Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1888, p. 4

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a B -à e * SPECTACLES. r-ÂND- EYE-GLASSES! REDUJCED IN PRICE. E.vory pair Guaranteed Sat-. isfactory or moncy Refunded. I l. huARD, MEDICAL HALL. ONLY Si oco PER ANNUM. Wbltby, Frday, Feb. 10Q, 1888. The.,Oril.isTimt - .thinks northeru Ontario shoulti have a represeutative in th. Outerlo cabinet, and ti i ay have somestrée nt a l argument, but it muet reusexber that there ie only on. Sinister ousI of Toronto.' There le no neet a-t Wsûr up eotloneà feeling, and Mr. Drury's friende ane only -weakening their cause by reaorfing Wo mmees in bis bebailf Ts» *gain te the week for, rumors of wu n u rope. Bassis wül not quit peepiug froub.hind ti. now drifle antid ehoving her t.eth, and Ausr" bas .agaged ,germany Wo back ber ini 1h. £ght Whou il ornes off, which il le likly, t do before 8.turday ight. If tiero bkno trouble Meis eek tisai viii zett!.ilt for a fortnigbt açain. The ouly thing about th. nov te &bat no penson eau t.11 vhat tbe quwsrel je about. Not kuowing the c.us.Fraooe, I[taly. ,Turkey and Graeoe ar e nutral, andth ie Sandwioh Islande and Ioeland ha" et tWb. heard from se bth stand &hey Ma.y te.. Jus nov le Globe si mba row, vils thse Linday Po#a4 Quiét Reformer, Wooastook Seutinet-Roview andi a nmber of other leadimg local reformn papers. Thea. local pmpers are doter- Sinedte W tick tW the pricciples of the party, asud, th. globe is bouud to, try lb. expenlusut of boy mauydifferent pollelea Il eau -proclalsu in six monthe. &.ready it bas - iade four distinct _îo.lthe 0sno« fl.v. Bèosuse lisse other paptes ill not stand Ibis shiffing aud ubiftluespolieyo th* 4Globe vanta Wo knov vwhéther the party vag.ils ta4le, or thie lala w«gthse Party. It meaus itseif for' the party snd the dissesnting Papena for theitlie. Theýtrottble about liserompus causissg80 zuauy journal@ tW baom ta#is ethsat1h. Party' vii HofW ie tbis for tbe Onllia tintes !fou* ot whovu, Ur Dryden, in a stock- tisale, " anikows l1111e &bout practical famuing; anothers Ur- Balleutyne, ia dairymabn, &ad prob*bly know eui, white lb. biird Khle.Awdrys la a pUbloa»$ Pure auds ample. Whioh c b..ba uyhn Ilkepriot4cal abllity?1 lit. Druryba.I a po47tfotio je gi yen. the member, for Hast S»aoie should have Il. Il le is by rlght."f 1 The l'imsu tespeakicg et: -he nov Portolio Os Minleler of agnlots1ur. Wb" h.il 0seui ter* for lt.he -l vers, for the Imse .besng. The Gonilo l Mtet, gnti.>'èvening. Tiser. vere preesl4 -he Mayor, andi Mèess Aunes, Boirne, Gibsono* Hart, Noble,, ftîledgev Soîtt, G. Y. Smitb, John Susilis and Whi&uey. The minutes cf làst meeting vers read anti confirsme A latter frous Mnr. Witlle, iendoning bis resignation as couneillor for tise somat arh a rstalec lise foliowing communications: Froin Mr. Oso. Cor- mach aiing for a- rebat. cf taxes on propert>' destroyeti by fire. Frein Mn. J.EB. Fareweli, ne- exemption frein taxes frein Oct, lut, 1887-i-on propert>' nov owueti b>'Martin M'nfg. Co. Frein Col. O'Donovau claiming .11ev- anc. for trocs plante.d. Frein Mn. H. D. Baker, Hailston, re establiabing a vhip factory in Marlin Oe premises. Mn. Jerome Sot introduceti a by- lav for the appointeut of a towu as- @ssor for 1888. Tise by-Iaw passeti threugh ltse various roadinge. Mr. Alez. Pienie wus appoinledi sesor sud Dscioc ins baier aI a salar>' of $90. Mr. F. floward Aunes, cha*irmàn,- brougist in a report frein the stading' commitîce on-printiug Msting tisai lu anawer for catie for tebtiers for thse lcwn prnting for yean ending final Monda>' in February, 1889, lhb.> bd necived on. frein Meusr. Henderson andi Gra- ham cf Tii. CRRoXIOL1 fol $60 anti one frei tise Gazette for $48. The commit- tee recommendodthie acceptarnce of lise latter. Tise report vas adopted vils- ont amendinent. Mr. G. Y. Smniths, reeve, brougist ini a report freinth. finance ooemittee. Tii. P'aie of lh. $8.500 vortb of consolldat.dl debenlunes anti $6080 Martin Co. de- bentureeataI&bout 99 cent@ on lb. dol- lar in being completd vitb a western boan compan>'. Tise folowing election amaonts ver. reoindil tob. paiti, Hugh Fraser, nonth wv $19; J . Bal Dow, centre yard, #$11 t' A. amoron, soutis vend, $20." y 4'Your committes reco mmen t hat in- asmo ua the town soicitor, Mn. J. E. Farewell bas bai a largo amnt cf ex- tra wonk, ovinog to tise bonueing, hoe be paidth le smmtof1#50 "ove bie saliy." The report'vae adopted. Mn. Wm. Burns reported lbh follow- lng aocounte frein tb. relief commilee., Jobn Newport, $8 25 ; B. B. -Blow, $1240; M. A. Rcuck, $2750; Bicis bardl Snov, $19 ; Crawfenth & Deve- reil, $5; Yeoman Gibson, $16. Tise ac ceunIe vere passeti. Mr. Wm. Noble neponlei fromlise etreels anti imprevements commiltee tisaI lise>' oulti reqUire for cornent Main Streels...........$ 1600 Norths ved............. 400 Centre ward............ 400 Set yard............ 250 Base-ln......200 Bide lie ...........800 $8150 Tise ,ommittee vanteti aulhority te ativertise. for tenders for thse neocsar>' lmner anti scantling &asefor lên corda cf rabbi. atone te be delîvereti on Brook sîreet, nortb cf Dundee sIreel. Hateis &Brother ..-..5657 B. R lu-----12 57 Reeve-Bmitb, seniègdotib>' Mr.Jobn Smith, move thé-ise coplanoe of Air. Wiilis' resignation. Garniti. .l Reevo 8uith, seonlded b>' Mn. John Siitks.,moveti rfereuce of oommnnié. calions as foliovs-O,o. oroaoJ B. PauswellaiuiH.LD.- Bekor's le Finance oo mitle, C!OL Donovap te prop.nty oousaillee. Reeve Smith, eod byept. reovollledge movadthe i olleter continu. 51. o dos suad retu tise mcl aI «a cn! a dàa Oba.- ariled. The. Greenvooti oaêrneulil ling Co. bÏe. bogonu -worlc. ,Au- xpenlencet rnllIeu'f e eptoyet d.. fint cla. wùrk' Ti.Mathodisîe inierary, helti laut Aller teallb.thehalli he-part>' repai"e té theo,-,hurch where àa programme of oulhome and atidressos vu preseae. Âddresees vere gigo by the Rýýevu. Norraan, Reel, sud- Cameron. Thse musie wa. furnisheti yb' . alent sd Greenwooti choir. Proceede oven $40. It laour painful dat>' te anomce tb. desh cf Mr. Wm».Ocone. The de- oeaned gentleman ha een an iUirld (or a long lime. W. are gla to te b.able W t to iai h tise concert given by 1h. Litt.rary80. ciel>' on Jan. 24tb, vas a complet. sue,- ceas. The. receipte amounted to tw.naty six dollars%. The following programmne vas rondered et th. meeting of ^lb. Society' Isat Frida>' evening :-Solo, Mins L. Coone ; reading, Miss M. Kerr; solo, Miss M. DeLury ; duels, Miss 0. Rickingbotham, Miss La. bMTatijet; duel, Mise 0. Eiokingbottom, Misse; ]Frimble ; reading, MisesB. - Fritrble ; atidros, e, ft, M. Bowen. At the. neit meeting ther. viII W* debaté e on>tub subject.-",Beaolved thatthlb. slonies of winter are wonse than thosre of summer."9 COLUMBUS. W. are pleasedto bse>' Mr. Wm. Blight who hua paased through a very severe ex- perienie of leck-jaw is doing well snd able tb go &bout &gain. The uerai cf the 1.1. Mrs. Wm. Ormis- ton took place on Tuesday lastquite a large concourse of frienda and acquaintancea were in atteudance. The deceaaed waain her 91at year and enjoyed &aU her sensea to th. lut. The annuel soir.. of the Preabyterian churob which came off laut Tueeday aven- ing bronght out a large crowd. An excel- lent tes wes served as usual iu the base- ment afler which th. chair was taken by the 11ev. J. A. Oarmlchaol th. pastor of lh. congregation and every available seat in due lime occupied. On the platform were the 11ev. Mr. MoLuaen cf Bani8aiIlen sud 11ev. G. M. MiLlilgan of old 86W. Andrews To- ronto who gave the lecture of th. evemng on "Rambles iu Sootland." The. following evening a social for lhe S. S. was held wftb. a hle ttffdance ci the young. Afler tea th. chair vwu agaîn takeu by Mr. astor and the chutais oomfortebîy filetj aû- but tb. galiery. The. speakers for the occasion vèe. Mesure. Wm. Smith M. P.. Jno. Dry- den M. P. P., and 11ev. Mr. Phelpe, lh. former taking for hie stubjeol. '«Notes from ltf.efo8ir Waller Scott," seeking tW .iraw lessona from hie lndualry, int.grity anud patriollstu. The Methodiet choir from Rni*iien furniahed choir music for tb. final evenlng, earning th. commeuda lion cf a&l present, for the second evening some choice.soleollons were nerspersed by Mime Ketchen of Whitby, Mienss 811of Raglan, ansd chers. -The.proceeds amount- ed te about $ t67. CLRXNT. The children of the Methodisi Sabbath achool held a very soceseful concert Tues- day evenlng. The lengthy programme was rendered inlusnob a manner as Wo prevent ils belng ledions. The. mannestu wbich lb, chiliren performedti her npov p arts reflecte great credil upon thhirtralber Mrs. Hopper. Proceeds over $W0. Dr. Hotliday cf Toronto, a jovial looklng fellow, bas liecome a resideut of ti place ling pitceti out into a anow 1 drift justle- cause tie path-maslr don't do their dut>' Thesesapotso'uld be repaired al veittle expense. I would augRutesl liaI fa h-1 master expend a portion of lhe albnt.e labur on bis setion sufficient to keep lihe roati fiiigootishape. I aise think it woud. b. much botter te repair bati spots un roule aI once than ashow thexu d-be uthere for mentis, sometimea i adaueoecondition until il i. convenlient frl.p tmr ând a certain clam teovr:elutii road work. 1 arn o"!osto this roati vork bssinei but ,w e eroades a,. keý>t Ump m Ibids way somnetbing should be dune, if lie path-masters en't find 'te bad spots the> wa botter -appoint aroad-nsastor of seme experince lelocale theçm. Tra4ing youwui g" liuereanarirsspaco imi your, valal aeI eia ounru1y, à&ad mirer ofgodods s r c VýERY CLO S E . S:7 GOI DIA' FJIIURES In order to make sure of a big redaction -in our winter.,Stock we have eut our figures- very close. We realize that it is A MATTER., Earrii The people must have winter goods while they will be of some use to them and we haver resolved to settie the matter at once by makin A Great ~Red oclion il' g Prîtoes On our Large Stock of BLANKETS, FURS, 1100DB, CLOUDS, SIIAWLS, WIN- CEYS, FLANNELS, DRESS GOODS, GLOVES, IIOSJERY, YAIRNS, &o. It is not a damaged stock, it is not shop worn, it is not a lire sale or a bankrupt'sale, or an emergency sale or a giving up business sale but it i A GENUINE To make room for new Gooda. Corne and See I::?o CLEARANCE rm. pistet for Bug"i Pies a $ROCK SALE,- .We need the room and must have it. ÇTs. 88 g3~Whitby Dry Goods C3-o- ro PRINGLE'S MERCHANT TAILORING for ORDERED OLOTHING, OYERCOA T& at ifA TL Y REDUC-m ED PRICES, MADE TO ORDER. J. R. PRINGLE." F. L. GREEN, L. MACKEY,1 GREE"«NWO)OD: OAT MEAL MILLINGiOO., G.REENWOOD.' Manufacturers of ail grades _of Oat MWa, Con ~Meal, Rolled Wheat, Split Peas,,Graham Flour, Oraoked Wheat, c- We have a first.clasa Millerafnd âa deterà'i~ed te turu ont. firet-las, meal. K*1Chopp coostautly ou bhaud.. - Chopping doue for 5 cents per two, bush. bag. We have the -beet ehop stone in tbe County. AÂ SpeoialtV mâde of exohangingoat meal for oats. * oats wsanted for whioh higliesî prie. wi 4ll ade. W. ask, your patronage. ORE-ENWOODGAÂTMEAL MLLI$~G,<JO. N. B. leur exobanged f'or Wheat,ùas usoual at Greýenwood ftoler Mils. I have ja put iu more relis-and other xnaolinery, ana. theFleur is batter,_ thn ve.-Hghst>iopadfor ç he 7 . IL-,GREEN. MSAT le OS E.mpo-rium. a- tva arrange Tàm macle 10- one tA oèuto a BURNS' OOLUMN. f(owGinO! -OUR ANNE"~L-~ WINTER 8LAUGHITER. To avoid oarrying oer eàgosW& have commence&. le sel thement I vole-. slprcea. Widà.awake people 2welsl& do wetIlte cal early,;befor theu mecs are acîd eut. lise. lie ai dl.> it ant Flànneliuoid, very w:arr, i Lined t'irougho6ut, high --Ài retail c . O1otIh Ir ýRl FlE Tisis-M s s cditi ativie vagitu cail Who are- euffeing, freinDyspepsis. Inu O caes eut of 10' medicinse do-,Ire, hara t han goo& and raller teinder than - belp nature. -- * le W THE TOD sa 11111e si>oob [ou'. does lise fitacts(?) W. Drary'is.botaon thse Tisse. W n.gardiuq hie fo1lio. -W. ara q a - - 4.. s . * s 4 e- , à à s s PRE SSING s - 0 0 a à - I w s- -, . 0 ýr9 . 1 0 . 9 . a IRO

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