Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Feb 1888, p. 3

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thoquetlO lbre.It xmiayb. o f use te o mpsrelut Ph 0ntsaio :- Kusasfor vaut .1 ueL. cuhoft at staie lu treelesu0 sudtwood lu nt te clmb. . er li sometitues used thbere for fuel,but lb. crop »a ams hsyear, msud1 ithe un snte gettiers ver. deëprived of thpt reacurce Agfainst tb. inclemODOY eOf the vinter lieathe. In mre counties the lubabitauts b.d nctliing to depend npoii but a scsuty amd uncertain suppiy cf ceai. Borne cf the hbadl te t ravel thirty, forty sudafifty miles to s rsiway station for ooal, only te find that there was noue te b. b.d. The roaa were worked te their utinost capacl±y fyet they could net suppiy mil who need fuel. lu eue place the cars vere stepped by the citizens, who vers ready te perlsh, and they belped themselves te shat they wsuted. bMany persons have been frozen te death, and msuy vho )4ave net sctuall1y perished with cola have endured great sufforing-Monol T<1Star." This had notbiug te do with the re- Cent "blizzards" in the west, referring t e a period two Weeke before îhey ~toccurred. The object of tbis leIter je le point outt lait vo'have been -briuging ourseivos down te tb. s»me le vol. SThorcugh examinstion bas brought ont the tact that, tbroughouî tb. older districts of Ontario, returms have been received from 160 township@ beeides thses poeonalIy examined, that at the prosent use about filteen yesrs will el- hanet the average upply ef firewood now standing. Kan sas lies close te hesvily wooded territories, and il; in on@ portion ilsoîf a wcoded Stte-a portion about ene- fifthcf its area. It hae wood &long its etreanw, sud lu about s eider Ontario would be were ber firewood elxhsumted, that le, there je much wood coutermu- oust but ils cardage makes il dearer than ceoi. The lesson le b. learned la that overy Ontario farmer sbould sither p reserve the busgh ho bas, which je bout don. ?by excin3ing catlle, Or plant a Sgood.boIt cf timber for bimueif. Borne are doiug this but net nearly eneugh in number. The cemiug sprirag oughlteo ueo a great demi doue in Planting. Yours truiy, R. W. Paîr>ps. Toronto Jâ*n. 27th, 1888. ,Washngton Letter t tram our regular corres3pon]dent) WASHINGTON$ Jan. Bl1t, 1888.-The nov broom bas alroady begon to swoep lu the Interîir Depaeltment, wtore cer- tain restrictionsi have besu imposed by Secretar>' Vils. Under Mr. Lamar sud oné et his predeceesors lb wui tho customn te admit visiter. e lbt.build- ing belveen tb. heurs cf 10 a. m. sud 2 p. m., but Mfr. Vilas bas placed the himit st 1 c'clook. Re bas takon anoîber departitre b>' aBunuiug that, in reoeiviug cailers, pretorencu viii be given te Sonsters acl muembers and emplojes ot tbe De- pantoieut.Hereteoore il bas been lb. tule &t the Pension OMie te excuse the clorba trcm dut>' st three oelock p. m. ou Balurd*je. Nov lb.>' are required le vwork until 4 p. m. the same as do lb. clerks in tb. othor bureaux ef the Department. Eçen lb. minutest de- lails ofdepartmoftlBiwork show evi. douces ot the change et beade, muoh Io the dlscomforture et Unole Sam's self- sljled "slaveo." At lb. PostI office Departrnbnt thinge are vorking emootl>, sud ne change in the. eld order lu perceptible. Blil yen noed net be surprlsed if l. teohanges in limaI branch et the Goverumelit er- vice are mor*. numeueuIn proportion Ihan ever bere..The pestoffice le the spoiseman's p*radime, and Mr. Dickin. 0- son is net se muet et a Mugvump ai Vls. Dickinson and Stevenson, hie fireI assistant, make a combinatioa that deligbts tho beouts of Dernçcratic poilticiaus. Tte Democralie Congresuien - trom tbe tebacce groving statos are requesi. ing lthe rornoval o et mtitician dodiee c tbe Agiulursi -Deparlment. Thti grievanco l8 that te overestirnated lb4 Kentucky tobaco o rop laut smro Mr. Dodge ls a Republicati who bui heid bis present position -tveutj-twi Et-Justice Slroug et the Unit.i States Supreme Court, questions lbi constitutiouslity oet1he Blair Educs hiouai bill, an4 expresses lb. oplulol thal bis viewvt ithoeetfbis format asseiates, nov ounlthe bonot. This:i a strong argument againsl the mesni sud wiil exorcise ne 11111e influence. As theseubject cf probibition le o» et espocial luloreut juet nov, I vi] mebtlon that Cougresuman Hayes, t Iova, bas placed bimeoif ou record fo l.tecond-timo in opposition te Ih cause. WtoCircuit Judgo lu-low hoe deolded thaI prohibition was uncor etitational, andhe Las Ibis veek rv fused ho preseulte oCongreosa a petitio from hie State praying for probibitio m thbe District ef Columbia. He dg olareà himýelt absointel>' opposed - prohibitionl on pinciplý, and thinhe Il Peope of Iwaare -n -eddling vhe lme>' attemplt te rce upon lthe dialvil legiiatioün l a malter that h. cml "ef m.roly loosieoouern. Tb" bbilliaul but'indolent mm-1 0. . Lsman,# h app*"reu#lj oyil 1h."ôrvnig onor cfbis lite. '1E lu peaeotlly reposlng upon 1h. testi wool sack whre hite lumbers wviii dislurbed-b>' lb.demnde of aunoji depatmebtal dutie e r- th. inceps imporluaitleo f tle. off.. ekerî., T -court oar*distribut, ai. patronage. *1 els.f r _u ---- _are &U-" mnotelià of otvatlIstallgay tejeu ? Iamn lh !anther et whal yen shoulad nominal 4$"Boulauger'a Match," wtich -I amn 4 10 understaud lu whsl joehonid (1684 uste in your couutry on.. grad oeas dt is no Bo P 19 To my ears il coee vory lutIle tr4 a- quently, asuven uay. that te, bear sul nt tbiug euse musical iu Ameries bc or "6Boulantzer's Match" sud "Whis Il ig Little Dickey Birds Bemark" lu lin r- potsble. Yt elits nothlng for aIl Ibose but 1 h~ ave my portrait translated jute brokf ii nglish, as eu e.@&,,mend publisbed i Of lb.h papers. Gannet your paper amui >r lu one grand diffioulty whiel hah lre 10e sal&inl a lsw it sh bllxah ne he au4hi qimTa A -- I On te lie tL. ic, BUBJEOT nom 1LITwR+aT LiGR.. Born. lime *go; in ordrlo aioui~". th. sentiments et leadîi lights in liierature sud other walkset lite, I wrote -te a large numbor of promninent. peeple askiug the feliowiug questions : Fîrst-Who is your favorite prose writer P Seood-Who lu jour favorite vée writer ? Third-Whal haiý rostorer has help- ed jeu Meut ? Fôurlba-Whal je jour opinion on in- teruational oopyrighs ?2 Fifth-Ksve jeu îhree or four dolar st band wtiacb yen are net using ? Sîith-Whasisle our opinion et capital puuaisbrnt?2 lSevesh-Whas would jeu de vith rasp-berry joli7 that weuid net jeil ? Most cf lites. questions efar have been iguered, bas a number et answers have alreadj arrived, sud I have col- iecied these whiob bear mostl>' on Ihe question et international copyright. I do net s>' tha& teY, seriousl>' aibemps te cover tb. ground, but theme lettoe show hew intenselj every ou.ebas beon aroused both hero sud abroad. Mr. Swinburne, in anever te lb.e letter referred te above, sajs briofi>' but tersoly : DiÂR SiR: 1 arn in recuipl cf jour circular letter iu whieh jeu ask me who my favorite prose sud verse writere are, aie my opinion eft1he in- ternational oepynight matter, what bocks have helpod me meut and whst beel le, do in mj opinion with joli> thal wili Dot jeli. Postpeuing mj anevers for lhe pre- sent lu mo far as the>' relate te, the other queries, I vil sy that I think a botter arrangement for international prolso- tien le authors betweeu Euglisb epeak- iug coonuries is neeessaty, pararnount sud &I pervadlng. The &meriosus, I nnderslsud, read my poeeo bnd lime baru, refuse le paj me a royalty qu lbom sud thon, te hbeap addisional shame and obioqu>' upon me, th.>' Dame Ihoir domestie animale aittr me. I had always believed lte Arnericas te, b. a vild and hairy, but generous ruce. I wus îsught sw regardtem s a people wbo wve them troensand stab knivea iu their bollegu, but- loved le, ee fait play ; but when 1 arn chisel- ed ont of my ready kopecks, and un- serupulous publishers on Ibis aide stand iu wlth Amrean bustiers te, omble my bran new Iragedy aoroes the Atlantio betore I eau aigu lb sud turu &round te spitsud thon emptasixe their bloody lusuit b>' obristening a Pércheron hors. lu Illinotis wùh my namerne ufull, I s»y' liat liueratare lu as > alow ebb in your ooutlUIy you are aIlesgle ueroaosud)ouMl o f Juiy sud starrybanner frteasd biooming brag, by 3oe.1Iasd no eider. ) 1sometirnes viot that I bail been 3bern vlth jusl barelî brains enouih for my ovu use. Yen osnet reatIy *uodersta*id boy il exhausstoee jeirk lh. lyre for ail oreation snd nol MONEY TO On Redl Ritale Mortgfg. intereet LOAN aI Loy Rate Appraiser for the Gana&a Loan sd Bavin& Go., sud agent for the Western Auurmà Co. OFFICE-Over Gerres la oekWbity COMMERCIAL IIOTEL, 56 Jarvis nt p Torotoi HARRY KEEBLE,# Proprietors TEM-1.00O-per Day.l WÂRM OOMS GOODTABL St4bing for 100 Hors... MaUy ria na Oustomers bsma "MM th k frtheir lberg unl a uthe put sd e ssretho ern t h mbeUte faclltssta ewfor eXeotzUU eders enUmtrubt hM.for Monuments, Hoedstone8, 8latser nd Marble manties, Ama ny other woà lun bis UMe. AUl Work sguarantweedSsas.Lprises nature. The human digestive apparatus li eue of thet oatmplicated aud wouderful thing lu existence. It is "Msl put out Of order. Gresy food, tough foi,uloýpy food, b.d cookezy, mental worry, late bours, irregular' habits, aud mauy otierthlngewhloh ougbt not toib11, bave made, the Aiîierioau péop1e " nation of dyspeptios. But Green's August Flower has doue, " wonfulU ork 1in reformng bis Bld business sud making the American people so healthy that they csu enjoy their mneâs and be bappy.1 Remeinher :-No happinege -wlthout, heaith. But Green's LugustFlower bringa health sud happluens to the dyspeptie. Ask your druggist for a bottie. Soenety-five cents. Samuel Singer, of roronto, wua robbed o! $26 while on the cam for -8t. Thomas, Sat- urday.1 Perfection . stluin lfouud lunthat fsiqul- site Perfume, "Lotus of the Nile.» Mr. Dlicknanmsjority lu the (Jatleton election onteust fobte up to 578. IMPOrtmat TO WorkSag X096 A.ýtisans, meehaios sud lahorlng men érqhliable te sudden accidents and injuries, as Weil as paluful cords, Bt 1ointa and lamenes.TIo a&H thuis troubledl we would reconmend Hgar'a Yellow 011, th. handy sud reliable pain cure for outward or internai use. A six huudred dollar fihe ooouxred ln Chatham Satuxday nmght. V OUNG MEN ouferlng from the offets cf 1 emrly evil habits, Uic resuit cf ignorance or folly, who find themeelves weak, nervOuS, s"d ehausted; abec MmiDLE ÂozD and OLD MIN, whc are broken down fron the effecti cf abuse ur over-wcrk, sud iu advanced id1e feel the conoueeces cf youthfal excese, seud for and READ UM. V. Lubcu's Treallue ou Dise"«e of Men. The book wili bernent sied te any orecei cf lwo Se -stamps. Âddresa D .TUBN, 4iweingtn un..Toronto. Mr Stener, a barrister, cf Virden, lmn. has dlppea. Vhen Baby wu utek, vs gave er Castoeia When &heovu a Cbild, &heoerled for Gestorla, Wwi s he bee missM, ahe clung bato trià, WI.u 0" WA C ikudztegave thoe Castoda, lor]'?e ic il, tvalvà sent iresonredio fsmpb FALL 000 JOHN 6.evelu... il 22 B4~~ Olerk 41t limeP"5s Flît lass' Fmi. for as 1 TO WNSHIP 0F WHITBY.-, gCod ouîbuildings, food orchard, .WeUl e»e" osud lu a spleni tt fclliln ThÎis properybigsi.7djilolie the-eorpeital#e sudwitliiù,aam=ne aud a quarter of ltovu, ii-poussesm , i>'a?" tueos for, lb. purchaaer. -Will b .a ORBAMBB4p#ljrDÂN, poru talr, Wb.ltby, London :a-nd La'nc-a8hiro. Life Company. of Life polio>', sud bau depo.àited vitheb. Beceivor General lu approvçc - Cansadla. securities over 0100.00 foi euoh, 1100.00> 0f HalbiUty, thus affording ABSOLUTU -se.- *i il Lu lot6heir - a-yomtag cesi th.uer.g befoâre- uunng elsavhere, JOHN FÂ&BQU,ÙÉEROR, Wbilby, May' 18, 86. -Iy LI~ 18 BHOWING àa iBBOR STOK OP? Scotch, English Ana other -fine Unes ef Clc ms.a p np l l and Canadian Tweeds, 'Othe, for Bpring mitle. ÂH gsmentus test style on shorteul notice. Ready-made Men's end Boy8s' 8ulta, 6ents' Purilingesud Undero/othlng of dil Kind8o HAITS 1T HATS HAS La""l sylea ini Hadand Sftf it HaiYb3YOEP JOUX FEUG»USONY Dunas fi,.,Whiîlby COIISIDgER #YCUýR 'OCKET Don't be led away by hiing adwtisexnouiebut Sa a TEBIRAZIL&AN _WARERlOU8BE ani& me.for yourseves Iai we are':eseing Orookeryaa & oswaz&a4t ana mu et for)Cashor Produce. White QGianite Te& Seita, ý44 ýiee sj st #,00>er el, airdome olored Teêp Selle, 44, piaes, *1 $&O>pzsl Fine Chbina Tes Be9e,44 pisoos, aI $4.60 prsel Ba ott><Ihi*- ored hlbe Seitapiest ai1650' péret éti, astd Maas Ohina ad. Oasrearrivin every week leavy Glass umblera 510ï, -per e "ls Gheta 60e. per dozen, o~iamtw. ýa wteý terliL Our family grboeiea ar e .beetëà&nàplhe chùý,,p aaf japhn teu a alio. per Ibë"i* o Ifdl SOc, R bliéye.$$, or tbe ciminal, hoth toglti.r, »-aP lthe . . woi revardsetfbis actema $0se whereverbhe -shahl go le, vbether Indiaskimemoun- tains or (}reenlsud's coral uatrandue, ., some one bas said, be shal net me.cape, but ho rewaSrded or punithed se mOebh lu eue ceunI>'as lbe citer, vimther ho simaîl steal a bank nationale ut vvile a poêmi my march lu moIi long vimat we §all-i I rjoio~meu fiplrate ebe vt' body àh&Ilvhie il t or p tia'ilr t.nallemark4n.% tilatteri~W SUITS. FE RGUSONf av.e aout you? USE PMay DAVW EWARU M orIMUTIONS. 25*Cft.. Per Dottie. a- Mumff- Mdâý a & nov1 Li GOOD TABLIR WARX ROOMS.

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