Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1888, p. 8

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-The 1Minister of Ju#ice obuas oiedt (Pro rrglroo$s0d~» look jute certoun pro vinions of* te Seaiiia'S- ýAd s aid.-thbe Unust 1tsier. >~w&~re 2%.-~be dbat onUn- Peterbore.wàaauneW driÛ',bailand tbe à stioted ecïëipooii aiolihtbug mthle Govornment will build 0_1oin lb. usuel a oe bmefonthorrdete 1ii he Ullo'n tlterins. 5~>vnhmnt boud derset e hi Hole Hamilton is to b. made tbe beadquarters ait il nght Thedebae b onWOt~of a new Postal'Division writh an inispeotor day scetbat 1MY redit ofci ta lastiUig at Who i3 net yeî appointed - leasi uweek lias ben verifled. In autimuitt- The ilîneas cf ir Obarles Tupper -makos Ing lie fcelttion' Sir Richard Cartwright the date of the introductiofi of the Budget took four bouratoutate hi@ case. Ris speech and the iFishery Treaty bill uncortain. coupied 84 comua et[i fisrd and wil 1be- Rumnor credits the goveruLuent witb thc Corne the new teatamnent liat wil f urnish intention of appointing frUr. MoLelan Lieut. texte tte Liberal speakers in future cain Gvrnro Nv coiMc1.H Wos. The Hon. gentleman 6 fr8ludr becoming Postinistor General. teck . to prove the neceiity for a change of public polioy because -thc country, was not -______ ercgresaing asit ougbt. Briefly Bummalirized The VoiCO of the ars in favor of bis argumnts and figures were as f l -lows : (hauaia hâad not been able to keep either hier Mr'. Dryden as Mini8er imivigtant or native POp.ulation as there o giutr wer. U050,000 native Clanadianq in the States o « èau and thîe eut cf four of our immxigrants left Oaneda for tb.es"me conntry. The popula- Some weeks ago we aaid tiat publicopinion lionwe eut e te Notb-e5t erenetwitb an unwonted nnanimity pinted to the bere to-day. SURfi bhre had 1&eeni an in- creaae in U"&ada's population and yet a * de-. meinbex for Soutb Ontario as pre-eminently ereese ini our total trade f rom 5$217,500,000 the mnan for Lie position. Mr. Dryden, iu mn 1875 te *22,00,000 as il waa te-day Our an eininent degree, possses ail Lhe quaifi_ farinera were suffering for neod of i larger cations of fitnesa and capacity for Minister ffd wcalthiec market. He proposd as la et Agriculture. A wofl educiiled, intelligent rernedy four thinge (1) refurin in our pro- man, a practical fariner on the largest scale sont iystein cf taxation ; (2) revision ef our an extenisive stock breeder ; a inen constitution ; (3) the abolition of reilway c ag aîanneyadtuiia x iD<)IioPofyein ani tb; )the obedtain ofperience; oeewho bas taken an active part perfct re.trate itb h. uitd Sate inwthe oroeaizatiou of Feuner's Institutes, Trhe Amecicans were 1 our best custeiinm and a le»Aing oxhibiter for ycarî et the aven as it was but under the preposed policy Pcoviucial and other agricultîlcal exhibitions our trade. with thein would - wcrease in a be wouldj bring te, the disoharge of tic duties ewyusfrein'8W,000,000 10 MW 0 00.that large ixnfrrmation and abiiî-ty whicb At, present we sôlM $36,000,000 of our na- soî aehmawloa diin1 i Irlproduots te the Americans. Deaing Cabinet, cf Ontario as a tborougbly repre- witb tb. sentimental considecatiotii Sir sent&tive. farmier. ShcuId Mr. Drvden ichard denied that h.e owed anythiug to accept the tender 4f a port folio, it would ha Bngiand, excppt te furgive ber Statesmen an henor te the ri'iing that shouid secure bis fur their blunîers in negotiating inl behalf ae-eletien by acclamation. Opposition in et .Canaïa, and we bal ýa riglît if wO chose such an event would be uothirîg short cf in our own interest to a dmit American gtiods factions. But even shouid part op)position free and tax British goods. ,1He was ne unadvigeedly b. detertnined on, Mr. Dryden's annexatioiist. re-election would be a foregotte conclusion, 1o a ce.. cee cTO wuî ave1,." f THKN OBJECTIONS STATET). Hou. Th-ost. White iii a speech of an bouc and a hait repiied oni behalf ot the governu ment., ending at midnight. He taillîd the oppo)sitio[&on not kuowiflg whether it was commercial union or reciprocity they want- el. Undier either Canada woîîid lose $7,. 000,000 in custotns revenue wtnch would have te b. made up by direct taxation. Both parties b. dt-clared were in laver of reciprocity ini naturâi pr(ducts but free traie ,in mailuf actu rers.Wî>Uld sacrifice our mnn lacturers. Our trade witb the Urited Stutes was cne cf competiti')n, not orie cf exehange. NuL nmore thon 10 lier cent. of tb. producLs of the farin %vent to the United States. (out of $400,000,000 wortb we sent oîîiy about $360,000,000. Th.e eniargeinent of the home market wass tie best policy for the former. Ueing NIr. Biue's figures Mc. Whtte argued thaI the farnuers ut Canada were prosperous and in-. cremasit in wealth. As te o xpulation Ca- nasda i ail inci'eaïed faster thon the New En- gland States and Conadiaus were naw leav- ing Dakota and returniug to MordLtoba. Canada, unid Lhe inii-ier, wus always ready loenuer inu the f reest coin inercial relations withtheti States so long as thc policy of pro- tectiun te cur own industries was net absu- doned. Next. day Mc. De vies cf Prince Bdward Island suppirteil and lion. Mr. lester frein New Brunswick repleil. Many of the. argumenta ou both sides wece repeti- lions. and il would 6Ibtis letter to sum- marize <'ne hait cf Lhem. In ceply te the *harge of disii'yality thc Oppo)sition say if Greot Britain is hurt it doc% net matter if Canada is benefltt.e. Ttc Ministeciaiista s t i is an unprccederited thing te tax the gec2of tic t)arejt state &sud oliîîit those cf a foreigu country frcee. Sir Charle Tupper ba since Weduesday been coufiued te bis zon with a<ioid and i% net exprcted to b. ahie te talc. part in Lti. debate. a eOVKMUNT AMN Nt)KIr. Befoce uttinIC oowu Hou. Mc. Foster ineved au anendliiint settinlg forth Ll>t Canada vas deeirous cf culti v iîing aud ex - teuiding ber trede witb the United States in se far as thott uny net confliet vite Lthe Na- tionuf-UPigicy. It la cxpected that the Op- Position sçlill taie the vote ou an atnend- ment te thée amendunent te be moved. TUEC COUMIES INVKSTtGATI(oN. Mr. Clark Wallace's conunuttee to inquire luto tho oxisting combines bas been sitting almost evecy day aud brougit eut a goo deal et evid.îuce in relation te juger chiefly itieugi aise tobacme, watci.cad., and ceal. Mionïrg*l wbclesale grocerles showed how whoii they nef used te joîn the. Gtild the auge. rfinories chacged theun more fer suger~ *th" th. prices quoted lie îneml.ets ofth Vild and made thuin pay cash in 14 days.' Th Piosidout oethle Canâada SumarRefinery aduwtted Unis te b. Lie cms. fe justifled il on th. ground liat herelofore the grocers '&'d bea e olng auger et ceaI. Memberd et -thes UuiId t".ified iaI the trade lu sugare batd bécOmaseÃ"uupcofltabie liaI a combina- titn -Wa em>ossary te. conduct lie trade on kDaines.principlen witb atp refit. Il bas ciao heen brougte ut liaI lie.arecoin. -binMao ontwdlliuR the primaos f matches, m"éIcs and baking povdec. Whatevtir may bee&ÃŽrged frein le foots brongit eut--lie o videuce is oertaly oý great Puhllç intereSl f fVMRIRA IY NDESS <ilWIKAT. forohi&a t f. gofoffime wcf aithates me Sprloft Otaeic. n fal atiBi Sucth n thoic. ftePee uh ouin hen re ince o bePerss tru, boîh ttie Proi is ail buain hus i ndavo t boh isies, beiforS.lut Onta¶imo The fcow-o ihe e t ra r ail laI we ou fTdheoforw thits week. He bas under cultivati ýn one cf thc iarg- est model farine in thc Doinion sud is a most extensive breculer cf Ihor-oughbred cat- tle. Rit; cxteuded auj valuale experience in agriculture, counbiued with bis well krîcwu ability, quslify bim admirably for tie posu. îiLn We sbe4uld b. glad as wel to se. nother Easru man in tbe Cabinet, as tie West is fully rcpresenîted. (Woodstock Sentinel-Ret'iew.) Eastern man and an able, natîve-grown- foruier. Re is generally, and favorabiy kxîown as an intelligent sud honorable noni-au crithusi- astic as an agrictlturalist-andu tuil in t)uci witi evecy moyenàent tiat tends ta furt.ier the inlereste of that large clos-9 uPon which lie prospeity c f Ontario &) vcry muclide- pnds. While we would deprecate anvti. like secinal feelin~g, irrespectuve of fitua for Lbe office, in tbe appixntunent, yet wnth eue so pre eminently quelifleil as ïÀr. Dryden, w. tink lie East nuay fainly daim bis appoiutmeiit. (Boucmaiuvill&î Statwnan) Re weuid briug te the office an invainable experience sas a practical andl succestul agri- cu Iturist aud hià oppniutxîent would',we are satiafleil, be raeit acceptable te the farming coimnunity generafly. His appointment wouid as well, give tie ceurty ast cf Torute, ite second represeutative in tb. Cabinet, If tis choice.in imode the Govermntintt b. cougratulated on tic addition te ils rauis of oee aos&e iu tegnlty, ability sud cxtended experience se well quaWhif bitu prealde over the novw departino.ît. (Mfarntct4srn Ezpeit-or.> Tic eE roitor bas pleasur. in nouafi.ng ohn Dryen of Seuti Ontario; a practicai former, an bonest mau aud oee vie ba had largePaçliarntary expetieuce. (Huron Signal ) is prlyneteetowticproft udWest in therba coneo the. ncdecrnd euinutane severol yearsago and bas even incesbeen ne- turned vit i ioaedmajorities. (Southerm Cowinteg.JourUi.) Wioever as appoinled sbouid be familier with tie tacîmng untereta cf lie province, aud lie cocensus cf opinion appoans te be liat lier. i. o ne ein lie I.egil Ature Who lu au large a manuer li»» te cequisite preclcal xporience 99 Mr. Dryden. (Botonviu.3 Swn) Mc. Dnyden'is appointaient would lier.- fore ineet wili goueral approval, and would b. only whal iii due lunlthe way cf officia recoguition cf tliiiimportant contral parI cf eur province. Impertantl b faees i inte evidence b.l Ris nmie la âtgenerally spoken et vili ftou- tàe eonmittee cf thc Houa. on Agricul- any cerlcinty foi the position. As a repre- lune. Prof. Saundors cf lie Otawa Ex- seutaînve Canadian fermer, to. lie iner peu-montai Penn seid lie reaulté cf bis cx- hotu, ho poasesies ail the qualfialoni liaI, pecunents wfth Russian wbcat showed an should go 10 lie ,naklng of bis appolutuient evrr~ yield et 14 bushelà in Ontario tek -au eminently flttisîg and accptable oue. Mn. ingr day o heav ge 10 ipen, in Mowatp vie makes few unstaes ef any Qmuc.1 bushela un 85~-las Sonne cf lbe kind-aald nno in the seletion Of members wi be hwcd met iw boLh Provinces. Inu e isçalucl-wiadd te bis strengli sud Manitoba the average yield vas 76J lb. sud ppln itb'oenoraeet etf native over tie Dominion â8 bushels. Expertsetaent lu lb et 4irecliou. Tho Whiîby difenedsas tote iuality cf flour trom Okron.cie "intaIs. a ould Mr. Dryden Russian wbeat. Evcry variety cf whest tho aceepl lie tender ef lhe new, portio, bis I"roleaoc said lended 10 run eut sud 'new clection would-olu acclamation. Y*rietis. sieuld b. iutroduccd. Wiorover (i<<j >~ Wed if. wheet could b. sown ho recoamoend- 1»a od ils continuance. There -was leus cutI Lcalitin 5101 piuna rCjite;buttinlz ,witb Baîssin tien ili redflfe and thb. iitied 10 oêsidecaWi>n. 'r. FMM in thelb Rtunwh.al would giade vory close teo only minîitereuM ofcf Tr0nto.>Âm'A tle lis eplualiyof redflfe Mr.. -Watson torennest candidates said Mn. eolontkden s.idzý et i.bdnvrknowiý redfifeto te cuinluof Souh Ontarioelad M-r,-Oies. DrurY 0cf- Norli Simniîo. Bitien would wake a capital 1mli -ite or e isdêpartWknl; and TEE ANITBA DFFIOLTT.oaci bas strongiclaiand qn&Hulcationscfi -Before tis là ead the result #fe, uý t heo- ieor order. W. rediy do net Pow liations bsween-Manitoba *ad Dominion I1w lith meor cen deside as bewufie govormnot xiav possiblyb. sunoned but rîwo. Pssonally wvs ab0f1dlbe d4uo let et prmsnt nothing 4 n- Is 1olum l t i M enatMr. Dryden. BHe s a d- efi ' unWéd l"tIthis0. P_. t1. ay>e epr.pre$eth eàerw.innt eclcck-*oeders loba soin,. aey for 15,000,00, olitersfor 8, - - s 4 g ) 00,000. AI *11 oeonts almoal deily con-' ~l*~ ~.t.iigi .a1~dna1and Mani- _Tu. iii' . _lOfiai Or pil i_ aunes; -novi PGWDER AbsgolutelY Pureo pulty, sitreiigth and whoclem.meness. more economicai than the ordin-tny kinds, and connot b. aold luncmpetit on viti the inlutitude ef 1ev test, short weiîght alui nor phbosphate powder. old only in caj. oyal liaking Peyder Ce., 106 Wall St., Nc. DRI VINO MARE FOR SALE. A firel dcais drlving ma"e for saeï.6e and w tient a fenlt. Gel hy Crowii lm periml,piz yeors olul, beautifui dack bey and fait. Aise novw Gig mcd Harnes. Apply te R. . LS P F, N OK . or DAVID BURNS, Brookin. Io1~:itA8 iLU NEW iGOODS JUSTIN# Ladies' Short Vest and Queen C1ains, Broochesl, Cuf Bzutons, ed.,., -LL TB- NEW PATTERNS Gentsa' Chains.and Cuf Butions, Watches, Clocks, and Silverwbare, Plated Knii.es, and FoTkS - Much reduceed in Price,. Wtoches, Ciocks1 and Jewelloryf Office 0f .Whitby rmîL,} È~alWbat. ....... 076 00080 S p r in g W h àe t o o. . u .0 ..00 0 7 6 * 0 8 0, Gooso hea...........*eu07 *'0 70 FIeuX,per ewlo.a:::......200 *2150 14aroy ................65 -0-075 Rye.......... .... 045 *452 pes, blaok-eed.....060*.0 066- Blue Pesa................ 000 g00 Oaîs..........085 @- 040, aày ..................100 Aàlske lover seed...... l 47 Red CoeOTime 0 .........4 0 00' o î Apploa, perbbl......too 1850 (0g Toinatoeei"........ 100 0-, 90 Ipoaoes, per bag.. ....... 110 01121 gggs..........018 a* 0 Wood .....eu.........400--a 560, UIdes,par Ibo* ..o...0 06 5007 Pokprwoeeeeeto6 00 $62 Turnîpue.s.t.... 016 *028 Celery, perdoý 000 * 060 Ohlen, per b . . 0 4 1 Turkeys,p1»,rlb.. 00 g (1 Ducka pe lb..... 00 01 Gem erlb . . 00 1 *94 qQcý, CIO qqc :at UIIRI Ul' DPLA' -0F---- MILLINER DPOMINION WAREROPON ON- nes superor excellene.prvn lmillions cf homes for more thonia quairr et century. 111Je nsed by the United States Gevernment. ndored bteeads of the great Universi- tios s lie=Srogt, Pureit, and Most healti- fui. Dr. Prlce's Oreain Bking Powder doos net centein Ammonia, Lime, or ÂInrn. Soid only in Cone. PRIGE BÂXING POWDER 00. NEW TORIL CIUCACiO. ST. LOUIS. HOUSE FOR SALE. That desirable brick residenco on lhe wout side cf Byron Street, near the Court Bouse, néow occnpied by E. R B. Hay- ward, Esq Thc house is wel l ocated, is ef two tonies, wth Mens;ard Roof, andi was desigi.ed by Heury Langley, Es.q., Architeet. Lt comprises 12 rooms, bas a hot-air furnace, aud is weil furnisheil and in good repair. There are oni the premises a gocd stable, well and cistern. Apriy ta 16-2 L. T. BARCLAY. '£a >* I cet Q. a c M'meoi - - a n. CI'- ce,. -as0 : and SA TURDAYie IVARCIJ the 29th and 3lst. WE LEAD IN -MILLINERY. GOODSI Outr display is superior to any, for- Tailoring by .6 > HOUSESFOR SALE. Two gond story.and-a-bali houAe in the Townocf Whitby, new and parly buit cf brick. Stone foundations. Sêven roome in esc.h.. Hard and soit water. One~ minu- tes wîàlk frooe post office. Convenient to ehurobes, sIoos and business% places. Altao five and a hall acres of land well fenced. Âpply 10 WU!. NEWP<)RT, Whitby P. 0. Mar. 15, 1888. UEAJMAKER8' YEAST. BREAD made of this Yeast took 132 First Prizes atOntario FaIlShowsin iSS7ý. Over x,oaa ladies have wrt- ten ta say that i t surpasses anït=est ever used by them. tmkes the iightest, whit- est. sweetest brcad, ral s, bues ..adbu..wbpt nancakes. POWEL aFirst- Clctss Cutter-é 70LO XX Zstàb1iýhed SUBSCRIPTIOI; Sper ounum in sdv Fise. Subcriptioiil are kge office of publication. Jýook &ond Job printinK àatric, capable cf exeec Waudbiii. Special ment ansurpo dpesf acili, icLi,' wîts celebrol bylinder press and othi euoes. . 9very order ro TERMS OF AD' F ?rSat insertionl, per li suab8equent iusertion, 5 - DLsplayed A.dvertis6i by a. oale of aolid Mera ,*ooordi.ugiy. n ,. àvertieMXentB 'Istrutionsls rnec&ed1 ,.bar.,Ped foc fult turne.. Or lersftir didouatî!J mnusi be in writiflg. OSI rswili uot ho ràspofI Alubecal .lis100uifot menuby Ëe'ye4r. Sla t ra 1 t I vertImàe me in ait liter titip n Wid of Fnyinreuded ohanq beo cr8 l?,iedaY 1100£ ments reoeived up 50 - pive (lents Per lino %w par lino -weekly. of teQ.ititY or nel Occrrespou)deuts are lhie-r oOtifuficStiOll possible, ED E JOHN STANTON, Sup't Meebanies ,1U111 F.- FAîJI Bil ôéQCouty.SU wgCourtHoer JA"iIE- B &&.ISTERi eapied by Psl *RylHotel, Bro TORNEY-ÂTi Q~,cu-thle c ifcVÉ MMle à hiSTRR, Lane e a 00.e lVhiiby Chinia TSIQLC0 Is the place where yo will find the largest sitéOof - XmasoGoods ini Town. The Stock is now complete ii Crockery, China., Gla s8WaPO. Fa n cvyGood8,, M~~ <cwn un Canada are usrng uQ ii. AsoafitSokc FOR. SALE GROCBEIESFRU1T &0y STB8ý O 1:?ù T2 O JL ETr. China Tea Sets8 for $3.50 China Cups and Sauea, $1.25 IN TEM TOWN F WHITBY. per dozen, and other G-oods in proportion. Walls. Ten «ood sized roo'ne. Sitabing aI.. tached. Hait acre of land and a lot of fine fruit treeé. Both liard a.nd ot water. Keya musy b. hau fromx Mayor]Long and prerpises may be inspected âný' lime. Pos- session alt once. Apply to êitber D. Ortais- ton or J. Humer Green Wood, Wbitbv, or NATRA ±4 ARNOLDt, M"x. 5, 1888. Brooklin P. Q. Tenders for tbe building of a New Brix* Ohurob tu the Yliage of Columnbus wil 1* reoeived by.the underislgned up le Salur- dayv, 18th jils. SpeoficÏtaions are st 1Mr. B. NIkncekivel'si, Columubus. Ph. lowest or any tender not necessarily- accept4R. - L. PHBLPS, 18-2. The Parsonffle, Columbus. CAUSE OPD-EFFEOT." WÂANTED--Àlkinds off<trmprodùCet wu Je GIBSON, 7W]HTBY OHIN ýT .BTOIRE SANTA CLA U8. The la rget sanafiu TOYS-ANDFi LEyer imported hore for tii. Holidsys. I - entirely&w 1888. INSPEC TION INVITED. THUR8DA Y (Cobourg World.) (Port Hope Guide.) il (Canadian Baptist) (Umbri4o.rour=l.) mer season,,

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