GII LA; W, Prononn te be lightfu Toile .11 B.BARD'S YENDH? ced by Conoisseurs the Most de- al Perfume a.nd et Water in the Market. - -25 Cents. a:s WD Ohemiat & Drugg WHITIBY Price LFI,1 rist, ONT. ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Whitby, Friday, October 21, 1887. A good mauy fariner, have Iatelyg been enquiring why it is thât We keep a tarming editor "d yet neyer have an editorial on farming maltea. Nov, it is flot st ail beosuse our farming editor ie not adiirably qualifi.d te diseuse theee questions, for don'leherkuow any kind of an editor alorays knoe more about an>' man,@ buoinoes Ria lhe man kaove about himeif, anti when our tsrming editer let@sboue s vo nov lnlend Rie shah, Rie viii eome off wi smre mighly umpotat argumnta; uoreri hbocaue v.diti net vanueci matters diecueseti in thems colmua, but for tvo ehher ressens. TRie firstIsatRial vs vers vaiting for s lime of the yeau viien tRie productions efthle tarin vere beiug murkelet inlu eder tRial or vieva might prove inberesling te a&H oui rend- ors wletber îb.>' ague vitRi nior net, sud thie second Irbeeause ve yl teel obligea teo @ay' mrhnelge whieb may dispiease soine people anti ve vere net ir-a burry teget ie s à uov. Font hua lways beeun oui polio>' le say *Rist vo tiiongit ws rigRit or eise net metdîse vibi a question. la dealing vitb tlii inatter nov ve shaHl do the. saine, anti shall penbape express vrong vieve. la case we do, these eoinMnUm are open te an>'oee lerepi>'. Il is obvions tRial Ibluge are net ru- niug ight vitRi our farinr. TRie>' ean't make s muci moue>' as lie>' useti te, lu tact a good ma>'eft hein can't niake il psy at aIL TRiesoeil lu Ibis iocality le ricb, equsi te any lu lie venld, sud sboulai Re madetie eprodue gooti crepe, wvile ou marketing snd shipping tacilities ougbt te enabie us te gel the best prices golug. 8h11 il dontl psy, sud lb viU enreiy Rie vorthvhile to enquirelinlo lie ressens- If au>' man hai arguedt lenly-five years ago tRialtRihe day et vbeat-groving in Ibis section vouit seon -expire Rie vouiti have beau regarded ua a taseprohet and à orank. Great yieltiu vers lhýn harvesteti aud tRie resonrees ef lhe laud seemnet almost iuexhaustible. Neyer. thelesae isas caunetnov be producei iu large quanlilies. TRi e ieal fildts inay ho loesoteti, lie moml thorougi prepsution mua>' Re idetin sud litle yglli are dlmcooraglng. Thee t ton reutetwin lufmeri nierel>' oing entougb -te tur4iis liirfailles vili bues i. Mm> eoft hein oan't even do Wm iwest-guovlug provsdl te b. unprofilable fariners took iargely le bale>', anti latteil>' te pease, antiagain if an>'mnuha tâ ttei (ve or ton yeara ago liai harle>' anti pomme vouitiin eut, ho voulti have bee n sel upoaý as erank. Balsj stili avéragee s tsir yield, but ta fut foiloing atter viesi inul<ïdeolle. *Luat Yarliere. vas as .Mir yl iticfbuis>', but-t<hie sar viti great prospects, à swvas oflnnthe caSe vii, wbesi viii il a-s aecning, lie u6e ltien>' or ,pretou4 nettla se. hsî barly Rs sen isot titys ilu lit pountr>'yi,oden large yilltii vulti nnPWBtnma n1ii* Ifar 9 ik* n « 1iu Pipas , 0,are lou8108gundi1 m n tlheh.yteld u2M the' 00 .Of formet y88eau mb. badb ý a vdu, le. fob tat <lie fume of th. future Win have <o studenew methode if e makes 1h. raising oi what,, b.rley or pous psy. ________ ~But, singplartu say, vo do not heu any* great compluints that ostis roots, or frais oan't b. produosti as wel se ever, or neà rly 80. We May have premised vrong te morne extent, but genoraily se, far we th"k our agricul- tarai readers vili agree. with us in wiat w. have said. -I den't ses hov il je," eaid a fariner the. other day "1that tRie 61d farinera farmed out their day sud made money vile nearly ail tisBons with better"opportunities have faied." That le about lhe sise ef il. This fariner kuev ilte be lie tact but could net account for it. Thore is undoubtedly eue reason-hhey got botter prions sud bad the land vhen il vas nov. That aocounte for their making money but it don't aitogether socount for their sens not haviog a yi.lId. Land like *. have in South On- tario ehchild net filer eut aIl its etrenirh lu forty or fifty yesre, nor weuld it either witRi fair management. Tbere are nmrnefirme that yiold Iargely, or at lesst upon ixci the oeeupafteamar doing fawrly if not abua- danllyv elit and <hefumeIya direotly alongoide ef others viere meni oomplain of bsving surah roaey ira1 their effort,. W. have net space te deal vith thie vhole subjeot in on. veek, ge we doter until nent issue giving qur theory about a Rood many ef these mattèe. Thie atook-holders of lie Onlarlo Ladies' Colege muet have been morei thau gratifiod with the report of the be i#polDted éonsi-elagof the Reeves Deputy-reeve aud -OOi Robeo,- Bornes andtin over, , amine into1h. question and employan. enlgineer if unomessrandti ake te. port. The amendmnent wau, e-~* Bobson, HR«iSmith, Fox, INty.- Reeve, Deputy-reeve, Noble, Haiéti. The Mayor voted with the usys. Thie motion vas cariti by <the samme vote being reversed. The Mayor stated lie hWticmmuni. osteti vith the. mansgdireotor of th. Grand Trunk regarding lhe maluten. ano. of bridges on that roati inside -the corporation, and tiol the rail!vay en. gineer had been lier. andi had geneviii, hum te taspeot soin.ofethle bridges in question. Tii. resLIt is".hthrli .' way oompany haî undertaken 1he work- ef keeping up ail ita owa bridgessud, the lova le le be relieved of liai burden lu future.v Beeve Smith introduoed snd orfieti thuough a by-lav te appoint a chiot constable for the tovu, to, fiheus sary and define hie duties. lu committee tRie blank for naine vas filetiina b> inserlxug liat ef HugPb MeBuien anti bis sslmaryfxe& aI $300 pe annuin, Pay. able quarterly, with perquisies, A synopsis of thie duties to be perforioti b>' hlm viii be feuud elseviere. Smith,* Geamma Werm emedy. & Morbmo, 0« theDomfrJo lbtro- type Pound"., 5W <Jralgstieet otel asys on. dose et Dr. 8 câles (rosi rm Worm Bemedy removed 18 larg vorma froi bis ciud 4 yearu aid. The Emperor et Brazil bas ne intention et abdcatiing. Diarrboe sand Dysentery are perliape lhe Most common et our every day ile, aiqd every person nearly bas somesrecial cure of their own. Ours ie Perry Davis Pain RiMer and having used it for many yearsw. can oonfidently recommenti il. Directors submitted sI tRio lusIsauai Crown Prince Frederick William's health meetng, hic vashei ou r1-continue& te improve., Âllen's Lang Balaam in thie standard cure day lest. The moet uocefùl year lu for )Oougb&and Colda in lie States. tie history cf tbat meet suoceesful in-. stiution is the year juel ocloseti. Tii. demanu for accommnodation vithin its valle bas steaîli ncréametirom year te ypar sud la nov se greal liaI ejîer the Directors wxll have te enlarge their bouuds or Doctor Harn sud hie otflal staff viii have teoumake bRie Cellege leus popular. TRie Directors have proveti tbeinselves boti capable sud vilting te, meet aIl demande beretofore aud the public may reet assuredti le>' viiise continue. TRiere vswu e clam u nb.h report that i. bf more than paseiag in- lereat te this- levtansd that in the clause refemtng te the receipts aud ex. penditure during the past year. Frein readiug tb. reports ef similar institu- tiens oe i la crcely prepared te hear the receipts oethLe Ontario Ladies' Col- lego for the pasl yeau feoleti up te $28,. 000, the. greater portion et vih was expended iu tRie tevu. Juil îblnk et il for a moment. $400 a, veek taken froi tRie treasur>' et a local Institution sud distributeil broadeset s moug a pop- ulation etf3,0O,4p-eople. Io thers au>' vouder &hat thie Coilege sionîti eouuider it.elf vortby of more liberal trestment IRise it at preeat receires as the ibade efthle local publie.. -Thie 620,000 repre- sente vbat the College anthorities atone bave tRie landlwng ot, whist il go.. vithontsa»Jing tRial lie Young ladies theumselves. contuibute largel>' by general expendilure te tRie receiptaet tRie lova. I'e trust ith. consideralion et tRise sud ýimilar tacts vii letI oui people te take a more liberai view eto tRie relations sustainot b>' lie Collae towards lhe tevu anti vien occasion requires give it sueh support as voulti b. given te corporators conf.rriug sami. 1er benefite. e Tlown Council. Met Monda>' evenicg. Presat-The Mayor, Reeve, Depul>'- Reeve, Couneiblors Noble, Robsen, 'Hevis, Mallet, Sithl, Fei. Minutes etfermer meeting reati sud coufirmnet. A eommunicatiou vas reatifrein lie leachers efthle Ochbgial. Inelitute re- quealiag he ieseoettRie eouncil ciambor ho pracligs thie chîiltren'. drill sudealis- Ihenics for an exhibition to b. heiti in Deeembeu. Aise troni Mr. 3no.. Blow sklag lhe use efthle tevu roati-scraper le level mie baud. Depaty.Reeve Rutlotige moveti, secoadeti b>'Mu. Noble, thal as moon se the tille of tRis Mutige & Yarwood facter>' hal Rie passetiupon antispl- preveti b>'tRis towu SolieitortRhe Mayor Rie autiorizetitti rav eneugi freinlie, funti puoduceti b>'tRis sale o e Rsdes. luis nov. beiug tesue t tepsy for the, propeit-arid On Imotion of IRseve Smith lias matair cf the.puppasof ow .Collegiase Inelitute hsvrng the nuof lhe ounusil olimb vau left t te . r. Depuly'.Beeve Ruiletge zmovei, me- ontietib>' Rea inii, laI viersas 51 lie lut meetip g oft liii onnoi a '»0o- intion vas passed. sutlionizin lie con- struolion oeta »seerou Greerastreet sud -Ontarie atulate meniond, i ni ud, resobulion; sud viereas thé committe.' vilci l iïe ùl muidork o ory out hmstahietito <skeman>' stops tovaidtheli commencement or ompgilotion of sià sever, sud bsrtus aproà eed vili iaiti vork. Be i remove th lia aesiai comnites f tiloupicoousislag oe' thà Maïar at imâ e &na 1, There wus more rletlng in the neighbor. hood ef Uyde Park yesterday. OaouP-This dires a oaed by the. formation of a tIse membrane lining lh. wiud.jpipe, and obstruoting the. passage of the air, and is known by the. mini, croup soundîng oough and ratting In the tbroati. This membrane must b. removed by ex- pectoration. Take a double dose ot the B.Jaam every ten or fiftteea minutes, whioh wif reduce it, atter taking a tew doues. The. Balsazu wMiland bas saved the. lives of thousanda of cbildren attacked viti croup, where ît bas been taken in sason. Mir. James Rowand, Liberal, was .lee.d by acclamation for West Bruce Wedn.sdy. It ia a littie trouble to examine the.pain- phiet wrapped around each bottie 01>ibe true Murray & .,anman's Fiorida Water, so as to find the words "Lannan & Kemp, New 'York," which are watermarked- or stamped in pale letters on ever) page but it is better to take tuas amail amonumt 0t bother te ta o b . ed uon. byva wortles ooatereit _'Eeryledof -tie pamphlet arouni the genuine bas tRi... worda in lt, which though paie and taint, eau be eaily se.n wenhbeld Up te tb egt and ne Florida Wat.r in genaime that dees net bave thia test Mark. Aterrible epideie ofet ýd1 fW raging in Iron hMeuntain WVe, The M090108 Cr.wn Should adora thie brow of the. Inventer ef thie great corn cure, Pntnam'u Painlesa Corn Extraotor. It works quickly, neyer makea a sore spot, andis just the. t1nn yen wat. 80. that Yeu get 1putnsm's Pamneas Cern Extractor, tiie sure, sie snd painless cure for corna. AUCTION SALEýjr -OF- FARN fPROPERTY. Under sud by virtue efthle Power ci ýWle coutaimed ira a certan Mortg~g wbli *iIil b. proiluet t tim re et sd., anti upon whici dofa nitlupaymeat bas beau matie,thier. vil b.e fferet fer saleL by Public Auction aI tie Cen tral ho tel in the town of Oshawa Inuthe Oonby etOntari., on Baturdax. l2th day of November, A. D., 1887, at tie heur oft Two o'olock in the atternoon, lie followingK valuable laubi FIBST.-q'he norti quarter of lot nUïm- ber Twelve in the. Fourti Concessio e b Towuahip et Wbitby EBut, lu the Ceuni> --f Orario, centsingp F111 crs, moro SBCOND.-TRi. norti hall ef iot.nuanber Thirteen, lu lie Fourli Coneeneui'.b te ziorstiTownaip ot Wiby Hast, eo- lelring Uns Hundrei ÂAures, ror o u TBtBD.T~onobh haf alotaunitas Seva, luths Imuidgourti cn'ea of he stereasid, Towpsbip et WbithB il p talag ne Enud*reti Âcres, aIMerorle HAD WM. AGRAND C arpets, Suitings, Man t/e C/othsf, O vercoa tings, Clothing and Gents' Furnishing8,. GILMOR~i Mr 7-f WHITéY T/LE and BRICK YA RA' round Tile. any time, or Sale any quantity of weýli-barnt, smooth, Wood taken ini exohange for Brick or Tieat WM.0 GILMORE, Sept. lit, 1887. suda Hitiin uthe Of C*OLD and SILV 4JABES. 1 OPENING- And Magnificent Displa>y of Bargains in F ALL QOODS The choiceet, finest, best and cheapest assortment- of Seasonable Goods ever seen inWitby. We have to announce that our immense Fail Stock is now ti perfect order adwe invite you to give us au early cail and inspeot it. You are not expected to buy anything unless you find exaotly what you want. Our steady aim is to please ail our customers and meet their requirements better than anybody else ean do it. flow far we have been sucessful can be demonstrated by calling at our store and critically exarain ing our display of Fancy Dry Goods, B/a nkets, Tweeds, Ha ts, Caps, Furs,- We have been known for years as Leaders in Styles and also as Leaders ini Prices and we intend to maintain our reputation. We are bound to seil and have marked every thing at selling prices. tdMQ 7 T Ar Do not delay, but corne and take first cloice. we do ---.LLs/1 V.--- R;?-0 88 sE t,» Whitby Dry Do as 1:PI4.O0i8 Qoods Farmers, Threshers, and Mill-Men Find it to their advantage and pro fit to use LARDINE ACHmIE OILS. Guaranteed not to gnm, and will outwear ail other Machine Qils. O~"Try our Cylinder 011. It hais ne equal. For sale in Whitby, by 72E Emporium. BU.RNS' COLUMN. Stike for ail You're Worth and I'd like te soc a tellow tymnq Hard te make bis *&y lunlite I'd like te sec hlm hravely plying Al bis terces lu bis strife. Stralgit siiest and nover etay!ng, Ail hies srengthihis purpe eil, Tien I oheer huxu ouiarde sayig Strike for ail you're erti u wn ourage, -comrade,_4eep iier geing, Keep the mli arohbng on ; Whetfier homile vindesueboviag, Dauknuemuaiveva'tic dava. Nqeveu amnindti heédes ioi Throw your spunky -challenge-in, Kola yeur grounti ani ,keep iei "eoting, Strike feu aityouiIre vorti suid in. Wheep ici up'antinever (aller, Neveu lanyonfrom theo slr!M-s Bura yeurafférings on IF. sitar 0 f a tue anti biameis lis Kep yeur bead My coinrade, level, New'a thé lime te lu'. béen F'earing neither man uer deil Strike for au yoaxs erhii-mnd Win! To.tispiritetd vce e nlhiadti "I suying, Pay a Yo0-60." mayte me anti m a -n> lie quarter For Ladies. - Pextra strong U2 Dusk,-1roof C6 f or men. L Ail Grades of - FWAL THAM andEL I~]Movcmcents lu Stock. SBA RNA iBROOK ST., HT IIjitbp fjri OCTOBER 2Llst, 181 LOCAL tLACONI( UIIAT i 901#69 ON MW'AND -AROUN 8408OBIOEIVELY LOCAL NEWS 6 BI CHRONICLE REPORTERS AÂ,ùlielle amang ye, takin n An' f aiti Riel1 prent ft. BAEILBY keepe up lu prie. I Sud furmers are taking up- lie BzEmER "ie olti Folks"c aigRit ina musie hall. Plan oe Gibbard'a admission 950 and~ TENIR va' a greal mally on country on' Sunday lasIte gai] nute, sud iMost ot Ihein returu The lbaves of trees have fali tovu lin greal -quanlilies -du veek. là soeisste>' he deep. Tçvo HamniltOoYs, auxe aniFred. Bell, sloles horf lier. on Frida>' laist, drove l anti moiti le whole for $48. mrrestid sud put in a jil. Thi DumWG lies.frosty moira :ot our citizeas xMay Rie senWa *.-igit pars« ding tie ne,,ghl, fieldis in quesi oft- musirool dlo not go soeaoui>'beomulel burut if lefI longer, but e are afaid sone else viii Sm ti <hof tfine* puoperi tiset'ià uan-d -near lie Village ham tole imiti by publio Brougham, on, Thursts> i Novenbibe by à r. Thos. Po tioneer. * Tiee villa iota, lnsuae descriibeti s eb. salue., ed h ii u MR. Jrioý Lu.s,: Toronlor in ibis issue. aImelt aiUUn' able f.m propeà y lE 1s Mâriposa tovnships,.te i vdI4uanôtwn. etlishe_ cal>' cap- BOc t. wi:~ ANT 'ta" Dress Goods, Fia nnels, WM. BRYAN & BONS, Duindas Street, a