Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Dec 1887, p. 6

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é . ., - ~' -~ I I -~ I - 3180117 elaY lu. hlaag~uolleLfêu~bP M 'igr yoýur o sragltgood- cernit 1 do da&*a Tour onlyPair Are ouai plun an 61for maffiai' But aiian t ,limmubl' stuffin. Your nut-brown knees, Byclimbin trocs, y ae made nome renta asMi'.s amuffin, An' oyenamy, 4It'a dona by nuthin 1' Cotasiehed your pants Ibis verymninil, Ut Iptsome stitches ia it!1 UuilptBoys ii b. boys, No malter boy An' as for noise, Loch! whaàt àrow, ,T#ey do kick np from morniai'tili-ight, Ui baose an squeeze,1 and quarrel an' figlil An' that'a the way, ?4ost ev.ry day, Yoerpants at the boom andl seet are bursted Tho' made. o' stuongest klnd e' vonstedi1 If they woeemrade, As cf t 'y. sid, 01 haul-inoh, ouid, woil-tann'd leather, rm sure I dou't kugw ifl hey'd stand th1e rethei 15uoh sailabuse, An' coustant use, An' hailyotiurestleis limibe topthez ,Wlthout tas e ntion ofý your motheri1 Nov, thon my stars 1 your pantS &teI Wih.ctoe an incho0' oloIb that', matcodi But rt them ont An gel10 etO bol; Au' mindyou John, l've mad. a rieé If yen corne ba* li)re "i aan Au' from your limben doai trefrain, M'Ilturn yon oet" Without a suit, To wauder in the vinil and rnj Au, dure yen tooroebmok .#l Tou vil t. glmd To take more pains to save your hue.., When elirnben feoes pos andl treeu, An me 1the 'Isain' o0 yonr vanta, To pMtoh your I"only pair o' pants 1" Rer Firt Love. B TasUEAUTHOR 0F "MISS LITTON y'S LOyEaS, "'T]38 COURSE OPFTEUIC LOV," ETC., ETC. CHÂPTR 1. eu ot str.lght borne teBeilfrd Square ; fou Mr, Obaytou bail no bime for ator pu..et-"by a" dby," b. mailhb.weulIs abar.utelBrighton, "I vuld~hé b.bore," Oh. bold hlm - fou eh. àmsk from evonn suing George tlielavay from hor,Ms u a 4t911 mouere-fy bduig " hm bo- t00 hale. &0ilaiyen hike," replile&lMu. Obsyto. 411I mbs'n'l ho .oruy .t. etay Ija$ ho.&At s»y lime et lite oe .ppmeIaleaeoorete, sud thoy are nel te s swaMaisl, in lodlg."1 "E., aguSailoln, vltb a eoki.8 - t feeling a"ber hei as a vision M'COQ tbo bfoher ofthe ehshbybohomî h a just le&t.Poors ltvas, boy béak. lb. eou bsvue mistrome o! nov. ýÏI After d1une-àstuptuons nopub i4 séemeil te l0.bride--Mu. Obsytor seoomaxaeibeUnPt. tb. large*tbuil- - llmIhwighaeildr.wng.rom itb sud- lueleaeorneuos.Sbefeltuotriemph ** pken4.r aonuil ber. B8éh.ail a tue eling.!f uueality about hou, sa if àmtiâbe s fight!nl du.am ly wtila s»B» O f nuloli relet lau Obyto #rnteil hou 10 admire hie posumomos;endtheabsframeil ber broagl fou Veni.. wmusont o! tha Dog'. péaia ssd'lu wotb uy à ey; l bmn'te b. motohed lu Loi. But U.Ia"'s .e 'aW aw ar lfroua M d a o f 4 u qt qre tly "014 ~tvW . ofr*aê -ilka btiebeEWwItîh, . »H«mua a... wlil sse~~ iMvs, . e ed te ui F.,. ~ s e g e t e e 61;, - - -49 1 -- - - - - - m- - - Hou, e semeil t. b. moreu. uubap, moto: a Uve bars; but_ e. vni aboya smarbeildisi;feoor aunforlugmr. mutybail fiedfhor meghtoomo ab atlm tehie dlaugh-ý toeabou,tsud reoelvlg s varan vwe 1bome fronher ma& i.' hl waym sneuos 10 ebhange bis honely leIdg'- luge for a quiet, pleseant lime vltb bis ohilil. To id hlm sisatei laluthe meut cern. fortablo arm.ohsir, eiluleuely >aited upeai by Helen, vas, ilU r. Chayter's, opinion, littlhe short of an'outrage upon himmeif ; asu4 he epeedily resolveil le put à stop tp il. "'What bilaige hum hers ?" he de- mandeil angniy of hie vife vhen Mr. Martyn bail tabou bu departure laIe oe Ï7fteuaieon. "'Whuàt brins hlm bhe? " e. r.- pested. "He ocees 0, oueo me, et II idou't ee the 'etcourse.' cf ilai sEi," he rejoiaied ; "aud you'd betlor let bim na ki I do't lik. lt, and I wen't have il." Helen vas sulent, A greal hounor seigeil ber lest tbis abould! be a pro. liminsuy te separating her froan hor fathor. She et oite.coulil neveu tel hlm he vasunveiceome ; ai tho samne ltime ah. muet guard againil allowu.~ hwM t4 ~po o r prçveak. à-.r huinnd, wbao holà i. à greal exteat both bis aud Keuuy's future ilà bis bauds. III von'l bave yen dancing eteunal attend - *no upon hlm," centlzneil Mn. Obsyter. II111mb I doeouuh feu hian vithont bis foitiaig aecit upon me aetaIlH ouai eftihe day." III vii toll hlm netto ceequito 50 Otten." suevereil Helen, gentlj.6"HO doeenot moan tebe inithe wvr; api ho e bse very poorly, on.e aau .faucy bey he enjoys a ehat." III danue ay ho dos; but b. muet fid one oeeeletelilsten ta hlm. I von'% havé hlm infiiolinf him.seif upon My vUfe." on th. folloving day Mu. Maulyn mail. bis appeausue. aibout bis usual timo, sud, seaieifinst sentenceo bld Helen he bail paoil a bail nlghl, uhe onulil net findit in -be heuti, fou thal day ai leasl, t. couvey the hint vblcb ebe toit muet be impauteil t. hlm seonbr ou later. Hovever, vben ho vent on to tellbea he bail bailsoine misundor. standing villabis lanillady, sud vas vory "nione te change bis rooms eI Ooe, ah. aav the neeeulty for beting hbue, bnoy owmalIèe etoeil. III shall noverb. realiy oomfoulsble lu 111se. oorna, Nely,' ho sail. 'lI my voas, tate t. bave a pareel et obildreai raoing Up and doe ..1,.peupetually neauly drives me mail. Andl tb. oook- ing la dreailful. Ronnry viii tell yeu tho sanie tbing. Lateually, I onld Dot teucla my muner lait Iniaht. I Véry nearly oamo round t.,skyo tm dine vlth ak en.99 m "4Poor papalI W. muet id ont morne more comtoutabie aboie. TI il try to seo about il diuectly." "But I shonlil bave le give s veekas notice," ho rernaukel, "or pay a vek', reut. Henry thought if yen ceulil take me infor a fewileys, I mightleave at once. I knew y-u ouidn't mmnd hav. ing Me." -No, et course net, papa-net if itvoemy oua bouse ; but I abonlil have te asbU. Clayter.".1 "Y«, Jes ; . .gb,"aniereil U. maulyn i>asiiliyr. 11"Feuhapi he veuldai't hbIl"t; hut den't mk him, HoRleu, ai1lvilljust try te put up apon you+'-hardened 'Ouu ea> 4YOOU kI0h ud km.' koovihow.orçolly unjus ae'eadé 1 kuow you wold onces"h repli* etd# polutodly. And thon he. depa"tde leaving her le beau the Ibrusklal eobea culd. 013APTiIS I Mne. Ohaytor bail no laok-Afnt no if the peoplo who oalled upon ýherZuld b. olassod as, snob. 8Îh. aâdi eue invitations se dinoret ,é vet'bales whioh Mr. (Jbaytor, perbapo frein a dogesie show off his young i., Èa. variably deoided were to e h.so.pted ; and ocoauionelly stato banqueta ver. givon iu Bedford Square in, raturn. for the bospitalities eztended'te 1h. n.vly- married but ill.assortod pair. :J. Rfelen baid bean fair enougla in ber sha*bby drese.s and poor, surroundinge to attisai ber niob hutiband; but bow much foirer se. ooked, dreeaed, as ho iaeisted ah. should b., ini the zicheel of robes and adorned with th. eparkling jewelu wbich is wae -bis pleasure _oh. ebould Wear.j The6 kgeneral ver4îct WM 4bt air. Obsytor vas lovel.y; --vhénver se appoareil admiration followed her, even sh. f.mai. portion of lhe oomiuuuity noslgrudgiug their meoi of puise te on. Who *88s8o ovidontly innocent of aIl th. nouai arts snd artfices thal son anar aà r.ally lovoly face. Mr~. Chaytou 'Was intenely ploeed wltb lthe ensa- tien his wife created ; but very- jealous- ly did ho guard hor from th.eleight.e approach te friendship wit amny on. 8h. vont te balle, but eh@ nover dinc- od ; to dinnor-parties, but oblè ooldom epoke ; se.wus lwaye m0e mmd, se uilent, but e xtremely eweet sud gonile, that as luti ber aobriguet b.- came thai of "Lb.e beaiful automaien." "Poor thingi1 ah. won'i live long," remarked amklud-hearted matron Who wau vainly endeavoring 10 id hue- bande for four by ne means youthful dmugbters ; "ehob ok@ sfr&agsd go unhappy. Wbmt cotId have t iompt.d ber te marry that dreadini Mr. Ohay. tWr ?", (To b. aoniinued.) Lautjiter Us a Medlie. Il is anuuaideratood fNes thal ne t only do.& a happy ispoitien cenduce 10 healtb, but that lmughteu -lsstf ha s prove in lume caos.on.eof lb. bout. medioinoo. Hero i.sua instance : A pateing very lowvwith a foyer, hie rector ordo*red a, doe.-of rhnbarb. A pot menkey helouginggthb.e ick mma vau pesens vbibe the nuuse prepared 1h. medicino. When eh. left the reom the animal, Dol knovlug Ihal hi. muter va. watohing him, @lippil uly- ly th sb able, bob up th. geblel ceu- tainmng the Iiquid sud potut 1blh!. p. The firet lasie wa probably mrage to hlm,su andnade a ea noisaigrimace, but ho diallked to gPv. il np. Anothor Olp, aud ho gel the evoot, opup. Mah.1 Hie grotesque viagbwhen4 . cMe a furtve glu.. around, sud then' eal quietly dowu vitbthe gelûts-ei rn. ly grasped su ad puetty soon ho placed it tobis lipe and drank -10 1h. -drege. Perbapo thore baid been a wiaioglaaufu of gmp of maman-net mor-,vhile th. rhubarbhâbai&aHlsoileoi. But h. bail founil il, sud bofere ho b.d fnhly wlreluoil i"he cane ofàl#te o ha hd I ad& ~ aZDgrsfnaiyef(ae ,*a Glasow kI.0on nuac o of Oreat Brftain- OAIAP,500,000.,f00,00 KWAXE Farm Property sud Dwelling Houses aSpecialty. Vcrylow rates. EasOy terme of payment., Simple Poli 140 N ,vexations conditions. Prompt settlement of louss without dlscount. Be sure yon do nol masure until you know our terme ad conditions. Enquire of R. R. B. BAY- WARD, oui General Agent for Southi On- tario. Offie. lu Whitby-Part of D. Ormis- ton'e Lmw-Olffioe. kl letters addr.sscd te Look-Box 78, Whilby P. O., will receive Prompt attention. hesldence-Hm Cot- tmge, Byron street, Whitby. 21 PAP.ER HANGER, KALSOMINER,' -AND- General House J Deoorator, - -- -, - ý - - ý - - -- 1 1 ý; 1 ' êf. - -1 liai G iý ra ïves Wor x~ ~inaoue a loaasud sure cure. I e Lo Ird ,saibbury t.i*»k4be~option of Prtcinby B#aavol noel. country incoivil an, I have great plcasure lu ceriifyang te 1the uufhaeaof Hagysrd'n Yellew OÎil, wite« D. Kmvanmgh, pestanaster,icf Unfravilo, Ont., "ih&ving usedi ilfor sorenescf 1the throat, burne, coldz, etc,1 finil nothing equal te il."1 Six commiseione lu thé. British amm are to e b.issueil teO cnmdlmn zmuitia offièers. YVOUNG MEN uiqferlig froni the effects of Iearly evil habits, tho result of Ignorance *r lofly, who find themuclves wemk, nervous, end exhausted; aise MItDDLEs AGzD and OLD Mma, who are broken clown frem th.e effeets of abuse cir over-work, and Luý advanced lilf el the censequoncos cf yoùthftl excees. moud for and mRA- M. V. Lubbp's Treatise on Dinsses cf Mon. The bock vil b. sent soalod te mny uddress ouneceiof woS t. Torn M. V. LUBON, 47 Welllngtou t . Trno PWYDAVWS M1anaqera of FrwtorieA, Work-sAops, Piantations, NurseS in Hospitals, -in sh,>rt, everybndy everywhere ach ha8 ever given it a triaL TAREN Il<TE'XALLY MIXED WITH A WINE GLASS 9F BOT MILK AND SUGAR, IT WILL BE POUND A NEVER FAILING CUBE FOR SUDIDEN COLD1S, CIIILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINT, SORE TH ROAT ,&c. APPLJBD EXTEEEALLT, EXPERIENCE BAS FROVEN lu THEMOST EFFECTIVE AND BEST LINIMENT ON LÂRTH IN REMOYING THE PAIN XR!SING PROM SPUAINS, BRUISES, REUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTITACHE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &C., &C. 26ets. ,per BoWte. Beware of Imitationn. CAMPBELLS ELUXIR This agreeable yet poent prepara- lien lu especiall1y adapted lor th1e relief sud cure oethlat ciau sof ulsorders attendant upen aslow or reduced iulue eftthe systeni. and usually accompaniccd by Palier, Weakaaess aud Palpitation of th1e Ieart. Prompt rmiîa swifl follow iLs usitii Cses cf Sudden Ex. hmustion aansi",!r frein Loss vof lUeod, Acute or Chruiîitc Iiseases, -..id lutiih weakness that lu vaniably ace' .a'.panes tuie iocovery froniWasting FevurI-S. NO Dyspepia oIndigestion-- -, -act-n o RATES, LOW 1 ADJUSTMENTS LIBERAL 1 LOSSES PÂI) PROMPTLYI Companles mmong the best ln the world, auoh as, Th&e LIVERPOOL, LONDON d- GLOBE, The LANOABHIBE, Th,. WATERLOO, and The NORWIOH UNION, Local private f undu in snms to suit at lowest rates. W.- B. PRINGLE, NOTABY PUBLIC, Whltby. TH]EE WESTERN BANK 0F WHIT.BY, - - ONI'flfl. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whltby,N1ov. '711, 188. ly-47 MONEY TO LOAN!1 $10.0W el>UR INVERT31ENT. ON REAL ESTATE BEOUBITY. Attovesi livng rates o! intoeast. Money seueilvithin 10- day. eof ap. Apply 10 JOHENFAQHBO Whitby, February l6th, 1880. 9- 8500,000O7TO LOAN. At 6 co ent.yomrly. Terma of rep&y mentcfpr icialmail. to mil bonreweza PuraI m BeCond mortgagebought. Ai- vanos adeon econd mort«ages and to purchase farms. ..Nc costa incurrcd in maklng application.te me foriee;n a Vu? 8f..; neodely. aris<payl hher rats Qn mortgages should mpply 1 me aI nc for loer rates sdBave money. Write or ca mliiuedistely for particulmue. 9. R. BEYNOLiDB, 1y2 20 Adeaide Street BEut, Toronte. TO AGENTS Niim ci e anil 48 Front -Street Emet, Toronto, gelup the Netest meut Complote and Bou lluia NeeiaPmahas. lAimrica. Bond 25Cents' for Saniples-o! Nuw Ne. 4, f6labidlu Fine ?lusb. Partmonjasenut vhexa stamps are encoeelfor reply. Don'wonxy if you areotLt o1fpoymoat Write toX.M Cobdy, 41- WeWngton ,>Street' Eusto -iunt. Bond tampa forreply. ~Lodg uoom ~znth's Bloo04 Wedaieday luesch N OW READY-Our new bock, 'IEaru'i Soa and Sky; or, Marvels of the Umiversc"; boing a full aud graphie de- seuription of ail that je woederful i overy continent of 1h. Globe, in tho world efý waters aud 1he, Starry Heavens, containinig thrilling adveutures on lannd and sea, n.- nowned discoveries of 1h. world's gremiest explerere in m4W ages, anad romarkable phe- noanona lu every realm cf nature. Eni- braomng lhe straking phyuacal featuresrof the cauth, 1h. peculiar eharaotcristics of 1h. hummu race, cf animale, birds, insecte, e».. including avivid description cf the-Atlan- tic, Pacife sud Indian Oceans, ana of the Polar Boas,_lhe Monsters cf _4h. Deej, besutifal seashells and plants, àingular flubes and dweilers aun1the vorld of ,waters. remarkable Ocean ourrents, etc., together with the AMAZIYG PHENOMENA OFf THE BOLAR *AND STÂRRY SYBTRMS BY HEzNRT DAVE14POIRT NoRmimroP,- D.D., Embellished with over 800 flue engrmviugs, Liboual berins te Agents. OXFORD PUBLI8HING 00. 5 JORAN x<ST.,- TOXIONT09 ONT. Certicate of Major Lrper, Zsq., of Whitby- -1-l882- TG whom i! may coflcernf. This is 10 certify 111.1 hmvlng eiaanÎhèd, repairedanild usod a great variely e! Sowiug Machines. I have cerne te 111e conclusion that the White Machine sld by L ..Pair- banksnone of the beal made, as in ]my opiiitlis a machine 111mb vill net easily gel ont o! erdor, adi illait nith Ilonger than mont machines, as cmre las been bakea te. prevoei1 vear u mclias, possible. I eau hon estly eommonil il toýe paliaant- ing a goéd and l mting ewng tmachino. 1 purchasoil ene e!f1the Whibes some/months mgo, sud il gite everyEsatifaetoai. Mter Ilve yeaus useo! thie White Sevwing Machine =uniyfamiy I eau fully -endorue the above . d e a u anfufly>,recena- menl 1the machine as a famlly swn machine conte loua for repairethzi, n machine I have ever, hail anylhing;$jdé' vibli. - MAJOR ÉHAaPER. Soldchoaes 11"1thecheapet n n h besl cf 111e bét. * .e, sdl 1 L. FALBBÂNXS, Sole Agent for thio District.- ln Deuereli',s Blooh -for gour. FURI TUE' IDRAWINMG ROOM SUITS, DNN4G .ROOMd S UIT8,- - EEI0OM SUI~TSu' « Atfrc:taD fiC tlte Cone On e, CoinaIl, arad se Ëor Yu*Iies.? frem b vbhere. bai bo apiecel0 sud plae .61i o! th The j 4ome lu EauM numbe -the Pli suspoi suad-i i e S Paper (urni8hed (rom- 5c, -a Rail and Upward< Orders fromn the country promptly- attended to. gEe SHOP-First door South of Mu. G. Y. Smnith's 1mw office, Whilby. Whitby, May 12th, 1887. Àa 1 -. e k INSURANC E!hA6EN.TS! -A6ENTSI I Nveu before bail the ai.kmmn ma. UM nal. e a a. 's t(inatimu&) 1 TheKM Polu B balh ~tleferil. the Do on* Ian. .81, Chamn from De. - ~ coup TueR var. Abre moud va. day niglt.. 5f laugea vili eot1î] The mggri Soi Wbite, Fniilay- 'KRose, lb sehas Sandfor u treug Sp.i union a- reperl Congo-i els Friday Stanley o Thesa met ycs a pnototi Vormo bail net ing couve TheW Pase by doath 1

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