Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1888, p. 7

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"-or" ~aahunor. huidl ifor the 1dieâ. t f~. f T~O151 f~il I E I q I E t I of oey getîng a nov sealekin cloak bile Penetock kopt bis féee for baîf a - inter." minute in~ a deoSant manuer, sud lhe Thoro vas a heshed disicussion in a hall vas an quI.ibalhs Truase Pull. hotel tue ottier nigit. IIbel yod air.", back'a Waterbury vahtoi couid be fsaid oeo of the. disputants, titers ia e isoard jviug tie edock for beinog four lav made but vial &bd ~people change." minutes Blow. Thon the Revar.nd "Yes tüorq is," ssud a noworner; tiere eank back inaré tremble, eîoped is eyss, la one 1mw whab ne in-no peuple eau sud recovensd conscieumutes euiy asifr change. WiaI lie i. A motiier in-law. Giveadatu Joues had ssrned hlm Ont Tnamp-"Cau you Rive me à bites o on tie lauding of tb. allsy sMaire. *at madait P Womau -"I eau give ACCEPTE».11 some old m.ist But if. you'ili plit The reooiph ef au invitation tb lis euougb i'ood for me t0 make a firs vîti Cern Rsalera' aunai bail. 10 be given V'il vana iti up for you." Trarnp-"'Yon at Auburn Hlall, Auburn, N. Y., vas sare, vsry kind, madam ; but I woulda's ainionui.d, sud after som*s diusion hiLunk of puîîing yen &0 aIU liaItrouble. î ndîge'Leehiavar Jackson aid col. .0.. (*îvs àit bme eold. hrb ., aisere selécted as deiegate A iitîiegirl *vies.baby brotheir bad te attend. >Tisas gsenou,î are ai. jil tarrivedusked vby he didn't some peienond oor.reaates, hbsviu*g been dàown lebreoakfaâst. On beingsold Ibail lie mesua of rosasing 400 buiaiel sta h., iadn!g any lestb thoutsait wlîb, abs Ione liai.ins a arn.sud tiey viii.reach moeritalsd aviile, aud rpi4".lIlAbn isre olthes oÛ., Oreden- wiab you son-id sake bim bsh bik . liais yul ooompsey hou, audIto uard *deotor sud tell lim hoflisi biu." aauisîliposîtion, Ibese, eredentiails Couasel <(oio îeis.) -"iare you toc sienîd k a, aked forï. 'fieAuburn quainled witb tba prisuer Y"' Witiîu esaPole ans askedt10"' *es i ee -ttCertainiy. W. onoe vorked' t>. aboard sfreighî train af«le bâbAil gether luns aiL" uanasi -*-And Over. wbea vae st t ,'Wuu.ss-"bu8 VO? O? nuOLPI. ëooock cee moruing 1-ainu, viien IThe Seoriatsny Iunre4î oioI *mon. cf theailier :biîk ioffiiais ,vers Yickqhurg, Misejau&tsy 20), prepeaI." Ceoutuel ae eno forthet B-rother Girdver: - -- '- - ipesions. dss1adlyÃ"~t Mosta b.- ou *I1 The saIs vere sxutaiing ois m7 vood-dsadyôta* a »-jèýjV sbs isumm<I, udlutmyaugt îbsw pepauah4lttles", a forfy dollar pafr of opera glastsp aI in upPU be persome of lys*lalgwIM old 'tom ibal vae par.nbilsn olo7. elia bbe,*ssulâma 4iiiiu@walotA~Q And yon raiuusd lthe gsme 1 Isuppo».?bers ofI hi »$f.-M*Ou6, Tes but 1did't caind',th&L.1 I M -titbe~y t dtt ô:he the 0&&. *tuu - tram 4bé *S~ 50YSI mto~td ies. 10' bunp I à,h good mollo fors lmea<'l' von~ Ihat en'is seL Wbere WuAs dam 1,g ug ,ilbe vas b bil8Utb yoaSr t ise uun f. 1 V44W "w-- ---- i 1.8ahonuLd lîkal . th oüinyunaof$P Whou dosea stailor serve bis ouatom. rar omm.,» a Ira 1Wr? Wà.u h. gives hem flits. The levo,, 1pis tcli ld bo favoursd Li The beat mochbriQ Inu hO WOrld Oau'h butrlals, sud hW100e00 upon the man ' naàke a pair of boots liaI areAUaI rigit. wbo didal as a ie& ens. the >)ns of hem are bound 10 b. loft. - Eider *Toot8 hb Dot b.d. lime tecar' Yolaqnk, dear inquirer, ile lian. malte ap bh i md.He b.d buried K puage in whîoii the train-meaon CA out. four vives witbout knoving viietier it J kbe stations. vwu obeaper*o erêate %han to- ory, dud Tii.felow ie nvesad is aitbut aboula, post bituself beore buwqiag sut Thol la W h a one qurry mdphieolet four more. iog blrinastoed bopes. dpmony 1Pickles BSmitb vanted to b. bt*ied sic out of hisbe dbps- under a persimmon Ire. vien he died, aidg "sWiat is lie malter vith tb. baby, ansd if tua is ii as not earried outi n oin P "Dunno, Misi; but I îbink i11 somo on. vonld be bauuîed. me nuet be the. yell.r fever." Rise Up Joinston iad #son eood ail Kil if a mnu au be oalled s social lion h ise1f., ovinst o hoe Wh icýîeof fuel, uni why os'I a voman be oalîsd a sootal andthue ides oV*Warming h1i up afler 1120 logeeas? We pava foras reply. dealb vas ratier pleasauti . Heb.d Y0 A labor vriter aaka: "Wbah luxury often thoughî iadeà must. b. a nicesid~ eau lie common ditci dîgger laim As place, oving te tie good fine alvays ItrD hies own ? Dear, m'nubhe au take hie maintained iu th. .10vO. Lit pick. Sir. Isaace Walpole iad but fo.w oonso- An ogg of the great sali vas soîd lu lations in bis old &ge. Que of 'them [ondon for 190 gainse. Of course il vas te keop green tie last resting place wue eold Atai ntion. of lie vile vie hadligoue band in baud viti him- for uearly heM a cofilury vu If there je any pereon wio vante before boinug alled to tie other shore. tii copyright il le bis oditor. Be mnch Samuel iShin b.d form.d no opinion. the sopy wroug àis vius varng Out bis AUl be knev wibs that turnipa vers hon 10 lie,- cents a busiel bigicu! than lest vinter, &an Rov. D. Nevtoc bas been preaching sud if i. aîtarved 10 deati before apriug 7o about lie "davu of universal peace." be did net cane viiether they burned, jili He bas probably found a sure plan of buried or used bis body for a hitebing- getting people 10 ,abut the door." post. ",Pajpa, wby do they eall a railros.d Giveadain Joues feitthliahoheuva train abse ?" Becanse ià bakes tire. or vioked n, suad ho made uo pretênce TE four mon to manage ber, my son" re- 10 sentiment, but if ho ever consigned piied Mr. Dawdle, glaring tovards bis lie body of oua of hie friande to lie vif,. flaines ho boped bo be etrok down by ,&Oh, Tommy, bal vas abominable a boit of ligitning as big as A Iamp. -qu in yo te cest yonr 9aters share ofths poSi. oBrmmes olwd al cake. uWhy," said Tommy, "1didn't Sovenal o rmmesfloeed yonL tel me ma, liaI I Waalalways &0 gensral1y leaning tovards tie burial of Iri take be Part ? the d suad thePresident finally 0co hao erpat B aiad: m Detroit purpoaes to build a million-. "Gem'leu, il sr evideut dat dia club ve dollar hôtel. Il viii begin by seuring je opposed ho eremashun, sn' dis leIter of thi. clerk's dismond Pin sud building viii b. anavoned to dat effi'ck. Ws ori aronind it. viii not, boweber. condetun cremarihun. mi After ehurcià; Spoggs-Waa il ual It savea buyin' lota in de gravoyard, su diagracoful, the. vsy in vbici Smiggs dos@ away wid caskele sud towbsîops. mi auored in obnrch to-day:? Stugge-I as if de coroner aets de ides dat any- I, @boulad hink il vas. Why, lbe voke nus Im' is vrong sun vanta ho dig Up de Co aIl up. body au' hold su-inqust dar ain't ne bu If tbe peu ie reaUly migitierbia hie boàT tO die lai." G aword, vo vonder wby 18 dosent tura The 8-oetary lieu annonsd thie th on soins of ths posta sud alab bom 10 tofollOvin commuiction : trc dsath. WINCHESTRs, VA , Jsnuary 20.1888. tu Blobson vie nover go..oun or cornes BRaoTRa aGARDN-SiX ionorary du in vitiont faliing over u antique jar membens of your club at Ibi@s place bog i. or piece of bronze, persista in calling to inquiro if tiey mnay arrive in Detroit en hie v-if.'. collection 6"break your back." somo lime uoit moubh i vîbinouorb til 1 Pp, ske litleBoby MSwilignpossuma tho guarnîe a supper I. the te -twa eap, as d 1p.oblbP"M"Awiiligan, entire club P W. viii d.pend upon tleien "whi i arairoa Pol " " riLradclub ho lurnioh lhe sweeb pobaloes sud p pool, Joiinny," replied MeSvilligau, us eider. 'Possumt o ve.nover in botter bc viore &bey valer th. stoek. conditions in Qid Viginis. Iu coual. re Do yen beliove in luok my good min? Piug p you muet reekon four men for a il asked asuperotitioe lls Ilay of s tramp. ponsuin. How many @hall ve bring ? p, soi eaoaey liat I do, mam." roplied Ynmu yum, sud yours trnly, I the tramp, "because I neyer had any." ALSO JONES, aI Euglish traveller (ont West)-Wbat WRYFOBE DAVIS, îi la the palpalation of Pitolvili.?2 Native GIQ M BACK SCOTT, pi Oe, about four bundred in lie moruiug Coin. cf Arrangements. fil on an average, and lw.nty 10 lvwenby- "M1fisr Cha"nmran, a' -lis clubawgyms ti fuve aI nîgil. te put up viti snob a imoult S dat Il' Toacber-"OCorreet the sentence. 'The demandod Bev. Penhook sas ho sprsng liquor vhicb the.man bougbt vas 10 hia foot.d drapk."'" 8mart boy-t'The mnuwioi "What insuRl ?" bougbtth li qnor vas drunk." --De 'posutmnu,@ah. If de mein- Tue people of Buffalo offor 8100.000 berslof die club isvan't got beyoud 'O fo a - -o 9- 1f -&--pla - for ntLz n psun banqueta, don I shah tendeir 0 Mach bas beu vntteu sud sald about Luow to mako home happy. Tbheinoralisî and the preach r have backneyed Ibis thome nuJl lbvoldd aum nothing more remained tb be sud But the phboaophers bave gone far oui of thm va y aceount for lbe provalenoDf RiZ-4srto6cuples and unhappy hiomes, sud.,have over-iooked the, chue! cause. MLost of the unhappînsas of married life car b. ltraoed directly te 1h08. fuctlonal deragemeuts te whîclu Vomen ano mubject. ln aine Lassonet of tau the. irritable, dissétlfied and uuiiappy vif, in à sufferer trou> some "tomais complint"» A trial of Dr. Pierco's Favorite erre*tox viii roducesmore domnesüoe bappinesa Ibi amlonsermons or philosophli treases. Il cures ail ho.. eouia eau ansd ailmente inoidet hofime the onîv nWueo sold by d tirutgesunclar a positive- u-,&mute tuthe- Manufaturs, tiest il viîgive sataction in every case, or money vîi b. refuded. bes gusaaUms pniubed on wrappsr eucoeidug bottie. The. Epe s 578Ilta n umorsd lu vel- inbonned;iois tirat the. G,)eruiset 'la doeruuied, upou lte1taud seppsuomofc the Nahlouisl Lagie. éùéColit in lb.the a"L Oabaub-a1u>4 kinade4d ca ýrdens.- The. Basins (Vie.> Colle.. gyuiblu vas burued SMarday uigba; Ions flM. A ...~una 1maith aatn.ma ý ý fO lovigps 4 b.t~~ bieoun racimple of rai'os,,- .Watsrbary, ktoh sud "Chain, a eaus1tiÏô of à*. deao o-Ciib and $42I5 fagreenachs. r'ey,,Oi4 prosênt, hbaie epartmente .1 3ifotel De Kallaboose, sud Iheir rda bear their Dame*, J, Z illieoffer ily aul1 B. Juniper JPo1te, 'Détroit. Z Ilioroffer KellÏ .la itier on, thé le otder, beinga baial, aflgttar man, à w.aricg an éeelass and a stand- qoollar, vhile Mir. Polite le ratheir a ort man# vho vearsa abeaver sud le whiskere and bua sllght heeitanoy hie speech. The. question is-Osu emiers of the time.houunred Lime. n Club b.- treat6d îhasly and go iaveuged ? Sir, tbis malter demanda &oiy -ou immediate investigation on ar part, but a sentiment of righteone lignation from the breast of every me anfd riaht-minasd member of the nme-Kilu Club. Youre lruly, J. HOLDEM, Town Marehal. The roll of honorary membership as ooneultei, but it failed to show that ie men mentioned ver. members of i club. 1Tbae Secretary was inatrucîed return thanke to the Town Maîshbal, id 4,o tbrow ont a bint liat th. victime ere doubtless imposters wio were à9ly served. A New War Ship. lis GIERMAti RUI8ERIa ENE, REOEznTY PUT IN OuMMISSION. .We are uow prepared to, make ail kindsý of Woollen Goode, suoh as Tweeds, Full Oloth,- Union Flannels, Sheeting, Shirtigs, AJl-wiool bed -Jlankets, -Horse Bienkets, and Yarns in ail varieties and ail kinds -of Knitted-Goods 'kept ini stock for the accommodation of patrons. Dyeing ini ail colors done to order. Highest price paid for arny quantity of WooI. Milorderspromptly ffliled. wu D e BOWERMAN NO ENGLI HSTABLE 10 CON8IDERED COOPLETE WITHOUT ,e»ELUIMANSc a03 sPAInS cusEB, AND EPLINTS W Ma5 OV"E-U"OK8 CAPE EESzW% GAM.L8 FmS EKEKXATM 13niHommeS. Bloir 05ETERaTS .&3Ds fl<PLUENZA. 105 FOOT »,T. A"D 505E OUMURM amaEP SPECIMEN TESTIM!ONIAL&. Prom lRis Gralie the Duke of Rutlan4. "Belvofr, Grantham, Lee. t18 179. "81r,-BUlman'a Royal Embrocation la18e in my stables. 1. thtnk it very useful. "BUTLAID, Maste of Bolvoir Huitn U'oaste Weir, Ln&slon, Rierefordabire, "Dec. rd, 18M8 "(eentemen-I une the. Royal Embrocation In my stables eand kenneli. sand have tound It very servioeable. 1 have s.Iso naed the. reiversai 9mbrocation for lumbago and rheumatiam for the Isat Ivo years, aid. have suftered verylittie aince using At. ".H. Paies. Lieul.-QOL, Master 0f 2d Ssii l>y Ohzniste, iStoreo4 and 5adOalJB d 8bN,j 9 9uix L~c-:2 FOR KNONq A positive and radical ours for &Il MmN' weaknssses, howsvru es.Ipuec sud excesses f youth or oui age ylds Promptly b a heaithuicondictIon, by usng- Dr. Bell'. Medical Dlscovsery. Âlldrogls or by maiL aUoWe 10 cntinue tumora rornu ofsbeedand lc18A, bc 'oflIflY' 4 topseti tçbàngafl*d bleei iiycasu renove o thetumoms.Sent 4 ~4~4>bmalfbrqi e Mau $ Haow Ltt How ReIt.red ,I juel pnblisbod, a nov edaition- ot on the radical ~e rof Ssi.oo&oÂo 'n'o aff, y duced by 010088 Or -" nY mdbÃŽ- T h ý e e e ae a u th o r, l u I is a d m ir-' able esclearlydemonstrates 'tram tlry ye seoefu ptios, th.ht sirigcor seuo1e o riye ~ ua b. raiycsiycd ; Polaigon noeo by meane of whioh ev#rysuerrnom' ter vhat hie condition may bles nmai u himuself copypnttYai aicly SU-This lectur oe shuldb. e 1. a e1 every youtand every'mainu h. isnd Bou uner eal lua ansveop snam dr ea.i&paion, eeî o o Cents, or Ivo oatg ta .A, dieu Tlhe, CULVERIWELL MEDICALu, et D Re DOI-NWýENIYS, The German navy bas a nov se- aisition, in the cruiser Irone. The. bme 18 of a type hitherto not represeut. 1amoog its varions mon of var. The. ene bas an armored deck wiich je nsiderably vaulted and on the aides nch bolow the waterline. Sue bas ary bsautifoi forme, and in sharpnu fbuild does not yield to the fleet%-;t niger. fier dimensions are 103 7 eoters in length, 14 metera in breadtb üd 8 8 moets in deptb. The digplsee ient is approitimately 4 800 tons. The. reue vas bSUt by th. Viilkeu M-ichine ompany, Stettin, vbiob bas already udit several large. vessele foqr th. erman navy. The bull i. cf steel, sud se outer covering of steel je providod rom the keel npward 10, ono-third of a ieter above the vater lins witb a omble oovering of wood, whiob &"ain i noased in a skia of oopper, thum cabling lhe veesel tb romain a long ime in tropical waters witbont having odock. The armored dock divides the aterior of tb. vessel mbio s eparate irts. In the lover are the maehinery, Oilers, coal, sil ammunition. vater 'servoire aud part of th. provisions. m the upper part are, ini many oom. )artmeute, th. provisions of the com- ander, officers suddeew, s well s 611th tb.er requisitea nscessary for he vesse) sud tbe macbinery. A large roportion of the oompartmsnta are ied with coal, sud tic.. tmmediately_ ,>ncbing 1th. aides viti oork. The. Irene is provided wvili&Uahe modem- appliances for baking, eookiug, listilIiq#«, ait also with apparatua for making ico. She carrnes provisions sud rre8Lm vater t-) Ist for monthe, AIl the avbine are lig bîed by electritity, snd Dan, wheu neoessary, be hested with teatm. Grest contrifugal ventilatore provide for fresi air. às meaus cf propulsion the. Irons ba t-vo screva of five meotori;diamotor. The. bye engines are of 8.0»> hors. powe,aud will prog due a spWd ofl1812 knots. The. cos? bunkers bold 900 tous. Tha armement consises of 14 filteen osutimèber gunst, ezc.edinq'y vell plaoed. The. crow viii antober 820 mnu, more than 90 cf wiom are enginseprsud etokerp. The Irons cost $1,125,008, ezoluivtely of the armameut, vhi-ch viii ost 1175,000. RerL. re4 suC1 iJ4~i1,0X 'V N.A .àr% -J«.J A YY J.JJ,.i4..Pf~- A AT PRE XXNEER BPOIMRAEMÂD flVMý TBÂDIl A God ait. made taOrdr for$2(O A larofflstock of Sctgligh aad OaadmTweeds, Blak Worstode, A S""eiioof HAYTWEEBDS from50. 7à-conta oryad smitable 'for Business- Suits Ã"rBoswer A, FUJLL STOCK»'r GIOcER ALW&YS.;ON HAND. Highest market pric paid for Butter and Eggs. R~C~WE~W *BROOKLIN, ONT. WbIbLY WooI'nMIs IJidway between l3roo7cin and Coltsmbua, on the I WORX-P< Are pleassatto I Purgative, lu a mats, I ~..b,,n. .t vol-la F0 ~ VEUT BEST lana, flnniiewAa &a 7th Cnein à . .

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