Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Jan 1888, p. 3

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I. languld, loW eut'!>' risernbe,, ý, , aler ealing, or cf. il '3151 lit, 'loutln ,qervt'us prstxa Uo t' ofi tel'auper, t ýpaitf15 hî'î,.and Il i to r nwîals, WakefI iri1frý,siîng Seop, ce ug of drend. or aof or any conslderable n t18, voq tir' stieri inlit ~ iAmvrivaii lu o r Toi ulv'rya ordeiiii'utiom Thesc à, (I'è ' b 1agUa aI ni i j, 'hi l1î'a'îse, ir otïier [de IdcaM'l iI k1ré 11-ih of- pni . yl hionswer e aise.arisCn SxCn'tury ar tD stitivv ' t i n r., i e o 1114 r t l b onn n , fta ern i m at loitise'. Go)ldett llUdical -inofd 11 a litir, n ar hatge ('lise tgrinttu Eý n tac t.ing a lIr, o e,,"f ry otaaan 'I hel ffl. 'l" ' t, o.uhodi '-au'. M% " t, satane tiiit lh e tio aTFrillt A gljer, eulà te. atdiii uitl (Xilsa s Goldt0f hIed a as it-rÏîc-iseL. - r-om i 'r7kn tis 'aibyt4al dism iod 13WWtill-suvd tltr.fii l.%ie %th git nâ o Geu ui tu re tnlct*v.l Svor etivngtlacti, ijra sonsantinbu ft alod, and Luy, 'ne kns, Spitig t lbod 'H-MIr eau CtarN efficeiletyreil'. ù i t'lie lu staanp Fro in.Ie Dr.tiee Atidrea.,Wif *COSTI 1 roe nd e Asulo orNw ok ran isuttpoa Dot01 mo, 18S, 150Lu , l ' int . I la.me ssme nU is trus to f B tm tflloi hiiio-liaIlb il s c r: e tît n Insu-raa ncIii,1 i82 f e ry n aleriaîa mutb f' New r k.enunk tae witrn s erai81600 paîuariLt fuaiishs4 1- u. GofRDlONlea th Po rt rus OtCr t ana li Loan and Sa the Vucter ns Uapproa'hed f« GUSFREN,. DEVERE (Tuerie tbsl lÇ ,S0Îeitiftc A fl5 OK IJkP'K SIALL POZ WIT litUSR JILIBROAOWAYO Biore tini -to an urýicl0 vWU pube *hed in tbt, Sc'eittfw A tWTiOG1i wbicb iquct ofa cespoflh1OutIwS repr. - ens tio ladi pinte Iberein: Ta understa fld how intiuiateiy reiated ,e the humeli kidnsyti ta the pbysioal eth, 11% prpose, motapboricaliy poakiflg ta tîke onc from the human ady and place it in the waeh-bowi cfore up, and examineO it.", You wili imagine that we have before ta a body eh aped like a beau, ernooth nd glisteflifrig about tour inches in ength, two in width and one in thick- ses. t weighs in the aduit about ve ounces. The body of tbo averaire ,ize man jontaifl afrout ton quarte of blod every rap of "icjh passe through tbese ilters or siwors, mauy times a day (as ften as throti the beart,) making sa amplete rovolutian in three minutes. rbe kidneyt3 takO aWay deadly impuri. je from 6.5 galions of blood eh hour, r about 49 barrais eaoh day, or 912à ogseeaàI a year. Let. ne suice thie delicate organ opeun ringthwit;e, and roughly deoribe iti 1W. find it ta bo filled with hundrede o tile tube@, short and thread-liko, start ~ng from the arteriee, onding in a littIq uft about niidway from the outalde pening Înta a sac whic hholde tii1 sater ta further undergo purificatios beforo il passes into the uretore, and au of the body. These littie tubes ant Irewhich do their work automati eaily, and righttlhors the disoase of th, kidney tiret begine. Froim the aiightet irregularity in ou habita,* from cold, frein hiui livin@ froua stimulants or a thousafld and on other daily causes, they loec their forei What ie tbe resut ? Congestionc stoppaRe of the otrent of blood in t emali blood veseels surroundifig then which become blocked; those de icate membranes are irritated; inftaîj mation ies@et up, thon pue is formei which collecta in the sac; the tubes ai at firet partially and sean totally ni able ta dothh4r work. The gecgaese dioesnding wîtb this corruption, proseit upon the hlood vessai. Ail thîs tiu remember, the blood, wbieb i. enteri the kidneyie ta be filtered, je passix tbrough thie terrible diegueing pu for it cancot tube any other route. It would b. just Iao roesonabbe ta e Pool contagion il a post.bouse wore E acrose l3roadway and counteses thor Sad weuo oompelled ta go tbrouRb peetilontial docte, as for oes o eOlp the blood £0 escape pollution whenOc gsantiy runuiflg through snoh a disei .ed kidney. Now, what is the resit?2 WhY,tI the biood. takes Up ana deposites h poison s il seeopssaloug bta 0V organ, into enerY inch of inUSCOl, 11.' .1 dabsud bons, froin your hesd to yi 1 eet. And 'whonovet, from -hvedîti influenes or otborwise, one part of1 bedy js veaker han &uothet, inch . ouurptiofl*in wesk langs, dyspept where Ihere is a delicate stomaeh'. ne onegnese, insanity, paralysie or hi disease, ini those who have weak noi and bad circulation. But the medical profession, knou -1d I--se. As bfasÉt as.thsey so aina stomii -bdisordleis. If voun otice thal you aire not reliable hevilti auformsnly, In respect, tbsu the chances sare lhough you may hava no known et digaass, your bleod is full et kidney acid. Thun cornes ln tlis cf proventicfl. Thon you shoul Wsars'»fs cure, theb. oly wi1yspeclo 1r une o id Or disesmeo prlmsry or seondai!. Tieoi. skilfiful physicies deleet Sncb diseases st limes, fà kidueoys thimslvi e not b. ex. by sny messe wici w, havre @ commai.Even an salysil wator, cetauieslIy sbud mieroOol uevOSis ethn elel in even wh#D the. kidueyi .T -0 broken dowu. ~t'hn look out for thoua, .. ne matter whereositumleds ho cent, sshowu by afler daho lins bs t.origbu lu Ibe bi dowvu of lies. aesrehbug tubes lu loriot of lbthe ioy Warnsr'5 s'afe cure, - USil b yean alleryoar.. betet r O vouderfut bures sud ils power 9 kidueys, has doue sD l ou thon al th. pi&îoti1558known. uru ecl m<il4 ,,cd ull but energiO fl .IrOS larg .ogremllnB sd god ingng.are tbepulU S. Puliils Were d.cked wth grese1 and iovons, Md viesshu, ad fetmons cf Esvaie. pin. saud iollyhbng gwacfahY froua 1M* . .onnollY, Sesction lors a a a the Wali*. Linusylias been trasît-rued lé PÉlo* Ti) ?resitleat's Christmas was epOltAlbertin ua similst ,ap ie, san if ln a v&ry quiet Manner. Lu th. woiU place filled by îb. e sw0idr Mr. e - ing ho attended chutai withi Mis. Foîey fItem Manu!a station. Cleveland, ana bu th. alternoon sd a as-oy mmn oxprees the Utmog4 dowu te dinoar wjthot auy campnY.* ggà8îOosiun at lie-su fr-avnal The deati cf Ex.Seorehary Manni buatn Tslie1mIyear lie rail- cash a siadoW ovor cabinet cidesas way lins eore bioockod ith snow, sud- v.eli as; lie White House and re-mbe men were Obligea ta work aluîot nîght af receptions wor ocmitted tirongi e and day 10 keep thie traoks clar. How- epeet cf hie s mery. ever, te b. ptoeparod for emergoanoea We have ne CongresesIbis wesk. the snow.plow hau roceived an over- Saine of the Senators and Reprpsonta- hauîing and soime fresi ballast in' tii tiveg went homne teesat thoir burkeye, iuho peeof a dozea ortwo of cld car. wheelu but I notice that thoeu ýare more hores dd now than ever befote at Ibis oason. nortetengns iglhopck This be because cf lhe intcretate cern- Teno wlv-ninsmgtb ik Meres lsw, wiich prevents th. issue cf ed up around tb. yard aI Lindsay passes te Congrosemefl. Stabosmen almost, any nigil-il îhoy wre sa pick- bnow Iravel like ordinary mcen. Tiey upable article. - Borne Ivo or îiree of pay for Ibeir eleepers aud *not a fe w cf th tome404 and moredelioale ongines- hiers travel in cemman coaches. - h&one supplisd with the Westinghouse The ubjct rcais Bpresnîaivoair-brake sltaohments-are admihlsd te Holmuuof Indiana, whose excessive sielîi' bteas roa is aIresrit hait-s soonogay bu legielation bas caused bim *dlecerhaelte lu usde tebrcalled lbe uuwatch dog" cf lb. Port Rope andjjBellevile iigne p aTreoury sud aloc the 1ugreat objecter," 'hie choicent, oiin.eeyt .Ti e beoaso, on lie floot of the Huse- _-4oetàteof tiUgSWill, bovever, b. remedi- risse te ,obleet" le aluteet every pro- e ç 1n'h.e'- ompleiinof thle DOW position liaI inycives an intoad apon ,~~dine )iil xetdb bu lete ionl n vaulle. It wou1dlir ek Le prehty consistent., for when ho visited division ise xce:diugly bnlsk for lh. ib te Indien roservatien cf official huai- time cf ysuansd a largeýtbrough 1usde. utnses a year orseo mgo, ia wanted hie is bebug doue bu lumber and grauInrcua doommfitte t tako tie common cars bu Midland City and in sood aud otier ordet ho save sleeping-car expeusos. cemmodilio froua Ubliburton, Kin- e 0Seakig of COiaismastide, probably Mouintetc., wiich àis poi te lomnite cihy bas enjayo4\th Toronto. Teweed tlads su e- Irseason more than Waçkhiugton'a Philan- gages 4ô tlains, oee cming froua biropist, Mr. W. W. Ocrooran, a mas Toroî=02rih emplies sud lransferring fulml of yearu and deede. He bas joet tisua aI Lindsay te, a train whioi cou- icentered upon bis ubineti year. Last veys lie loaded cars le tbie point, tak- STuesday vas hie birtiday, and hie bng back lhe Ioaded cnes bu lie yak. cf or bouse wae fragrant with the flowors the main trains. Tires or four special le Ihat bad bocu sentlte ibm. Hei re- trains a day is not unuusl, aud net n, cesvsd a large numuber of callere,lelttOi, ligit trains sibien-no, net by auj 91. telegrame, sud cable messages froua aIl meane. n- quartêrs camne bu aIl day, making bis parlers (with the flowerp, oavJp snd ».sxstns te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~a iauysueise i vn~f n- Haî s.nvineilmauy that te use auy cf the on eresting scene. Mrs. levelfïnd'ouiftu substitutes offered for theoenly sure-pop OD vas% rat er apretty notion. t conist' sn4painlescrn cure isatatended wbuh le. edof alooessolueer of Marsal Niel danger. Get alwaya and use none thel 'and Papa Gantier roses, arrang'ed in a tien Putm..n' Psinleu Ou Extracton. at ngvae,liera beiDRg a rose lor every yean druggiat s ng of Mr. Corcoranst life. On the continental Bourses is week the S Mr. Corooran bu lookiug bock tirougI tons of the market vas geod, sud thon. lie long vieta of bis eigity- nino years waa a general recovery in pricet. remarked anc day tiaI he iad abaken Whal Tenantos vell-known gaod Samari- st the. baud of every Ameican Prosident Ian says: "I1 have been troubled wlth Dp-. ne- excep Wasshington, wio died, said lio, pepsis aud Liven Complut for over 20 ils 14bfoe 1 began tern & ushe ensu~ad I have tnied many remedies, but I te shoot feund au article that bas doue me as oc% White bouse." But io bail evidsnlly machi good as Northrop & Lyman'. Vogels- Sforgotten lie exception in lisecase of hIe Disovery sud, Dyspoptlo cure."1 CLAià asProsidout Lincoln. Mn. Coroonan vas E. FeIBUva btnet en sufficienty good termne wlbh The Borne Reforma aunonouesIta . ffai im or iti bis admiitration t10 bave buasconedeat taspah he tetiory on the isshaken bauds viti Ibe Wau Préuident, B"y aofA.ab for fitlten ye.s ®ry Mn. Corcorn wvastah at lime se varua oe' mwawa 81a sympathisr with tels se t laI hoisj, gre, in Sd fîtbyt , a u ond t se esa si? t a b a v eW a h i u<Io n turers of D r. Sge s a t h Rm edy for #s auj for a lime, c»asf a aurrh vbleh lhsy camm uelcue.Il té UnuikeMost sged -people, Wvie.liv. s lî&o 55n d bssllng l ta w'l - lareely ite past, Mr. Corcoaen» su- dRmns e2& t M etsdm ye er os eig ren-c ail aes- and complecations cf Ibis dlstrasung dieasel. Iat lues ta discus me n sud ovents -Of lie 60 csnts, by druggists. rvsr ,%entttime. As bh. ibsesf sald, A evins plaff pevslulthebS outO rviutB ontbf e iis ad, 6'1suanil11 igbl France ; 80,000 animais have 81.4 in lie hru er, but my l-goare w5Sk." Re can. MMzsluc district vithin a monLth. theThegreal résulte vbc b ave allscbe bie aîeded teansd frouahis canniage sud lth e glat use e Quinine Wùw. by peciphi tive evetywiere ho gees by bis :slot. Re 01 deUmoteeconstitution1d toe afe ~tOaften bobng assiste8 le lthe chance1 rail speak mare Ihan ail 1h.enods ve eau"";r oneO hramuio b was unabie hoe ils behaif. This article ijeas mue medi- 2-- Z-1Ufs-ivlino prlnelpls-a venfse onucoIpubligis8 bn neaI forua Osadisu cepy- la us.eI igil editiaus t fuThe Twin Boul", by j yh3abY wu 9034vs 0"oeoeu trust- ICianies Msksy; "A Houes fetTars", wsmswslii sws1ss --Adneyn àmined lt eut 1 f lie îlosfly, ~Sper, amina- resking tie lu- over lb.' iuore: to ,of llfe I&isciet, by G. Manvlie Feus, suthor cf "Double Cunniug", Sud cther storne. Tisse are amen_9 ie "aet lit.rsy produeions inthemarket. PrIes80 Nov somume ofth li vige. Tb* sumber oet teWs Ling ~Ago datel Jannany '11h begineis Ue8Swvlxet- eue bidne& sud sveuty sixlb--cf hat Sîuâdweekly.magasine. As pro.* ical liteatune bas boes growisg froua yean ho joar in extenl sud iSporta>i". ThTÀ vung Age basu. ctoeil lu value. Lt la 'a . nec.Ssty tô -thé Amenloan resder ,wio vocld keep pao. s..-ý gu.- eaven , m-.01_ 847 Clark ot thePeace Firt~GlssFa9nn1forSais I TO WNSHIP 0F WHITY DBINgGPART 0F LOT-26, I U V font cftle Srd 'ConcesiOÏn, cons ln1 foares wiîh Erelêudid idweiliiibfie god ouîbuilAinga, gçacd.onrcmdï we)l fe- cd, -i àu l asplendid sitals cf ouIlatjoÏl. This propertybein1 situated juot oulsdeq lb. moprlo u'iu anlea a a 'ii S IORDAN, AGoAtI ,vrdvi eufrson recip i fstmp b TOROsaonToNs .M I FALL SUITS.L JOHN Scotch, FERCUSON àIN B UPERIOR STOCK O0P English Anda other fine Unes of CJlot.h, for Sping uite.Ai grm0t made up in latest style on shortest notice. Ready-made Mon'a and Boya' uita, oenta' Frahâing8 and Underolothlng of ail Klnd8.- HATS I HATS I H1S Latssistyles in Hard and &aoft ae asVERT OHP. JOHN FERUBON, D=das 81f3.9 Whitby COSIER YAURPOCKETSI L ondon and L anash? Life Compay 0"«Mlvon n.&#prcved Cma&ama secuÈgles aven 810000 for each 8100.00 et llabllily, tlus afordlug ABSOLUTBI ne- cnnalty., vinl fi w l hhir savmto tconuil lhe u leragebre ssuiu lâewbere. JoHN FÂRQUHABSON,1 ga àt8*-.-j WÂNI 1000 Y'OLý-i Don't be led awy yfiaring avorlime-1 b TUEBRAZILIAN- WAËli mad smefor youmseves Ibat vo are moUing Jrockery ana under cosi, for Cash or Produce. Whie Granite Te&S $2.00. per soi, Handweomo(oored Tés Bott, 44 pieces, al ine Chin*a TeSBette, 44 place at $4.50 per seti, Beau OCupe ana Saucmer t 25o., -Oored Dinner Bette from »I ored Chamber Soe t9l placeai $2.50 per soit, oàa oeMSO&4111~T2Y wek. eavy Glus TumblorE EkimGýobets- ýp dozen, Gs Seta umaWater Si Tweeds,,,ýl 'l and, Canadian

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