Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Mar 1888, p. 3

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IProm Our PIM02T5PUoW. TIo bUtI» bh fprohibition' .y4105preelnted hi th« 9 8.*tot tiý 15ek WB5 (X.nn.,lEd of oit & orPlatti ýo e f'wt Dmamber Of petitlons frogm ottigene ('t lq.w jeroey, Vîrgîisla ad West, Va-# mo&tly Ifrotm membera of the order ot. * uoePhrs, prayiflg for the PS8- lkge o a prohibit ion 1aw for the Dis- Uti01 ai olumùbia. - -1 Th2én Seùator V înoe follawed with the ppettoli of 3.000 rmale- oudzarrsof tbe Diétiiot, retuonstrnititIk saginst sncb iemimiation. In proeenting the p.mtition, the. Narth Caralina S-4nator rtmarkOd pointedly that it did not *utDe trom Ne±w Joesey or W. Va., but iiom pople wbo lUve i thia District atnd W . o woulift te sffected by the law. Spnstor Cullon .fc4lowed neit with anotbt r p9titifon in favor of prohibi- tion. This horai'i, oaeting bie eye8 ta- w.rd-g8.-nator Vmanop, came not from fitiiitns of tbia- Dietridt, but froun citi- probibitiofl were aiea presented by ýtttataors Sberman, Evtirte, Wison 1 azd S ockbritige. Tut $..naw Cowmit.tee on the Dis trier agr.-ed tbat .st its regular meeting~ lv.eda)y tle qupstiOn ni prohibition as o mbadied'kiu tbill1>11introdueed by &na-racwPlatt and i thler pbraeesshail befinally dimepoLqed of. Thisi wîek wituease.(d the obtseq-,uioiR Wa.ibiiton'@ forpwuit private oiiuz ýi &nit phîiaurliroift. b.-Ioved of thosE eho knew ofitulm&@ muili as by thoee who ljod the honor of a persc.nftl ac qîaïitanoe. AMuhouii&lMr. Carcorai died on la.-t Friday hi@ remaifl5 wert Dit laid away in the lhMJdaelO!l6famuil Mae otitum until Tueitdsy morning *Tk1ronIuIfl the citv flatta floated a balf mât-t tram the day of bin deati tili his buriosl at the Capital hie deatl .Iicîted a% muai' coixment front Sens tors4 and R.-pieptntflttivetP as if b. ha boee in public hfe. Among nbe main r -ýtrîbibues pNi d -bhit; memOry I mentio one by a N(-W York Congtresi;mn, wli 'aatcame in contact witb Mr. Coron . b uly in business relations. Hêe ail Swag the fi ne f ,et sirne of practi4çi'l Cbristiaflity that I hai A i 1 Ibas bepn jntraduoed in tt spnate bv S-rator Gormnan. forr mo(tsiiUg th.. U. S. Patenut Otfi,33sie its laws. Thim .-eewsttrely in coann tion witb the wmil thpat l comirg1 frocnu jDçontoftlail over the country the .-ff.-ct thpàt tbçy cannot iRet pater voixigied witthelWaiî af the pate Iavvyers thet tbey are powprless uQD the x'j'tlflmsate af affaire int ]Patepnt Office, where work is tmon sud mnibhi arreatrg. la thé epring of 1884 the U. 8 Pati effice mftde a epurt and did an en Moup amount of work. ThethAn Or ,d.isèinner of Patent baped ta be rets Led by Mr. Clevelanld, and heoîta@ued order îliat thoge examinera wbo were bîend widi théir work sbould work a( f tional hourg untii Lbf..y ad dcaêt tbcrr docketst. The way those exami vil worked bath durînni régular éttra hourg bftd more edificatiof iu 6"-haf% Asver claimed by a mou attorneys 'Ray i th e: leatuips, . Iacouutéotian ,jtbt joigned recentl y lb.theCivil Commiagion, gta6ting that il b.d 10 et@nourapherlansd type-wiriter5 ,Waphinuton Departmefll'îinu 5 tg ordinary clerit3l5 .ttejiinfte p int mention psamq tacts that xm inteTeatig. The ,iitranOO grW the Dprtmntt are gilY $1,000, #1.200. The examiasi jiteuoîrapby consiste aI eme a minute mueot'be written s&c lu Type wrrtîig, a apeed of twei wnràs a minute ie requirad. ApI Ma h l exsned at Washiitg any Mouday, snd'blanuis ,ny be 0d by addreasiug the commise! Civil Service. The. new taif billje istluàttil It wil b. gtiven ta the prege to-i provid es for a reduotianaof60 iu the. anulBrevenue., Ourreut Literature Lîiell's Living Âge. Theii of --ibe Living Âge for Februa and Marob Brdl contaifl Danw' and L-tters, sud Osbo's Litf* son, Qururirly; FersnuI1 et Bulgares,; Snilthe'é!v - wpyt nierne nd Thse*wf pras ùd with rt tledisiegaird of th ousqueeces ta huçaanily, aeèklo1 impoé-ekis unbsklllfal seuvoes or *orhh. lessa deontions upon lb. publki, *wgo taéke espeoial! plibsure i' sayýing &a Word in commmudatlQl ot s 1 ,àrelimble and 1ustly-famnouî Institution fi cfH esing - We refer ta Dr. R~. V. Pleroel' "-iWorl1d's Dittpensary aud Invulid's HotelUsud Surgical Institute," the pride of tbe good Oity of Buffalo and tb. "Mecca", of a mùultitude of invalida who owe reoovery to tbe ekiîlful treat- ment and attention there receivcdl. Dr., Pîerce's establisbbint comprises two mammoth and artistic structures, , con- nected by auopen passage -way:, One an Invalid'iatel a nd Surgies1 In- suInute, presided aven by a corps of elghteen celebrated Physiciens and Surgeons-, sud provided tbrougboflt witb thermoetluxuriotis appointuteut and con venidYt esthat teste eau uuggest and xnoney eau supply ' Here are faultlessly furnisbed d deaarated reception roowe, readiun roorn, mpacious sleeping apartmen~ Turkish Bsthe, aud every passible con- venience of a. magnificenti! caustruot- 9 ed sud liberally managed Hiatel, with 8 taoii and every departrnt a mary.1 Y' af artistic fit nese and completee. I The adjoininu structure is kuown au the "Worlds Dispeneoary." Upon eacL 4 of ltes Li-zimmenseefloore a acenje te pre. 'eented which, wlîen once observed, cau *~ never ha forgotten. InT the. Lehoraury oni the fiith floor,s alarge unmber of careful ciiemistea an ,n om)nstantlv empla.ved in the. preparatiol t' af Dr. Piero.'e Goden LMedioal Di@ V o,,very, F-îvorite Prescriptialie, an' 9. other worid-fameà preparmltiofleî whicla t e al haurs ai the bui;Y day, RgPSseang h 1g su ad gnuli-n tbrough a 6ysteioa û t Ilutbing, franu us birti'place ou the fit a - flior ta the bottling aud labelline de ad part ment in tle vaet basemerît of thi DY building. The intermediate floors ar on aive witb the buz-z and whir-r af, ni 10 alone, fourtéel printing presses, throti au inu off s coutiess variety of paifpl d, letsq, circulars;, booksansd labele, but4 ,ut f:mdin7 résw, adpetDenhnr VO aIl aperate i hy the deit fiogprs clenly -tretrsed and intiligent yeur lihte ladlek;, aIl operatitwz tog-iber sud fiini re the plAce with the mus~ic ofa i a - niciint-d activity second ta noei a (10 country. Dr. Pierce hie dloue sud UP doing a gretit work for humauitY, ai ta o-ýn accept the' honora and emolumfeu atm$ ofihli, r,.ooguiztd positi-uJ wiih a kno @ut ledg(4 that noa siicees was ever mu <er wcrthity sttained. the Ta go tbrougi' a dettailpd accotint 1tIIC the myriad mnechauieal sud el-ectrii apriliaces- and cantrivances bers ent b. found in perfection ai construoti n- and application, or ta lead your 0132- servatioti throuub Fuit upon suit ,Rlu- cheerful and eleizaut cousulting a ans treat ment roame, and ta dwehl ni i bus the othér tbougaud .nd oee ettract Mi- and uFeful features of the establi ered mout, would be a plossing îask, but, ine- the' preseut moment, for us au iml sud. sible oue. Enongba for us ta say t n il the peoiple af the country should mto- prond of tbis great succesa, built Family e.ks. Frout the niost remnota- limes,t beneficent opringe that jet from thb. teniar of the eartb bave exoited' t gratitude sud admiration of men. L the ses aud rivera, lbey bave beau d fied hy the people@ of the. Indo-Burt eau famly ; sud the wore;bip thst I been given to éhem, and the fables w wbicb superstition bau invested the bxpress the degree ho wbieh popu imagination ba@ been struok by tà mysteriofls oigin, Ibeir lnexhausti flow, sud thein secret propenties. -1 Greeke attributed t10 tb. fauntain Dodona, ln Epirus tb. faculty of coverlpg hiddeu truthsansd uttel'IPI scies. Tbe fountain Egeria vas i posed to poosses tbe saie -Povez, wus entrusted te the guaiidîsnebil lb. Vestal Virgins. The founlaifli Osslati, ou the i8sn-m of Parnumim, of Hlipoorelie, near Helicoti, vere .lieved tao oimniceOBtheb.PC 0 Tbe Gaule bad epeiai veneratiai 5the epringe tla wbioh h lb., eni . sisarcb af halth. The old romane ýf cbivslry ilu hein fanoies of a ctunti yontb, wbere spent ,forces sudl c harma oould b. eoover s, wete 't reproduil ni- 'amYth cf ---0',Graeece. 10 The. perennial nature of sp' wblch vas for a long lime regrdi aseacrei myatery, vas also Ibeir etriking characterittie la Ihose -sought ta explain il vithotl ret to religion sud poetry. Âoýôi'dj A.istotle's idea, whloh WaladOpt ,r Seneesala dprevailed 1111 ha s ixi th - century, Ilie interlor of the, aunt f& sins deep savahies, SUd ýMuë whiob muet nusoessrly beaooled or- Motionleé snd etagOut, it s nu les l bain cooed - Iit s i n e- he ,r. of li- ai y, ore ta tion ol &né ýpar Livd pois b ul ner liti stil ýoin en t htuertheir ci obltéO with foli ns*oifB epity théii.Iî B's- oui nes$ door nptghbois -olld froi» tii. bttom of' our hgarti. Th.r8 and îhcy oare sorcly allowed to go near il, 'lest tbey' sbould dllmb anad hou tbemeelve. Tbey cannôt dinhb a tree for tb. saine aeosn. Tby' n-ay not, skate or swim, or bave a gun. The consequence of tbis training le thst their parien]ts bave Made COWards Of Ibem gai, witb the exception of litt1. Do't fancy your boy is made, et glass. Grant a reasonable requeatýafld let hum feel that wben you refuse, it 15 for bis own good. Between lb. Jelly. bye and the Gradgriuds of life, ohildren have s bard turne of ft. The younirest bild needse saie sort of agneesble occupation, a-nd a certain amout of physidal freedoin. Tbere la notbiug more paift-ilta youug people than la feel that life is oe duil routine, sud that 11notbing ever bappens.90 as we *once board a dîecone<îlétE lad remoirk From aaHelpi8Gand HiflI8 taMother," *in ",Woman," March, 1888. out o i t1e miny posesed by Burdock Blood Bittera te that it msy be taken a aill seasons of the year, sud by cubher youug or oId. lu tis way the Iliree buay B'. arc alwsysa at work and doiug good. Ths.re are said ta be 10,000 tons of freiglit at Halifax awaitiflg tira.nqportatioa tb the Use the szafe, plessant, and effectuai worm killer, Mother GOryaee' Worm Ext.- rmiustor - uc.thing equale il. Procure a baoule and take ît homne. The Winnipesg Board af Trade yesterday ado>pted a retiulutian on the canal tati ques- tion. Have you tried flolloway'Sg Coru Cure? It bat; no equal for removing these trouble- nomne ezrescenmee, as many bave teatiflcd wbo bave tried it. The Montres1 Grrrison Artillery and the Prince of \N ales Rifles are arranging for their annusi balle. another item- I A new treatmenthabeeii dis.- oSeete whereby a permanent- cure of thihitherto ncurable '~dOSnot intrferewt business.Descriptive 6pamphlet sent free.(on receipt of stamp by' TronNTOCNAA FA 8. Pokrt Ferry.. , 8 9 . 4, Umbrid8g'e 2 O10VO 5.daniglul. 8 10 20 20'. i. eserOf..-.24- 'i 21 w 9-ly Clark *i1h.PO Firste Glass Famamo ol e TOWNHIP CF..WHIiTBY.. BInGaPART OF MOT .,26t IN TE B i f oth le 8rd o~iIfcn In10acrest wi hspleDidid dweliDhes good onîbuildings# good orchard, well tae' ed. sud in-a splendid stale ol gultivatslie. This property belng situatcd injet outaîdt the. corporation aud within, a mile and a quarter of the. town, possesesf many 'advari- tagres for the purohaser. Will. be'soM CILEAP. Apply to * iProprîtO!Whitb14 Or t 1. sirbsmk Auo4 rWhbbyJýý London and Lanoashire, Life Comnpany* mi.:.. Vn inan'us verv dehirable forIU ~securities over $100.00 fer ech 6100.00 of *liabîity, thus affording ABSOLUTB eî curity. Parties desirous ef tqeuring their lives wv iiind- il la heir advanhage ta conmnît the undersiguod belons assuring. ciseniere JOHIN FÂRQUHÂBSONi 13 tTbyt May 18, 16 l ,LL UIT 1à, that abe suffered 'romt genersi weaknees and wa sa reduced thal at limes site beosme aimoRt uDct)uf.tejou. Ihree bottes of JO H EU S' Burdook Bloed Bittera completcly curcd ber aud ahe uow recomrnietds B. B. B. ho ber finend. 18s HOWING à SUPEBIOR STOCK 0F' Severai employees <'f the Manitoba Civil Service have been given notie of dismisod.Scotch, English and Canadian- Tweeds, The three R's braught Regret, Reproach and Remarie 10 a greet paitioai party in 1884- Te three P's wben siigifving Dr. Ana other finelines of Cloths, for Spring suits. Ail garments Pierce's Purgative Pellets, bring Pesce ta the mmnd, Preseratian snd Perfectioni of maile up in latest style on shortest notice. Qne slderinan in the Montreal eleitoiof Reàd-'.made Men'8 and Boys' Suits, Gents' Furnishing8 and wae elected by amaIonity of lhree votes. ilecohfg falKns OUNG MEN suffertn rUeIrothlie effecte etnecotigofalKid. ieariy evit habits, lta remit t éan5ce or tolly, Wito nd titemnicvei weab, ncro's, IN ) TRT BL snd exbasaled aie MWDL£ AGOsud OL» dV'EE"O&Ti Ma, who are broken down tram te effecti of abuse ur over work, and in adv &a. dfl e l éoltd te consequnes of y vutittut excess, end forH TS HATSHATS of Men. The book w II be Stse t o any L ta tlsu ads d S f etH l E Y C E F addroe son receipt of two 30 tsmys. Àddrcsa J Otls nHrdad ot etHN ER GU FAp U. V. LGBON, 47 Wellingtont St L.,ToIIouIo- Te brigantine Brail f om Hfaliax ta H ER t9N Pernamhu30, uu supposed ho bc lait. Dunas St., Whitby, ~EZ'Z ONI/JER VOUR POCKETS I; aIe la" U" Citlrea, a"e ave tbom c tâ N e Don't b. leda Way by flaniingavertioèeOflL8but -"a i The fie 00vton Une0he cot Ac TUE BR ZILIÂN 'WAREHOUSE-n le s sec nl Alymer am~umay. a-BeO for younselves that ve are selling,,Orockery, sud (3lasswarest anai Tii beh eug mdicne e nowcli udercol, orCash or Produce. White Granite 1e et,44peea ïs ~~~~~ H$itl oc ilinfiuesss u 2.00 per set, -HandwonO Coloreti Tes.SIt,44,pees I AOOp tot enlorolng the aaitary by-lsws. Fine China Tes Sella, 44 pieces, sat $4.50,per sett, Beautiful Mota Ohina an Toa .tsluperfectiontilu heurt olinaaEIluE(Jue s ana cera Ist-25c., Coiorsa Dinner soea romr$.6O a sI, o mi 05 11 BJU IIB oreti hanber B"tt, o plaes, sti$2.,5o per- -sett, £nd ass hinasu le Mn. WiiflA iHliol, ex-M o . P or rwe6 - O sni a, vryw ek e'yls T m le' Z o p r do 0 T" .f alovits modigilt withh&Uamlclses-' GisesGeblets OQo. par dosenï -GI&S« Bette 'md aWaset alla i* iOaSP4 ls- Perry DaVWis' pn-Kiler. tae )u silygoeis»,e .boat sud the.ohal*51 GranSW Tii. pnupa!sdlm a ok show la Kontreud 00Ify, éieë ge "P hbs beenau po"a 11 ay. I15p5Uta5 50. per l. . Wth 5 f y oao ppvot nd~~am Veén~rut f Aller a tocbesry diner, il yeu wselduil imm la1frass dbéoén O il t@ u ~ f sud heavyt try a dose ai ampbe is OshhuaIl - aI btwemprie îerad B il5 M U tic CamnOi Ti. ate Mgoolely ianan Uh nilesoan. la utWUe-eg theLanston kon eTsigo Cluîb.gýè Be Butewet lOUbuOidPwe t.a gelte "Mari 'S.,"rf eaUc r. The MatItObs LeglaliUrOi.PrePuntS redistribution 1MIL1 i» Lowt om8trpA. e ~ f120 <Ofl~I fro Wîe 60000 5 ter BEeF, WN f WN f 4mlgw mmmtmmaim

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