Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Feb 1888, p. 2

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e e ~* ontW Tht.. m»mbera of tb. cougregatiloi of Knox Ohurob presmelsd uheir worthy palR, o. J. B. MoLarari, with a 00W Kionleaob fuir overcoat on Saturday Tl49 owners of hound, spoiniel, pups Or mongre'lt are hereby moat respeoifully lnvlled 'le cmli early ln Ibis menth on our village tressurer, Mr. G. J. Hoyle, who, for one or l'o dollars, (aocording to quality) of her Majeaty's lawiul ourrency, w'ill furnlsh thema a braod tan' brase medallion warranted ta, fit "Doggiee;" neck for eue yesr. Shouldi tlii watin sud pressing invitation be slighting ly acoepced or wholly disregar- ded, tbeb, eh!1 yos, '«And do'i yen forgel i.'1 Mesrs A. Dobsori & Sons, who have tison runaiug their extensive wollen mille five tisys a week 4hoe Cirisimas, bave started tle mn fuitl lime Ibis woek, anud &bey expeet to e ho mpelled te mun ovor lime in a few woeks eose aste ho ahie te fil aIl orders forr udr cciebrated knitting yamne. Ead Cannington -a few more manufacturing firme doin s extensivea trado as ths aboya mention. ed i rai, Ibis ion'n wooldoexcel &R1 ot.hoe ,aoreh of Toronto.. throe w of is is dItriol roved -Ibis week a splendid go14 wttoh, the ro wad of bis reoent victorias ai New Yurk. The value cf bis labes& pris.eje $400. We tender aur congratulations. A gentlemen wbe tried -ihe Oriis toboggan sUids the otier nugit, said that thec0hinaman'a description cf hie fire1 ride n'as bath piquant sud roalistic, sud n'as bis owri privâte opinion aise. Lt n's: "Swiohb-bh, walkee backee Jutige MoMahon at Barrie lest Wed- nesday, opened court for dis trial cf James Patton sud Win. Owens, charg- cd wiuh hribery in Eastsi Smoo.aud for wiose actstecEset Simoos eleotion n'as voided. The. ouly wituoe sworn n'as Deputy Sherif Smith, who staied %biai aller careful searcli Uy hinaseif sud his officEe be n'as unaiAe toearre@% or find James Patton, and ibat h. beliov- edPatton was evading service. Tii. juAge then ordereti a rien' writ te be issueti andi adjourned the court tilt lb. 299b. Lust-Thtreday au intoxicated Mari matie a bold altemplte board tbe souih,boand train, bciug untier the im- pression that il n'as goiug riorthward. Ho r 'efuseti te believe auylhinq to, the oonlrary aud ai lasi became possessed n'ith the ides uhat the. train bands did et desire bis presonce. Deicrmined to do or di., bis grabbed lie rail ai lbe tsar cf one of- tbe ears aud hld on like doatta, n'ile Conduclor lcethbridg' vainly endeavorod te pull bim off. Whou ihe train starteti ho hbngogn, svidently wiih th. intention cf sloppiug il, but failiwg in ibis allompi h. yield- edto he .exposînationosud goutte foreit the valiaul .qnduotor, who by a quiok jerk tiren' biS ifer enougi sn'ay ftomaithe train te be eut of dan- ger. The. fool-hardiuoss mauifeuied by some dmunks w. bave seen makes ns wonder &bas acoidents by moviug trains are net moe troquent. People travelling lu lie cars shoulti keep an oye on what baggage they hap- peu te have in ithe car wth tbem. Tii. late train Monday, hati on board an un- fortunate commercial iraveller, whose gripsadiL had beon absiracted ei&#her au- iutqnlhonaiy or--otberwîse, beln'oen bore and Black water. H. had lefi the * bg libthepassenger coacb hniule ho wnt toenejoy a cigar ho the emoker snd n'as surprieed on bis roturn, ho finti the grip gene. He mrade teleigrapbic enquiries lter on sud taupes te fir isi luit proprtly evemtually. W. hope h. Anùinoipientûfre broke oui t tihe- Norîhem Rs.iway routid-bouse lait $zu*dajtutoroing at tht heur of ibrea. _Thefifre beillnas rang by somo enter- prislng citizen for nemrly haif an houx. Whoe;'er ho n'as, ho n'as an olti baud st 1h. -bisiness. The. fi. , erlgado wenl -down, olarteti ho n'ork n'ith san'ill,. anti lDa V9toryshort lime extiaagisled the fiss. The. are n'as confinedalmosl entirely thot1h. roof of 1h. ýbuilding. An eUgiue va. lu tbe building aI lbe liîme, and would ikety have heon des- lroyed? if lb. Ire hati not bumned so sdôlon'ly. ssai nas <dIeu up sud -it Wnsgai eut, afier n'hicb thb.-oome- tir. pump osais la h.ndy tle Ait the brfia SBUet y. îMr %ne -Uvr'5" " ~ employai, liansrotaiuing itrongl *n4 at the erne Ume-dispenshng witb sup. erfinCousý' weight. The .owner of 1h. beautylMui M. P. J.-,Daleyi of Peterboro, thie prend pop0.ssof lb. paGer BiI1y W. f ugle &C.boeutpiodnthr faotory a new p1aui1ng aî1ýd. maidhin',R machine but by, MoGre'jor & Gourley of Gait sa co ce f f0. 'The machine~ je a ' onderoas oe, woighine 4,9t)0 lbe., and iîs-èpacity je put si 20,000 fbet per day .t L te sd ferfat or s1ow spsçd. This enterprise on the part cf 'the firoe n'as necoigiateLd by the inereing de. maande o! tlieir-businesà tbey having been coeiderably hampered laet eum- mer ini their effort@s b keep up witb or derae by di. oomparativoly'slow epeed cf the old machine, which' lied a capacity of about 5,000 foot,, With a eapaoity of at least 25,000 foot per day they hope to ho able toe npply a&I orders prompt- ly. Tbc machine is just new oausîng considerable uneaeinesa tte sold gen- tleman Who officiates as "feeder," and ho vowe it wiUl take baîf dis men in the Shop working in relay te satisfy its in- satiable maw. Tho suggestion made at the town council meeting that a lot ho purchased outeide tho cororate limite te serve as a dumping g- rund for refuse of sil kinds is a wise Ihought and shqulId b. oarried ÃŽioaeffeet. Lt was tpropoued. that a Vin *iraD IfLII9'S md ed along, the bukîof tbe Boiagog. Non', lb. Scugeg le net hy any mneana s protly stream, sud the uoorisry je, ai lis bost quiet sud unromafatie lu char- acier, and a protest shoulti ho entered againet the seattering of buge heape o! tin-Bcrap, baok yard scrapinge and vari- eus otier accumaulations, over wbai n'ould otherwie hosightly and pleas- irig stripa o! green sod.-Po8t. Wliitby Township Oouncil. The Conucil met ai tho Cenucil roem ou Monday la&t oursuant te adjourument. Ail the. members preecut. Reeve lu the chair. The minutes o! lait meeting were read and approveti. Mr. Michael Coffey appeareti before the Council re petition for &id in paying Dr. Starr's account. Mr. Wilson gave notice that h. n'ould, at dis next meeting ofet ti.ocncil, movs for leave te introddce a hy-law te appoint pathmnasters, fencs-viewers, sud pound keepers'for ibis mu.iipality for the pros- eut year. Mir. Wilson. seonadt by Mr. Calder, mnovas tlest the Reeve ho anti la hersby authorisedt t grant hie order on the Treas- urer lu favor et Patrick Ooffey for $1.80 beiu<q au overoharge lu asseasmnt rol.- Carrasti. Mr. Willis, socoudeti by Mr. Wilson, moves ihat dis Reeve grant bis ordeir nu the Tressurer lu fayot of Dr. 8 tarir for $35 for medical attendauce te Michael 0 effey lu full to date.-Carried Ou motion the reeve lfti the chair for oue heur. Council resumsd. Ail dis membors preseut. Mm. WilIia, soondeti by Mr. Calder moves for leave Wo introduce a by-law te previde fer tic division of tuis municipali±y auto rosti divisions for the perfurunance of statuts labor, sud tiat ths same be non' rcad a firat imue. By-law resd a firet aud cf disw bols ou tue by-iaw. Committoe rose, reported. pr groe, sud asketi leuve te ait again, Mr. Witton lu the chair. Mr. Medland, escendeti by, Mr: Wilson, moved fÏ\ lea&ve to introduce a by-baw tuo regulate the performance o! stinte laber iu the municipality o! the Township of Whîtby, sud to repeal by-law No. 692, sud test the sanie be now reati a firet tdm.- Camied. The by-law passed its seveiral readingsansd carmueti, Mr. (Jald er ini die chair. Mr. Medland, secoondeti by Mr. Wilson, mevedt tsthdi tender of S. M. Newton ci tbe Gazette otce, Whîiby for the priutiug for the Municipality ot the Township ci Whlitby for the year 188, fer dis suni aio 833 .75, b. ant inauhereby scoeptet.--Oarri- eti. On motion o! Wm. Ro ar, Mns. Mensgb, sud Wm. Kirkland were aslIon'd a rebate cf $1.00 esci ou dog tax. Ou motienof Mr. Willia, secontiet by Mr. Caîder, the Rîeeve wss autiioriedti graul bise rder on the. Teaurer, lu avor of s number o! acceunts smonung to Mr. Calier, seSoutict by Mr. Wilhus, mev. ed tibs, lhe Reete graul bi&s o'rcron the Treauror ini fate: oe AIez. Wilson far $2.44, beiug a refutiof $1 on deg tax »d 81-44 on pesnal pr ytax e! James Ferioug, ho ating latithe conty-Oarmi. cd. Mr. Wlllis, secoudot by Mr. (Jalder, moved ihatt lâ. auditoirs' repart bs roccived, andt laItich report b. *atish hereby final- ty audthet anti ado'>lod, andi that they be paiti the.sumO! 01 ôesor-Oarrhod. Mr. Caldar. secondeti by A-Wilson, meV- cd Ihat thé. Tressair adlew the callotox lte sm of $14M2, béing taxes pcoileot- abIq as per sttment of eolleoo--Cud. on Motion counehl atjouru diememet i 1,p. m.n thfzslK oidaytu Mazch. lng -orang.e.But, there us eomuethlng tUi rigtl naedGolden, and èau- b. ta with boefit ai ny heur ÇP!thtlA'da;7.' is Dr. Pierco's Golden Uina1 Dasoo*u iiterailyworth hie weight id goid to any eaffering wlth serofulous adecthoo unI iltes o! the blood, or diseasea o! th,% 1 and, IuUge. Lt ha i.Uufàwag. By drugý Aranements are bcintg muidetaa to the people of Montteai a by-;fbw pr > system.I. h s expeotiftd te p*is h opposition. 0ftr. Thcm la 0bàp1u~ That is te say, your lunge. Ais80e4ail breatliing xnachineity. 'Very Wouàdo'c ebinery ilt i. . Noti Ã"ly the larger airý sages, but the thÃ"ueand O! uitie tu1'ei cavities leadiug f reon tiem. Whezi diese are clogged aud choked matter which ought net te be thers, lunga cannot haîf do their work. And they"de, they c'annet de well. cal i t coldt oough, croup, pueumi eatarrh, consumption er auy cf thei. il o! thrôat and nose sud heati and lInn structieus, all are bati. Ail ought te bi titi of. There ie juet eue sure way 1W rid o! theni. That is te take Boas German Slyrup, wb.ieh any druggist wi]] yen at 75 cents a bottle. Even if el thing else haid failed yon, yeun may del upon this fer certain. Since Oqufederation the aum G!#21, 224,55 has been expeuded by the. Dosaf on military works and mnlitia. CýONSUMPTION CURE»." Afteotlons, misacapositive- and raGSo.IcUro for Nervous Dehility and a&U Nervff ouq(r. plaints, attor havmng tested itarn wonidul curative powors in thouisandscf seha felt it hie duty te make h known'to 'his suffering fellows. Âctuated by tbis miotive sud a desire te relieve humma sufterhzg, I w i end tfree of oharge, te ai) wheir#ddui, this recipe, in German, French or KngoLh with fuil direction a for preparlng- and uning, Sont by mail by adredng whth- atamp, naminiz this paper, W. A. Notas,14i9 Pol. er'a Blockc, BochesteW. N. Y. Mrs. NichnIls, cf Paterbore', bas'forward- ed $1,500 cash owards the Queens Jubiiee endowment fund. National Pille pêr if y the Blood. -regulate Stomach, Liver aznd Bowe. The investiigatioa into the alleged dynam- ite cage lu Chathami lapregresuing. Its th-,usoànds of cures are the boit .md- vertisement for D:. Sage'e Catarrh Rernedy. [t ie proposed to build a new bridge acroas the iRidd~au Canal at Ottawa. Dr. Low'a@ Worm Syrup toil remote worms and cause, quwcerthon a"y et/uer Mnedicine. Lieut.-Gov. Dewdney is in Ottawa dis- cussing the question cf Indian supplies, Perfection at last is f ound in that saqui- site Perfume, "Lotus o! the Nile.»e There were 49 ScotÂct oonvittiom n Braniford in the lait quarter. .4- 0111d. To aIl who are snffering frorn the encre and indiecretions cf yontho, nervosa"a- ss, eari ydocay, lose of rnsnhood, &o., I will q=n a reoipe thal will cuire yeu, FREE 0F CEARGE. mhe greatremedy wus diaoovered by a rnussuoxary in ou America. Send a self-addreued euve1oî to the Rev. Josaps T. Inx<x., 8aio » New York c Uv. ONE HUNDRED TEÂDCHMER! NOTICE :-Ie herey given that the Suyder Business Colege Âasoi&tion of Ontario <Limited> have authorized ths following Coieoges W ,prepare, -Ue liundred Touchers, for their tarit us Basiness Coieges and shorthand lu- suitutea, being establishod thronghout the Province o! Ontario. Permanent positions azd handeomze 1salaies wUIlb. paîd te alsucoesôfal graduates. E very YO7=9 Lanma W==a deairiug to preparê ss a teacher, or for r the mauy positions oftered ti> shertw 3 bandera, Bookkeepers, peumoneuê u-. Ofilce Assitants, etc.; or desurot o >. obtainug a thorcugh Sliorthand, Courn mercial, or Profeeçional- Tring r ehontd'attend ene o! tille.Cohlegeus. Te those wliose educaton wua ne. gleoted when yeuuag lpeciai aud frao-, ti ela dvautages are ogere ;-NIoteitao addroauea ana attend neote-a- wa ares allewed 8tiidents frouisa distauee-Oircalaraetc., frbonaPàPli- cathon s Write at onoe te any of tii. lollow- TOROIqTOBUSIESB COLLB -GR BBÀNTFOiW8" O1 Y.-M 0. 1. Block, Bribfrd,-Ã"ni eýALT 31781NE88 COL, a s s for InfantS nnd CIop"lcre.i C.s»toiais sowefladaPted to cbfldr that Oa0oiIa cmreB Colle, Constipation, [reloinrendIt ae superior toany prescription Sour Stomflch, Diarrhoea, Eruictatien. JMO taInes ]L XAmm, M D. KmWor*ist gives sleep, and promotOS CHO 1» o.OxlordSLetBoukya, l#. ont uis acm TaS CmNTÀua ComPÂNv, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. ARCADE, TORONTO. A Bchool Thorougbly BqUipped for Business Training. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSIIIP, BUSINESS COR15ESPONDENCE, BUSINESS AR1TUMETIC, SHORTHÂND AND TYPE-WRITING PRACTICALLY LAW?, TAUGHT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Sènd for Circular. &address. C. O'DEA , Secretary. .4Positive Ourea A Painless Cure. ]FÂCTS FOR MIEN 0IF L ÂGES. THE GEil r T E,4LTH RErEgrER, Marvel of kmainq, and Kohinoor of Medicines, the terlble ceonnequuences of Indscretiofl, Exposnre and Ovcrwork. Who are broken <lown froin the effecýe of tabuse wlf find Lni No. 8 a radical cure for nervouS debilty, oga.c akucssi i OutLt.y vital losses. etc. SyMpToUs Vol% WmICENo. 8SI0ULD BE usRD.-Want of energy, vertigo, waût of plirPoO, dimness of sight, aversion to society, ipant of confidence, avoidalceof conversation, desire for solitude, Ilstssness and inability to ix the attention on a particular subject, eowardice, depression of spirits, giddiness, loas of memuory, excitabllty of teniper, sper. znatorrhoea, or boss of the semninal fluid-tbe result of self -abuse or marital excese-impe- tency, innutrition, emaciation, barrenness, palpitation of the heart, bysteric feelings in feinaleq, rembling, inelaticholy, disttirblng dreamu, etc., are all symptomu etf tis terrible habit, oft,-ntimues innoceiltly acquired. In short. the spring. of vital force baving lest its tension, * very unaction wanes in cousequence. Scientiflo 'writers ai d the superintenddents of insitLne asylttntsunuite in ascribi.ng to the ef.acts cf -self-abuse the great znajority of 'wasted liveî which corne under ttkeir notice. If you are incempetent for the arduons duties of btusi iiAs, inca.pacltated for the enjoymerits et lite, No. 8 offers an escape froni the effects cf earlyv vce If yen are advanced in years, No. 8 will give yeni full viger and strengtb. If von are broken down, physically and moralyX froni early indliscretion, the reault 'o! ignorance and !olIy, send your addrese sand 10 cents in etamps for M. V. LuBoN's Treiâtisein Book Formi on Diseses of Man. Seaed qnd secure from observation. ÂAddresa&Il ec,'mmunicationa to ML V. LUJBNe 47 WeIlngton Su En, Toronto. A Man withoiit wisdom lives in a fool's paradise. CURES CUARAIITEED. HEAL TH1E 510K. _A Permanent Cure. > A EDO as a n Cure.. j- - H CD Q F-i Wit)i Patenùt Fire-Raox k rvl ing goku wÃŽth ooalI. t ep fire aimnglt ed The treatment -of!many tbousands cf cas"~ of those chromoc weakneses& and distreshn alimenta pecullar to femaiea, at the Invalluis Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. y., lias afforded a vast experience ln ni.cely adapt_ lng and thoreughly tbating remnedies for the cure et womanos pculiar maladies. Dr. Piercoe5 Favorite Prescription la the outgrowrth, or resuit, of this great and valuable experlence. Thousands ef te8tino. niais, recelved from patients*and from phy8i.. clans who have tested it in the more aggra. vated and obstinate cases which bad baflMed their ekili, prove it te be the Mnost wonderful remedy ever devised for the relief and cure or Sufferingwomuen. It is net recommended as a oscureall,' but as a most perfect Specific for woman'i peculiar alimenta. As a powerfulni ivigoratiuig tonie, It lmparts strengtU to the whole systeun, and te the womb and its appendages in Rartidûiar. Froverwerked, 6w en-ut,"* dreasmakcers, seamatreasea, "shop-glrle Il hou8e- keepers, nurslg otl4ers, and feeble women gnerally, D"r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription grthe greateat erhly boon, belng unequaled as an appetizing cordial aud restorative. tonte. As a soothing ani strengthening nervine " Favorite Prescriptien"~ la une- qualed ana la invaluable In alluuylng atl euh- duin nervous excitability, lrrtablty. ex- haUon, prostration, hysteria, sR~amsand other dlstressing, ner vous .sympMocoin- menly attendant upen functional and orgaulo disease of the womb. It induces refreshiug sleep sud relieves mental anxtty and de. spodency. Dr. Piere's Favorite Prescription is a le gitimate medicine, carefully compounde'd by "a experienced snd ekiliful phsclan,1 and adapted te woman's delicate organiain It la purely vegetable in its composition and perfectly liariess in its effects iu any condition cf the 53 steni. For merniug sickuesa, or nausea, from whatever cause arising. weak stomach, indigestion, dys. pepsia and kindred symptoms, its use, iu small doses, wil prove very beneficiat 66Favorite Pretgcription)9 a post, tive ci .k-o for the inost t.oinpliOpatvcb and ob- stinate cases of leucorriiea, excesslive fiowing., painfuil rmestriietion, uuniiti:ri suppressione% *prolaps we. or fa i i of -, hev ot )ub, xveak back . 'fernale ~fkI5, lt esoretroversion, boarlng-down sý,nsatîis, eL,&aie ogsin inflamumation anu ùci-tiol ef Lhe- womb,.ln. flammnation, paiu nd in oî.~ u varies, accompaniod with "' iterna' ! lleaL" As a rogulator ad ircuoter of funo. tienal actiou. ut that c*i icul period of change from glrlh)o-d lte o iILikîod, -Favorite Pire. seription " is a perfqctb',y safe reniedial agent and can produce onIy good resûIts. It tg equaHlyefiicacious and valuable iu ita effecta wheu takea for those- disorders and -derange. monts incident te that later and ineet criticai pqriod, known as "The Change o! ýLite." "6Favorite Prescription,') when taken Iu connection wlth the use o! Dr. Mêmres Golden Medical DiÉeovery. aud iamail laxative doses ef Dr. Pieroe's Purgativýe Pellets (Little INiver Pilla), cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder disessea. Their combinedl use alao removes blood talute, affd abolishes canoerous andI crofulous humera froem the systeni. 6Favorite Prescription»ý5 la. the ouly medicine for women, aold by drugglsts, under a positive guaraetce, from the mianu- facturera, that It wl) give satisfaction lu every case or money wiib be retunded. This guaran. tee bas been priuted on the bttle-wrapoe and faltbfully carried out for many yeszu Large bottles (0 doses $1#0% or six botties for $5.00. For large, lllustrated Toeatise on »isessgf conta lu fiam ' dre Wdod is Dispnsary os Mià 6" imlain t, IT1FAXÉ% se B3LUE ýýRIBBON0 HALIFAX, NOYA SCOTIA.; SUPERIQIR TO Ali! SHOULD USE NOOTHER. loug lauetof sa $ado'n tho Repu Lu lb. Low r which wadeli Publ.icanuncsa '020 six Dernoerats, -an, who,to, l -Mr. Wb ite li week the HIoua nutaber cf pe listened tl e se unimportant pi paid consideral of Columbiajlm two d4ie.gýee< President's a Riddlobergew bh tain fastidious ing-to give his' tradition treat exefuive bas*r generèl. 3 Speeches likt week incinde E Bock on intom age ; en'tr educational buf dian dlaims, am In thecou tariff speech he a free trader, bu issue. He si foumid it noeces * cratie proteéi Jersey sud Co1 doute--mesage maessagêr, but a document, whi it would ho unq Miss Sasan a at of oach bas been bore for a grestii womnen le ho ÃŽ nine about the On Tueosys and sddrosso Com*mittee in The Districi bigbrosd te-p ment o! ibsi e lime if <Jonere askod te do hn bas juti repor ing i ula'ft Citie o!fWael ho bel, gainhi on the resuui'. raecof hergs any kind, or. test of a nykiî povisions of Cailben eï m r ore m a upon tii. or eroseti 1 14 FRUNI~ TO N.E.-~NeQuUta.tioi / *c1T~~ V 's i s. s - * e' a * ~ 1'? * .$ t~ t~ B a a $ w - a je. f . e #am imfilt* ýhàc'- 1»en, ae»Oallý- 1 e '4 . a à à

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