Mot'£ 'rmet u Tain.«e ()an board a westernl train 1he other sit, 400W i bel in my bosemtfor'overrsoeety- thbdoot ivtE, hoelebo W of a large man aiùdahb .106 t: 1e I do n et kn o e" :,fle w as- h i I soa railroad heg or I wouid have re- put oee gèteai. [ewae buitwide and ho-- the. othei $081ault beip it, so I forgave hlm. koew ah -jj. hsd a large, gentie kÃŽndly eye,aud &Il day j Whou ho de eti ta spit ho Went t te 'IItoc @sr door, op=d itand deoorated the been toc *ntire outeide of thoi train, te th&t m ibtcar 5peed wouid heip t10 give scope After thb jbi, s rho. mle. yadthem te N,.turaliy as h a t ebY Y BdOfcoookil bu1dLflg on tightly le his ticket, and nobody *vjdOBIY afraid thoat thecoenductor w. ue -Iouid forge% Le comanend get il, I be.- .ruud igan to figure ontinl my, mid what by theu wight be hie buisinless. e. had pouiad.- gettin'i -@don@0 gtumb so thst tho usil wus "The black where tbe bfood bad settled nuder le four1 it. This right happen t a shoeemaker, listeir * ,srp@eDl8I' a bisokemilh. or moal sny Then ýqqn 01e. *Sa it didn't heip me ont car WlS M&uob, %oflgh iL looked te mess lhough sayiug it Light have been doue by trying te _6i d( iriv afouoo-nl htrough a lesther jute soi hinge wiLh the baok of su aie, sud ne- pays hi body but a farmer wonid try tu do tiat. I knoa pouiewing .up the clu. I discovered îhat prospei h.e bad rmi[ked on bis bootesanud thou I tbe me knW Iwass rigt. The man Who for oLL jilks before dlayhgbt, in s dark haru, eatB th who the tihermOmetOr le down 28 de- day,.8 graee below and Who hile hie boot aud liat mig.eie8 the pitil, by reason oftIhe cold bramen and the nooortrà it light sud th. prndieh. farm i Dose of Lhe 00w, jes amarked man. ]le the W caonnet CoOuOl the fact Ihat ho le a geLs hE fariner unlie h.removes liat badge. nobed 60 1 tarted ont ou that lieory sud snd a remrkei ILiat Ibis wouid p!as. for a ID Oui pretty bard wintor ou stok. sdvOfl The tbenght was not originel with ollr me, for I hlave hQard it expreseed by papel @thora itlher in tbis country or Enrope. suda nfe eeid iL wonld. sud t' .MV catIe bas gene lireugh a mow- Rages flsi o' bey Pince October sud eleven ton farmn e' braud. -Iîy don'tseoem te have the even ~oreduesq t ti thot il bed hast year, sud ince with their new pro-ceas grise ra i hey what jerk all the 3ioe Ont o' brand, so's yen ,Tbe migit aseWeil food oows with excelBior that and upheller your borees witb bem- persl look hark ai;totebay brand." Inju "-Weil, why do yen rmn se mnob to and stock ? Why don'I yen îry diversified and farruiug, sud relation of crop8 ?" the1 "-well, preb'ly yen gel that ides in sud the papel'e. & man liat esmus big they wages writing Farin Hlints fer agrioni- coed tarai paperi' eau malie more mouey billiý with a soit Joad peneil snd two or three havi .seaeeniorackl3d idees like thatu I. eau tiuai .arrying ef 'eru eut on the fsrm. We*46 used toe have a felier iu the drug store iiIg iii Our Lewu that wrete Puci good Pieces the for thte Rural Vermonter sud rmade Up ber *uc'b a geci conditionl powder out et 6 hie owu head tiaI îwo yesris ago we doe asked him La write a ueseay for the fart sr>nUai mneetilig of the Buokwie5it forni Trust, sud te usebis ewu juâgm@nt boli .bo . obece9c à nb V%-A.ndw f it do Be b ayrske or net. W. b.d eue Or auese .uibreideted nigit-sbirttarmera oome frem bowu better'n tire. years lago. w I3een s toilet sesp man snadodne wehl, bg sud se lie came out sud bcnght a farm w %bat bad uotiug te it but & faney rz houas uand barn, ls lot of inedder' in lie IN iront yard aud a seutheru sepeol. TheW *fsrm was no good. 'Yen eoulda't taise ig a diaturbiflO ou lit. Weil, wist deese So deGoe sud gt. s apagelle of Bsue. à tailed, yelier cows - from New Jets; sua aima te bauale crese sud diver- sifisd Crmiug. Lt Iyeat theeuces sentts .det cresm over sud tried te- tel it st the uew oresatery wiile lhe funeral sud iolieroel wus gem' ou. I may be asosrt ef s cbump myseif, but i re.kd my paper sud donl getlolft jike t"Wbat &rethie prospects for armea lu yoIir abats t '-Weil, they are pore. Never was se#c ç or@, lu act, seuce I've bsn' theve. oiswodêr wiy boyuaves tbe * fWrtu.- My beys left sse aste gel pro- iteoted, tiey 8614, sud go lhey veut lute a clelbiug store, eue cf 'le,-sud oe Wf ut loto hardware lsud oeels judo' protection i in te Legisîstuf Ibhis *Inter. Tbey said liat faruiju', vas' gittin' tô be like fishin' sud buutlq', vell enUR4g for a muan, hi. meas. sud lelsure, but lbiy Co'oulcl't mrà ke s livin' atIlit, lbey uid. &uother boy.là tu a drug store, sud Ibe lmusa tiat hures hlm ays lihs aroyal fellow.", "LaKid ef s orator-trOYil fle"I esi, it ibrekoflabea, Hevsibted - s<heal. ve leit 4hfor lu I!:awBI~~~df0Ip *ooere i isi thy'~ Isteana le haek l mi,, .Iv~à pt9 ý aèbd *4ébIâ .'PaVa nd su seaidinu' c atu n s e brealh oesday w4ie r and me was vatoiu' ber, 41 me.- 'Heulry,'says tirsd, wore-onl baud ou top ef r lired, wemu-out band, sud. I Led gene where êhey dou't worki aud de choesaIl niglil. ok lime te ks, lier Ilen. I'd o-busy Cet s good white previous aud tien I called lu th. boys. e9 funersi il wss tee muci for stay &round sud est the kiud in' vs bsd te put up with, aud s poke np srouud tte bouse as d te. Tie boys quit whilhiu' [ be barn snd talked kiud of lew ciselvesa&bout gema' te lewn aud a job ay're ail gene now sund the snow foot deep on mether's grave np 'n the old berryin' grend." n beti of ne loekedot of ths adow quit. a long white vithont suaybhitig. lou't hIatus tie boys fer geiug melhiug oeselong 'se ther Ihinge ,tter ; but I Bay-and I »sV what w-that the mau wio boldo tbe rity of Ibis counutry lu bis bande,, au Lhat aolnally makés MOnsy ber people toespeud, 1h.emau liat ires geod, simple square mesis a ud goes te bed at 9 o'olook, se future generationo witi go0d B sud cool blood eau go from hie te the Sonate snd Cougroe suad rhte Rlonse-he is the man tbat t hast te run bis farm, witi jy le belp biem but a hire.d man bbigli protective tariff. Tho Carme x State are rnortgaged Cor even à buudred milliou dollars. Teu ci Western State-I ses by thE re-bas geL about lbree billion a haif mortgageS Ou their Carmne. bal dou'L eountthe obatle mort ý fliled witi the lown elerke 01 1machinery,' stock, waggius an( orerps, by Roeb ! Litai si'L 1w. eshigi under tbe snow. That' ,t Lh. prospecta i. for farmers uow Goverumeul i. nri-e, but lie unI made it, lie men liat fough rie fites sud pennre volves au- Luse aud peLato-hnge sud blzzardi iad paid Lie war debt aud pension flverytbiug else sud lholered Cc Union and the Itepublicau part higb tairiff sud anything else Lb, y wae told, is left iigh and dry th 1winLer witb s mortRage of sevE eons sud s isif on the tarcas tb( e earned snd saved s thousa, les OVOT." -Yeg ; but lock at lhe glory cf sen f rom Lhe fate Lie future Presider future Sanabor and Lhe Cutore met ef Cougrees." rhat looke well on paper. bot Wh os it really amout to ? S-Jou as ,mer boy Rets in a place like that ,ego the oilthLaLproduoed bhnm s de-hi, hesd se higi as a hohly-bei bbelIers for protectioni le every bo ýthe farmer, sud white ho se nund -in a igly-Ligzhtly roem witt fre lu il night and day, his father efsrn bas te kindie hie owu fine e ,nornnz witb ohm slivvoe, sud s- t- wea meo's lawn-tennis î which l at fuicfvainable sud neai trticlee, remlude 12,%te Say Ihat GO, * emlueutly a fstnily magazine V vyery lady ougbt Le, have. Ils fat atticles are standard aulhority ai adies Who love le, dresa Weil. studies lu home, deconi Management sud ouinary sif air worthy ths attention et ahl Wie happy sud attractive homes. Orolyi Who bs S dded te fier fi iiîerary tiümupha by ber succesa ii editorial conduot of Gedey, contri te, &his uuule'r au articlse ofrare on à womîn wie lias sîîaiued col in ttuit-tsaiug. Mr. Dedge's ake tbm bdvsntages cf tricycling wil moud lîssîf te lihe ladies wha exerces i .lh u hr oouiu edeIst Poo, su ad,1 t tens, I'bm ,*aseb nomber pi sîtraotlons f4t grester Ibsu lihe would sese te lundioste. The pi onl Ivo dollars s yeat, vith pi -inducimenîs lunpreminuS s uad Write tw tbe Groiy ?ublishlng COt 1224 Atoli Street, Phlmdlpbio4 - The- Muioùusry Ivie.tofethe for M*sarch ie msrli theu ea. a inrese tlýe'd'eop 'and. ide 1 preai perlurê' l pris.sienaly lits It. ontente ire ameziI+gY varie î ebehcf ils selon departîmeuls Ij# . vasbter sdapted sj. lufortu, luspi ersousa ~ UIiI4~&'~4" Iresdy sb~' j*a ~AMiatiuu ~L~*'- ~1 1..... ..~ G £ BACOttd ~.dftiou vers L17 UVUV~A...~'~ I~ -'t ~ __ -~ e-'rv~ x i~ r-Vrr' r~ c' T T >ublinesd by ruuk & Wagu1fal1à ý18rand~~~ G O ,Y .L...0:1Y 1u, ../ ýO Aster Place, New York. *2 per-year; 1cents f., single numbera. In clubs TPRGSNEE EPB EAEI TH E TRÂDZ if en,$1.0.A,â t'ý.od Suit made to Order for -$I20OO. Asquare steiflRt by -a Oarpmft«T. '<For years I bave hýad a ohoat trouble A large stock of S3cotch, Ejnglisali au Canaden TVweeds, Black Worstedls, amounting le unothing sehort of eonummltiofl etc., te select from. I saw how others in like condition had besu ..ured by the use of Dr. Pierce'w- Golden AÀ Special line of HEAVY TWEEDS from Ml te 75 cents per yard, Mediosi Diuoevery, sud resolved le lest ils aiabefrBsns utao es er inerits iu mN ewn case. The resuits are se utbefrBsnssSiso ps er plane shaidly to e hir a te okr any T ri #I IlI r augor-meut in favor ofa istock redy. A .iUi L- i.O OF 0 u CEuu b IL does -awl it l aims 1 IL bolde up the syslem, supports and sîrongthené whors ALWAYS ON RAND. othere fail." Ho adz: My recovory, wbieh ie nnw on a sure feunelation, hMnges entireiyï Highest maà rket- prioe paid for Butter and Eggs. on the compalis of this wonderf ni Restorative having triod othor remedies without a bi t relief. ]E 0,.8 *T 1Twe-thirdi eftIhe Ilalian troops en.gagea ROLN-OT 1,in the Abyssinisti expedition will b. recalU- BOK ,-OT ed home immediateiy. Books vs. Experleoe. Booket are useful te sdd le our knowledgê, but practical experieuce leaches nés Llat Lthel i l v Wo Ie i M I~ best remedy for ail diseases of Lie Stomach, Li de cE ainfls ' ea, te. eteui of the of the 8, ebte, nf the agula; aýer% ma9 1886 ami., Colttmbu, on tIse BWfl. lOloth, lbed Vai¶eties for the quauqtity 'MAN Union Fl annela, Blankets, IHoise Of Wool. 1 80N, 0, cc Z .' cd"< B ît t~< alled B. B. B. Work cf rernodelling Lh. Beleville fie idway between' Brookli~nt eparîment bas been ceuamenced. Wefl Spoken of. 7th Conced 'II eau reommeud H.ugyards Yeilow Oil rery highly. iL cured me of rheumallflm, in ay fingers when I oculd net bend theni." da Piank, 8ýrathroy, Ont. A medicine for _We are now prepared to n ternal aud internai use in ail painful Gooas, such as Tweeds, Fui] AomlaiflîS. oiey asoranz.Sheeting, Shirtings, AIl-wooi ad n onon n atrda ngh. Baaat, d Yarns in alv Canadian Olmate. K1tdGoa eti tc The Canadian ohamate je particnlanly nte God kp i soc roductive cf old in the ead sa & atarh. patrons. [n fact Catarrh to-day je more prevaloutai thnayother disease. The discevery cf Dyeing i ll colora done ti Nasal Balim places within the reaci of all Hgetpiepi o n a certain means o cure. Hgetpiepi o D The general election lu Manitoba ilii Alodrlpo pl lld probabiy net take place until May.AUodr omtyfR . Wysuiffer a single miet, when yen W u De BO W ERi cati geL immediate relief frein internai or external pain by the use of Poiso's Nervil -____________________ i, the great pain cure? Nerviline bas neyer been known te f ail. Try a 10 cent NO ENGLIBR STALLE 18 CONSIDERED sample bettie Yen wihI flnd it jast as ne- commended. Neuralgia, toothache. crampe, COMPLETE WITHOUT headache, and ait simitar complainte dîsap- raer as if by magie when Nerviline is nsed. at drnggista and country deaIers.~t. LAMAJ' Work ou the Murray dbnal is beiug vigor- - &tt' lY't -.7- ously pushed forward. "' " RATES, LOW! MROAI ADJUSTMENTS LIBERAL 1 LOSSES PAl]) PROMPTLYI I§aflCBS "SLNSWU SCompanies amng the beet in the venld, 703 ovEE.RBÂcns5, OHAPPBD ELS, WTND is u c i a s , O L L . The LIVERiPOOL, LONDON& GLOBE, FO]a B UMATISXIN 10 OlspsE. TheLAN AS IRE YOaF0 B»5 TUROATS L&ND fFLUENZhL T/te ÂNCASHTiEpou EOKEN N OBBavS s, E.OLppED nom>. . Thée WATERLOO0, aied p.u >iisalnu oI3R. sena oss. r roi& FOOT BOT. A» 3BORE KOUTUS ni 5EEEP The NOR WICB UNION, &"LIÂMES 2£ 0 MTf:MJ«Y-. W05 5P5A10, dCT", BRtRisE9 INDOGL Local private fuunde iu sues 10 suit aI tîrNTS1Ot~S a lo west rate .Prom HEU Gra cs lhe D ke cf Ru lsnd. W. B. PRINGLE, 'Belvoir. Granthatf, Lee. 1 1879. NOT.RTPULIC Sire,-Elimfl'5e y aiEmbrocation Is aused t NOÂRY UuLI, in my stables. 1 thiuk it veny neeful. W Whitby. "uTL&fN3j, Master of Belvoîr Hunt" d ________________________________ Casle Wofr, Kingston, Herefordahfre, ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___"Dec. Srd, 1M8. TQ TRx C&NÃŽ.DIÂ ,Gentlenen.-l uesthe Royal RmbrecSlion ,,TO Au GENT NEZîLM C0., 46 in my stables and kennlsud have touud il Be sud 48 Front Strest East, Toronto, gel np veny serviosablo. 1 have seo used the the Nealeat niost Complote sud Boat SeUiug Univeimal RmbrSSstIOll fon flambage and Y»rhewutlaufo bm at io yers,sd havi SNoeie iu Amenaca. 8S nd 25 Cents ene eVry luttigse nainnig il for Samulpes of N -w Ne. 4, flisbaed lu Fine ~H 1I~CL atre s Plusi. *Particulanl senl vien stampa a s répahi e ut.0L atro " euoiosed for nevly. 1L[IVEYLEB1G~N Don't verry if you are ont cf employment o y hmtaSorsedgddM Write to,1Mr Oowdy. 41 Wellington Sreet odb hias trs u sdes 5aI, Toono. Send etemps fer reply. Me 1ALÂLAnBTRUE B ga LBL.O.L. N4o. 168 meets lu Temperauce Hall, IW FWq le Ludge recui, Gerriela Block, .> il. * fûret W.dnead&7y l u&~ R~r *fA LMAO fit à %n q et SRiS'. B u îses. S-irPr rd .& LOb S&VUSL MÂRTIVS, So us «rt FkO ÀAT C on 85 Soys WbUlby. CH- C 'OO, . I l s ir o ,-r e d o ï d b - 001Dominion Wotor8 r . Ens. WInY LIIMM [ w. ~Mcielur5, Intese - v 1 ulO tense0~8 y i li g - a d str i lg i <lowed teo continlue tumetia forxn wl e-fteul bleed snd ulcerate, beceaflùg ver %sW AYNE*S OINTrMENT < t% S tO p t e ttc h in sian d b le e d in g . ý nhsl lceyatifln, and h ~i ~nany caI4erernIo"5e MA NH.QODa How Loat!1 How Restored jugil published, a new editlou ef crelioii. The eeélèbratod author, lu 1his sdmir- ahi. esar, cieairiy demonstrates fron thlrty years sucoessful pad > tco, IhâA e alarnirig cor sqO OSs e erly e otIOMl b. naJielly euared ; POÃ-t iUg eut sob d5 cf â cure at on e simple, certainl, isud- efectuble by mntis-ewhioh every suffeter ne- mat",- t er what his condition mybmycr hlmaeif cheaply, privsteply sud:yadîcal If tr This lelte should b. he,h. iad ef every ycuth suna every. maninlelu Seul undor seat, ina&Plain -envebo, le - auy sddress, post.paid, ou rocxp e f cents, or tve postage stam a-Âd~8 The CUL VERWEL ,NEDPIC AL O. di &nu 81,NOw York Pest Office Box 450. - - Den - GE I 'la J 12,Meb 'liRet FOR MIENNY Dr. BELL'ts mEiceLDSOZ~ A positive sud radical cure for &aIleo' wake, however imdued. imprudence aud exeosos of youlh or oldaâge yieldu promptly tleasisalliful, condition, by using Dr. Bell's.,Medical Discoery-Allamgiste or by mail PRICE ONE DOLLAZ.* Labratory,llEas29thSret,Nov>erk Purgtiv. ias aim, sud efe6txd *e#epI et woaw T a 1lr.ag4l Tsoi; ÃŽahoel offééa, tilêlsuTà ble.D, gal apsu, gupoet,, ud Ti:y ug-ý> i l B eu--g 1,»r % ba h&A and in and' all k acobmmodi m W MM M M I&V V mm %ýw Mir(