Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Mar 1888, p. 2

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and 11 S toleu fmOIX ur azhangoS., lUspector Pope hsd a ma oebsct'êriu $ai arond oenSts sliPP'rY idOwalk sud oroseingo itbis rÈornugeIt i aà ed ide& sud tii. ýpeople appreoitatê t,' a6 borlvib* of Moad&y. Iobat o. Soot% Act Inspecter ?-Poat. Mr. Thomalge Walters, anpt. of Ontario puqblie works, bues a gang of men st Wotk aM th. Rosedala look. Gange of mon arc a1so*-t work st Eliiott', Nor- Saud ud ackisty creek, "near Minden, i»paiiig the dameansdesildes. Soina mon are bt Youug's Point under Mr. Âlex Bos rspairingthb.llokh. The Ontario estimates Ibis assson t *utished an item of 5,000 for impraving tb. na , ation of the ScagoR, prineip. aulu inw coing the ohannel ait "the ent" Thiisi . timneiy sud judîcione expenditure for the importanut'interesSa .ouoerned. Our Mayor bas besu look- log sftcr the mtbreste ot the town. Tb@, item bas passed, sud -the work wiil go ou ibis coerng sommrer. The palace skating riuk, under the ausploée of tii. Citizeus' baud, wbich attends ihree, nightsaycekly, is beiug 1argAly -pornied. à ramer teutthe *ffci t ie rîàk wold aoies. duuîng the weok, owlng te the building bavng luob. removed, Il merosU, sud lovera of the pastime awill have epportunitieis tu enjey *4 for a month te corne, if thé veather permits of it. The large getery provides a oomfontabie and ad vautageons point ef vautage 1er sîgbt scers. The Lindsay sud Opa board of health have united, sund have decided ta pur. @hase oneneet a imitable building for a hespital for cont,%Rious cases at a cost net' tue eceed -8800. Of thi8 oui lay Lindsay wili bear 75 pèn cènt. and Ops 25 par cent. Tbe plan sud purpase will be sinijiar te th&% antlioéd in thé P08Poan sd wiii enabie the héaltb authoni. ties te deai with cses simijiar ta thé Kiumnonut afisir. As Lindéay is thé natural centre fon a large district it wonid be a good ideta hâve a regular hespital estabiebed hère. Mr. Gaeo. Oarn Ibi@ week disposei of hi. lroÏting boras, Carelase Dck,- whose youth did promise mueb, but the iii. Of th. flash (horse-flýsb) déstined tiled otbnwîsge---in cachauge for a haunoe Pair of-wustang punise. Mr. Cant is highty plessed witb the "deai," " while bethb ra excellent road. stensue of tbae posnessea quite a good waY cf goiug sud will no dauh)t let thé boys know it before the snow flics neiL fail., The impraved reilwuay ticket case patenled by Mr. R. J. Matchetti station agoni ai Linds;ay, is spéedily working iute favon, sud durng thé pant weék orders bave been recéived for half a deSen of diff-rent siz-so. Thé pou'ul'ar isé coutain 7,000, 11,000 and 20,000o ticketuf but they are made to coutain buy number desined. Mr. Matchett fil ais0 place one in thé union station, Toronto, uext wek-a starter. T he 6anes arc manufactured by George laie JE 0.9 aud are modela et neat workman a sip V natural bard Woods flniehed in oil. -po--& MOUNT ZION. [Too laie for La8t week.] Mnr. Win. Brsuder, ef Forest, Ont., but fotuniy ofutbtis place, i. viniting et bie uoole't, èMn. S. Joues. Miss E. J. Bette à boarding st E.fI. Disuéy's sud atténdiug eur achool. We bava been informedl tlut aur Marquis sud Lady Lansdowne ara ou exhibition et thé preseut date, st Chap- mau'a photograph geiiéry, Wliitby. W. ane glad te hean that Mn, John Disney, who bas been vary iii, ji. mre what better, îhougb fer trem baing W. are sorry te note th. detb of on.e o o old laudmanko. Squire Birnél, who if 1er au illussof. about îwe weeks, paosed away ou Mouday evaùnug, Feb. 27tb. The squire was eue of on aali- est setiers. fie vas a native et Scou land sud èttledl on the old homeebod, about fifty yesrs mgo, where ho bas liv. od le reachthé &ge of 86 yeans, esteeni. ed sud rcepected -by ail who kuew hum., The boneaved famiiy bave our sincere sympathy -lu théir tgréaI los. On Thunsrday avening Mn. W.' H. Grser, of Brandon, Mantitaba, wbo bas, beon-juthis viciniityforthe pais fornight piroboàsing heries, alartati fcarthe N -mntb. -west witb twe canloada (88) oet horme. Thehersoi wvea il et the botter claie, t4 . mares especially. Tboaa latter, 'wblob are le b. uéd for .brceding pur - pogeîriarn besvy Olyde9dalés, olose-brad oem f tbem Ibonongthbned. Today, Poli. 29th, Mr. Walton Pater. soun,~ lbac hie sweutièth birth. day, hlsouglab.6 wS bogu eiiglity jean SThe apparent my&seuy ý x lte -2th day ef Pebruary, 180,,'sud cotmouiently,.bis bfrthd.Îy came ouly ooe lu Véry four,,yoars. Aud, lhoughb elghty yesesof2 cg e b»rse on bis twonîletb binthday wibh the briiakuesa cf-a Youug m*a attwénty jeiteo,. mand slisved hîmself vibla stsléady, baud. - sfaii lmaIwîll, brin-C -bî numerous congratulations from.tube largeo @jsqlê o olîlsoseaWho bold bim lu bhigla respiect. Thé followlug fNie au& dwdnsuing otumnq- fIbsToi'roI t$re 'Diuson Bnea., dry, go le marchante, - WMm, 'W1harernU h p4toure lu * t ott1u Iab4 aber. report.- cnon are -1h. illebp. 10WRe~ fIU by sàeeg* tu'$b ~ fuseMd lu go ýuy fîtýt4mr_ au at ialyscanrter »à Wiedýt' lb bri,.. *Ie pýsccd upoe tbie tirqk aW4- taken away. -it was a Most auutocn rance on George etreeî, and -the drunk: &rd formed the, contre-of latre-99on Wo a large crowd ef curions upetatons. Hm afterwards returnéd 1- leto -e: treet and was fouiAd by Actiiug-Ohief Adams sleeping in e doo w y. He *&à laketan in charge, sud this morn.ing 'befon. the inegistraté flned $2 and scoste fan béuîg frunk. fia was unablo te psy thée fine and veut toetgoi. fRe gave bis naine »a'William Main'. Two la ds named Valais sud McMar lin, aged 16 sud 18 ncsptctively, were befone the amagitrate an Tbureday, cbengzed with iarcény by Mr. Ulm Speer. Hie évidence vent te shbow Ibal ou Saîurday altennoon last &boult twe o'clock hé léft the carpenter ibop ou Waten atreet whene ha was workinîz, and nturniug &gain iu about an heur fonud thé doon kicked in sud a numbén of bis toole stolen. Thore werpi foot. pniin th Ie fnesb anow, ieading ont te George atreet, *sud inifollowing thea eho mol auotherlad *bc-,Id ht!P they had bion rmadeb 'y aud >1%- Martin. Monday ýmôriug ho>taledl thé latter witb h t îbftsud atten s littie prévarication thé boy adtnittad hi@ guiît sed ianplicated Vl-îis. They neturned somp of thé tools, but net aIl, takinu thém frorn secret hitiine pl.ces about thoir awn homes. A nuwbc'r of tool,; beloninuiogt other me-n were al-ea faunti, wbicb thé! haël evid-eatlv Rot in thé sae way. Mariday aftiennon thé baya wére anrkseteâd by AceinR.Chipf Adamm, aud afier thein trial this zmura in&, Lbéy woeremranded iii Tîîiursday for judgment. BOWM.[ANVILLE]. Ou Friday evening las& Mr. Thot%. Lylé, siipped on the icy t;iléwalk and teil, injtîring hie tapine s0 badly that hé had te hé cannied home on e strétcor, wbére h. is béing att.ended by Dr. Mo Dowell. Mécène. Tait sud Morniana bave dis. molvéd partuerebip. Mr. Tait wiii con tinué thé Stationéry buminessi, sud Mr. Mî.rrisan thé Tausonial dFpartmént. On Fridiay morning lesat Mr. S. L-tnd man, af thé D. O & P. Ca. wss sau.ldeuly talion iii wiîh au hémmuorrbegé aof thé nungs, but we are pilce te t learn that hé is récoverine andi wae ab.le otae.a drive out on Thnrs.Iay. ORILLIA. Th& shéeriff fthiso ounty intimeted tea < citizmn rpécentlv th-st bia criminal tees had droppéd tof sanie $1.800 in two years. When qieried as ta thA cause ai thé drap hm attributed it sèoieiy ta î6sé Soatt Act. Tliis is c. rtiinly e favor- à6blé poî9)t in [<ývan of thé Scott Acf. Thé office of naaîn et tiitheNorth ena naiiwuy wiliiprobebhly hé abolighed aitogethé,r anti oue <Of 1local sippinten. denut apenedte ta 611ité pltes. Thé e, p. eri t.anager of tbe G. T. R will do the gréater p-irt et the duties aow attenird by Mnr. Barker. At noon an Tuesdey ane of the fan tna ramenons doue in town went throneh e nather coRtiy porformanco. Heé manaeti in Orne way to get iuo the, corner tshow window helouginit.10 Meénnae. J. L. Tipt'in&g & C-)., sud a mixsd up with $250 worih nf china. ware. Afttr brpaking abouts $1o worth of these costiy goodt, ha matie caverai jiumpiiaet hp laiié plat$ glass wiadow, fiusilv crackinagit in haîf a dozAn placés#. Thé glass Cenat ota éwhere lu thé npiRh- bonhooti of $50, andl was insuned. It will hava to e ho epîseet. Où.etfthé repro-oentativc farnrofe Oro, maèié a lpngtby vieèiltai the Dow aoylom buildings lagat week, sud fe1 presééti hinaséit as btinir greltly lsur- priaedwib tb îh.pprfeeîionm Of tle. sos medatiou. Ho jeculanlv romerked timel il waii almeept like grantinur a bonus, or holiliugeout indueomput* fer peple te becorne idiotio. Ha avéra thpe are net a bundrétimo~n in th* towuship et Oro thait Plepp on botter b*detis uendo aur. idiots-aud Ibère ara moiny thaï cannoi aff-n'd uéoarly as gonda But Our fiend muet nemptmbér that Ihena are at thé asylum fiftv béis lu a rsnmS. «,w many Oro fermons are then. whe wnuld like te, put op with tuft? Aftt'r aD, it is noarcé%lv possible tb. fermer wotald changé places.- The by-lew te ritiine thé 810 000 to complété thae lectrio ligi n uifaI, l ba aubinittpd staIun ea'lv #1%4. Tt je propned toi tahelb.nm of $20.<00 hé voted upnn-ten thnaanai te h dé%vêt.- ed gte lightiug orojaot aimdi #en thons. and in eréeting oi lingé fý or, the, ovw cpuuty. - la workinit un tht.' «gréat que. tion, Oui t0uevu iitn-bave thé matie? ai e otan'a wlaor0e1t1% I.- traet, -he bitng, lireby slpninz anv aveu,- ment Shah xnfrhl ho ar' $iseei <n thé 'ïon r etO lnerpeam.a ffs'eiinnIf Odtlla osn.a rinée $10.000 thene'neesi n<l4héa ecAntei Incroasé cof lb. Oeunty rate, for<aP Ia %nM witb thé émonun-t néw bolai hy Biuyn. sud Ocantioeocn lé. a: , dit thé% tnWnslht*psintpréaîteul ln tha chanigo .,Wll b, sufiolérit te lmeelthe omi" s. If va resu, vvaut t e s.1aý"w 1M proe ot a snuoese v. had b1et#AêI1iè monoy re ady. ' A gétoiThom pt«nTo bus élaia o e~l ~ le~ - - - ~Ira I is hoped Do W"Potie it maoryl,. ler. l a~4et The human diRestive &Papps.Ye s 6ne~ Ol; the Mxost orpicgqed ~ddu h~ inexi~ence. 1, ,1br put out cf ort -tGeasy f ood, tought.f sieppy food$ 1 Cookery, mektl woirky, Juteboleg ! hatits, and many *-oie things which ouïbi neL toueô", Lve. is«âde .amtlim ip.i a nation of dysppii Bot GreenFe 'ângust Flower bon... a wonderfai ork ln reforminlg thiés.a& business and msking the. American poop14 aoh*AdWy Lhat 4hey mau enjoy -thefr M"- and b.-lu.pp'. Remember :-No bappineil withnt hea'lth. But GreenasAnguut Flowcr brff health and happinesa ta the dyspeptio M jyour draggist for a boulie. SeventyflWO &Il the. freight oondutor'and bra&i*ii on the Atlant-cl & Pacifie Raiiway, . struok Frida) nikbt. won spokefl cr. "CI oaa reoomeîî'l Uagyarda Telle* 0OÙ very bighly. it cured me of rheumat '18, in t my fingers when I could net bond t4heg>." Ida Platnk, ,rathroy, Ont. A meioJr externat and internai aune il U.pmiÈi ouniplalute CONSUMPTION CURED1. - An old physïian, retired fromn -ptuuilo, hsuving hail plâoeti in hie hands by au Iasî Indra missionary the forma&eofa&simple vegetable remeily for the speedy mSd perm- anent cure of Coannption, Bruuob citls, Catarrh, Astbma sud *Il tbroat and Lung Affection;, aima a positive und radiéae ure for Nervouu De iiity and aiH Nei'voM . Oom. plaints, alter having Lsited ita voudertui curative powér@ in thoussadi et e hua fetit this duty La maké it knovatW big etufferîng fellowa. Actuated by tuis otive aiid adesire ta relteve huruan ufnriaitg, I wiIl send firom ai charge, to al Who deslmIte, tusl reci Po, in German, Frencb or EnglIsah. wlth full diTr'ýt1oonufor Preparing attduulug# Sent by n4'1by aidressing with stamp, namiur tus 1_0pr, W. A. Noys, 149 Pots' ar'# Block, Roechester. N. Y. Thi- Bnrlinitton offiei-àis positiveli sMate thi ýt Docompromise wiil be muade wllh- 4h. etrikers. A6- Card. Toeail who are sullering from the cirer. and indiscretions ai yout.h, nervous-âk nens, earl y decay. loe of manhaodt &C.9 1 wiI end a recipe that wii cure, 'out FR88 0OF CRAROR. The gt rcedy 'wls diRoovered, by a mipssionary iln8outh AmOrncs. Seuilàa sélf-addrésed euvMe1e> ta the Rev JosR&P T. lh<,&t, Stano, News York Ci! u The pmpje lé 1vinq on. Bavr T.land, .Mich., bave not receivett any mail for o"11 s mo)Uth. D,) tell me? thé risme of thgt deligbtfnl perfumne you use Wlîb plesure. It isthe "Lotus of the Nite"1 A freight train went ov'ýr a banuk at Honda, rtizaî. tFri lay, killing three mon. National Pis act promptly tpon te liver. regulae t/ta bos3eta an< aeaa purgative are mtld and orougjy h, W-AL'TTDED. ONE HUNDRED GOOD COMMkLBCIA[L TEFACHffERS!1 N4OTICE :- Iô héreby iiiven that the Snyder Busiinees Coilege Assaciattea et Outatio Lmitd> hatvé authorizod thé i .llowing Colièges-to preéparé, Une llundred tuechers, tfor théir va ritns Business Ce legos and shonthand In- s'tunIea, being éstabli«hed throughout the Province of Ontario. Permanent position. sud beudsome salaries Wîi be puîd le 1.1anoéucsfti graduates. Every Youug XLu and Woma desiîog te prepare as a tésohén, or ton thé mauy positions offered tu shut. baudera, Bookkeeperi, peuxuen, sud Offie Ainistants, etc.; on deiroas. e obî.aining sl thonouith Shorthand, Cern niencial, on Professiunal Tr#Àuueg, should attend oeeof thèse colleges. To those vhoaa education vasn.- glecteai wheu Young tpeciai sud Prue- tloai advazatagés are offered -.-Note the atidrease. and ittaud ne othr-il. way Pare.ailowed t8tudanté frou aa dis'tanoo-Oicnlap Met., free on,&pli- Write st once e oany et tu.fonirô'¶ TORONTO BUSINESS COLLEGI Cor. l'orge & S1uer tsToronto.- B RA NTrFO HD OUU 4ESS9C4 kL. Y.M .A.. Stock, Branuford, Ont: GALT BUSINESS OOLLIlàS - Main, 8tl,-aIt, Ont. SARtU& BUSINESS OOLLEGR Oiark's Ne*wBlocà4,14Ma,4Outl N., B. A thovcugh and Prauical for Infats m-nd. Children, [rSmni"uuoronpe.pin Stomach, Dirrhoea,Eitao, kSw tome-, I A.Aum, ) D. KMWorms, gves uleep, aMd prometeS tu- kaowno me" ILA. Âcnua If.D., u11So.OZtord l* Bookkm .'yi. 1'w -ff mdia TUB Cmrriua Oouààxv, 77 Murray Street, N. YT. %TISH A EIF ARCADE, TORONTO. A School Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMAN SHIP, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS ARlTHMETIC, COMMERCIAL LAW, SHORTHAND AND TYPE-WRITING PRACTICALLY TAUGEIT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Send for Ciroular. Address. 27 C. O'DEA, Secretary. À Positive Curea A Painless Cures FÂCTS TOR KEN 0F ÂLAGI IDISMASES OF MAX. T3EYREJ"TH&EL41TB RE.tE W-ER, Marvel ef Hesling, and Kohinoor et Medicinés, tghe terrible consequpuees oiriudlseretiotfl Expoisur. ni 9verworlk. sq Who are brokteu n froni the effects of abuse will find in No. 8 a radica.l cure for nisrVOWi debility, orgal;ic weakness, invol untary vital lasse.s. etc. BYTpoKu 3on wmcuq No. 8 SEOIJL.OBi£ Urga.-Want Of energy, vertigo, want of purpase, dimnesa of sight., averton to seciety, want of confidence, avoidstnce of convermetiol. desire for solituda, listldssness and inabillty tai fix tie attention on a particular subject, eowardice, depreqsiou of spirits, gddiness, losçi of mern ry, excitability ai ternper, sper matorrhoe.a, or 1088 of the w4rninali fuid-the resuit of self-abuise or marital excess-xmpo- tency, initintrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hystt rie feeling> ln teniales, reiiblitig. nielamîcholy, disturbiug drea.ns, etc., are tkll syrnptomis of this terrible habit, o! t. otitues in'iocently soquired. in short. the sprîug (,! vit4%force bsving Iast its tension, - verv function wanes lu consi-qfenuie. 'Scientiflo writers and t-be superi ntenidents 01 li< sne ayinuiîs uniteh 'n scrxbing ta the effiocts of eelf-aI>us8 the great rnajority of wasted l îveý whch ca, ne under titeir notice. If you ar8 incamp3tent !or the arduons duties o! bt!îtsi,, incapacitated for the enjoiyment-4 of lite, No. 8 offers au e-cape fram the effects a! ear-ly vice. If you are advanced in years, àNo. 8 will giva yon fullvhor ena strength. If v.,u are broken down, physice.l1y and morally froin early i discretion, tht result o! ignora~nce andi follv, aend your s.ddresa and 10 cents in stampe for M. V. LuBoN'a TIreatise iii Boolk Form on Diseases of Marn. Sealed and aecure tram observatioin. Addteff al c4.nmnnictians ta ML V. LVBON, 47 WeIlisUgtoflSt. B., Toronto@ à Mani withut wiadom lves ini a fel', paradit.. CURES CUARAt4TEED. IEAL hIE SICK A Permanent Cureà >l< A Pleasant Cure. H o fr~ Q z. e WihPatent. Fire-Box is rýevoluton'iz- ing Cooldng with- ooi*J. It -keeps fire -a Urnight, àe durabler, ea8y to manage, i1d eoonomioaL* o H The treatiflent f maay'-thousande of caum ef those chronlo weakuese8 ad distressln alments pecullar te females, at thenvalidI Hotel and Surgical Instituté, Buffalo, N. Y., bas afforded a vat experléace in nicéiy ada pt- ng and thorougbly testlng remédiés for th. cure ef WoMans pecullar maladies. IDr. ierce9à, Favorite ]Prescription la th outgrowth, or resuit, et this great andi valuabie experlencé. Thousaîda eof testimo- niale, recelved tram patients and tram physi. clans who have téated IL in the more ag ra. vated and abstinatecases whteh had bamed ther sall, prove it ta be thé malt vonderful remedy évér dévied for thé relief and cure ef sufférlng wamen. 14 la flot recommended as a "curé-ah," but as a mast perfect Spécifle for woman's peouiar almenta. Au a powerulq havi goratIng oue, It imparts streagtb ta the whole systeu, ad ta, the wamb and Ita appendagés ma Rarticular. F-or overwarked, 'wr-uý dresmakers seamatreases, O"shp-grl," hous. keépérs, nursia<gmathers, and feeble wome& geneall, D. Perce's Favorite Presecrpton à thegreatest eartbly boon, belag unequalef a an appetlzlng cordial and restarative taile Au a uoothig and trengtbeoalng nervine "Favorite Pe Lrpion" in unso- qualéd ana le invaluable Iala yng and sub. dulag nérvous éxcitabllity, lrnitablity ex- hauton, prostration, hysteria. spasm ad othér distressing, rnvous yxnptoma com- monly attendant upon functional and organe disease of thé womb. 14 Inducefflrefreshutag sleép and réiléve mental -anxiety and de- spandéacy. Dr. Pierce'. Favorite PÈreseriptila la a legiimate medicine,» caretuily comjÇud7ed by an eixperienced andakîilfl physicuan, and adap ted to waman's délicate arganizittian. 14 la purely vegetabiela Init composition and perfectly harmlesa in Is effecte ln any condition af t he system. Fer morning sicknéas, or rnausea, fram whatevei cause arising, weak stomach, indigestiari,dý&5 pépsia aud, kmndred symptame, 14e sem.lu tax doses, will prove very beneficial. "Favorite Prescription"18 oi Sive cure for thé most coxnp1!catéd ad ah. stinate ceues o! Jeu corniie, excessive fiowlng, painful menstruation, unnatuiMl suppressonsi prolapsus, or fa1iný of thé womb, weak back,ý 'female weakess,' nteverson, rétroversion, beaing-down stcnsations, chranic congestIon, nfamîmation nid ulcertioa of tbc w-,oimb, lal. flanrmation, pain <nid tciidernceffl i ovaride4 acc .inpanied witb ',interuail liet.', As a regulatolr anîd pronioter of fuse. tional action, t that critical period of chafgs fram giriiiaad to womanhood, " Favorite Fre. eciption " le a perfectly safe remédiaI agent aud can producé aaly gaod résulta. it; J equaliy effilcacous aad valuable ln 14e effects, whén taken for those dsordérs nd dérange. méate incident ta that later snd moat critiosi peioti, knowri as "Thé Chazige of LIte." 6FavorIte Presmcr1ptlonwhn taken in connection with thé use a! Dr. Pléroe'a Golden Medical Discavery, and emal aativ" d9see of Dr. PiercesB Purgative Pellts (Ltte lYlver Pulls), cures Lver. Kdrey and Biadder diseasea. Théir combined use ais e rmoves blood tainta, and aboies cancrous sud acrofulous humons tram thé systeni. 66 Favorite Prenicrlptloi" la thé, oaly medicine for womén, eold by druggflsta, under a positive guaranie, tram thé manu- facturera that I t wlll give satsfacon 4n every casé, or manéy will be nétunded. This guarazb. tee hes bç%en printed an thé bottle-wrapper. ad falthfully caried eut for many years, Large botties IOdm 1,0,o i boutles for $5,00 For large, Iflustr-ated - saéo Women (160 pages, cents ln stampe. req M63 M'l~a S9,4 UA S . S B L U ERIBON B N Manfit,rexuci TheoU fltniutli Ropbwwork Co., MALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. SUPERIONT) ÂL SHOULD USE, O TIIER. i i pyroiil Our glO yeek gras eveu.'largqr *opl5tt' of conu.s ,Olsber of petitions ~cwJereey, VirginIa, ,,6,tlyjrouà imèmbert *oodTempré,prayi sage 0f a pnohibitiefl1 !txoteof Columbia. t Then tienatet .Vanc lhe pétition of 3.000 -lb. District, rtn0ic màUch legiAlatioli. Il étio1thé North Zemred pointedly eame tram New Jens4 ýitem.péopié Who li've sd who wOUI8l b. ai Senator Culion fa ainother p1ýtition in lion. This hé taiti, yardo Stnator 'VaDeC aitîzéns; of thip Distri MeDs of hinai S. 1 proibition were a .J îanatjon5 Sberman, sdSockbridge. Thb Senate Cornu triet agreed that at i tdythé qussitiofi .mo in U the b Beuetor Platt and in bé finally diposéd 0 This week wlrnesî «Web4ingtafl'è foneua and plilantbnopist. Who knew of him ai Wbo lied thé honar L died on iast Friday flot laid away la thl r uuauso um nutil .Throupbount thé oit7 aimsStrain thé :j tliis b uril, st th. lors and Re-prepefli béén lu Public lia. tribute t; d tab. *Onaýby a New Yenl tkad corne lu contai .viy in business 44RO was the *fprgçtitîtil Christ A L'il bas ber j Sonate bY Sfriatt< madeling thé . lion With the wail from inveuntoreaU1 the trifecL that the guingied with the ' iawyere that 4h03 the exiistigat pa~tent Offoet, and manthe lu ar In the spriug c ifice made a sPU me nint io ,iisfdaner Of Pste med by hir. Cievel biu& wih teir A tiouai hours un n werked -boti iâna heurs had bnwapeeénec -'Yi i - - - -

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