Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Mar 1888, p. 3

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(prom Our SL5oomI"Pod > Wt1I4woudd nBit a? Wbon the geivel of ithe Prosideuit of tbo olêt',ti td rlh'byiIesd ngatswiidek OsoaO sd U~ SpakeI of1l~eflose aê .-t he Boeve b. and la hereby 'Xawi t Bfel proe, à t"*!ivoe (lie upon th deek suthoriiid b gRrant bigs1order .,OU. th0. . 1 or 4 S plý nsde at .extitiy l 10,àioekoh dayt flaga are Tressurer' lu avot, cfH eu- for then as ~ e ande yp st the @ame IIoWI'DIhoisted uponthe uof$Gbsg outf hie saiary pto fa.hl!t~pil poles tbat rige frocn the creste of the 'lu ful oI1ct*8-irl.t*inly Dot. Wby do 3U~5 oupolas OnUol nd0f b. àpll. AWilson, soonded bý âûed n, ~inating qQeStiOn- ' Tii" tU3U hst itberIbe 'Sonate tor Movod for lssvè îo introdMoe a bylsw pféI t l asafh sV bie the flouse aÇ(j9JrD5 lb. fiai on that tO appoint path.mssgters lua tMG w1401-mare.- eig fti.builing goes dý,«. On. cipslity and tt he lb.mre ho ow resd Mohe-"hêe i. v 1 bas only to get a vie W of the Capilol to a firnIîime.-Oarriod. Love.ly daughtfie (ittineR aiOlbe .knqw if oit ber, or if both Honses of Comamit.têe roported the by-law ail homo." , "Home? Ils Oniy 8 C)ongress me in session. .8, when il was read a third time and "Yes-he aoked me to-to mi The flag daty je perforoeed by the psssed. sud- and I Baia 'Do' sud h. W oldeot employoe of 'ho OsCpitol-Joho A. Wilson, Reconded by J. Wilio, off-boo 1 boo 1 boo ?" Cbs-nOOY-Wbo cawe t Wâtbiügton mnoved thst 0. <Calder and B. Medland Tes dgsr we know the nul'i witb Thaddens Stevens, 1he. gbat be cominissionere 10 examine timber gidsowyblby ôommoner a, sdwben 'the latter bo- in 8th con., between bb1sd1 9, od egidaolbu, ey *am@ no weak that ho coold ocaroely oeil or dispose of the saine as they think igbt o ud a bvstbthwe aI Walk, Cbaunoey ugod to carry him up ad vis able.- Carried. ou opeedIi ra and dowu the marbi,. stairwsye tb sud on motion of S. Modiand, seooude odruldh mreeoll Anie gift frozu bis carrdage. it was to him that by A. Wilson, tbe olerk wsmý autborizod liaI rmorensl-A ieu i the êtatesman made the remark since 10 n$tify Mr. Henry Sonley, paîli th o nseli-Th nln quoteJ, wien he was osrrying bim into master, to remove &Il loge andi wood itenl-b etea the bouse ou. moruing aB sal -i from be grave1 road in the third con., pole to me in the treet "Ch auucey, 1 wondor Who will- osrry bet ween lots 26 and 27.-Oaied. rosi uic.e oe igave me s sest. me wben you are gone." On motion of C. Calder, secouded by -îndeed 2"Yfts onbis kuei >!r. Ghaucey lises been in tie em . JWillis, aby 1mw wa s ebmitted to Yes mamima sud gmre bigp ploy of tshe on ie ever ince, and the council to borrow $8000 le meal the standing up looked reasimmid another duty of bis je hose that tie Ourrent expenRos for the prer-ent yesr. foeWas polite to thfrn. republianu memabers are ail iu their The by-lsw passeu iu the nouai torm. A Hnngariafl exbibited inu pi acf P when an important vote je taion. On motion the Reeve wais ut horized ogicai muecuin two shahs ecl Titi ideuioortt5 bave for the same dnty te grant bis order on the Treaourer in proportions. "biwose is on tht-jr side of tic Hiti a man by the fayor of s number of accounts amount- shuli ? soked as peotatoir.1 nanme ot Ike Hlli, and these îwo know iuir to $95-85. to tie o4'ebrsled Attila, Rit th. bannIs and habits of every momber J. Wiiiis, seoonded by A. Wilson, Hons. And the omali oue ? of the Bouse. If a vote je to bo taken tnoved for leave 10 introduce a by-iaw Attils, but Whou be was asec st midtigbI it àje tUe duty of Chaaocey to stop up sud oeil certain allowance Ah 1 desrest igbo' s yc snd Hill to ose that the members of for noads in the township Of Wbitny, kneeline aitbe feet of bie thoir respective parties are present or and tiat tic same be uow read a finît "do ycrI know wbst of al paired. time.-Carried. nEasrest my heart ? "Beall The Prohibitionists of the District of Comimitteti rose reported proRross Bay" sahe Rweetly replied, bi Co!lhwbia are in no wise di@oonraged sud sRked lesve toit again. Mr. Med- cola wealbon, I sbould tbini by the ri-bnff witb wbioh tbe Piatt bill land in the chair. fisunel vest. Sbe wae t10 for prohibition in the District met last Mr. Willit; Rave notice thAt ho wil and it broito the engagteni week. They àdi not expeot a very sti neit meeting of the counoil introduco -Do yoru know E lward,' mueh better fate for the bill aI present s by istw 10 réeos troc plantlng by.law tendenîy, I1<do not osvo for wq but the question will not 1down- any Uo. âg of Ibis tmanicipality. affection je wisl I oeeek.1 more tbsu B,%nquo'e ghot;t, but wili' Council adjourned tle reet st oeeOottaRep je mv bolit idpsi. continue to conti ont Cocgneos sud the o clocki on the firet Monday in Ap il. yoa are 100 Alice, said E4iwi Executivi, until victory ho wou. gî- l. Qpmcati't wo malié O mtSunday sîterucron thon. wss Wit and Humour. ment shout that? You s tt'mpera*DCI3 mass-meeting at the Con btganPlprvdalt grEgationai chnrch, whicb wss fi lied b Nover piek a quarre1 beforo l i j ripe. WaSnt, oveifiowiog. It was in behaif of the Thpire wili ho Do eclipeeofo the iouey- Sonday school tosee-ý soldi'-r' snd saifors home bore, s de. e fe okomi ets partmeniO b .C T .;ad moon Ibis yesn.toafr okomseta ,"f he W C.T. U ; ad aour work faàithfuiiy and woli g@eeii5 ejllFation was talcon np. There je not.biug botter thun asunod find rtet ansoweet relief. 6 vrai Conireesîm in were on tbo pilat- friend unions it is a young frieud of tbe me eciuObiars whst il inje l forun and took part in the proceedir'gs. other @ex. [mopt denire wben theyc Bi, Gov. (now *R-pret;entative% Long) of Agent (aI the door)-Is the lady of fi.ooeIbeir labors, woru ai Mdass., Who op*-ned tihe meeting muid the bonne in ? Gentlemasn (calling to el tone wbat thoy do W liaI b. proibiîioo question in ot more bis wife) -Mary, is tie cook in ?Cle (vociferoasqly)-'BO vital importance tolme peopie than the Everv tirue a lady physician calls ou 0 removali of taxes on Iuber sud oait, fà gentleman -patient ai.e hows plainiy A 0.04 ou uadrw and that il je a question on whîcb sU tint se's 18Mn. csliing. fWiia."Wyia wbo agneed couid staud toiretheir, irres M ila@ 'bvi peotive of parties or oections. Con- Of course Solomon was tic wiseal a head like a maiol wife ?" grees-man Kerr, of Iowa, nèt spolie, Min. A feIlow wîtb 700 wives bas a M aie ja ut &-e.pce ssying smong ocher tiines liai he wao chance te gel instruction. can.eW$ho xamute.gb, o *proud t topresout a tate wbich re. Society in full dre@@ looks like a nock s muaculat wifé, a arum witl fuses to licensesasloons for Public rs- and neck race on the quarter strolcb totnip, a plamber and Imperi venue. Rpeettv Cutcbeon, wio witî a man for finît prize. tan Baking Powder are timÃœL ,wsni nropresenîsti ed la tMr. Cross. (triumphsul vasnex inrosuce sruedaganel A 17-year ol gi in Winfield, Kan. they osn't bu boat. Ç-g ies u z ayto .iltv a been twice mnarried sud twioe Lava ilvstty je to cou: prohibition. The quesi ion, ho thoagbt, divoroed sud will seon wed a thîrd bus- of L L. D. u pon Lieu L-Qover dividediteel! into two points, the rois- baud. Po o' up5 lion of the person to tb. dtinking habit, Advice 10 wives-Man je very mueh romfed o r fiaSul ur S sud the relation ef tie stale tote " kea gg;kep iul blwtt oafeched r hendurpe liquon traffic, Liaw, hosid, in not bicil l e a boun; e becmi o ardeed fàt.hppdhndp bu omibdpbiaRsntimoint, su nJh ebon o eoe dnd.Cnacksmen busted a ameiei <Ilizens wae signed ny many mon <c' - 9-- - - - higi busineess îbldioR. He added Ibat Tbe difference belveen s for ansd as Wbm. mhm achin4mmia h. wae aiways proiid, howe"ri, le pro- cer9mony, sid Whateiy il lesa nibe sont anob pelitieus fnom womeu. eue, snd it lies lu ibis : on séit on à By tbo way, tlestaI vek of this form sund you stand upon a ceremcily. inQuti wfjlib. t ho "Womsn'a week" li. The 8t. Louis Repablioas baving die,- off 1puduey, au, ai. Washington'. 'P'romicnulwomen work covered liaI us belles of liaI bowfl are buxgiar, wva rited sKt W, oe who bave in charge the arrange- grewing thinner expresses s fear laI day. munifor the IDternatiOnsl Council Of the women wil1 disppeat aitogoîber. tateheryln Womeu to b. held hors have for several Firsî lady-H11« ycit husbsol quit sma h.vy, trysa doue i Q veeke.been luérsd lu the prolimin- smoking pet? Seonod 'lady-(jdot r9- tic Oompeuud. su-y business of lbeconférence..The îarned froin tb. fat wesî)- eha uermoedte buseseelpreparatloneste in progrêso, ougit le by Ibislime ho's been dead Muuenii coiopi*5 ueUI and tbey are oarefui te tell pou thsl il enh l0I ia iu no snsumoa voman aufirage couven-si nte *tien. Women wbe nover tîoagit A yoang lady in Nebraska reeigned Tbmefsv'115 ne8fruu1 spocisly of womsn suffrage- are comiog her position as s postmistets a1.ev POM- Davis' PZui..ýXe. te talcs part, delegat1ee from associa &ay. ionl order to acquiet.ubiu. Au-Iucu s1ù tiens sers tie Atlantic, aU sorte e taesla eppa sntsd. okuaUd7I8l * assoiations lu which woenuwork. Isleboler after aI.* o aùWu Pefetion viii b. tic mnoal importan an sd influezn- Book agent (te boy)-8ou-ny dd o"ôrurSethe "BOYSI zE2*4d15. liai gsthering of womeu tb. world bauife k py n,; Sttedliote s stik'ôfï * 4 #àbia i 1%a ever séesu. liiîrarp nature? Boy-Teo-sirps dose, cr.k 11 éI2'yei à ...... ______1 eaw hlm lift a boeok ýagent ovor 1h. _________ Wluitby Township Qouncil. fuesswek The Texas woman who 'bas jut Brookln, M arc!' 5, 1888. paeuted s pie ste equandeted hor in Conn'! ol eresulte djoru-vouctive geoiti lihe wrong direction.. Meut. Ail teh e mereponet. Whs< lb.e countrIy Scies forifaipot a Pis Aeove in liechair. Th6e minutes of! te- safe, but a esfe pie. aular sud speqiaL Meetings Worm reàd Unforlunaîs r.suits.---Sh- h bast sud slppý'rOVd.litai lhaýv« lb>t ou able lutîte Mr. Woe. White wae beaord re huild- -dog Mr. 8issy. -Ise-aslsra- * lgwfro feunce ,1 oiý,28, 6tb con. roadaccidènî-. I JsIMM v& dbut the -Mt. Wm. Maw vas aiseherd te 4egwskiid. s (i(ho,ôe -'whàtI .be~piI1db a@eàui va sgrautmde il'. 426'l lo-s (atler belàg kisa.ïlu ,- amWoun, nd4>d, by, . CaIdâr, itii sgéâst ber-, h)--~lSt i d a' ovd thh '. ilii.ind1 s6à th. le 1, 4*àu1Ia te, bis b. udarabeeby .poited Com~ * sionets 10 ,ainiè tlibio bor~mhtween l'Ott * and s26, 4 heoa Io'ïlock.." 3arry Ln ront ih leof the- meau trâl is ies»try: car.To en n vas -,rosi car..On girls' vere 'Cause ne s pjbreiul- Df différent the large Il belouge ing of the ihild. owent own, 1thines ip ly I etiniot ut in thie kiti wsa o1 practicul, 2t- g o p a d e h e 'eallb. True Love 'iu a And nigit 'ard warm- Sau agtOO- furuigi the Liýe love yen and if w. do' Il vo shal F.Nov tell pour fathers Cerne home and wesiy? wanI Most? rT." Irum witbout »band.) "Be- r1tel me wby ,out a hosd, a rial Cream Tar- ligr ?" 'ly.> Boms ifer the tdegre mot Ange»S. ýmpka, ttc&7&,CO. in KovaDSRb's mi Friday night-. the meditte te d Wat, sud of oty? viderarequt*r 'e are 503< 4van ies eu t éiuu to e atei indeor on Br,ifenf i I 8.Prt~Y.' 21,i 8 9 18 :4umbrldge.... 92 1019- È8 s.Oauulugtlu..- 28 -.10 2062 6.eaebou.'.24 ii 21\ 80 Crkt', Peu06 TOWN8HIP 0F WHiT8Y. IGPART' OF LOT, 20î.KT B U fuofthe Brd CoucÃ"5i o outlh4 ing« lOêaeres, wilii siendife i dw4ôugi>t good outbuIIdings, good orOhard, !i os ed, sud l a splendlid 'Élsle o! cuf-CIlîlvaion.é This property being silualcd just.onWsdè; liecorporation sud withiu a, 1Mile'.sud sS quarter of the tovu, posmegseeisuay avan- lages- for lhe, purcisser. WiU b. sol CEEÂAP. Âpply te malices. Deîcripti7opaluphlet ~nt fr~ on receipt of stamp by LLDIIfiI&ZCJ,3O5KhN[*Z?.~~?, TORONTO, CANADA. IFALL SU'ITS. JOH N Scotch, FEROUS( I8 8HOWIn]G à BUPERIOR STOCK OF English and Canadian made up in latest style on shortest notice. Re4dy-made Mefl'8 and Boy8' 8u1t8, Gent8' Furni8hingS andý Underclothing of ail Kind8. p P NDESTRUCTIBLE 0EÂLS1 L&test styles ini Hard and SAf Feit Hat*' VEBY* CHEP. JOH1N FERGU-SON,e Dundas St., Whitby CONIDER VO,UR fPOOKT. I Lonon j.d andashire, Life Comay This Compsu'lisues every deulrable torfl o! Life pohicy, sd haî deposited wie Ihe Reccîver General lu approved Cane.disa securities over $100-00 for esch 41000oft- 41.4" *1...m t nf fîwrine RfLT 5 suing teiere General Agent BEEF,- I oUa Don't b. led sway by flaxing savertisemeflts butcalU a-t THEBRAZILIÂN ,WýAREUO1 vidr ca, or ýCash or produce. White Granite T #2.O perseê,HandoinoOolofid ea éwBttse 44pi( ~'~eChina Tes Bette, 44 'iece ' at 450 r ..8 1 , UP ans sau aers at e, (ooe Dneette fron orOhabr ota iecat $2.60 per setts,- ~easmearliting overy weekUeil Glaus Tutui SGlass Goblets 60e. par doseu, G "ssStta sn&Wate ~on.Our fxtithrorisae ibest anadthe o)u ,~4nt.s~a25oPlb.Ot1O.fyu ~r-gsml~frée.and b. comvine4 X=9 sfrtîizis 1 viii find il le Iheir mdvi lhe underigned.before ase JOHN FÂRQI Whilbyq May 18, '86. -ly Tweeds, - 1 dies Of the lq0rth- be blailt âoit WL a 1 1 HAT-S! HATS 1 HATS 1 :1 Li

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