Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Feb 1888, p. 6

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a a a * . B. * N e- a. i ae ir t ~êS 31 TI EAIITHR O, I"MsL1TO CB.APTEB V. Itvau a lov4y aflemnoon, aniL froun the @spot whieh thoy hadl seloeted there wan au siquisîts view of the Soient. Helen grew calmeer ioseneiblys shs gansod at lb. beautiful Prospect, sud a dreamy sor t fforgetfulousfeiliupen ber,- froua wbieb sne -vasa aoused by hearing Claudia talKing te George Ethelt, sud hemrevunDame being mon- tionsd. "lNov vhat a fuuny fanoy il vas cf mime, Se b. sure 1" mi# vas saying. "Whait odd Ihinge oee hinkuseinse. limes 1 1 deelaro I thoughh yen and Mms. Ohmyior had met before. Absurd -vasn't il V, 1-1I vas, itroduced te 1frs. Cbaylom aIt Ryde for the. fret lime," repiied George. 101 corse I kuow you vote, reàýl- ly,ti ae.sid; liltvas. onlyj a fanoy cf mine.. HIem "faucy," hovever, vas a varu- lug teo(jeorgé net ho -address Belon toc exlusively, frein an invard conviction liai evil vould come ent cf it. OKAPTER VI. Tii. day ah CaryIl Court, like ail pisuaau thinge, came le, au end, tho es-party iu the vooda being nos tb. leau% oujoyeble part cf lthe entertan- mont. Claudia vas iu a good tempor because ah. had accoooeuiised bot in. lontion cf Dol allowiug Heolen te have Mr. Elliot' s esomt back in the pcny- carriage, and drove bok heself, leav- iug him te make bimaelf "agneble le Hilda, vho dioooursed the whols vay homo upon the intensity cf hem pity fer "*peer Mm. Cbayto." "11Wby do yo e beaU ho pr' P" asled George. "Oh!1 becanse I think she io se un- happy," ozplained H.1ltda. «I kncv ah. e oisemable, tbough eho prstemds ah. ism't. Mamma found bot cying so, bitlsrly only yeslerday, and ÃŽe cooldu<t make ont vbat vas the mattet vitli ber. 0f conue il vau jusi becanse hem husbaud hadlorne," added indis- creel Rlilda. .*«"Doesn't ah.ome fer hum 2" said George, Irylng ho gleara ait possible in- formation froua hie gccd-naturod 11111. ooimpanien. 111110wcoulad ee 2" langbod IHilda. i"Wby, it'sa ànegular case cf Beauty aànd the Beout ; only I'm atraid Mr. Ohmytor von't suddenly tutu mb s haudeome young prinee. htisj very vteng lo abuse peple-isn'I il 2-bul really I emu't 1ke hum at ail. Clandia Mayaho is faruly strict ith poor Mum Ohaytetr. 8h. daren'l'go againsi him for mnything. Nov only faooy, §he, didn'l vwaul le ceme bore ho-day- I suppose the fait ili-bu t ho madp hem. 1 shcnld ha,. boied bis cars if 1? bai boeenbis vife.," Milda had gnovn quite coufidentai vith George before they came baok; and Mn. lyse beheld vltb esaisfaotion hem tvo daoushers apparently oquslly éujoyimg timaeive ; for Florence bau wls.ly decided thal Mm. 'ElIiot bail nu faney for ber, and Major Seymour tutu. éd outitoho be*an extreraely agrsable ocmpmnu; bWs hoa<hevus sayiug Ryde, mu Lt as.quit. vorth vhile cuihivahe bis acquaintanos. "But vho la ho, Flortry V" aked Mu, Ives. l"Whatbah. ol-and hbashi 1110o auh 1 l, mamma 11" replie Florence- III know nothýing about hi b.yoad tli >feutl iai, hé id* svfully mieq -b*l'a aIl I Me for 1 cares for sooeethimg more,"meei lin ait w*loho h.seul Floence coin u 04 f1.0 cet ù llo9ue "canIt h come le ee yen -in a verv Iov lene. ",No," replied Beoen., And tien a Most nunvetome friemd cf Claudia'a came rip and spohe le ber, rendsring auy futtber émies droppina impousible. But se. ad beard quiteý .nor.gh ho oouflrm ber lu ber formmet suapicions; and aie resoîved to euggest to ber unelé lthe ides e! invuîing Mr. Elliel te Bedfomd Sqame, lu er, if po&alile, to amomplisb thé evil end ae. hmd in VÏOlélbRgadte hie vife. For *abs amy li aHlon loved:George Ethel ; ah. fanoied conehani Meeting voutd eompaas ber muin; mnd, if il could ho aoeom p iahéd, thé sooner -lb. botter, hhougbt théevitsohe0oer. "IHs.ve you seén Mm. Eltiol, umole te* "o"réplied Mm. Chaytor,,,ho b.d beau lu a raier bmd humor beomume hié had lest sighi ef bis beauhiful v ifé. "11Wbére la h. 2", fTmlhlng te Helçte," rso.pedd Claudia, cttouty"alasho.Weva shotlime &go. Ihdonrsay hb. basotf ber nov.<' "iWhere lenélue _?IIsked Mr. Chai- tot. le "hbate lissé eorvded' parties; Ij think *àe sal be going home socu.le "Oh 1neol pt et," s*nid Claudia. '«110en bas <01 a .of.rtble méat, utA le &U igbl.'By mmd bye, umd.," she sai4, bowering ber voi0e., 111h wisb ýyenw vouid o.k M. Ellot tle dinuor. Yeu- kuov Helen nover drés». of mach a ýItiio, mmd h tihnk con py aoPnut Pet »eeooDnot lws1.asbaie. à 4 ide.", Bo Mr. Ohmlvlôr, a ah lmudlaimla alaie ÃŽ-- f80n have uaghlabd; aOnde I~~~t sup t:o IC>Oa]y8oeI*At bis ie.lousy vasrouseà,mad],lilen98 un- hap neu dnreasedl every day. iyMr. Ohmytor'u ordors, Claudia ao.opmî~6d er Cmt wbeirever ae vent, mnd ah.oaried oui hem unole'a inatruotionb 101th. vory lbiter. Every- vheme Helen vaes see Claudia vas nol fat off, unlesa Mr. Chaytor hisslt wau in atiendanos. Claudia hoped tual Holen venld robel under the nov mys- tem, and trstld e might commit somo indlsoeeion of whioh *ahe could apprise Mr. Chaylcr, and a0 nltimately briug abiet viat abs meet dosired, a yupure belveen tbem-for ber uncle vas a rioh iman, and, but for this pale- faced girl, ml hie vealth would baee been Clandia's. If mii. bould dispîce. hem il migbl alili be bers ; she mighi mule once more in Bedford Square, tbe mistreus cf the. bouse, 1h. hoireusacf hem unole. Claudia eflon vondemod how &Il ties as tl e ho aomplimbedl. 8h. revolved the matter day aftem day, but il vas hard te se the vmy clearly, fer Helen wms imxpasuîvo, oold, uttomly unimrnpessionable, and appar- ently utterly indifferent to lbe miper- vseion ho vhioh abs vas volt avamo 0mie vas subjechod. One evening, hover, aI an enter- taiment le vhiciiMim. Chàyicr hmd in- . sisted en Helon's geiug, and where Claudia alec vent, ah. reoognised atuong the numerens a rrivaIs a familiar face. Il bolongod 10 Mn. Elliol cf Caryll Court. There hoe tood, looking handeemer than ovor in bie .vening- drose, a sunail-boquet of wbite floyers in bis buttou-iele. Claudia boved withbhem sweetest smiie, and, te ber great satisfaction, Mr. Elliot immediate- ly movod tovards hem. Au ié dld se Claudia's eysa rested fer a moment searohingly upon Holen,who bad grevri dealhly pale. Helen vas looking fragile butloleoly in a black dreus îimmed vith rioh vhite laee,and a dimmond star nestied in hemr. bright hait. She vas dnessed ini a marine' farto tebeecming te plemee Claudia,vho had left Bedford SquLare in a frame of 1mind lb. revterse oiagnoble. "8h. kdev ho va. e obe bre," flash- -ed thmongb-Claudi&' unspiciolls uiid. "4D@eoitful lbitte wetch, ash. oxpeotsed leo meet bim 1"- And se, after an 1effusive greeting le Mr. Elliet, se v atbeed vitb lynx syea lb. meeting bobveen them. 1 Tbeim eyes met for one brief moment .but did ever oue brief look express as ) much sasthoima. "*Tbey mmy deuy as tbey 11h.,' .tbougbt Claudia, ,but they have known remch otber befone. They mny bry to .deceivo me, but VII, find lbem out and hmake Helen sormy for bereif." F Helsa, however, gave ne hhouiht to tClaudia. 8h. vas enly censciouis of àone thing-tbat George Elliot vas ceai r ber, breatbing the. sme air, besido her tonce more. Eveyything for a e 1b appy moments -vas forgebbsu until she - met bis eyos again. Claudia atained every nerve te bear a wbat h. said ho hem, white mia dis- seoebled ber anxiety bebind a smiling, d uicD0cered face. she faneied i'e ;beard "Helen" ; but, se distînel Bhe's ful of Pets, Sbe's narely kind and tender; The thoru et life Io a fretfiulvife- I wcnder wiat viii moud hem? Try Dr. Piorco's Favorite Prescriplion.. Ton te, on, your vile us cross and Tretfl bocanse she is sick and suffening, and can- net ceutinol ber nervonanesa wbeu Ihingu go wnn. Make a healthy vemari o! ber and the chances are yen vii mako a cheénful and peasant one. "Favorite Pnoscrption" is the ouly zemedy fer vommn's peculian alments, seld by dnugglt, under a positive <'rantnofm the mntsune blil ill giv. satisfaction in every cîhue, on money viii hérefuuded. Se. guarantee on botlo vrapper. Large hotties, 01. Six for Ib îs ruanereil Ibat a large portion o! the Bell Fam, Manitob., has been oitotea Sctchu syndicale. A lady in Brokvulle states-I vas indue- ,od te lny Nasal BaIn for a long standing oeld l in my hemd Ihat vauproneunco Cabannh. The Baie gave immedialo relief sud penmunlly cued me. Il vas me, pleastanlsd egreeahle te usetht I ai firsl hought il"14ne goed." I nov use il lhh Mychildren for oolds sud stoppage cf the nasal passages. The Bitish Columba Legisatre opened on Frlday Lust. Those inLloermbly painful sud contuly. hruaiug thinge «Rted piles, vhloh trouble so m -y p le, an seon heaié by Dr,. Thome lecricOU-th. greet extonnal rsmédy for phystoal suferng »md me f rsleaing pains. A very maIt quanttty achieveseauls o! 1he mostlgrsltfylg kld. Osuadà ianihea. Paruses Pilla pesas e . oven e! ast- fug peciicam up l t.edlsesod orsails, ag ù at u^to " nthé dorm ant éne gies e! hue apem, hensby removlng diseas. Inftct, s80<nm!inlateé peer cf tht. Medicine teolene u pnfyhmdue_ o! elmosi eveqrisnme add nature v-»e duiyén freinthh. bdy. M., D. Gar&*elt Caî*vehi P.O0nt, wrltes:' eh hais 1uid e>amelee's Plus eand ad thénu su eicéflérit Meodicine, sud eue liaI vii oitveU2' Th1iry-ue wviles sud ierty C i" és vere kuled ta 1h. Nanairno dimeter. Barnun sid «"Tii.Ameiem iPe to b. humbugged." l!bi May bel the lin. of etentaiument, but nei lis se et ake. A mari ýwlbcusu Orayiiùgwring dio.asé,loklmg M l'he là" &U 90]d= ein~te aàds hij -ta ~TION SALE -o,- ?a=m Lands and MMii Privilege NEAR BROORLIN, ON4TABIO. Under and by Virtue of th. pever of s&le conbained in a certain morflg,whieh yl ho me rdnod aI the lime cf lhe sale, thoe V fbeo fered for ae byPnhhe Aucticri by Levi Fairbanks, Auctioneor, aItie Boyal Hebel, Whitby, on Saturday, Ilt/i Feb., A. D., 1888. Whom that ay I held net cleur? Hov could I mevw I should love thee When I did nol love the-e ansar «,W. s hall valk no more threugh the mcd- den plain Witli the faded bonts e'erspmead; W. shail stand ne more by" 1th. aeething main While tbe dark wrak drives o'onhead. W. sall part ncoumore in 1he wind and the nain, Whore thy last farewel vas said; But perbaps I shall meet thee and knowr the. again When the es gives ip lier dead," The. singsr'a voices ad - trembled lu its intenAity s oh.sang the ong ; every ward fell clear and distinct, tbe silence vas se0 complote. At finIt Helen had liofened oalmly ; but, as tho singer vent on, aIl power ever hersoif eemed uddeniy te foroake ber. George Elliit's eyos vere auxiously fired upon ber ; but se knew it net. Claudia waa ieohing with a sert of satirloal mmii. at the devncast, boanti- fol face. Mr. Chaytor oberved noth- iug, hardly beard the menir, far leua imagiuod the. effeet il vouid have uî ou Helen. As the W1maiworda died avay, Heleu'm fair bead sauk suddoniy forward ; %uether moment, anid ebl faiuted. It vas tbe beal, îe ovory one saiti, vben, afler a ooneiderable meIflabioD, Mr@. Chaytom vas reuiored toe onecieus- tiLIiLYS *ALIS BLIk FOR The Mirror of Fashion. $2 A YEAR &LWAYS in AD VAN CE. Sam pie Copy 15 VJents. Edited by MRS. J. C. CROLY. (Jau<sv ruiuE.) A Emdonie Engraving te Every Subsenibon. TERMS TO CLUBS. FOR CASH CoMMIrSSIoN8. 2 Copies, -- --- $3 40 3 4. - - 450 4 " frec copy to Club raiser, 7 00 5 fi - - - 7 6 0 e fi - - - 900 GODEY'S, at the prepont lime is admit- ted by prasand people ti o banpenïror te, any Ladies' magazine in America, bavlng tbe greatout variety of depirtiments, àahly Club Raisers' Premiuxns for those who prefer SU-ver Ware to Cash Commission.. GODEY'S bau amnged te, give elegant msilver-platet vans of supenler makens as prenulumse, ibo value ocvhich in some in- stances reaches ever 325 fcr nee rmium. Bond 16 cents for stample ccpy which wil ouimain iltlU&lsted premînnus vith full par- ticulans sud terme. GODETS LADYS BOOK,, * Philadoîphia. Pa. 13 Mos, for 1 Yrs, Subsoriptio. " WOMAN." WITH the January number, Woauài commenced ils nogulan issue vith ta circulation o! 65,000. Il bas already met with a ucos ths at artt upanal- leled, and la recoguized as ose ofe the lead- lng periodicae of tbe day. Itis eseuentially th. blegazino for Women, sud fer th. home. ' WoMÂN us healthfllunton% and mmy be afely place&din th. hande cf cur da liters. At tbe suetiUie îi Wdapted tl e sen- jeymonl ndintehctuat Improvemeni and devebopsuem 1ethe h. le feiîly. Thebet kuovnu nmee ti iratreobave been on th. liaI cf centributoru frenu the first, wisu d .bghi brmeeof ils ceuitribu- tioz~ ià ho emmaanddbrenêhout. For 1h. uoxt yéa tus pubtiers ceau.. ricunco : a Serial Stoty by Bdgar Favet eutitled &"A Demonallzing IMarriageu MSort *Stonlés sud soties by KAgathrne icq7noad, Patience aStcan, Wm. idoinJulian Havlomu,Jeel Bouton; o%. tr0T, margaret syduey, and many 1Othens. Thoma s teveiu4s th. biccis te vworlfi; -e14"eBly, mthor e!"Ten d"Ysti A;ot0à" xplorr aoeield,.hga au-h tborit'On the Mormo0n Q£esieu;FreaÏnio S3*undens, Beatnize Proewoo4, ÃŽsud others o! volt kuovu vrltersvilbeontriluts char- acttiesketches, papors on travels, and other interceliùg topics. THE WOMBN'S CLUBS cAM SICA. THB CAPITAL, .2,500,00. ANNtAII INOOME, 01,500. MAX Farm Pioporty and DweUling Houges a Bpecialy. Vo«y low rates. Esy tone cf 0payment. simple policies. Ne vexations conditions. Prompt settlement of loues without digeount. Be sure yen de net insure unlil y'ôu kboovotur terme and conditions. Enquire o!fE.. B. B. HAY- WABD, eur Goneral Agent for South'On- tarie. Office in Whiby-Parttcf D. Ormie- ton's Lav-Offtce. AU lettons addnessod te Loch-Box 78, Whitby P. O., will receivo prompt attention. liesidence-Ham Cot- tage, Byrcn street, Whitby. 21 P. B. WkI~ PMNTERt S IGN, WRî GLAZIERY,. PAPER HAI KALSOMINER, General House Dec 'ckder and upwards, sýir8110P-First door Mn. G. Y. Smih'avoeW Whitby, May 12th, 1887.' INSURANC!IOENTS! AGENT, ADJUBTMENTS LIBERALIt LOSSES PAl]) PBOMPTLY1 Companles among th. bostith le world, Thée LIVERPOOL, LO.NDON à &LOBE, The LANCÂSHIRE, The WATEBLOO, -ami Thé NORWIOH UNION., Loclal private funds in. summ to unit ai lowesI mates. NoT~ABrPUBLIC, f Whitby. i~UonctuQ. T EWESTERN BANK 0F CANADA, Manager. Whitby, Nov. 11h, 1M~2. MONEY TO LOAN! *lO.O-000-UIt INVESTMENqT. ON 'REAL ESTÂTE SEOUEITY. At lowest living rates of intereut. Money seenred within 10 daye of &p. plication. Apply te JORN FARQURABSOJN Whltby, Fobruary l8th, 1880. $500OOO TO LOANO At 6 per cent. yearly. Termu of repay. ment of principa made te suit borroWers Fixai and scond merbgages bonght. Ad- vances matie on second mortgages aipd te purchasefarins. Ne coste ircurred in making applications te me for money ;.ne aqçent's fees; ne dolay. Parties paying lugher rates on mortgsgom shonld apply te me at once for lover rates and savo xnoney. Write or eaU immediately for iparticulars. B. B. BBYNOLDS, ly2 20 Adolaide Street But, Toronto. TO A GENTS zDrOô;4 and 48 Front Stret,Êla", Torento,. gel np th. Neaiorbzuoet Compoe and Boat SeJllng Needie Package i Amorica. Bond 25 Cents for sampées of N..w No. 4 fiiniahed in Fine Pinali. Particulars sent wheuA tamps are sncoeed for reply. Den't worry, il fl ouazet ofempicyment Write to ]Mr. Gowdy, 41 Wellingbi S ee Bast, Toronto. Bonâd stamps ffrerply.ý W BLU3.L.OL.K-ô 168 -d g m e i pm o e r &o a c , ' niiWedzieday ti aowh WIfITBY. Geo. Coemi Univers."; being a full and gahe maiption of al h bt là vondeiuI in u continent cf thie Glco, in the worký waters sud the Stanry Heavons, contai tb3illing adventures on land and re,x novned disècveriee of the world's gre&j explorons in ail ages, and remarkebîsi iomena in overy nealin cf nature. bnacing th. etrikang physical leatuteepfj earth, îb e peculian dhanactenieticg cfj )human race, ef animalH, birde, insoctgi_ inciuding a vivid descriptien o!1th.A tic, Pacifi and Indian Occane, and uOt, Pclar Soas, tile monstens o!flbhe3% heautiful seashelsa and plants, sjteý- Saloes and dwellens in tbh enrd cf wM emankablo Ocoan curnents, etc., togu' with the AMA ZING PHENOMENA OIe 2< BOLAR AND ETABRY SYST gu HErIRR DAVzlioIT Nonxxnmon, 1> Exnbelliahed vith oven 800 fine engraqù Liberai torras te Agents. OXFORD PUBU8SHING -< 5 JORDAN ST, - TORONTO$ C Certiflate of Major Harper, J of 'Whtby. To whom il mag coucer*. t.hat the White Machiu&e scld by L. Mi banke ie one of the best. made, as inj opinion it je a machine thât wiIl fot eau get out of order, and wiili sI nich buÙ than most machines, asncare lias heen ta] te prevent wear as mucli as posih1e_î cari hcneetly, recemmend il b parties wu ng a good.sàd'i; aeting sewnug machins.î, purchased one of the White's smre mos. agoandît ive evry satisfactiffl. ago an gi ev-MAJOR HAJRPBX Âfter five yeas use of lbh. White sol« Machine-in nMy fae1y Imm huyep the above certifloate and cari ýiijI$ t mena the, machine as a IaIn»ù Y" machine cout* lsse fer rePo" machine k bhava ---0* had 6tybi) with. MJI Sodo~~as th. cheapeat, and lu bost of the lbout. Sole Agent for thia Distik -in Deuerell'ioo ' or yout corne Q Oe, G for Yo And the iàâ 1 could not know. . .__ 1 AU( j-:- ràmore fsini kaltogehberva lt not have beau, Mn d- u ecn hLvo alvays beén s lave yon bosd0e20çRh 0! Ibis 2?11 da, suddèml, uming tovaeshé*.I re, qiîeuougb," abé rep'lis Ykbis' toritb- en,""alO=a s ' * . - * a. * 'j,-. *. -' * a. * .** - ~,'* ~~-'.a- J t. Ioiiowing vainable freehold property naine- li :-Part et the south part cf lot 18 in the sixth concession of Whithy, containÃŽng about sixty-niears as ato! -lot 17, in the ixili concession of!1Whitbydjein- ing the mlii pond. On tb. pneperty is -enected a trame bouse on stone fouadation, one and a bal! atonies higb, moyen roome, good cellar. Thon. is a trame barn SOrSO wlth stone stables undenneabli. Thon. are about esty acres cf ridli, higbly-culbivated land, tvo and a haîf actes o! vhioh are laid eut in an orchard uf cbclce fruit treos. The miliipniviloge ia an excellent ene, having a fail ef about 22 foot. The pnoponty will hofo- fened for sale subjeot te a esorvo bid. The pnoporty wll be sold subj ect te a finralmont - gage. TERMS 0F SALE-Ton por cent. o! the purchase meney te ho paid aI lhe lime o! sale te the ývendon'a sollacitens and lb. bal- anccoeb.paidwithin 80 days thenoaflor. The Vendons vilînet ho nequiined te produce any deeds on copies thereof on evidonices o! titîle that are not in their possession and wiiinct turnimh ony abstract cf tille. Particulans and conditions of aie cari ho had frein the tb. undersigued. Dated at Toronto tuis sixthl day of Janu- ary, A. D., 1838. C. & H. D. G&.MBLE k T'UNN, Cor. et Frontt & Scott Ste.. for ou. brief moment ; but tb. net ho hmd te esigu hem le M. Chaytem, wbe fet peniaps momcm personaily aggniev- ed at Helen for baving given way, as lie menlally termed il, te snob abtaurd veakuesses. If sah.bid feittheii.eat eveominu ber, se.ougbt te have aid se. Claudia, bovevet, vas nol -deoiv. ed ;, eh@ guesod tie caue pretly cor- etly ; but il vas tee oon te speak. Porbapo nover bad George Elliot sufféed sharpet auguish Ihan viion ho gavé up hie bout love te ber lavfut proletor ; she loohed ge like deâlb, ge faim, so lovely, aud lie soparaidneeem- .sd to hum se iuexprepisibly bitter, But Heln vaa hersel! agaiu, pale and Irembling, but eufficiently rocover- ed te frame a fint smile, and, iu ay- ing "Good-ight," le 1.11 hlm eo as baller. M. Cbaylto bade bis» "Good- niabt,"' alec vilh gréait eordimliy, and ashed bim le excuse a verbal invitation and ho dine vith Ibsua a fév days bene@'. (To bc continucd.) 1 from the eountry r-% %ff % WHITBY, ly-47 4 . tfl o j lctbat by an evaU7 OUi , eidiug for 1h. pay- woo.ld aie t Po1~bre ry cf finesunder Ad uhmoneyB -s»re ordered i h forhP~iP 0c1 h AcÂt and I i eiore à t. ues a f .t ir grant of $600 ho a mPe< their otedit, te enable thom tO a :tou the A.ct until the lot c1 Jane oý ar j SeO~ econded by Mr. e'y 1 tdflt liS MeBore- Horne anud Tli ywere ummoned te appear.a50son, egbefoeft IiS COunDOitte gl"In-j~ S on, their trav#elliwg «Penses ho F bis çouiL.-Oarried. £DUOýT10N. rain Larke brouglit rp the report- cf fory ýnjing Gommifitteon Edoca, -he m au Tt Comniittee recommlelided thOfOlbOw- ond1 cintfiefitste #11 the vacanoieion i mti ird cf Education Of t\i 8 leit tes and Hîli Scoees cf thle Oonnty Ian@ three years 6lmuilg . . Co.institute, D. Ormisten, Esq.; 'a Uîgh School, 'W. II.HoItand,Bsq Mcç 'erry." " W. MoGill, Esq.; 'îeaq lge si " Dr. Bascom.T jy recommeflded payinent cf $10 fo F. 101 6lland, forstationery for the July anid BnrneExamiflaticfls teo shawli .8 hool. This je the 0onlY.accoZInt cf Iiaraoter Submitted te this coucil. ~ecUenld hat ail suo ccout; 6be submitted befere paymnent.- ý- rejoice that the Inspecter of Scoeli Pri Wbledte repor a coutinued advan,ýe-I ýý1 n dctOnal work of tho oouuty, àXtiOuJaly at the- gefleral respoule to kcommendatien cf ibis Conil, that a taàrd Dictiuflary aud Gazetter ha plac- D, Ïeaob sohooilieouse. They trùst this ÃŽt ' he beginnrng cf a vainable improve- Pl ,ýwhiûh wililnot end until every scool ai àppliedwiha mali library,Whioh shaîî ramce -works on D omestie E concmy, and na sionS, on agriculture, and re- âaena the inspector te bring this aug- don beo re thle notice cf1te Boardla jér hie charge. :Àey have bof ore them te morial "of 'oad of Bzaiflifaeof the Whitby Lg=iatnsttilte, aeking the Ccunil te man examination fee o! $1.00 On each àidate at the December Entrailde Ex- Ip ation, which they consider worthy cf 6Mideration, but reeomTXiefl& deforrilg Vun tliithe June sessionl, whe fIurther tàmation can ho obtained, and whether, - ,ee bo 5o flxed te one examUiat1cn,_ lb Ild net appiy te hboth.* ~Hey ûind that exauiiftions-are net only goeaeingifl number, but ln expeuse, and iéà Boards of Examiner te limýit te Ex- cjners at thoe ntrance Examiiations a 1 ,rcandidate. 1 hey had before tIbm the lmnerorial ef bs Connty Conne11 cf EBigin praying for in- r"eaProvincial, grants te Public ana Sohool, inaeiiieh as this and. othor 08BoO et the Dominion are asking for *ased -grantB frombte f>ominiefl ry te mneet their ordiuisiy expendi- it WOUId appear te be -impossible toi Prvincial Governineflt te make an un, e in sucli grauts, wlthetb in smeu fine btaining it fromthe peopile, il eucae it would.be botter the ameuu .ed Esheuld ho raised b". direct Iax o r throflg Iiconel 6r that ef lb enmuni ihtiesehereforO bhey cau jein in u uememorial. ' Mr. Larke eaid, regsrding Mr. HÃ" d'la aecount, liaI il vas the enly oM Ihie nature bofome the Oon6ir hl ; oon idorod &aaooufts fer stationl . ilihBehoole sbonld ýe preserit bis Couneil. omntee, toéOaud repoeldt ho ré, oert i vsad-opted. n metion ef Mr. Baird, -P. M. El . (v a coC>U9l as bathrized teO din acordeince vith - theii.yo ndation cf th. e mUibioO on Badn -Mr. Hamiltoni initroaned a by-1 i

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