Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Mar 1888, p. 7

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vwua A n 4By s U AO0RDI* (lu otioi of Mr. Mi(okeys Mr lafr ôte1 "M - p a XXp#.ui Verdon vas hourd re, aigsesent of bui-ebel imported itock beld 'or -the . pise of ton eaélý TcWUDU, si- Bruce làlavigtg brauch, bouses aud labora- Moved by Mr. Maokey,.ieoonded by Marci' iu uoév.eu différent quartera anriMr. Palmer, that tic sumu of $2.90 be 8o thal thorbforO huvinit a world.wi te exper- 'paid te B. W. Mowbray, taxes paid in the Crou lin., s , H. H. Warner & 00., justuty excesi by hum, and ualt the Reevo May lui oureolves ini making tie oîîowîng siate- grant bis order on the treasurer for said Brmuce Oeut.: aPOVD.movedb§a Ur. Parker, ueconded by agreeod OuaTROS POVD.Mr. Paimer, that the oonoî reeolve fro fit Ftrt.-For the. past decade w. have iteclfif m a eommittne of th. whole te îcrcing held tuai 98 per ceni. of diseases cri- coneider tenders for Dabarton Colvert. Rb ginate in th. kiducys which introduce Carrieti. churci Urie acîd jute the. eystem, a poison that Couneil v ent imb committee with bu g in injurions té every organ, atiacking Mr.msoucher in lhs chair. Hoese, anud destroyimag firet the organe whioh Commititee rose and repurted in favorepne are weakoît. We have alsio ieid ibat, of the tender of Mr. John Pearce. .pit' yf th ii. nYa are kq9t in POrffet Meved by Mr. Parker, ,econded by Mr.1 I.oW mat f thée ordi'nary aîlmcafs Mr. Palmer, that tic tender cf Mr. mearve ,willb. prevented, or, if oontraoted, Jno . Pearee for the enm cf $350 for the. was ria enureti. Otber practitioners have held onection of a tone cuivert at Duebarton il upet tiat extreme kiduey disease waa in- be acoepted, on condiion that lie tutiatel curable. We have proof toe con00- Reeve iî eatisfied that the cost cf filling by a pr traiij, bowever, in hundrede cf thons- wili net exceed tie expectitions of ibie A ha amide of cases in evsry se'tion of lie Coteau. Carnieti. Tics.1 globe. Wamner'o Safe Cure ie the Tbe Commutte. on C.m-ntingpnDcie ed a se greatest specifie knowu. Ite ropute.- rose aud repcrted as followe :-Your The toc tien je establiietid everywbcre, and its Oooimittee beg leave te reccmmend ing cor ir4luence surpasses ail other medicines. paymeut te A. Richardson cf acconut acîeda 8 10W DISRE&SE CREEPO ON. for advertigiug tenders, 50 billu, 500 Bey. Second.-T ho kidneys boing tbe Copies Auditore' Report, &a., $31,25; tO pro, noeesof tihe hmman system, il je im. Drs. Bateman & Re& for atteudance on the Nc *possible 10 keep ths entire system in irs. Lynch per crder cf Mm. Palmnr iden ci gooti workink, erder sîntess the8e organa proviens te liant meeting cf Cou oeil, $6: u s a are doing tleirfu2i duty. Most peuple toe ouses f Providence, Toronto, for weart *do net belîeve tbeir kidneys are out cf support of îwo founllinus for Minle % orden becauete tbey neyer Rive thom menthe at $150 par anoum $37- Your Row 0O any pain. It î8 a peculiaritit of kid- Committee bave iad prteneted to them sxS ney di8ease that it may long exist iith. an accoont cf Johuston Pirie for nes cf sixeen out the krowledge cf the patient or c hall fer municipal and division courtthe tlprctUOlO.-9 ma bOfsp tdpurpoee@t,an .d wouid octrecommend pay. Beno if ibre le a'ny rd I i d earuectfrom ent cf saie ; for former pumpoee the on iforiny saà awbcbdeparture in* nusual prie.havie g airedy beeu paidaud On ordnis e sage hcu on, te inythe ninniipatity net being lhablefer tie je a di poison in the blcod gradually undermlin- latter. Your Ctcmitte have hati b-fore tackif îgsud deetneying every organ. them the applîo"tioe ef the Ecune. of aRe- g OETFOSRIIS Providence for ponneecion cf the fenaale te thf SOINTIIOSPEIFIO.fonndliniZ, and ireoommeued that the the sl Third.-We dc not cure evory known clent be authorizod te netify tie in- cf thi diaoase troni one bettie. Thie je an stitution, that we rosjia a&Il aims on Mr imposibilityî. Wanmàer'à Safe Re- tic same jute their bande. Alitcf whiôb etisoi mede inolade seven ecientiflo speciflos, i. repeetfully submnitted. Oe. Parker,~ was r each oeeoftwhieh bas e epeciflo pur- himn us pose wbiob the ethere soanot perforna. On motion tie report wae aoceptod retu' IRFCOQNIZED STANDARDS. and ad'itid. plai Fourth.-Warner'e Sate Remedies S. Maekey, ehairman, preeented re- ou ei have besu recognîzed by the deetors port cf ,tandlieg Committee ce Roade ehoui snd tic people &Il ovmem the globe, even and Bridgee.- recouammedinR th&& the viole in counînies mont couservativo andl petition ef Peter MeDemmnaid 'and 13 W Meut opposed te the manuf aure - i ethere, asking for a grant for gravelimg fairu proprietary medicinet;, as standards cf on nii$emoad between lot& 14 sud 15 in thec theighest excellence end wortby cf the 2od concession, bai laid over te the job, tie patronage eofmait people. May meaf>tiniz oet tue Couneil for consiLler- 20tb ST*N URNES sucen. RBport was adopted. mom STRNOOIARATES.Mr. M-àckey. @eaondeil by Mr. Pouaher, the Fifti.-W6 te Li te fOitowing nu- moved that Messrs. Palmer and Parker hem quaitied gumirmiubes :beosud are hereby appointed a Commit- Ca GuARANTrj 1.-That Warner's Safe tee te cause ai neaessary r*-psirs te b. The Remedies are pure and harmless. placed on briidz e bt won lote 20 and 21 tait GUARANTEE 2.-Tuat the te8timonialo in 2al cou., and report te ithe Concîl. q.aed b9 us are genuine, and so far au arjd we Iteuw, anoutahEeiy true. W. viii Ou modiýtion cof G. Pînter tnd T. J. forfeit $5,000 fer praof o tbe aontrary. Piueat1er tie Conneoî l a tn-nosd ta neet c,p GUARA'NTREB 3.-Wtàrem'e Sale Re.o A Moeday April 2ad at 10 o'cloak a. whi ( mediog bave pemmaently onred maey im. nh bave promwuuoed incurable. People DitAtItm.B whp vero cured top yeare ugo repnortDitctIes ù tie aure permcimiit sund cornpletely vaudsdb i 82 satisfact6rij. Wamner's Safe Remuedmes Mdadsdbtj 82 wti usai ser dim i ue sff- onteidnes er eetedl nNew. a tr Disease, but ho obtainiot no relief. F;i -nday. Four boities cf Wsmner's Safe Cure Dundas conceil viii charge tranejent dl niade a welI Man cf bim. tr iders ia liai towa $4.00 a day licensec -W. J. HAMILTON, ef Amherst, Nova Seotis, was cumeti of bemormiage of feeB. V tic kidneys atter doctors failedti t FerRgi coneil is petitionimig lie cure bur andt l st dying rites of Local Elause te make tic granting ofi lhe ehurch haël been given hlm. bonus.' illegal. MEtS. 1a&YWARD, cf 821 Oburci St., A. 8500 bouse in Bradford ovucti by Toronto, was oured cf cironie dys- Dr. Clement wai humai Konday menu- pepela viLla six boutles cf Waraer's ing. No ineurauce. Sefe Cure. WilI E Imanson. tic Bradford lacros- 3011*1 GIVES, cf Gaît, is a living alsi, knelt on a nuety 5ai1 Tuesday Monument te the power ef Warmner's morning sud veane a crutch. 8sf. Cure over enlargemnflof t. JhhWieoej~Iivod ett liver.JonWieo ,ttuod ett 1 W. could give tbousaodse o simlar tbaw his pump viii his bot vater. testimnonialg. Warner'i Bat. Cure John uippeti andi thawed bis chee t t doos ezactly as represented.- blistering. 8eventh.-We vers fcrced m ticthe The. cetale of Cliff & Son, Durham, mnanufacture et Warner'a Stfe Re. pait i cents 'on tic S. Tbi@ lanteai inedies in obedieupe to a vew made -by amo0unt paid a crediion wae $4 82, the Mr. il. H. Warnenliat he would, if loReit Bii cents. the. remedy now keownasa Wamnemrs Two Sîsynen yentfmu namcd Svitzer Bafe Cure nestoreti bim to hm.Altb, and MoPiroy auîaulted a girl ln Col- epreati ifs menut before theuie lingwooc4 anti wifl chev Gev.1 Laue&s vonîti. In ten e yar lie demand bas gumn for 60 days. grova e0 that labonatories bave bocu <Pie Salvation-- &nmy barackî ai esut&blisbed in seven. quarteoncf bbheooke)ztevu i. orovcled nigbtly.- globe; Net oaly is Warem'uBafe Cure Tbus is one of tie bariulees lieseofthle ascientifis mpecifo-it cures8 ton (311 Oollingvood Bullet'n itie doctora (ail, thousantiu of the beut à man nameti Shantirau, ef Napape. cf phyicians prescnibe iregularly, 'tie@bot ies vif.for refugiog tojive viti powen oven diaose s pernanent ant i hm sud e s i hIuefall His vite iii replitation 's of thbe, moou exaltied ler*oovernu. __________Josbua Bacon 9wvore ou tube higbway Picerig Cunc.st Wan basbene aud Joui vas fincd $18.- Pickrin Colel 88.Tuiesnearlyýibm limes éete - . ,,,. ,~ ohanged ln Beeton. fixed 1he. Ilcens eee ...for -,hýell' if thé, Soott Act rep. s carricti >oks A61 vifii eoma iotaforee IL scouely hoteltflef beyà. mukaily t o eto jail ratier than psy the This i te out off aIl revenue! inos and niake tlb. oeilof n tic ast .xtravagft -Leizan, of Esque-siu, drove, to tat Gleavihliame, Feb. 12. Boys me rig from thces chh e0. rau avay and lft th. cutter in mu. Boys' fathers paiti damages. Mo&vela, of Penetaniz, had s illous gccape tie other day. He diag ou a load et four loge viien Bt andi buriet i hm beneati. For- Iy b 1.11 ll abo thc bolbev oauied rojeetiag log. ýOD1WED SIT A? ~IOS EVE BROE RROHB I TE TBDR làA Lw tock of Scotch, nlish sd OidanTeesBlkWrtes téo eselectfrom. A. "Speoi4i1lin. of HI. TWEEDS from 50 te 715 cents per ya, suitable-for Businesis Suite or Boys'Wear, A FILJSTOC]K 0ýF GROCERIES- ÂLWAYS BON'H»IRD. Highest marketpre paid for Butter and Eggs. e Where Poousnerviline l used10 PP posed cf the mont poweiul pain -0 bdliD% renied.ienst knwub-vilne ndol61 l give prompt reiefld in ruaiM= iýz rui M rmupi, p n ýAbê. antle hou; of painfal o*u ~b action. AÂ10Ocent samuê over eerkowma reeiey. 1Ir$ IuI' Lgebottles 25 cents; IoÏ~ I ) ut Boyd, of Longwood, and ruptur -__________________________________ 3Dll blood vetteel in hi. e U. _______________________________ ooth wa.%exetraoted but the bleed- àd YWT se etyptia at iaet. 1 I$ ntnedfr e dy. oW.b i[ by 01 D. Rvckman as been trying ove to the Guelph Methodiuts that adClm w nte orth Pole je the apat of the Gar- Midway, betzoeen Brooklin adClmuo h a maighty cold place for people to the original Highland cotume. rrn y bese a@ infomedthartya -Ne are uow prepared to make *a11 kinds of Wooilen malpirkers inr4ide of one year n Goods, such as Tweeds, Fullolth, Uni*on Flannels, * littttrs ; aleo thet during the lui hein, itingsAJl-wool bed Blankets, Horse Dthree of hie cowe were obligià' Blanets, Suirn , ilvreie n ilkns ofl igb te have twin oulves. ý MRBaktaé an nalvreisadalknso the Nomttawasage lOtb lice there Knitted G'oods kept in stock for the accommodation of debtinR eociety, sd ite members patrons . led the following a few eveine8j -Whioh i@ the most uneful enimàl Dyeing ini ail colors done to order. C ae oomoennity at large, the coW or he-ep ? The verdict wus in favor llighLest price paid for ary quantity of Woo]. he "keao w." g r. ewy, f t. ar'e~coplan- Ail orders promptly filled. mome time allc cf eick beadaobe, and î suddéoly seized witb violent con- onFiwbich laoted some:time. U9pon Wa D 60 WEIIMAN d SON, Wb îed of a pain in the ehoulder, and ezamiDition it wae found that the No ENGLIBH STABLE IS CUNSIFERED ]FOIR K NN Y ulier blude bad ben broken by the COMPLET£I WITHOUT D.BL' ZIA-IOV3 loue of the coDvuleioDP. Vm. Jhnçaon, a reepectable looking ta(X1J ' A positive and radical ome for ail Menue Th~ ~er wo eode narElvaeje a >?,.~. L~ 4 >~>weaknese, however indluced. Imprudence citv eearebing for hia wtt e. Mrs. ýq s" ~ ud ecseso13h, rod g yed inBon, ho oave;, décainped ou Feb. ý&à xeseso yut r ldae i/d 3, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ï a1 ek$6 fhe adere . promptly te a heaithial condition, by uuing eey with hé-r. D4teetive Reid fcnda l ,-' Dr. Bell'a Medical Disoovbry. Alldruggistis, e rryinit wife in Lyndon and brougbt or by. mail. hebfnre the police mauistrate Who a £4mm PRIVE ONE D.OLLAZ. Te Mmittpèd ber te jobnecn'e charge. Lbrtry11Ba 9hSre ,Nt i.T ken werp reeovpred.-SpeC. ~M RDROCATIO Lbrtr,5E829hfBiNtoNT Lt Sldom Talle. ruaIN5M, cE35, A» DsPLfm SWREX J. D. Çarn..ron, et Westlake, Aineile, ivoEnie. ke Breton, h .d inflam matorv rbeumutimfon OR ovua-RRÂOu8x, CRÂIPPED REELS, Wfl, aich Hagvatrde Yellow 011 cnred atter ail oÀXL8.ri her tre-atments had f ailed. Hagyard's s x N X0383 a. h low 011 is soid by aIl dealers in medicine. FOr oRS »TWRO&TB AND> ni7LUENqZL At S&n Francisco. on Friday niglit. theoi. swzmoo e SE, 8517555,o4i>EDROCiS. itish eh ip B ussels wamB burned tote i, ý so uonu% 8sojsa&cu te?s e<tK* U. lPI 0 a, A» Wu SSOUTESNi EE R EM .' Bvery observer who walke the streets cf ANI> LAM"8. gresi cily, and soins riih intelligent eye »»oS anwt usn, enUxUS INi moeu. WOR:& P0 icolrees faces f more than Ut>) per ut of the people he meeta, c0811 il SPEOIMEN TEBTIMONLÂLS. Are p1easanft to take. Contain their owum gree w îh us in the statement, that this rmESGs h jao uln. rfltv.I ae no = oec g, which niaks suci drafts upon te FrmH.rcleDnefRuId. fatv sa.efsro.x ,cul 7rking energies of the greater part ofmen -Belvoir, Grantham, Lee. 1.,1M79. da&o et voMa U i bL&mS OAd"I~ athe întepse pursuit of business, bas des- êseig.,...Uman'aROBaEmbrocation is used animl in=y sable. Ithilnk 15 very usetw.V I EYBS lAID fBak ryed in a pfportioflate de"resthe aia'Yysals.I.EO EYBSTBAD fBak eâlth and robust constitution. Nature, "B=u'rAN, aster cf Belvoir Runet" fJa pan, Gunpowdeirand Youn '11-1Ou uthis stage of cuhaustion, cannot be r.- . 6CsteWer, Kngtoerfodaîre, Teau; Obeoicegt Colffees, Inisa T1-Cul i tored cf iteell, but requLires some stimalat- Bengal Table-rice, aud.,Puriy Bekin'g-pOW-' Dg tcnic. to sîrengthen and keep tihe syî Dc.Sd,17 der, cail on, or send yoir'order by -p>sl eý eni in regular o-der, and in Northrop & 9Geatlemua.-L use the 13oya Embrocation otewstetesdrgreO rlets, ,ymau's Quinine Wine We h4ve ithe exact lu stable idken eadhav o ud teWi b.]*o-oý% éiéoc emedy requred. The peonliar operations Tes seveable.I hve*4 n*Wfory MaorG0nvaI9e'8 aone& &nd nevons prostration, bas undergone eut vryi Rsue sngi, ~9osiiBTOM. *ongund closeobservation. sud it la be- E . ,Mse tBd it UW~) D eved it will neyer f ail, if supelyad ]EL I ibJ ,LenCl "tro " L dizios1y administered. Pre ared by rthrop &Lyma, Toront, ancZsoIlI by ]RjxAPA T E N TSaCATON Charles F. Bicebaum u wa wed Sun- Pisk.QVa&,sdTa ak obtaiued, sudn dayiea vit of ot slop at a dîstiilery inu&U PaMIt bustuns 'ConduceaforMO - Iiere in nuthing equal te Vother Graves' oo Ox, OR1 ppos1T VU -PA- Worm Eixterminatot for desitroyluag wormi.__ ý 19BNTO0FFIOB We have noomnb-gÏsuàé, o aýfo~ fits kîndhbas gîven such salas- W4IW, lb s dUit, 11c u0 S rans" faction. ~basinesSin leis lime and atIànss¶ Victorii bridge as to be thoroughly over- 1arales4TI orLUMAGO. f Jsipubl Couacil met at towun ama, nrouottius, Bmoere o*1j&îéte on Moudsy, Minci , il the members eSiomefth urone die te ,uilvanze ,hu jps nehiioi Mth e preseuhi. lie Beeve i. tbgchair. mia- eue tleAuosBrai. bvis hCaave cl b &otn b1090 t o f laut meeting neati sud adepte&. thé0 editor bel go ihe beul fînuiethe epoI vebn MvdbyIMr. Pair e'&Oôra 4by oppenllididn'i knov Whlm.Idmai Mn aky,îscoucoili gOno mb Peaf>tffg H,&oqld.-Tho ,SottÂActjm 0- lmnibee be vholeueso tndrs pulanly supposed w b. law hon,, i bt- Tho I' -neil for 25.,000 ,foo6t cf sîsortad odai.- it vould ,b. diffeteuai w resIues êý iei ~t £rokm oUlt&*irpSt144 fCommailtes rose _ _omene obs*1hvorlhN > Mr U "el M~os nt ntwe b BPcrtCbiflE-y dLstrffllng. I - ...mOS fonxnvhtoM bfen bleed sud nloerate, beCOflhiflvrYOre- SWAYNEeS OINTMENT Stops the itching and bipeditiZ, belsuceration, and in 4 C) eaa caes mre' us oô thetufiaom .Sent he Wonders ofMgi lien you fint tat beauty je falling avayi Try "Dorneweiid's lMagie,5 the. elderiy man with hus.loçkh in deoay, Tmy "Dorneveud'sMaglo," A niai hesti cf isir, Jeis precieflia rare, Be I tll en Try 4"Dornewende5 Magio-ý" he lady's miefortune whan bosing han, rhau* Try *"Doruovoend's Miglo. ïe eau quicklyeaily chesply repair, Try "Dorenwend'uagi Ib imparts itrength sud beuuty,, And it' e lsdy's pla1u duty9, SeItl OTr "'DoruêwedSo Magie." ,ke lime by 1he foelock sud 11111 lkec? yonr owu, Try "Dcrnendl's Magie.'e bis Tenio, ab faiturebas never yat kaov,*ù Try"Donnewsend' aos Try Ibis mollo te hecti, Tmy tliiyen sncceed, So Itlou you Try "Dornowond't MXagioý This now fumonus preparalion -for invigo- -ting and ti timatiug 1he growth qf ',thé lur. is univensallyaccepteti, as tlie mosi raluable speciflo on tbp market. ild» 09 tue . le: ScI aele c'ti o- .A nici anti rapi& grow.tf haï h.r vlu f1. svw alter judicioni antircgaler treatmenbi khat il romainsu.vitlithe usrerlone ho nb. Dune tbc desireïl nsuie DR. DORENWEND' is moiti by ail Drggiusele81. .per boille qr 6 tbties fair $5. If Yiel obtainuabbo i"in, yenm iocahity, sent direct encleaing pricef Ito. AÂ. DORNBWIBND'S Pais Hair Works, *108 & 106 Xouge 3t.Iýoroio, ' 0i soliaby W la. êwesud &R DrffltS

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