Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Dec 1887, p. 5

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-Un, pMhifls and Fur Trim--' %al Muifs, Ladies' Per- raean Caps, Ladies' SMens' S. S. Seal $S Mens'- (Itter 'in CoatS, LOWý%. had t/wcho/e ~Wq 2.'s are HEAP s )rium. 'RNS', COLUMN., efor ail You're Worth and si(t, ri foiow tryxxxg po i iii hllOV lviui it xàhea.1 andlnever strayfing, ,Jh 4r lion mi~de.aying, tü toi ' r worth iandl WIfl. CcAli b, h..4'j lier goîng. arI on ; - i t ,Wi 4) wi IO 4z :0.1 ~ ~ ( àj-'w .1la i Y i il g tî i WIU r - tir, in à (kirter i, o-nly l ic c23 -j- - LuT ~~IRE ITI - j- - e t Sa-r CUR e S o LIVER COMPVAINT, BILIOUS DISMRERS, 8ICaç HEADAà, 'tiense s esriau ,avIty UO1Tflf O *fobkiintn. -- laid ~~~~ h 91 ~Ohaik TaIkla W haeru1ê fri h-b. j>dOT«fothe l. lishersa co» c'f a flw uovel *t0lo TixaOmaï.oI4diee oog. e4ing" prince o"0a~bb. The wotwk ta PEACH BLOW WARE vexercoBisestai P'lce a ssýb ae an>ni vr evein ait4«hOk he na.roepionin le wofwsto,&aetues .with ah. or Mounted in Fine Quadruple Silveri lakes place. ldyWh esl él hohe tiadsaited, The regular meeting "01h.W. 0. T. of wahe upassal i n -tewu.iand lu. Plated Stands, hml b elu in h. Free pReaeng the southeru sfeau.Itis publiuhled by past thre o'olok. ~~h Wm. Bryce, of Toronto. Prics 890 et.. Breakfast Crue ts, m oing i:; si week and wh soy eh T u meeting of th tern, of the contlniued for &bout tomta t h h.ld D 41h MroLInt. Henry ocuieth Dessert Se sarea'lgood ou. and vo trust ai u lha.aiD-o1t . He mnte.cocu 1h. pre readhi. oui meeting and the critios repor had Thesosert Shetsloohainr fe hei moingutes of te r e immense. The ladies of St. Audrew'u ing programme was rendeZfeOrveer.ý have Psued their magie "and ove: it ture-Orchestra; 0addrsss-àir. Hender. "LIT TLE F0OLKS"'n a* onerultransformaionhbas. son; Chorus-GirlOctette Club; Bsa3d. talin pace Th baaar is ow n ig- ies inue Sratn ;Piano Solo Set of Knife, Fork, spon ana Napkin full blu.t. lIt coite you just teu Cent$ .Weie B. Doker ; Beading-B lph in Elegant Satîn-lined cases. nter. One ticket admits on Il Bogerni I uru ulal D e - iss Ring oociioh,refreshmentes &» servedlin th. Taylor and Moore ; ýRading-Vis5 JAS,&~different boothe provided, Give the Hettio Burns ; Song-Wm. jameon; BISCU ITl AR, c. la dies' a eall. Reading-MisseBilie Lawle; Chorus FOR barofaood or aveu sneaking - Boys Octette Club ; Essay- Wlm. hoggishnee;s, give us Oshawa. The laut Sinclair; Reading-Mis Lucy Valen- breatb had scarcely beau drawu by the lino ; Essay-Mise Davy; Choru- late Geo. B. Yale when a deQputation Gie. Club. Speeches by several of th. du Su B A IR A RD, left Oshawa for Toronto le have norne acting 'officeri. The meeting was J 8 bA ni~ b .fOshawa Mau appointed &meican broughlte a cloue by singing the Nation. Consul. Nov they are sending in ai Antbem. Tatitiongs aking Judge Darînel b hold T ne e from Myrîle on Wednesday ENGRA VERp , '., bis division courts there *iustead 011 that George Brown had beau shot tvice Wbitby. 'lh. 3udge wil net b. likeY by whiskey detectives MoRse and 10 grant their request when h. notes; Dennin. who reoently raiffed this BROOK ST., - HITBY., their nudorhanded trick iu refcrence to0 connty, cansed great excitement. the consulate. These detectives had been at Brooklin With the commencement ef the ukal. giving evidence and had procured for ____________________________ ing period always cornes tbe bout ma. the crown evidence ef about fifty vio- "on of th. ypar for photographing. lations of th. Scott Act. Their dotec. I~sI.. ~Ju Dow the young people look their tive work had raised qtrong feelings W U~~YII I.best *sad "take" admirably. Mr. against them by the supporters of th. Underwoed, tb. nev photographer, trafflo, and Brown andd mre other Port -- --_______ sucesser to O'Brien, will b. glad te, Perrty fellows came dovu le Myrîle ewa -undertake aIl the work necessary dur. lion sud met them as lh.)y took 1h.' 1)ECEMBER l6th, 1887. ing tbis holiday season. Re bas Ie a train for Toronto, about @even o'olock lu -maguificent stook of frames te select the evening. Brown uksd Dennin te from, aIl ef nov desigue and good corne uut fIhe station, and, catobing LOCAL LACONICS, value. Reception evsry Saturday night hold of him saked him te walk te eue for the inspection eft ramAes and work. aide. This Denuin r.fused te do sud AUloom. '~Brown attempted te pull him along. SHA l (3lN Ot 1 AO AOUL) OW-A A lot of new jewellry, comprisig Asufenesued in which bolh meil BUDGET OF LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEAMED almoot everything thol couldab.oasked dt-ew revolvers, au dida Is. o e. SY CHRONICLE REPORTERS for in silvsr-piated goods, rings, pt-sent A fev aboIs vers fired and Brovu feUù sud an unusaly large stock of general dovu abattwIice in the breaut Dennin 'A -hiela amang yo, takin notes, ;evellry at Jas. Johnslon's. Enpecial having aise seoured Browu's revolver.' An' faith hell prent iL value may b. secured in buying frorn a', Then nome other parties Who hail beeu Ragln Orist&8 air e o Wedes-large stock of diamond gold rings, con- hiding bebina the station came runug agan Obrsînai fir s ouWeds-taiuing from eue te tht-e diamonds. up, fired nmre shotu but vithout hitling TrdayetDe11. Manchester on These have been purchased the loveet any pet-so, and rau away aga*n. Thursay. ver exhibited by Mrf. Johnsbon and Brovn vas removed to the station Tes E amination for Entrance t thie viii b. sold at cloue prioes. Rings frem bouse just as tb. train came &long sMd WVhitby Ceilegiale Institute begins on *4 to 825. 1fr. Johuston says hie took the deteatives te Toronto where Wednesday neit t ah i 'cock P. M. prices are suitable teo the hard tlrneg. they were arresed snd detined The ashbutrn people have publiahed a IN reunig ihanks for the very t the roquest oft1he Myrtle station bill ot their Christmas f air on Tuesday liberal support acoorded! me iu Whitby aet uezt, giving a splendid prize list. No beg te inforrn the public that 1 have te- TEST say vhen a rov upuinga up Mu Christmas show in the country effet-e As moved te, nev sud larger pt-enises, a chut-oh or farnily il in alwayu of the good premiomu. where I shali b. pleaued to uee *very- Most bitter kînd. Once the cengrega- Mfr. J. B. Biokeil, was the man te, one who vante anything in fine watohes, tiens of St. Jhusa and Au saints me.that reporters b. turned eut et dlocks, jewelry, spectacles, sud silver- ehu.rches in this teva dwelt lu pesos the meeting ôf Central Bank uhare- ware, petenteegaese i ansd harrnony together. Borne of the hoiders in Toronto ou Tueuday. a hpd nsd vili net eut-i or pinch members vere otthodoz, orne hetero- vas afraid toletlot he public know 1he lb. nose ,v.rything firts-cluansd nt dos. But dissension s prang up 'ma tru th.- prices le suit th. times. Repairing a that 11111e community cf God's people AT Pickering ou Tueeday next, Dec. speeiality in every -kind ef intricale aud divided sud took two different roade to 1OLh, Mr. L. B. Ackeronan bas calild a eomplicated vatches, dlocks, Mugical heaven. Borne lime previeus to this u.. use o go i bu a.tiuiývui - bazessjev.îry, silvevare . til, acm%'îequabbie, long, long.àva, aP=of.B&1E mar "loa, atcop phaeton. a nov forget the place, P. Taylor the vatch. -Prstituto,0lived nlb oulhcoury~ B - cutter, a set ef single barnesu, three maker..Odd Fallowe Block. isuin h e nstroe f lihlin smt a robee, and ail his housebold effects. UNION Evanigelietie services unde r tim b e hut-ch d o f t her. evnvrote Sale st noon. AllI must be soid as Mr. the direction ef Boy. Messrs. Orossiey t the aiuhd oountr ua. gevnerot Âokeman e gong t Calforna. ad HuIerviiib. tmOeeted u i dividuaisnntyaa 1 ev hus NEAI Kig'etannry.on atoday bity, n Sbbat lb l8h ~ dollrs e rpai lb.darago Th îwooîerditutincs rereored cutah sd iv tenolvea e in h . Fdewotn UleftMI 'Le fa e "tg-wap trought toi jai D0 Counuo01 \Imm U V.' : - ri O M 'US % r ý.;R t' à v o t-c t pte - ipl imu - - - - - - - r -Ji ¾t ci - wd 1 j. -iýaL - - -- t t - iQu-Léî c. n -t- -t- i -, y - - - - j f t 4 j ,~ - -- h e tu- , tr- - - --j ~~R . -jln - j j~ji JI a Oftqn rr -~~ - - - - ~~~ i -~le g tr~ - tfji -U e&0. iit Jf -;, ib -~--- -~- e !1iUtS iiiV wtul Trc fj.-Irotn- - -- i j -t -b I i-i~~~~~~~~ie y ---- - --iiC tr. c r 1r 0-vuh-a c - r~~~ - 'j'i' ri-;-tyj W -- -ruruof it e uier r jnt crth Il l ît -g r-eth -re r t L-r r ÇA ùî nrý o v o d v tt> ove- trie -dT b @ ridng loss von t-1 vae ustaîneýd in the dêath of Cr Làtle i ýtd for a mtonth. 1your èon is one of the greateEt aieitonS. Trtî, C-xIiaaianiiifdvaiicc (ToropWn) ofi you coult-d bl, ce-ed upon_ to a. ttis rglelçcoutaftu iit -rer3,ilg article through. But sorrow net- au tos- -op -Lanra Secord, the-o feroin Of-t witkout hope. W. betîov9 Ibat ygur->on i su*, by Mra. -.. A. Ont-zen,- the'auther bad a ble'esed. hep. e ofitnrnertali ty >sud: -of the drama with thpabove title. Il etern al ie beond the*ra r&è s1nd _ concldes ili a* aýpeal to al true ht t .e re0yb#jt4fiYr Ca adinste asesiuthe eonctionî of a re. utiouin luOûtr, -thi# bU*é * monmen hobemoocf the brave wI'gb'y" b-ou#à ears te coma, Ire' ~ il-i a r. ra te i-nLU is cabe.ad fdldto i ot r eïi--i-i u t-o jil ýr cou- f-î- ci r. ef - ', airgon ti-rx t 'cm tbe - o îl-nav1sodCaouS1» - --i r-t IOa ci , MoBaliu ssd he ý',rou1 -u iorus ~r Cimers~ouiriia waï1ïi-aý FUtr itoL ttaîovar the Iipd wiha êi i--ni cuttnag ta eaborZ lê3 Vrie-c t hlmer-(> or-rab,'OÃœ t uit il eo'ue rLtiCJitrC Le, fruud htbhiy Oy* ednu t-Ilho th Wet-OS'e1_dýýé1u 0 uppeî' týeth ar1y ail k it-i w ~O In-.u -r Corne -ad see our unriva] Overcoatings, Fur Caps, -Underwear,&. Y-OL IDA Y v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k a v î- - -- -; MrFANCY 000DB DE.PAIRTMENTS are briIli1n'tiwith'fre-sh ur'd suxitable Jie Xmas Season-. HU-NDeEROIIEFS -iiin Bilk, Linon, and Fanoy.- LÀbMIS' 'JEP.SEYS--i Beaded, Braided, a*]d Plaine ~i-00LSHAWLS-A Beautiful Lot-at LOW PRICES. PANCY WOYOL GÃ"ODS-Wool Squares, Tara Q'Shanterse HoodMts l~~ 3oarfa, Bootees, Infautees, Cuiffe,&o DlREBS GOODS-A Grand Assortment in Black and Colors, Silks, Satina, Pluehl, Brocade Velvets, Fanoy Goods, Dress aoid Mantie Ornaments," Braids, ana Trimminge. [W7 Gents' Fine Ordered Clothing a Specialtyè Gents' Underwear, Ties, Collars, Cuifs, Braces, Gloves, &a. FURS-Ladies' Maifs and Caps, Gents' Caps, Children's Caps. ButtQns, Our asSortment of usiefuil Goods, is simply immense.- An idea of the er:tent and vr ipty of ouir Stock may be had by- a visit to the People's Store. 0C. IF RETIRING GLIJ.SGFO SALE BIG R» &J. A1R, rji BUSINESS WAR~EI~OUSEJ, N.OW GOING ON-A For the next 10 dlays he will*seil at Sacrifice Prices. ~t- Dress Goods, Black and Colored Cashmeres, Grey Fla-n-m nels, Blankets, Carpets, Floor Oit Cloths. MIen'sOver- Coats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's and -Boys' Lambs' wool Shirts and Drawers. In ail w'ol Tweeds we hold a large variety -of Pat- terns which must be sold at some, price. Don't Buy a Dollars' worth until you look at -our Stock ýa nd gel our Prices. EJ. &J- C.&MIEBELLr.JT Ftarm Produce taken~ in Exechange.- ---- - : -- -- DO NOT W7ý Until the ohilly hasts of Winter have frozen- the iarrow in yýour-boues. NOW s THE TI kof Winter Sur, It is the larest and mc' Cometii> takES - and 'boy ln W IIA~0 8eI IIIW bt ¶J2lE FROM TO BIJY YOUR WARMER CLQTHIN-G . 8f

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