Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jul 1887, p. 7

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ýIleraI nouée se ae nd -pî ers froni the CcourItn attended to :i .Smith'. lawOffice ii'tby, May 12th, 1887. ty ýW REA-DY Ournewbk Sea su kY; or, 3Mar,. irs;beîug a full anden0t ion~ ~ i c lhaiswonder r ent of the Globe, in 1h. V*4~ î Aud the Starry H?,e*,@0l4, ýng adventure 0 onim aId diecoyerie.oOf the worldigké :er@ tu all agtla, and remni a~ is lu every realm ontaj Ig the etlrîing phyaicailat i the IMOUIiar characterticE0*, a race, of animais, lbird ' 't Ing a Vivid descriptfo afluet ýQifilo and Indian loitte !4 Seas, the.Monsters 0 $ 0111 ru easbelie aud pot andi dweiier8 in tbe world orw, abIe Ocean curr, Kts, etc,tel ZIYVG PHENOAIENr4OP ' ished wiîh over 3w0fine terws to Agentî. 6flin 9RD -PUBLISHtNG CO., ,N ST, TORONTOO atcfMajor Harper, q. P te certîfy thât bavin and used fie Tet varietyo sI have Cone b the Cecut 1Witoma0hinesold byL- one 0f the beât madeas i A l e a M&ChIII. that wI not mam ,f erder, and jwiii iast 3t machnes as cars bas been ta at wear as niuch &as oabe "b]y TSCornmend it tu , parules u a i rd lain4sewing machine. 'L$ý t iou f the Xhte's 'orne iolatàam 'git .Very Batiefaetuol. l' iears uqejof1the whie ow, nMy fsniîiy I ean tnlly endorme certitlcaje sud eu... y ec zuahîe. A afarnily SeWU4 cseleSes or repaire thanu "y have.ever baq anvthîug tb dé, MAJOR 11ARPX aIp as; the cheapeet, sud ii bhè be et. Soie Agent for thisîstzîIs ý erel/>8 B/Ook for gonur ie, Corne ail, and Bd r Yourseives. JOQ4HNSON .ZGALSO A pasl à AIDA 118, VER'30H1X FERGUS05 Esîabliabmeut, Dundae.d e .heur, trenà 9 &.m. le 1 l te 6,uP. Mn. Redens,...a liberI0 treets, I.- BATES, 9 wp ""'dg -Age*I, 41 imP DJUldÀng)o Newv ork,* > etract for advert$ý i-CIHfRONJIJCL m 'ALT. Bebness, snd Plavorfa, equ&iied. 4uprevi ydur J LT0Np ONT. ýLER'9ÂA &s efstolen-froin Our RIchauges.' Thr#Ire goço ral men in this t6wn 0hobave ont Regosenge 4nougli te leep Wb 15Sandsy. It ought te become ,bti8bed roi', t tat ail mon found oth at day éhould ho mun to tb, pond âa ductied iaZlo sensible Th@ 1p,ÇVmanille Junior base bal île ~~ asteonriSaturday aftWOO jt w~hbutfirvaýy queioh- teUmzO11 prîde A the11 vilage pets, ,%eiWor VtLer thbe score a; tie ,edw5.18S rn favor of the. pets. on Thuirt3 4 ahttrniar iISat, Mr. M. CrydermMî t h a Aevore tiocideut, wlowrkJizoa ý% &ii tiiD. O.& pFîttory. Vhý!Pcuttiug np 'Some ,eiion the saw, lie put out hie band to reo e pliiter -but sAthlat r M,)noLt V8,4 eîzed %N 1,, a dizz sou- 04 tine Pand btp ofi baud eoruing in cou- tact wrub ith.e aw, the. third finger wae àrP" rialit througli aud Lthecorde aud tendons of theb.lard connecting. with te irsi esud tsecond flugere were ent ii ail te ploces. Theo ut wae a bad eue, sud it wa8 tonné! necusasary iu dressing the Land 10 romoye the tbird finger altogether, sud the chances %are that Wajj tige exception of the uttle firge the remnider cf thehband wilI aiways b. tTXBRIDGE. Mm .W. Piankt, V. S., ef Canning- ton, w08 in towr from t.arday te Moniay ev'iz. W. Undorstand that lie inteode o oemng down bore te live in a short time. Mr. Plank wili b. an ac- quisition te th. baud.4 ,& party ef four people were sudden- lyýàrowu fron a rig or Saturday niglib whie reairg Mt. Albert by their here jumping euddenly jute a dep ditdh, beîng frightersd by a 00w lying en the road. Two went eut ore aide and two ent the. otiaer. Fortursbeiy noue were machiihbrt, th. horq',was heid sud ne damiage was donse Xe buggy. Or 8aturday eveuinR, tbe laie for the rocipieut te catch the train, Miss Frar.e o St. Tboinas, who bas beer vioiting boesat Mr. Jos. E. Gouid'e, re- ceived a telegraru cotàniug tle sad sud startling usws lIaI lier mother aud brother lad beer kilied in tb. rail- way accident at St. Thomai; the night before. By driving te Claremont ah. wsBe nabied te catch a train ou the C. P. R.sud reacli home. Miss Frairo's mary frierds lers teslt he deepset sympatby fer ber. Tii. temperanos pic-nie1aI week at the park resulted moot enooessfnity. Il is eetmated liai Ibare were nearly a thoasard people in attendauee aud tbiâ at sueli a huoy Lame was ooueiiner- ed very good. The. speakers were Rev. Mosere. Addisen, Marning sud Me- Donald, and Mm. F. S. Sperce, the latter giving a reneîng speech in hie usual practical style. A large namber aigned the pI.dge At thse eoneluion of the speaking. The ladies of the W. C. T. U.- have reason te b. gratified At tle suoceseofet ueir pic-uie. On Sanday evening a couple of Us.- bridge gentlemen returang from Udora were botliered by a would-be emart youug manrwlie was driving in a buggy with hie girl ahead of ter.The asud CARNINOTON, A number of youths, arrayed w n ol- ing bast hoir birchday suit&, were bath. ing in the river near Catuerora street on a recent 8unday aflerusor ir funi vi.w of the peope oou3iug irome. ia.iferâna Sabballi sohools. Bach oonduotwithin a fei' rodaeou.n of eut' main streeba, ib diagracefult sud should-not b. bolerat- Its our sad sud melanoholy duby this' week te abrenicîs tbe doplorabl o tc that Ilirse of our aigagied young mné are going tb loaru b play tUZBimiDdions and deluaive instrumentte, lulrouel. W. vara tes. musical youang mini tak. te .woods, w4ille uer la Yet lime, for as i@ou t.y starS squâiat squnk, squawk, squakwk elle S. blol le toot, a long auf.rinpg - pellie ii "coome rap sWn'tsu tonthri w b. biqod ou -h. fiace of 1he moosn4, lu the inventaetofanu-,Ilo lem reapers whereby *ÃŽgPeati avlug ou ;b. affectedira-tise "mer ofAleiké lon le, byminanof a, vooptaaIet gathfflr sced leli. th e r f ,a u 'âb ~ rê.-.* large item. -'Ur. I»ýw la one cf Our bliorougia ggpruslarsvmo . s as on the 1ooàtg advabuc.thia i*awuu Oo8m# M nnib > jAa~ e~ I fulht pdooe n tàI4 e Thle suce heou~vas djourùed tb yesber. Ihr~ o om.Ti dieh o4 4~Y. e'I he. Obly 'wftnee respt wam the uo, u h h:'n Ot$6 eu"& IT dedaivghuean~David Gennc, who. ork tebb ikndadde.Bl was bztughtintd'oourt under a .bsoh was buried at Port Hope.oeecpl warrui.Hiaèvid~.éd~d~*t most Miv#d,'lu town thiè_ morninpg, when 1he %0 ifluOl, mznei tthg t" ho eiad n abave mentioned was enÈàted. seen.,tm mh e n er d n g somithhàg -At the polio. station the unfortunate Which looked 1ke, t'y. whlsky; »either oweb@ivered both the -gai; globes did le knw whther il WSSPaifr to atoins, ecattering them all about the but lieSmuPIPOSsd it wâe. A8 tlb. Bten. place, and pace-d iicess&iitly around the' dancesOf two m:aterial witnssee, Mc- room, lier busband keeping a strict Nab and Hunter, wali nècOssary 10 watcîa over bier'. GraduaIiy shecalmed complets the case, an adjournmtn was down, and was'taken tc her parente in made until Tnesday neit it 1 p. mn. the country in a buggy. and warrante were issrued for their àrrest. This case ie the outoome of a declara. ion recently imade by the defendan 'e Washinlgton Letter. bneband ini the bearing of the inspector and Mr. Horne while holding court i (From our regular correspondent,) the Dorth that hlie ould provü that hite WASHINGTON. - JUly, 22Ud, 1887. wife waguiity of breking the Scott The eooemittte of TreaF;ury officiais Act, and that ne eeded n other evi- appoînted two inouthe s gô Lo court the deuce thau hie own to provb it, and catb in the United Srates Treaesury, a tùreùteued to me.ke it bot for the. in. work rendered necessury on account ci speotor and oesgistrate if they faiied to the departxn-e cf Treareuî,er Jordan and coneit ber. Yeriterday* however, hE4 the appointîmeut of Mr. Ilyatt in bis expressed sorrow for his nuloveable aet place, cornpleted the court yesterday tcwards his bettor hait, and otated that rd verbally repcvrted to Mr. Hyatt hie rpason for net now wishina Lo see thst Ibe cash wEts fonnd correct te a ber puuished wae becauso lie bad sire cent. It wiIl probably be about the fouud out that se oould not takre Lb. middle ef nt-zt week wher ithe formai property f rom hin whiob be ciaimed report of the committes wilI ho submitt. sbe had been trying 10 do. ed in writing. It took the committee. PETERORO.just two menthe to ceunt the 8ilver and Friday aftencoor a local agent for fruit and elade Ires. viaited a resideut efthîe northlsud on business, sud tied lie herse te a siender, 3eouag mapie ir front of a neighbor's residencée. The lors. ir ils fiounderiug jsrked tle etripling borne aihilecto, sud now iL ia doubtful if iL will tbrive or die. *Ti. malter viii tikety b. ventilated iu tle police court. There is a hsavy fine for ibis efforce, asudaa Ire. agent et aIl oLlers sliouid b. thl isIte break a law whiob direoîly affect8s ieowu business. Ai s meeting o coott Act werkers hld in tlis Y. M. 0. A. Roomo sat nigît, a deputatior vas appointed to wail ou LIe Ontario Goverament aI au eariy date, sud urge lIai Lbe Licous., Inspector le compeited le taks action againot violatorseofthîe Act ir ail cases reportsd le lira in which lhe ramne or rames of intelligent wituesees accoma- pany tle information. The delegates lave aie ssu instructsd to represent to--tbe Geverumoû-t lb. refusai of the polile. o sci or authsutic information relative te violations of 1h. Act, sud 10 enquire if teremoval of ibsir unines from Ihs lisI of constales ls rot pos- sible because ef said retusat. Morday mernîng immediat-ety afler, breakfast Mrs. D. G. RlatIola sud Mra. Gee. W. Ratton, mother sud wife re- spectively ef Mr.. Oeo. W. ERatton, barrister, vers suddeuly taken vioenbly iii. The physmriang wiao verse alied in prerouced tle symptoras to be ltoe et arsenicali pieouing. Il is presumed Lh. arsenic vas taken during breakfast, but as tbey b.d otter pariaken lier. et tb. satue food LIai constituted tliu breakfast, tb.y are at a tees ho aceount for tle strange preseuce et tbe" Poison. Bot ladies are nov eut ef. danger, thorigli atm eotnfled te their beds by Mr. Daniel Kennedy, vIe draws milk for the Ennismore clisses faotory, Mou- day morning lots bis lesa urtied. They van away, sud oeeoet&hemi, a dliestout hors., struck lh. sud cf a rail vhîcl vas *protrudirag over a terce, breaking the bouseotfite rose belveen tle .yes. The pressure et tb. boucs on Lb. brain brougbt on violent maria, the. animal for a lime being urconlroii- abte. Il vas firai bbought botter te kilt ît, but in the atterroon -th.e sfferiaag bosset wus caimed dowu sufficieutly ta, brlng te ovu su ad it vas placad iu a large box stail jr Dr. Stspborseu's stables, wbere il roamed @,round in- cessautly vlitoub evidently krovinr- what il did, juet as a human bsiug ot unsourd mirai woutd do, Dr. Stephen- eau is breating lise horse. AI êirst il coutid only est soft foed,, the wonrd sffecling the back etflias mouth, but il is begirning te show as Utile bay nov, snd vill, il as expecied, be ail right ina a day or bye. Litzie Dolan, a yoaug girl rot long ouit froni te 'OId Oeunry, lofti tevr Monday eveüing villi bIs very erroneous impression litisah.weuid arriv, allia. Naseau Mille if site walked dovu the Grand Jonctionu, ail*&a track. Tiare. miles freni Sevra h. efM lth. vailway tle oraqiretaI b* houaieof Mr. John Grahmi Wefrv)zere tb. mille verebut lu her ahtmpi toesoed the hou"e ahe enoo*abored a tuerai. Having put ber baud ltis*e 1plohé b ddoldsdnoS- te ln uirb., Mud M9uglW on t111 ahe vas oemplotily warieut sud unibîle ' maen u is f bier. Forluraste vait lfor Mise Dolari aI Se ovuid -a-hcalb'y pair -of lungo. fors sud gold in the Treasury. .On tls eighlli of January last, five ,rusmbers ef tb. LfeS8aviug Station ai Dam Neck Mills, Va., lest tbsir lives in atsmptirg te roscue the cmsw of the Gorman Ship Elizabeth. The Emperor WiUfiam of Germauy las tsent tbrougli ,Baron Ver Aiveneleben, the German Minieter, aI Waehington, two biand- somne goid watehes embsllislied witb the portrait and Monogran et hiraeilf, sud $1000, in meuey. The morey as te b. distributed among tb. familieef the, men who lest their lives in beroio efforts te saves lie.on board lbe wreîcled veseel, sud tle watdlies are te bts preoented se Frank Tedford sud Jos. Elleridge, the only member ofo that crew of brave men wlie survived. The Presideui énd Mre. Cleveland with Cci. Lament, sud Secretary Fair- child roturne'd te Washington early Wedneaday mornlung accordirg te tthe arrarged programme. The mercury bad eonvenientiy sud egreeabty fMile seversi degrees before the arrivaI of lte Presidentl party, audtheeasu, whidli is evidentiy "for Clevelard" for il al-nes or dosa roi sbire in accordance with the Prosident'a plans, accommoadaiingly retired behind tle clouda ranch toeithe relief of suffering efficials, ctsrks, sud free sud irdependenl citizena. The Preuident iiumediateiy after breakfast- ing settled himaesî dovn to lis. old routine work, sud 1e examine bis privat. correspoudeuce wviidlhad aecumuiated during bis absence. Iu tle evsning le sud Mrs.Cleveiard drove eut le Oak vie w, viiere tbey vill r. main for tle prssenl. the Preaideut driving into the White Houe ev.ry morning for business. Duriir tb. day manay bouquets and baskets etf foyers vers seen inrthe sare of spocial mes..gerwonouthie rod lontteb Oak View. 8ome vers addressed te ltie Eteculive Manier, sud lu the evening viten the Prepident dirove eut te Oak View lie took vith lira lu the <srnage a beauifu bouquet te express ies own rojoicini r lb.heoccasion, sud a large mail cortainir many blrthday carde troa tisenghîful friends lu varions places -After dinner at Oak Visv 4h. President ruturned te tb. White Herse' The Interstate Commerce Commiss- ion already have teir liards full yul the questions nov leforo thora, nov objecte of imuportance arise every day. The. complainte efthîe &Iton and Rock Island Companles have Issu diesric.. The complaint ot severat other compara- i., are covered lu 1h. dîismsal. The cause ef complaint as faer as eau b. inîeliigibly Made Ontl from the officiai papera, a-et unjust aud uulawfui pre; féece. siswn by dIstendant ompanies mu rcfusinR certain faciuties in the. traraportallon et pasergers te cern- plainants' ânes, wbioh being afford.d le cormpsting comparaiee gins lias., il as alioged, urfair and unrasorabie adf#anlages. There are mary more suais questions betore lthe obamWbuiu, very unirbcrreetiig reading butI wbih viti suggeat ltse advisabilbty of boiflng down lh. intenulato Commerce la*,t, i1 maaking lb applicable le tb. put-posfor vbhiil va pssed. l'ho. Signal Service,bise wveatiseý bureau, have'beera obliged-le enlargo basin quartors, sud forhast purpm. bave baker a spacieus houa. -> postl loe '.picpal office isud nl b. LWar Depaêmeni. if Gênerai Giieily on.- firues le deal osub suaiswgather as lbkt of lth. lut Stra -daya, lhe needs aIl t11* rooni te cau gel. We are now prepared to make al Goods, such as Tweeds, Fulil Cloth, Sheeting, Shirtings, A]1-wool bed Blankets, and Yarns in ail varieties Knitted Goods kept ini stock for thei patrons. kids of Wooileu Union Flannels,- Jlankets, Hoirse and ail kinds of gocommodation of »Oyeing ni ail colors dohe to order. iltghet pric~e pad for apy quantity of- WooI. Âil orders promptly fiiled. W, D. BOIWÈà&RMAN J A RCrPDE9 TOR-ONTOdi ê SChoolThoroUghly quipped for, Business TrinM g BOOX-KÉEPINGPNM SHP BUSINESS OORRESPGNDE@NlnE, MOIB1THME&SSTIO, GOMMo CÂLW ;ÂND.' TYPE-WITIG PBÂVTIOLY TAUGFUT. iFINEBT ROOMS M1NCANADA senà1 f«" Ciroular. Âdee C. Ã"'&DEA, -BecretarZ,. ÀaetE.1D~,EgAeoIG4Trn il/s - 4 - AT -PRICES NEVER BEFOE EACED IM THE. TRÂDE. AGood Sitit mnade to oraerfo$2OO A large stock of Scotch, English and Canadlian Tweeds.. Blacl Worsteds, etc., to select froin. A SpeCial hune of HEAVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per yard, suitable for Business Suits or Boys' -wear. A, FULL STOCK OF'GROCE-RIES' ALWAYS ON HAND. flighest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. BIROOKLIN, ONT. FOR-- Cottage or Castle, -AT-4 P/lICES WHICH- WILL A8TONISH YOU# CALL ON WM. HIA1ILT, -000 BROOKLIN. ["Funerals Fully Supplied." ý CZ Whi[b-y WolenMiiT Midwa1y between Brooklin and Columbuso h 7th Concession. MANHO.OD-!. How Lest, How RtosteF M1 Juet published- a sw eitio et D ia. 0u L vrE w zz 1; s C X L - ERLaTE&D Ess.&Y n the radios. cure SP]CBXATOIEHoe or Seminsi"Wakuesu Involu rl ry Sem ina t L os s a, Ixi'eT uzrC r Mental sud Phyial Incapacty, Impei-' mente te Marriage, etc.; &as1c, auxrx Eipn.zpsr snd FITs, indued by s.nii geoor sexual extrag xace1 &o he c lebrated antbhern isadmrable essay. cearly demonstrates frem a* hiity years' enecessful practice, lIaI btes a)aruai conequences lf eif-abuse xay ho radicpily 0urd deting ut a mode of-cure aI nce- simple, certain, mil effectua, by meana cil whch-ýevery su:ffrer, ne malter. vial is cendition may ho, may cnre hunseif olaesp- yl, p - tey sd, radically. 1-- - P'fihis, lecture hould te in th. bauds. ef evezy .Yutb and lvery mMa. b ai" Sent uder sea, in a plain envelope, te any address, post-paid, onueoesîpî of teur conte or two postage stAmpa. ÂdcfrSuE, The- CUL VER WELL 9EDýC>A-L Col*'- Il AaaaÃŽ SI4NivXork., DR;,- DORENWENt4Ds8 la île0 Whssa.h.l moet at night-wiore_ hyN,' 0 cratchig-vry dstresing.I alloýwed toconitinue tumor-aform whiî ofnbte ed and ulcerate, becoxung verys SWAYNES ONYMENT SStops-the t,-hin; nAJ !~ llng, Sthe tunor Sen I 80NI'l

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