.IVE .1-~-NE 'ODS,- oo0ns. mnd good i cors, &o., ts, for La-f or men. ,q week. .c ding styles Worsted s, ,itingcs and thé latesù ock of new re-pared to ,value for Co* ~kStreets. 8. 1887. * 1 1e P a ff r o s , fi T/fIg D DS.- RD & CORMACK, Whitbyt WRA TIONS. 18870 Sores and Ulcen.. S, COLOS, ntrÃŽacted and stufi joint. uvT), LoNDON,sdoI .Ondon, thay are sptious. 0-O lbs. QOOL. eshi Eggs. J. GIBSON'S- d in their )RE. be hiad sfor- ne: idin gFrl donis ifor' es Wtb calm Priated words, gras: :hougbts, and untiring im dustry' VOL. XXXI. WIIITBY, ONTARIO,- Established 1856.l.B.Scr. Mn rhp 1 p2dinff WopIrI Inln nrln Pnin#u o e n I HIG LCLUIIIË WtiJ IRII MUIILOIIU UiUyL, SUBSORIPTION RATES. pl per annum in advanoe-l.s0 othe. Wise. Subsription. are always pahyable at the office of publication Steam en peli MrUsbest fnnised Book and uo prsnting plant in Baotgmn on tario, capable of execufz M Il classes of wrork frem the large pos«ter t the amualot handbil. Special mention lu ma&de of the unsmuned pressfacilities of ¶,ýM cIolq ICLE, Wth its celbated N. Y. Cottreil ence. Keryorder eisprmt ae fui attention. TBRMS 0F ÂDVEBTISING. Firet insertion, per line, 10 cets ; each subsequent insertionf cents. Displayed Advertisments are measned by a scaie ofl moud Nonpareil, and oharged accordingly. Advertisoments sent without written instructions inserted until forbidden, and oharged for full time. Ordors for discontinuing advortisements inùot be ini wrting, otherwis t.he publiih. ors will not bis responaible. A liberal discount for controot advertiue- monts by the year. Cep y for change. of oon1traet advetsements should be handed ini net later than Wednesday ; and notice of any intended. changes should b. given before Tuesday noon. Othur advertise- ments reooived ap to Thnredy noon. Business notices in local or newu columna Five cents per line weekly. Lovais, 10 ots. per uîne weekly. Correspondence solicited from aU arts of the Co[nnty or neighbormatrns. Correspondent. amreorque~te t send in their communications s promptly as possible, HENDERSON & GRAHAM, JO lIN STÂNTON, Prgprletors*. Sup't Merhanica.l Dep't. JOUX E. FAREWELL, LL.B., B RSlT2ER, Coumt» Orown Attorney, sud Ooanty,8SoUcifr. Ofie,-. oth wing, Ocurt anise, Whitby 4 JAMES RUTLEDGE, B ARRISTER, &c. Office formerly oc- A>cupied by Farevel & Rutledge, next o Ruyal Hotel, Brocok St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.A., A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR ENi chanoery, Conveyanoer, &0. *OuuIC-In the. Office south 0f the Poat Office, in McMillma' Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-lO G. YOUNG SMITII, IL LJ1.9 BARRISTER, &c., &.-Money te Loan BIssuer of arriage Licenses. Orwc-Bmituh's Blook, south of Market, Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. (tf-6 JOHN BALL DOW, BARBISTBR-ÂT-.IiÂW, SOLIO1TOB imn Ciancery, Oonveyauoer, &c. Whitb7. MONEY TO LBND-Private Puna- i n sumo up te $800, at a low rate cf L_- terest. (ly-52 LYMAN ENGILI1f,- L L.& 13. B ABRIOTYB,' ATLA, SoIJOI 4 TO0R il1 Cbu&eey, envyaneý, &0, &c. Sim- COQ' Street, Ouhawa. D B. ELDR M B. <rORONT-O D University.) L.B.0.P. anLM(dn burgh), &o. Office hours, 8 to 10 a.m., 2 to 4amd,7 to 9p.m. Ne. 8, TE X"TRREt ," BYWX~-ST., P. WARREN, KLD., (.M.1, <McGiLl) w. ouTBERT8ON, M .B.Teot) M.D., .M., (Victoria.) OFFICE: BROOB LIN. M. (C.- CEA WirORiTH, Graduai, o!9te lii Ordars by m attenditote Omfo. at rosidi Bu. Begarts Du FEGEON. îary, 0e!. 4soi~tpliy mg andi Yonge SL, Toronto. (9 JJ U6IiU $id.S1 Gold, $O0. -Have ext . the ii teeth from ofusnd c eirsons, absolutely paine. byte n 0 italized Air. 46 *te with Langley, Langley & Burke, Tooto') A RCHTITECT. Designi for Ohurches, Vilna. and (Jot. tages a speoialty. Drawings prepsod for remodelizig existing structures. Ouric-Piret flat over Howue's Drug store. P. O. Box 20w, WHIT3T. LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROCR STREET" WHITBY. Good Riga and Good Herses . Terme rea- sonable. 19 SEBERT BROS. Are 1-16 nt bt4, ie.Contaiu thedr Cv» Pugative. 18 .m F c, vsure, "id ef*a l deacm7,ar et worg in Chiidreu or Ad"J~ DUNN'S BAKINO POWDE THE COOK'S BESI FRIENO 1887.- SPfiING 8STOCK NIEW OESNIS New CQJQrengy SOAP CHEMI8T and DRI.18018T Hlas jnst received a large as- sortnient of T~T~ TOILE T SOAPu Which he is selling a very LOW PRICES. SAVONA, THE GREA T Also for sale by W. IR. HOWSEJ$- CEMIS? A»KD DEGGIST, NEW G0008!1 W. -R. H OWSE) CHEMI8T AND DBUGGIBT, -WIIIT1-2 " Ras on hm and "vrylarge andi ..l..t tock o! Obris goodSi, emprlslng Ladie8' Work Boxes, Whi8k HoIder8, 'Odor 0a8e8,' Mirrors in Plu8h, Tollet 0d8m8, Large V888 Andi an amsrbimt et 0&«herai i e ibe fo nS, CaU andi ewMmOur StoekBfr Purchain lesha, prop.s :W ETTENSU Corsb on - u 484 the' g@@a 1U087 5 so 'r$t 91 matafationýsa, ihopa. le de 4bqhret h. môviigî reapîng ehbl*u.asn. Itislobehoped mahnuyfoe paiuingwiil b. gfbr la arlyiù teasea, np aider MA.*aei -lth. to do them %eâsplaying le zUeh e0joye ti ii 0Dr.. Basome ha. given hi, 6 a te .playere., Ârehery is p on Mr Buttons greuade. weather vas V.ry nfavoable fo nglish ehurcit gardens party kbut i spitse of4ha4 lite pro,. Ovnquit. luge. .Be4. Mr. Dav. id s ed0us oua.te igueste sat avening vas passeti. g e d MrJoseph God. Alarge of Uxbridg. people were there laelooÃkei one. mof tpe. an s- floyers. The. band w uiet sd viien 4heir musie vas "sdiieus ver. given on the by Misrand Mr. Y. Wilson. 4dsay uanti bridge -bu. bal ai -0 to êopehere onthseoof J. Iu the. evoring à concert vili b. gi or 4h.eampof t he home mi" 'MM. etrld mâme ison the ~Tâit e of lingwood tà visiting Allie Tait bas genie te Urbritig. gedersnof th. Cellegiate In- W$4tbYwus baeeonu riday' beais i9rit.d teattend -thé. Jubile. elbaoaa stWbitby on Dominion On '!buruiçay of laut week a number ofthà riandis of Mr. sud Mrs. Keam pid then a faseveilvisit te lté paj- eouage. -After as exoollent reputl, Mr. he«m .7reseuld vi agol4 wvaoh ef theii. nds. Ms. ha»matie avery fitticir reply. The . sue wu eaiby Mr. P. U Giesnsud th.pe nate matie ww I> isWilson of Bitoughao. Mr. antiMMs.Keat» «Mrwith them to Prince Alors thei.buit vishes et their, Pickering bMentis. Tii e Mteol concert helti ou Meday- iiglt vas poely atlend.d, pwobebly- evateuthe buey see-oflb. eaeu a h imber.o etesrtainmenubat h have piscede-t 14. Hovever he pro. 0 à nime asvery geod. ea.sog "dt dialoguai j 4he pupila,Ies HletClu&, -sud Irais .ùvý& anti Meur. 'ofii Wbe Por er sud HolI1day ef Breob 4deusd. AI 4h. parts rwer eil r..eiv.d.Thei ofliayetBromln, atiMisaBeetiy et e(rems*w"ood To S-ie latter lady »s w îte mises Taitg PU m*p7età due tes 4h.e puiermasc of 'he Puplls.- Tii.proaeoeds were amanl.,Mr. Glee- son actied, a ehairm» An l1 hie umual- N .29. mil ulwmTEv -i venig vsitte Si. Tei. Mr. CJlareP4 F~se.sd faily ez v uie we iajuie a a ai. Imtis i.eee t lîýB basermonfizeigjn tie Téronto conferenoe. I arnk extrem.ly sonry Sir, that yen titi not SUPPMeasMy letter dealing- with the Methoist deficienicy. Ha thâlt leiturnot been delsyed by eûme un. kuown causesatiappeareti awvek bOtutor.idt,à 14 oulti have beau lin. in pointOf fact; buaiuit wuaesa eek behi.d, tb. charge tht Metodts vere beitind' in salary was enlirel'y fais. Yens action in putting in lte latter, at<ei 1 bat toit yen te souppreu. 15 be au s. a&Il caims itatibain m et, hm placeti me san& th. rut ot th. congregw. lienn u&a aiuposition. I have ind'eed beau placet in a very unenvabIb, predicamnet. It was imposible te stiaty everybody lu regard te th. mater or in tat to make he neceaary explianation le, make me appuar ether thai a maliicins libeller. The. grounti I took thal th. entire cengregation le respessuhble andti l iti e robbery te fal te psy 0every cent agiiet upen, I stili maintain. Our people ver, 4 proveti le. hue me» anti ohriotiaiafile do th. grat wreug, I fearet, andi -vas tolti by su officiai memb.r, wae being' don#. I make every apology for itaviug ÃŽunfoelticauseti pain sud mortifia. tien te titis lurge congregatien. I hope Sis tat yen vil! sot fanl te, exouetal me, 6he4,blame etfitaving tliti 1.44. publitbet. The. Oddfellowm presentet Mr. Bedtit ith à l ebeauRtiful soliti golti charm suitably engravet. Mr. Bamnard madl, 14fer theni. ,Mi. JNanning ot Oshava prèaehed te the Methits t-SIaLurtay momniug, very clearly sud ..praotioally. 'a atidreesetltheaheolm ofset mday. meitool p it th e noon. 8a,-It appeau eteha, ordiüary reader lbat yeur correspondent. Itemî tii -bug lauiweek, ,mutI have, hati "'metioisson lte-brai».W.hv efte» noticet this Peolà arity lu.-thh. i contuibutions before, biut 14 strikes us tat b thesson given for itlalst vek -I requit. notice-ýviz,, "The. ressen. neo enae"lsmokking a $=a., Nov va e1 have "lOiturebmen" "1eyeras "]3aptss-ati ' alvatio xueta" - luin -I Brookiu ûad vs submiî -4hat inu oui 1 jutimeut ea.ift ltaeoete e, tIdoiig, J sem elitigg -fr thé . ommos gooti awse w oe ,« as Ouir . b t re d . P r haps net blevlmg :a tW u pel eot thamtotism etent, but sit the- same lâme do« igooti seliti vrâ thsl 1 - r&bly1 ith hire. 1 1 aoev* on a el it- asI ksev what-the lotir" rfered te- oon- Iflb. aiod pioverb b. lruo-I&Ubiou 'l la sliena t both n -à m'thlit a m an i NrhWest aile asudprofitabletripe, Quito a large familygthea-nos eut- eti at Wm..Gerov's SBunday lteee - 0b sio bing à vfflfrm, 5 i te", and, Itemr familesluUxhilidge. Quito a large" temily galheut eu rXed, at Win. Grv',Sudytece- sien heuavelh m 1s Bâterea Lsd: theit fam'ilieo Uxbrige 3%.ssrs laôé hoesasti- W,.sa mas, ur gleant seltiertboybv . turnti hm Nagara cambiefle hat tack atstoriesetofCamp-ie Mr. Wm. Boyd mate lthe aqa lanc, of 1he busy beusluinapaccl mauneet fcourse, uaia resul t'looks canneSBe tahleýpreonal bea Uty' lu* muoh ehseiby it hange The bain s d 0ntbuldngs e q g lu g~B" t m i e r e B e r, e a M a rk - hem, opo 0t -GouId!qg, vio ebar fire Tue8etkFy merping abot egit o'c e c k a n i v n e b u rn uti le t h e g ro u n t. , Caneot fienuukuov. ýNeOinmurano.. Mr. Wm. l'y ai leaqnan~ suce eft4h. busy boeo, nmûsa piectical maneret Cour.., antis a neauli bos 11k. an enir.l'Y' -eowme»,hozgii v. canetea talhm peisoial béauly le muait enitauet by ihe change. The pieperty lu hie villa ge owmi4 by Mis..*Fincit vas soid- by.,publieý moction, Baluiday, Mr. ThonOzq e becomg the purcitaer s4 lb. heusab',- sand adjacen o2t ', for vuchh 110-l 8684, sud Ur. Ben, BIiBon 1of lthe ta- miaiuing lot. ,W. May ,con graluIate Sa, â4-By yoUr remarbe ii h OimoLu asd, the, diusnsion.-vblieh have ýtabou place lu the: t9w 1D- caunon: aM& oéther Places, ià sons lbat lee- benue lever -ta utruk VWhlîby prgity badly., Butoetail l t.einane, projeos. ever soubmittedto aoeeêÃ"BdinteI»ig.nî; PeopleSte mustsuriking l thà o ipeudiing tan, fiueen or, twenty htuy tenti dollars lu biinginig valet kroun a" distancae ft Ire-or four nûufle ûrth tlô mupply the. ienuery, vhe-ýa,, aB meaver-failing supply et~u< -r Offisk I ITr-risr-r]E:;Ly i is a 1VORY 1