AL i1 II~T Hou8o C/canin g. DON'T 'USE WH ITE-WASHY - OR- KALSOMI1N Ey When you can get ALABASTINIE, One package oosting 50 ots., Winl cover 60 square yards. Two Coats warranted not to rub off. G.E. GIBBA RD. THE MEDICAL HALL. ONLY si co PER ANNUM. Wwhy, Fwlay, May 20Y 1887. Jr is vcry vil Uforth. Toronto papers te blaaie WBriem with stirriug up M- feeling betveen the Catholieasuad Pro- tucutofnt tis counbuy, and il may be true ;but itlinh. ad toute for thointe ý 1 'Nov 0&0id hold up thotu bauds lu horrar at bis 1 E<iwoRMCabmLE: appearaCe. Rev owmay people bave torgotten that ail the. Teronto papers spent the vhele vinter sliuring up strife bolveen Catholice.and Protestants in ordeu te influience votes ? Anud il is a slugular oo-ineidence of conduet tee liaI Mn. O'Brien shenid dolar, juil -~as tie Toronto papen id, th"at6 i. nt AingȔsopbLytcu je a fat dooper sud more shilitul diplomai ihan Mr. Wm. O'Brien. Kwi grace sav liat Canada iad lb. Home Mae foyer bad nov, aud vas inlthestt ofpousing se many iesolafilns that il vould haidy bu able te go back on il' viiezitic relapse set lu. In other vendelie vas glving eut legi tors rope enough and tbey vereai figudlng smarily for the lItaih vole. The Home Baie foyer was raegg tartlly ilu oveuy part et the Dominion and vas bnesking cul bad, eepeWly around tb. Canadians' meintis. Mu. O'Biien bas managed le ereusa&I. L t llbe a 1ongili"0 bW fore oi lealators viii make sci féoîs of tiemselves as te ,neddle vith lb. matter again. SeUL? lie Irish Cties eto Caaamziat6eeautily sick ci li. verlasîing seoming aMd sktvag viioli ta kepl up 10 seoure lbele voles. 'Tiere it o madidate fer any office, from lhe poatilon et Poundi- kooper up, vlis ot mlbnsily ougageti lunflatlenig lie flimeù. -if bhe Irlshmm n le&abit cf a Peua-noa tev cf hem are-lbe candidate lads that by prelea«diag te betsa fl anlgtd ReÊ ulsuh11egobs lotO!t votes- mlitty oheop voles, anA lb.URibera. tan nd&fte*aile iaIi.basb f*1 Iea blthrgbi foraà mess etpolbage, tbe bas voted for mes vbo bave, me ipVr'iI .p-Wlu pb »ePrincipl..ef- gott. Bis,-Th commnaion uner thé. aibove hediug, vilten by a esauci correspondent o et .CanoNzcL-"â Cbuhcvaa"-blit very probably dhauucma-I look upon as mot un- tortunate 'and eut ot place., Tice omtmunlcailon aboulA have demcy cf the . "av»al hoW,.. have been lmiteA W lb.heimmediate hearrs efthte discourse.; but nov the attective readors cf tibe Caaoamz bav, boom njureti by lb. commnuni- caton, fer mcmouy mnade busy (s.elng il vUi ruminai. uubidden) oer thé. somevhat mevel, pleslcg. bat un- scriptural orturittngheb.tuxt, "Hov long, O -Lord." Tii. lextinlevery dsm1- laubat ta ccodsw vii ittCte common petition, " Tfy Klngdem coma." IS is lb. utteranceof th. vbitte-robed im the bleesedstob aad Place, Who, -a0 yel, have net - eibordiesmou sua Jeaus erovmesLîing cf kln«cseImb h it , nresWgelonde t'dud labutaI" hub mot token place. WbaI onectonlia the tox itth a»pugatory-beycnd'te lime e of alo" er.on£"ail; vber the. seu abe purgeA lu the oe Po>Wa 'vaswhedwviiin lthle.Blood Wiy'should th. vuiter lun1the Cama. Ãk~i saof the vitite rohed thai bhcy or. % "mrisened, hov doleful1 Dose net Ut Poolon.etfthese vfery tmuyrsv bo ueed l te txt, say, To &0 t isn." AnA Poole M*eay* ýd«It ttm vwu "te depart and be (R.Y.) Tble detioys, lhank Qd, ail idea ef mournlng, or "imprîmoed", iil won eilnigi peifeelton, wve t »lM for *0 "*a1ng 01 theb.'body te' make «OhlidaS ubedà ea arosperamon-. 1>. 1,I limiymunnei ersvIl hold ýfat th* rgcod "iA ta-uùbioned o tio»iba depare"a plite do vlng immedile Ih te tlir talute pble Taur"sait i inn Mntr Tuppp ohangosin 4b» taM b..a boop M on à m n, &11111crMaa an niousspoulto viilook. Pre- emptions and oiher holdings lu' lb.I land of ore will commelq0e leolimbà ma a goodmany citizesof fafrCanada viii lijkerl-tarry with the. rocks et noiMtern Ontario duricg '1he long mm- de acton. Tma vident intiention of th. Domin- ion G«Ooment le mot enly te %stiok te the Nqational Polley, but tb aüdIargely tb thecproteotive nature of 111.1 great echeme for incuballng and fostering industriés. Proviens te Ibis lime bar iron and' *ire of ail-aimes bua been echeduled as raw niatorial and has boom imporW d amoat duty free. This hbu enabled imaufatoiri 10 got establiahed upon a fair footing, and nov 1he. Finance Minster proposes te go further and have the raw maierial wanutaetuwed in Canada. The con- sequence viII naturally b. Ihal great io 'roduoing otablshmeni8 viii b. jsaIshéà and 10 encourage tthue the duty off ilt cnt prton bas been rémoked from ooaL. Thuaprotioally the d_ ty lias been tà koff ce=iand place4 upon ion. This le as il appean the npiural devlopm.nt of a National AT tl ýy Paithere vas on ex1hibtion a collection of birde' egge, whioh ýttraoted censiderable attention, and the resuit is thai about a dozen of the youths of tiis own haie formed themaelvessinto band and are mcur. ing the whol. oountry round in sea.roh of birds' nusai. The number of eggs tht bave been collectei ibis apring is truly alarming, and if th. law be not enforeed aud these youthfal depredatore made te hold their bande thèeo il not be a eong bird or înseot-kihing bird left. Eveuy oelid-tre. on our streets is carefuily searohod, and privai. groiii<isare invaded astail hourm of he- day and, aiglil by boys vhose - ome triaing v. know tW be ot a different tendency and vbose parents. ve .are smr, voold bing them te task 818 1h07 know of their vantonneea. Truaney mUAt preva ea cnid0b0 itn iu ousehoole, as themajority et the boys uy been seen in the filds or in th. baek stretesdurlng wcoeelheurs. W. trust thia nouie, ill 6e suffcient (à put a stop te tthe miachief complain- ed et. C»nITIÂN Guardian 10 end et for $1. Stafford & Oormacek- y..' 1 BÂNDIL th. barber ;,cranlume oven- hauled, scrapod and mbhoun. BRzOWNs ountain produces th. qùint- essence of Scott Act. Brown'm fountan overfiovs i vllh. genulue live-for-ever. BpazaL offers in Snnday sehool libraricu and prises at Mr@. -êflin'e Wbitby Book andi modo store. Cumuaxs of 1h. Royal hotel barber shop cay the vork don. is equal to any- tbing dame lu Toronto. Use Dr. Dorenwend's Great German Hoair Magie for baldueis guay hair, tes for sale by aIl druggiStýé. Ba.Ui.iaMeeting of the. Band of Hope viii h hld on Mouday lhe l7sb -at the fiee readiug room. Wu publiai on the seventli page a nuimber oethe routes tW 6e tuavell.d Ibis year by stock-herses Go and e. W. G. Walter@ b. viii sbêv yen goode at prie.. Ihat vill make yon happy. Oddfenlovs' Hal Bz&unnrULdieu goode, splendid gingiami, styliah mualins andi romark- able, piul etaiBosasIBrou. dry goode emporium. Just rec'd at W. G. Wallos a nov lot of men'& and boys. ueady mode suite god fit*,noff oln.TÀu~Ic sas W.r. Waltersue assortiîment of Drus Goode lu gre, broyas, tons &a. Qualiiy fine. Prios 1ev. 088- fellove BAil.l LAmas remember ve makes a upe- e"iofe ladies and ebldrena fine houe do molt ai te sée them. Andrev M. -A ii stock cf styltali lolth for boys-oothe and mon,= for Wear, aI W- G. Walter&. 088- fellove' Hall. -Hère eleane, yed at .sa aud satiation. guaranteod. byurs. If. Piper, fu t ioe s1on e b tale grenae, Whtby. Lrsivariety or photograpli ai. buesaad- Plash goeds ever opeaod, la Whitby aiMuL AMlls.Wbilby bock aMd muai. store.1 Tà z. ntie, a suit of elothes or a p amr t aof fei W P Walters for lh. prie a for niaking elscvhoe. Oddfollo*'i HaL A caMW MMAU# voman, or am118 wii se il in veli vorth lbefr viii. to look, evor the blgu anwsock shown by W G. Wles dflos al W. G. W,èrauas lIasjuil received a nov lotIofthIbe abelNew Yonkstyles la genle' blaok and. oore ardm&bats. Sem guis. Puces 1ev. Oddfoflpvs' mer sut a naaI l. Whllydr emxoiuzaber.yen i d the laimn s~~~~~s es imrmelaIhio. 1ev lth. eeu. Roe .Brou., EBUIL A ND M Business, Dedicated to Thoughtful Býiyers of 3*TA PLE & vhiob b boom udOr os~muz co mpro& on 1h.e" ..a statofethe QUI? andi, afber ekplà in lng about lte-son ul' o crth aud I hebos te 111.1 as notbiog - oIea& c0n enter beave,aiid 11Do' living 'le vithont min, 814 b. edggest the probability, ef,,a.u.inter- med ateste whe en &aOUIl wed be tborougbly purffied before etering beavcn*? New# if mach las 1the oast why. shon 4Chu chwomWn"bS#Muar ef Ignoranceor malie? PAmdIf 1 he Bey preaoher believed in wbaê h. 4hell preacheds why should' heofWi e.Much annoyed sa thb."Mamcvuter fWr drawing the conclusgions eh. 814 ?P SpwrtUg Note&. Atasting of juùnir on F"uida ugt, aIPayes holel, a base-bafl«l'euAW5 or«anls- .8 wilthe.p"roper complemiot dt oficeus B. Ray lu Qaptain, W. A. Campbell 'Su. Treau., a da comittewas- appelnts conslga o! Snov, Deven, 4Greenvoo and Moleinn À.A aoad of van-pint bas been ordered Witbwhich ltheam 18 te b. belbbered, and thon a match 'th~ ciller junior organization lu keeni&i- The Queen'splate vill 6e ==untaIWod- bMi "om"«o. The (iov-Generalà t 101 .t ~ oodbl» 'on the 941h.. hue every pro"pcio! goodM cb 'te port Pmny race track 16- to b.' the the centS re et atrciOnon -June lii There M »Var fut r oon.rsand and bicycle 1aln ilntervone. Tbey expeot more OO peop0le lattendance than ther.e W"at the central tair laut !alL Town Local. GENTS'9 FANOY DRY GOODS, AND- BOYS' CLOTHIING FURN1S[IING 1 I I 1 r- 1r GooB-Se QUALITY HEIGHEST LATE STYLES TEN BEST Y&EIZTY WITIN 100 MILES Ami) POPUL-ABSELECTIONS PLEASING PEOPLE WELL FOR HONESTY WUJL TELL F014LED BY PH NI> Si«± AND OTHER TRAITS LIKE TUE SE WHICH (.+OOD BINESSTINSSO AND H G DINTENION SO MIY STORI 'Style. Whilo deal Of lime1 attention- hms lection of the ry, Watcheea be'stated.-oný not findl any bi mnore beautifu that Of je se IE 'WATCHMÂF MAY LOCAL BUDGET 0F Iii "A obiclasa AU, faith h Tac regua U. viii b. ed im the Fr..ý o'elock. A fuIf lN another publieli a veuy mHie or Jid te tbe'mattero ing lluc.feneo* ÂPTEI a msle -in their free " ,of Ibm W. C. T. keepthe. room menthe on 'W. ThiEr s ucessuà , pout viziter lei a-Te rsues 'jubile vjllbà th.- Montreal . ý trate4-.paper, 9 * wdariisticpli Who have SOODa il . mguf 'everybody vl It igto be sent Graham &C pulAhes ea,-."61laM I RESTINO ON THE-B~OCK 0F PERPETUAL SUCCESS. We ask but one trial ta demonstrate our ability to give bargains. I?~OSS BR0(D S #» Whitby Dry Qoods Emporium, et ROYAL PATENT. 11uli Dili AUl other prepartioin clltd Pluid Beet, or Fluid Beef Extraot, &o., are imitations of th. gSnue, and don't contin any of 1 he. nutritaous and -lite giing propertieis of bec!. The gonine lao the -ame "Jolinston'. Flia Be.!" on the B.d label on each can. Doiulun Uhe -of Royal Mail SAULIG, DATES. Vanouvu.......... une Snd. *Baxia,-a............Jue 101h. 0regc.............une l6tb. lprom ozi1rmL1 xoniraL...........May 941h. BRISTOL SERVICE (Avonmonth'Dock). Qec.............. a9I MayBth DominionetxQtr i % Uan [ine Royal Mail-teamers. LONDONDERRY9 GLASGOW. Summer Agrrngements, "4Msunover eau- stop the bilowis? rosi, sor ohauuge 1he. w1nulii he naev mo0re, Non drive truc love fnom a maldcn's door.' Man canuot 1tanwhai the future if 1bring, Whciher next ycan corn on cotton-'la bing, Nor whcthen hie.wcslth wui quickly 1ak. wing; -1 But zan eau save tnom Poverty#s aite, Hiwfathenleas cildrcn snd loue, wiiowed wite, By lb. simple expodieula cf iluurng bis Aud buying hie tootwcsnfrâom us." Buy with cash and cave money. " A, penny savcd inu hia easy vy, Ia a9.Penny savai for a r viuy day."1 Whcn ourgooda arme so e ovad8slylish ow jooillUs flt tb akeoeur adylce, And gel 'wýhatyou vantaa vez ow pice, Nîov, dont yen think go yourself ? Wo have a lady'steCarpol alipper for 85e, a eomfortà ble prueRsa houe s uoo thei Paniian- -Thun~ay" a s a k. - - Prl4.T', une Sr&. Thunsdaà y" BI Rrir atears.Nno of tht. uhtiw ~ Cl TT!~¶ fl~7 T .fW m a a MENS? 1 1 AND THE FOUNDATION OF IT le in-Dirnima XTVI«PV T.Aw ---- -Ir ---- ---- - - . 1 1 S-,u< CeSÈ'f-U