£xch*nges; Ocn. of the mviti ofie oOf fast driviug wai observedon o *acrttete la.t Toefiday . A qêupieoOf gouteman, wea'e driving down, Wesî t a fuaious rate, and -Dot oartug tle gO o ne lowsr 'lasbed souia usissgaSi., and mb a rig Ihst Wb&I eing to the market. The rig vuie ligbîly dacuaged, and the driver ef tb., fast herse made the air Mlue, by Ouring at, their ili-lack, se the kuee cape 01 hi. herse were bîdiy injured. -A genteman who hue lived- in this morthtqEli country -for the paet sixteen pairesasys that a botter *winter for the lumbermen and woodsiuen generally ho baneyer veea. There was just about 1h. rrghbt quantity cf suow to make roade good; tee wae uip le the average, andue imae bas been lest by long thas. Tue. titber hue been gel out cf the bush iu marvellously qnick time. Thr e s agreal deal more significauce in thee fuels Ihan mest people hae any ide&. Au nofavorable winter cften meaus tb. loscf hondreds of dollars ge sa truggling contracter. Povorty ha carcely bouebed cur burgb thie wiuter. uotwithetaading the ory raied about bard lunes. à . citizen whto bs lived boe for a long time.,sys, thtw in iilden timee, Il vw s ouunon lbing- hi Lb. wint*r fo~r th. place te havéeat bail one or two destituteocnes to provide for. new thern ie ne destitution et a&I. On. younýg mani Who met witiL an accident last fail and bas been eick and searcely able to do auytbiag esmo. wae a short time &go lu a very bad ix, but we under- stand eloce that lime, h. bas obtained work out in tbo country. It is graîify. ing le kuow thal alîhougb Ibere ie e bearcity cf ready moey, overyone seoe l u bave at toast bread aud *uough te epare. The maddsst man in tewn was a citizen who eue bitter cold night lest woek wae aroused from bis sL-op by a loud knocking at tbe door. He omr. mouoed te gel mad rigbt troin the 4tar,-Det a littie bit anffry, but vozod unotrollably vexed. To be in the acl cf just dozinà g oi toesleop and wheu al soeme peeful,.aud lb. cares cf lite are rspidly falliug bibt te background, te b. heard ef ne more tilt moruing, il is sneyinit to e b. eoup with au auy. *Ibig but gor-ile kick at our back kiloen do-or. Oui friend bleused lbe Miduigiht intrudor witb an inward becodictiou, prayed sottly te himeolf ansd decided to let lbe stranger knock. Scarcely hai he compoeed birusoîf, when, rackety-jarn-bang wenl the deer &aun, sif the peison et il galber. od slîonirth by waîtiug. He rose, took a larnp, hurriedly deseended tbe etair. way, thinking thal il uet ho fire, cr smmelhing .quaIlýv serions. Heo pened tbe daoi and bebeld a rather dried op eearrned gentleman, Who eweetly sril.d,-as if oui friend'aseornewhat iuongruriong appearance greatly tickl. .d bio,-aUndsaid',"oula, yc'ioblige me with a matcb P At firat the citizen Wasl speechiesle. 'Holebad oxpected a more important miession than thia. To b, oalled eut of bed on a cold niRht, te go doua sMaire and thon te, be asked fer a match s exapperalinig. Atter a lime ho managed te ejaculate, 44Wae that wbat you called mue deun etaire for." 'IYee" e&&id the lhufe man, uhile S saint-liko imite illonminatpd bis face, "ttbcugbî ye,-" "1Wbst! yen- t t (Tableaux vivantQ) t1t1t1I1I11 I I-Trnte8. A Meeting cf the hotel-keepe vas held on Tuesday evening and lb. situation diseussed. A defeaice associa- lion was formed and s fond et $500 vas subscribed loecarry out its purpesea. Work ou tb. lest woll bae been nus- pend7od owiug te oold weatber but viii b. resumod aigalu. aMr. &braham Moeley cof Bdaverson bas lb. contract ansd bue already gel down 85 fI. Ho bas a portable etoam englue and eau pot dovai a six inch bote in goed style. H eau go down fi"o buudred feel w-itb bis sppliances, but oecl ee -gel valer il 100 or 150 foot. The wel lei being suuk on Mr. E. 5uurpby's lot just uorth Of lh. bigh sohool on Adelside et. A tbrilling incidoul oecured on KeuI et . heor day. A populur bsnk mOcai and au attache cf a legafl firma voiewalking &long vbeu au5cicle coder. t oolk te illustraI. Sir Isaac NeyIonse litho letry over airain snd some dowa viîb a rush. It umeorned for a moment &0 if Ibere would b. a big fpll in bank * tock, but with rare prosence of mmd( tho leual friend gave prompt ah '"ricky" Il uwhuspered srcoud smong lth 'b.owla eu"'at staù event cf no Ili.eImportance lina asperîingsene *Ià mû. place <turing 1h. ccmiîng«week bélug a trial ef akili sud hrsun ig a "ca#tch as catoh eau" between Ivo et oui scienoedt- suad muscular féà îbor. voights, lb. -nominal elakos beiug s lbarrel of flour, go b. preseuted totenome derviçicpereen. Tne conteal le leok. eut buvard se wiîh lively expooîaucy by the. local sports, andt coesiderablo ".abilîee" ylobangre banda Opon, tb. rsuit, «seoacbhave bososof frieuda. That etrightout buemneu se misîat Ji etabllsbed by Ils tact Ibat oeef et qonýtlemeu coffered le vager -i awhot. orlatl thit h. oulù"d do'etbuhe opponeul. no lakere. The debsîs' IssI Friay eoing la the Catholie lif'.ory saoeiteo rooM*s Upon lb.eubject ; Ren&od, Ihbt' bý oe s ulerl, te wortby f cf à " and wse listahýd te by% jook lb. s&roctIvii or ïd 4ulbUDi. au ousurim ai rum hotel on William, M. azid , tow o ~ severe 1004 by tbe&death <6f ig iey1gm:j$ CbUjdt StveD Le, wld7er dielr.seié< woek, &bout ten 6oclock, wbile in the lsaudry lutile 8 Wenou m snmo .way -9r other manmged to gel hold of a -dleh containing oattlmeuJsd Tat polion, whioh bad been plaoed ou a high table in th. back end Ibis. âa&ya previmus. Being fond ci oatmeal b. partook freely of Ibis sud in a few minutes bogau 1 t vomit. A doctor was quickly eêlIedl. but notwithsta.nding laie best .udsaxmza Steven fank sreadily aud aI six o'clok quiotly ozpired. W. siorly cympa. Ibize with aMr. Leary iu bie affliction. -Poat. Mr. T. Cavanab ou Saturday shipped a oarload of 18 fine horseto Mentrç,al. Qo is buying &ain thie; weok, and will eend aDother on sigument eaeiward Doit Baturday. Mir. Wm. Marr, the champion check- er pisysu cf Peterborough, ze dissas fied with the termination of bis lu.t match with aMr. Orryelkl. eLiuduay 8 On Mouday air. Geo. Bo*ueton, carter, 9 had his arm ,badlyjammed belveen a Itelopraph polo and a large safe thal was hoeins hifted from n hieligb jute Mr. E. E. Hendoeon,'a office. He viii bo laid up for a few days. The beys Valois sud Meaiartin, r. * randed frein Monday for the Iarcency of tools frem Mr. H. C. Stabler's sbop on Water 8trott, voie brought before the Magistrat. lat a reday sud eacb fiued $20 aud cor-a or twe menthe in gaol. *Moaiartin's fine vas paid, bul youug 'Valois was committed te the stoe heuse ontheb ill. The occupante cf a certain bouse in town wbicb does neot bear an npîarnisb- ed reputatien bave lately moved out, and the promises have beon eccupied by a resqpectable wemau. 8h. bas been greatly anuoyed at ui«bte by tbe le. portunities of men who vere fermer habitue@ cf tbe place, tbey aI limes threatening te buret lu the doore.- This merniug se purchased a revolver at a down town hardware store, and declares ebe will give liiose nocturnal dieturbers cf ber peace a warm reception if tbey etilI continue their boodlnrnism. A few et oui local iron dealers ar'iu trouble. They coneider tbey have been made the victime ef as neat a suindie as wae over psrpetraîed. This week a young eau wbo îepreeented himself le b. agent for a Hamilton uo firr,cae te, town sud bougbt al lb.he crap-iren hoe could frein local men. One of the gentlemen from wborn ho purcbaeed kindly lt b. stranger bis Iearn for a couple cf days to galber il up and te il o e b station. Paymeuî was pro- mieed as scon as it s all gel together aud h. conld draw on bie firm. Yês. teîday maltera carne le a cnisis. The scrap irou, luelve tons in ail, wae plae. ed in a C. P. R. car sud oealed. Thon the wily agent came op etreet te oee cf the batiks and drew on bis firmes credil for 880, giving aq Keonnily a lieu upon the car ef trou. Paring the da.y hie creditors wero looking for Lirn1 but hoe was net te b. found, and tLe cnly intelligence lbey had of Lirn vas that hoe b.d gone to, Lakefield and would r. tuin in the evening. Thoy vsiled, but euipocting eornetbing, &ac watcbed tb. C. P. R. trains. But the stratiger vas equal le thee, and kept ouI ef sigltin l the ladies' waitiug room unlil tb. even- ing train vas juil woviug cul cf tI4o station, when h. ruse oul aud befere Lie oould b. stopped vas &board sud away. Thue IL. affair stands. The car à is lii ere, but lb. bauk heide a lieu upon it, and the local men are îfraid tbey vill have te loe. .11their scrap-iron. Efforts are being mado by them le rocover Iheir prcperîy. EaBut Whitby OonfL. Council et Est Wbitby met Mouday. Mombers ail preseut, Reeve lu th. chair. The minutes of Ist 'meesting were read sud adopled. A communi- caten vas read froin tbe Depaty Minialer of Edustion r. mobool bouud. arioî. air. Haueock gave notice Ibat ho vili aI tbe next meeting ef th. Gouneil move for leave te itîroduo sa by.law te appoita cellector oetalxe.. Mfr. aicQiegor seeoded by Mir. Gainegie moved Ihal 1fr. Jamos &tepbonaou b. paid lb.e um, of 84.00 bug*Value cf ounehSeep kIlledby doesdproven le 11thesa 43-.lo Of th. Goncil. Osrid.' air. Hanoock seqonded byMur. Powser Ibat the. Reeve grant bhm ordor ou- th. Ireseurer lu laver oet.Uobert _ Kerriisu for th3e suça et $222,00 s par -outrbel fer odai furaisbd -Ibis -oorporu4tion' 1&r. Carnegie eeoondddby M.. *. Gregor.moved tfoi léae,,te lu"n.'<aa >y-law le ippolut palh mseerwuqn keeoperesuad foe- .' the~b inunioipility and 1134 resu A ts gi. 44 < a., rot an aI#u, o.i bie eider on théuesuuer for the- - of 024 il laver et Meesers, Bc*tI Oarried. Mr. Haook soonedby-Btr.I be -aocepted laid pd:- -Jas. Cariiegie relief oftKa. 'Bongl cf Mére. -Bfrr,$2:0; ha QGuy kI relief et aira. Abraxùu, 018.00; W Luke relief cfMui- c;F.,~ prinlinug, 87.50 ; WxRu. Morton, -roi and bridges, 82.00; Roeit Kerrlg moade and bridite, $222.00; JohülByý rmade aud bridies, "o. Tbe Couneil then adjiuue meut ou the freut Mondîy lu April oe o'cloek p. mn. He ste green cucunibra. They made hlmoeiMs ï(kâ, Mir. Daly, ex-M. P. for Halitax, le tavbur. ably mentioed s tLe probable nex iu. governor ef Nova Sootia. Give Them lA chan»o f That la le say, your luage. AlooallUy0Wi broathing mael4aory. Very wonderpl as obinery il le. tiet only the las-gsi aur-pas sages, but the thonsand of uttle tubessud Icavities leading frein them.1 When these are cloed aud ohoked VUll matter which ought nolte b. be hre o*Ur lunga cannot hait do Ibeir vork. And wJhs1 tbey do, they cannot do well. Cali il cold, oough, croup, pueumous oatarrb, consumption or auy oftbe taf l eft hroat snd nose aud bead snd luag ob- structions, &Il are bad. Ail onght le o, gelo rid et. Tiiere le just eue sure "îy le get rid et theun. Thât la te lako Bosohe.'. German Syrup, whicb any druggist ille» you ut 76 cents a bottie. Bveu if o'ery. thing oe. eb.d failod yeu, you may dep.n<l upon this for certain. The carponlore' sbep et the demi m»d dumb Instituts at Belleville vas desroyed by fire on Friday. If a feu grainset ofemmon enscould b. infuRea ijte .thick noddles et thes who perpeîually and aiteruately irritaIs snd weaken their stomnache and bowels withý drastic purgatives, they would usé tle, bighly accredited aud healtbtUl laxativé, and tonie, Northrop & Lyau1an'es VegetabI. Disoovery and Dyspep.ic cure, which caus '.good digestion te wait ou appetilo, sud bealtb on beîh." Il le propoRed te ereot a bigh-level bzidg acrose the canal atItLb. weet end of ESII Nova Boeta Noe. '«I bad Scrofulaon my neck very badlfkr Ivo years. bad t1sd ail mreiee.2 docetOrs, but diii no&t gay"b.lp uatl>< a bottie of your Burdoc'k Bleod Býfter. which ouîed me of il entirely.t James Cochrane, Fox River Cumberland Co., S. S. In St. Catharines il la ruznored thal aMr. REvkert wUll be caliod to the Sonale &t an early day. CONSUM4PTION CURED. Au old physician, relirod from praclice baving b.d placttd in hie bande by ainBaut indis mîssienary lbe formula cf a simple vegetabte remedy for tLe speedy ma perm- anent cure et Consumption, Bnmuhilli, Catarrh, Astbma and a&U throal sMd Lung Affections, aISe a positive and radiwalcueM for Norvous Debity sud .11 Neom Com- plainte, aller having tesled ils vaderful curative povers tn theumsanof e0»«, ha felt il bis duty le make It kuovu leIs& sufferiug feilove. Actuated by Ibis motive aud a dosAs-e te reliove human suffering, 1 yul send fiee cf charge, te sU vhodeulr. i, Ibis reepe, luGernLan,PronehorEnla. vllh fuil directions for Pre» lgsdulg Sent by mail by &sddrssagv- h la namlng Ibis s e, W. A. Nolde49Poe desa BiOOh, BOChOS. N. Y. The G. P. R. earned S2UDO0 durlng lb. week ending Mareb 7th. To ail vhe aie sufferlnu OM itoeor«Mn and ludlscreilu ocf ycuib, nervouasvos- Dess, earlrdecay, tees oet mute, 40., I WisSU7areolpe Ibal wlSc«»eye«, FR&R OF CHIARG]E.Tb* <rsI rhuad vas dlsooversd by a mlssloary l Sul Amerlos.Send a self-sd&ireqeoVo-J &0 the Bey. Josazu T. frxu, Sfi.,.b Noms York Oity. montreal policee areagitatligfortum increaseoftpay. D>o 1.11me? l. zae t 134 ogli rfme >ouue.Whpea.o lIb petil." lohIfanfts and à Children, ~s~1@~s~ Mureoo, <onmutfaln, uKiLs Worras, gAves .Ieep, sudpromMadi RA.RHEM.D on, Tan CENTAUR Coxp&ir, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. ARCADE, TORONTO. A School Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMAN SHIP, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS ARlTHMETIC, SHORTHÂN» AND TYPE-WRITING COMMERCIAL LAW, FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Send for Circular. Address. 27 C. O'DEA, Secret ary. A Positive Cure, A Painless Cure. FÂCTS :10. ý=N cOF AÂLL ÂGIES. ]DIS £ES O AN. TRE ER52JT IEWJLTIH «ErEWERg Matvel eof Kealinq, and Kohîneor et Medicines, thse terrile conuequneces 0< indlmeretiong Exponure andI Overwork. Who are broeea 3own frein the eft-ets of i buse 'will fi id in No. 8 a radical cure for ner-vonei debîlity, orgni ïc wettkntss, involitary- vital losses. etc. SYTeMe F3,OR WlHNo. 8 SHOUl.,' Bî Uspi.-Waut ut energy, vertige. want of purpose, dînss of sight. aversion to society, waat et confidence, avoidance et conversation, dosire fer selitnda, listlesanesg and iîiability te tix the atteutiou on a ps.rticular subject, oewardice, depression ef spirit@, 'gihines%, lne3 oe! mcni ry, excitability or temper, eper materrhoea, or lose et the sninaflluid-txu resuiù ef self-abuse or marital exces-impo- Ieacy, innutrition, eniaciatîie,, barrenness, palpitation of the beart, byseric feeling. tin tomaI.', rembling, rnelaticbuly, dist"irloig dreame, etc., are till symptema 0of this terrible babit, oftettues ia'ocenrly acquired. Ia short the spring t4 vital force having lest Rus tension, - very function waaes ln cons"-qioiîce. -Scientifie writers snd the ulperi nten dents of tas tue atsyl'us unite in îscribing to the effts oft self-al)ug8 th" great mnajority ef wasted livei wlîieh e ne under týeir notice, If you are ineompetent for.the arduone dutieî ot biusîuiess, iucapacitated for th. enjoynient-4 et lite, No. 8 oiffers an escape frein tb. effecte o! early vice. If yen are advanced iu years, No. 8 will give yen full vicor ena strength. Ir% -n are broken down, pbysically sud merally frein early turliscretion, the, resutitfetguor.%uce end fellv, seed your addresa and 10 ceuts in stampe for M. V. LuBoti's Treatise fit Rnok Forn on Diseuses et Miiu. SeSled end sesuie frein observation. Addres all c 'ýinnunicatione te 19. V. LIébôN, 47 Weltlngton St. E., Tor-onto, A Manu without wîedom hlveis in a tooi's paradis.. CURES GIJARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. APermanent Cure. > A Pleasant CuLreq Wih Patent Fire-Box is revolutoniz- izig Cokciîig with; ooa4 It ikeQps ir afi gle i urable, eayta managé, aud-ecoonomieal. At thQuebeï3 '-xbbit .ion it -rQoived théop $I~L VER' -MBIDAL -awardedto 9amystove-,this year. ,IW'E.very Stove- Guaranteed'to boeas repreisented. ,ut buy imtil yku 880 thése oook8 -aud rau-gos. Cal ~ ~udseetluese Stoves anid read some tes- tionas aua oyuqI;-- No.- ôtrouble to show yon the Do yen tel dufL. langudlewVý ue. less, and Indescrlbably nflsrbI th3h cally and' mentally; experlene, a snee fuliness or blontlng miter eating, Orof 66 S'o nes," or omptinese of Stoumeh in the m0ïb 'Dg, tongue coated, bitter or bdtsel mouthi, irregular appetite, dizzinees, freque0r headacbesbiurred eyeight,61fieatîng speekse before the eyee,- nerveus Prostration or e. austion, frritablItty f temper, hot fi x. alcntng with chily' sensa'tions, a~> biting, transient pins lere and there feet, drowsiness after mais, wakefuîu%,.<O disturbed and unrefreshlng 5leep. co8ta, indescribable feeling Of dread, or of fpec ing calandty? Ifvuhave à 1], or any cn erbenunlbe ofteesymnptoniyou are s erigfOX ineemOt commnon ef American iaadies.. Billons T)yspcpsla, or Torpid Liver, assocjatid with Dyspepsia, or- Indigestion. The more cornpllcatcd your disease bas becomne, th, greater the nùmber> andJ, dversity of glymn. toms. No matter what sta ge t hsracel Dr. ]Pierco'. Golden lYXeical Iscv wiIl sîîbdue it, If takeni according te dr'e tions for a reasonable lengtb of Mime. If nDM cîired, complications multiply and Con8uinp. tion of the Lunge, Skia D)isease&,Heart Disea Rheîînatisin, Kidney Diseas3, or -other grYb mnalpieS are quite hiable to set iu and, moonde or later. indue a fatil terminatien. Dr. 1erce's Golden Medical Ilbb. Co very acte pow ýrf ully upon the Liver, aij through that great blood- purifylng orgnj- *Cleanses the rYstem of ail blood-taints aud IiM. purities, from -',ehatever cause ailu.It eqtlally efflacious in acting ulpon the Kit. neye, and oth'or excretory orgascl1xsb tegtwnxll.. and heiing their dlsease&Âj an app<t"/,ing, retoratitre tonie, i p remoes digestion ýu:dntritipn, thereby building up both flesh oi"d strenirth. In malareial distrtcti. this w'ond'rtftul medicine hagained greý celcbrity in eîring Fever andi Ague, Chilis and Fever, )îAu, and Irindred diseases. Dr. Plercee'q*Goldlen 1edlcal Big,. covery CURES ALL HUMORS, frein a common Blotch, or Eru ption, te the' worst Serofula. Salt-rheuni, F~r Scaly- or Rough Skia, in so~,ail diseaffl caused by .bad blood arc coiliï;c rud by this :Oerul purifying, and i:u r rtn- md. cine. Great Eatiag Ulcers r. , Lal under Its beaign influence. Ep~ Ly a8 't jni. teStt3d its potency la curing ei r Eczerna, Erysipelas, J3oils, Cabuncles, Sçure Eyes, scrof. uloya Sores and Swelling.is ipi-joint Dise,,% "White. Swelling, Goitre, or Thick Neç4 and Enlarged Glnd. Send ten cents- in stamps for a large Trentise, with coiooed plates, on Skia Discass.or, rhl sanie anient fer a' Treatise oit Scrofiilos Atffoctione. "4FOR TifE BLOOD lis THE LIFF-9 Thorougb]y cleanse it by usiag Dr. Plerco'. Golden ltIedieal Diecovery, and good digestion, a fair skia, buoyaat spirits, vitai etrength and bodily heaith will boe etabllshed. wh c aSerofula of the ]Lungs, la arrestee snd cured byr this remedy, if tak3-n in lb. earlier stages ef the disease. FProni its inutr. velous pewer over thlis terribly fatal diseae when first effering tbis now werld-famed rem- edy to the public, Dr. Pierce tbeugbt serieusly of cedling it bis &"CONqsumpTION UR4 but 4bandoned that name as teo restrictive fer a Medicine whicb,, froni its wenderful coin- bination- of tonic, or strengthening, alleratîve. or b1oodI-cleansing, anti-bilions, Pectoral, and nutritive properties, te unequaeci, net enly, as a remedy_ for eonsumpton, but fer al <hronic Diseuses of the Liver, Blood, and,tLung&. For Weak Lung, SPitting of Blood. Short- nes of Breath, Chronle Nasal CatjWrb, Bru>- chitis, Asthme, Severe Cougbs, suid kindred affections, it le an effilcient remedy. 801<1 bv Druggist8, at $1.00, or Six Botties feWJSeOnO.ten cents ln o 4mforlr.1lerOoe book on Oonsumption. A&ï% j: WNOrdS Disponsmryn diaAocton 663 Main t., U]FFALON.9 BLUE RiBBQN -manufriturctl b- The flartniiolth nR work CGo» HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTrIA.- SUPERIOR TOilL! SHOULO USE, NO O1ITHiER. OSe that'Each Bal aBudWt A BLUE Rt tli Deale ma auhave ape daitnomala by addrsiIm DARTMOUTII -RoPEWORK cent 14 I "]%T,$ T1RET. WMST!W N.E.NoQotaionG#en. fer Lem ehan-iOttns. BLIL» he .ga-yl oate sud t64 eiaStly12-o les Ihas riu- Oupelas On bÎn ?heme 33Ouiu th 11Eouso adj, wiug cf tho bu has vnly te gol .know if oiîer Congre's e 1 The fiag du cîdeet omploy chauncey-uw witb Thadde eomnoner", a *âme so weah waik, Chaunu aud down the from hise aruÎ the statoemai queteJ, when the bousec "4CbauLcey, I me wbEn yetj * Mr; Cbauùl poy ef the anotber duty repu blicau mi plaer. whenà on their Bide ~r naine et Ike tbhe anI ai of the Honse ait flidbi*bt: and L hte tbeir respect paired. The Prohi Colbmabisar by the ri-bn1 fore prohibi week. Theý ~Ž~much betc but the queî morethan entinn:e tec Eixecrutive U Où lait 8 a temperan, grEgatiefal partment « genezots Boveral Coi Sform n dt ~r xGev. ( Masse., whc vital impol ue moial cf -and tbat it Whoeà ugree. pectiveocf S prend te ro S fuse@ Le lie #- vas next Prohibitie âlvidediîi tion cf theî -> and the re liquortrial sbut formeb children _q thr'ought bere4