtain nxorsig be~a nuffloniug..sômo os. 1 Your a~ ' -- "4!' t l1 .faima f. ail» i1 tise Ibroatcotda, hurna, etc., loiýHvn sdIt o equal te il." nething Pive hundred 'settiersa arived st Winni- peg on Satur4ay. Cannot e moefled. 1 bave pleasure ini saying that Hagyard's Pectoral Bslsam cannot b. excelled for euing coughn, colde and ions cf voice. It cui'ed my brother oompleteiy. So says Ira MoNead cf Poplar iil, Ont., iegiârding this popular reinedy. Mr. Chamberlain will be denied at the IJevoushire Club on April 9th. VOUNG MEN uuffering from the effeots cf 1 s.rly evil habits, the resuit of ignorance or foU1y, who find themeelves weak, nervous, and exhs.nsted; aise MIDDLE AGED) aud OLD MEN,* who are broken down from the effecte cf abuse ur over-work, and in advanced life tedl the consequences cf youthful exces send fer and aun t&M. V. Lubon 's Treatise on Diseases cf Men. The book will be sent sealed te, any adtfless on receipt cf two Bc stamps. Addi'ess Ul. V. L UBON, 47 Wellington St,.]à., Toronto. A New Home Treatmont for the Cure of Catarrh, Catarrhal Deaftns and llay Fyr The microscope han proved that these- dis- esasos are contagion, and that they are due te presence of living parasites in the interliniag membrane efthtie isper air passages and eus- tachian tubes The eminent scientiste, Tyn- a", Huxley and Beale endorse thie, and these autherities cannot be disputed. The regliar mutbod ef treating these disease han been te apply an irritant remedy weekly, and even da.ily, thue kteping the delicate membrane in a constant state of irritation, allowing it ne chance to heal, and as a natural consequence cf such treatment net one permanent cure ban ever been recerdeu. Itijean absolute tact that these (tiseags cannot be cured by any applica- tion made oftener than once in two weeks, fur the memnbrane m uet get a chance te heal b.- fera the application je repeated. It je now seven years miince Mr. Dixon discovered the parasite ini catarrh and formulated hie new treatm.,nt, and ince then bits remedy bas be- cerne a bousedold word in every country where the English Language in epoken. Cures effected by him seven years ago are oures still, there h.avipig been no retarn of ithte di.sease Se hLghly are these remedies valued, that ignorant imitatorB have started Up every. wbere, prete uding to destroy the parasite, of wbscb they know notbing by rernedies, the reeultn of the application ef whicb tbey are equally ignorant. Mr. Dixon's remedy is ap- plied only once in two weeks, and from one te three applications effect a permanent cure ini Mhai'd. xocsnd apaphetdecrbig »i new treatrnent on the receipt of etaimp te pay postage. The addrese is A. H. Dixon & Son, 303 Kiug-street west, Toronto, Canada. --Scien- tillc Arnerican. County cf Ontario, Thorah, 1888., A By.law te clo8e up and geil a pr tien of thse trespa roeedU on Lot 6. in the llth Con of Thor.ah. The Corporation o! the Towship cf Thorah herebv enacta that f rom, and a t.er 'the final passing of this By-Law,al that por- tiono cf b.tre8pase road on Lotuutiber euz,in the eleventh cences!4on of the said Town- ship cf Tberah Iying between the Western linit cf a deviation cf ths aid trespans road (which said doviation la estahliahed an dde- ûuned by By-Lau. No. 4 cf 188, passed by thse said Corporation cf rhorah on the fi rot day of October, A. D., 1887) and the Talbot River, ho and the same te bereby closed up, and ne Ionger te ho considered a Public Highway o!1 the said Township cf Thorah. Ânad jt je furtiser enucted test thse herein described portion of Irespaas road e closcd up, m jw4beosold te tise proprietor cf the land lying adjacent te the saine. for the rm o f lwenty-five dollars, provided thal il thse proprieter of the adjacent land mnaIl net withlu the space c f eue year frein the date cf the final p asain cf this BY"Law com- plot. tb. purohae of th. herein deacribed portion orf trespans road. by accepting con- voyance of. the saine and paying th. prie herein set forth, thon and in tisat cane il =ay ho lawlI for th. Corporation cf Tiserais te seii the saine te anr' ether person fer Twobty-five dollars or any greatersuin And il is further enacted tisIs. he Bve be, and is heroby authorlzed on bohaîf cf lth. Corporation, toe eecute a convoyance on tho aferesaid terme, cf the berein desorib- ed portion et road, and cause tise seai cf lise Corporation tl eoalffixed, thereto. Sg'd. &LEXANDBMR MoU R*B, LS. N OTCE I8 HBEIBY GfflN THAT tise above By-Law will ho takon inte ceusldoratlon vils a view te the final pas- sing tisereof, ai a meeting of the Ceuncil et Thorah, to be hld in thse Town il aet Beavrron, on Saturday, thse l4th, day of April, A. D-, 188, at eue o'oloek p ms. Therais, Mar. 8t '8.p. (»erk,' a-ny"QrWý*aýUt you? 8JMWA *9c._ i # tie of Great ]3ritaben> CAPITAL, 02,500,000.- ANNUAL INCOME, $1,500,000. MARE Parm Property snd Dwelling HoesaSpeoialty, Very loy rates. Easy tomas of payment'. simple pelicies. 14e vexatieus conditions. Prompt sttiement of lonses without-discounl. 1Be sure yen do net imeure until you knew our terme and conditions.,.Eniquireocf E. RB.;.RAY- WARt>, our Gsi oral Agent for South On-' tarie. Offoicen Whitby-Part of D. Ormis- ton's Law-OfIRee. --Ail letters addreseed te. Look-Box 78, Whilby P. 0., will receive prompt- attention. Residence--Hain Cet- tage, Byron stroot, Whltby. 21. IN SURAN CIE! RATES, LOW!1 ADJUSTMENTS LIBERAL 1 LOSSES PAfl) PROMPTLy!1 Companies among the besl iu the world, sueisas Th. LIVERPOOL, LONDON i GLOBE, Thte LANCASHIRE, The. WATERLOO, and T/to NORWICH UNION, M 0OMT :z -M lowent rates. W. B» PIRINGLE, NOTÂB'Y PUBLIC, Whltby. TRHE WESTERN BANK 0F WHITBY, -ONTARJO. THOMÂS DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nov. ?th, 1882. iy-47 MONEY To LOAN! $100.000 FOX INVESTJIENT. ON REAL ESTÂTE SECURITY. At ieweet lving rates cf interest. Money secnred within 10 days of sip- A.pply te, lctfn JOHN FARQUHAB8ON Whltby, Febrnary 1Bth, 1880. 9- $500#000 TO LOAN. At 6 per cent. yearly. Term, cf repay ment cf principal made to suit borrowers- Firet and second mortgages benght. Ad- vances maa. on second mortgages aud te purchase farina. Nc cents incnrred in making applicatioxn ate me for money; ne aqgent'. tees; ne deiay. Parties payîng higher rates on mertgages sbenid apply te me at once for iower rates and save money. Write or eaUl immediately fer particularu. B.. R YOLS 1y2 20 Adeladde Street Baut, Toronto. MONEY TO LOAN, On Real Estate Mertgage at Low Rate Interest. A& . POSTr Appraiser for the Canada Loan and Saving. Ce., and agent fer the Western ÂAsuranooe Co. OPPICE-Over GerrWes Blçp4$ !Whtby BLUBEL..LriSojB&w moees iTempe i ro(. whi ~omiion Wod Wark8, .P4g-INTER, PAPER8 WRIT HANzrGJ KÂÀ-LSOMINER, General Hbuse Decorat4. Paper furn/shed from &,i a Ri and upward8. Ordlers from the country proznpj attended to. Iir-SHOP-First door South...~ Mr. G. Y. Smith'ei àW office, Whitby. Whitby, May l2th, 1887. B8 AGENTS! A6ENTS! N OW BADY-Our new book',46arj Sea and Sky; or, Mu-vela of th Universe",; being a ful and graphie de. Bcription of! BU that ie wonderful in everyý continent of the Globe, in the world ot waters and the Sta RHeavens, containng tbrilling adventnres on land and sea, m~ nowned discoveries oit the wo Jef~ greate4' explorers in ail ages, and remnariable ph..> nolmena in every realin of nature, . braoing the striking physical features of tbt earth, the peculiar characteristicescf tix hurnan race, cf animali., birds, insecte, etc., inclnding a vivid description cf the Atia.' tic, Pacifie and Indian Oceans, and cf the Polar Sean,, the Monsters cf1 the Deep, beautiful seashells and plants, singlflar fishes and dwellers in the world cf waters, remarkable Ocean currents, etc., togetherI with the ÀMAZING PHENOMENA OF THB SOL4R ÂAND BTABRY BYBTEMS BT HBNBiy DAVBNPOBT Nenmamcp, D.D., Embellished with over 800 fine engravinge. Liberai terme to Agents. OXFORD PUBLI8HING Co. - TORONTOO ONT, Certifloato eof Major Harper, Esq., of Whitby. -1882- To w/tom-it may çoncern. This is to certify that having examined, repaired and used a great varioty cf Sewing Machines. I have come to the conclusion that the White Machine sold by L. Fair-- batiks is oesof the bont made, as ini My opinion it te a machine that wiil net easîly get eut cf order, aud will lust much longer th-n mot machines, as are han been taken teprevent wear as mnch as possible. *I. eau honestly recommend ilte parties want- ing a good and lasting sewitag machine. I purchased oesof the White's scme menthe &go, and if. gives overYMatiefaction. -1887- After five years use cf the White Sewing Machine inim family I-can-tfly e4dorse thse above cerifoate aMd, c".- fully récola- mfýud thse umahinie ,as l" machine odts Y«a1b l p I machine I have ever hadantig-oê with. MJI À~~ Soid cheap as the chespest, and je th. bout cf-the boni. L. AB NK, ' SoleA4ent for tItisDistrit. O.&LL CD~ JOHNSýON ln Deuerell's Blook for gcauÊ KIIICHEIN SUITS M 1~Icis th t bu tt ion onyi ;o ywvwauu- D - fiolii5 rival bakingp Ty .~hes articles are* nnteract, iffpossible the le ilie froin Gênerai Humas-1 tie De.iry snd Feod Cor which h.elates thal 1he lejpui Sinvestigation cf , deo", based upon th.e î'.~ua1yes f îbirlydi roviS Ihaàt Cieveiand's jre orea of tartar -bàking roly fre.e front aluai, alu ;., sud Ibal it te: absolute ad Mnoet desirable baking ïaoîured ; aIse, Ihal 1he owder- coutains ammnoni ho Clevêlaid's je superior o.every q!ualit -y cf ezeflen bjso oui by Our cemp à ,ileerred: ltis te ,div oflIien frorn tho scathing b [ted rebuke admnlnisered (kaneral Hlareit for fsAs;lifyi. report in their effort le o bakinc- powder when il unfavor5,bly *ith Clevelax Il je quit. lime Ihalt of the sdvertieing of thelb. company in question. Wl gantiyavertieing theirn0 ýhave shrewdly cencealed ammonia lu ils- ranfa0tb persislentlY maligned Clei olevl&Ia'ssuperior but has nover besu umade ef pureil grape eream cof tar carbonate cf sdda, aud a o! whest fleur or starchsai been. free. frein adultorati - stested by the leadig ci feront parl f o cu &lyses made cf ou? pow< by lhem iu open markel speclive lecalilies- as ea ing eaoh eau. Ws ask show ils disapproval -cf sdverlisiug methode refe teudiug ils patronage supeior bakiùg powdsr, eighleeu yeams been -fu » mnent ses pure, efficient breaa Ieaveuing agent. &Ibany, N. Y.- MareS, 1 Wit adH There are Seme me', blankdartridiges- The, *noise as lbé other kiuni bave -sny offet'. - Thse mueli malignod * mueS essier tlethbaw -c frezefl1pipe than he dc Bornte of hie cntoifens The Englieh ton visiled Leadvills&"a' bxth;lub- with hm o Buekn Baa mn eus river. We do net jus, means, but auPP 'se" t4 in order learo &MIL te bcoshould'owevcoup] Pair enie-Ilhînk * Thené are a tigod ..Ae abso ut v ue-A Coi~e O~e,,4 for "~ OI '00oMMeERCI1AL1,HOTEL, 56 J.r-vla OttToronto- 1 lands in sumis to suit at 1 5 JORDAN ST., e

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