~ES VOL. XXXI W1,IB ONTATR RgUEtw -- Peaser, s a~Ide, bob YMAY 275. 1887. NO .24L Ris. ,.,ood un or La- iien. - styles rs'teds. ~and I ate st of new ired to Lue for Establiahed 185& rie [Eading Weekly in Ontarin ountyp. 'U1SCRIPTION RATES. ý I per annumin n advanoe-$-l ,60 other. se. Sîrbcniptizamar always payable at t w oface a1 publication. Steam equipment and hoat fnrnishod Book and Job printlng plant in Bautern â~ntaro, capable of executingsal clussof1 work fram the large poster- te the omalles hab&iblU.Sec mention la Made of the 0rpaiued pros. " " fao e tT"a CIaox. I CL£. with ius celebrsted N. Y.. Cottren bv linder proes and- other modern conveni.1 8 fcee. Every order reoeives prompt, care- f fiattention. TERMS OF .&DVERTISTNG. .1 tre ets. RIGGS &IVORY9 S .Cor. King and Yonge Stffri Toronto. Thousanda ci persans, abaolnteiy painlos. by the use of Vitalized Air. 46 A-- A- FO8DSU Mte with L&nig4y, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) A RCHIT.ECT. Designa foir Onbtiee.Villa. andCi(ot- tages @à aMutty. Drwingu prepmred for remodling exz.ting structures. Ornicz-Fizut flat over Howie's Drug store. P. O. Baix22, Wa"r. feîit insertion, per lino, 10 cents;- ewch ____________________ anboequont insertion, 5 cents.& !ieplayed Âdvertiasenss are tmeasured SE R v a icale of oolid Noupareîl, snd charged Tfl sU5. ,idvertisemonte sent Iwithout writteng LI VERY and-AE SA LS tusecUzWInrted until torbîddon, &ad d~ E~ A L S îULarired for tul lime. ttrdlers ror discutinung advertisements BROCX STREET, WHITY. niusi oe in writing, otherwîs the publiali.L- or IwIl net be respansiblo. C&ood Riim and Gved Herse. Ter=i rea. _ý liberal discoont for contract advertise- sonable. mtnftB by the year. Copy for chanfes of 19 SEBERT BROS. 'utactadertiimens lioldbe hândëd' !u ot biter than Wodeaday ; and notine ary întended changea ohould be given ,ttre Ttiesday noon. - Other advertise- mente received up to Thxirsday noon. 1usxneas notices in local or nows coumns Y ;v*e cente per fine weekly. Local., .10 cts. Per Ine weekly. ýrrospondonce solicitoed trom -al parts fttie Connty or neîghhorrng townships. Correspondents "aerequested tao endi hneir commufllOtiOflI &n proinpt.ly as possible, HENDERSOei & GRAHAM, Proprieors' r(HN STANTON, sup't à MeahanicalDep t. JOHIN B. FAREWE"L, LLIR., ARRISZR.,County Crovu Attorney, Bld County Solicitar. Office,-South W&Inc. Court nlonne, Whitby-4 JAMRS KITTLED(E. I A22ISTEBR,&a.Offic formsriy on- o lîoyai Hotol, Brook St., Whîtby. DAVID ORNISTON, B.&., ~TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Om)vpcz-ln the Office South nt the 2Pos Office, in McMillan'a Block, Brock Street, WVhitby. ly.lO G~. YOUNG SMITH* L L. B., B IULgTER, &c., &.-Money to Loan Iiae tarriage Licouss.. <Fivc-Smith'a Block, aoutk of Market, LI rock St., Whitby. ER ODRMACK. tbys IONS, Jan. 2..1878. (tf-s JOHN B AL 1DO0W, B ARILISTER-AT-LAW. SOLIOlTOK in Coaucery, Conveyancer, dS. Office-Deverfil'a Block. Brook Street, Whitby. MONE.Y TO LEITD-Private Fnzds,- a -»Uis Ur ta $8000, ai -a low rat. of lin. teroit. (ly-69 LYMAÂN ENGL1SiI L L. B9 aou, Street, Oshawa. ta 4 an&i? ta 9 p.m. Né. 3, THE "T)BflÂCE," BYBON-ST., Wm, MOUBINF .. xac,. F. WARREN, I., C.M., (oIL W. CU THBERTSONf, ML B. (Tà routo,ý) M. D., C.M., (VictorWa) OFFIUE: E R00KL. Il*C. CRÂWFpoATH vaubein &a 'RE -is ar- 2~6,,000,,000PEOPLEUS F ERR'V-SED un-rro ,a b s cri KUYAO Du mmr la -.ILefl c LmropEL Mt't teinter V purgative. s '..eLU ento* oewwet wwrura iu Childrm orà db DU*(S. 18 8 7 SPIIINO STOCK SNOW OPENEIX [ w lmm -& SOAF! bleahed am. Hemin,- - ~ha ioaraosr..Reri muyd.sthi - Bev Mr HYZT~ Saltour eeeupie&thst DuIpxt h~Saudu~muoerg~ Misa Âggia -.Ho~*k-bw heos~ homa.~ from.Tooutaioz~afawidays.. Mr~. Henry- Briggs~ aud Mt.. Jà meu~.. D~bois.wer~-homao&mdayrîa.Î~ Mra~~aILHisw1tmti.fkkhaw ~otv*hpm I.L CIIEMIBT and, DIWGBOIST Hua just received a large a sortment of TUILET ISCAP Which he is selling a very LQW PRICESI. A vONÂ THE'.GRFIAT i i 'a s Mso for sale by W. R. II[OWSE-t- NEW 000D8! W. R. IJOWVSH,-t CHEKIBI AND DBUGGI8T, W Hus on hand a very lurpgMMe at Mli Ladies> Work Boxe&, Whisk Holders, Odor -Cass .Mîrrars ii In-pusIi, Toilet 088e4, fS or prete eauA ~~O nuof7m.- people ibis illowuxr beuià a. suinu} wue. ii rot prin wapae uta rou Whuhby wn sma wrbw si-su. ~ ]tesmgirl, aud. tunnn.us hstover ,wir tiotto b. efe"&»d the. boy. onaan& . p cma le«, h& gathers& t"a1 d.~~~ we -ok-.dyfair n uisdrsdds.enueê ý 4i. m&vs tii. bilwampoxz. ffirn- ii nlzu uzn. hatom --d th.t e' am ra ai, s esu ha Of il 1 Widora smdlTJhah&ghâh-m mem:.tBmhatL bi. neiher beo là amnutes o wses ga-iieb ailw. bow maliaoo .: .,m- yet-~ Mr-,UN Mis Ev Iletoi&?0,ara TYÀeor S - -~ the- likso stmstam.se*i down s ein au hae Sýwessup~ tea. ruu. tQe..Aumre f -youghs..1of t sit wko .wu a a - -ue. The. rabe utin ThmT.IKUow ÎtI.bâýu. aftlar....yc wihhe ii ~UIl~uj~.5& mOS 0f~ ouWn-m-*"-work Th& Gisuuk Tîuul *1hIU5.IU&*to be Iad.ThablfOUwW huan. .. iswllngi,, , ist*primsdisl-I0Q yti. -rame-14t lOtwrr$.wr uuer ai6ffom gr o; 2u&--M.IL_ F . g oMauWdrainage, oompany As. _ J. W. Deums, J. W' W. om &a',u aznu. Wekh an&.U. Faoy; 2ùd4-W. Foley t#git. . u.. ornr<to,.isW-.ti*. job,-,: and, J. W.Ibhop sepand jamW-.lat, ons"C& .> , A. !. asgt~ .4,).FoIey. Btarni. ofi g dj-a.mtaiuiAIL ~aIght..Po' 'i~Mee.~ very- mmait-, ontstieu ns ]R ugotlolt, -and -mi radspled ff5Ynt >- touttr Bsute W4 A. ~ hava nl mi Iam- huw-* am - E~is. Graduaiseoft -l.Onts$. Y,ýetfiug7ýOJ> lege-, Torcetor. OOrabi ma! r m-pqtemiiye KL VANZ DOU ww,ý-