PuirityIJR NTýEEDI lEellebore, Paris Green, Inseet Powder, Slug- Shot, ALABAS3TINE& Owing to great demand we have been compelled to order a fresh gtock whioh has just arrived. G. E. CGIBBA RD. THE MEDICAL HALL. ONLY S oo PLR ANNUM. Whitby, Frtday, lily 1, 1887. CONKER vas oeoteti ou Mouday for WeosI Algoma sud Lyon for Beut Ai- goms. There vas ne opposition. To 1h. stalement tual Ohi.f Justice 8ir M. C. Cameron Le deed veo ea add veny litîle. IRis oamreu sà apoliticien ad a juniat liasbeen open tte th. obser- vation of 1h. people of 1h.. oounty mince befote vo vers hoa. Ris itou determintion le do vliet vas Itonoo and juil vas always a Iheme for eulogy by hit admuirers, and isie bility pled him heati andi shouldoru above tliem Tas lateet s»homo of 1h. Canadien Peoifie in, le rua passengers frem Habi- fex le Vaumv6iatl 104 heur. Thii mhlh.u'releof ab.uI 85 Milet au heur, ad uni pbWtelJdistances &ail er routes aerossthe omutinent. Titis fact liasDnt as yet appeeued La the daily proe, but is newietîelesse mongit lte early improvemouls an thueugli travel. Besanothur season 1he route ou th. Cain Pacifie belveen Japan and th I 016Country vWi b. 1h. speediesl, safest and oheaà peet thon. is. For oue@udred and ten yeau ee Ameriemus have oblebrateti lte 4%h of Jaly on their evaternitory. Rflilutin ouations, gaudy prooomsions, etc., have expressed Ibeir joy, Manoone eu"ea deubi lItaI liey have madie g0od use et loeir f re.dom. (Janadlans, l ovever, have aoliing te d)villi lite matter. But vie. lIey orne le Canada te hold 4th of JuIyoebrations, s Wima ant Butlerverth have ativergtbit do et Port Hope Ibisysar, oui people should shut dovu on lie thîag. Oaauns v go te Port Hope outeeUwIb look- ad8a"apou licemter ,vith supialon. Lott1he Ameicas e"bru@l. hum 41 et July anti fneeom te leoir haute' content, but lot1 Ibm keep off Cane- WRuKW4w. sil dovu te write an edilorisil on BaguaI politisaluafdte preeul""tsa«es absoula mentio tbaI we dou.t know aMy morebot Il. mubjeet lIeu do .oller people. But L madevk",It Do.e IS uio.Noi any-.tbl 60is.bFordou l là e'm ligi parlianleat. Il Is with ,h I" I il thel n obi% ares WiIDysa u tutabW-- the g talalanli.frsq frade oot7 in the CI"rldp why ot go inlVI in- land ?Tb oeIurthe 7Wk Oeau nover *Mount 40 anything as the States don't intena b have anythlng So duuili us;- bûit even wbeuwe aiksnà g for t&a's sake, vhati'e iase of lelking non. sene.?1 WHÂT in the. world has beoomo Mp Mr. O'Briep se quiokly ? Hov i ie vas net lionizet inL Canada until Dom- inion Day sud thon asked le deliver a greal loyal oratien somewhore? What e aingular thing it ks that a man, wlios vieilt tI tisAmerias ute sûr up 1h. wliolo venld of freedom, vhose ideas were te yak. up a feeling vhioh wouid @ot the world aie, tiaI Ilim man should have beeu alloved te skulk evay home with a Çkod-speed from a 1ev agitatora ouly. But hoe meaged to vreok the cause ef Home BRulEn&.misson lied the very opposite te 1h. desired affet, Yot WedO'Brien ooma to île country villi loyal vends Ln hie moulli and honeet feeling in hie heart vo beliove our ideas of freedom vould have led us te reat him svolle odesenved, and to-day instead of having te go and bide himeof ho vould be Ih. honored guest cf the country on its natal day. Ou old-time frioud "Working Man" soude in suother lotter Ihie weok. As was tbe case upon former occasions ho hite sevoral nails iu rotation on tho heads. But as regardse te lanuery, ho uhould bear lu mind thet should Messrs King eo fit te meke a deel vith the town it vili not b. for 1h. e wu lesay vitere lhey aeliUlocate. Tley yl moat likely select Iheir owu location. Should King Brou. sud th. tovu coe,. tbe bargain suggested by Mr. Jas. Camepbel vo believo il veuld be mutuel adiantaeo bolli, »id vorth fer more te, the tewu th» aney of tlIe. ban. hantersavlio offer wvIat vo onsidors beuag a listho verse tIen ne seeurity et ail. The latter part of "Working Man's" letton sugglel an idea vhioh iit tb. vorîli oonsidering, vis; lIaI eociresidoat of lbh eva wdo his bem tot so>.renge hie busiess as teCive@aIl 1h. ompoymeut possible Le resîdents eft1h. lova. &ad not deel lu Toronto sud other plaues. Wu lied intended te yul. a great editorial about t11k being 1he Jubile yeei, sud about te, day being th. natal day of our free ed enlighteued couuny sud about the bounlous Giver supplymng suobi afavorable tsson, *andi about wete a glorieus ides il vould b. te dit and go to esearn athis jubilée year s did Sir. M. C. Ceameon, and abouthow wu vould mnaethinge vhil for a day or tye if ve ha the mnoey, aad about boy the Queen failti leo approciate Our true wertit sien wv. veo tknighted on 1h. 21*t day ef JuOe.inte y.enof gras. 1887, and about boy vien celo. brations are goîten Up Ivo or ltree do aIl tie vork aud e large number et olliere do ail lie slouting about loyalty etc., and ab3out boy members of parliemeal ar cule enougi te prorogue eanly enougi in th. saseon te attend lhe mitisusumer reo-meetinge, and &bout meany olIer like malIers, but il in tee hot jusl nov te, read long articles and w. opere oui reeders fer lie lips being. EHowver, w. promise te bore lhem eonsiderably st a Isaer date. IFhe holel-keepene of -.Ubridge Ihi anylhing te do vilh the poioaing o! Armslreng's cettle uer lIaIlova le" ve.k, thoy viii findt Ilt the diala.y ao, il lonly oouaal agminalthemseveî, »,~d lIaI their mtion vil onby meus respectable hetel-keepeue toe b.harems- .4 ail lbe moe..Whou 111e conly Pu »Ms a* e, vlesher tiat 1ev b. ak gooti ue ou ot, lie ooiens are nut 1go- ing tu b. prevontet i fom s*feoing 'il by tle useef dynmite. The parte vie et. m&Wny respusiblO for tueas. action viii net only puevent Ibm lion reW.ving és u msues -but aIse on- vin"c. 1 onl they dixl ngît La tek- tnmg awtôlr Ouooe sI eusa Adt mam-ov tbey iare dolug j"tusl wIat i.M ae.mertoeo -laedostep &!ua 0a» ýIb0 onna t.ku l fe,à rIewfqUStlO 0,t one weeh. The $V0rU'is ro nglsud ready 'but. 116 Pduclple e'0,mà ata.ned. Tbougfi re admaire iti eonaltenioy.' KtSeferu Letw attendait Be,. B. B. Kefer's lêctureon 'IThe failure Of the Scott Acte" go* set eut by s tatin 1874 when oae4fgthth -Of ed for prohibition tiy meurt 1to have en. tire prohibition. But. Pat ntOetain parà rmnt head<I l te petitrenersoff,-and mftor four yeas ariaont pssd i now know us4heSttAct. Buchà aehâd net beon aaéd forhy theemeruo popl but suoh alaw wu à ll that mal . froma parlesment. However Whou Ibis 1ev va. pase the tempere1 née le 'wr told-they could sithor tae. t orloveit. What could thoy doP Thougli knowlng thait il vws full'et Weak mIis they accept- ed itand reoomm ended Y to Ihe o Vipe of Ibis sud ether countries. e t h. 1ea rotan sae o quor sand Ihat vuas good tbing. The oounlr would, et any rate be ie.frozm 1h. aite ofebelng part- noes ana reoelving part cf the profit frémtaa nefarious business. No blood money now fiows mb oOur Iresuries. The Boott Act is byomanperfect, but iL s .oilvl greatrernut iis country. Il le tto Lt uesadeal of porjury and titis ie the firut malter ho wlshes te disoise.W knev that vhiskey cen.ruin, a Ma ftanclsil, am destroy hlma physltially, eau rob hzm and hi. friinds ot hheir Pesi- tion in sociiety, eau teke away 1he, bread from his chuidron, eau vrlok a man in &ai otiter respects, and would Lt net b. a wonder if il did net wrek him morelly>fnd meke him aperjuror ? It isthe levers -of whiskey who sweer lies te save those who sel Lrom punihà meait. Âs tte th.use o! dynamaite, or pa#@ gee, or fire, does any- ono suppose for aemoment that auy of the parties Who advocate or urne these- horrible minsneof coorcion î15an edvoeate o! restuiot- ingliquord;inking? Nol Itlsthosewhe are aunk in hopelesruin and depravit-Y by liquor who, use or advocate snob halli sobomes. Next h. gave figures te show that the couumption of spirîaus liquor had increasedduLring 1881.2-b-5 but lied failen off over a3 per cent. and malt liquors 21 per cent. in '86, the first yoar the. Scott Act had been generally in force and yet poople say liquor drinking au on the inoreese. But supposing liquor drinkiug vero increasing, what would itu supporters have te squsel about as they are doiug ? They ought te b. satisfi.d if their contention le Irue. Ho thon referred to interviews ho lied heid, vith Mayor Long, polio. magLs- tn te HM arrend 1Mr. Cha.L4n, eahoh f whom, eamphatioally declared the Scott Act etOui villiits wekuisuelaegmt bonet teO tbe tevu, eMd sateod that mon nov Mmae muach botter use of their money, -while fer lou crime was oommltted. Ho had visited Uirbridgs and Oannington ouly te heer the very sanseremerk-thet it vau Iard vork te enfonce the. kw, but stop by stop the temperence people vere gaining ground. The Bei. gentleman vas loudly applauded many times during the. lecture. On Tliursdy eveningthé Musie Hall vwu egain comfortably 411.8 up by an audience eaqer te hoan the Felry smng some cf lier cliarming songe. Ou.ema net liaten te lie uveet iin avtout hauighivhl oartgIo out vitItleva y'BMpethy mnd ad- miration for hon d bon bllndat"er, Lmo ste really hlilucharge. Obie Sang lsuerai, good old Scotch songe vith the artlessnoss of a ehlid and yet vîth ertiati finish, ber recitals are equal i s good am her gaingg erad gie vion.e ftalentsof W Isass ere . lshlb: aa sucoosu ier efforts te assist in th. suppr cf bier gneougly affiloted parent., The. B.. Mr. Keefer -gve a #Uting acidresu on prohibition vi9thu h.rroving the feelingofIde audience by o ecaurng the unfortunate înebriate aud hiePo unfortunate famiy. JBe pold ae , tribut, te . eai anti onogy of th. ____- bona of the -W, 0. T. U. iUd gave . Wlboot y raiase for the ok, calmea Nous. Neit Lord'& day the. Bov. J. F. Barbez in the orn laglInte evoning wthÎllLv ir Rae, f teOntenlo Ladies Colloge Winii- condact 1h.e service bel%, wvItil M. Barbercoendqcls * spellservice et Brook"i. TLe-second querterly open session e01lteg metodis a Snndy sohool forth eaneuvwu holt inL tebody o! 1h. ohuroli on 8elbaéth e! turnen lest, anti vas the Meut antoeft- lieu elifer seme lime 3ev. -B. B. Kefofe, gueoral ageteofthlb.DomInon alliauc, ev.N. R. WlUeugby )L.A., cf Port Potrry, (fermer paston) ai 1drot.FIL *morga, vsth bis dauglirLithoPary vere preuitTh A.Po1 opoeÀtilie ebol L inte u=ua muanesw âfer ovaewing lb.esoholut mmo lengli on lt.he onslfor lte que, 3ev. B. B.3 Koferarumoth le sew olon l *eMIe of recegnizing Goias"oui 0*rPathwr.» ' TMi kgo! "eamr M te koTbýe, yUT"e Paar. 3e. Mu by Iion tea we add to this attraction, that feature of great os Emporium. Burna' Oolumn. Turns'MPolumiB. "Maunenver cmn stop 1h. billowa' roar, Non -ohalige 1h. wio&d Mthey blow ne 'Non drive trui love frein a maidoa'a dom.. Man cinnot tonlvItaltefuture wLll bzing, Whethor nert year cern or cotlon ia bing, Non viiethor bis vealth viii quiekly takeý But inau e asve tram Poverlygg oItrie, HeR fatitenloos oiltiren and. loue, wilowod B y tÉ. simpre expodieuats of iusuxing 14es Andi buying bis ootw8r fhem.use" Bay with cash au d_ sve mey. -<penny savet Ii s e ayoy Is a penny savet for a rai«y day." 1 1W PoSEES Farmers, Threshers, -and Mill-Men ?/ Find it to their advantage and'profit to use -IKÂCHINE OILS. Guaraniteed not to gum, and will outwear ail other' .o Machine Oils. ge»y Try our (Jylinder Qil. It has no equal. For sale. in Whitby, by à 101%a#%a t, Do We Want the E arth? Oh, 110: Its the Toronto merchants want that. RO SS BROS 0 , Want a littie ready money just as soon as it can be gather. ed in from willing buyers, and will give in exehange for a limited arnount of.the same, STAPLE & Dress Goods, Trimmings, Plushes, Clothing, and Gents' FANOY Black Cashmer Silks, Prints, Sateens, Furnishing Goods. DRY GOODS, ,es, Jersey Cloths, Dress Ginghams, Cottons, Mens'an Boys' ÇL,(U roter o Prima DO YOU~ 1hae Ial i , 3s 5 >l A1à ~ S.! ~WÂTQHK&E BROOK 1 jtbu .UL We are offering the produet of the best manlufacturers, and in quality and excellence you will admit. THEY When the attention of every shrewd buyer. #:-, Whitby Dry .WANTED., WANTED AT WHITBY for AGBhmeLONON& LÂNCABHIBE PIRE INS. 00. Liberal terme te the riglit-maw -Atidrees, ili reterences am le ce rm tel, etc., 1- m à A T O dn-28 .Toronto.' BomInlmn Une et Royal l aH SUMILER mÂNGEMBNT. SAILING DATES. ~Vaa~eouver. . 7~Uan bine RoyýalMal Steamers. LIV RP LON4DONDÉERRYi' 8ummer ~rr4 DATES 0F S&ILIN!~S ?oiyamesian - - . F 'Paulsimu - - Se~- iree~sian.~ -1 Sardluiaui - - I -LOCAL <A âeeIs am Ane failli h Tumaechoolsý miglit. Tzm Whitby Whisby Beplis .readorsnta$adj fine duringetlie 131h. Ezouro Falle per Str. liethodist, SUs ' os1yulnon.- favorable *venng leehai. f~ andi nice, - Now, dont you tbî J=ne I ai .1 e tu te b pue- gecasraliy ve tWollk i$ ARE INDEED- THE FINESTO Goods ..mai Tu -Tom JU-LYI We feel that we have offéred -something worthy of Juuncffl obreevi. & râuimb.t r, aainoO, ï -19W pr4 GLASGOW.. -WIL BRYAI'q