Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Jul 1887, p. 3

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. &;PC r the' -Over *on$$1e> lfowrapngpurpu., Apply te TRIS OPProiC,, UaaPProacbed for Troue =dQuUy NEW xzIs f 'and SAE STABLt, tJUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. ýFORTH & DEVEftELL. - CLASS TURN.OUTB nîshed1 on Shorteet Notice. ,ial Travollor liberally di.tg gomme )RTHESSIMITATIÃ"O As there are inuyrto tnods, corded w t e.& eop tc, ofoered Msim as Gorelinoby soins m. or uci e Ceratra., we w5rt the l&dto Iise such imposition tyrv ing their attention o thie IPTON CORSET 00.' ý ntnrside of ail Corallnsgoodu4 loit which none are genuins. nohitis andd athmas, try Mleia' azn; the bea3t-oough proerpumo yles for the Holiday Seasu. For- sa&le.cheap by FAI RBANKS, - Scie agent., ant for Nye's ceiebrated A.stit Dec. 16, 1886. outhRojiworkCou FAX, NOVA 8COTIA. mut la the rieht tiine to purchase 1ER -TWINE'.' :a noaàay meal lu eaten and su. tiualy dlowed by an attacis of Sâ r~eaor some snob unplem'. et: î au b. preveuhedby' r ~ ~ ~ e Ur-hvi sp imo, su6e a gr"e iow of saliva. Tho î4iae 1' ethr to put asi Jolw$o îso'F'uid lise! d gh i takeb i sther bot or Old 1h lu VOry palatable), t s w tud tnhe Pluid Bodl sud 1 lim athe place of 90~I ýOthe atjuxce,o h 2en hure la â fou tqodigahhts fopdand Bïay Smpleaa -i4neb not under ah. jseONwmber thivhyr.n.of1.Opihi, populaR eadinga, whbich ot corl Fouir Hundred Choice Bei ,&dÃŽope sud Blàlle-the Iirgest nul bor @ver issued in one bock. It hAdomely bound in ipaper eover, si wWl be sent by maillou reoelpt of tbir Cons. Every cuie interestediin proet wug Beeitati0flnshould flotfialto ord Ibis collectiOn from J. S. Ogilvie & Cg Publio]]OfSs 57 Rose Street, New - Yor gr.. A neW enreo f Southeru articles beginl in tiie July Har-per'a with the. bsading, I"Hors snd There in tii. Boutb', The miter, Rebocca Harding Davis, ,Wesves inte a brigbt atory frein the narrative cof a recent trip from Wasbing. ton through the Gulf Statue intO the Acadien, couintry. Special attention ia given ho <hoprommentspecti etinueu- try, thoughttasudlits whiehcharacterize the --New South." This finit instalment, in Whloh <hop&i'y jQurfleya ho Mont- go[flryt Aibama, graphioally depi eta the violent contrasebetweeu the. old condition cf tlhings snd th. pressaI. The entiro ei son. a o b.besutifuUly illustrated by William Hamilton Qibson frein- maherial cooieoted on a special tour for tis purpoas, and the engrav. luge in thie part dembastrate that the. value cf tho toit viii bWgreatly enhucn. ed by thie artistie illustrations. Frank Leslie'e Popular Month4i fo jnly. The Constitution etftth. Unihe Dr Bd States is just about a century old, - sud 1< is certainiy seasonôble ho tell us Who were the men wio made it, and iiow ih was made. All this eau b. read in thie iutenestiug pages of Franl Leàuie'a Pcpul4zr Monthly for July. A chatty talk on IlMuuic," by Aumburu Tovuer; '-Anoient Greeke in Modern Cyrus," by A. L. Raweon; a sketch of «Îtudio Lifo*'; "Cave Homes sud Shrines"; "A Strange Chaniîy," a very interest. ing acconuhof th.eBiieppari Insane Asyluni ah Baltimore, by V. B.- Deus. low ; an old friend, !'Hepry Hihdeon"; "6A Glimpse ah Chinoe Boat Lite," by Ensigu 'Wtlkinson; 4"Tiiough the. ýAlegiiauies on a Locomotive," by H.W. DeLong; a note on thie lippery subjeot "Elle"; sud s traly Bummwer one on "Flowerd sud Insectel"; vithh ery ciover stenies like "Hon Kiîg" by Nons Marbie ; "A Fourth Stony ýffair," by Elizabeth Bigelow; "Thé ý-Lakewood Mystery," frein a most chanming gol- lection et light resding matter tiat will b. e9peaially prized inthie warmm daya <bat are on us. Tiie variety is Wonder- fnl, aud ah. viole number attractive. Tho Homiletic Review for Ju>: bogine a nov voIume. The lesdîwî article is trom thie peu of Dr. J. B, Thoms, Brooklyn, on thie Palpit and Modern Shephiciam, and vel suetaini r I B hi. mpuation as on.e oflie moet tbougbtfal sud aSooiibod wnlcn o! tho daby. ."4Tii. Plpît aud Publie Morale" are diecussed witii vi ansd ability by Dr. William J. e. Taylor, Newsark, N. J. Dr. Lyman Abeott, in a clean ont and veny ahi. paper, seeks ho vindicate hie friond, the lote Henry Word Beecher, frein soin. citiciumin u the. April unnber ot ti.Revieto, sud ho Interpret hi. doctrinal vieve, sas h thinki, mor. oorreotly. Dr. Behaff give. a very rsable article on -Luthsr ou abs Wartburg." Dr. -Heard, et EuglAnd, concludes hie mastarly analymig oet "Chnistian Ethios." Dr. C. S. Robinson treshaet "11Tii. Crahion cf the World." Dr. Harvard Crosby resumes uis ml eseshort papern., "lLigit on important Teits." Whie Dr. Pieracu, of Philadaphia, furaishes hie vusal begly valuabls "Gem, " and "Musaionary Field." 0f Sermons <hors ans sigbt lu &Il, but snob fanion proaciiers s Du. Wnî. M. Taylor, Preet. Hydo, Muer of ]Phuladeiphia, Doibe, Sever, sun Wttyland oyh. ,Ail <ho othor dspsrhménta eaont their usual compisment oe t trou, ?raetical thougits onalmmsa evoey topio of lu. tenait to the preshene sud Obristian vonker. Tiié number iq up t thie higi vater mgýk vhi bas oharaotonized thie sucSsivo issues ef ti.year. Pubi.bsd by Punk & Wagneflls, 18 sud 20 Aster Pisa, New York. $8.00 per year; 80 b3eats pu: single aumber. Withii is July issue thi- proisperoua Magasin of 4m«wican HIIuerJbegins ils tight.snth VohQmen. It&OOotents are mote than ven attr active tus -mouth. Carolius .tat.amaa ofttah. Bevouotion, graes.tle opoýîng page. sssompanied by a tealiatis sud eunsgng skeh Of "lesnrt-1 Laurens, luin thse London Tooe,' frocï' tb. Iditoa, O.ûsroül splr(tî4 a ew>tbËuïi l -i ssont Of Ps kett's Oharge ah G.httysburg," lu ltb. dofeuce of Wblbhpts ldiateI. 1f r. Justin Wlb4e#or, 'ihe accmpll*éd Boston iilpln oarbhsa ,"* sud -meut v1amlb' p*per on te hs miet iwiehru ibepinta.umtheg Wstoflein A.ck M.0"te.m ~ ~ hac the Su vmin l Day's Work of à àP4ýýU JOh' M. Bi"o ut', Brils.," gthiv Uutidg Sté MM 0nonalai 'bh&~â~ -on. cou& this Ail Prie., 1>0* làPufi ~ f Broadway, N. Y. City. Auother Tr&in Robber. TRIAS8 TRIEvzS BO,&RI> à 5OW]TKE PAG&C cEXPRESS A» DRIFLE JT an bly t~e. ~ i., or. ~48 N HOUSTON, Tex., June 18.-A daring trai robbery vau performed ah 1.80 tlii mornmng a short distance tbis aide of Sohuflenberg, ou 1h. Southeru Pacifie Bailway. As tbs train drew Up ah ah. station two mon vith drawn revolvers mounhed the. engin., eovered the. engineer, sud foroed hlm ho pull the train ho tthe open prairie, a few hundred yards te 'the cash, where s fire wau buruing &round wiiich ohood eighh or ten mou armsd vith WiÏncbeater rifles. Tii. two rcbbers ou the. engin.s eod guard over tii. insuaht tbe abrohl. vile tb. othere vent through the mail, sxpress and pausenger cars. Nearly ail the pabengers vers asleep asunuaare ot what vas golng on until they vers sroueed by the. robbers. Th ii.frt man taekled by them wvu W. Newburger ot New York, whom they atruek ou the. head with a revolver seouriug froin hum 75 il uah, several diamonds sud a gold watoh vaiued ah $100. Lou àMsy cf Cincinnati vas relieved ef $85 ansi B. L. Armat.d of Nov York gave up 820. H.eiiad a large &Mount vitb ui viiioh vashid in the sleeping car. à& gentleman frein Mexico lest $400. Ail th. passengers vere relievd of uhat valuables <bey poses. ed and it is difficult ht orm an estimate of ého amouet ao! ney and jsvsllry oeeUred. Tii. amounh however, is recoed ah $5000. Wells, Fargo & Co's express car was alecgone throuRh, but the amount - f money taken cantfot b. asoertaind. No mail route agent was on the. train, but the tirouRi mail potiches in the express coir were ail cut qpen aud their contents appznpriate-d. ,The. total amount seoured by &he robbers is put dowu at $8000 or #1@,000, but when -a careful report je rmade the figure May ho changed. Thero je no doubt that oousiderale boosy Wvaseecured sud the Rang made off viti it anccssfolly. The. whole country je arous.d sud din arus. Baveraiposa.. have goen useancià of thie robbers. G. T. IL TImR.TAELZ. GOING WEST. Nc i eo. 4 Expres 8SLocal - 6 Expres 16 Mized 2 Express Duse ah Whifby. &47a. 1.41 - (1es net Stop Ah 4.25 p. m . -y . &45 " Dus ah Toronto. - 10"I 6.20 pin 10.10 GOING lAST. i. 1 Exprma 5 'tp 15 Mixod 7 LOCa4 .3 Express wiitii, Moy 8.25 &.m. (does net stop Whlhy. 2.52 p.m. 6.50" 9.15 l5th, 1887. ah 1.00 6.30 8.00 &.M. po. Mfr. Sexton in t'ô l Lord Mayor et DubliU. It con do no harm f0 tu-y Freeman', Worm Potodera toheni our child i. ailing, féverilî or t~afzsl. A FEW. HINTS ,'FOR TRI UW lt Aet#far. 2 t 4;P" Rxpr* owUl d«W9 ~ proper domea ae.~ For CeastiaUn, or Oeshvse.s, nO romedy ias s effective ns Avia's Pxz. They maure regalar dally action, sud ne. Ftore the -bowela to a healthy condition. For. Indlgesuonu, 4rDsepi, PILLa are invalabe, sud a surs cure.ý SitomaciitulacDlzIUess, ead. ache, Numniee, u aqre ail reilevd snd cured by Avi'e Pn.Lis la Liverokmplalnt Bilsouairders, sudJaudic, i-n'a mz.a hould b. givoen luadSeslarge enougi te exalte, hie livor and boweli and reM-ole COnshlPst&q.. A ci PXtLisareunuequahip. - 4 rp, auu.&Q4,b-amorb the bowelj, are expelled by 41 tue roeihf P4ugestldn'erQ curedbythie usne of xAEis aPii Fe o kbed, tale- ÂTze'sf the. portes, emnove lnfiaiuîat sud. allay thé, lever. audden cla, indigestible food PILa5e ie ino boat moaicîuour - athe hearlnq -ol the LO-'. Ayer',e.âeoaI ~McnroalMonay Cie!Jhé ti cith0e nome of the Customi oficias,, 1>on't DeÉair. cf relief, if trouble with Oliroblo Dyspepi'ia or Constipation These alments, ai well 0as Billouéss a ney, lufirmities, and feminine troubles' are ,.&radoted by Northrop & -Lymnn'. ege- table I)isoovery aud Dyspeptio' Cure, au alterative of lonq tried - aud* clearly proven ofâcacy. It la a fine blood dpru se wel ascorrective, sud contains e n gredients whioh are- not of tbe higlieýt- standurd otpaxite. Prince.Âlbert VeorsdPrinceQ *of Wales 'arrived lu -Dublin Modijan woro weloomed by tis loyailst poraun etcd[ Every observer who walks' the great city sud soans with intelligent eye -the colories. faces of more than 11fty per cent. of the peo- pehe meets, aeauaily agree with us in the stateient, that thi. age whioh mikes suob drafts upon the- working energies cf the grester part of =mn lu the. intense pur. suit of buhmffeas, basdestroyed inu-a proý- portionate degr;e the animal health aud robuet constitution. Nature, iu thîo stag of exhaustic>n, cannot b. restored of itseli but requires some stimulating tonie, to strengtheuansd keep the. system In regular order, -and ini Northrop & Lyuian'i 9uuiie Wine we have the exact remeay -required . Tepeouiar Oeratiora of hua medie, in tration, limsundergone r lçn coe be- vation, and 1h i. believed it will never feu, if proerl dJuiiciouely admlnistered' PrpyedVo rthrop & Lyman, Toronto, and sold by all druggiste. The coroner's jury iu the Shaw inquest at London have broughtin l a verdict of murder kgainst Stephenson. day; an otin tes*ft buies.Descriptive pamphlet sent fres on receipt of sÉM4IY TronbTOo CÀ AA, For Bronchiel sud Throat Affection,. Aflen'., Lung Balssm in unoqneiled. The Frnch Cabinet has a majorihy o! Campbeî]'g Catharic or>nponnd is ploe sut to taate, aup more atisfactory than Mr. Charleboîs, a member of the Quebeo The. "Maud S." Condition Powder is as f ai lu advauce ot its rivais, as Mr. Va.nder. bilh's celebrated mare la ahead o! ber rivais Strikijng laborers oaued senions dishurb. Porny Davis' Pain-KHIer.--j.t8 effeots ar alost lustanhaneous, affordrng relie!frhom It ie stahed that the homb o! the post Ovid bas beeh diacovered. Prof. Lowtt' Sulph-ur Soap is a delightfui toilet luxury ae a good cur- Resolutions lu favor o! Commercial Union vers carrwed by heavy majorihies in varions gsrmea' Instithtes on Saturday. I .ft A botje cf the '«Lotso! the Nil"is a Sir Charles Tupper bu givon ont t<m Rea-dyy-.rade Men'8 and Boys' Suite, Gents' Furniahings and intimate finstiat ho vîIl sit ne more in - udIlhn m i leI tNe ,naa l.iaenetgip1o JOHN FE ROGUSON. la BHOWING À SUPÈRIOR STOCK 0F Scotch, English Â.nd other fine limes of (Jloths, for Spring suites. AU garznents made up in lateet style on shortest notice. <leNainarl iaet.Untg eo ickeu, yot are a tlsorough catharic. NOTI1.CE TO TEACH'tRse A LL candidates vho purpose ho attend the Art School in Toronho, during thie summer holidsab sould noti»ythie Depart. ment withouh d;ir. T-Thes wio pas.the Officiai Examination suocessfUiy viiib. quied te taie oî O te o asDZawing Clsss«u inte Mechauzos' Imtuteaneit winten. The icîders ef the Oive oerifiates vii net b. requîred ho taie the Dravug. Examinahicu for Second or Thi-Olu Csrhificages, but viii, bs grnted a fuhi Paper. S-7 JISMBIN WilhbyJUO Id1, '87. I. P. S. Coe. ont. TI asgow & Lo~n lnarno e O Of Gr.at Br1tailn. IPITAL, 82,500,00. AMAUL-INCOME, S1,500,00. G *1 A MAK. ,, rortg sud Dueinug Rouse 8polsty.eryov rate. Eus tern e!paymnh.Siipleplicles. No vexatonscntos . prem t elmt of louevt1ot out. Be smreyou do1 net imaure until Yen knew cur tu=me sd conditioe ,ns. v- ofqnBre t . B.B.. RAY. WÂRD, oure ira , Agspt for outhiOu- hon'Lsv me.Aillettm saddrosiedho 1e oa7,Wbithy P. 0., llsoy y r o n e t r et , W ' *b j ' - 2 1 Qta ot f %o s~oh. 7< ~ATS;I iMATS 1 tATS tiBe8st yle8 in Hard ad Soft Feit Hat VEBY OHEÂP. JOHN FERGUSO1Ny Dundas St., WhMtby. THE UEv 8.JUBL;EES. THEBRAZILL4N WAREHOUJSE Will.eelobrate the eveut by a complete revolution in1 thé GROO~ERY --hueWho have 1h reccurmendil it$0 ~e 1h lauJmat the Maehffiètor tià PuMici Doea ail Kinds of Sewing Alwayos:in Order. Simple and Last. a Lifetime. The Dominion Dîgans and Pianos. Are Btter than Aay Oher. The Bout JudgosaBy Its Toue is the Beut. It.is built with a view to Durability aud Beauty. The Best Instrument to Buy. Cali aud Sco Our EGoode. BROOK ST. - - - WHITBY. L ondon and L anoas/ire Life Company, This Company issueu overydleirabeform cf itepoicansd hao deposited with the LIeceiver Geiners.l lu approved Canadien seonritios ovor lOOfeh $100.00O10of liability, thus affording ÂBIl UT curity., Parties desirous cf assurinjtheir. Llveg wifftd ilte otheiravautfge ho consuit- the undersiguEd before- assuxing epwee JOHN FAIRQUHÂIRSON, .Whitby, May 18e 86. ly Gener;àl Agent PA TE.N:"r CANADI ns p»s i eul IITTINQS 0F Tf 1. Whii TR,ÂA ý D C-0Iore Dinner set%,coordTe'a ,sets, anid oolored O'hamber sets, aotwffly given -away,alrg stookof entire New PttrnrIëdStyesto selet frm. emneruber this We lead týhe trade in TEAS and COFFEE8, and n- jai. ýGtoCerjeS_. W-carry à larg estock.and".,Iell at~bo.tox p s SPRING ..:SUITS, 1 1 sud and Canadian Tweeds, 7'1 FOR. THE, NEXT4,30-'. DAYSè

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