Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Feb 1888, p. 2

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h I 4 4 9 fi 6e e e - - s g e THIRD DAY. Coonoil reous0ed aI 2*S On motion f et '. Larke, Mr. J&s, XoBrien, In@speot of e Publie sobools to he sounty et Oýtario, vae reqoest- adta lemake hlp .pOrt toibte COUaCUilu meeosôn insqtead cf te *the Edscatloii Committdo sformely. Mr. MoBrien said ho had bail con- iderabie trouble linoeakiug eut his re- port ewiug te tise tardines e ofsebool boaxrdo ln eding lu Ibeir reporte. No township sport cn eau oimpleted _outil lte laist se cl 8section report bau heen met ntl. ThofireI thing to ho taken up lu hlm reo6r was to read lte recoom- meudatilsi he .Whithy Board et Examinere, requestiug that December ezmminatiooi e tigis sbouleansd col- logiate institutes hoiepeapeclwitb. Mm.MoBrien ssii ho bail alfsys used bis Ëtreageot efforts te have thoso Docember examinations doue avsy vIts. and nov ail the oouuty boards vere nmimons ln the matter. H. might amy that lu this matter there vas ne diffeence et opinion hetws'n or oouty boards and -the Eduomîlon De- pirtînint, tihe Hon. Minlistors polioy D.xg teourtaîl the ombat fexami- nationis. Thle tr.queney oetbtese ei- ami ailon , caused a sort ot *ramming systeut upou lteanCeeai f>,whioel1 a iesoieererputation anti situation de. pended te a grestéi or boss extont. The tollowing is thie report, sud le very inlerestilig :- FINANGIÂL STITUNENT. Xxpenditures . Teachers' salaries .............$5011 66 Sehool sites sud buildings-...668 58 Libraries, etc ............ 1183 28 Misoellaeous expeaditures-... 1561 77 * Bal. on hand.................. 870 95 Total .....$.. 79411 08 Bal. on band from '86....... $10105 72 Gev. Grant ..................... 4877 50 Ma. Grant.................... 7985 46 Trusteee' special grant .......... 48719 421 Cîcrgy Reserve fund, etc---------.772 98 Total.......... ....$79411 08 Total number employcd............ 129 Grades ef Certificates: Provincial first, clm ................. 2 of second olam............... .4 New Co~. Board 8rd cIms............. 77 3t of th. àbove number have attended -Normal Schools efther st Toronto or Ottawa. Teachers' salaries in the dliterent muni- elpalities: H g hast Loweat Averoge Aversage mâle. Famale. Malé. Feni e. Psokerugl6650 $300 $417-60 $82126 Brook 460 889 -411.00 842.86 Be0ach 40 800 85272 286.00 B. Whitby 565 300 417-22 275.00 WhlLby tp 576 876 456.26 290.50 * Uxbridge 46<) 290 380.84 815.00 Mars, 400 280 273.83 820.00 Thomah 640 860 438.33821.66 sougog 800.00 Ramna 850 275 308.88 266.66 Scott 600 384 8890<) 32.75 Beaverten 540 640 540.00 21.2.60 Port Perry 800 8W0 800.00 294-00 Totale 800 275 429 68 298.39 Mlassificaton : -N.aaFiret Bock parti1............ 2M~ 19 4 4 -2............. 188f " second book ................. 1721 third book .. .............. 2 tourth book................ 21 ff th book ..................6 Total ....... ........... 972 btr. MoTaggart amid thatalt a meatin etoineperAue verkera beld recenilj Il vus oonideoed, liti ertain amont ments vere usedoti te preperly carr ont lb. sot lot in Ontario ceontl 8.Ibo a regardse ptensee, and sei nl s to aproperlyesalarieti dote ~ei. l, RWilou}sb-WhI~appi iatip w as madie for lundi te coarry oi cuill fund wuasgranleti *ad this ameni wu-va at nov exhausteti. Tise Lot aop4be -obe. Eé H. as aboloir tay l ot heti ne *Oak peu4 - bi momm mg9 tien te moe.for a sommitiee oonsistil ,y, et Mesere. Smitb, morton and Rotledl 1' te enquire m int. ebegality cf Ibis b rY Iav, as ils provisions asnmed senti tyq of some roa allovense en baiaI c.1 Bougeg lovushlp. 00 , Mr. Maokoesby-lav te confira oi 0Pickering vas ivice read and usnt Pli tb. Roatis and Bridges commitle. :ut Mr. Bruce brougit, up a report of t Ïft* mppcia oanmiteo a*poinledtô lebui ut tiserT hot Bridge sfoblove-. ý lu'They report baving examitied t le bridge anti foun t il8sebadby ontuiet bug pa jir ihat ihey decitiedti t builti ut iàv ýwàk-aktdfor. 'Ph. evi te Iheir several committese. MdïUitor thue IaW,- Ibis *an ho, doue. The oufâonssi ouéb. rempeset i.moti- alie the Gevemument, te 80 amend the Aot ihat s nder th.eComokefAotelte Inepstjrit'W iY lpeeêlthbm*preansea et hot-6.1rcpum. 0 se a side boveverl auy may difier ii, clhsei nmieri, 1h. question eft obriely is oeel whleh au- abould approve. Dtunke£MGOSs M'net ho. pus dovu, *ma lter. >vraasure ýto, bu vie q,~forto i 1keê of oui ýb6Ã"yheî hopeltihe requst el the deputatiofl wonld b. granted. 1Mr. mcKlay oisked Who vas accouait- able for the importation of Scott Ast detoctives 4to tisis county. Mr. Willl.ughby-1 nover vas avare eftIheir preacco in the peuuty ontil after th. M yrtle abooting affray. Mr. Y. Gibson, euee oftthe Licenso Comamiaaiouêfs for South Ontario, said the Inspeeter hati beau wrltten te and aaked if h. wanted assistance. Ho ropiid tbat ho would like eue g0od man and menas vas sent.Se fam a the Scott Aot la conoerncd, h. la uot lu *ympsthy vith il beosose it lai imperfect. Thse ameodmonte sogge*ted by Mr- Willoughby arc needed, as ne eue dar. go into s hotel te inseot it, without tbe riek et heiug thrown eut et il. This vould obviate thse ued of deteetives, Who are nov paid 05 for each convic- tion. Ãœe thought #500 placcd vith th. Inspecter w9aWd qa»,l im le caMr ont tbe lavw MtouatoP4vesuIl va %ère exhauteti the las forlate toen- torse the -Act vould csese. On Ibis aceunt tbe Inspior l'b.d been misled and b.d talletilu several inseneu te mecore convictionsi. There have been about $8000 in fines 001100We, everY dollar cf vhich bad besu paid lu te the oouuty treasurer. The law had heen evaded by at transfer made throngh bogue leasse, sud last week sovorai cases hati been dismised on that account. The dcteotives. Mr. Gibson said, bad gene al t-hrough thse coîqnty before the Inspecter knov it, and Me- IR.as a obl he b Inepecter that ho coula do uotbing for hlm. T12e dote.- tives beionged to the staff cf Mr- Dexter of Toronto, and ho is tbeir bondaînan. Iu reply to Mr. Obristie aho stated na gusrantco ceuld ho givsn for the proper expenditurs cf moncy ;plaoed in lbe bauds of thse Inspecter. The victusllers are thoroughly orgeuniz- 1 d, and the moment a move la made by 3thse Inspector it is reported. If h. talle 10 ouviet, a sîstement et the oxpense l1 insnt te the Govemument, whcre it in ralloved, te b. psid out et the faod1m cf te oounty. Tbe Govemument - ps one-.third et tbe yearly expenditure ae soon as estlmates are sent ln. lu some counties thoeviole oethLie fines ccllected vere plaoed at thse di@Pooalef the 1Luspector. Mfr. Lamke sd the fines collected fai exceeded the soîn saked for; but îl the, surplus la used for other purposes the Goverumeut may some d&Yay sk wvhs ha. become ef it. Soinseto the fondl comiug throuRh the Dominion Goverir ment, the Ontario Goverument oonk net refuse iLs oue.third-so, long as tb. surplus lasta. Mr. Gibson @ai&i that by taklng actioi upon uisounti advise the tonds bai besomé "ios% exbsost.d beooe. bi luIspeeter b.d aceured any eouvietlont Last veek six or nevoyense aile, L8thiong theLitestence et verbal làase )4 Fines are paid to the co-nvictiug magie 59trate, sud by hlm fb the conuty, an, 1 . .ec .n.. e-Sot. .L fod._ L 'rep The report wâ% sdopted. Mfr. Larke ,noved, ceondd by Mr. Broc., thA 1Mr. Hore, polie. Magis- trat. fer tbe Connty ef Ontaro, be beard.-Carried. M. Hore read à report f the vork doue by him aines bowus appointod Aeoordlug the statement submitteà te the coneil by M. Home, thoro ve 287 ease& before hlm, 147 convio. d ; 56 diswissed aud 88 undeoldeda under the Canada ITemperanoe &et, Up te 25th lits. RH.bus aid tbe Couoty Treasurer, ezolosivo of #150 on ba, 48500, an&- Mi. ' Impao . -à $1000, making a total oft 4,500 A ut 74 cases bave paid ; 78 npmid, mlx of vbom have «One tejail. Ovicg te dde- laye by ooutablcs a làarge, amuni ef th. uuoolleted fies viii b. bu. H. R thougbt of the $8,500 uveollcoted that mot over $1.600 va. eolleetable. ine. the unfrtnate shoetingi affair ai myrtie sd sanit ease, i bas bni difficlut t1 mahe convistloe. He b.d issud summonsos in the morth vbib b.d nt se yet been served, ewing le ilinese of soustables sud the tdlffl.ulty te re.eh the Partis& want.d. Lt vas doubîful If il wonld b. .ny use oe se vltueuses nov as tbe boa momory of sman peple vas wendorfuL One of the bd ifuenes in euforelng the &et vas thé leasing ef bars. He oeuld mt @»a any vay out et that diffioulty ex- ept by aun LofeParliament. H. thought if àman vas appoini tol .0 s ounty SeottiActotous e lb.th dlfficultyv wuld b. partly surmounied. Mr.-M Ksy asked bow il was Ibut ho,,. M. Hore, eharged $50 for irsi offense, $100 for seond, &bd Ihird ïofnoe $50 » again. Mr. Hoen. ald tb. Act alleved thst Wheu a permon dreped lb.h detence he cau appercd as a fireI offense. If the camevas fought eut andi the Atterpe j proved th.ecseoagainst the defendant rIt thon romained ti h the police m.gt". traie te souviel. Mr. McKsy 8mait£ did mot Oeumfat >te hittehave on. manfluei ..VIra1 limes and ouly cbarged $50 for ...h offense, wbIle b etis voie fined$1 #00. He vulti like le u eeo aIl sived aaube1eý Mr. Henae si ho, vas unIavaé -. ay partiàmUly biohovîay pr mmte han nther1 ase:1as=h8vas00o .on motion lh. Wsrdeu 1oft the chair til1.80 P. M. A"T5VO0N SESOIOI. Wu-don took the obair ai 2 o'cloek. Mr. Batemîn broaght up the firai r.. port o et l.ommit»oe. IRAo"uoA»4BIUDG5 Th. ,ommi 66 e port havlfl% Ieaiod4 thai the. swin5 1 theNarro** bildg, p u i o t a e , a s n t r e m o v a l a n d t Jb . ontrcCtiof ta nov ,bridge fln mcli necessity ai th. carliesetossibin moment-:. They, therefore, arc of opiionI thst alois abould b. taken su eonjanotion, :3vth lb. County of simcoo towarda the eÃŽeetion of*-a- new ee, and eooxmend that au isn.- bridge be built,providilg It eaz b. donc ata ceet net more than one-third more lisat that of a oodc struetue, and in subher oascreommnd that the bridge be buUil upon a pier or foundation ef sclid msonry. Thsy have also learned that the (lonuil et the <lounty ofciBiSco, nov in session, have adoptcd a report et their Oommi#. siener, recomnsending that an iron bridge be buit ut a o o ne coeeding one-third, more than a woden eue worsld. Ou moion the COUncil went Iuié committefi of thse whole on tb. repezi. On motion Mfr. G. B. Thompee, Mayor of Orillia, addresscd the coun- cOl. 1fr. Thompacu stateti that th. ap- proaceoto the bridge wve sperfectly sale sud vould net need -»ebuilding~,-te swing vas about one hundsid f long, while the approaches woro about six hundred foot long. He oesidret from the report et the engineer t the Oonty ot Simoe that the nov bridge vas a Docesslty, and the oaly question beforo the Concil vas wbether th. bridge sbould b. of iren or wood. Ho considered an iron swing bridge oould b. but for &bout one-third more than Wood. Mfr. Whitey, Commisuioner cf tb. bridge, vas beard. Ho statedt tat the onglucer proonneed thé bridge usafe. Ho aise pronenueed the bridge decided- ly unsafe for traffl. Ho sbowed "bt i t old b. necessary te build the 1bridge bfore navigation opcned, ov- ing to steamers baving te ppse under it, suad at tbe preseet time it vas danger- roas te move the swing. 1 ommittce rose sud repomtod tb r.- port vithout amenâment. The report vas thon sdopted. Mm. MoPherson bougbt op the r.- gport et the Standing Oommittee on f printiug. BZPOSON PRMITNG. w i I B s BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS AR1TEHMETICi COMMERCIAL LAW, EIORTHAND AND TYPE-WELITING 1PRACTICALLIt TAUGHT. -FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Positive Cure~. A. P'DanesCrer. FACTS ]FOR MIEN 0IF ÂL AGESO DISEASES 0r, MAX. M.. C LtBODI-,'sS S =M,"WI'ZO >T. E,- THE GRE.ST IIEALTH REIEER, Nirvel e01llealing, end Kohinoer c1 Medicînes, thae terrible coseqtîfne of or ndlaeretiefl, Exposure and Overwork. Wbo, are brokeu cown froin tise efft-ats of abuse wili fin'l fit No. 8 a radical cure for nervoni deblllfy, orga.aîc w.nskr-eat, lve uiitary- vital ases. etc. Brmp"srnon waicH No. 8uo uinsBaURct.-Want of onergy. vertige, vant o« purpoe. dznineas of aight, aversion te society. vant of conflience, avoidance o! convrersationi. destre for solitnd3, ll'stleasness an'i lnability te ft the attention on a particular subject, oows.rdice. depressien ef spirite. giddiness.B, loetofmeinory, excitability of teiper. sper- matorhoe. or lmof thLie setainai lrid-the result o! sclf-abuse or marital excess--Impo- t ncy nutrîtlea. emnaclation. barrenness, palitation ef the heart, hysterlo feelings la temalt reînbllng. meclatîcholy, disturbingdreamisý etc., are &Hl syxaptoins of this terrible *Uiabt, oh..-ntîues in,centiy acquired. na short. thse spring of vital force havmng lest its tension, tvery funciori vares ln consequeuce. Scientific wrîters anmd te uperin ten dents et lnm.anie sy n uite )n nscrlting te the ef-cet o snlf-abuse thse greatznxajority ef wae.dlivot whieh cerne tnder vitelr noime If yen are incrnipetent for the arduons dalles of buelmras-, ncapacftated for thse enjoyment% of lite, No. 8 offers au esicape froni thre effoots o4it-«r6y1 vice. If you are advanc~ed la y cars, No. 8 will give you full vigor and stragth. Ile v. ýu àa broken dovri, physicaîl y sud aormlly. froni carly indlscretion, the resaît cf ignorw'te imail folly, send your adâroeu sd 10 coulEr lu staxups for M.- V. LVsroii' Trestise litB.-mk Iorm on Disosses ipf Man. SEsied snd secure froni observaýtion. Addresm ail uiniUcatiolis te ML V 1,,IBONt 47 Weltgtoa it. e~, Toreue. A Eau 'Uosi wW*sdelIa afoeI's paraas4 CURES COIRNTEED). 1LEAL 1TUE 81CK- APermanent Cure, >+ A Pleasant Cure@ IM3 'With Patent Fire--Box is revolutoni--. iugCig with ooal, Lt keepsfifre, ail night, is durable, easy to manage, anadéeconomiosi1. At the Qnebeo Exibiibitton it recoived the on ly $'LT E MFLDA.L warded to anystove this yea* ýArEvçry SAtove Giluaranteea tobe as represeuted. -D, 't buy util you su ee - - - -ad 'rnges .Cali, at my shop and se& these8tvsadredom e. timoniaIs I oani show you. -Nôtrouble t show- -Yqw U0mti is o eaptd t chdrSUhst 1caalorft cres floe. Oou-iMBon. recomend 88 upererteany re ~ Sourla s ommach, DiarrhOe&, ructation, recmmed i a suflir t &y Pe«nUOUXig Wrms pves aleep, Lad promoM di- D ta 10me.", I. A. ÂEoeEa, I.D., 211So.Oz*"rd8LBrécklyuN. y. W ei mm TIE CUSTAUR COUPA"Y, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. BER TWMýE! Tha Uartmnlth Ropawork cil. HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA. SIIOULD usE ,no- oTHER,, a"s that Euch Bell te BonuS Wi e 14FR Do you feel duIL - ianguld, low-sjMj le&3, aild lndescrlbably miserable,both cally and mentaliy; experlenoe a fullneas or bloating atter eating, or of neas," or eînptliew 0 o m in he n lng, tongue coated, bitter o r badtet mouth irregusrappetite, *izzne8s, fe headac'es, bure1 yeiht"foatiag before the eyes, nervous prostration0or- t hatistlon,î-rritabllity of temper, bot f alternatlag wi h chili sensations, bitinz, traient pains lere and tiiere feet, drowaincs after meais, wakefuinc 1ç disturhed und unrofreshing sleep, c ii;describabie feeling of dread, or of Ira~~ Ilu" Liamity? r! you have ail, or any considerabie nM of these symptouis, you are Bufferinfw thaï; most common of American ma1ý Bilions Dysipepsia, or Tnrpid Llver, assoclaw 4 with Dyspepsia, or Indigestion. The r coonpliitahdç your disease bas becoîne, tie le greater the numnber and diversity of 8yp tois. No [natter what stage it bas reab, Dy. Pierce9s Golden 1Iedical DIscov*ï will s',bdue it, if faken according to direb 2 dons for ii rensonable length o ie fn cured, onipiicaf ions mu Itipi.adCosl, tion of the' Lutgd4, Sàkia Diseases, Ueart DiseQm 1. ltî'imti~aKidney Diseuse, or other grav% Ibl n.alaW1Ics atre quil1iable to set ia and, oolW or Inter, îindure a fatal torinination. -B Dr. Ploirce's Golden 1Yedical DI&s coeyacta pow3rfttliy upon the Liver, am tlo')UgOir;1 ,i;ut grrat blood-pLrifylng org, cletinss i isystom of ail biood-taIntes ud*ià, o puritiýs.ý,, whatever cause arlsln¶. It-i CetuZiLy ,ci ciOU in acting UpOfl t G KI. 8 :Icys. ar >~r e.uretory organs, clean8stua strugili .i.g.tid l ýIlng their diseases.ü an1 ai1*jeciC(i r, îv6torttve tonie, it promet.W digesbtw,.r aiutriiOf, theroby building ap 0( bof h 1l.anid trengili. In malarli distra tbis w'eîflîdJl îîwdicinc bas gained r celebrit.i ta ci.in-î Fover andi Ague, Chiiis aa Fever,.1Diiîib Ague, and idudred dlisea&s. 4 Dr. Vlercem Golden 3iedical »~ CUBES ALL SUMwàOORS, frein a common Bloteb. or Eniu t'in etr wrst Scrola. Salt-rlîeui, 0- . -oe 8caly or Rough 5kin. inI short. li diseai causd bybadblood are (-oî-ý-re41 by tbigý powcrful, purifyin- anrd *U:, n inedi. cine. (Great Eating tuera n1 ,è iv heal undoe Ite benign influence. lpaeiaH as it mnt. fested. Its potency ln curing 'f,. ttcrr Eczema,ý Erysgipelas, Boils, Carbuncles. Icore Eyes, Scrof r ulous Bores and Swellings. H ip-joint Dlsease, wIhie Swvellings," Goitre, or Tlhick Neckr, and Enlarged Glands. Sn,îdl tera cents l:"- etaxnps fer a large Tr<'-ot b'. with Colore plates, on 5km in seases. or t 1i-ii' xe ainout for a Treatise on Serof ulous A tl'etions. "FOR THE IBLOOD 18 lTE LIFEOu Thoroughly cleanse i b y tislug Dr. Piercem Golden itedical Diac ovory, and good digestion, a fair skia, buoyant spirite, vita strength and bôdlly heal1Lh wiIl be established. CONSU3iPTIION9 whieb le Scro fula of the Lung%, la arresedf and cured by this remiedy, If taken In thre earier stages of the dieease. From île nmar'. velous power over this terrlbly fatal disease, when firatofferlng this now world-famed remn. P edy te the public, Dr.Pierce thought sorlouely ef citlllng IL hie "CÃ"NStmTMPiosCURE, but- abendoned that name as tee restrictive for a medicine whIcb, from ILs wonderful eom., binatbon eftotnte, or strenkrthening, alterative or bloed-cieaneilg, antl-billousi, pectoral, and nutritive properties, le unequaied, net onir as aremedy tor Coneumptio utfral Cluoic eDhsease ettho n u o Liver, Blood, an»d Lus. For Weak Lung , pttlg of Bleed, Short- nese of Brcath, Crouie Nasal Catarrh,Brn chitis, Asthme,, Severe Coughs, anid klndred affections, iL la an efficlpt remedy. Sold by Druggse, at $1.009 or Six Boee gJ ndtncents In stâmpsfoelBr. Pierca'a book on Ceneumption. dre. octet in ues, ana 58 ,of thwlCe. T su a nav .song~Oi frieud Mr. T, yee e-gara, on holng eIsce, *d o f OntarioconY conicerned in thse Omslne x Of Wbicâ bave Local hoti ln1hO Poa , r trnld before Ep jaot itis an-admonition. ad wesentcned te two years su thea *lctifg M. JhnBqiley ieeve 0et u ten te e ardenfé chair hconlLo ton edges bis long aud faithil m er- 3$I sLO MmBailey bas heen for eigisteen ue I&ryears in tise coOntilI, and ~lng M Y& e t e tise dst member. comig FY cogiîîiîate hlm on tise oordfàll 00"Ma ýhe aLtendai"n0et t ise LindssY iigb i, 0ol bas already rsaohed 197t.-mandil ,1xpected that tise round '200 vii soon-m pse.Tisemore ttaon excee'dO tise i îgt angineezpeçtstiens ofthtie ad- -mr sales of higlasobache"iantierent sud pgreBe, sud iL je quiteOclesr tisaI visn 'O-uew building 18 ready tise attend- ic will range froi250 te 390- au s ion5ne selarge is iinany-waYS a eat býenefilt t te towu. 1s' Jos. Cooper, formerly propfietrot j tise Warder, bas îaundupnts )setjurIisiD a fu.BOpapers rfitc is l aled the watt'hian. IL. o ses te bo a.jndepOlldeiitI71 but'. f. e6urse Wili go te the tory ticket atraigist Bvery tim58- Ww ,Ieole our friend te ~bl jounfaliiSîîe arens....- Te naome àdopted for tise new paper shows ne prsgsnalitY f ithb.d beon oallted tise Mýortiing Avalancheoer tise Trent ralle , Bp Suorter, or tise Siftiligs et tbe 5cnugog vo rnigiit have looked for sOme- 'tbog~10d~~dîngevry week. Lt il>e a àtryiug task te naneW aPer. Lua Fidy, before-P M. O'LearY, îLyask Stinson .. fBned $50 ana cosî, -$8.95, for vjolrating tise olA.t a . omootionI§ weme laid îagminut E. Benson, Fi Vcitt'h, E ayau ie.neo neii for a tisird offenca, and againal JoB., Ia aud-John MaundcelI for a 880on1 0fenc, butwere iead, net beinl supportod by evidenc...o n .iU55 o.oOarr aadJ. SIMOCSTtby von [IVolhtu for a third offencé, but lb naeea vere d-îsmissed. in emeistisir offence 5tise charge wafi a violationl the met on 9, speoiflO day, ana thte w; neses 5cýould net remefliber gettil dsenbenne1û Djstlict Item$. Meaford's 55550!gelS$100 Fomu erl5bigis scisool je attended ýI, oer 100 Ptlp1i5.- A StayuOr boy atabbed a aihoolIý ,ever tise oye witb .kkie G,,,, ëeoigeevucburciseBareb - îuI 1ig union revival services. - .flamnesa thieveg toaLsn$135 8s14811 omfri J. DoyleLloy4lownl A. yscht club for thse GoorgiaInI 1 ThoI'nbfry vantea' pubi o yhlit woula coi et MUW'0 -The muEnicipal finaflces etf village for 1:885 baove net y-t audited. G Mm. Joseph FeUliol, .WetG e biylondmark, diea- On TU014al ý hb go 8neae ARCADE, TORONTO. A School Thoroughly Bquipped for Business Training. a ý & ýOOK-KEEPINGe - Bond for Circular. Address. PENMANSHIP, Painlese Curen à positive Cume

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