Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 Jun 1887, p. 5

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BAI a I 'JBW,4 ISaked overy day, «Wha are you going tb do wlth aSU tho.. C LO0CK S 0. ,1 1can be gather. in exchauge me, GOODS, Cloths, Dress'- ns,, Meus' and Boys' manufacturers, FINES, eature oft great. ~d something worthy of ~rium. Burus' Oolumrn TUE IMPOSSIBLE. m'er eaui stop the billews rosi, ,igo the wînds tlli they blow- no le true love from a a aiden'e Clé«. :not tell what the future wiil bulng, j, 1- nert year corn or cotton 12 kÎi&g pther his wealth will quiokly teks et au aave f roin Poverty'e unie, -3riess children aud loue, wilowe& Ife, ~imple expedieiita of ineuring hi. igü footwear from us." wýitù cash and save- mnoueY. iny àaved in this easy wsy, ,nny i.aved for a raiuy day." A FEW POINTERS. tir gooda are sonew axnd 80 etylisr lish it is not to take-our advice, what you want at a ver loy POO'le nt yorx tlwnk so yourself ? ave a lidy'a carpot ilipper for, orufoçtable prunella oshO aud' punella gaîeré b-u"u a. Our dollar bouseeclipper l t in town-worth $1.25 è>" We have a lady'& pois@1ý boot, worked buttoubol cnt, sud well mnade, for 81-76.1 peneiveo makes, at a rosuons ou 008t. ihoe 'are, the accepted et s Ibis comiug sason. W. AI b---. n ies1eb-autmk L-t bhorhood. LgBURNS & 00., Whithy, - ave you ai1 mywhere aboti -35 uPBRTa ,PAIN KIL an-t itim t kWAmE 0F slan 20, Ot« P I referring of connse ta hie great dlaplay cf SETH THOMA.8 NICKEL OLOOXB. Ho replies thai havmng bought a largo quantfty at a very low prie., ho intonde sdlling thom right awaY at a lower price thafi inforior olocks are offored at. DO YOU WANT ONE? Then yon cannot do bettot than get one o!f those reliable alarme. je S. BÂ-RNÂ-TRD[, WATCHMAKER, JEWELER & ENGRAVER. BROOK ST., WHITBY. JUNE 24lth, 1887. LOCAL LACONICSI WHAT 18 SOINS ON IN AND AROUND TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED BY CHRONICLE REPORTERS "IA 3hJel'a amang ye, takin notes, An' f ait behol] prent it. THE Baptist's will pio-nic ai Corbot'. Point on Tuesday July the 19tb. A SPECIÂL meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be hold Tuesday, June 291h, ai 4 o'clock, in lb. Free Roading Room. EvitRy effort i. hoing put forth te bold a grand jubile elebration ber. ou Dominion day sud tbe uurounding céountny may ho sure cf a grand daye sport. &BU14DANCE Of entertaiUMeUt willbe furniabed aud a&H we ueed is Queen 's weathev to, boute a grand succees. The farm.*t eau show their loyalty in ne botter way than joining us in out demeustration on Dominion Day. At the general meeting of the Grand Division Bons cf Temperance beld at Brantford tbis veok, we are- ploaeed te notice tha: Mr. W. -H. Bewell of ibis towu wae again elected Grand Elcribe-tbis time by acclawmation. W. eongratulate Mr. Bewoll upon retain. îug hie high position. Notice te velunteere. Ail volunteoe membere cf the. 34th battalion, are re- quosted te don thoin unifeum on Domainion Day sud join lbe- Jubilee procession in Wbitby. If their respec- tive cempsaiee eaunet turu oui in full force they eau b. attsched ta cîbors, show your loyalty gentlemen and on. joy a good deys sport ai lb.esme lime. The Frieude' annel meeting cern. menced ai Piekening yosterday sud continue unil next Wedpesday evon- iug. Devotional meet ings each morn- ing at 8 o'olock, public meetings each ovening ai 7:80. Sabbatb services At 8 and10 a. m., And J8 sud 7:80 p. m. The langely atlended meetings viii b. held in lb. Methodiet church,- Many ministers from differeut parts cf Canada aud the States are expecied. The Mis. sionauy meeting vil be heId Monday evening At 7:30. For the laut thr.. veeku a preure of vonk hu a.ouced uste miss some of the mailsou publiostion day. This saunys some of oui mabseibers, but noue cf tem s bsdly as it do.. car. salves. Rlovever, after Dominion day vs shall b. able tos quan thlugsuop s uitIle ase mm a vo el laîme ve Entend te commence a cbileiig campaigu. BRI ill iib. sent conte othose Who ove us for arrears of oribseription or for suy. lbint ceos, aud if lb. bilssue not paid si once lb. fighting editer viii eau a litle of the ruet cf hie poweuful trame by olesring eut everyone Who dou't psly op. Thersis has itile plot et giouud1 behind tii office wbboh vouid Malte a mosi admiably oemetery, sud-by f&U il vili b. théeisut rsting place a$ mauy adelinqueut subseuiber. Theré vil beseversl flusi oies. bauds ber. ou Dominion Day sud the lovea of gecd musie *Ii have *njoyment te thoit beaute content., Tbeeblidrnof tbe publie sohool viii assmble' Ai the Coheogiate Iuslilq,3*, akoul quarter te oueo'colock éWYw , M 1; a vi i nuÏe lu ouder of ression. 'h. puil c tb. rural echools sas ueques t 0joîný the Erooeon sud w. wold sge along. The Pire Bigadeii lomuai p aI Iheir ova hall, isd the. anlitsuy i. the Drill hed. The guneral for of thb. proosaoau-M 'îâk plé, at ho corner cf Bro.k " d Dwasi "stffls at 1 o'clcek. Oo(UQ'Donowsu wilmaive ?harge cf the pioudboou. The fofllow- ing ceustitate 1h.Bfptoýound« frein vhom an id 8 duoretn may b. obtaml ÏW Long and uetdby st au ad ntaiïo m VUIl b.ue th* a Vý,lle LiuhacLUCuu k....I...n.1 son cr day snd Tnosday oveninge, at 8 o'clock. A musical programme will b. offered by Mr. Morgan sud bie danghter Fsiry. Subjecte : 41le tb.Scott Act a failure," and, "«Shal vo bave Prohibi. tion 2" Silver collection. REmr.EBRE the social te b. give n in the Methodiet Lecture Room tbis even. ing (Friday). On aecoonat of tho mc. muent weathor cf Tueday st many frionde were detained from altending Mr. W, J. Davey's and tbis evoning je announced as a grand rally for social eDjoyrnent and intercourse, te aid in wiping cul tb. email balance on the parsonago fuînishing fund. Good pro- gramme of maie, readinge. &o. will follow lbe tes which will ho served froru five o'clock. W. bespea k a good social. York l3unday Time, :- Miss EUt. At a meeting of lb. Board of Hoalth Long, of Canada, "the Young Aiboni cf tb. town cf Whithy held on tb. 151h contralto" vill aocompany Madame an eider wau made by, the Board of Clara Briakoioff to Indianapolis, vho wbich the following ie a copyý. Moved deoe it a good oppoitunity te by L. T. Barclay, secondod .by Dr. introduce ber pupils tW ber professional Adams, That the eanitery Inspector, brethers audiester, of tho Music Teacb. nov ou beieafteu appeinted sund the sot. oe N ational- Association conuegati. ing chief constable, of the Town cf there th. firat veek in Jaly. Miss Long Wbitby, ho sud tboy are heroby or. is divinoly hsudsomo sud a brunette. dered sud requiued to foitbvilh mako Rer voice is a riob, vell.trained organ, inspection cf this Health District, to, aud buan a unimpeachable aethod examine anv premises sud enter which she desires te t.sch, s wol s auy building wbeîe il is suspected that sing in concerte sud oratorios the aDy nuisance on anything daugeucus or comiug season. injurioes te . Publie gealth exista, te report te tb. ecrtary every caseof And nov ilttuseut that eu friand violation nf the Public Healîh Ast or Mr. F. Heward Aunes, editor cf tb, the By-lav.ou regulation. respeeting Gazette, did netseeud us the pot cf the Public Healib sud te notify ail per. fioersiu ith bie complimente attscbed sn upon;vbos. premises any nuisance meuioud tc voksgobutil ppoasor anythiug daugerous or injurions to some oee tolo tih rid&l wreaîh froma the Public bealtn existe, or by vbose sce that gentleman'. promises sud brought or defaulte lhe lame is csused, ta abat. it hero. We, therefOra, deuiie teoOr remove the sUme sud generally te sunoance lvo thinge. Iu the finit oeeute sncb orders; sund ta do suob place ve wish ttetks back somne eom- cea a erqurdb1t or plirnentany expressions aeed tovaids &se of. a. mh equed b ibis Boad oui lilerary friand se il eems eb. did c u cor mmes n cn not merit them, sud in the second place vo dosire ta Bey that if lb. th.-ef vwhc took the. foyero snd brougbi thein heu. vili owu OP ne question. -viii ho V asked-unlil the coroner pop. s few' aI th. inquest. .~ama ~ - AT last nogular meeting of Whitby Council, No. 54, Royal Templars c f Temparnco the following officers voue elccîed in the Royal Dogro., for the ensuing teim. Comznencing lit J uly, 1887, viz :-S. C., Bro. S. Fraser; V. C., Sister E. Watson ; P. C., Bic. Oco. E. Stafford; C., Sioter M. &forrie; B. S., Bro. Rose Jolinston; F. S. Sister E. A. Johnston; F., Bro. Thos. Yate; B., Sieter M. E. Hielop; D. H., Bic. Wm. Morris, (P. C.); G., Bro. E. His. lop, (P. C.); S., Brc. E. Stephenson. And in the Select Degree cfosid Con. cil, the following, viz :-S. C., Bro. S. Fraser; P. C., Bro. Geo. E. Stafford; B. S., Bic. Rose Johnston; B. T., Brc. Thos. Yates ; P., Siater M. Morris ; S., Bro. Wm. Morris; T., 8istcr E. A. Jobuoton. Installation of officore in both degrees takos place on fini Mon. DESPITE lb.he awry rain storru of TuLoaday lb. attondauce ait te lavu social given by Mn, sud Mis Davy wai quit, la uge. Every preparatien hsd been muade by lbe genial hbot sud hostos. fou tbe suitable enlortamumeut of a large party, and had il no4 been for the heavy torru, Iboir hcspitality voud have been taxed ta thb. utmoit. Even a. il va lb. noble baud of vallos n d mnipulation cf soiled dishes, b.d about a. much voîk on hanu .il vas mdvie. ahi. fou them teudeulake. They did thear vouk bovever vitb sncb dispaloh that several ef lb. old bachelors promeut teck a mental note cf lb. clevernees dislayed 'nud ingeied about lbe festive board mach longer than ea neoessar for lb. fulfilmeut cf lb. purpose for vhboh they had sssmbled. The fair tendon of ice-cream sud lemouade diti s ruabing business altbough lb. evuniug was not tbe but fou. ibeir business. Afte &Uhad dou le * n~te the good lbings provlded by mime boit sud hostesi, tb. Ber. Mu. German took lb. chair sud opeu.&,wbaî pnoved te b. sa very intereting ,programme. Master Day7 av, a busnpuous -recitaion lu flune-sylta sud wm-hesitiy saded, Mass M. Smilth aisegatve a r -isao n a ruanur tuai uefedotedgreat émît ou tb. coleg lu iniV" ébi. u.ostv"ber but thst ouiy d&;to hee nî pubit out.et.ber *er qw tâ mor. thau deIgIted h ag à=i0 IFhe Ikey. Mr. Wilhei c f.- »avlsvlle made su.- ufpomaptu ad&m ss ha oved oleauly behoshd basuIth before. Hosie aforolb1esope"or w=6j5 ebsn tngig vie.that Uvei fansle l bol te tlutouo bs udeue.Roi UUEEN'S JQHIIEE WH ITBY July i st, '87.9 PROGRAMME: PROCESBION-mmltaiy; QUOen'sTri. UmPhal CAr, vlth, elaborale equipage; piromen ; B&6C4.; Sohool.; Col- lep ; LarosseTu=ma; Se. cible.,etc. etc. -AUl Bwuds ooupetug mu"t join lu the pro. PoReM. Baud cemapeiticu, lirai.,18 Baud Cemln"te,,Sec ond elaqw10 19MýaREm AIY OENNG UTCASES 0F 4 lfl NE W. suce su -~bSiéTrýeroW.Browu'stoe uuoefoswt ~ out oruubail"e4oreer Ifs.. .Pier ma te ir OUTOM he R î01hotelbagber 5tt5o~ fw hae. .thiug doue in Toïouie Tau regalar reting of lbBaud of UseDr. Dor.uw«d"e Great Germea Hope wM -ll bel hte W.fa (. T U.Hsir Magic for balduness, gray bahr , RAdiug Boom ou moraday joue 27th aj for sale by all drout. 4 o'olook. , ~SPEOIAL <ffers in uds cho be hog no definitedt oaytlirressdiizes at Mrs. Alliu!s be tungheyw r edt & e Whitby Book and modie store. auu~aoe, w artoId that the 18th Ju)y h very likeYty b be the day for LATESIT noveltios iu butto o sud the exoursion per steaimer from Oshawa trimminge to match ail our dres. qoode. sud Whitby to Niagsansd the Fale. W. G. Wallon Oddfellows Hall. Fulpartionlarsne at wsk. Pmute, G'nghamsChambrays Boer. suokers and Zephyr oloth@ al ai hard TIExTS, Rail, Boat or oen.'-Buy Pan price. at W. G. W6ltere Whltby. ail rsilway or coean tickets,loaor Lgevriyofhtorp ai foroigu, frooe E. Blepheuson, Uplol or umre st d pkeh ofd v p eudm G. T. R. ticket aud telegraph ofaf ozicepat od ee pee, Whity. 'uaraîee ai ock 'ot, Whilby st Mis. Allins, Whîby bcoon rates. Choiceof sevea lines. sdmuasoe MR. Go. CRMAC theothe day Naw goode, mainuss, swiss spots and MR. ao. oRxcK te oher ay prig mttslinb, victoria lamae, jaconete banded Mr. JL-o. Stsuton s check for in plain snd checked, a&H ai a low ýprce a handeo me figure sa present to the Dow on sale ai W. G. Wslters. iremen for th.u efforts 10 save hise RCIA 8 a enfnB proporty duringthe fire lait week. f PRACTfor us n e h, eau inally W. did not hear whether lt.eucrney prfod fo oriv twn il re.enne o j is t beblon i ornot ifeoOurre-witb the following..notice paited on il freshmeuî s «8o"t'. - 4G. G. G. Baking Pewde-e-old by Tum Rev. Mr. Heffer vil preach G. E. Gibbard," contains notbing undor the auspices of the W. C. T. V. injurious. Pareil, oheapest and beat. To-diay they exhibit the Largeet Stock of Ne Wad esira-a ble Dress- Goods in Canada, and are offering- many leadiug lines at popular prcs To-day th ey also show a Sto k of ]Prints' which- for varie ty, tyl, vine nd xcelene is Unsurpassed Their Hloisery, Glove, Ribbon, Parasol, abdashery and Fancy Goods Departnients are well supplied with ail the Leading No- velt.ies of the Season, to which they would dir6et the attention of every buyer, 'v C Lia" w0] ve in 5tocJk an exceptioniany large- assortmnent o ~std Towsrins, hoce Worsted Suitiga, choice Scotch Suitings and Over- coatings. Cýe Ordered Olothing in the latest styles, a specialty. DIRECT IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER, BRfllîc irlInTBY.I CLEARJNG G'LASGO W hlave decided to make, a Grand Clearance Sale. of thi Stock of Dry Gooda, consisting of Dress Goods, Black and Colored Silka, Printsi, Ginghams, White and Grey Cottons,, Cottonades,, Ready- made Clothing, in Mens' «Yonths' and Boys', Tweeds and Coatge an immense Stock, and purchased at very Iow prices. Ail Wool Carpets, Tapestry, Hall and Floor oi Cloths,. in ail widths. Boots and Shoes in Mens', Ladies' and Childrens, in ail qualities. GROCERIES --- A fuil stock on hand, also Crockery, China, and Glassware. Ail goods will be offered.at' Special,,?ricea, up to Thst; of Jiily, s o- às to effeet a cozhplete clearance, when a change lu the busins wl e-,made. I>on't purchase one dollar's worth until you see our goods and'pucoes.. WARtE HBO0U sE ARE dffllb r -' Ir xuu Are you sick of paying igli Ph, rices fru goods?'Do the noisy arguments. .of sofine mec their efforts .to seli .very ordinary go ods at éx., ipuces, distress you aboutas. mucli as' i would Law ilf sueh b e thec&SQ he i pe~i~ but one firm who cm isuffiy the ire 9 uremén~ ~t~i1n hi# l'bon.Tql Sud. 8&d.1 seco t *n~ Elarth, 7ant that. o" s SPRING Mdr il DEVERELLS BLOCK, V- -i -r-Y BROCK ALý je ING 1 %--e- J.J. ý4j 0 Re M-P i

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