OWÂWiI P.b. 2 .,ParliaimentwuSopen.- y i on Tbursdayi the. emn wm»» l*g the cvuit beang hhat dsm'1in lMt l. ~ Yonr repders cou.. eati th~ee froin tb. Tbrone for theuiselves 80 IWi no 4well -onn L .ThsreocouldsoarOely b. osll à l but thb, overunet are notboundioDmen- lion aIlhhelr lxtençed measurs-ad as a »mutii f" theb. ioet important bills ane %sually unnotic.d in the S eohbut I1iandor- s"ta he C overuxuut desre 10 gelthru=rh the session as eusily and as earbYéas possible. Thée ebas- beon ixtee» élections ince lut sein, ntarlo. 6Sin Nova Sootia, S3iin qSebeo1 inluNew Brnswick aud 1lin ]British j»olumbia of thèse ni». are new mnembers. The vacant ieats sare, Kent, Prince E'lward, West Middlesex, Ruseol ana Gleugarry. There i.nue vacancy in the Sonate caà used by th. electît'n of Sonator Nelson to the Lieut. Governorstri p to British Columbia. Two, MoNUowter anil Senecal, deceased, are replace«by Senators Macdonald, (Toronto) and Pollard <Montreal.) TAie new North- west Senators bave got to b. appointed. Hon. Wilfred Laurier i isinplace ass leader of th.eopositon and willbeb. ressent- ad wîtban addrmsby tb. Liberal olub,3 cf Ottawa whon ho wilb bave au Opportunity of addresiga few word8 10 the partytbrougb- eut te ntry. DBEI.ON TREI .DDEES. On YFriday lb. public galberies wreSorei ed wuexpetation'eo!-lb.edebate On te addrgs. The. oua.é oontained néarly al tbhe ishero. Thie Premier looked well in blasck cotý&andveut and ligbttweed Irousers Bea1de bia PStmà ator General MLelan snd Mr Boiveil. On the left eat Sir HOotor Lanrevin as usat as ever witb tbe Minister cf W1itia bouide hum The adjoining deaka w.re ocrupied by Meses.Carling snd Costi- gan. Behind Sir John ivas Mr. Pope with lb.ePinister of Justice at bis right.. Toin White uat still furtbor hack ekeenly atten- tive as an y other newspaper mani. To the speakr'@slef t Mr. Blake's chair was vacant. The. next wus fild by Mr. Laurier wbo ap- peared lobe in excellent furrn. Mr. Mac- kenzie's chair wus eipty sud adjoining sat Sir Richard Cartwright. NexIt t hiru Hon. Pete ritchell had hie siff bat pulled low over hie eyets. B: hiiîd Mr. Dattersn wore a jaanty tweed chapeau and looked real niee. Mir. Scriver perusoçl a file of bis local rpler snd Mr. McMullen in a front seat looked a,. keenly aggremive ese evçr. The Houme patiently waited for tb. mover and seconder to fulfil their formaI task in order to hear the leaders. Dr. Montague mnade a coinplirentary reference 10 th. Governor General which wus joinied in by ubsequeut speakers.. THE OPPOSITION LECADER. 1fr. Laurier on risîngwas warmly support- id byhis f ollnwers. Ile iret referred ho the absence froinlhe flouse of Mr. Blakes ho Whou, he paid a glowingir ribute. Then h. buttoned biis f rock oý>at and eailed into the. -Government Tbey wore a MinistrY. of broken promises, Ibeir palli was pvetwitb god n ons. Tey .ecare stseio b.uceSmity for a M.nitr of Trade snd Commerce t.l b.looked on tb. Tt easury henches in vain for sncb ýa face. Neither b.d tbey tb. Bolicitoi Goneral promised whab .was thee malter ? Passing te lhe Speech be truahed the Franchise Art would Aieaiisended by beingrepealed. ÂL IbisSi3r Johin mil.d. NIr. Laurier expresqed no Opinion, nor did any une olse on the. Fishery 7reaîy, butbhe expressed soine doubt as te il beizxg in lb. wordà of the Speech "boti -hoWrble amd hsactôry." The mover auddseconder bad saiti that the country wus in aprosperowttate su lhe Lîberal leader mialveled allihe statemeul. Lu bis views tbe oounlry was in a very deprettsed condi- tion. One pnxof was found in the "tea à unmbr wno wetbelb. States. Was noL the cause et Ibis, b. sskpd, to b. found in '1our vicious.eco)nomical systen" The ors- tor then grew eloquent in denounciug rings md combinations formeti under the prote- tion of the law b y greedy men. An end "bid be put to this and alsob oimigration Mau effèt l made 10 keep our native pepula- lieu ah borie. Trealing o! Lb. financisl ,iuation b. judged that we had had te1 pay for lie C. P. R. înstead ofthLe lande in the Ntrtbwest.paiig. Rie denounc.ddiuiilow- ,suce *bicb prevented Lie grain being ex. perled frmite country. lu bis admirable .pigimm6c tyl-1f. Larer put it Ibat lb.blssugo o was takesi away by tbe h.ud of, man. 118 IENIESSPENON MrJuin MacdonaAd".eply was charme. tarijodt by thal 'ligfit, jaunty aneodotal »_ nr iiw iob hhasne equal iu Parlia- ment,.-R. was seriously gave at fisI Ibougla hespukýe et tleuosustaiaed by b.Hou. ite absence o!f1Mr. Blake wbb. edsorlbéd asit 6olt nfonuedt abbe sudoaepos aateswua. The occasion for blee expisuonuet!approcialion do.m net efton arise and it vas p lesing 1 e.m lie uiclwîtb wbicb the Premieraspoke of, )ià asntrldi to.. Hediupeno utheb Mtinistry o Tae comnplant 1>7say iaIhs MIr.. Bo** Iduuoargedliedulosseo clou - ly tbat thorp a as et n ncemuiy for a s&WeY hbe t tlb.Miutero! f Justime.Hou. Etil vau straaâge that thse led victima kept onmtturuing the govermet te zty beengly prferrua i iu " prmeîyaI theirs. The GovSerou vesIerern ow or lb, sainereasoniat li te- mm swa u ite lunatia asybux-beosuse lb. peouple illed IL This vas'a -f ree couatry - ad le peuple huadargittelu Milnthein- MI Ves if ley wied. AUlIbis -asusaW vith a jocular air »ad iu the aie view- lie leeder of tbheue eut on te s»Y liaIif IIaoidb. a msrveti by th. vater atretohes ~pv.doco by*lb. IÂberala it voulsi tube OU A&Mt rlnwsut C» MDUIoUf "m m0..' Îýýi qu MdMiss Duuoanbogkedasp The Sonate ha, adopte thelb addrewa aler a more protracted discemson tha n u- lhe Commous. SexÙa10r Scott attacked tb. FishSl. Treaty *Mhlh ho deseribeti as a mae of peace aI aDy price. Sentator l3auford v!ewed the treaty as a gcod nelllemeut -of 1a vexod qustion. Hon. 1Mr. Âbbotth bldme ou Balurday liat ho had net actually drafted a bill for the suppression of buoket shops but b.wa going te ee il one ooutd b. fraînod. TAie evil sbould b. remedioti The Prou. Gall . usfuller'than over ,re- ýreseutative from JiaifaxluWuupg e in g Lrmet Thore are 40 members. Mol «Amyot will introduce a bill definmi the six monthea mit clause lu 1h.e lectiona Act. The Reform Parlismeubary canons îs he- iugjheld t1-day. Notice bau been given lu lie Sonate cf lbe adoption of new rulee of procedureiu divorce cames. Their nature is not oxplalned. Polling in Westi Middlesex and Princ Edward county bakes place on the 10th. The. wril for Russell is expect. this weok. Hon.. 1Mr. llake la in a watering place near Roume . Mr. Davies aiPr"nce dward Iglauti hm. arrivod. Mesars.Purcell, Guilbaubt as umarn ,Wbose iseats are mn appeal have all takou Sir Charles Tupper'm obld kepI bim ouI of lbe Hcus. liut week. The committee for 1h.essnion wdll 1-day be reported tothe Hous.. "Bob" Watson asys the feeling i ani- toba is liaI now Mr. Greénway haLhe big end of the stick h. will build the road te th. boundary whether the Domninion liks il or not and the policy of disallowance tiierefore is not of se xnuch consequence. Senator l3ellcrôseois going te rais. a row over certain statemnents contsined in tb. blue book referring toeLb.hement troubles in St. Vincent de Pau' penitentiary. The Senator is accusèd of certain things whicfl accusations are ho clainîiq a breach of the privaleges of parliament. The parlor social is the ail abuorbingr topia Ihie woek. About 170 permone turned out ho eajoy tblemsolves and oertainly, ucceeded in doing so. Tb@. tables were loaded down witb a&l thinge -haI are good and were luthbemuelves a oonvinoing sigu of the hospitaliîy of tb. boaI and bosto«. à very largre contin- «Pnt carne over from Prince Albert sud added oonaiderabby tb the enjoyment of the evening. Besides the choira from Manchester sud Prince Albert, 1h. following ladies aud gentlemen asited in prosenîing a very excellent prograum. :-Mrs. Riel, Greenbank; the Misses Robions, Prospect'; Mr. Madden. Uzioa, and Mes'ws. Dobson and Greenwood, Manchester. The. ontertainin u sa great suoces. finanoîslly nettinit in al 821.50. GEà mxwooD. Mrsnd 1frs. MoKitîriok of Garafraxa have been vîiiig friend boe.. Mfr. Jho. Boddy bas been quit, 111 for the pait week or two. Mr. ffaney ot Toronto, ja vWsiing her father. May, th.thbird daughter of Mfr. Jno. Gorow, Broughamn, dieti suddenly of croup on Mondsy. Squire Birreli on.e oflteMoldeit in- habitants cf Ibis district, died on Tues- day. Mr. Tiios. PeiyMe wilI aortly move te Sougog havingc rentod liaI exueeu farta of Mr. RoS.. Bedfordsuav &Bd ehopplug Mil juat west is îurning out large quantiles« of work. The. revival selvice. are Meeting with Mr. Win. Eooper w getlung rea4y te put op a large bain lu tAie ummer. Thei. Grice Brou, have seoureti laces vith Moffat Brou. - Master Alfred MeBrisu la ont ou the faimu tosuperlutenti affalas. MasterJJas. O'Boyle has alending a Torouto business oollege. Jas. Ormlslon'. surpris. party -as 6h auree oapesut**l I I. Jas. Buins visiltdi the seoolw reently Man t wu $s pommemg dowp ,lgth. valiautyenreil.-ak S ain ap ff onque - M Tuyue are beoiboys. LIY ho vilige- tb. next lhing you hnowe The cIle oyers have botaght 4got asir eft1h. beef saIlle iround hure 'foi Ma hpineait a ls eulepe poni à ' erpwo4e h t iâtl e hale M-47 prompt eetyfo hormoval 01stpub "and ual tor liû *brme huOffohl or -atolL It ia teasy -thtake ,'nover '"à l, ab.okately haroles, nt equresné-fAlez physlo. Soldeve>mhre.Price 025eta.. Polroleum bas been found tia sewral pointu on 1the Red Boa ceut. Â word oftwarning. To proteol the pub- iieti prevezil hem from b.ing lnpôsed upon by the wortIleusoouatezfeilsi a tmitatlotis of Our Murruy A; LRUIIan': Plorida Water, we have preparoti payer lua whioh th. word. '<Limmau & Kemp. lNe* Yortk aitreu inlale bIteawhen A a ia 01 heli ceFà %ýltis held, up te lb. light; andi whenever Plorida -Wam4ligla offoreti for sale wrappod in a- para blet that does no1 have Ibis water.nirkor slamp in 11, then itleiscoian'erel ani shouîbe b.rejected.1.i 1fr. Alez. goberison, M. P. for 'EsùRsl ings, dieti Wednesday. Âsk Mitt ladies ln suecesalon vwhatp- fume the;y oosaider th. Mosit de'la.~ Most. pure *ad mslubtloia, lb. e Mot, e* able, anti forty.ann = hM *il-uw. DEATII JEJTEET-à l Ooldst;ream Purin, Whiîby, on MondaytFeb. 27th 1M88, Ana Earll,,Widow. of th. laI'e Wm.,Jefry, in the 80%b jear Of ber &go. Rozinsoe.-In Toronto, on Wodnesday, of paralysis of th. heart, Thos. W.Boblnaon, laIe of Whitby, in bis 6th yeur.- BIn=ELL.-At bis son'. reskideno. fapie HlPickerin.ug on Feb 27th ':Eiîioz,.sor BM.l1agsdt§7 Jears10 months anti 27 days. Tinaucial and Commercial. Office of *hitbyOH NIL, Whitby, March 2,.188.& WITBY KARKBT PRICES. Fait !Wheaî............ ego0 00075 Spring 0ha......O75 Gose Wheat............O067 1lour,per owl...........s2 00 Bariey..................O0 65 Lye ................., 045 Peau, bback-eyed....... 0o Blue Peus........000 Obte ............08m ELay.............. 0...... 1060 Alsike Clover s4 &.... 0 13M lover ueed.........*4 00 Apple., pe; bbl......00..e0 i 0150 Tomalce'............100 Potao.a, per bag.... ..... 1 00 Butte..........**...0O18 Ch ...............O12 Wood .................400 gheenak-inu040 .a :: ......010 Hidesqlb .. ..........006 Pork.poewI.......0 Turnipa.............. 015 cohiee,pel . .,000 Turkeys, per lb..........O* a 010. Dueka, per lb .............O010 G.suver lb............008 0080 *070 0250 *076 *040 *î 100 900 0600 o 151 *22 pGY~u~~ L Il s :erlor excellence proven ln millions cf ometimore than a uarter of, a century. 114.umod by the Unite States Géverninont. Zadorned by 1h. heade of th, great Univers!- ties atholsstrogest Puremt, sud tmomî bealtia. ftb Dr. Pi ee's Oreain Bakiug Powdr. Dot ne0o i A-Mola, Lime, or Aluin. ori only1inOase. PRIOR BAKDiG POWDER 00. New TOuE. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. POELL & c:tvs1 DISIiIIJNT CONTINUES ON AL WINTER GOODS I 1DB-Goldsmithis IIaII-1BBB rtERS, ROBES, and Inteuding purchasers of premoats for th. HOLI1-DA Y SEASON Should laspeet xuy 0Stock, large and varied which is Reliable Goods at Closa Prices Bargans in Wstobee andi Jewelry. Beau- tiul(-oode in Diamond, Pearl and Buby Gem Ringis. SIL VER-PLA TED Best anti medinm Qualities Knives, Forks, and in Silver.Platedl Spoons. 1Xvory handieti Table andi Desert Kuives. OVERCOATS at Coa t Men's and Boy's' lJnderç Clothing Prices, Be1ow- Factory Dress Goods and Wools Greatly Redueed.. Milllnery Sold -Regard» Peonsily selecting my Goctiu andi bnyinr-I1cc 't i~a in the Ile slf o t BEST MARKETS, Humbles me Le effer greal inducemenla bo Cash Cuehomers. JAMES JOHNSTON, Practical Watchmaker, ý BlOOKt.STIRBBT .- - WRITBT Io unezoelled for Faoeîly Groceries, fine Teas.and Coffees. 'TEA POWELL&-O Wl(tby ClhmTgor Is the place where.-you will findtbe largeet Xmasi Goode in Town. The Stock is now- complote in Crocker:y, stock s' China, Cia s&swaro, Fancv -,GOo -d&- 1S Our Spc iltyl 0f ail kinds. Also a ffl-Stock of Cash and Low Prices our Motto. UR OCERIES, FR UIT d&OYSTERjg,9 Tuas of &B1 inde andi primes b suit Chin Tes Sets -for $3.50 China Cupe. aud Saucers, I2 aUà taules, frein 20 10 75 cente . Weper-dozeu, and oIther Gooda in pportion. uaaleoui Tes@ frinm 10 to 20 per tr9 ceut. beltpr Itia- sny houseil ,Oounly. Try them. r--. F FPRlZ-e TEA Sý We gIve with oeve-y rile.. o u- Iref>Lea. 60 to75 Snta iMe any te viîta every 10 lbs. âofour, i $100in Suar or$.2 g#r Oom and 8ec for yoursetve. ML.X itbij .tl j_ SUBSCRIPTICI Siper annumin luai -Vise. Subseriplions arn h. office of publication. -: teain .quipment iaz, ook anti Job printing atario, capable of eZOcJ Ork, f rom th1e large P04 autihill. _Special ment suir'pasised -pressa- cili cîswitb ils celebrat * liader presesud cOtie nooS. ilvery order rocg utattention. *. TERMS 0F ÂI -Pirmî insertion, per IL a siae 0ol ollîd7Non] ordingly. Atvertiements seul nstriioiione -inserted A h Lgs for fuill LimeO. Olrsfor idiidcat4'i hotb.iri-writing, oth re wîll not be rmseun A tiberal dlisconnt foi -ments by Lb. yeasr. C0 eontratî .*ive rtisemeflt IanDot l.aler than Wadi qf suyintended changi :bef or. Tuissday noon. ,,.menta recoived up t10T Busi-ness notices in Ic Vive cents pet neW V er lino weekly. Oo»rrespononce 6soli ~f the0eoanty or nel ,Oorrempondenlm are z hbelr cemrnunicatioi Sup't idecbsniesl L 'RRSTRR, & oupied. by F. Royal Hotel, Bro TTORNBX-Aiý )nc -I theo tee, lamoMh G. YOUNG1 WANTEDMM-4fl kIii W. il)8 8ANTA LI TQYS, I WUD. t4f 1 .