Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Dec 1887, p. 5

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sON MILE< lier with SBASON*2ý 10 0 n~era11y, and th . lar, a PY YA R e eowlug the finest ~'MS TOCK, Ho lias ever had.. lOLD WA TCHES, CHA INS. )IAMOND Rings, Looketst Brooches, arrings, 8 carf Pins8, Collar Buttons, ~ine Plate Table Ware.-Odd Spoons fer Sug-ar, Jeiiy and Preserves. Fruit, Pie, Crumnb and Bread Knives. f8, BA RNA RD, JCK ST., WHITBY. WIjitb~ U3jrGnidc. rium. iêNS' CQLUMN. Noble Deeds. this thing to be grandly tino: noble deed is a etep towardi God. e soul troun the commoxr sod rer air and} a broader view. flot remeched by a sinigle bonnd imild the Jadder by vbich v. ries, Ioeiy e at h to the- vaulted skies ; mount tb ibm, umurit, round by ljdfay se ason ie a favorite time fot 'oue acti ous wbîchl dovelqp a pet- rý nature. If you woiild erjoy a to happa ness, bétsoW a neefai gifh te neeteld. Amnzug eful pros- are mare acceptable than Yl .F00 TWA RE I -lookiu4, f)reaomeîliing te give, go wrîîug in selecting a ïair of out te-Sboes, Sippers, esbL :aeiue are also anuch aeird WE EARLY. je a freshà beginîrjng 1 Y soul, to the glad refrain, o of ()Id eorrow and older gin- IL wiîh the day and begin &ain. 0w is a part of forever, p in a eheaf which God boldo <laye and iad day., muid bmd iih never, t 11s Iore With their blom and ight, eme of 1sunehrue or sorrevtni oince wP cannût relleve thein, 4 11111 cn Dot atone ,er y rse vý., forgive thom Lev daç'marn our own irs, mand to-day alone. i a freeli beginaing, rn îs bbc world made nov;- weary of sorrow muid sna g )emu bitai hope for ye- me and a hope for yen. encli mand &Hlifcr uuimro MERRY CUIRISTMÀ5..,.. NEW YEAR. 1NS & co.. 0OREI P ILL s MOTIIERS UNKE ITI CHILOREN UKE Il LivER COMPLAýiNT, t ~,osuMCeDr*eegm Lose çP APPETrwg, 84CK HEANiqNU C1o. pAioo esw* .)Lorday nigbl nUl. Benj. Lobai', PorSPerry wus breught down to jaàil bore ou Saturdayjharged with outrage upon the peraon of hie owix daugbter a girl ocf iten yoars. Bail je net spoken of. Was undersiand the liquor cimes froiD Port Ferry audj vioity, which were postpeuied, oui accouai of the .Myrtie shooting affray, are te b. heard hors on Wedaoedy next, when Dennin mand MeRas are to corne from Toronteomand give evidence. Once the miii gete siarted again ail the. Scott Act trials new on band -will likoiy b. hoard. Governor Deoker of Whitby gmol ehowod bis tender evrnpatby for the unfortuvates.under bis charge by ireat- ing thern te toast tnrkey, roast goose, anmd phirn pudding on Obristmae day. The ianmatos mhewed uheir approciation of bis kinduiese by mach a bearty ras- ponde, that movae of &hem wero 90 full of tbe good thinge provided by the goveruior's bompitality thai theycouldn't stioop over enongh te uniace their shees. MR. muid If . T. G. Devereli oele- bratod iboir wooden wedding nt their borne oui Taesday eveniuig. Relatives of the bride and bride groom were prescuit frern Port Perry, Uzbridge, Brooblinanmud vieinuty. A very pieae. &t muid enjoyable evoning Wam spent. à. very nie selection of prosente testi- fied ibe affeoticnu entertainedibmthehappv youug- couple by thm nurnoroue friend . --I Ceuinty of Ontario, Province of On- tarie. lobabitantsetofPort Ferry, tc wit : Notice ie hcreby given, tut on anid after tbe firsi day of January fext in the year of our Lord one tbousand eight hnndred mand eighty.oight, uno f rtrher daily in8talmênte of erimnale wili be permitted te enter Whitby jail (rom yeur inoorporaied village, it be- iing dearned expedient te give Osbawa, Uxbridge, Canuiingten, anid otbei place@ a show te fr11 a few berthe ir e bat institution, mand il havinu been re. solvea te net aiiow oe umnicipaliiy tc monopolize the whole jail. (Signod' Gov. Deeker. Nuw 510 waîsers, uiuallw Di '-j Use Dr. Dorenwend's Grebt Geiman Hait Magie for bàlduiesfi, gtair hait,, je for aie by ail druggist. The. Royal Iletel, Barber shep i. ithe place to, get a hair cuit or a nice easy shave. UNDr;iiwoD'a galiery wiil be open New Year'e day. CalI in msud ee how they work the. new olectric preces. Mren's Peroimu larnb caps at Iowost p=iesai W. G. Walter' Oddfellow'm Mantle cloibe mand oloakinge a&l te- duced in price.at W. G. W&) tors' Odd - fellow's Block. Ti Me] b. fc Gi bang prici Bic Il busi satq tiil and ban ing rem and dou Bat fow Buil On wil on dei dis os DECEMBER 3th, 1887. -O mnda mtvrymuywr __________attrmoted, sumd cempelled te hait, and wl gaz.e tpau am oetbeautifulanmed chair, 00 LOCAL LACONICS, loot-resi and wasebasket which sat in *Mr. . J. Johnso'e how-rom windw. WHA 18GOIG O I AN ARUNOTOW-AThme chair wme mmdcetofwiilow amu id WHA 18GOIG O I AN ARUNOTOW-Atrimmd witb ilk plneh muid ribbei. f BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANEO Me.uy tried te buy it fer a Christmnas fo 6Y CHRONICLE REPORTERS gifi te their fritmnde ; but ne, it wae 1H prepmred for oea certain pereen, muid he E "A 3heli; ammug ym, taktp notes, muet have it. About &en o'ook in tbe Si An' faiLli be'll prent it. eveuiing it was removed, auid seon ibe F door bell rang at the Baptist pareonago, L REV. E. S. Rows wiii remain ever wben ibe Rev. J. F. Barker wms made S Bbbath muid iiiin epecial serivices, the happy reoipiani cf ithe comnplets et; N Be wil address ihe Sabbth afterneen 'ai a token et regard frein ibm members 81 mting. ef bis chutait. frs. Barker muid the B~ AMONG tb. enoaestefal Candlidates for litile girl aise, vee odrily rrernbered. E mret Cimes Profesejouimi Cartificaies AT thie reoniEut Brmuies E xauuinatiensV rein ibis eonuty were Mies Nellie fihy.igbi candidaates presonied Ibsin. i pence, nov ef the Cobourg Collegimiesevsbu lyigtotfti nmrS nettute muid Mr. A. G. Hendersen, of selv'ea, buiy ebiouiet is nuimbe eWbitby Cellegiate Instituto. Name e~ & No. Techer. Marks. Tag ladies ofe t o te regret exceed- C. Bewuet &. E. -Whitby Mr. Thompeon. 9 a Iigiy te leara tirai MisesHunier is seon 6. Hanook, .4 . ' v îb t ot basweeN. Lan ler t 4200 qhe itffin sI.martiig in thte milinery J, maintoah 6444 61 nietfrhenself. Mise Efunier bas A. fo wbray. 2 Picering. MtJouies 5n1 ,md oto frimuide during ber siay mabel short, 3 E.,, Mr. Thompama. 4M0t in WiLbyandwe jein wt hmi h ubro ak eurdwsl regrettiog ber reurovai. 868. Lt muet net bo suppoed ibat tbev . Ar ihe nominations on Wadneeday Candidates wbo preeented * hernsalves 1 for memnbers of tesho baibhmt hseaiato eent e-wl following gentlemen wmroe eied by prepared as usuai, fer hmd tibe saine g acclamnation :-Southt wrd-Jms. Mo- bonn-nearly thirty pet cont.-boene Leilu ; centre ward-L. T. Barclay ; aiiewed as in July, fnily one.balf cf theo north yard-J as. Càmpbeli; (the Candidates wouid'bave pasaod. Thec latter iaking ibe place ef Mr. J. B. July exarninatien- being s0easy-tee Powell who nov retires,) tbe ive for- esy in fmt-tire sebools veto drinedi mer being re.elecied. eft ieir enirarice pupils. Mostili net1 The evangelistio services bave been aIl, of the ecudidates tibai pmsaedibist weli attbnded during tbm pasi week, time came frein soboole tbai did net1 considering the buey seson ofiboeymar. seird up mny candidates lasi July. At1 'Mncb go bas been doue. The clear, tbm meeting effithe Board cf Entrancei logical, forceful presentatieui, oet tro Examinera fer Wbitty, a reselutioni by Mn. Crosemly, combined witb hie W.as paseed te tbe mfect Ibat it is de., hoart etirriné sacred songe, make hum sirable to discontinue tibo Decemberi a great power in tbesa services; while entran 4ce examinatien, exempt fer suob Bey. Mr. Hunter by bis api muid praoti- plipile as may be rejected at a previoes cal commente on ibme cnipture leseene, examinatien, muid ibat a fee ire obarged an d by hie ekilfuli mnagement of tbm te candidates wbo preseni ibemeolves a ter services, renders bimenelf a vsry inDecember te pmy tbe exponsos ef eflaiet co.iabormr. As Christmas veek thbe examinamiin. The cenuny co'uncil ie -aesed vo anticipate a largoly in. muid ibm ermminicg board in the connty crmased attendauicm mi mach service. viii bo meked te tako sucnob mtion as Service thie Friday eveuing at 7:30 in may ire necessmry loeoffet tueo change. Methodiet Tabernacle.* Leopold Joseph Wbitkovski je a VzERy lttle imerest iEr -takeui in 'the meet peouliar muid reprebeneible naine, hovu eletijous ibis yemr, tbinge run- mudi u bearer is nov ini Whitby jail ning mucit the saines ihey have dene cbarged witb a mosi peculiar muid re. for yeare back-frein bmd connoile to prebeuisibie crime. Leopoid Josephr werme. Tue people eleet a good reeve Wbatdoyoumalbimfl is a foreiguier by muiddepiy.eeve inerdr Iat tb. bintb and a Toronionuan by adoption. teo may net ire sbamed out o et Ibm e ysar or se mgo ire buesat en- ceunty cenuimil, but fartber tban liâtai rored ef Mise Oourtney, daugiter et no intereet in talien. Two or lbree a farmer near larernont, Pioc&ing, fairiy good men muid a gang ef oid vbo vU i Toronto employed as stot0n -bailes inake uip ýbe remainder doi»ooti@. In lte course oftlime Lo.o- of ibb ouancil._ As te thre candidates pold Joeph Whatsbisnamne'ifeelup for theormyotiily, ve ecrnsider in fair-. ve rorproaited by Mi«a oçurtnoy BeesW te etbers Mr. Long might bave5dté w esiaeua I oe ruetimrsd fter thre castomar Bv yr , Bthiyii net rembla onê,lang,-aimd 'and given sorneoue eie. a shov.H. vhulié hy beemme 'dlvî'ed in w.uti. has niisd thre nusi trtmund bas been ment tbey »oon divided tir, boue, zoot fmvored by a goed loyal support frein Ira. Whatyeuliit, sas. Courtirey, tbe toviupeopbe in hie efforts te dis- tmkiiig tbe enhide. 8h. nturned ho chaege bis rny duuies, mud moult1 nov Ciaremont ho ber father, muand.goM ravroired wiih evsry holor muid Leopoid Joseph lfolIoved, ingur te ereit Or kiolego t -B.lEow totale Loo. Jos. did net have a ftMua urakos us believe hi la rly *mgood vitir hie mother'in-lew sa migirt héW aMin in ail easutiai resoe adbe, ezpe.ed, but fe.1i,,cus th$* havlng fillsdml lthbb. tar poiiosoid mon, ourtuej'. TheyÏ* II~ houiprabiy and oreditmliye h.mghOUty'he.,uo 3 i»* -ia~bRngivea this one no«. Out oniside. Tus bringe: tii.t0tYe1o poîiciy ininet -ho -miu op An eletilon afar dn -h0lt ~ eae;Ipignes and heip irulate scandale oQ"u 0the,*1 cou : abert -candidadt" 1 but, »les frry put l po 1 eti a, thé- q11peM 01ialtero li a courtb@US mner VO O YeO l4 Lhavhul . ie sonor*en -Pie a e '* - if Hi evidouice againet Deunin muid Lime in the Myrtie seooting case will fouuid in anotber colurnofet iis issue. lent'a ties, collare mand cuflq, iilk adkerchiefs, neck scarfe ai iowest ,es at W. G. Walters' Oddfoliow's T iS Mmny years since a better day as miess was dons in Whitby thban on nrdmy last. Frorn emrly morning 1twelve o'cook ai nighi tbe stores d other places were busy as possible zding oui Christmas goode muid baul- gin cbink. ALTHOUGHe1 ut own capaons seeke maiuied in tb. corner lean, anid Ianky * dispirited, ibere @seinseobeb.ne ýubi tha& Mr. S. Claus mde bisusuai ms -trip brougb the country on tturday uiight lasi., Sunday rnerning und a worid of joy muid satisfaction 'aiting the rising genormiion. REtv. H. T. CaeSsLr will upeak on Nfysteries in nature muid grace" on ibbatb oveuiing. These troubled witb fdel tbongbts are especially invited. n tus Friday eveniuig the addressee ill b. te youuigmon muid wornen muid a Tmiesday ovening on tbe pleasure ancs. Se rny Christmnas visiter. frem a istance woni uiertb on tb. 7:10 train atnrday nigbt ibat cenducter White )und it neceesary to ai&aeb an extra ar te bis train, anid ai ibat a geed iauy bad te stand up in ibe passages. >ople may go te whai pari of tbe rlrd tbey like, but tbey &Il have te ome bacir te Ontario te mmi the Christ. as geese. AMeNa ibose vbo camne home te vieil rieuidsa aChristmasme vo uoiced tbe ollowin:-J.,M. Holden, St. Louis; 1. J. Biilines, Mt. Forelt; F. Mesure, [amuton; W. H. Hopper, Besten ; B. ncov, Parkdaie; W. Weedhouse, ?armer Kribs, Smitb'e Fales; Jin ,mwler, Brantford; R. Sierrieker, E. 3aginmw; B. Rice, Barrie; Jne. ïoeorne, Canada; Geo. Baird, Weod. etck ; L. Laiug, J. E. Dean, F. Elliker, B. F. muid Day. Yarnold, Bon. Shaw, Eumpbroy Bros., Wm. mand Jne. Clark, W. Woods, J. J. Smnitb, Billy MoPhereon, Ine. Tome, Gao. muid Wrn. Brymn, Geo. Sithiî, Pat. Walshr, Jaro. (Jeunots, Joe. &darns, Toronto. Tais Tabernacle Obnisimas Eulertain- ment vas a grand mnomes. The body of tbm obuirch. vau oomforlmbly filiod uitb happy elidren ud tiroir deligb4td. parents, mand ti.wvite ongit cf lthe large yacht, Ihat rested peaeefüliy upon bhe dry beards of thre aitar Mep., wveo iiteraiiy covered wiii gifle fer tir. pupils o etb.Sabiratir sebool. Mi. F. Powell, Superinteidmur, oceupied th. chair. The ltermry part of the ro t- grammne vas voll rendered, muid gave entre satisfaclien. Tbe part cf 1h.pro. gr.amme filbed by thre infant ciam., 10h on thie pbalform muid in tIre body et Ibm rbuiucb, vas a prominsuitmand intereet- ing featuire cf tbm entertslruent. As tbe puipils filed eut cuis vas led te, Ihmnk thba&th b.oildtsiet othe tovu ho- louiged to tire Tabernacle Babbath Bebool, auid mach irmd made a »Doial offert lo be present Tuerdaynigrt. »Tire seheel, ihauiks te tbm staff et semions venkers, àithebo meuhproaperous litire eounly.. Or, Wedluesday leut, tire figiqi editor of Ibis paper estldown in hie lair te rocali a few escapades in 0onneotion wîth tire var deparîrneit cf'tire pape?. The old tops siuigger witb thb. loadon bead va iuspected, siowing aiy signe et service. Lettere ibromtouiug zu4uiy libel suite vers a&gan e n d tire grescýrappin« pugilist's poverful Imd revertu ho ie maiy tregie oveaUilsof isa year'awork, virile iris blod.hbuitlig- oye wauo ouitupon tiretsAr prrmise, in one cornet et whioh ln elttieted -a gravoyardînla viicideiluquent, aube<wib- es art boiriedàater, ole 1.tireinfor net payina for tiroir paper. F5om, tire blood-ouàrding .e-veats of the P»ste th. buriy oditoeê md -turuedtote. probable sorapes etftthe future, sMd lia1 of reolatiOuu wes'e-lu ous»'of preparmioui to guide hlmfor nexl year, Wieh , j o etth hoodyiàWi E 00098 FOR- THE HOLIDA, Y Our,FANCY GOODS DEPA1RTMENTS3 are brillant the Xxns eaon HAN1]YECIEFS-i-n.$ilk, Linen, andl Fanoy. LADIES' JERSEY8-in Beaded, Braided, and Plain. iWOOL SHAWLS-A Beautiful Lot at LOWPRICES. 1o with fresh Goods suitable, for FANOY WOOL GOODS-Wool Squares, Tam O'Shanlers, Hoodse, Mtte Glo'Ves, )arf8-, Bootees, Infantees, Cuffs1, &c. DRESS GOODS-A'Grandl Assortment in Black and Colors, Silks, Satins, Plush, Berocade Velvets, Fanoy Gooda, Drese and Mantie- Ornamentsg,- Braids, and Trimmings. Velvets, Buttons I~Gents' Fine Ordered Clotking a Specialty. Gents' Underwear, Ties, Collars, Cuifs, Braces, Gloves, &o. FUIRS-Ladies' Muifs and Caps, Gents' Caps, Children's Caps. Our assor1ment of useful Goods, is simply immense. An idea of the extent and iety of our'Atock may be lied by gà,visit to the People's Store. I a-w RETIRING- GLÂSGOW 3IG .SALE :R &s J« V5i~- 8~2MEYW~ BUSINESS- ! w A R:E-IOU.SEI, NOW GOINO ON AT GAJVEI~BE LLS', For the next 10 days lie will seli at Sacrifice Prices. Dress Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Grey Flan-ý nels, Blankets, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths.- Men's.Over- Coats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's and Boys'. Lambs' wool Sh#~ts and Drawers. In ail wool. Tweeds we liold a large variety of Patàm terns which must bo sold at Don't Buy a DoUlar-s' worth untit you look at -ouùr -tock,,and, <Jiruml .L i <ve. Fam Produce taken in El DO E?,. & J. Q~MFBELL oecMnge. N'OT W/' tintil the chilly blaste of Winter have. frozen the, marrow. in NOW I s T TO BUY, YOU,' WARMER OLOTI Corne and see Our unrivalled Stock'-of' Overcoatine, FurCaps,,Undeet, &.&c. It je the largeât sud Most Varied Stock aüywl EROM so me price., THE m à 1 -Ni 1 Il' JEZ, -rr ý 1

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