Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jul 1887, p. 5

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TUE~N as~o*Yday, 94 infare«i CbO C KS? arth t that. LYS -g zof.f ring 0 onne oU5Ob is greet displey ot 8STHf THOMAS NI KEL OLOCES. Re opwthat havinS bought e large quantity st à Iry 10w prioO, ho intond sieUling lb.. right sway aet a lower price than inferi«~ ,Wgare off erci at. 00 YOU WANT ONE ? Thon Y00 canflot do btter than gel one of thosO reliable alarme. je S. BÂRNIRID, 6 , ube gather.. exehange ~OODSY -oths, Dres Mens' and Boys' blufacturers, FIeST- lure ot great mething worthy cf Uim. , un Oolumn: HE IMPOSSIBLE~. tun stop the billows' rodr, u. wîude tilt. they bov no t love trem«'a meiden's door' )II vhat tbbcfuture yl brins, Syear corn or cotton li kù.gs his welth will quiokly take tiave f rom Poverty'a trife, ichildren 'and loue, wilowed expedients of ineuringbIs& i~ ç,owuir roxr n."i casti anid gave money. ~Ved ini thide eay waky, 4aved for a ralny day." M FW PONTERS. ode are so noew and se styli t îs nôt to, tesour advioes you want et a ver y low p$oce un think so yourBell? è~ iady's arpel alipper fou' rtable prunelle bouse cio. Iprunelle galis lu in 10e ocr dollar bo se ilipper 15 ntewun-we(< h #1.25 ,ai bave, a a", %y'. PoliuIaO ~t, verked button-holei, ad voîl mado, for 81.7b. oes ere the accepteS style ia p>eming sbison. W. are mcmt l legnat makes te b. iou er for mon ud., have e btter asaortmoel tIbm ever beleo.. W114' ~t 81.25, 81.40, #1.65, $1.75~ 'int of boots for inIan'ý nis Do0w \cOmpieie. Bqy icool boots, varrated tw gi#e inlu4ifferent wigtý ~a baud. Ut add -tht vo have mien omployed, and ive our prompt, slle# ~rhood. - BURNS &00.t WhihbYo cash stn lave» mi apain Maré 1 abCiet vOmi -WÂTCUMAlKERY JEWELER ENGRAVER. BROOK ST., WHITBY. W~itb~ (fhrouick. JULIY lst, 1887. LOCAL LACONICS-8 WHiT 18 G01N8 ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDOET OF LIYELY LOCAL NEWS OLEANEO BY CHRONIOLE REPORTERS 'A -.ea ama-gy.,takin notem, A&n' aitb bell prent it. Tas sobools closod yesterdlay. Tuai tovu coundil meets next Mond&Y uight. Tac Wiitby fait assizes are esot dovu for Monday, eept. 12th. AT Corhet'e Pelou onlY 9th th. Wbitby Baptist congrogation vil hold Feai lbe information cf our may readors ut a distance we migiat remaerk liait the vesther hem boen remarkably fine during lia. weok. DATE nov deflnte-Wednesday July l3th. Excursion le Niagara sud lhe Faits per Str. EBastings lu auspices of Mtiodigt Sunday Bebool. Splendid lime expected. Whitby to Niagara oui.y 61.00.. A gréat many fkom bhme eult t Pickering on Saday lest te attend lb. annuel meetings cf lb. Friends. Somo of the Quakers arc frie. Taikeravile. Prospecte fer grain orops secru very favorable &long the Kingston road. ADDED te the otber sports boe, Ibis ev.nîng (Friday) Prof. Haud, cf pyro. tocbnic fâme, cf Hamilton vilI glvo tbo grandeel display cf firevoîks y.l seau, outaido the large citles. Thisunexpeot- .d addition t10thb.-programme vil meke tia. bill cf fean etreat ta sU&IIwo chooso to corne bore te display thoir loyalty. O'BaeNu, lbe pholographer, saeilsn ho Bay that bc voald 1k. te haveail thoso wbo vaut photographis oeil rigit Awey, as he expecta te ge# married smre lime accu sud oonsequéutly don't vent' a rush cf business le inertere with ia eprojoote. It vould b. e good item of neoa leb. able te sy who lhe lady is, but ho did't tell us. W. are gled le leern that lMr. Phiip Taylor, jeveller cf Ibis tovu, ba sosmu- ed tho contrat for th. lover dlock in th. nov Urbrldge obhisuios Istitute. Itii. te bceauight dsy look witb six - foot suis suad ià t.004 #650 vien ce.- ploted. Mr. T y loi ba, smred a grest reputation luiauhdliua hsse lover dlocks, andi w. ougm-i mmlae iupon bigueeeful ocmp.tion wl*" su lb. je wulers up notliia.selovas vhi boast so uau.h enterprise. Tim poailo ef th. 2u5 faim cf the model oobool preseulesi embacer MWssRogorsilb a volume e1 poema ms a verk fet huaplprecuatlon of ber servicesdnning lb.h pasI year. Tic preaentalion vas maS.on behaif eoftho buPile by Miss Borts Hundesouad i mstrong. Xias BqMusvas takbo oapletoly by surprise sud ex- prosseS lier thanka lWfeelng terme. Ohé bas rtaîguoS ber positioSaIu.-the mffodel s.b"oo eb thela. regtel bYol ocly of hbepr plsbut t thé isOPl o dock 'consable elirion notioed -s a sîrang mnla*agzs& 1a a aotioù lte m.s-- but M igi =asu vas noad otief tlllàu0 y*o$ hwice senl'4pyu tneti ali bri lut year. Wheu.. Bm#s Oc. tbelr store lu ltis *1*SMr. l exprpriatd -o iO lai~er ftiI r.d.loppsd. hem d jýiyo "$Thakn" i your'éktb vorly followdW'$ b ltecat - WIPIEM . -tWue GOWOhh on ,KID"y L4yb Went 40 bnnmt m' IMs.Maioa Hâupsrngive a ablaék- beru7 beeival weçk -fros-,to.igt-- fldey JuyStI. ofret. BOXE wiokel boyt lu tê*n ler oi. the.bblle from lb. Oshav aiae homes on Frids. at, sud Jo. had to go viih. oàt 55yÎlnginguutil moiiday. à. NuMBE of bicyeiste fvom Belle.- Ville, Nespane., -ad other places psueod Shrough here on Tuesdayou route for Brantford where th. vbeelmen hold Iheir annual meeting on Dominion Day. Pive hundred wheels are expeoted at Ilim meeting. THE O saleoOf tb.Mitchell estete 'at Greenwood on Wednoeday netted a feir sum. The hotel stand was vmot old there b.ing osiy one cifer of $1,000, which vas leu by e4O0 the, the roserv. bid. The pony and rig voie bouglit by W. R. Billings of tbis lova for $120, but boy W. H. i. going to ride th. animal without teking a reef in his legs is a deep, dark mystory. *Taz programme for lo -daya proeeed - inge in liais tova ha.. Dot been very gorgeously advortised, but neverthe- leu. the celebration i. 1 o be oe of a high character. A Queen- je cbeh crowned whose grâce wil equel and whoso beuty wiUl surpasa tetof eny queen wbo has wielded the sceptre of autbority in England.. Two hundred soldiers yl for. 1h. guerd aud lhe oer.mony vil b. performed ln superb' style. WE are indoebted te, Grand Master H. B. Taylor for copies cf ail -the re- ports cf tbo Supremo Grand Lodge A. O. U. W. nov lunsession at Minne- polisa._ Those reporta embraea an imn- menseaantI cf information vbich rnay &Il b. summaried by steting thal, tb. progreas cf th. order i. uoxevbat marvolleus, aud its grcvth la merked by fiu enthusiasrnvieicioould scamcly produce euy cîber result. 8#284,000 vas peld oui of lhe benoîoiary fund lW( y.sr-fer more than ià pald by the largest Canadian lif. iniureuce ce.- panles. A YOUNG feIow about seVonteen uemed Lapin vas brougbb dovu boe lest veek by Deteoive Spence of the G. T. R. on a cierge cf br.akig vindove inaspesslg train and thus ondangering lb. lives of pasegor. Leplan vas choppiag timber and thr.v!a .hip, s ho "Y8, tosgeeif the musto e-ixt aouaayon si .uarge or, 'vvz.a umber vew ut ownov OUF iay t1* ais luàaiin r. Chas. Ba e snew* barn 'Mr. Alderman Noblebasth.e onhraot. Oir Tueiday ohief ocontable notîied a&l parti.. hevang business in buildinge fronatng Ihe streets 1e olear awey, 1h. grass sd weeds fr0. 1he edge of the saAlewaIk. The main streol looke botter soe.. Tvacilest summer Heury Llbyd vas convicted of laroceny in lieis owu. In the firati nstance he Iook saf.ncy le Burus & Go'. make of boots, sud se. aorud Ivo menthe in Calla Deokor. TIhe day hie librty wus rostored he peid Posu Bros. the compliment of sl.ctlng from thei Otock of witer- proo>ls a -coaI 10 proteol hie procions sktia, sud he vas sent te the central prison. Duriug hi. er.in here he seiz- ed a guerd by the thycet, wrestod bis beton from hi. sud pounded his boad as Lloyd huansoîfsays outil tbe guerd'a head vas mellov. For th. latter uet ho wus favorod with'twenty4fve lahes, which h. says did net make hlm howl once. Imrnediately ho wa. roleesed frorn jeu he made up hie mind 10 have rovenge upon Burns & Co., and came horesud smaabed their plate glas vindow,- s ili b. seen frc>m anotber item in Ibis issue. D>VEiNG lb. coureof lb. voek two meetings were held lunlb.he undil oeamber 10 consider 1h. malter cf pesa. ing a by-law to grant omre ssistance te Mr. Edvsrd's shoddy faclory, vitb e view ta corne ber. from Toronto. On Friday uight the melter wua merely discussed and the standing towu coin- mittee on bonusag asked to look int the malter and report on Tuesdey. On Tuesay niglit the committee reported in favor of giviug $1500 to help purcha.- iug a site which is to becorne tbe pro- porty of lb. compeuv ettlb. expiration cf lwenty years during which period th. cornpeuy la te repsy us 8250 and intereet per ennu. cf e $5000 lban, our security beiug the plant ef the work-or in other verds, tbe meobin- try. The shoddy company under- takea te employ ae certain number cf bande. The organ factory building havhig been spoken of as tb. site for lbe works. Mr. Jas. (ampbeil said bis impresson vas Ihsl the lova vas ,ntitled to take chargeof thal building nov, s b. bond given th. towu by th"s compeny vas forfeit, sud aeconded by Mr. Sebert h. lnovod tht Mr. Fere. weil enquireit. bthb.mal-ter and re- port tte tbe tovn counoil. be coula mako il t ey 1onbord.The Tai destb cf Mr. Warren, or., vbich coudueter vas up in bie Van e t .lme occurre s t the bey on Sunday lutI, sud th. ohip came tirougli et hie head. «U Wiby lovnansd Ontario las u in ulfsiite - ev entane. untilcoanty t te sw aia periapi ifs oldeat lankep ou ofMgt eer ine unilrepidont. Re vas bom ataIKinese, nov. Ho pleaded gulty an the ccuty Irsland, on the l8tb cf October, 1800, Jud.e'u court as u aSrom»andS ,and, vas lia. son cf <Japt. Warren cf aliov l"e for s.arcbiag up, MbAsante- te8 lba.daosnwth t ceonts. fffr cf bis brothoner. in. lu m Ona ntot ât the ofouiâôry&na U fle " tom'services r.uder.d lb. nation by Captai are Um giet. Our jue »daiSrer.. Warren durlng Bonaparte 9 àvais, bis aton« es beint filleS vitli l... eilla.9M4 immaJ 3. MRie leu w"lf wbo are aloved te b. sous, Wract om and . , ear.epréent importe5into Ibis countriy. laro ofter t o l butSoplb pes"& The pro.esuion to-dsy i. toe b.form- lb. place, vhici vas thon & a4ne e4 Bort~h of lh. CuIcaracrioffice, amtsahey came tote. township" of Whitby Mr. Cocrane's reaideace, and tie andi look op tleiefaim nov evued by différent parts cf 1h. procession yull b. Mr. Jerry Lack, viere'amoag marks foi.od lu adjacent stret. Tih. fol- o f thoir pionoor banda thoy lefI e yet. lovlng i. lie eider cf th. prociessin standing monument cf Iboir iluslry wiicb vili ilart et 1 p. m in lb. shape cf a etump feue.. They Marhn.manfully sanooesaily fougil tb. Chiefci Pliceftgbtaof lhe sellierinan sonevcountry Cbi.fcf Poice. ainst vaut sud inconveuiâee, andi 'Band. duriug the reboiliou deceased vua Miss Ooryell'a ScbooL caplain of the militia, undorlekng vilb vusuuing scoohs badly equipei sud baffly duilW esmn to soparate Scbool. dofend s queea vione vido. sud Dufforin Sobool. goosinoa duuing th. flfty inh«enig Henry-street Sohool yearabuhas agiat ber enenaies of liaI modal Seboot. day te liove lier. For many years Collegiat. -sttte. .-deesed wvas satemaoffier ber. manI11 Band. bis suPerannaetion ia 1874. e. Wbitby Firemen. fo(gbh hlo baIlles of Ilite ououably aud No.3 Cllgise ndhte adu.' levesà a mch respeewed faly. ~o. Cllegato nstIut. mong the many frienda ve o bg 10add Royal Obariol-Her Majesty, vtlb attend-_ xrsino s.ah o b ant Mad cf acaier. aiy Ne. 2 Golleglate Instituts, Cadets No.1 Coliogiato Instituts Cadets. A.vin!Valueblo Book.-Eartb, Boa -A a luy;-or, mervs-9 61-e v nivevus Miltary Baud. 841h Battalion. Sohoci BorS. - Tova Counei. Oltizens la onirlges. Ciions on horssbaek. OssÂvAhh aS -Ivo more Ores. On Fridyniglallaut belveeaelevenand Iwveo olook, lb. baci'are4 of 1h. trame builling iéJas P.II ' 11w. s toreon la&ereoae by ii. Gao* Paie w, â u oveW d be on fire. Tbe brtgle fturte-out prm!Ptl sud lbthe fivwus ueoa S _ Beiagf ano sd Graphie eSrpliozt of sa liaI i. Marvlona aS Wouderfu lu every Coninent .a lb. Globe, i, lu l. Worid ofWaters anailb. Blau'rF vbh eoinpriacs lie books lu one of il. Universe, lu the.am ." bw r,»Mer is ourleS beok to le r AILE DAILY, NEW >~ I ~ OPE~NINa Qi S'P*RI.Ni ~frt' OASf~S 0F GO.O.D Making Stock very attractive for the comn seaison. s To-day they exhibit the Largest Stoko e nd eia ble Dres Goods ln Canada, and are offering -many leading limes at popular prices. To-'day they also.,show a Stock of IPrints which fôr varile- ty yle, value and excellence is u.nsurpassed. Their Hoiser, Glove, Ribbon, Parasol, Haberdashery and Fancy Goode. Departments are, wel supplied with ail the Leading No- velties of the Season, to which they would direct the attention cf every buyer, We' choice ha ve in Stock an exeeptionally large assortment, Of Worsted Tirowserings, choice Worsted Suitinge, choice Scotch Suitings and Over- coatingi. C:e Ordered Olothing lu the lateet styles, à specialby. Q -s A~T DIRECT IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER, No. 1, DEVERELL'S BLOCK, CLEARING GA SGIO W Re &q je. BROOK STIREET, WHITBY. SALE WARfOIS CA -MPEL Have decided to, make a Grand Clearance Sale fÈhi Stock. of Dry Goods, consisting of Presu- Goods, Black and Colored Silks, Prints, Ginghams, White and Grey Cottons, (Jottonades, Ready-rnade Clothing, ini Mens' 'Youths' and Boys', Tweeds and Coatigs an immense Stock, and purchased at very low prices. Ail Wool Carpets, Tapestry, Hall and Floor Oil Cloths, in ail widiths. Boots and Shoes in Mens', Ladies' and Chil.drens, inÀü ail quaities. GIROCERIES--A fifl stock on hand,. also (Crockey China, -and Glasswire. Ail goodis will be offered at Special Pricos, up to 1eV f JBl-s as te effect s complote clearance, -when a change in -the business wiil bé made-.-Donu'l ~uaouedolars orthutil yuse6 ugodt and pcs~ eg,& ci.. aAl "-- i>. y!. - 7E 6 . You SIC: Are you sick of paying Higli Prices: for un goods? Do the noisy ý,arguments .fsome---ae their ý efforts to sol! veëry .ordiaygo-ods at ex pices, distress you abôut es mueh"as- it woukldý Law ifsuoli be-ýý the c sh r s a preseripuiol 1* aà posi-tiveoureý-all for-yurailùients, and a balm t'O :your woundedê- )lut onÏe firm *who- De-za u ,upply the requirements. You wül 7 fin4 theiÏax R. w ARE

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