Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Mar 1888, p. 4

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gATTENTION!1 Cucurnbor -AND- 11080Je// --FOR- Chapped 5Handsl --OR AS A- SOM PLECTION IMPRO VERO -ONLY AT- Tii MaIN ai Hall. Go Et GIBBA RD# ONLY $1 Oc PER ANNUM. W lb.Fxiday, Mareb 23, 1888. IT j6eas&y n00W 10 see that commeorcial Uniion bus becoue a party question- tbsti t has becomne the principal plani in the Liberal Party'a platformf. Botl parties bave now taken a stand.. Those OanservativOS who op ùlinow have, beonOorUUiOal U nionius-tt wil mddeni iy fand out th&% îbey have chan«ed their mndis &0-1wilIilk cf John A- white the Reformera Wha bave beom oppogsiutheb. hiev Of 1Uurestric%0d BsMoiproiLy wil Dow turn round and look upn it witb ioviog eyee. And the restpfàctive strenaitb cf Ibo parties, will b. &bon&thiee tMne sU it was before. A fow May dling îOo nw ideae for theo sake Of Fa otisnge, but, the old love will oarry Mo#t of tbemt oe tprty tbey upport- .d in thé puit. It %will b. a aoOd tim stipIcaî for tbem to bave a new @rjc to quarrel o -ver. Ev.rybody is geltine sick of blatbering &bout rebellion and monopoly. Bible Society Meeting. The aunu~i meeting of the Whitby brancl Bible sooîety wam bebd es anu"nt 0d, bil h mettboditach soo-room ou Prhnrsday even ing the 1Uith just. àMr Ornîît., thie re llifig Pre"ldent occnpied the chair, aic Saller d6votioflal exorcises, gave a brief in trotmotPry addre*ti. and calied un th. Sec retary, lUr. Ros Jobnt,ton, ta resdthe rx port of provins year's ojieratonie edil )Larob 3L 1,-87. The. report suiowed las year (th. Jubiles year of o ir bel tved Quees to b. on. of the best inlthe hiatory u!t]t Whitby braneh wbieh was orantzd in 185,Ç The amout l colI$tOd laut year was $121.. The adoption o f the. report was moved b, Ur Jî)hu Blow, seoonded by Uir. J.E Farewell, and carrîed.-TtLîs vas followe by Speeches ou tnpios previously arrange Dr. aunn led off vîth Ilrbe bistory of th Bible society» whîiheo reated- 'n mialter very plea.sing tae the tau41en and aise ver' lustructive. ge trac ed the oriain of the British au ,Foreign Bible secie-ty ta a previous Societ ealied "rbe Nival and Military Bib soe-ty of Etîgl&nd*» orga'-ised towards th 'close of last century for the purpose of PnI tine lthe Sriptures loto the banda of û soidiers and sailors. This wsa .uuorcad by the laricer effort tW give the Bible te tt wurld Il Be gave mauy intereuiog dol saste the eariy andi sulioqueul. work 1 ,Ilnrioae acbievemeiîs of!(liOsSocietyi ditferenl lands. Owlng te the ,nocessam absàencê,pf Bey. Ur tsarker, Mr. M. Go] teck the treatmeut of the nezt topie, vi "The iafitience o! the. Bible ou civilizatio and di4 idu duty lu a logieal, energtlic ar eotient mauner Showing the noce.. of!*a &b 3mcral tS~e in stociety te prop lutelelotnsidsvettbperflit h. showed thl the irans of the il» e eneeeeary to ù prodnstïoui e! snob moraIl oup, becs'ý whore the Bible it a sealed book b.er»« tion is the h1gtest type, and ils imaperfecetitl bride -gram mot living lup tale iendard - Bile .Nhiu."e hould roach down i bauds and lift aIliers up. going up wi the e. r.ater hi4gits.11ev. J.ÂWiiýb à.ivdwt Wy hudv upr oougreqtaýalOi AUâ*I9a*EIis amuiat;sec. and, thal It W va eGllrep. 1No*,the . knows very veil liaIlhoesanut deiiy e4ter thé eue or the, other o! heu 51tteMlI5 but, IR eider te 4*5w attention Itom tem,4 b. îhrow«e ~ a insinuation, a a 10 hée souroe. Aey oque st ail onversant, viti chuoh irsla Ibis owu viii ýkmiow ,at once a g mibtis abat le, aued, alhbeugi the Dr. viii no.doubI say b. d R ol refit le 'ln partielar peron ôr peoison s. Ih îk 1h. public wll agéle tih me tlailiiosot- the. nglisl h hà *hodo ROaPre. with the incumbent Ilu maltera theologloal"aud ecceslSl3Sl aeoquite &as houest. -and lheir repulation for veraol. e is toasut leqoal, if net superior, te liaI o! the Dr. Il àa a grief te tbem, -witb whuenh the Dr. evi- denbly does net sympiathise, te se.tho once large congregatlbfl dîspersodafnd lb. beau- tiful ciiurth becoming: dilapidalid. I leave tbe Dr ta settie Ibis malter witi uhose in.* test id. The. Drisays: 'Il have mot hlm (the iucumnbenl) more frcquteptl hîy Ian y cher clergyman at the houeý% of -ho aick aud neeiy." Who has ohsrged the.incumbeut wibh neglob cf lbis purcbial duties?. "Stranger" did net evea mention ILb.Wollo since tbe Dr. bas brought forward the. ques- tion, lot us examine bis cemparizoe nuthis connec"utw Dosthe. Dr. mean leasay liaI he, Dr. lCastwood, lu îLbe wvie medical pro- fession of the lova ? Unleahoeb. ca m good this dlaim ho la net iu a position ta ptma judgmenb lunmthe malter, aud say vhicb clergy meu vieil cand wbich do nul, sud ho bas tbert! ote placed th. cher clergymen in an ufair position. Would Il not ho pos- sible for another.eler àl'U omke even, more of thoevisiteIhu buiasbeanumadeo by tbe inouambot and jet very seldom Wute Dr.BEatwood P I amettlfiod liaIinvesti- gation viiiprove ibis to ho much narer lb. tacot. The. injanoblon suggesled ta "Stranger" "Inet te hhink moe.blghly e! hîmeehan hoe ogiltat1fIilu k," appears particnlaiIy applicable ta the Dr. himaelf in Ibis conneclion, go easy is il for us ta lec- ture others wbilo vo overlook orselves. Il in èsaid. liaI ne physician cares le lake hie own prescription. 1 nndttratand lthe Dr. is ne exception tle is .raie. It 15 qilito pro- bable that lb., Dr. attends aI amtjoriby et lbe bouses cf the. sick and n.dy cf Aâl Saints, beina the. Dr. lu attendance at that chu rci, in wbioh came tii" incombent in ly doing bis dntv by visitiug. Nov, lthe Dr. kuowis very well thal ho could notexpeet te meet other clergymien at uhese bouses. Theu wby umake tbe absurd coieparisen 2 Ia tbe Dr. prepared te a»y liaI other clergy- mon are remise in hheir duty because he, D)r. Rastwood, does net meet them ? The in,innalion b.> Ibis effict il of lhe Dr's. ovu manuf&clore. Lot bim nov show liaI bis =assertion is a f air comparison ef facts and then ve viii b. prepared te give tibe lnonm- J bent &Il tiie houer he in entltled ta. I have -been iif!orme.dcf nmie cases cf "msick sud needy," from the cougregation o! Ail IL aints viiore tho doctor in altbndanco la bnet avare e! any visite by tho incombant. The. Dr. says "Imoanmly attacked." Whare- e iu? If "Stranger's" letter bad been les le true.-I doubt if the feelings which had beon If"roused" vwihn hum (lhe Dr.) wouid have kïreached the. saine alarming exteul, asthoso d aI wbicb be darklv bluta. After trying te caut doubt on '&the source" cf "Sîranger's" information, the. Dr. admits ils lrulh by hie n reference ta "lb. 1ev." Tbe remark 1"an, ý -kind of a rare show iii drmv a large dcrewd," la., as a rul., innocent enougi, bol Whbu a -plied t"ceh urches aud cougrogabioni 10 it becomes very offensive iudeed. WiIl tht ll Dr. bell us wbat "rare shoveo" drav thd ,& large congregalions wbiob attend tii. feîhý e cd mal, Preabyluiiali sud Baptîat oburciie» 1 - Tiie Dr. viii probably lry lea creen himmel Y bebind "general stabements." If lieue t-statemente, were 1;o% inteuded te spply t( ge the. question und4sîr eonsidralion, vis. lie et emplineof Alrsaits, vat lu lie fmami gR of oummoien se.c oe ey put bu for? Il Idftcthb.wnole o! the. Dr's. off irtis ato, screei if pos8ible' tb. incombent from the fore e tbis reference, inu' Slrnger's" ilee. Wil the. Dr. may liaI ono clergyman, vithon ce, Ibis, tbat the large cougregallons of oth *e ehurebes are attrached by «"nsl sud qli kud tera" (semebbing çrortblés«) sud liat-'I ety fewi, attend AiltSainls froin au appreclallu ble of -"soiid vorhb.»Ratier soant oomp the mont fur lie clergymen sud onneregaio at,- of otiier churehes. Or put inl plain'Bu tho titi: Iflie people o! lie tlev aîtad I ed abill&y and bonesty te "appreelate sé] tbe wrvth,"IlAilSainte -vonid b. fillid taovi âïs floviug. Tii. guet of lie Dr's vbola loti le appears te be thîs-be' bas taken a viole lub lieig, 1er some rea oe incumabeul ar Ail Saiuts, visillng or vialuot; sudahsi îlId any one, eveu"IlStraniger."I dat t make a ris: !.lrouce'te him,trqp or uutruoj,e iB 1 b," M eprepared te '-throv mud" luaiel'dire and tioe. Auýto, tho roiquetiouk et issue 1 aity Iveen lb. lucumbut sud tho.. wbo,1, >pr bis ciiureb, tho Dr. la eutlriy, Iuoce« Pial Thisuking youn, Mr. Editor,' for space theo your paper, 1be o *&ey. " Il aIi MMiFo A STR&guU. ma- eur Er 4UaMoIILt. ara~,1~oci~~a letter in y.ur lait a th Iroin W. 0. Bastvood, prneusab1y ipi ion i-wef t1 (>nefrorn '5'trsngoe" nu yor in«.i retd" Ssrauge«' îsiter over cre*aJ * &y the ibiractroftâÏ.lBv. Nt. d -If' -s "t . mk m fissionanonr fo re Ibslevymc le e utt'ingso m on duoticu lu inte numbers -i la. z.nmiâhaWnrýinPI1 AI aL &wr PSZOBYTTIUS TAMIS A 3 ive Sa-'I ould ask for a 11111e spma -re- ply toDr.Easlveed'alotlt. Dr.Baalwoo as a medical mmn bas ewequât n, haub Province, sud hie numeron acsts o! ,sy M. pathy sud belp tle hqpoor wsud alictod may net b. kuevu le imay, 'huhlihey pla<e hi. veryhldgh 'inthe ora 0his Who do kuow o! them. Hovever, vion lie write-n~liu oish 1er em Pidier from "Slrauger's" attack b? spesk- lug e! ils faithful visitations -et1lthe sick. No oue oould for a moment say liaI ho do.. nol visil lie ick sud lb. poor lu bis oka congnigtion, but 1 conslder ual s Clerty man vbo negleols liaI dnîy, la just as - honemti u ocepting bis sssry as any mer- vaul ustalsilgita is saster's vork 1er wieh ho recelves monlhlyva..I> parte eork tata clergyman la x-L potidledo. ~gilght boren htvel mug thiepoosubielur anproper .optt is vork lie onleome o! a saved souk-aota work Decessa yte salvation. Paul sais "Qed tonbid tliil sboâtd glery save lu lie cross oLOris"-Gal 6-14. Tbe Dr. acknowledgos liaI ho do.. not afree vithi tie Rev.gentloman on occlemiasti- cal points. Thon boy ean ho blame the large majorily e! tie congroaaliou vie lefifor tie simple roason tiaI hbev could net Sup- day after Snnday, ail sud listen to doctrines vhlch they did net beliove inand peouliar vieva whioh they could nol agro. viti. Wouid i. advineo hem te stilI attend "1Ail Saints," snd as bhey came cul ef churci console them .elves byaaying, '*Oh!1 ho in5no goed tethie sick lu our ovu con- grfegstion vo viii nover minAg." Rattor a dificul dose for lh. Dr. to prescýibe-, sud eue net conducive te ciriatîan grovhhl. The Dr. stigmatizes "Slranger's" leIter saa "mean attack." lb seemed bo me juat a plain tilement o! vial any sitranger migbt se by sltending Ail Saints any Sabiah,. sud oould easily ho compoed vithout the aligibest information fromn "local sources." I bave heard belh ides o! lb.eburci dîffi- culty sud sympahhize vii ti ose Who wîth- drov from AUl Sainte. Tour truly, A paaznrrEuN. AUCTION SÂL FARM LANDS. IN PICKERING. Tiere viii ho off ered for maie by Publi( Ancion, astIveo'clock p. m., ou Friday, the 6th day of April, '88 ing, by Leovi Fairbanks, Auctaoueer, tho fol- loviug [auds sud premises belonging tethie Balate o! lie la e Josopi Gormley, namelv. P&IRCRL NUMBER 1-Ooutalinn 50' acres more or less, sud bngle tut ialf o! LoI numbor 17, lu the' Second Range., sud lie South-euat part o! Loi aumbea YW# iu tho Third Range, Broken Front Cences alun o!flPickering, as described lu a 4eed Ibereof troan Thomas Brown le Joseph Gormley registered nas number 733. PARCEL NlUMBEJI 2-Contaiuing 64 acres, more or less, kuovu as lie Roee stesd, sud being the veul bal! e! Lob numu,- ber 17, iu lie Second Ra&nge audthie South.vomI part et Lot number 17 ln tb. Tiird Rangî, Broken 'Front Concession cf Picker- ing, as deacnibad lu s deed therse! from Mirgaret (3ormley snd chera to Joseph Gormioy. regialereds5096. acres, more or leue, sud beng lie nortiOM acresfetheouest part ot Lot number 17, in lie Third Range, Broken Front Concession e! Pickering, sasdeserabed lu a deeil hieroot f romi Thomas Gormloy sud elbois te James Gormley, rogist;ered as number &W44, 'x oepWtlugtreout s road 75 links *ide, on parceil aumeur 1 there are the ftov- ing buildings, amiely :-A adie trame bouse, a sp» bau a log stable sud s suis» orciard. On parool umber Ivo there are lb. fol- 1oing bail in [uaey:-A. slone houe., lup faî £ tb rameaWMIc, absotu r- Chard. Ojparol auber lires liere sare lbhefo- loving'lbaild IngnMely :-A frame lieuse, barà sd stable, &ad al;c asoïas » rbs& Th Tiabove propexty la sitaI. aboutl Ive miles Souli-west o!t he Village of Pioker- lug andi pertions lier..!, frotoen -Ls on., tare.- The b audSU clewat ,exgepl a*bout 25 sef..e lsb antisvamp on Paxcetno. 3 conlaining *son edar The soUtlac! lihe bat qualtib.i sirong day loam. Tietfenoe are iu a fairaiti.o!- ipait Thero la a veil on -each paroil..ý Bach parel wM bosold pariiy, tub- Tii. Veu4os yulnot bd Iheoteslve put, up the' aveial parmell ilutle order above nie , %narsoerve b teIVu" the libW o "&-&wfrom1ie êl. av-,of the asiti parels, 5h e s e f '*b ='&Y IF i >usit. 4 1/ PATIENCE* FP. 1 l PERSEVERANC', BRING THEIR REWARD. The truth is demonstrated by the faot that after a successful business career o We are more firmly foun ded and in a more prosperous position than the fact that from the start we sold at PEOPLE 1888. m .PLEASING m Has hýad cÏonsiderable to do with Our suecees. SFRIEtŽW We have 110W on view some Elegant, Early Spring styles, RICII and we ask your critical inspection. ever. PRICES 1888. REASONABLE -The Ladies will find some decided bargains at -the Dress Goods Gounter. Look ai tbose beautiful goods at 7e. per yd. Ask to see the cýmbinat:ion suitiugs at 15e. per yd. Remember these are bargains that bloomed this Spring, they were not left over froii laut year. 'o are blund to your own interests if you don't secure -some of these Goods. We make no rash assertions but prove everything we state in the newspapers, when A PRINTS, GIN GHAMS, ZEPHYRS.-Customers are knowledged fact our prices are the lowest for fine goods. ORDERED CLOTHINO Wide Widths. It is an ao- SPECIALTY Specîal quality, Special Low Price, Specil Nice Fit, Special in Style.' We have. ail the recent Styles and our Goods are guaranteed in every partioular. Gentlemen an& Parents will find they can save money by buying their elothing from us.- Gentdemen'sý Furnishing gooda, Hats, etc., the largest assortment in town to select from. I~-o 88 gC»Whitby Dry Goods PRINGLE'S MERCHANT TAILORINGI IST~A~BLISIIME~T le the place to çet. your ordered lothin&\./ We have in stock a splendid assortment of oloths of ail kinds, which wiIl be made up in first-olass style WyJ . PG. ALteBSorsCe, . THE TEA "CASH ONTARIO Oddfellows: Store, Whitby. TEA HOUSE KlnemSeled for Family Groceries, Fine Tuias sud Coffees. m 18 - OUR? - SPECIA LTY# Onr stock cf (3roces'les anud Provisions is Largor. Beter sud Oheaper han ever. PRIZE TEA FOR MILLIONS! GRE4T 8AR.GAIN8! Orockery anti Glassvaro prices avav below ail cempotitors. One Trade grovi. Business booms, because eut goodanar rigil, andi eut Loy Prices suit lie peeple. -WANTED.-Active Agentsto seli ou> Teas. Big Pay to Good Men. MARKET ::BL OCK,' ::WHITBY. F. L. GREEN, -00----"-- L.M OAT MEA.L, 8 Emporiu M. BURNS' COLU M N. ffow OUR ANNUA.L WIN TEIR 8LA UGH TER. To avoid earrying overfI odv have commencedt isRt hemn at whole sale pric.s. Widc.awvake people would dlo well to cali early, before, ihefr s0"< are solti out. LirnEs' WEAR, Thompson's bout M"k Clcth Gateri.,,ào ...i;*** $121 Flannel-lîneti, very warm,re ......rie. ............- 1 50 Cblohlaced Boot& ..-------.... 11« Lined I'xroughout, higb. o*1, retaü, ic..... . . .I85 cloti ý,;»ttened eosý . i' e has *verI OLU. WA TOIe .AMOND Rings, Looi irrings, Soarf Pli collai te Plate -Table- Wi )r Bazar, Jeily and 1 Pie, Crumb ancl 1 SirBA vhitbu 1 LOCAL -UL Til GOING 0OR'là B9UDGET 0F LIVELY Uf BY WRNO "A obier's aMn Âu'laithl el P RIf.41aneBOd' aggiest etc la .- rternec's' igbt. h étersrib nt i cli à, lb.w ev eng o cutiel is»la 0o in the &i.usIti t. TLis 1la6a, ýhe iear. armeRo f- th arles holel, PC re îtojiMl oniTi #2 per day. ir. Chas. if01 a Whitby sur4 net -of 188 I3Ij C Il m ci 1- 1 1 10 C:r - Isi COME MW INF a .& -y- - eý Probably ,OCK ST., AND SEE THEM-. COLUM»Ne 1 BURNS 10 W. G. WALTERS'Store, TEA HOUSEý IS OUR MOTTO.It 1 AND LOW PRICES

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